
  • Over 100 million people in the U.S. have some formof liver disease. 4.5 million U.S. adults (1.8%) have been diagnosed with liverdisease. However, it is estimated that 80-100 million adults in the U.S. havefatty liver disease, and many are unaware that they have it, according to theAmerican Liver Foundation.

    Dr. Garrett Smith is a Licensed NaturopathicMedical Doctor (NMD) in Arizona and is known as the Nutrition Detective. He isthe world's leading expert on vitamin A toxicity and detoxification, as well asthe health paradigm-shifting Toxic Bile Theory. Dr. Smith specializes inapplying science, logic, and practical approaches to topics like detoxificationand nutrition, while making challenging concepts understandable for thelayperson. He hosts the weekly Love Your Liver Livestream on YouTube and is thecreator of the do-it-yourself health recovery Love Your Liver program.

    As a child, Dr. Smith was interested in healthtopics early on. He started lifting weights at home at age 11, which led him toan interest in nutrition. Over the years, he has explored nearly all majorhealth and disease approaches such as candida, toxic metals, carnivore,vegetarian, functional medicine, herbs, orthomolecular supplements, homeopathy,and more. Dr. Smith has taken what was valuable from each of those approachesand left the rest behind. He has personally experienced negative health effectsfrom many of those approaches. Now, through the Toxic Bile Theory, he is ableto explain to people why certain things made them feel better, why certainthings made them feel worse, and what they should do now. He has personallyaddressed his own health issues, such as psoriasis, prostate, urinary issues,and chronic insomnia, and aims to help others figure out the root causes oftheir health issues and find solutions to overcome them.

    For more information:https://nutritiondetective.com/

    Discover more:https://members.nutritiondetective.com/

    X: @NutriDetect

    YouTube: @NutritionDetective

  • Let's have a conversation aboutattention and what businesses are willing to do to keep consumers walkingthrough the door. Nearly 80% of American consumers saythat speed, convenience, knowledgeable help, and friendly service are the mostimportant elements of a positive customer experience. Therefore, according toPricewaterhouseCoopers, prioritizing technologies that provide these benefitsrather than adopting new technologies just to be cutting-edge is preferred.

    A McKinsey study found that “60%of consumers say they'll become repeat customers after a personalized shoppingexperience.”

    These revelations shouldn't come as a surprise toDavid Avrin. He's a popular keynote speaker and consultanton Customer Experience and Strategic Brand Development. The author of 5 books,David has worked with organizations and audiences across America and 24countries worldwide. His new book RidiculouslyEasy to Do Business With A Practical Guide to Giving Customers What TheyWant--when and How They Want It. Tofuture-proof your business, you need to do more than merely offer high-qualityand excellent service. It would be best if you became Ridiculously Easy to Do Business With. This practical guide offers over two dozen categories ofpolicies and behaviors that cause “friction” (frustration) for your customersand clients. If left unaddressed, you will undoubtedly see a steady exodus ofcustomers as they seek more accommodating and aligned alternatives. Customerswill leave you for competitors if you give them a reason to.
    In the pages of thisbook, you will learn why it’s critically important for you to make itRidiculously Easy for customers or prospects.

    ¡ Have speedy access to service,answers, response, resolution, and delivery.

    ¡ Understand why speed has becomea primary driver for customer choice.

    · Try before they buy—withouthaving to give you their credit card!

    ¡ Customers can customize theirorders or choose their customer journey. They can also see the price withoutgoing through pages of online text or meeting with a sales rep.

    ¡ Remember what they are payingfor and why they chose you in the first place.

    ¡ Cancel a subscription, return anitem, or change their mind so you can keep the relationship and sell themsomething else down the road.

    ¡ Trust you, the process, andothers sharing their buying experience online.

    ¡ Sleep well at night, knowing youhave a process to future-proof your customer engagement model.

    For moreinformation: https://www.davidavrin.com/

    Follow: @therealdavidavrin

    Get the books: https://www.amazon.ca/Books-David-Avrin/s?rh=n%3A916520%2Cp_27%3ADavid+Avrin.

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  • When discussing the concept of affliction, which refers tosomething that causes pain or suffering. I invite you to consider these twoquestions: Do you often feel anxious and feel the need to constantly stayproductive? Do you feel like your life is always in motion? If your emotionalreactions heavily influence your decision-making, you are not alone. Accordingto the Cleveland Clinic, up to 11% of people in the United States experience apanic attack every year, and approximately 2% to 3% have panic disorder.

    John Graham is a 3-time USA Memory Champion, Grandmaster ofMemory, Entrepreneur, and mentor to high performers. Despite his success, hehad to overcome daily panic attacks and chronic anxiety. Conventional methodssuch as therapy, meditation, and supplements didn't work for him, so hediscovered counter-intuitive methods to release suppressed emotions and freehimself from panic and anxiety. He has showcased incredible mental feats on TVshows around the world and has been an entrepreneur since 2012, experiencingfailure with at least 5 businesses along the way. He is a proud father andhusband to three girls and emphasizes that he does not have a naturally giftedmind. He read a book called "Moonwalking with Einstein" in 2014,which sparked his journey of learning mental techniques and competing globally.He helps high achievers release their panic attacks and chronic anxiety atreleasepanic.com/free.

    For more information, visit https://releasepanic.com/.

    Get the guide for free at https://releasepanic.com/free andfollow him on Instagram at @memoryjohng.

  • How confident are you in making strategic decisions for yourbusiness? If you're leading a team, how confident are your team members in yourleadership style?

    According to a 2023 Gallup study, certain factors hinder thesuccessful execution of business strategies:

    1. Vague organizational goals and purpose: Only 41% of U.S.employees know what their organization stands for.

    2. Ineffective business decision-making: Only 14% ofmanagers believe that the speed of decision-making within the organization issufficient.

    3. Unclear vision and direction: Just 22% of employees feelconfident that their leaders have a clear direction for the organization.

    4. Insufficient communication: Only 13% of U.S. employeesstrongly believe that their leaders communicate effectively with the rest ofthe organization.

    Richard Walsh, CEO of Sharpen the Spear Coaching, is a30-year seasoned entrepreneur. He is the best-selling author of "Escapethe Owner Prison, the contractor's new way to scale, regain control, andfast-track growth while loving life."

    He is also a speaker and podcast host, as well as a husbandand father of six children, a US Marine, champion boxer, black belt holder, andan internationally recognized steel sculptor.

    Richard specializes in combining both strategic and tacticalexpertise, delivering immediate problem-solving results (tactical), along withstrategic, long-term implementation of systemization and scalability. Embracingtime compression after over 30 years in business, he shares secrets andstrategies that bring rapid and lasting results to the companies he works with.

    For more information, visithttps://sharpenthespearcoaching.com/.

    To get the book, visithttps://www.amazon.ca/Escape-Owner-Prison-Contractors-control/dp/1089318901.

  • Let's discuss the importance of strategic sustainability inmaintaining the viability of your personal brand. Personalization, whichinvolves creating a unique and tailored experience for each customer, is nolonger a luxury but a necessity in highly competitive markets. Today’scustomers expect a personalized experience when interacting with a brand, with71% expecting it every time and 76% expressing frustration when they don’t getit, according to McKinsey. Meanwhile, the Royal Bank reports that 65% of businessowners and aspiring entrepreneurs see ownership as the next logical stepfollowing a peak in their career, and 91% of them feel that business ownershipoffers a proactive way to strengthen their financial security and prepare forretirement. Isaac Mashman is the founder of Mashman Consulting Group, aconsulting firm specializing in personal branding and individual reputationmanagement. MCG is the evolution of his now-dissolved public relations firm,Mashman Ventures, and he has since worked with numerous authors, actors,business people, musicians, models, and other professionals to achieve resultsthrough their personal brands. Previously, Isaac hosted and launched multiplepodcasts, including "Chase the Vision with Isaac Mashman," whichended in June 2022 after surpassing 100 episodes. He is currently in theprocess of launching a new show in 2024 that will combine the niches ofbusiness, celebrity, and entertainment. Isaac published his first book,"Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence," on November1st, 2021, and is working on a second edition release expected in the Fall of2024. In January 2022, he launched two new companies, Mashman Investments andMashman Properties within one week of each other.

    For more information, visit https://www.isaacmashman.com/

    Follow: @isaacmashman

  • According to a study conducted by Gallup, 10% of thepopulation are natural leaders, and an additional 20% possess leadershiptraits. With training and guidance, they can become great leaders. It isimportant to note that this study focused on corporate leadership.

