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    1 寂寞 , Jìmò , lonely
    2 待在台灣 , dài zài táiwān , stay in Taiwan
    3 外向 , wàixiàng , Outgoing
    4 活潑 , huópō , Lively
    5 交不到朋友 , jiāo bù dào péngyǒu , Can't make friends
    6 鄉村 , xiāngcūn , rural
    7 以家庭為重 , yǐ jiātíng wéizhòng , Family first
    8 沿海城市 , yánhǎi chéngshì , Coastal cities
    9 老弱婦孺 , lǎo ruò fùrú , old, weak, women and children
    10 生活重心 , shēnghuó zhòngxīn , the center of life
    11 管孩子的功課 , guǎn háizi de gōngkè , Manage children’s homework
    12 成績進步 , chéngjī jìnbù , school grades improved
    13 一般來說 , yībān lái shuō , Generally speaking
    14 就算..也 , jiùsuàn.. Yě , Even if...
    15 交通費 , jiāotōng fèi , transportation expenses
    16 住宿費 , zhùsù fèi , Accommodation fee
    17 預算 , yùsuàn , Budget
    18 把房貸付清 , bǎ fángdài fù qīng , Pay off the mortgage
    19 保障 , bǎozhàng , secure
    20 負擔不起 , fùdān bù qǐ , Can not afford
    21 寧願…也 , nìngyuàn…yě , Rather…
    22 培養興趣 , péiyǎng xìngqù , cultivate interest
    23 失敗 , shībài , fail
    24 根本沒有機會 , gēnběn méiyǒu jīhuì , No chance at all
    25 面對面 , miànduìmiàn , face to face
    26 讀書會 , dúshū huì , book club
    27 閱讀 , yuèdú , read
    28 個性不合 , gèxìng bùhé , Personality incompatibility
    29 封閉 , fēngbì , isolated
    30 接近大自然 , jiējìn dà zìrán , Close to nature
    31 組織 , zǔzhī , organization
    32 憂鬱 , yōuyù , melancholy
    33 悲傷 , bēishāng , sad
    34 被困住 , bèi kùn zhù , trapped
    35 熟悉的地方 , shúxī dì dìfāng , familiar place
    36 恢復 , huīfù , to recover
    37 自動推薦 , zìdòng tuījiàn , Automatic recommendation
    38 創辦人 , chuàngbàn rén , founder
    39 興奮 , xīngfèn , excited
    40 同時 , tóngshí , at the same time
    41 成立 , chénglì , established
    42 組織 , zǔzhī , organization
    43 社團 , shètuán , Societies, clubs
    44 人生地不熟 , rénshēng dì bù shú , Unfamiliar place

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    生詞 vocabulary
    1 . 眼光 , Yǎnguāng , a taste of selecting good things
    2 . 互動 , hùdòng , interaction
    3 . 培養閱讀習慣 , péiyǎng , develop reading habits
    4 . 滿牆的書 , mǎn qiáng de shū , wall full of books
    5 . 這一幕 , zhè yīmù , This scene
    6 . 親密的時光 , qīnmì de shíguāng , intimate time
    7 . 被愛的感覺 , bèi ài de gǎnjué , feeling of being loved
    8 . 聽眾的回饋 , tīngzhòng de huíkuì , audience feedback
    9 . 上健身房 , shàng jiànshēnfáng , Go to the gym
    10 . 精神不好 , jīngshén , tired
    11 . 困難 , kùnnán , difficulty
    12 . 心情轉換一下 , xīnqíng zhuǎnhuàn yīxià , change your mood
    13 . 民營健身房 , mínyíng jiànshēnfáng , Private gym
    14 . 會員制 , huìyuán zhì , membership
    15 . 器材 , qìcái , equipment
    16 . 設備 , shèbèi , facilities
    17 . 爭取客戶 , zhēngqǔ kèhù , win customers
    18 . 重視客戶感受 , zhòngshì kèhù gǎnshòu , Pay attention to customer feelings
    19 . 業務專員 , yèwù zhuānyuán , sales person
    20 . 積極 , jījí , aggressive
    21 . 專業化 , zhuānyè huà , specialization
    22 . 有效率 , yǒu xiàolǜ , Efficient
    23 . 運動量 , yùndòngliàng , amount of exercise
    24 . 比例 , bǐlì , Proportion
    25 . 海報 , hǎibào , poster
    26 . 肌肉 , jīròu , muscle
    27 . 印象 , yìnxiàng , impression
    28 . 鍛鍊肌肉 , duànliàn jīròu , build muscle
    29 . 重量訓練 , zhòngliàng xùnliàn , weight training
    30 . 舉重 , jǔzhòng , weightlifting
    31 . 啞鈴 , yǎlíng , dumbbel
    32 . 壺鈴 , hú líng , kettlebell
    33 . 金剛芭比 , jīngāng bābǐ , King Kong Barbie(Pretty girl with toned muscles)
    34 . 飲食方式 , yǐnshí fāngshì , diet
    35 . 專業知識 , zhuānyè zhīshì , expertise
    36 . 心肺運動 , xīnfèi yùndòng , cardiorespiratory exercise
    37 . 伸展 , shēnzhǎn , stretch
    38 . 拉筋 , lā jīn , stretch
    39 . 遙控器 , yáokòng qì , remote control
    40 . 肌耐力 , jī nàilì , muscular endurance

