3MenArmy (Trevor ,Frank,Dante) are the 97s Kids‼️. Join Us Every Wednesday as we explore daily life experiences and speak out our MINDS in a way that's FUN, sometimes Smart but mostly Stupid🙈
Random talks
Be your own boss
Psychological intrigue -
The home is Kenyan Arts and Entertainment.
Where we have real conversations with real artists -
San Francisco International Hip Hop DanceFest presents Respect! Podcast hosted by Micaya, founder-producer/ artistic director of DanceFest and Corey Action, founder of New Style Motherlode. Every episode features different artists who are a part of this year's program. You can look forward to witnessing dance related discussions with these artists and getting to know more about them and the pieces they created for the world premiere for this year's SFIHHDF show.
Its all about changing lives, and winning souls
Music & Dance episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. To listen to ALL arts & creativity episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts!
Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists & creative thinkers across the Arts & STEM. We discuss their life, work & artistic practice. Winners of Oscar, Emmy, Tony, Pulitzer, leaders & public figures share real experiences & offer valuable insights. Notable guests and and organizations include: Pacific Northwest Ballet, Pilobolus Dance Company & Five Senses Festival, Harvard Dance Center, Songwriters Hall of Fame, Carter Burwell, John Powell, Edmar Castaneda, Kovacs, Marcelo Zarvos, Paulo Szot (Chicago, South Pacific), Jill Johnson (Ballet Frankfurt, The Forsythe Company), Mario Alberto Zambrano (Juilliard Dance), Nano Stern, Michael Daugherty, Bright Sheng, François Clemmons (Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Harlem Spiritual Ensemble), Rick Carnes (Songwriters Guild of America), Peter Boal, Noelani Pantastico, Itamar Kubovy, Jonah Bokaer Choreography & The Hudson Eye, Renée Jaworski, Matt Kent, Trish Sie (Pitch Perfect 3), Emily Kent, Seán Curran (NYU Tisch School of the Arts), Carolyn Waters Broe (Four Seasons Orchestra), Yuval Sharon, Aaron P. Dworkin (Sphinx Organization), Lorenda Ramou (Onassis Cultural Center), Terry Radigan, among others.
The interviews are hosted by founder and creative educator Mia Funk with the participation of students, universities, and collaborators from around the world. These conversations are also part of our traveling exhibition.
For The Creative Process podcasts from Seasons 1 2 3, visit: or, which has our complete directory of interviews, transcripts, artworks, and details about ways to get involved.
If you love contemporary jazz or just love good music, then the Fresh Coast Jazz Backstage Podcast is worth a listen! Fresh Coast Jazz Backstage will give listeners a peek behind the scenes at the lives and music of their favorite contemporary jazz artists. Think of it as a light-hearted “Inside the Actor’s Studio” meets “Tales from the Tour Bus.” Each episode will explore the who and what that have made your favorite artists your favorite artists. The podcast will also showcase fun features like: “Bout It or Doubt It”, where the artists will share things they like and things they just aren’t feeling! Fresh Coast Jazz Backstage is hosted by Carl Brown, a long-time contemporary jazz fan and the promoter of the Fresh Coast Jazz Festival.
Something that blows you away.
Make your thoughts go stray.
Is what i call a poem.
Something you can relate to.
But still something, you cant contain it into.
Is what i call a poem.
It takes you up and down.
Makes you swirl, roundabout.
Takes you high and low.
But still something so close.
Is what i call a poem.
So stay tuned to take a dive in my world of poems.
To meet a new 'You', you'll find in this series,
And to witness my 'Words Love'. -
Hello everybody, I am Kwarteng Owusu and I want to share what over the years I have learnt and experienced as an African with you guys. African life stories will be talking about the decisions we as Africans and the Youth as a whole. What to do as a Continent and what to do as a Nation (Ghana) to develop ourselves both individually and collectively. I will also be talking about the the various assaults raising against Africans over the years and the topics which are very common in our community and things which are gaining waves in the world. I will also talk about great African leaders.
Faith and Famous - The Podcast The Entertainment Industry is known for 'sex, drugs, & rock 'n' roll', so how do Christians navigate that? Find out in Faith and Famous the podcast!
Inspiring stories of women leading in crisis, with music and more, from the #Walk4Women campaign, to celebrate International Women’s Day, 2023.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Here to learn, educate and have fun.
Discussions about the Canterbury Tales
Just a lonely girl living in lonely streets with empty pockets and a bag full of dreams ........
Smooth Groove Sundays
This podcast goes deep in to the divinity of humanity and how it comes out creatively
Life can never be defined! Let's live it as the mystery it is, one tale at a time, as we strive to be better than we were yesterday. So hop in let's ride, and have fun while at it! Support this podcast:
Giving you the perspectives of life from myself and my family! Going over Beauty. Fitness. Mental health TAROT. ASTROLOGY Numerology Makeup Fashion traveling and Food. Tune in to these speed bumps as we conquer Life.
Der Walk 'n Act! hat Münsteraner Künstler*innen mit ihrem Publikum zusammengebracht. Von März bis Juni 2021 traf sich immer eine* Künstler*in mit einer* Zuhörer*in. Beide hatten sich vorher noch nie gesehen. Sie wussten nicht, wer da kommt. Ein Blind Date in der Corona-Zeit, als künstlerische Veranstaltungen entweder gar nicht oder unter erschwerten Bedingungen stattfinden konnten. |
Das Stadtensemble hat einen Weg gefunden, Kunstinteressierte und Künstler*innen trozdem zusammenzubringen: bei einem Spaziergang an der frischen Luft mit integriertem Kunst-Erlebnis. Vom Konzert über Theater, Tanz, Malerei, Sound Art bis hin zu Mitmachaktionen, bei denen der Unterschied zwischen Künstler*in und Zuschauer*in verschwindet. In Gedenken an Joseph Beuys, der in diesem Jahr 100 Jahre alt geworden wäre. |
„Kunst ist die letzte Möglichkeit, die Missstände und Widersprüche in unserer Gesellschaft zu heilen.“
Joseph Beuys |
Bei jedem Walk 'n Act! gab es die Möglichkeit, ein Aufnahmegerät mitlaufen zu lassen. Aus den Aufnahmen ist dieser Podcast entstanden. Eine Begegnung im Augenblick – zum Nächhören, nachhängen und insipirieren lassen! |
Gefördert vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien