Real stories and helpful tips from women who've traveled solo with other solo women travelers.
Welcome to the Bread and Butter Podcast, where we talk about the good, simple things in life--the bread and butter, if you will!
a weekly podcast by george poulos about the ever unfolding journey of meditation, authentic expression, creative entrepreneurship, love, and life... it's all connected anyways ❤︎
join the community @ -
Znano je, da v Beli krajini ne manjka veselih, odprtih in sposobnih ljudi. V prvem belokranjskem podcastu Kluba belokranjskih študentov se zato pogovarjamo s takimi, ki nam imajo kaj pametnega za povedat. Pred poslušanjem ti priporočamo, da se udobno namestiš, natočiš v kozarec nekaj iz tvojega najljubšega vinorodnega hriba in pripraviš svinčnik, da si boš za uho lahko sproti zapisal kakšen pameten nasvet.
Aja, pa še en vic: Kaj reče Belokranjc drugemu Belokranjcu, ko ga sreča na cesti?
- I, kaj ti? -
Doza navdiha, ko iščeš navigacijo v lajfu; kreativne debatke z in za ustvarjalna bitja; procesi nastajanja arta in kako se pozicionirati v tem ludem svetu; pa nasploh en kup modrovanja na poti osvobajanja. Moja teza je, da itak ne moreš biti nihče drug, kot ta, kdor ti je namenjeno biti - zato bo najbolje, da se čim prej začneš otresati vse krame, ki ni tvoja in stopati v svojo najbolj ustvarjalno, divjo, pristno naravo.
Pošiljam samo ljubav v tvojo smer.🫀
Hvala za tvoja ušeska. -
Authentic conversation about the Human Design experiment. How real people use this tool to get closer to who they truly are. I hope you enjoy!
Things aren't always black or white. We tackle the gray area of everything.
Jump Start Your Joy is a podcast by Paula Jenkins, a business coach and podcast producer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Inspired by the quote “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day (Henri Nouwen),” this lively show looks at the inspiration, intention, and action that lead to joy in your life, the world, and other people's lives.
Dejmo se pogovarjat o življenju, glasbi, veri, gledališču, športu, šoli, denarju in nakupovanju. Poglejmo na stvari in dogajanje iz različnih kotov in skupaj spoznavajmo svet!
Kaya Solo in Laura Palka o tem, kako elegantno obvladati vsako življenjsko situacijo.
Everyone has a story - who they are, where they came from, how they did it, and who they want to be. As a 20 something creative and fashion stylist, Kinsey is no stranger to storytelling. The secret? Finding beauty in the in-between. In this podcast Kinsey strips back the layers to discover the heart of it all because lets be honest, no one likes small talk. Tune in as she shares the ups and downs of her own unfolding story as well as uncovering the stories of inspiring creatives across industries. Take a deep breathe, grab a cup of coffee, and leave distraction at the door.
We are just two weirdos in love. We are open/poly, swingers, kinky, and dont give a fuck what people think of us. We make our alternative relationship work for us and it is the best choice for us. Find out how it can actually be normal to not have a "normal" monogamous white picket fence relationship like society has drilled into us from the day we were born. There are no written rules on how to have a successful relationship. You make your own guidelines, and we're just sharing ours.
This show is a personal diary and exploration of how to cultivate a deeper, more powerful way to attract more by using the power of the sacred feminine.
Just talking about the quarantine
Once nicknamed the “Girl Who Cried Cult” after jokingly referring to her sorority, the Disney College Program, and Catholic school as such, Kate gives her honest take on these topics and more. Being in your 20s isn’t always easy and the struggles aren’t always discussed, so let’s hash it out together!
In this podcast, you'll get a unique look at my life in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the eyes of an immigrant. Each episode, I share my experiences living in this often misunderstood country, and introduce you to some of the interesting people I have met along the way.From exploring the rich culture and history, to discussing the challenges and joys of immigrating to a new country, this podcast offers a thoughtful and engaging look at life in the Balkans. -
Droolish is a podcast for people who can sleep better and relax background noise (normally some lofi & rain sounds) while my voice and topics of discussion will help you rest. Hit play, sit back, close your eyes and listen to a soothing voice that talks about anything and everything. With a blend of pleasant background noises and Joey's yawn-inducing voice, Droolish helps relieve pre-sleep stress to get you relaxed and hopefully get over insomnia and get sleeping.
Welcome to Two Horny Goats, a podcast hosted by Roxy and Priska.
Each week, these two ball-busting Taiwanese-American capricorns will tackle all aspects of life—from human sexuality to food and culture to growing up with savage Asian parents. We’re just two horny goats climbing the mountain of life, eating Asian American stereotypes for breakfast. #StayHorny
Find us at -
Moving Along explores travel, relocation and life transitions. Christi Cassidy shares stories of people who packed up and left--either by necessity or choice; advice from experts in organization, budgeting and moving; and tips on making your life transition a positive new adventure.
I’m a simple person just sharing my story and thoughts.