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    生詞 vocabulary
    1     空調       (,) Kòngtiáo     (,) air conditioner
    2     冬暖夏涼       (,) dōng nuǎn xià liáng (,) Warm in winter and cool in summer
    3     布告欄   (,) bùgào lán    (,) bulletin board
    4     答案       (,) dá'àn    (,) Answer
    5     有獎徵答       (,) yǒu jiǎng zhēng dá    (,) Prize-winning answers
    6     抽獎       (,) chōujiǎng    (,) lottery
    7     鉛筆       (,) qiānbǐ   (,) pencil
    8     颱風       (,) táifēng  (,) typhoon
    9     地震       (,) dìzhèn  (,) earthquake
    10  榮譽感   (,) róngyù gǎn (,) sense of honor
    11  完成       (,) wánchéng   (,) to complete
    12  分心       (,) fēn xīn  (,) distracted
    13  專心       (,) zhuānxīn      (,) to concentrate
    14  精神不好       (,) jīngshén bù hǎo (,)be tired
    15  躺下去   (,) tǎng xiàqù   (,) lie down
    16  暖氣       (,) nuǎnqì  (,) Heater
    17  乾燥       (,) qiánzào (,) dry
    18  冰冷       (,) bīnglěng      (,) cold
    19  空間       (,) kōngjiān       (,) space
    20  身分證   (,) shēnfèn zhèng   (,) identity card
    21  居留證   (,) jūliú zhèng (,) resident permit
    22  證件       (,) zhèngjiàn    (,) Documents
    23  設計       (,) shèjì      (,) design
    24  影響別人       (,) yǐngxiǎng biérén (,) disturb others
    25  包廂       (,) bāoxiāng     (,) a private room, a booth
    26  登記       (,) dēngjì   (,) Register
    27  會議室   (,) huìyì shì      (,) meeting room
    28  申請       (,) shēnqǐng     (,) Apply
    29  討論室   (,) tǎolùn shì    (,) discussion room
    30  流口水   (,) liú kǒushuǐ   (,) Slobber
    31  置物櫃   (,) zhìwù guì   (,) locker
    32  被偷走   (,) bèi tōu zǒu  (,) stolen
    33  貼心的設計   (,) tiēxīn de shèjì     (,) Thoughtful design
    34  落地窗   (,) luòdìchuāng (,) Floor-to-ceiling windows
    35  一整排   (,) yī zhěng pái (,) a whole row
    36  躺椅       (,) tǎngyǐ   (,) lounge chair
    37  讀者       (,) dúzhě   (,) reader
    38  陳列式書櫃   (,) chénliè shì shūguì     (,) Display bookcase
    39  暢銷書   (,) chàngxiāo shū    (,) best seller
    40  校園       (,) xiàoyuán      (,) campus
    41  清醒       (,) qīngxǐng      (,) wide awake
    42  建築       (,) jiànzhú (,) architecture
    43  打烊       (,) dǎyàng (,) closing (for stores, shops)

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  • #109. 香港跨年New Year’s Eve in Hong Kong  (Level B1)

    Mandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Book lessons with this code to get more discount: huimin Email: [email protected]@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

    生詞 vocabulary
    1     時髦       ,    Shímáo ,      fashionable
    3     國際品牌       ,    guójì pǐnpái ,      International brand
    4     購物天堂       ,    gòuwù tiāntáng ,      shopping haven
    5     一口答應       ,    yīkǒu dā yīng      ,      Agree immediately
    6     行程滿滿       ,    xíngchéng mǎn mǎn ,      Full schedule
    7     維多利亞港   ,    wéi duō lì yà gǎng   ,      Victoria Harbour
    8     高樓大廈       ,    gāo lóu dàshà    ,      high-rise buildings
    9     廣東話   ,    guǎngdōng huà ,      Cantonese
    10  移交       ,    yíjiāo     ,      transfer
    12  歸還       ,    guīhuán ,      return
    13  領土       ,    lǐngtǔ    ,      territory
    14  小漁村   ,    xiǎo yúcūn   ,      small fishing village
    15  國際大城市   ,    guójì dà chéngshì   ,      international city
    16  當初       ,    dāngchū       ,      At first
    18  東方明珠       ,    dōngfāngmíngzhū    ,      Pearl of the Orient
    19  金融       ,    jīnróng ,      finance
    20  貿易       ,    màoyì   ,      trading
    21  服務業   ,    fúwù yè       ,      Service industry
    22  亞洲四小龍   ,    yàzhōu sì xiǎolóng   ,      Asian Tigers
    23  總而言之       ,    zǒng'éryánzhī    ,      all in all
    24  互相競爭       ,    hùxiāng jìngzhēng    ,      compete with each other
    25  回歸中國       ,    huíguī zhōngguó      ,      Return to China
    26  不相上下       ,    bù xiāng shàngxià     ,      About the same
    28  整體印象       ,    zhěngtǐ yìnxiàng ,      overall impression
    29  慚愧       ,    cánkuì   ,      Ashamed
    30  動腦       ,    dòngnǎo      ,      Use your brain
    31  香港中環       ,    xiānggǎng zhōnghuán     ,      Central, Hong Kong
    32  柔軟       ,    róuruǎn ,      soft
    34  凍檸茶   ,    dòng níng chá    ,      Frozen lemon tea
    35  蒸籠       ,    zhēnglóng   ,      bamboo steamer
    36  不夜城   ,    búyèchéng ,      The city that never sleeps
    39  文化交雜               wénhuà jiāo zá, hybrid
    40  物價               wù jià           living cost
    41  營運時間               yíngyùn shíjiān          Operating hours
    42  大眾交通系統               dàzhòng jiāotōng xìtǒng       mass transportation system
    43  八達通卡               bādátōng kǎ        Octopus card
    45  離島               lídǎo              outlying islands
    46  天星小輪               tiānxīng xiǎo lún        Star Ferry
    47  往返               wǎngfǎn               round trip
    48  歷史悠久               lìshǐ yōujiǔ           historical
    49  叮叮車           dīng dīng chē             ding ding car
    50  雙層巴士               shuāng céng bāshì            double decker bus
    52  包車               bāo chē        Charter a car
    53  重新               chóngxīn             again
    54  懷舊               huáijiù          nostalgia
    55  山頂纜車               shāndǐng lǎnchē        Peak Tram
    56  豪宅               háozhái        mansion
    57  山徑步道               shān jìng bùdào        Mountain trails
    58  一覽無遺               yīlǎn wúyí            A bird's eye view, get everything at a glance
    59  港式椰子雞           gǎng shì yē zǐ jī          Hong Kong Style Coconut Chicken

