
  • Today I have an announcement to make that is a little bit heart breaking because I truly believe in the inspiration that the Late Starters Club has been sharing with the world. It is so important that we chase our dreams no matter what stage of life we are at. Our actions not only inspire younger generations but motivates our peers to see what is truly possible in this world.

    And one of the lessons that I needed to learn was that I can not do it all. At this time I will be taking a break from the Late Starters Club podcast to give a deeper focus to other areas of my life and business. However, I really want this message to continue, so if you (or someone you know) might be interested in co-hosting the podcast so that we can continue to tell the most inspiring mid-life stories, please reach out to me.

    I am so grateful to all of you who have been on this journey with me. I see your comments and emails that let me know how much you have been inspired by these stories as well and I am thankful for each and every one of them.

    I wish you all the best of luck and remember…it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

    00:00 The Struggle of Wearing Too Many Hats

    01:23 The Exciting Growth of Comedy Side Gig

    02:30 The Importance of Chasing Dreams Midlife and Beyond

    03:15 The Power of Inspiration and New Beginnings

    04:26 Invitation for Co-hosting the Late Starters Club Podcast

    05:19 Gratitude and Reflections

    05:45 Conclusion and Final Remarks

  • Have you had a lifelong dream to live overseas and haven't made that happen yet? Maybe things have gotten in the way like family, jobs, life. My guest today, Christine Gritmon didn't let that stop her.

    Last year, Christine turned her lifelong dream into reality by moving her entire family from the US to the UK. Join us in today's episode as Christine opens up about the hurdles and cultural differences she’s encountered along the way.

    Christine Gritmon empowers professionals to step into their personal brands in a bigger, bolder way on social media. And you can do it, she'll teach you how! She’s spoken on stages worldwide and is a frequent expert guest on podcasts, live streams, and blog posts, as well as hosting her own weekly podcast, Let’s Talk About Brand.

    [00:48] Welcome Christine Gritmon

    [02:20] When Christine started thinking about moving to a new country

    [07:48] The moments when Christine considering returning home to New York

    [11:22] How Christine decided where she wanted to move with her family

    [15:25] How they're handling the culture shock of a new country

    [20:18] What happens when we get out of our bubbles

    [23:53] The challenges and most unexpected joys after moving her family overseas

    [29:37] Christine’s favorite quote

    [31:10] Connect with Christine

    Get all of the details on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/173-living-the-dream-overseas-with-christine-gritmon/

    Listen to Christine's Podcast - Let's Talk About Brand: https://www.gritmon.com/ltab

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  • Have you ever poured your energy into something, only to find the road filled with obstacles? Today, my guest is Sarah Clay, whose varied career has taken unexpected turns. We'll talk about how she became a LinkedIn trainer for companies and entrepreneurs and the journey that led her to this point.

    During the pandemic, Sarah faced a major shift after losing 85% of her clients. However, she turned this setback into an opportunity by redirecting her focus to LinkedIn training.

    Tune in to this episode to get insights from Sarah on resilience, the value of life experience, and the importance of finding joy in your work.

    [00:00] Welcoming Sarah Clay

    [02:00] From aspiring lawyer to film producer to social media expert

    [05:36] How Sarah pivoted from serving clients to teaching LinkedIn

    [08:48] Why Sarah wasn't scared by losing most of her clients overnight

    [13:56] The advantages Sarah had by launching a new venture during her midlife

    [16:44] How to focus your energy as an entrepreneur with limited time and resources

    [21:02] The key lesson Sarah learned after she launched a membership

    [24:20] Sarah's visions for 2024

    [26:10] Sarah's favorite quote

    [27:44] Connect with Sarah

    Episode Resources

    Social Media Marketing World

    Connect with Sarah Clay

    Website: Sarah Clay Social

    LinkedIn: Sarah Clay Social

  • In this episode of the Late Starters Club, I am interviewing Leigh Shulman who shares her later-in-life journey of traveling the world, writing a book, and starting a successful business.

    Leigh is the founder of the Inspired Writer community, details how she decided to uproot from Brooklyn, NY with her young family to explore the world and eventually settle in Argentina. We discuss the importance of setting boundaries, believing in oneself, and being 'selfish' when pursuing personal dreams, including writing projects. Leigh shares her philosophy that individuals should trust themselves, their capabilities, and their experiences especially when starting later in life.

