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    Salubrious (adj.)

    Etymology: From Latin salubris, meaning "healthful, wholesome" Origin: The Latin word comes from salus, meaning "health, safety". Definition: Beneficial to health; promoting good health.

    Serendipity (n.)

    Etymology: Coined by Horace Walpole in 1754, combining the Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip" (present-day Sri Lanka) with the word "discovery". Origin: An invented word based on a story about fortunate discoveries by chance. Definition: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

    Lachrymose (adj.)

    Etymology: From Latin lacrima, meaning "tear" + -osus, meaning "full of". Origin: Derived from the word for tears, highlighting the connection to sadness or crying. Definition: Inclined to weep or be tearful; sad.

    Penumbra (n.)

    Etymology: From Latin paene, meaning "almost" + umbra, meaning "shadow". Origin: Literally translates to "almost shadow", referring to the partially shaded region around a complete shadow. Definition: The partially shaded outer region of a shadow, where the light source is only partly obscured.

    Petrichor (n.)

    Etymology: Modern scientific term coined in 1964 from Greek petra meaning "stone" + ichor, the fluid that flowed in the veins of the gods in Greek mythology. Origin: A newly created word to describe a pleasant smell associated with rain on dry ground. Definition: The pleasant smell that sometimes accompanies rain, especially the first rain after a long period of dryness.
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    Fallout (n.): Radioactive debris from a nuclear explosion ([Latin] fallout: "a falling out"). Detonation (n.): The sudden, violent explosion of a bomb ([Latin] detonare: "to thunder out"). Nuclear (adj.): Of or relating to the nucleus of an atom ([Latin] nucleus: "kernel"). Fission (n.): The splitting of a heavy atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy ([Latin] fissio: "a cleaving"). Mushroom Cloud (n.): The distinctive cloud formed by a nuclear explosion, resembling a mushroom ([Latin] mushrum: "fungus").


    Post-Apocalyptic (adj.): Occurring after a large-scale societal collapse ([Greek] apokalypsis: "uncovering, revelation" + [Latin] post: "after"). Apocalypse (n.): A catastrophic event that brings about the end of civilization as we know it. Dystopia (n.): An imagined future society characterized by authoritarian control, oppression, poverty, and misery ([Greek] dys: "bad, ill" + topos: "place"). Wasteland (n.): A barren, desolate area of land ([Old English] wēste: "desert, waste" + land). Scavenger (n.): Someone who searches for and collects discarded objects ([Old French] escavanger: "to dig out").


    Radiation (n.): The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as particles ([Latin] radiare: "to emit rays"). Radioactive (adj.): Exhibiting the property of radioactivity ([Latin] radiare + activus: "active"). Radioactivity (n.): The spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei, releasing energy in the form of radiation. Isotope (n.): Atoms of an element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons ([Greek] isos: "equal" + topos). Half-Life (n.): The time it takes for a quantity of a radioactive material to decrease by half ([Old English] half + līf: "life, duration").

    Other Related Words:

    Mutation (n.): A permanent change in the genetic material of a cell or organism ([Latin] mutare: "to change"). Dosimeter (n.): An instrument that measures the amount of ionizing radiation a person or object has been exposed to ([Greek] dosis: "a giving" + metron: "measure"). Mutant (n.): An organism with a mutation in its genetic material ([Latin] mutare + -ant: "one who does something"). Contamination (n.): The pollution of something by a harmful substance ([Latin] contaminare: "to defile, to sully"). Survival (n.): The act of continuing to live or exist, often after a period of danger or difficulty ([Latin] supervivere: "to live beyond").
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  • Latin Prefixes

    *Hook Word (mnemonic for memorization)

    A-, Ab-; away from

    Absent (word hook)

    Ad-; to, towards


    Ambi- (Ambo-, amb-, am-, an-); around, on both sides


    Ante-; before, forward


    Antero-, anterior; before, front or forward part (Anterior)

    (see: antero-)

    Bi- (bis-, bin-); twice


    Circum-; around


    Contra- (Counter- often before vowels); against, opposite


    De-; down from, away


    Extra-, extro-; beyond, on the other side, outer (extrapulmonary, extraligamentous)

    external, extraordinary

    Infra-; below, lower (Inferior, infraspinatus, infrascapular, infracostal)


    Inter-; between (intervascular, interosseous)


    Intra-; within, inside, during (intracervical)


    Juxta-; beside (juxtarticular, juxtaspinal)


    Ob- (o-, oc-, op-); against, in the way, facing (occiput)

    object, objective

    Post-; after, behind (Posterior, Postcerebral, postnatal)


    Postero-; behind (Posterior, posterolateral, posterosuperior)