    George Hayworth resides near Nashville, Tennessee, with hiswife Whitney and their 8-year-old daughter Rhealynn. George earned a Bachelorof Arts in Political Science from the University of Oregon in 2011 and wascommissioned into the US Army as a 2nd Lieutenant to serve as a Field ArtilleryOfficer. He spent 4.5 years on active duty in the 101st Airborne Division,including a deployment to Afghanistan from 2012-2013. George has experienceleading teams ranging from 30 to 300 people in the military and reached therank of Captain before leaving active duty.

    Following his departure from the active Army in June 2016,George has been working in corporate America. He also continues to serve in theTennessee Army National Guard as an Engineer officer. George is the Founder ofElite Sentinel Coaching, where he focuses on forging leaders and buildinglegacies. His program trains men in authentic masculinity, empowering them tobecome better leaders in their professions, husbands, and fathers. Leveragingover a decade of military and corporate experience, as well as expertise inskills such as emotional intelligence and conflict resolution developed throughtherapy, he aims to transform men to lead their families well through ThePresent Father’s Podcast, which he co-hosts.

    You can find him on Instagram @george.hayworth.

    You can listen to his podcast athttps://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-present-fathers-podcast/id1666142198.

  • "The integration of hope is fueled by the promise ofopportunities. It provides us all with a vehicle of aspiration and attainment.I want to draw your attention to the number 6.5 million. It’s the estimatedtotal of people in the United States living with a developmental andintellectual disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention. It's important that these individuals live a valued, respected, andprosperous life, particularly from an employment standpoint. The OklahomaDepartment of Developmental Disabilities Services, through the Department ofHuman Services, is on a mission to help individuals with developmentaldisabilities and their families lead safer, healthier, more independent, andproductive lives.

    Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) serves individualsages 3 and up who have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities.Persons served may also have other developmental disabilities in addition tointellectual disabilities, such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, etc.Recently, they’ve placed an inclusive and increased emphasis on providingequitable, fair employment opportunities for the individuals they serve, whichwill hopefully put them on the path to full independence and dignity withinsociety as contributing members. Ryan Stewart, the department’s manager ofcommunications, met with me this week to discuss how the state of Oklahoma isleading the way and setting the example for others to follow when it comes tofully integrating individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilitieswithin the workforce and society at large.

    Email: [email protected]"

  • Childhood grief in America is often overlooked. An estimated1 in 14 children in the U.S. will lose a parent or sibling before age 18,totaling over 4 million children nationwide. Losing a parent can be incrediblydifficult and isolating, making simple gestures very important. This is asignificant problem. According to a December 2023 report by the U.S. Departmentof Housing and Urban Development, 653,104 Americans experienced homelessness ona single night in January of that year, the highest figure since HUD beganreporting on the issue to Congress in 2007.

    Hunter Burkey, born in East Fort Worth, Texas as an onlychild, experienced the divorce of his parents before he turned 6. His fatherpassed away when he was 17, and he struggled with this loss, makingself-destructive decisions. He dropped out of school, rejected footballscholarships, and found himself homeless at the age of 22, living in hisvehicle. After being invited to Austin one weekend to visit friends, he neverleft. He started as a valet in downtown Austin, couch-surfed for 9 months, andeventually got his own apartment. Four years later, he and a business partneropened their own valet company, which has since expanded from Austin toHouston, DFW, and Denver, bringing in an annual revenue of $3.2 million.

    In 2015, Hunter opened a private security company inHouston, which has also expanded to Austin, DFW, San Antonio, and Denver,generating over $2.1 million in annual revenue. He has since opened anon-profit organization, an online store, and a training academy that promotesfirearms safety and training, as well as state licensing for private security.Hunter still has many plans and is eager to share his story and businessexperiences with the world. For more information, visithttps://nxtlvlsecurity.com/.

  • As a startup business owner or founder, the most importantquestion to ask yourself is whether your business idea adds value, solves aproblem, or provides innovation to make life more efficient and effective.According to the Harvard School of Business, the odds are against startups,with two-thirds of them failing to show a positive return to their investors,leading to business collapse more often than success.

    Drs. Todd and Kim Saxton, award-winning professors atIndiana University’s Kelley School of Business and co-authors of The TitanicEffect, have provided a practical guide to help startup founders, investors,and supporters successfully navigate the challenges that often sink startups inthe early stages of development. They draw on their extensive academic andprofessional experience in business strategy, entrepreneurship, marketing,market research, and venture-funded startups to help navigate the obstaclesfaced by early-stage startups.

    The book uses the Titanic and a sailing metaphor to providea startup roadmap template, showing how startups can successfully navigatechallenges in startup investing, founding, and hiring with a game plan to getthrough the Human Ocean and a guide to customer success in working through theMarketing Ocean. It also highlights what startups need to invest in to getthrough the Technical and Strategy Oceans. The Iceberg Index providesentrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses a way to track their progress onthe startup roadmap template and helps investors assess which startups toinvest in. The book also reveals that, like many startups, the Titanic was notsunk by a single misstep but a series of mistakes, a combination of misstepscalled the Titanic Effect.

    For more information, visit https://www.titaniceffect.com/or get the book athttps://www.amazon.ca/Titanic-Effect-Successfully-Navigating-Uncertainties/dp/1642792144.For inquiries, you can email [email protected] or [email protected].

  • I want to discuss men's social responsibility to beemotionally vulnerable and how it can help them succeed professionally andpersonally. According to Zurich Insurance Group, 38 percent of men do not talkto others about their feelings, and almost three in 10 have never shown emotionor cried in front of others to maintain the appearance of manliness.

    For the past eight years, Ege Reynolds has been on ajourney to overcome hiding his social anxiety by binge-eating chocolate chipcookies and playing League of Legends. At 225 pounds, he was constantly out ofbreath, walking up to his room, continually pleasing others instead of standingup for what he believed in, and living as a victim, thinking he was destined tobe bright but chubby and socially struggling. In these past eight years, he hasbeen able to lose 65 pounds, build a body that allows him to enjoy playingbasketball and lifting weights, overcome social anxiety by speaking tostrangers he was interested in, develop meaningful friendships with men helooked up to and women he didn’t think he deserved, run a six-figure businessthat genuinely helps clients, working from countries like Colombia, Mexico,Georgia, and the Philippines. And most importantly, he has created a peaceful,abundant, aligned inner reality that makes navigating life relativelyeffortless. Ege Reynolds is a former software engineer on a mission to help menbecome the best version of themselves. Ege has coached men from companies likeGoogle, Amazon, FB, NASA, and Blizzard, with whom he has helped createmeaningful connections and step into their higher selves.

    Today, Ege Reynolds is the founder and CEO of Data-DrivenActualization, a platform that uses data-driven gamification tools to maketransformation fun, easy, and sustainable for scientifically minded men. Hiscoaching services have proven to be highly effective, as evidenced by thesuccess stories of professionals from various industries.

    He joined me this week to discuss how to be a balanced man,step into our higher self, and foster authentic relationships with others. Hisapproach uniquely infuses Buddhist principles and social science. Ege is alsointerested in discussing what it means to be a balanced man.

    Instagram: @datadrivenactualization

  • When was the last time you were willing to bet on yourselfand take the leap of believing you were enough? Are you ready to invest in theprocess of self-discovery, which will allow you to experience self-awarenessand confidence in your pursuit of life's greatest attributes?

    Michaell Magrutsche is an Austrian-Californian MultimediaArtist. He became a creativity-awareness educator through his experience-basedoutside-the-box upbringing that was forced upon him due to his neurodiversity.He is totally self-taught, an author of 5 books, a podcaster, speaker, guide,former Newport Beach CA Arts-Commissioner, and has co-produced with RobertEvans. He is fluent in German and English.

    His ability lies in being able to see hidden contexts, whichallows him to resolve paradoxes and arrive at awareness solutions inleadership, hospitality, customer service, communication, success vs.fulfillment, and any form of creativity and culture. He separates eachproblem/solution in human and system relevancy, allowing all people to becomeaware and align their needs. He believes that without creativity, there wouldbe no man-made systems, and there would be no world as we know it. He discoverspatterns within art/creativity that foster creative communication and identifyart-values outside of any art product. This perspective of looking atcreativity brings humanity together, shows its limitlessness, and raises ourhuman potential.

    He has discovered that there are three inherent humansuperpowers that we should all be aware of: 1. Creativity, 2. Healthy Dialogue,and 3. Adaptability. He believes that all systems need to be adapted to thisstrategy because without humans, there is no need for systems. Humans, livingbeings, and nature must be THE PRIORITY to keep raising OUR human potentialinstead of wasting our lifeforce with man-made systems. He hosts a 30-secondpodcast called THE SMART OF ART - The Power of Art and Creativity, where heinduces conversations about this limitless superpower.