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    生詞 vocabulary
    1     婚姻       ,   Hūnyīn  ,   marriage     
    2     辦活動   ,   bàn huódòng     ,   organize activities    
    3     聯誼活動       ,   liányì huódòng ,   single people social activities  
    4     單身       ,   dānshēn ,   single   
    5     室內活動       ,   shìnèi huódòng ,   indoor activities
    6     主辦人   ,   zhǔbàn rén  ,   organiser     
    7     聯絡方式       ,   liánluò fāngshì   ,   contact method
    8     個性       ,   gèxìng  ,   personality 
    9     善良       ,   shànliáng    ,   Kind      
    11 價值觀     ,   jiàzhíguān   ,   values   
    11  男尊女卑       ,   nánzūnnǚbēi       ,   Men are superior to women
    12. 傳宗接代, Chuánzōngjiēdài, carry on the family line
    12  地位       ,   dìwèi     ,   status    
    13  媽寶       ,   mā bǎo ,   Mom's boy 
    14  分配家事       ,   fēnpèi jiāshì ,   Assign household chores  
    15  亂放       ,   luàn fàng     ,   Put everywhere 
    16  亂丟       ,   luàn diū ,   throw everywhere    
    17  管   ,   guǎn     ,   take care of, take control of
    18  重視       ,   zhòngshì     ,   to value, to pay attention to   
    19  共同的興趣   ,   gòngtóng de xìngqù ,   common interests      
    20  自私       ,   zìsī ,   Selfish  
    21  傷害       ,   shānghài      ,   harm     
    22  風險       ,   fēngxiǎn       ,   risk
    23  避免       ,   bìmiǎn  ,   avoid    
    24  承諾       ,   chéngnuò    ,   a commitment, a promise
    25  羨慕       ,   xiànmù ,   envy      
    26  條件       ,   tiáojiàn ,   condition     
    27  包容       ,   bāoróng       ,   tolerate
    28  一切       ,   yīqiè      ,   everything  
    29  更新       ,   gēngxīn ,   renew   
    30  理解自己       ,   lǐjiě zìjǐ  ,   understand yourself
    31  溝通       ,   gōutōng       ,   communicate    

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  • Mandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Book lessons with this code to get more discount: huimin Email: [email protected]@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

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    生詞 vocabulary
    1     天堂       ,   Tiāntáng      ,   paradise      
    2     迫不及待       ,   pòbùjídài    ,   Can't wait    
    3     等不及   ,   děng bùjí     ,   can't wait     
    4     印尼巴里島   ,   Yìnní bālǐ dǎo   ,   Indonesia, Bali   
    5     面積       ,   miànjī   ,   area       
           平方公尺       ,   píngfāng gōngchǐ    ,   meter square  
    6     悠閒       ,   yōuxián ,   laid back      
    7     伊斯蘭教       ,   yīsīlán jiào   ,   Islam     
    8     印度教   ,   yìndùjiào     ,   hinduism     
    9     天空       ,   tiānkōng      ,   Sky
    10  熱帶氣候       ,   rèdài qìhòu ,   tropical climate 
    11  乾季       ,   qiánjì    ,   dry season   
    12  隔年       ,   génián  ,   Next year     
    13  尷尬       ,   gāngà   ,   Awkward     
    14  涼爽       ,   liángshuǎng ,   cool       
    15  住宿       ,   zhùsù    ,   accomodation    
    16  旅遊旺季       ,   lǚyóu wàngjì       ,   Tourist season   
    17  相對來說       ,   xiāngduì lái shuō      ,   Relatively speaking      
    18  當地人   ,   dāngdì ,   local people
    19  衝浪       ,   chōnglàng   ,   surf
    20  靈修聖地       ,   líng xiū shèngdì ,   spiritual place    
    21  培養靈性       ,   péiyǎng língxìng ,   Cultivate spirituality  
    22  瑜伽課   ,   yújiā kè ,   yoga class    
    23  稻田       ,   dàotián ,   paddy   
    24  梯田       ,   tītián     ,   Terraces rice field     
    25  瀑布       ,   pùbù     ,   waterfall      
    26  烹飪課   ,   pēngrèn kè  ,   cooking class      
    27  體驗文化       ,   tǐyàn wénhuà     ,   experience the culture 
    28  取消       ,   qǔxiāo  ,   Cancel  
    29  景色優美       ,   jǐngsè yōuměi    ,   beautiful scenery
    30  頭燈       ,   tóu dēng      ,   headlamp    
    31  淺   ,   qiǎn       ,   shallow 
    32  心得       ,   xīndé    ,   Experience  
    33  包車       ,   bāo chē ,   Charter a car       
    34  司機       ,   sījī  ,   driver   
    35  訂行程   ,   dìng xíngchéng ,   Book a trip  
    36  提供       ,   tígōng  ,   supply  
    37  窄   ,   xiá  ,   narrow 
    38  鑽來鑽去       ,   zuān lái zuān qù ,   cut in and out of traffic    
    39  歐美國家       ,   ōuměi guójiā       ,   European and American countries  
    40  澳大利亞       ,   àozhōu ,   Australia      
    41  感受       ,   gǎnshòu       ,   feel
    42  魅力       ,   mèilì     ,   charm   

