
  • Have you internalized the self-belief of working hard and still not being enough?

    If yes, you are not alone. All too often we moms suffer from negative self-talk that makes us feel incapable and unworthy. That's why in today’s episode I will talk about how we can transform our mindset into beliefs that calm our nervous system, nurture our well-being and enable us to best care for ourselves and our beloved children.

    Don’t Miss These Episode Highlights

    In our Beginning Well parenting quiz, a staggering 91% of moms surveyed said they feel inadequate when it comes to caring for their children.But how can we transform our self-limiting thoughts into beliefs and habits that work for us instead of against us, that help us to treat our child with patience and compassion and also to feel good about ourselves?

    Very often toxic negative self-talk goes back to a childhood where we might have experienced reactions and treatment that led us to believe that the way we talk, walk or behave is not enough, isn’t acceptable or blamable Because as a child it's safer to put the blame on us than on the adult caregiver that we rely on, we intelligently internalize the misconception that there is something wrong with us, that we are untrustworthy.

    Once we comprehend this untrue self image that’s deeply wired into our mind and body we can choose to think better thoughts about ourselves to acknowledge and appreciate our true being.

    To practice that, you can think of three) positive words that value yourself: For example: “I am a powerful, thoughtful and loving mother.” Repeat these words to yourself at least once a day (or more often) to reprogram your negative self-beliefs and emotions of not being good enough that holds you back, keeps you stuck and hiding.

    Advice for Moms Who Want to Overcome Self-Doubt

    I am deeply convinced that we all come here for a reason, filled with self-confidence and trust.. If we have early experiences that make us feel unworthy or like we have to change who we are, we internalize negative habits, emotions and beliefs about ourselves. This automatically leads to a lack of self-trust and self-worthiness.

    Only through growing self-awareness and conscious decision to change the way we think about ourselves, we can change our entire well-being.

    Every thought we think has a physical reaction and an emotional response. So changing our mindset is crucial for our well-being and the development of our children.

  • Before becoming a parent, honestly, how often did we look at and judge other parents and swear that we would be better?

    Today, I'm taking you behind the curtain and sharing a personal story with you to show you how my feelings of guilt and shame were sabotaging me from being a mindful mom. I share three transformative steps that helped me to go from self-limiting beliefs such as “I am not good enough” to feeling confident, calm and at peace with each interaction with my daughter.

    Don’t Miss These Episode Highlights

    What can we moms do to not only prevent ourselves from having moments of losing our cool but instead find our way out of this painful feeling of shame that not only hurts our loved ones but ours as well?

    First, we need to acknowledge our behavior and change our mindset so it's working for us instead of against us. This step is critical because without becoming self-aware we can not initiate change or control our behavior.

    Next (and this is the most important) give yourself some grace and remember that you can only give what you have and that no one is perfect. We are all learning as parents and if we expect perfection we are only seeing ourselves up for failure.

    Finally, have the courage to be different. Find YOUR own WAY, rather than trying to please everyone else.

    Advice for Moms Who Want to Overcome Self-Doubt

    The better we understand ourselves, our wounds, trigger points, judgmental reactions, and protection strategies, the better we can bolster our well being and parent mindfully. Parenting is about finding inner ease, confidence, and trustful togetherness. It's about thriving into our full potential. As parents, as well as supporting our children to do the same. You are here to enjoy parenting, not to suffer.


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/13-how-do-i-overcome-self-doubt-as-a-mom/


    Follow us on Facebook at Beginning Well: Your Parenting Guide: https://www.facebook.com/beginningwell.org


    Would you like to get free parent coaching to immediately prevent parenting stress, struggles, doubts and fears? I invite you to join me on my podcast to talk about YOUR current biggest struggles as a mom and get simple strategies to make you feel more confident in order to be the patient and balanced parent you want to be. If you want to find relief from self-limiting beliefs, transform feelings of anxiety, guilt, or shame, want to learn simple and effective ways to remove daily power struggles with your child? I'm here for you. Just send me an email at [email protected] and share your issue. We will do our best to invite you to one of our upcoming shows. Always remember you are here to enjoy parenting NOT to suffer!

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  • In today’s episode, we welcome a wonderful brave, and honest mom as a special guest, Mandi Brown, who is joining us for a free parent coaching interview.

    As moms we too often suffer from the heavy weight of mom guilt: Are we doing everything right? Do our children get what they need and not take any harm from our behavior or the decisions we make? How much am I allowed to prioritize my own needs? Is there a work deadline I’m missing? Our negative self-talk keeps running all day long.

