
  • Hmmm? What if i told you that there is a reality where being accident prone is a good thing and advantageous in leveraging your goals and dreams? That's right, another opportunity to change the way you look at things so that the things you look at can change. Come take a walk on the dark side of the moon and uncover something shocking about the value of being Accident Prone. This episode is available on Apple and Spotify Platforms Subscribe to my NEW SUBSTACK BLOG and NEWSLETTER for all things that Make Sense LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/.../makes-sense.../id1730954168 Podcast Alligments and Affiliates: Kwik Learning: Many people ask me where i get all these topics for almost 15 years? I have learned to read at almost 4 times faster with 10X retention from Kwik Learning. Learn how to learn and earn with Jim Kwik. Get his program at a special discount here: https://thelimitlesslearner.com/reading-promo62327921?via=m835j OUR SPONSORS: - Makes Sense Academy: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about - The Sati Experience: A retreat designed for the married couple that truly loves one another yet wants to take their love to that higher magical level where. Come relax, reestablish and renew your love at the Sati Experience. https://www.satiexperience.com CONNECT WITH Dr. JC Doornick: https://zez.am/makessense

  • THE TROUBLE WITH WANTING MORE? An interesting focus on the observation of where our drive and desire for more takes place? Not in the past, not in the present. But n the future. Although goal setting and goal getting has its merit, this live episode will unveil how it can also be the very reason most humans are unhappy and confused. Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning. RESOURCES:
    #RickRubin Interview with #jayshetti Video: https://youtu.be/60pHJXUjaJY?feature=shared LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/.../makes-sense.../id1730954168 Podcast Alligments and Affiliates: Kwik Learning: Many people ask me where i get all these topics for almost 15 years? I have learned to read at almost 4 times faster with 10X retention from Kwik Learning. Learn how to learn and earn with Jim Kwik. Get his program at a special discount here: https://thelimitlesslearner.com/reading-promo62327921?via=m835j OUR SPONSORS: - Makes Sense Academy: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about - The Sati Experience: A retreat designed for the married couple that truly loves one another yet wants to take their love to that higher magical level where. Come relax, reestablish and renew your love at the Sati Experience. https://www.satiexperience.com

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  • What is your current reality, stance, and past experience with Pornography? No matter what it is, Pornography is here and is having a massive impact on humanity. Dragon is stepping into this controversial and sensitive realm with special guest and author of FIGHT THE BEAST, Heather Nielsen. Heather works passionately in Porn Addiction Recovery and has a powerful and solution-focused message to share with us. This episode is now available on both Apple and Spotify

    Watch Interview on Youtube: https://youtu.be/T9PXlvHf4MQ

    This episode os from 2022 and considered to be ONE FROM THE VAULT of the previous RISE UP WITH DRAGON Podcast.

    Follow Healther Nielsen:

    IG: @fightthebeastorg Book On Amazon: https://amzn.to/3XARtHX Website: https://fightthebeast.org/our-mission

    Connect WIth Dr. JC Doornick “The Dragon”:

  • THE TROUBLE WITH UNDERSTANDING: Fascinating look at the arduous task at trying to understand another human and the way they are thinking, feeling and reacting, without knowing what it is like to think, feel and act like them? Available on both Apple and Spotify


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    FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/.../makes-sense.../id1730954168


    Kwik Learning: Many people ask me where i get all these topics for almost 15 years? I have learned to read at almost 4 times faster with 10X retention from Kwik Learning. Learn how to learn and earn with Jim Kwik. Get his program at a special discount here: https://thelimitlesslearner.com/reading-promo62327921...