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  • #104. 泰國除了榴槤以外什麼最多?

    What is the most popular thing in Thailand besides durian? (Level B2-C1)

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    生詞 vocabulary
    1     大洗牌   ,   Dà xǐ pái       ,   Big reshuffle              
    2     選舉       ,   xuǎnjǔ   ,   election        
    3     皇室       ,   huángshì     ,   royal family        
    4     心目中的地位       ,   xīnmù zhōng dì dìwèi    ,       status in mind            
    5     權力       ,   quánlì   ,   that power          
    6     總統       ,   zǒngtǒng     ,   President             
    7     尊重       ,   zūnzhòng    ,   respect         
    8     媒體       ,   méitǐ     ,   media           
    9     眼界       ,   yǎnjiè    ,   Vision           
    10  接觸       ,   jiēchù    ,   touch            
    11  交通管制       ,   jiāotōng guǎnzhì ,   Traffic control           
    12  封閉       ,   fēngbì   ,   closed           
    13  太誇張了!     ,   tài kuāzhāngle! ,   over the top, outrageously overdone          
    14  整個社會       ,   Zhěnggè shèhuì ,   whole society            
    15  自給自足       ,   zì jǐ zìzú ,   self-sufficient             
    16  進行計畫       ,   jìnxíng jì huà      ,   proceed with the plans             
    17  利潤       ,   lìrùn      ,   profit            
    18  密切       ,   mìqiè    ,   close             
    19  合作關係       ,   hézuò guānxì     ,   partnership        
    20  特權       ,   tèquán ,   privilege              
    21  允許       ,   yǔnxǔ    ,   permission          
    22  貪汙       ,   tānwū    ,   corruption          
    23  法醫驗屍       ,   fǎyī yànshī   ,   forensic autopsy       
    24  火化       ,   huǒhuà ,   cremation           
    25  湮滅證據       ,   yānmiè zhèngjù ,   Annihilation evidence              
    26  推翻       ,   tuīfān    ,   overthrow           
    27  被抓去關       ,   bèi zhuā qù guān     ,   Arrested and imprisoned
    28  軍政府   ,   jūn zhèngfǔ ,   military junta              
    29  軍隊       ,   jūnduì   ,   army             
    30  人民       ,   rénmín ,   people         
    31  總理       ,   zǒnglǐ    ,   Prime Minister           
    32  國會       ,   guóhuì ,   congress              
    33  政變       ,   zhèngbiàn   ,   coup             
    34  民主黨   ,   mínzhǔ dǎng      ,   Democratic Party             
    35  為泰黨   ,   wèi tài dǎng ,   Pheu Thai Party         
    36  前進黨   ,   qiánjìn dǎng ,   Kadima Party             
    37  共同點   ,   gòngtóng diǎn  ,   common ground             
    38  批評       ,   pīpíng  ,   criticize        1
    39  定義模糊       ,   dìngyì móhú      ,   vague definition        
    40  無限上綱       ,   wúxiàn shàng gāng  ,   Infinite outline         
    41  按照比例       ,   ànzhào bǐlì  ,   According to the proportion          
    42  判刑       ,   pànxíng ,   Sentence, given a punishment             
    43  限制人民言論自由       ,   xiànzhì rénmín yánlùn zìyóu       ,   Restrict people's freedom of speech          
    44  同志婚姻合法化   ,   tóngzhì hūnyīn héfǎ huà ,   Gay marriage legalization              
    45  當兵       ,   dāng bīng    ,   serve in the army              
    46  欺負       ,   (qīfù)     ,   Bully             
    47  人權       ,   rénquán       ,   human rights             
    48  軍訓課   ,   jūnxùn kè     ,   Military training class             
    49  維持傳統       ,   wéichí chuántǒng     ,   maintain tradition              
    50  繳稅       ,   jiǎo shuì ,   pay taxes             
    51  平等       ,   píngděng    ,   equality       
    52  席位       ,   xíwèi     ,   seats             

    53  候選人   ,   hòuxuǎn rén       ,   candidate   

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    生詞 vocabulary
    1   前一陣子  Qián yī zhènzi  ,    A while ago
    2     牙齒 yáchǐ ,    teeth
    3     醫保卡(中國)    yībǎo kǎ (zhōngguó) ,    Medical Insurance Card (China)
    4     健保卡(台灣)    jiànbǎo kǎ (táiwān)   ,    Health Insurance Card (Taiwan)
    5     鑽牙 zuān yá   ,    Drilling teeth
    6     預約 yùyuē      ,    reserve
    7     有效 yǒuxiào    ,    efficient
    8     嚴重 yánzhòng ,    serious
    9     診所 zhěnsuǒ   ,    Clinic
    10   櫃台 guìtái ,    counter
    11   服務人員  fúwù rényuán   ,    service personnel
    12   初診單     chūzhěn dān    ,    First consultation sheet
    13   基本資料  jīběn zīliào ,    basic information
    14   拍X光     pāi X guāng     ,    Take X-ray
    15   防止輻射  fángzhǐ fúshè   ,    protect against radiation
    16   360度     360 dù     ,    360 degrees
    17   處理 chǔlǐ ,    deal with
    18   機器 jīqì  ,    machine
    19   一清二楚  yī qīng'èr chǔ   ,    clear as day
    20   牙周病     yá zhōu bìng    ,    periodontal disease
    21   蛀牙 zhùyá       ,    Tooth decay
    22   刷牙 shuāyá    ,    brush teeth
    23   用牙線     yòng yá xiàn     ,    floss
    24   清乾淨     qīng qiánjìng    ,    clean it up
    25   打麻醉     dǎ mázuì ,    Anesthesia
    26   鑽牙機     zuān yá jī ,    dental drill
    27   痠痛 suāntòng ,    sore
    28   把嘴巴張開      bǎ zuǐbā zhāng kāi   ,    open your mouth
    29   舉手 jǔ shǒu    ,    Raise your hand
    30   表情 biǎoqíng  ,    expression
    31   呼吸 hūxī ,    breathe
    32   口水 kǒushuǐ    ,    saliva
    33   助理 zhùlǐ ,    assistant
    34   吸口水     xīkǒushuǐ ,    suck saliva
    35   流出來     liú chūlái  ,    flow out
    36   被口水噎到      bèi kǒu shuǐ yē dào  ,    Choked on saliva
    37   拔牙 báyá ,    extract a tooth
    38   傷口 shāngkǒu ,    Wound
    39   沒有胃口  méiyǒu wèikǒu ,    No appetite
    40   體重減輕  tǐzhòng jiǎnqīng ,    weight loss

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  • Mandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Book lessons with this code to get more discount: huimin Email: [email protected]@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

    生詞 vocabulary
    1     克服       Kèfú      (overcome)
    2     恐懼       kǒngjù  (fear)
    3     困難       kùnnán (difficulty)
    4     換氣       huàn qì (take a breath)
    5     前進       qiánjìn  (move forward)
    6     仰式       yǎng shì (backstroke)
    7     挫折       cuòzhé (frustration/frustrated)
    8     資源豐富       zīyuán fēngfù      (Abundant resources)
    9     烤箱       kǎoxiāng      (sauna)
    10  對…很講究    duì…hěn jiǎngjiù (very particular about)
    11  公尺       gōng chǐ (meter)
    12  公立游泳池   gōnglì yóuyǒngchí    (public swimming pool)
    13  公分       gōngfēn (cm)
    14  深   shēn      (deep)
    15  淺   qiǎn (shallow)
    16  下巴       xiàbā     (jaw)
    17  離水面很近   lí shuǐmiàn hěn jìn      (close to the water)
    18  嗆到水   qiāng dào shuǐ    (choked on water)
    19  專心呼吸       zhuānxīn hūxī      (Concentrate on breathing)
    20  循環游泳       xúnhuán yóuyǒng      (cycle swimming)
    21  水道的寬度   shuǐdào de kuāndù   (channel width)
    22  兩倍       liǎng bèi (double)
    23  想像       xiǎngxiàng   (imagine)
    24  峇里島   bā lǐ dǎo (Bali Island)
    25  頭抬起來       tóu tái qǐlái  (head up)
    26  天空       tiānkōng       (Sky)
    27  值回票價       zhí huí piào jià  (worth the fare)
    28  開放式空間   kāifàng shì kōngjiān (open space)
    29  空氣流通       kōngqì liútōng   (air circulation)
    30  永遠不會結束       yǒngyuǎn bù huì jiéshù  (never ends)
    31  四分之三       sì fēn zhī sān (three quarters)
    32  超過       chāoguò       (Exceed)
    33  人生的最高峰       rénshēng de zuì gāofēng (the highest peak of life)
    34  收穫       shōuhuò       (reward)
    35  過程       guòchéng    (process)
    36  蛙式       wā shì    (frog)
    37  懷疑       huáiyí    (Suspect)
    38  一模一樣       yīmúyīyàng  (exactly the same)
    39  撞牆期   zhuàngqiáng qī  (Hitting the wall)
    40  嚴厲       yánlì      (harsh)
    41  責怪       zéguài   (to blame)
    42  並沒有減少   bìng méiyǒu jiǎnshǎo (did not decrease)
    43  持續努力       chíxù nǔlì      (keep working hard)
    44  進展       jìnzhǎn  (progress)
    45  韻律呼吸       (yùnlǜ hūxī)  (rhythmic breathing)
    46  白費       báifèi     (in vain)

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    あかね老師(茜先生)的網站: https://akanesenseijp.com/
    Akane-JapaneseClass YT:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh-GhnQ7qDQmS6Bz3pGc1Mw

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    あかね老師(茜先生)的網站: https://akanesenseijp.com/
    Akane-JapaneseClass YT:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh-GhnQ7qDQmS6Bz3pGc1Mw

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    生詞 shēng cí
    1     解除規定       Jiěchú guīdìng   (Lift of regulations)
    2     新冠肺炎       xīnguān fèiyán    (COVID-19 )
    3     行人地獄       xíngrén dìyù (Pedestrian hell (referring to chaotic pedestrian traffic))
    4     日常生活       rìcháng shēng huó    (Daily life)
    6     過馬路   guò mǎlù     (Crossing the road)
    7     短期旅行       duǎnqí lǚxíng     (Short-term travel)
    8     特地       tèdì (Specifically)
    9     行人       xíngrén (Pedestrian)
    11  遵守交通規則       zūnshǒu jiāotōng guīzé    (Obeying traffic rules)
    12  數一數二       shǔyīshǔ'èr  (One of the best)
    13  機車的密度   jīchē de mìdù      (Density of motorcycles)
    14  超速       chāosù  (Speeding)
    16  來不及煞車   láibují shāchē      (too late to brake)
    19  閃躲       shǎnduǒ (Dodge)
    20  發生意外       fāshēng yìwài      (Accidents happen)
    21  人行道   rénxíngdào  (Sidewalk)
    22  車道       chēdào (Lane for cars)
    23  速度       sùdù      (Speed)
    24  超過       chāoguò       (Overtake)
    25  靠得太近       kào dé tài jìn      (getting too close)
    26  撞到       zhuàng dào (Crash into)
    27  距離       jùlí  (Distance)
    28  被迫       bèi pò   (Be forced to)
    29  設計道路       shèjì dàolù  (Designing roads)
    30  禮讓行人       lǐràng xíngrén     (Yield to pedestrians)
    32  停下來   tíng xiàlái     (Stop)
    33  趕快       gǎnkuài (Quickly)
    34  紅綠燈   hónglǜdēng (Traffic lights)
    35  錯開       cuòkāi   (Avoid)
    36  停在路中間   tíng zài lù zhōngjiān  (Stop in the middle of the road)
    37  騎樓       qílóu      ( shelter of a building)
    38  店面       diànmiàn      (Shopfront)
    39  停滿摩托車   tíng mǎn mótuō chē  (Full of parked motorcycles)
    40  住家大樓       zhùjiā dàlóu (Residential building)
    41  堆在騎樓       duī zài qílóu (Piled up in shelter of a building)
    42  閃來閃去       shǎn lái shǎn qù  (Flashing back and forth)
    43  登上媒體       dēng shàng méitǐ       (be on the media )
    44  開罰單   kāi fádān       (Issue fines)
    45  根本的問題   gēnběn de wèntí (Fundamental problem)
    46  專用道   zhuānyòng dào  (Exclusive lane)
    47  減少       jiǎnshǎo (Reduce)
    48  寧可選擇       nìngkě xuǎnzé    (Rather choose)
    49  按喇叭   àn lǎbā  (Honk)
    50  行人最大       xíngrén zuìdà      (Pedestrians have the greatest rights)
    51 脆弱 cuìruò (vulnerable)   

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    生詞 vocabulary
    1     水上活動       ,      shuǐshàng huódòng  ,      Water Activities      
    2     學不會   ,      xué bù huì ,      Can't learn   
    3     尤其是   ,      yóuqí shì     ,      especially     
    4     沉到水裡面   ,      chén dào shuǐ lǐmiàn ,      sink into the water    
    5     呼吸       ,      hūxī ,      breathe
    6     報名       ,      bàomíng      ,      Sign up 
    7     情況       ,      qíngkuàng   ,      situations     
    8     利用       ,      lìyòng    ,      make use of       
    9     暑假       ,      shǔjià    ,      summer vacation       
    10  體育課   ,      tǐyù kè  ,      physical education    
    11  公尺       ,      gōng chǐ ,      meter    
    12  閉氣       ,      bìqì ,      Hold your breath
    13  可惜       ,      kěxí ,      pity
    14  不敢       ,      bù gǎn  ,      dare not
    15  救自己   ,      jiù zìjǐ     ,      save yourself       
    16  運動中心       ,      yùndòng zhōngxīn    ,      Sportscenter
    17  配合       ,      pèihé    ,      to accommodate
    18  ..以外     ,      .. yǐwài   ,      ..outside
    19  堅持       ,      jiānchí   ,      persist in      
    20  浪費       ,      làngfèi  ,      waste    
    21  早起       ,      zǎoqǐ     ,      get up early 
    22  動力       ,      dònglì   ,      motivation   
    23  進行       ,      jìnxíng   ,      proceed
    24  月卡       ,      yuè kǎ   ,      monthly card      
    25  更衣室   ,      gēngyī shì    ,      changing room  
    26  泳衣       ,      yǒngyī   ,      swimsuit       
    27  教練       ,      jiàoliàn  ,      coach    
    28  暖身操   ,      nuǎn shēn cāo     ,      warm up exercise      
    29  下水       ,      xiàshuǐ  ,      launch, going to the water      
    30  一年四季       ,      yī nián sìjì     ,      all year round     
    31  剛剛好   ,      gānggāng hǎo    ,      Just right      
    32  比基尼   ,      bǐjīní      ,      bikini     
    33  兩件式   ,      liǎng jiàn shì ,      two-piece    
    34  泳褲       ,      yǒng kù ,      Swimming pants
    35  三角泳褲       ,      sānjiǎo yǒng kù   ,      swimming briefs
    36  動作       ,      dòngzuò      ,      action   
    37  初學者   ,      chūxué zhě ,      beginner      
    38  害怕       ,      hàipà     ,      be afraid of  
    39  放輕鬆   ,      fàng qīngsōng    ,      take it easy  
    40  沉下去   ,      chén xiàqù   ,      sinking  
    41  從鼻子進去   ,      cóng bízi jìnqù    ,      go in through the nose      
    42  一步一步地   ,      yībù yībù de      ,      step by step
    43  不管怎麼樣   ,      bùguǎn zěnme yàng ,      no matter what    

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