    Prae- (pre); before, in front of (precordium)


    Retro-; backward, behind (retroflexion, retronasal)


    Semi-; half (semiorbicular)


    Sub- (suc-, suf-, sup, sus-); under, below, near, somewhat (subdorsal, subcutis)


    Super- (sur-); over, above (Superior)


    Supra-; Above, upon (supra-axillary, supraspinatus, suprapelvic)

    (see: super-)

    Trans- (often tran- before ‘s’); across, through (Transverse, transverse Abdominous, tranverse plane)


    Ultra-, ultro-; beyond, excessive (ultraligation, ultrasetaceous)

    ultra-runner, ultraviolet

    Greek Prefixes

    An, A-; not, without (anemia)


    Amphi-; around about (amphibian)


    Ana-, ano-; up, back, again (aneurysm)


    Anti- (anth-); against, resisting


    Apo-; from, separation (apostasies: STA- “to stand”)


    Arche-, archi-; first, chief (archiplasm)


    Cata- (cath-) or kata-; down, lower, under (catabolic)


    Di-; twice, twofold (dimorphic)

    diameter (two radii)

    Dia-; through, across, apart (diameter, diagnosis)


    Dicha-; in two, double (dichotomy)


    Dys-; bad, difficult, hard, disordered (dysfunction)


    Ek-, ex-; out form, outside (exophthalamus)


    Ekto-; without, on the outside (ectomere, ectopia)

    (see: ek-, ex-)

    En- (em-); in, within, among (endemic)


    Endo-; within (endothelium)


    Ento-; within (entotic: OT- “ear”)

    entropic (see: endo-)

    Epi-; upon, on (epidermis)


    Eso-; inward, within (esotropic, esotoxin)


    Eu-; we, good, normal (eugenics)


    Exo-; outside, outward, outer (exocolitis)


    Hemi-; half, partly (hemialgia: ALGOS – “pain”)


    Hyper-; above, over, excessive (hyperemic, hypertrophy)


    Hypo-; low, under, below (hyponatremia)


    Meta-, (meth-); after, among, beyond, behind (metacarpal: KARPOS – “wrist”)

    metaphysical, metaphor, method

    Opistho-; behind (opithognathism)


    Pali(n)-; back, again, once more (palikinesia: KINE – “movement”)


    Para-; by the side of, near (paranoia: NOOS, “mind”)


    Peri-; around (periosteum)

    Periodontal (bone or tissue AROUND tooth)

    Pro-; before, in front of, forward (prophase)


    Pros-; to, in addition, near (prosencephalon: ENCEPHALON, brain)


    Proso-, prostho-; forward, before, in front of (prosoplasia)


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    "Pathos" (-pathy) is a Greek word that means "suffering" or "experience/feeling." Here are some words that are derived from it:

    Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Etymologically, "empathy" comes from the Greek "empatheia," which means "passion" or "state of emotion."

    Sympathy: feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune. Etymologically, "sympathy" comes from the Greek "sympatheia," which means "feeling with someone else."

    “sym-/syl-/syn-” = “together/with”



    “Homo” - “same”;


    Bat (baseball)

    Bat (creature)

    Pathetic: evoking feelings of pity, sadness, or sorrow. Etymologically, "pathetic" comes from the Greek "pathetikos," which means "capable of feeling."

    Pathology: the study of diseases and their effects. Etymologically, "pathology" comes from the Greek "pathologia," which means "study of suffering."


    Biology - “the study of life”

    Scientology - “the study of knowing”


    Conscientious - “with what’s known”



    Connect - “bound with/together”

    Apathy: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or emotion. Etymologically, "apathy" comes from the Greek "apatheia," which means "freedom from suffering."

    “a-/ab” - “without” + “feeling”

    Antipathy: a strong feeling of dislike or aversion towards someone or something. Comes from the Greek roots "anti" (against) and "pathos."

    Pathetic fallacy: a literary device in which inanimate objects are given human emotions or characteristics to reflect the mood of a scene. Comes from the Greek roots "pathos" and "phallos" (deception).

    Empathetic: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Comes from the Greek roots "em" (in) and "pathos."

    Pathogen: a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease. Comes from the Greek roots "pathos" and "gen" (to produce).

    Genos (n.) - “type,class,clan”




    Pathognomonic: a symptom or sign that is characteristic of a particular disease. Comes from the Greek roots "pathos" and "gnomon" (indicator).

    Sympathetic: showing or feeling concern for someone else's suffering. Comes from the Greek roots "syn" (together) and "pathos."

    Apathetic: showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Comes from the Greek roots "a" (not) and "pathos."