    - Makes Sense Academy: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about

    - The Sati Experience: A retreat designed for the married couple that truly loves one another yet wants to take their love to that higher magical level where. Come relax, reestablish and renew your love at the Sati Experience. https://www.satiexperience.com


    BLOG AND PODCAST: https://www.makessensepodcast.com

    INSTAGRAM: @drjcdoornick

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jeanclaudedoornick/

  • Making Sense of the human FEAR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Funny twist on the challenging game of ANGER MANAGEMENT that of my observation and own experience with FEAR MANAGEMENT. You are either managing fear or leting it manage you. Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning. LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/.../makes-sense.../id1730954168 Podcast Affiliates: Kwik Learning: Many people ask me where i get all these topics for almost 15 years? I have learned to read at almost 4 times faster with 10X retention from Kwik Learning. Learn how to learn and earn with Jim Kwik. Get his program at a special discount here: https://thelimitlesslearner.com/reading-promo62327921... OUR SPONSORS: - Makes Sense Academy: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about - The Sati Experience: A retreat designed for the married couple that truly loves one another yet wants to take their love to that higher magical level where. Come relax, reestablish and renew your love at the Sati Experience. https://www.satiexperience.com BLOG AND PODCAST: https://www.makessensepodcast.com

    Show Notes:

    GREAT MORNING: Today I am grateful for fear and grateful for my openness to allow myself to partner with fear and elevate my impact and service to humanity.
    Stepping outside the box with star studded July and the uncertainty and potential for criticism is scary but necessary as we know where growth takes place
    Mentioned the idea of selfless and bigger mission supported service. Made me think about serving humanity and the kind of people I am looking for in my business.
    KELLY? FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY? Why would you want to do that? What a nice Brand to be in service. The only person that doesn’t appreciate that brand is the one that is angry at themselves for not carrying it themselves. Hate you cause they ain't you.
    You’re either the kind of person that sees garbage discarded on the street and picks it up or the one that expects and assumes someone else will because you don’t feel it is your fault and insist that you are not a garbage man. I’m looking for 5 garbage men/women. To mentor, and partner with in my coaching business to change the world one person at a time.

    Isn't it interesting how God and the Universe have mysteriously placed everything we desire the most, inconveniently on the other side of a big smelly pile of shit? Notice this? We come up with anecdotes to acknowledge this as normal like the obstacle is the way. No mud, no lotus. Referencing the fact that the marvelous lotus flower ironically grows only in smelly mud. Heck, the amazing work done with the science of the FLOW STATE shows us that in order to get into your proverbial FLOW STATE you must first successfully navigate some sort of fear, challenge or struggle. If you really become aware of this phenomenon and learn to embrace the suck, you’ll begin to remodel your perspective, perception and relationship with struggle. Almost get excited when challenges arise, knowing that they are the precursor to your success. However, when you add the emotional component of FEAR to the equation, this acknowledgement becomes easier said than done. Our MFTPSE (Mother, Father, Teacher, Preacher, Society and Evolution have taught us how to navigate fear our whole lives. So if you are in a current reality where fear has a grip on you? And you are using that grip as an excuse to excuse you from your responsibility for your own success? It's not your fault. However, if you woke up this morning with the FIERCE URGENCY OF NOW to go out there and claim control of your life as its dominant force. To become the shotcaller of your days and start leveraging your success? It will require that you rewire your brain and develop a more efficient FEAR MANAGEMENT STRATEGY.
    Business owners and entrepreneurs may face a range of fears, including fears of failure, finances, and losing control. Allow yourself to acknowledge the double edged sword of your perspectives and perceptions of the following common fears being both barriers and motivators and know that the side you focus on is a choice you make based on your urgency to win.:
    Financial fears: Concerns about financial instability, not having enough money, or losing what they have.
    Fear of failure: A common fear that can also be a source of inspiration.
    Fear of losing control: Difficulty letting others take over, or becoming vulnerable to outside factors. MY STORY OF PUBLIC SPEAKING
    Fear of making mistakes: Fear of making a major mistake, or failing to scale.
    Fear of the unknown: Fear of uncertainty or being behind the market.
    Fear of missing out: Missing business opportunities or not enjoying the job anymore.
    Fear of letting people down: Fear of letting down the team or employees.
    Fear of inadequacy: Feeling less than or not being skilled enough.
    Fear of commitment: The commitment required to start a new business.
    Fear of success: Success can seem overwhelming.
    Some say that fear can be a motivator, but it can also be a barrier that prevents business leaders from taking risks. What does it mean to face your fears and overcome them? Does this mean they go away, or does it mean you have reprogrammed your brain and perception of fear and learned how it is perhaps happening for you rather than to you? I have found that every entrepreneur that has reached the top of the mountain and claimed their seat at the table of success and fulfillment have strong FEAR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS that involve making fear their friend.

