
  • Join our supportive community of parents on a mission to help their kids build a healthy relationship with food. Join our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/.

    Also, don't miss out on exclusive content on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar

    For more information on Bar's books, programs and services, visit https://baraizik.com/


    Are you struggling with emotional or stress eating?

    Do you find yourself reaching for unhealthy foods when feeling overwhelmed or anxious?

    If so, you're not alone. In fact, studies show that 38% of adults report overeating or making poor food choices due to stress.

    And it's not just adults - children also turn to food as a coping mechanism when faced with stressors.

    But what is the impact of emotional and stress eating on weight loss and childhood obesity?

    In this episode, we explore the science behind these behaviors and offer practical tips for breaking the cycle of stress eating.

    From identifying triggers to developing healthy coping mechanisms, I'll guide you through the steps to a happier, healthier relationship with food.

    Don't let stress control your and your family's health

  • Join our supportive community of parents on a mission to help their kids build a healthy relationship with food. Join our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/. Also, don't miss out on exclusive content on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar For more information on Bar's books, programs and services, visit https://baraizik.com/

    Are you struggling with overeating, emotional eating, or stress eating? You're not alone.

    Binge eating disorder affects more than 3% of the population in the United States, that's almost 10 million people.

    In this episode, we'll discuss what binge eating disorder is, and how it's different from overeating, emotional eating, and stress eating.

    We will also explore the common misconceptions about binge eating disorder, and understand how it relates to emotional difficulties, stress, negative body image, and dieting.

    Most importantly, we'll show you how you can overcome it with self-compassion.

    This episode is for anyone who wants to understand and overcome binge eating disorder, emotional eating, and stress eating. It's time to break the cycle and live a fulfilling life.

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  • Join our supportive community of parents on a mission to help their kids build a healthy relationship with food. Join our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/. Also, don't miss out on exclusive content on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar For more information on Bar's books, programs and services, visit https://baraizik.com/
    Today we're diving into the topic of stress eating, emotional eating and binge eating.

    Understanding the root causes of these unhealthy eating habits can help us break the cycle and build a healthier relationship with food.

    We'll take a look at how stress affects our bodies and minds, and how journaling can be a highly effective tool for improving mental health and well-being.

    One of the pioneers in this field is the psychotherapist Dr. Ira Progoff, with his method the "Intensive Journal" he helped patients gain a deeper understanding of themselves, experiences and emotions.

    I'll give you tips on how to identify your stress triggers and how to journal effectively to address them.

    Whether you're an adult looking to overcome stress eating, emotional eating or binge eating or a parent looking to teach your children healthy habits, this video is for you. Join us as we explore this topic and give you the tools you need to succeed.

  • Explore how to practice mindful eating as a way to overcome emotional eating and binge eating. Mindful eating is a powerful tool for promoting healthy eating habits and can help prevent food cravings, over-eating, and binge eating.

    It's all about paying full attention to the experience of eating, including the sights, smells, flavors, and textures of food, as well as the feelings and thoughts that arise during eating.  We'll be using a raisin as our mindful eating practice tool, but feel free to use a piece of chocolate instead for a more delicious experience!

    We'll also be sharing four simple steps for practicing mindful eating with kids, and will be walking you through an eight-step mindful eating exercise with the raisin.

    So grab a raisin (or a piece of chocolate) and join us as we learn how to overcome emotional eating and binge eating through the practice of mindful eating.

    Join our FREE Facebook support group now: Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/

    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar

    Bar's book: O.M.G my kid is overweight - bit.ly/omgoverweight

    More about Bar's programs and services - https://baraizik.com/

  • Are you tired of feeling like a slave to your cravings and bad eating habits like emotional eating and stress eating?  

    In this episode, we'll be discussing the practice of mindful eating and how it can help you and your family break free from impulsive eating and gain control over your food choices.

    By bringing awareness to the present moment and focusing on the sensations and experiences of eating, you can make healthier, more mindful decisions about what and how much to eat. This simple practice can benefit not only your own health and well-being, but also that of your family.   ____________________________

    Join our FREE Facebook support group now: Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/
    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

    If you would like more tips on how to help your child build a healthy relationship with food subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar

    Bar's book: O.M.G my kid is overweight - bit.ly/omgoverweight

    More about Bar's programs and services - https://baraizik.com/

  • Are you struggling to understand if your child is an emotional or stress eater and how to deal with it?

    In this episode, I'll be sharing a three-step method to help you understand the causes of emotional and stress eating in children, find better ways to soothe their emotional needs through mindful eating, and break the cycle of emotional and stress eating.