    For more information: https://michaellm.com/

  • It's important to empower women by educating them about their finances and how it impacts their lives. According to the Bank of Montreal, 73 percent of women reported not having a written financial plan, compared to 64 percent of men. Additionally, more men have a financial advisor (42 percent) than women (37 percent), and only 17 percent of women use free digital tools compared to 25 percent of men.One woman who is working to change women’s relationship with money is Linda Grizely. She is passionate about guiding women through transformative financial journeys. As a financial planner, she observed clients facing self-imposed obstacles that hindered their financial growth. Linda's own experiences with money, growing up in a lower middle-class household and navigating diverse money narratives, led her to realize the importance of transforming one's money story.Now, through her company Mindset & Money, Linda empowers individuals to shift their money mindsets and overcome internal obstacles blocking their financial success. For more information, you can visit https://www.mindsetandmoney.com/ or connect with Linda on LinkedIn: @LindaGrizely.You can also get the special offer here: https://www.mindsetandmoney.com/pod

  • In today’s digital-first world, how we communicate with consumers haschanged.

    According to the platform, morethan 15 million entrepreneurs are on LinkedIn in the United States and theUnited Kingdom. According to Forbes, 90%of users follow at least one brand on social media. It's a powerfulillustration of the shift in consumer behavior towards more direct and engagedrelationships with brands—and a strong indication of the importance of brands'strong social media presence to establish and maintain brand loyalty. Jordan Mendoza is the Founder & CEO ofBlaze Your Own Trail Consulting, LLC, where he helps service providers growtheir business through strategic marketing, sales & leadership consulting.In April 2019, Jordan started creating content on LinkedIn and quickly realizedthe power of organic reach. By December, he had amassed 20,000 followers usingthe strategy he now teaches his clients in his 6-week program. Since 2019,Jordan's content has reached over 7 million content views, and his audience hasexpanded to 64000 plus followers & 18000 newsletter subscribers. Now afull-time trailblazer, Jordan's goal is to help over 100 business owners &companies grow their brands to increase their impact and income each year.

    Growingup with a mom who only had one lung taught me a lot about real adversity.

    Although we didn’t have much, our Mom showed uslove and taught us how to be kind & empathetic.

    I’ve had four pivotal moments in my life:

    1. Getting stung by 53 Bees in 4th grade.

    2. Being beaten and falsely arrested by police at12.

    3. Surviving a high-speed accident and getting 52staples on both legs at 19.

    4. Deciding to leave a 15-year career to be afull-time entrepreneur.

    Jordan is also an Author, Sought-after Keynote Speaker & host of theGlobally Top 1.5% ranked Podcast, Blaze Your Own Trail.

    For more information: https://www.byotpod.com/

    Follow: @byotpodcast

  • "A national survey byCleveland Clinic, published in September 2023, highlights a disconnect betweenmen’s perception of their health and their actual health habits. According tothe survey, 81% of American men believe they lead a healthy lifestyle. However,the survey results reveal that the habits and behaviors of many men tell adifferent story. Almost half of men (44%) do not get a yearly physical, 44% donot take care of their mental health, and only half of men said they keep ahealthy diet (51%). Additionally, 83% have experienced stress in the last sixmonths, and about a quarter of U.S. men (27%) watch TV for more than five hoursper day on average.

    The survey, which wasconducted earlier last year and involved a national sample of 1,000 U.S. malesaged 18 and older, was issued as part of Cleveland Clinic’s eighth annualeducational campaign, MENtion It®. The campaign aims to address the fact that menoften do not mention health issues or take steps to prevent them. Surveyfindings point to stress being a common factor among men. However, 65% of mensaid they are hesitant to seek professional help for mental health concernssuch as stress, anxiety, and depression. Social media habits may contribute tothis, with men reporting that they spend an average of 2.3 hours per dayscrolling through social media. Those who say they are hesitant to seekprofessional help for mental health issues are almost twice as likely to spendfive or more hours daily on social media (19%).

    For body transformation andonline fitness coach Danny Cavallaro, his motivation to start his programstemmed from personal struggles. He mentioned, “I started this program becauseI was unhappy and constantly stressed. I was 30 pounds overweight, uncomfortablein my own skin, and nothing I tried seemed to work. I was embarrassed about mybody and couldn't take off my shirt at public beaches without feeling insecure.It took me years of trial and error to find out what worked best for me andallowed me to sustain long-term weight loss results. So, I decided to helpothers in the same situation. I've helped over 100 busy guys lose 15-30 lbs,regain their confidence, and minimize future health risks.” He joined me thisweek to discuss how men can make their health a top priority and how it cancontribute to the overall welfare of their entire lives.

    Facebook: @DannyCavallaro

    Instagram: @dcavs4

    Listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mens-fat-loss-made-easy/id1612887067"

  • I’ve got aquestion. Have you ever paused in yourpersonal life to consider your purpose? Have you developed identifying featuresthat are transcendently tied to who you are as a person and how you want yourcharacter to be portrayed? How committedare you to deleveloping a character of meaning and significant substance. At the end of the day the adversity you facein life is your greatest competitive advantage.

    VinInfante, LMSW is a mental performance coach, speaker and Licensed Psychotherapist whose on a primarymission to help others maximize their professional and personal potential. Hesays he’s learned several tangible andpractical takeaways in the field of personal development which he wants toshare to a universal audience. He is a full-time entrepreneur and angel investor. Also, Vin is aformer FDNY firefighter who served during the C-19 pandemic. He has spent over12 years learning techniques, skills and tools to help people create lastingchange.

    Vin's professional journey has taken him through adiverse range of mental health settings. From hospitals and clinics to homelessshelters, in-patient units, and even the department of education, he has honedhis skills and knowledge in every imaginable environment.

    In his decade-plus of experience, he has beentrying to create a different and more innovative approach to working withclients by implementing his classically trained psychology knowledge of CBT/DBT(Cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy) with a moremodern approach to coaching. This hybrid form of mental health has been helpingVin create lasting change in the thousands of people he has encountered in hisprofession.

    In the past three years, Vin has dived fully intoMindset & Executive coaching, working with multiple executives and highlymotivated entrepreneurs in their own respective fields. Vin also works withcompanies/organizations to help with work culture and team building.

    Vin's expertise and contributions to the fieldhave not gone unnoticed. In 2021, he was featured in the International BusinessTimes as a top coach to follow in 2022. He has also been a guest on numerouspodcasts and is increasingly sought after as a speaker. He joined me this week to tell me more.

  • Teams thatcommunicate well are known to be more efficient, creative, and satisfied.Statistics from a Gallup study revealed that companies with highly engagedteams, fostered by effective communication, show 21% greater profitability.

    Jon Cook isan author, speaker, and investor who helps coaches, consultants, and advisorselevate their impact and income. He is the founder of Keynote Content® andAdvisor Story®, and the creator of the Neurempathy Symbiotic MessagingApproach™, the Expert Message Method™, and the Advisor Story Model™. Jon hasworked with over 1,300 different business coaches and consultants, as well asmore than 900 different speakers one-on-one across 40+ industries, helping themgain remarkable clarity with their messages.

    When Ifirst started as a writer in 2010, I thought simply sharing my story over andover would ‘automagically’ kickstart fame and fortune. Instead? *crickets* Likeyou’ve probably done, I poured myself into ‘adding value in advance’, being onevery social media platform at once, all the usual junk drawer of marketingtips and tricks. The result? *still a lot of crickets* It wasn’t until Ifocused on clarifying my message – what I was actually saying and how I wassaying it – that I started seeing results. Slowly at first, then random calls,emails, and follow-up conversations after speaking at an event. Since 2017,I’ve worked one-on-one with close to 1,300 coaches, consultants, and advisorsacross 40+ industries to help clarify their message and elevate their impact.And I have the plan and the results to show you how YOU can get the alignmentand momentum you need to reach more people with YOUR message. (This is the partwhere you’re now curious…”What’s your secret?”) He joined me this week to tellme more.

    For moreinformation: https://www.keynotecontent.com/

    Take theAssessment: https://www.keynotecontent.com/Assessment/


  • According to the Salvation Armyof Canada 25% of Canadians are concerned that their income may not besufficient to cover their basic needs. However, this percentage increases forsingle-parent households (40%), single-person households (31%), and caregivers(30%). Additionally, more than half of Canadians feel they are behind onretirement savings, according to a recent survey by tax preparation firmH&R Block Canada.

    The survey also revealed that 52% of Canadians admit to being unpreparedfor retirement due to insufficient savings. These individuals are planning towork part-time after retirement. Nathan Best, a financial advisor for EdwardJones, is not surprised by these findings. Nathan specializes in helpingcorporate professionals and business owners make wise financial decisions thatwill help them reach retirement faster.

    Nathan's unique approach is tailored towards the career journey ofdisciplined investors. He focuses on identifying primary risks, structuring aprocess, strategy, avoiding market downturns, and protecting savings. When he'snot helping clients achieve their retirement goals, he spends time with hiswife and two daughters, plays golf whenever possible, and visits differentbusinesses around town.

    For more information, please visit https://www.edwardjones.com/us-en.You can also find Nathan on LinkedIn @NathanBest, DFSA™. To get in touch withNathan, call (905) 304-4565 or email him at [email protected].

  • AI-powered data-driveninsights and predictive capabilities can significantly benefit entrepreneurs invarious ways. They can help mitigate financial, operational, and compliancerisks, identify market trends and opportunities, assess competitive threats,forecast demand, and make predictions.

    According to global researchconducted by Oracle, 85% of entrepreneurs reported experiencing decisiondistress, such as regret, guilt, or doubts regarding their decisions made inthe past year.

    This is where artificialintelligence can step in to help. Philip Blackett is an author, consultant, andentrepreneur who has previously worked with FedEx, Goldman Sachs, Bank ofAmerica, and Chick-Fil-A.

    He holds a Masters ofDivinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, an MBA fromHarvard Business School, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science andEconomics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    Philip is on a mission tohelp established entrepreneurs and small business owners with an annual revenuebetween $1 million - $10 million to achieve the dreams of their businesses. Hewants to help them through his Dream Business Makeover, designed to helpbusinesses proactively, strategically, and exponentially grow.

    His writings have beenfeatured in Business Insider, Entrepreneur magazine, Forbes, and LinkedIn. WhenPhilip is not fulfilling his purpose to grow God’s people, businesses, andkingdom, he enjoys reading, cheering on his Tar Heels, and raising his twin daughterswith his wife, Mayra.

    For more information, pleasevisit https://www.philipblackett.com/ and connect with Philip on LinkedIn@PhilipBlackett.

  • Let's discuss competitivetenacity and the discipline required to achieve success in the professionalworld. A study by Harvard Business School found that 37% of employers considerexperience the most important qualification for a job applicant, rather thaneducational attainment. Sports broadcasting is undergoing significant changesdue to new technologies and streaming media services which allow for on-demandviewing. According to Indeed, sports broadcasting is a highly competitivefield, making it more challenging to secure a position than in other sports orgeneral broadcasting fields. Therefore, it's important to obtain a relevantdegree, intern, and study the field to make an impression on a network whenapplying for positions. If you're serious about breaking into the industry,it's highly recommended to invest in media training and consulting. This iswhere my friend Carol Mayer Voronyak comes in; she's a Broadcast Media Coachand Consultant. "Do you need a trusted counselor to help you navigate andthrive in the competitive world of broadcast media? As a former 17-year ESPNexecutive turned consultant, I specialize in guiding current and aspiringtalent for career advancement." If you're ready to take your on-air careerto the next level, connect with Carol today. You can reach her via email [email protected] or on LinkedIn @CarolMayerVoronyak. Discover more athttps://making-space.com/.

  • Your ability to tell a compelling story that appeals to the mind and reason can help you make a lot of money. Having a strong personal brand is one of the best ways to ensure a sustainable future in entrepreneurship. According to LinkedIn, 52% of consumers expect offers to be personalized, while 66% expect brands to understand their needs and expectations. Additionally, 70% of U.S. consumers are more likely to buy from a personally relevant product or brand that is meaningful to them. If you're a service-based founder or solopreneur looking to grow your business, Luke Redhead can help. He is a personal branding and business coach who specializes in using LinkedIn to get leads and grow personal brands. He founded Sentry Collective to assist founders and solopreneurs in achieving their goals. Luke is not a coach who sells magical courses that promise to change your life. Instead, he works closely with those who are willing to invest in the long-term game. He helps to set up content creation strategies to grow on LinkedIn and create lead conversion opportunities to turn that traffic into leads. No awkward sales tactics, no fuss. Just humans being social and helping each other. Luke built these strategies because he hated trying to do sales the old way. Building his personal brand was the best thing he ever did, and now it's your turn. If you're interested in learning more, you can contact Luke on LinkedIn or via email. LinkedIn: @LukeRedhead Email: [email protected]