    [00:00] Welcome Leigh Shulman

    [01:18] The decision to leave Brooklyn

    [02:57] How did she afford to travel so extensively?

    [04:34] Did they make travel plans or just feel their way through their destinations?

    [07:51] The power of communities

    [10:01] What was it like to continuously travel with a young child?

    [13:26] How did the Inspired Writers Community Start?

    [15:49] Meeting Face to Face

    [17:41] Why we need to be more selfish

    [20:26] Take Your Writing Seriously

    [23:30] Advice for starting to write later in life?

    [25:41] Leigh's Favorite Quote

    Get resources from the show at https://latestartersclub.com/171-writing-your-own-story-with-leigh-shulman/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable. So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • This week on Late Starters Club I'm talking with Barry Karch, host of the Running For Your Life podcast. Barry has been training for a marathon after a 20-year hiatus from running. We talked about what motivated him to get back into running and his yearly Misogi (see the link below to learn more). He talks about this year's defining goal of climbing the equivalent of Everest in the 29029 Challenge in Snowbasin, Utah.

    The most common theme that comes up in our discussion is how much more we find joy in the journey over the completion of a challenge later in life and our ability to be grateful for what we can do (even on the bad days).

    Barry didn't begin his fitness journey until his late 30s, then took a 20-year break and is now back at it enjoying it more than ever. It's never too late to get started!

    [00:00] Welcome Barry Karch

    [01:49] How did Barry re-discover the joys of running

    [04:02] Barry has learned to run smarter, not harder

    [06:31] Why Barry signed up for a marathon after not running for 20 years

    [15:33] The motivation behind Barry's transformation

    [24:12] Barry talks about what it means to set a Misogi Challenge

    [25:47] Barry’s Favorite Quote

    [27:15] Connect with Barry

    Episode Resources 29029 Everest Challenge Misogi Challenge Connect with Barry Karch Podcast: Running For Your Life Facebook: Barry Karch Instagram: Barry Karch

    Get all show notes on the website at: https://latestartersclub.com/170-finding-new-motivation-with-barry-karch/

  • I don't know about you, but I love planning out my year and setting goals and reflecting on how my past year went and being super intentional about what I want the next year to look like. In today's episode, I'm going to dive deep into what I do to brainstorm my goals for the next year. And I'm going to give you some tools and questions you can use to set your year up.

    Some of the things I will share with you:

    [01:27] Questions to Reflect on the Year

    [02:27] Review Last Year’s Business Plan

    [05:06] Reflecting on the Word(s) of the Year

    [08:08] Final Thoughts for 2023 / 2024 Planning

    Get my One-Page Business Plan in My Top Tools For Late Starters

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/169-questions-to-kick-start-2024/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable. So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

  • In this Christmas day edition of the Late Starters Club, I am taking some time to reflect in a season that is a bit slower for me. I wanted to share with you how I am looking back over the past year with gratitude, giving myself a little extra grace and preparing to set my 2024 goals. Join me next week as I share my specific process for setting goals in the new year!

    [00:00] Wrapping up 2023 with Gratitude, Grace, and Goals

    [01:49] Look back and assess how far you've come this year. Celebrate all that you have accomplished and be grateful even for the things that did not go as planned.

    [06:32] Remember to give yourself some grace

    [07:15] Start dreaming about your 2024 goals

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/168-wrapping-up-2023-with-gratitude-grace-and-goals/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable. So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • In this episode, I talk with Ron Macklin, founder of Macklin Connection, bestselling author, and entrepreneur. Through a unique mid-life transition, Ron left his career as an engineer to pursue a role as a coach, primarily focusing on team building in organizations.

    We talk about the importance of acknowledging and embracing fear in the professional environment, underlining that everyone is afraid and it is normal. In his book, 'Everyone is Afraid, a Fable of Fear, Friendship and Flourishing’, Ron uses a story to help people to notice that they're not alone because they're afraid.

    Macklin Connection is focused on helping businesses create a culture they love, empower their employees, and develop as a team by facing and discussing mutual fears.

    [00:00] Welcome Ron Macklin

    [01:57] Ron's Journey from Engineer to Entrepreneur

    [07:39] How did Ron figure out how to start a business?

    [11:27] The premise behind Ron’s book “Everyone is Afraid, a Fable of Fear, Friendship and Flourishing”

    [17:14] The stories we tell ourselves when we are afraid

    [18:01] Just imagine what could happen if your company culture around fear changed.

    [21:28] What has been Ron’s greatest lesson from starting later in life?

    [24:16] What is Macklin Connection

    [27:06] Ron’s Favorite Quote

    [28:42] Connect with Ron

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/167-interview-with-ron-macklin/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable. So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you. ==========================================

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • Do you think it's too late to get into acting or voice narration? My guest today, Kris Keppeler got bit by the acting bug in her early forties then eventually took that love from the stage to voice narration in her sixties.

    Today our discussion covers her path into acting, how she finds and lands roles, the challenges of marketing a business, and her success in creating a networking group for creative businesses. Kris also shares the technical aspects of her work, including home studio set-up and editing skills. She emphasizes the importance of constant learning and embracing challenges to enjoy a fulfilling career, regardless of age.

    Kris Keppeler is a narrator, actor, voice actor, podcaster, and writer. After discovering her singing voice in Jr. High Choir, she’s never quit using her voice to amuse and instigate.

    [00:00] Welcoming Kris Keppeler

    [01:31] How Kris Got Her Voice Back

    [07:16] What have been some of Kris’s favorite projects? And what was the most challenging?

    [11:49] How much time is needed for her voice projects?

    [12:13] What type of equipment and skills are needed for voice narration?

    [15:56] How Kris Markets Herself

    [19:01] How does Kris stay motivated?

    [20:19] Getting Through Tough Times

    [26:41] Kris’s Favorite Mark Twain Quote

    [24:05] What is Next For Kris

    [25:42] Connect with Kris

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/166-interview-with-kris-keppeler/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • This week I am interviewing Tracy Malone (Host of the Narcissist Podcast) a leading voice on the subject of narcissist abuse.

    We talk about her journey of building a successful business by blending her personal experience with narcissism and her experience as a marketing professional. Along the way, we will discuss what led her to change her career and her entire life.

    Tracy shares her personal experiences, the growth of her business, fear, imposter syndrome, and the impact of her work.

    Tracy Malone Author, Speaker, Educator, and International narcissistic abuse and divorce coach. She is a surTHRIVER of abuse herself and the founder of NarcissistAbuseSupport.com and global resource that reaches millions of survivors. Tracy wrote her Bestselling book – DIVORCING A NARCISSIST: You Can’t Make This Shit Up! as well as 36 healing journals. Tracy has a popular YouTube channel and podcast that has reached millions of survivors.

    [00:00] Welcoming Tracy Malone

    [02:29] Tracy's Personal Experience with Narcissists that Launched her Business

    [03:33] The Birth of Narcissist Abuse Support [05:05] Growing A Business from Passion to Make an Impact

    [08:52] The Turning Point for Tracy

    [13:12] How does Tracy decide what content is needed in her business?

    [17:19] Learning to Overcome Fear [18:28] Battling against Imposter Syndrome to Serve Your Community

    [23:47] Being on Narcissist Trap

    [25:42] Favorite Quote from "Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway"

    [27:52] Connect with Tracy

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/165-interview-with-tracy-malone/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable. So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you. ==========================================

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • In today's episode, I have the pleasure of chatting (and laughing) with the incredibly talented Leanne Linsky, CEO of the online comedy streaming platform, Plauzzable. Leanne takes us on a journey from being a bookkeeper, to a full-time comedian in New York then in LA, before returning to school for her master's at age 50 then ultimately founding her own company. Listen in to learn how Leanne's view of failure has changed the way she approaches her life.

    Leanne Linsky comedian turned entrepreneur, is the founder and CEO of the new online comedy club, Plauzzable. When it comes to comedy, Leanne couldn’t be more serious

    Join us as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcoming Leanne Linsky

    [01:58] From Bookkeeping to Comedy (From Vegas to New York to LA)

    [03:47] Leanne's Move to New York

    [06:35] Brining comedy online

    [07:52] 50 and Going Back to School

    [11:16] What kind of support did Leanne have for all these life changes she was making?

    [14:26] The launch of Plauzzable

    [18:57] How has being an “older” entrepreneur contributed to Leanne’s success?

    [25:13] Why Leanne let go and started saying “yes” to new experiences.

    [28:59] Leanne's Favorite Quotes and Motivational Sayings

    Connect with Leanne Linksy Website: Plauzzable Facebook: Plauzzable Instagram: Plauzzable

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/164-interview-with-leanne-linsky/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • In this episode of the Late Starters Club, we have a fascinating interview with entrepreneur and inventor Paul Baron. We start today's interview by discussing Paul's journey of partnering with a firm in China to bring an innovative product to the US. Paul shares his experiences in starting businesses and talks about the importance of relationships and taking calculated risks. Whether you're a late starter or someone looking to make a career change, Paul's insights and stories will inspire you to follow your dreams.

    Join us as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcome Paul Baron

    [00:55] Paul tells us how he became the co-inventor of the Wall Printer and brought it to the US market.

    [04:43] Paul's Career and the Art of Finding Innovative Products

    [13:49] The Three Pillars of Business Decision Making: Time, Talent, and Treasure

    [15:52] The Power of Relationships in Business

    [18:45] The Journey of Starting and Exiting Businesses

    [26:15] Paul's Favorite Inspirational Quote

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/163-interview-with-paul-baron/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • My guest today is a little bit crazy. Jeff Seckendorf is attempting to break the hour record on a track cycling at age 70. He’s training right now and didn’t start seriously competing until his late fifties. Join me as we talk about how (and why) Jeff is attempting to set this record and where his passion project, The Institute of Purpose comes into play.

    Jeff Seckendorf is a master athlete, small business owner, and the driving force at the Institute of Purpose.

    Join us as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcome Jeff Seckendorf

    [00:53] Jeff talks about his attempt to break the hour record for his age group on a velodrome.

    [07:53] What is the Insitute of Purpose and what are they hoping to accomplish?

    [12:31] Jeff talk about reframing his mindset of goal setting to look at the satisfaction in the journey of attaining the goal (which is more long-term) rather than actually achieving the goal itself (which is more in the moment).

    [18:05] Jeff talks about managing his mindset to overcome his frustrations when training as an older athlete.

    [23:26] Jeff’s two favorite quotes

    Connect with Jeff Seckendorf Website: Institute of Purpose YouTube Video: Jeff Seckendorf Upcoming Hour Record Attempt

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/162-its-never-to-late-to-break-records-with-jeff-seckendorf/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • In this episode, I spoke with Paul Zolman who shares his journey from a background of anger to understanding the significance of love. Paul grew up in an environment that fostered anger, and he spent many years grappling with anger issues until he decided to make a change. After his divorce, Zolman utilized the concept of the Five Love Languages to develop a cube game aimed at helping him express love more effectively. The game serves as an educational tool for understanding and implementing the Five Love Languages in daily life. Understanding these love languages led him to a path of self-improvement and he believes that this game will do the same for others. We talk about the challenges of launching a new product-based business and the benefits of seeking out the right partners to outsource with.

    Paul Zolman is a love language linguist. In other words, he knows all the love languages to give them away and has the ability to see them coming his way. You can too!

    Join me as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcome Paul Zolman

    [01:49] Paul tells us about the Role of Love Dice and how the game is played

    [03:59] Paul tells us his background (which is not related) and how he came to launch a business based on the love languages

    [09:50] Paul shares with us how he realized it was finally time for him to change his life and remove the anger that followed him everywhere. And in finding a solution to that problem, he found a solution for more than just himself.

    [16:18] Paul talks about the challenges of finding a manufacturer.

    [21:02] What are the benefits of knowing how to express love languages?

    [24:38] Paul has advice for people looking to start a business

    [28:00] Paul shares with us his favorite quote from Oscar Hammerstein

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/161-interview-with-paul-zolman/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • Today I'm talking to Bob Gentle and he shares with us how one conversation over coffee with a client transformed his business from a local web designer into a global coaching business. We talk about his challenges as an introvert, the importance of personal branding, overcoming fear and self-doubt, and the advantages of being a late starter in pursuing your passions. Bob also shares strategies for dealing with overwhelm and the power of simplicity in building a successful business. This conversation is inspiring and Will encourage you to take the leap and bet on yourself.

    Bob Gentle helps business leaders worldwide discover, set and achieve their goals online and build a business they love.

    Join me as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcome Bob Gentle

    [02:11] The power of personal branding.

    [03:00] Bob's powerful late starter story, that many of you might relate to.

    [08:03] We talk about what it takes to overcome our fears and the power of starting older

    [19:00] The key to most successful businesses is keeping it simple!