    Funny twist ran through my mind when looking at the astoundingly challenging game of ANGER MANAGEMENT and all that comes with that. And that of my observation and own participation in FEAR MANAGEMENT. Although they are closely correlated, they have some fascinating differences. First of all I find it interesting how one seems to be more widely accepted then the other? Think about it. If someone says they are angry, in some way shape or form, don’t you recognize that as something that must be dealt with swiftly? You must either get the hell away from them or help them turn it down or off before something bad happens? But fear? When someone says they are afraid, there seems to be much more empathy and understanding around it. As well as the sharing of how normal it is to be afraid and perhaps share commonality with one another with some me too examples. So right off the bat, Fear Management poses a great challenge in that it is accepted. When something is accepted and somewhat normalized, the brain and body have less urgency to take an aggressive approach in addressing it no?
    So society pays forward and sells us some great Fear Management strategies that are also socially acceptable and normalized and I find it funny that these strategies can often fly low under the radar of our being conscious of them being fear management strategies. Rather seeing them as just normal things that people do. A few interesting examples are seen in people taking cover. We learn to retreat under our desks, curl up and place our hands over our heads in a bomb drill or airplane crash scenario. Or the typical run and hide strategy. Then we see humans at times reacting to fear by impulsively buying more stuff for fear there will be no more stuff? We saw this during covid and we even saw it during Black Friday Sales etc. This type of fear has spawned multi billion dollar strategies of fortune 500 companies and sales trainers teach scarcity and urgency strategies to exploit it. In fact, when the FEAR of Death creeps in. When you wake up and see the unpredictable and limited nature of your mortality, this fear prompts people to either seize the day and make their time count, yet more often prompt people to say “fuck it” and allow themselves to experience as much pleasure and indulgence as they can before they die. This plays a large role in the Obesity Crisis no? Then there is the most popular Fear Management strategy that is so powerful that most wouldn’t allow themselves to admit this as a fear management strategy. That being the idea that aligning yourself with forces of goodness, will eliminate or alleviate your exposure to the things you fear. The notion carries this idea based on the Good vs. Evil theory teaches us that by being one of the good guys, you will somehow be protected by the bad guys. Obviously showing up in various religions or even in the notion of being a good human. Serve God and humanity and the forces of the universe will protect you. Interesting to experience this moment as I write the word God, forgetting to make the G capitalized, my computer underscored it and reminded me he gets the capital G. Yes sir, I'm sorry to forget that. What's interesting about this fear management strategy is to notice that in order for us to feel we are in the right, we must convince ourselves that others are in the wrong. This goes far past creating the vast incongruence of religions and their unique beliefs. It is often the cause of large scale tragedies of dictatorships and cults. Where people are prompted to follow a leader or movement, motivated by being convinced that the others are evil or abnormal and you must either be in or out.
    Can you see there cannot be a right without a wrong? When you are justifying and standing for your right. Can you be aware at the same time that there must be something wrong? Can you also take note that the only person in that instance that sees the wrong as wrong, is you? The person you perceive is wrong perceives themselves as right. In fact making them right, no? Well, as right as you think you are. It's fun to converse with people and make a pact with them. I will let you think you are right, if you allow me to do the same. Deal?
    Also a fun observation to look at all the great saints and gurus that we perceive have reached some sort of sainthood or enlightenment? They share the same types and amounts of fear and neurosis as we do. What makes them saints and gurus is how they have just stopped identifying themselves with them. They look at their fears and neurosis as ripples in a vast ocean. Also being aware that behind each ripple of fear and neurosis, is a n equal amount of ripples and waves of confidence, clarity and peaceful joy. