Flyverskjul er en podcast, hvor komiker Pelle Lundberg snakker med mennesker med komisk sans og noget på hjerte.
MJ, Fallon, Roy, Bec and Audrey have three things in common: they're lesbians, they frequently get intensely emotional about stupid fictional characters, and they just damn love tabletop RPGs. Join us as they battle the twin demons of a fictional fantasy universe, and the mere notion of recording a podcast for the first time in any of their lives, wow, they'll just let anyone do this, huh?
Popular Twitch streamer turned voice actor - Ducksauce - makes his return to the airwaves in the form of a weekly podcast! Tune in for outrageous rants, fantastic tales, comedic skits, and all around roguery!
Welcome to the thrilling, sexy and episodic Idle Fantasy Podcast - a loosely actual-play Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition podcast. Meet Laurie Havelock (DM), Paddy Gervers (of Jonny & the Baptists fame and the group's wild card), Liam Welton (the most capable of the troupe) and Zac Cole (the novice happy to be involved) as they weave a wonderful, fantastical, tapestry of words; beginning with wildly lofty ambitions only to have those ambitions immediately checked by reality.Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at [email protected].
Der er 365 dage på et år, 4 uger på en måned og så er der syv dage i ugen. I samtalepodcasten ‘syv dage i ugen’, taler barndomsveninderne Naghmeh og Yegauneh om, hvordan den ene uge tager den anden og forsøger at tage kontrollen tilbage. Med udgangspunkt i egne oplevelser deler veninderne ærligt ud og griner lidt af alle de ting, som vi alle tænker på, men sjældent taler om i løbet af de syv dage i ugen.
En rollespils podcast med spillerne Elias Eliot, Maria Månson, Silja Okking, samt GM Morten Greis. Hovedfokus er på Dungeons & Dragons samt Call of Cthulhu, med enkelte afstikkere af og til. Må terningerne være med os!
I vores podcast snakker vi om alle mulige former for alkoholprodukter, rom, vodka, gin, snaps, you name it - we drink it. Vi smager, kigger, diskuterer, og bedømmer til slut ud fra vores helt personlige mening, så byd endelig ind i snakken på vores sociale medier og giv din mening til kende. Vi høres ved!
Danmarks måske mindste podcast om alt og ingenting. Der vil blive snakket om ugens mest aktuelle emner, uddelt stødende kommentarer og blive snakket om løst og fast i Danmark og verden. Så smid fødderne op, og nyd podcasten.
A podcast where the information, like the hosts, is perfect in every way.
Learn Japanese language goodness every day, 365 days a year with Manga Sensei.
Manga Sensei breaks down complicated Japanese grammar and simplifies it so that anyone can understand it in 5 min or less every Monday through Friday.
Join us and learn the world’s best language. On the weekend we also get to interview master Japanese speakers, teachers, language hackers, Japanese businessmen, and translators to give you the tips and tricks that everyone, from the first day Japanese learner to the advanced speaker can all learn from.
This podcast is great for people studying for the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test), people interested in Japanese grammar and semantics, masters of the trade who might want to learn something new, or just want to get started. We got you.
よろしくお願いします! -
Retro Junkies Network
Each week, The Tribe dissects the latest episode of the flagship CBS reality show Survivor. From how they would have fared in a certain immunity challenge to just how Jeff Probst manages to maintain his dimples, they talk about it all, with lots of listener feedback, games, and a bunch of other fun surprises thrown in too. So what are you waiting for? Come join these veteran podcasters on their journey through wherever it is Mark Burnett decides to take us all next. The Tribe has spoken!
Join hosts Catherine Smyth-McMullen, Charles Bryers and Daniel Ryan as they discuss what they've been playing that week. Play along with the Game Club game of the week with your friends and join the discussion.
Följ med Martin och Panos in i studion för att prata om spel. Med ett glatt humör, mängder av energi, lite retronostalgi, trevliga gäster och ibland lite opassande humor, försöker grabbarna ta sig igenom alla spel genom alla tider!
Hugh and Kieran discuss cartoons, shows and movies from their childhood everyone else has rightly forgotten. New episode every second Thursday!
In addition to long form narratives like Godsfall and The Dungeon Rats, RPGs are amazing at creating limited-run podcasts. This is the central idea behind Neon Rival Presents. Starting with Tomb of Annihilation, we will continue to explore various stories across multiple universes.
Welcome to Hazardous Endeavors, a 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Real Play series brought to you by Digital and Dice. This is an ongoing series about the journeys of a band of adventurers as they travel a home brewed world named "Agrantha".
The Characters are:
Lindo Espina "The Beautiful Thorn" - Human Rogue - Played by The Lady Crass
Wilf Quirk Tradewind - Gnome Bard - Played by Voiceover Guy Brian @VoiceoverB
Jaxom Shaw - Half-Orc Paladin - Played by Sound Guy Stephen @SoundGuyStephen
Elliot Frostmoon - Ice Genasi Wizard - Played by Wizard James
Game Master - Your Host Mark - @digitalanddice
We hope you enjoy Hazardous Endeavors!
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Most board game shows focus on the latest-and-greatest, or time-tested classics. We have taken it upon ourselves to comb our local charity shops and salvage stores for the other stuff...join us as we review cheesy, weird, and obscure board games for your entertainment.
Join Eric & Matt Fridays for THiRD SHiFT, our weekly Gearbox and gaming podcast!
Kommer Snart er et podcast om spil og film - nye såvel som gamle. Det skal være hyggeligt og helst ikke alt for seriøst. Uegnet for børn men for barnlige sjæle.