    [20:38] How to deal with overwhelm

    [25:17] What advice would Bob give to his younger self?

    [30:23] Bob shares with us two of his favorite quotes. One from Zig Ziglar and one from Winston Churchill.

    Get the show notes at: https://latestartersclub.com/160-interview-with-bob-gentle/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • My guest today lives a unique lifestyle that most people would love to live. Jean Marie DiGiovanna lives home-free as a mobile businesswoman (she does not like to use the term digital nomad - and she explains why the term isn't quite right for her in the episode). From how she got started, the lessons she's learned and the misperceptions of what this lifestyle takes to live - we cover it all!

    Jean Marie DiGiovanna is an international keynote speaker, leadership development expert, certified executive coach and best-selling author. With her body of work on Renaissance Leadership and over 25 years of experience across the globe, she helps leaders and their teams shift the way they think, lead and communicate rapidly creating a culture of increased trust, collaboration and innovation.

    Join me as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcome Jean Marie DiGiovanna !

    [02:33] Jean Marie does not consider herself a digital nomad - then how does she define her lifestyle?

    [06:05] Jean Marie talks about the transition from having a home to being home-free. The challenge was as much mindset shifts as it was downsizing her things.

    [08:56] Jean Marie talks about one unexpected benefit of her lifestyle and one mindset shift that people have a hard time with.

    [11:17] What has been Jean Marie's favorite locations to date?

    [12:45] A mobile lifestyle takes some mind shifts (and its not for everyone) but finding your best way to work might be one of the best things you can do in this lifestyle. You also need to make sure your own perceptions aren't holding you back from being successful.

    18:52] We talk about the practicalities of a mobile lifestyle: is it safe? how do you balance life so you don't always feel like you're on vacation? Is it super expensive to live this way? Travel tips?

    [24:27] Jean Marie's Favorite Quote "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman"

    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://latestartersclub.com/157-interview-with-will-matthews/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and want to learn more about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • In today's episode, I'm going to be sharing some of the lessons I've learned after running a podcast for a year, some of the things I love about the podcast, and some of the things that are going to be changing here at the Late Starters Club podcast.

    Join me as we talk about:

    [00:00] Celebrating One Year of the Late Starters Club Podcast

    [01:52] LOVE: All of the people that I have had the chance to speak with over the last year. I now know that anything is possible at any age!

    [02:58] LOVE: Hearing all the quotes from the last year! Have you heard the Quote Episode yet? Its a must listen to!

    [03:17] LESSON LEARNED: No one's road is easy. We have to find the thing that grounds us and keep at it when times get tough.

    [04:35] INSPIRED BY: The fact that no one care what other people think of them anymore. We have moved past the stage of letting random strangers tell us what is good and bad about what we are doing!

    [05:25] LESSON LEARNED: Each new challenge makes us feel more alive and makes life worth living!

    [06:05] These are the lessons I've learned from podcasting for a year. Its not as easy to grow a show, but I have loved the conversations and just want to tell people's stories.

    [10:15] MY GOAL is to reach more people and to change the way that people think about growing older.

    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://latestartersclub.com/158-one-year-celebration-episode-with-andrea-vahl/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and just want to learn more about what it might be about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and just fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • In today's episode, I spoke with Will Matthews, who has taken on the challenge of completing seven Ironman competitions after leaving a successful corporate career to start his own coaching company. Will shares his journey of starting his own professional development company, the courage it took to take that leap, and the mindset shifts necessary to navigate life's changes. With insightful discussions on the fear of commitment, the stories we tell ourselves, and the power of taking risks, this episode is sure to spark inspiration and ignite your desire for personal growth.

    Will left lucrative corporate leadership roles at the age of 47 to open his professional development company, Matthews Performance Group. Later in life, he completed his first triathlon and followed that with his first Ironman two months later. He has competed in 7 Ironman competitions since then. This year he became the Colorado State Champion in his age group in the Olympic distance triathon. His book, You’ve Got This! The 5 Keys You Need to Live Boldly and Accomplish Anything describes how to be massively resilient and how to reinvent yourself again and again to live the life that you want. Will is a high-content keynote speaker with a motivational/inspirational style.

    Join me as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcome Will Matthews!

    [02:51] What motivated Will to start with triathlons and then Ironman competitions? Has he had any injury or hardships that he needed to overcome? And what motivated him to compete seven different times!?

    [08:30] What does Will think it takes to make really big changes in our lives? How do we get past the fear of making such a big commitment to ourselves?

    [14:01] Will tells us about some of the early roadblocks that he encountered when he started his business.

    [17:44] Will shares with us how he is continuing to evolve as he moves his business from a consulting practice into a speaking business so that he can have a bigger impact on more people.

    [19:54] What other obstacles (besides fear) does Will see people encountering when they want to make big changes in their lives?

    [23:42] Will's Mantra

    [25:35] Will's Favorite Quote

    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://latestartersclub.com/157-interview-with-will-matthews/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and just want to learn more about what it might be about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and just fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • In today's episode, I interviewed incredibly talented and funny Merit Kahn. Merit shares some truly insightful and entertaining stories about their journey to creating her one-woman show. From cold calling theaters and accidentally stumbling upon a potential collaboration, to finding humor in life's frustrations, Merit's experiences and perspectives are sure to inspire and entertain. She also introduces us to her upcoming workshop, "Rewrite to rewire," where she guides participants through exercises aimed at rewriting the past and rewiring the future (through the lens of comedy). Merit also shares their approach to collaboration, the importance of taking the next right step, and the impact of connecting with others.

    Merit Kahn performs on three stages- keynotes for conferences, one-woman shows in theaters, and comedy sets in clubs. She's a producer, writer, entrepreneur, certified speaking professional, world traveler, mom, and terible cook (her words, not ours)!

    Join me as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcome Merit Kahn!

    [02:09] What inspired Merit to write her one-woman show? What motivated her to take it to the stage?

    [08:42] What is the significance of renaming the show from "Book of Merit" to "Who Chiseled That"

    [11:37] What lessons did Merit learn when she was younger, that helped her to successfully launch her show in midlife?

    [20:14] How does Merit process feelings of being overwhelmed?

    [26:54] What is Merit's secret for filling the seats at her shows in different cities?

    [31:15] Motivational Quote

    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://latestartersclub.com/156-redesigning-your-life-with-laughter-with-merit-kahn/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and just want to learn more about what it might be about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and just fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/

  • This week we have an amazing episode! If you have been listening to the show you know one of my favorite things is to hear everyone's favorite quotes. So I have pulled together 41 different quotes from 33 of my past guests. There should be something here from everyone to be inspired by and maybe you'll find your new favorite quote!

    Learn from these amazing late starters!

    [00:38] Michael Stelzner [01:20] Gina Schreck. [01:54] Laura Stack [02:32] Barbara Brooks [03.28] Dr. Phil Merry [04:26] Jenny Neale [05:00] Kimberley Pember [05:45] Lori Crete [06:36] Dennis Yu [07:21] Susan Frew [07:49] Dierdre Wolownick [09:08] Tanya Smith [10:26] Jim Fuhs [11:19] Heather Lutze [11:37] Jessica Kupferman [12:31] Sigrun Gudjonsdottir [13:10] Mark Schaefer [14:11] Suzanne Blons [15:03] Tina Brandau [15:14] Julie Cairns [16:20] Alisa DiLorenzo [16:33] Tony DiLorenzo [16:48] Phyllis Khare [17:23] Jolene Park [18:04] Mira Canion [18:24] David Otey [19:43] Saundra Boyd [20:20] Mary Barbera [21:13] Sandra Angelo [22:10] Kwadwo [22:57] Lori Bush [23:36] Sarah Scott [24:36] Andrea Vahl

    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://latestartersclub.com/155-late-starters-wisdom-quotes-to-inspire-your-next-chapter/


    Join The Late Starters Club Mastermind

    We're looking at business builders, business starters, and business burnout. People who are looking to start something new or grow their existing business. Or maybe you're just burnt out from something that you've been doing and you're not sure what to pivot into and what to do next. We are passionate about getting people into something new and growing it. And we know the strategies that work and we are great at getting people on that right path and keeping people accountable.

    So if you are curious about the mastermind or one of these tracks and just want to learn more about what it might be about, go to latestartersclub.com/mastermind and just fill out the form to show us your interest. We'll get back in touch and see if it's the right fit for you. We're excited to work with these small groups of people and change people's lives, and we would love the opportunity to work with you.


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateStartersClub

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latestartersclub/

    Website: https://latestartersclub.com/


    Make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at https://latestartersclub.com/tools/