    These words all have their roots in the Greek word "pathos," but they have taken on different meanings and connotations over time. Despite their differences, they all share a common thread of emotion and feeling

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    Etymology: "Resurrection" is derived from the Latin word "resurrectio," which combines "re-" (again) and "surrectio" (rising), ultimately from the Latin verb "surgere" (to rise).
    Definition: Resurrection refers to the belief in the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead, or more broadly, the concept of coming back to life after death.
    Etymology: "Liturgy" is derived from the Greek word "leitourgia," meaning "public service" or "the work of the people," from "leitos" (public) and "ergon" (work).
    Definition: Liturgy refers to the prescribed form of public worship or religious service, especially in Christian traditions.
    Etymology: "Sacrament" comes from the Latin word "sacramentum," meaning "a solemn oath" or "a sacred rite," possibly derived from "sacrare" (to consecrate).
    Definition: A sacrament is a religious ceremony or ritual regarded as outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, particularly in Christianity.
    Etymology: "Doctrine" is derived from the Latin word "doctrina," meaning "teaching" or "instruction," from "doctor" (teacher).
    Definition: Doctrine refers to a set of beliefs or principles taught and maintained by a religious, political, or philosophical group.
    Etymology: "Catechism" is derived from the Greek word "katekhizein," meaning "to instruct orally," and the suffix "-ism," indicating a system, belief, or practice.
    Definition: A catechism is a summary of religious doctrine often in the form of questions and answers, used for instruction, especially in preparation for confirmation or baptism.
    Etymology: "Epiphany" is derived from the Greek word "epiphaneia," meaning "manifestation" or "appearance," from "epi" (upon) and "phainein" (to show).
    Definition: Epiphany refers to the Christian feast day commemorating the revelation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, represented by the visit of the Magi, or more broadly, a sudden realization or insight.
    Etymology: "Redemption" is derived from the Latin word "redemptio," meaning "a buying back" or "ransom," from "redimere" (to buy back).
    Definition: Redemption refers to the act of saving or delivering from sin, evil, or suffering, particularly in Christian theology through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

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    In a time shrouded in the mists of myth, where mortals and gods walked hand in hand, bloomed Persephone, daughter of Demeter, the goddess of harvest. Her laughter echoed through sun-drenched fields, her smile brighter than the noonday sun. Amongst meadows bursting with life, she danced with nymphs, her beauty rivaling the blooming flora.
    One day, as Persephone wove a crown of wildflowers, the earth split open. From the abyss, emerged Hades, the somber god of the underworld. His chariot, drawn by ebony steeds, cast an unsettling shadow on the vibrant landscape. Before Persephone could scream, Hades, captivated by her beauty, swept her into his chariot and vanished into the depths of the earth.
    Demeter, sensing a terrible loss, searched high and low for her daughter. The once fertile fields withered under her grief, crops failing, and a chill settling upon the land. Helios, the sun god, witnessed the descent but dared not defy Hades. Days bled into weeks, then months, Demeter's cries unanswered. In her despair, she neglected her divine duty, plunging the world into a desolate winter.
    On Mount Olympus, the other gods trembled under Demeter's wrath. The world, deprived of life-giving harvests, teetered on the brink of chaos. Zeus, the king of gods, intervened. He dispatched Hermes, the swift messenger, to the underworld, demanding Persephone's return.
    Hades, however, presented a cunning challenge. Unknown to Persephone, he had tricked her into eating a pomegranate seed, the fruit of the underworld, binding her to his realm. A compromise was struck – Persephone would spend six months with Hades, the underworld blooming in her presence, and six months with Demeter, bringing life back to the earthly plane.
    And so, the cycle began. Spring bloomed with Persephone's return, summer thrived in her joyful presence. But as autumn painted the leaves, a melancholic yearning settled within her. With each descent, a single pomegranate seed lingered in her stomach, a bittersweet reminder of her dual life.

  • Thank you Madeline, for the sweet and amazing voice message. I want to entertain these more often. Thank you for helping me feel seen, truly.

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    Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92

    Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728

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    My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/rhetoricrevolution

    Send me a voice message!: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liam-connerly

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    Email: ⁠[email protected]⁠

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connerlyliam/

    Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92

    Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728

  • My links:

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    My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/rhetoricrevolution

    Send me a voice message!: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liam-connerly

    TikTok: ⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@mrconnerly?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc⁠

    Email: ⁠[email protected]⁠

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connerlyliam/

    Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92

    Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728

  • My links:

    My patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103280827

    My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/rhetoricrevolution

    Send me a voice message!: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liam-connerly

    TikTok: ⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@mrconnerly?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc⁠

    Email: ⁠[email protected]⁠

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connerlyliam/

    Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92

    Gut Guardian Discount Code: LIAM64728