    Emotional and stress eating are patterns of behavior that occur more than once a week, such as coping with emotions or stress through food, sneaking and hiding food, feeling shame or guilt after eating, experiencing cravings for food out of the blue, or constantly asking for food even when you're not hungry.

    To understand the causes of emotional and stress eating, try to understand why food is their go-to and help them find other ways to cope with their emotions and manage stress, such as exercise or mindfulness.

    Mindful eating can also be an effective tool in helping your child regulate their emotions and stress eating.

    Finally, break the cycle of emotional and stress eating and build awareness around healthy habits.

    With patience and understanding, you can guide your child toward a healthy and balanced relationship with food.

    Join our FREE Facebook support group now: Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/
    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

    If you would like more tips on how to help your child build a healthy relationship with food subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar

    Bar's book: O.M.G my kid is overweight - bit.ly/omgoverweight

    More about Bar's programs and services - https://baraizik.com/

  • Raising a mindful eater is a journey.
    But it's also a process that starts with you (the parent). In this episode, I'm sharing my tips for how to start this journey and raise a mindful eater.
    There is so much debate surrounding childhood obesity, and it's easy to get caught up in it. And that's why I'm creating this episode series: to break the cycle of emotional eating in kids!

    Join our FREE Facebook support group now: Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/
    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

    If you would like more tips on how to help your child build a healthy relationship with food subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar

    Bar's book: O.M.G my kid is overweight - bit.ly/omgoverweight

    More about Bar's programs and services - https://baraizik.com/

  • Are you worried about what to say to your kids when they are asking you about their weight?! and what should you say without making them feel uncomfortable?

    Then this video is for you!  In it, I'll show you how to have healthy conversations about weight with your kids without causing them any negative feelings. 

    It's important to do it in a healthy way without being dishonest with them! In this episode, I will share with you tips for answering kids' weight questions.
    I hope you find it useful and that it helps you start a healthy and positive conversation about weight with your kids!

    Join our FREE Facebook support group now: Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/
    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

    If you would like more tips on how to help your child build a healthy relationship with food subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar

    Bar's book: O.M.G my kid is overweight - bit.ly/omgoverweight

    More about Bar's programs and services - https://baraizik.com/

  • Many parents struggle with getting their kids to eat their vegetables. In this video, I will share some tips and tricks on how to get your picky eater to try new things and even enjoy eating their veggies. You'll learn about the psychology behind why we like certain foods and how you can use that knowledge to your advantage.

    Join our FREE Facebook support group now:
    Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/
    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

    If you would like more tips on how to help your child build a healthy relationship with food subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar

    Bar's book: O.M.G my kid is overweight - bit.ly/omgoverweight

    More about Bar's programs and services - https://baraizik.com/

  • In this episode, we'll be discussing whether or not we should start weighing children in order to fight Childhood Obesity.  Childhood Obesity is a major problem in America and around the world, and it's rising rapidly. In this video, we'll discuss the pros and cons of weighting children in order to fight Childhood Obesity. Please let me know what you think in the comments after watching the video...

    Join our FREE Facebook support group now: Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/
    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

    If you would like more tips on how to help your child build a healthy relationship with food subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@aizikbar

    Bar's book: O.M.G my kid is overweight - bit.ly/omgoverweight

    More about Bar's programs and services - https://baraizik.com/

  • 7 things  that will keep your child from getting on board with healthy living or losing weight and how to approach it differently:

    Trying to convince your child why it's important!
    It's not only about the child who needs to lose weight, it's about the entire family change. Singling out or expecting the child to do things you or others are not doing is unfair.
    Your child may believe that they can't do it if you are inconsistent in the changes you start making at home; whenever you stop, they will think they have failed.
    Putting a child on a diet that they won't be able to maintain long-term!
    In your efforts to get your child healthy, you can't become emotionally involved. Try new foods, and invite them to exercise with you. The more you worry about your child's response, the more stressed your child will be.
    It's not about losing weight, it's about losing bad habits.
    Short-term goals that make your child feel like they are failing


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    Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/
    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

  • I would like to encourage you to let go of your mom's guilt because it will not help your child lose weight or get healthy. It might even have the opposite effect!

    In today's episode we are going to talk about 3 main topics that will help you with that so hold on tight:

    1) If your child wants to lose weight, you need to have a little grace with yourself and why "beating yourself up" won't help.

    2) Determine your child's/your own need/root cause

    3) What are the things parents do to combat their children's weight problems, and how can you do the same?