    It’s our mom guilt that takes our energy NOT our children! Our self-limiting beliefs take away the daily joy that our children bring into our lives and we constantly try to do better instead of feeling enough!

    Mandi honestly shares with us that it only compounds when you also have a child with special needs. During this insightful coaching session, I explored with Mandi simple yet effective tools to transform our feeling of not being good enough in just a moment into self-appreciation and inner calm. Get ready to be uplifted and equipped with practical and easy strategies for supporting your precious motherhood journey, and the well-being of your child and your own.

    Jump to your favorite part of the episode

    [4:11] Mandi tells us about the mom guilt she feels balancing her career and her three children, one who has special needs.

    [5:56] Pia challenges Mandi to identify moments in her life where she is able to give herself completely into that time without the burden of motherhood or work.

    [9:09] Mandi creates 3 fundamental, self-nourishing statements, emotional anchors that help her reconnect with her inner calm even when she is about to lose her cool.

    [15:41] Mandi becomes aware about the differences between feeling physically stressed and how to easily and effortlessly release the tension in her body to feel centered again.

    [20:12] We talk about how we can change our mindset around mom guilt and how we can honor and appreciate even negative feelings of guilt as an intelligent solution to emotionally protect us.


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://www.beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/12-how-can-i-transform-my-mom-guilt/


    Follow us on Facebook at Beginning Well: Your Parenting Guide: https://www.facebook.com/beginningwell.org


    Would you like to get free parent coaching to immediately prevent parenting stress, struggles, doubts and fears? I invite you to join me on my podcast to talk about YOUR current biggest struggles as a mom and get simple strategies to make you feel more confident in order to be the patient and balanced parent you want to be. If you want to find relief from self-limiting beliefs, transform feelings of anxiety, guilt, or shame, want to learn simple and effective ways to remove daily power struggles with your child? I'm here for you. Just send me an email at [email protected] and share your issue. We will do our best to invite you to one of our upcoming shows. Always remember you are here to enjoy parenting NOT to suffer!

  • In today's episode, we have a special guest, Sarah Scott, joining us for a parenting coaching session.

    As moms, we are constantly looking for ways to support our children and guide them through the ups and downs of life. Sarah shares her experiences and seeks advice on how to best support her oldest daughter, who is entering fifth grade and facing social and self-esteem challenges. Together, we explore the importance of self-growth, understanding emotions, and creating a deep connection with our children. Join us as we discuss how to navigate the modern world and empower our daughters to face bullies, overcome rule-bound mindsets, and develop self-awareness.

    Get ready to be inspired and equipped with practical strategies for supporting your own children.

    Don't miss these episode highlights:

    [02:04] Sarah shares the biggest struggles she is currently facing with her 10 & 8-year-old daughters

    [08:41] Sarah shares a specific incident with her oldest daughter that she emotionally and socially struggled with her peers to navigate

    [11:13] I share some guidance to always first connect with ourselves as a mom, and get more aware of our own wounds, negative feelings, fears and doubts to better distinguish our own issues from those of our child/children.

    [15:57] I walk Sarah through a simple yet effective role-playing experiment to help her successfully step into her daughter's shoes and see, sense and feel the situation from her daughter's point of view.

    [22:27] Sarah asks how she can recall these techniques in the moment with her daughters.


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/11-coaching-session-with-sarah-scott/


    Would you like to get free parent coaching to immediately prevent parenting stress, struggles, doubts and fears?

    I invite you to join me on my podcast to talk about YOUR current biggest struggles as a mom and get simple strategies to make you feel more confident in order to be the patient and balanced parent you want to be. If you want to find relief from self-limiting beliefs, transform feelings of anxiety, guilt, or shame, want to learn simple and effective ways to remove daily power struggles with your child? I'm here for you. Just send me an email at [email protected] and share your issue. We will do our best to invite you to one of our upcoming shows. Always remember you are here to enjoy parenting NOT to suffer!

  • Today I'm most delighted to interview Rahima Baldwin Dancy, a renowned parenting expert, author, and educator. Rahima's extensive experience includes working as a midwife and pioneering in-home childcare programs for preschoolers and is one of the founders of Lifeways North America. With four children of her own and five grandchildren, she brings a wealth of personal experience to her work.

    Join me as Rahima shares with us how her unique approach to raising children might help you find more balance in your household.

    Don't miss these episode highlights:

    [02:26] How did Rahima get her first professional task from the spiritual world?

    [06:04] While receiving the information from the spiritual world came easily, the personal development she needed was not.

    [08:33] Who was Rudolph Steiner and how did his teachings influence the early childhood program that Rahima successfully established?

    [12:57] Rahima talks about setting up a daily rhythm to your household, one that allows each child to be included in the flow of daily activities (rather than keeping them a way from the tasks of daily life)

    [18:06] How can moms nourish themselves and replace the energy that is given to their children?

    [26:09] How can parents set boundaries that prevent discipline problems?

    [31:25] Rahima's number one advice for working moms who want to live it all.


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/10-interview-with-rahima-baldwin-dancy/


    Follow us on:

    Facebook at Beginning Well: Your Parenting Guide

    YouTube at Beginning Well


    Want to learn proven tools to avoid the daily power struggles with your child?

    If you want to go deeper, prevent your child’s “misbehavior”, and transform your own trigger points that have caused you so much pain, if you are ready for lasting change and joyful family life, sign up for your 1 on 1 Hypnotherapy Package with me. In each session I will guide you to not only release emotional stress and self-limiting beliefs but to also feel more connected with your own unique potential, your inner wisdom as an amazing, powerful parent. You are here to enjoy parenting not to suffer!

  • Do you want to know how your upbringing could affect the way you parent?

    Today I'm most delighted to interview Maria Steuer, who is a childhood expert, a renowned pediatrician and family therapist based in Germany, and the author of the book, Your Childhood Holds The Key: How to Improve Parenting Skills. Maria has experienced the ups and downs of raising three of her own children. And as a doctor for Germany's education system, she has advised more than 20,000 parents on childhood behavior issues.

    Join me as Maria shares with us how our childhood upbringing determines how we parent our own children and how we can use that knowledge to our advantage.

    Jump to your favorite part of the episode

    How did Maria first realize that some of her trigger points were related to her own childhood and not caused by her child's behavior? [02:01] How does Maria suggest parents should approach helping their children? [04:39] A big part of understanding this connection is to better understand ourselves, how can we accomplish this and what do we need to evaluate? [08:32] How does Maria believe moms change their belief system, their inner critic and self-doubts?? [16:46] What advice would Maria give to moms who want to live it all? [22:37]


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/09-interview-with-maria-steuer/


    Follow us on:

    Facebook at Beginning Well: Your Parenting Guide

    YouTube at Beginning Well


    Did you know that with the right guidance, you can transform your child's misbehavior, and heal your own childhood trauma that has caused you so much pain and consumed your life energy for decades. I will guide you to feel more connected with your own unique potential, and your inner wisdom as an amazing, powerful parent. You are here to enjoy parenting not to suffer. If you are seeking help, I'm here for you. Signup for your 1 on 1 hypnotherapy package with me.

  • Do you want to learn how one mother has been able to create a life that she loves?

    Today I'm most delighted to interview Sonja Hoel Perkins, an amazing entrepreneur and venture capitalist who is traveling around the globe to serve on many boards, and who is also a loving, tenderly caring mother of a daughter who is already a young adult.

    Join me as Sonja shares with us how her desire to be with her child prompted her to substantially restructure her work life in a way that allowed her to keep her professional dedication and be an amazing mother.

    Jump to your favorite part of the episode

    What was Sonja's upbringing like? Does she remember when she decided what she wanted to do with her life? [01:11] Why does Sonja believe that life, especially for women, of all ages, is about our ability to create options for ourselves? [04:49] What does it look like for Sonja to live a life with purpose? [06:38] How did the desire to be with her child prompt Sonja to restructure her life? [07:37] Sonja believes that our children are our greatest teachers. So what lesson is she now learning from hers? [10:38] How does Sonja practice self-care? [12:42] Looking back, what regrets does Sonja have as a mom? [14:26] What advice would Sonja give to moms who want to live it all? [15:42]


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/08-interview-with-sonja-hoel-perkins/


    Do you want to learn how to keep your cool even during the hottest family fights and biggest struggles at work? Head over to my website at beginningwell.com to get our free self-care guide and the top self-compassion tools you need to know to feel more patient, confident, and more yourself. In just a few minutes from now, you will learn, how to keep your cool even during hottest family fights, why self-compassion and self-appreciation are key components for successful parenting and simple actionable steps to pay more attention to YOUR own needs without feeling guilty about it.

  • Do you want to know how to calm down in 30 seconds when your child screams at you?

    I'm excited to invite you to a short rejuvenating practice that will allow you to unleash your calm and peaceful self in just a few seconds, so you can see how easy it is to be open and available, to be compassionate and calm again, even if your child screams at you or shows other challenging behavior.

    In today's episode, I offer you three different ways to truly come back to yourself. Each of those simple yet profound practices can help you to reconnect with your calm self, regardless of what your child is doing right in front of you.

    I will give you three different ways to come back to yourself. Each of those simple yet profound practices can help you to reconnect with your calm self, whatever your child is doing right in front of you. I will show you:

    How to release your energy to a ground cord. How to reconnect with your heart space and with your loving pure self. How to sense and feel a golden, warm, and nourishing energy.

    Remember to always care for yourself first, so you can be more open to the needs of your child. Give these methods a try and see how it impacts your energy.


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/07-calm-yourself-when-your-child-screams-mindfulness-session/

    Follow us on Facebook: Beginning Well


    If you would like to experience one-on-one support with me and be part of a group of like-minded parents that are looking to transform feelings of guilt or self-judgment into inner confidence and peace. Then join my NEW PARENT RELIEF Membership today! Become the joyful, successful, and fulfilled mom and woman you have always wanted to be.

  • Do you want to know how to manage a demanding corporate job while being an amazing mom?

    Today I'm most delighted to interview Mercy Manning, a powerful woman who is not only Vice President, responsible for sales and sustainability strategy at a big global corporation but is also the wonderful mom of three amazing young children. Listen in today to learn how she balances it all.

    Mercy Manning is Aligned's VP of Sales & Sustainability Strategy, Mercy is responsible for revenue growth and influences sustainability initiatives. Mercy also serves on the Board of Toptana, an indigenous-owned infrastructure company.

    Listen in to learn:

    [1:46] How has Mercy put her life into alignment so that she has the focus that she needs every day? [4:07] What were the mindset shifts that Mercy faced when she transitioned to being a mom? How did each step she took bring her closer to learning how to live it all? [13:37] Learn how Mercy sets boundaries between her work and her family. [18:15]How does Mercy incorporate self-care into her life? [22:02] What is Mercy's advice for new moms?


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/06-interview-with-mercy-manning/


    Do you want to learn how to keep your cool even during the hottest family fights and biggest struggles at work? Head over to my website at beginningwell.com to get our free self-care guide and the top self-compassion tools you need to know to feel more patient, confident, and more yourself. In just a few minutes from now, you will learn, how to keep your cool even during hottest family fights, why self-compassion and self-appreciation are key components for successful parenting and simple actionable steps to pay more attention to YOUR own needs without feeling guilty about it.

  • Do you want to discover what keeps you from being the successful and fulfilled working woman you secretly dream of?

    Rather than having an expert interview today, I'm most delighted to prove to you that you are the expert of your life. I will walk you through a short hypnosis an effective method that gives you direct access to your subconscious mind and higher self.

    In just 10-minutes you will know how to live your dream life as a working mom and the steps you have to take to get there. Let's get started.


    Show Notes on our website: Beginning Well

    Join the conversation on Facebook at Beginning Well: Your Parenting Guide


    Would you like to transform your self-limiting beliefs? Self-doubts, inner fear and uncertainty to thrive within less than four weeks into a fulfilled, relaxed, and joyful self?

    Then send me an email at [email protected] to get more information about my most effective and life-changing hypnotherapy package.

  • Do you want to learn how to stop feeling like an inadequate parent and how to remove your self-limiting beliefs and feelings of guilt or fear?

    Today I'm most delighted to interview Holly Elissa Bruno, She is a best-selling award-winning author, international keynoter, and one of the rare parenting experts that I'm aware of who is not only teaching others how to be the best parent they can be, but she's also living what she teaches.

    Jump to your favorite part of the episode

    [0:52] How can we become more aware of our self-limiting beliefs and negative feelings such as guilt, fear, or shame? [10:03] What would you say helped you the most to transform your negative feelings? [20:52] What do you think is the thing that children need most from us when they're going through a very panicky or difficult, or impossible time? [22:10] How do we find safety when things are not safe?


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/04-interview-with-holly-elissa-bruno/


    Do you want to learn how to keep your cool even during the hottest family fights and biggest struggles at work? Head over to my website at beginningwell.com to get our free self-care guide and the top self-compassion tools you need to know to feel more patient, confident, and more yourself. In just a few minutes from now, you will learn, how to keep your cool even during hottest family fights, why self-compassion and self-appreciation are key components for successful parenting and simple actionable steps to pay more attention to YOUR own needs without feeling guilty about it.

  • Do you want to know how to let go of this exhausting desire to do everything right, to be extraordinary at home as a mom and also as a working professional?

    Today I will share some very personal thoughts about my desire to be perfect. For a very long time, I wasn't aware of how hard I tried to be the best, to be unapproachable and infallible in all that I did. And when I'm asking myself where this longing to do everything "right" is coming from, then I come to a very vulnerable little me thinking I'm not good enough.

    If at some point in our life, we have internalized negative self-beliefs and we keep telling ourselves the lie "I am not good enough", we keep losing the trust in ourselves, the trust in our unique potential. In order to reconnect with our full capacity, our incredible wisdom and intuition, listening to the profound signals of our body, we first have to transform our mindset: We have to come to a state of inner safety.

    Discover with me:

    One of our biggest needs is the need to feel seen and appreciated as we came here to be How do we build and transform the misconception of not being good enough, that keeps us small, maybe full of shame What kind of mindset do we need in order to see the truth and find fulfillment as a mom and woman The gift you need to help you break the patterns of exhausting yourself


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/how-to-let-go-of-being-perfect/


    Would you like some life-changing one-on-one support with me to help you become the joyful, successful, fulfilled mom and woman you have always wanted to be? Then sign up for a free discovery session today, your future self with thank you. https://beginningwell.com/coaching-for-working-moms/

  • Do you want to know what it takes to be a successful working mom, to unleash your confidence and decision-making power? Today I'm most delighted to interview Magdalena Yesil, a powerful woman who is not only a successful entrepreneur who has launched several companies, but also a venture capitalist of many of the world's top technology companies.

    Magdelena is also the founder of Broadway Angels and the author of several books, one is called Power Up, How Smart Women Win in the New Economy, and most importantly, she is the mother of two sons and grandmother of two little ones.

    Episode highlights:

    [1:54] With such an impressive bio, is there anything that Magdalena fears? And when fear does creep in, how does she handle it?

    [3:22] How does she overcome fear?

    [5:10] How does she get things done while managing all of the disruptions that occur every day?

    [9:18] Did she ever have any self-doubts? And how did you prevent them from hindering your progress?

    [15:10] What does being a successful mom mean to you?

    [20:05] What advice would she give her younger self?

    [22:50] What does a day in her life look like and how does she manage to balance it all?

    [24:34] Looking back over her life, was there anything she would have done differently as a mom?

    [26:39] What advice does she have for moms who want to Live It All?


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://www.beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/interview-with-magdalena-yesil/


    Would you like some life-changing one-on-one support with me to help you become the joyful, successful, fulfilled mom and woman you have always wanted to be? Then sign up for a free discovery session today, your future self with thank you.

  • Are you putting yourself last, Mommy? Having no clue how to find the right balance between your kids' needs and your own?

    Today's episode is all about the three essential things that we moms need to know in order to live it all. Having a loving and deep relationship with our little ones that stays even through our puberty. While also being a successful working woman able to follow your heart's desire and to do what you are passionate about at work.


    Get the show notes and resources on our website at: https://beginningwell.com/portfolio-items/3-things-you-need-to-live-it-all/


    Would you like to get more soothing self-care tools, be warmly supported on your unique parenting journey, getting advice for you struggles, questions, and self-doubts while also connecting with moms that are in the same transition as you? Then you should join my monthly parenting social club, a small online group coaching that allows you to open your heart and feel appreciated just as you are. Get More Information Here: https://beginningwell.com/social-club-membership/

  • Hi there, mama. Are you searching for another way to approach motherhood? One that puts your needs first, that allows you to live it all without guilt or holding back any of your amazing talents and unique gifts, then the Live It All Mommy Podcast is made for you.

    Each month we are taking you behind the scenes, looking into the real world of motherhood. Giving you a roadmap to unleash your unique potential, your passion, self-trust, and purpose as an amazing mother, deep soul, and powerful working woman, it's time to live at all Mommy!

    Get all of the show notes and information on how I can help you in your parenting journey on my website at https://beginningwell.com/.