    You are not alone!!! join our FREE Facebook support group now:

    Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/

    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

  • Every parent's nightmare is that their child will be bullied, but unfortunately, this is happening more and more.

    Bullying and teasing are 2-3 times more likely to occur in overweight and obese children

    We all know that children who are bullied can develop lifelong emotional problems!

    Most parents do not know their child is being teased or bullied at school.

    Here are some signs that your child may be bullied:

    Your child refuses to attend school There may be a reluctance in your child to talk about school There is more hanger and frustration in your child Having a lower sense of self-confidence and body image Feeling uncomfortable in their own skin They body shame themselves.

    The purpose of today's episode is to share with you how you can deal with bullying as soon as you realize it has occurred and how to prevent it before it is too late.


    You are not alone!!! join our FREE Facebook support group now:

    Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/
    Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support

  • Branding and advertising your child's healthier foods will help you get them to try new foods.
    Wondering why McDonald's calls their kids' burgers a happy meal?
    This is a brilliant way to spice up boring food!
    Another example would be "small pieces of chicken" sound tasty? Definitely not!!!

    And what about "Nuggets", much better, right?

    By changing the name of their meals, McDonald's and other successful restaurants can change people's perceptions of food and make millions of dollars more!

    Now that you know their small dairy secret, you can do it too. Perspective is everything!


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    Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support


  • Does your child really hungry?

    I bet you know those times when your child says he or she is hungry, but you know it doesn't make sense since he or she just ate. It is true, they are not hungry, but they won't know that since this has been ingrained in their brains since childhood!! 

    If your child isn't able to distinguish between the "different types of hunger" (boredom, thirst, temptation, emotion, habits, etc...) their mind will keep thinking that every kind of those situation makes them feel hungry!

    What can you do about it?

    - Stop fighting with your child about whether they are hungry or not because it triggers emotions and puts them in survival mode.

    - Try finding out which type of hunger they are most struggling with (by yourself)!

    - Add more awareness between the moment your child thinks they are hungry and how they really feel, to break the old pathways.

    - Get your kids into a routine that will help them stay away from mindless eating


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  • It is not easy to deal with food addiction in kids who are overweight or struggling to lose weight, and sometimes it can be really frustrating because you have to fight with your child over food almost every day and after all your efforts, you can find out that your child simply keeps sneaking food behind your back.

    Let me start by saying that I know it's hard for you! Even if it doesn't seem that way, your child probably feels that he/she is disappointing you on a daily basis, which is the last thing they want to do! 

    If your child is constantly talking about food, always thinking about the next meal, and simply can't stop eating, then he or she may be addicted to food.

    We'll discuss food addiction in children in today's episode and how to handle it effectively, enjoy.


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  • The 7 steps to talking with kids about weight loss without making them feel bad or uncomfortable!

    -Talking about weight loss is NOT the first step; we need to start with a good, healthy foundation so the child doesn't feel under attack.

    -To begin with, stop being the food police and take a few steps back from being in charge of everything.

    -This will lead to the second step of helping your child open up to you and feel more comfortable talking with you about the things that are bothering them.

    -It's important to make sure your child understands that this isn't about them and that this is a family change, your goal is to start implementing some changes as a family that all of them can stick to (for at least 6 weeks).

    -A fourth step is to educate your family (not just the struggling child) without making them feel uncomfortable about their bed decision.

    -Talk to your child about how they feel about their weight (if they are under 6 years old, you do not need to do this because they generally do not see it as something different).

    -The most important thing you can do for your child is to let them know they are not alone, and that you have struggled with many of the same issues yourself. Let yourself be vulnerable and open up (your relationship will reach a whole new level).

    -The last thing you should do is talk with your child about where they are at the moment and what our goals are as a family (just make sure you set long-term goals rather than weight loss goals, as weight loss will come when the right habits become ingrained in their lives).

    A good talk is not about what you say, but more about what you ask. They should talk 80% of the time, not you.


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  • Children's eating disorders are not caused by weight loss or diet discussions!

    Children who don't have the right tools to deal with what they are struggling with will usually use any kind of tool they can find. Unfortunately, many of those tools are just temporary fixes that will lead to even more frustration.

    The sooner you start educating your child, the better equipped they will be to handle any challenges they may face when they grow up!

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  • Here's how picky eaters can be encouraged to try new foods and even eat vegetables if they need to lose weight, but aren't willing to eat much.

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  • You are not alone!!! join our FREE Facebook support group now:

    Let's talk about why your child is always hungry and how you can deal with it in a positive manner without making them feel uncomfortable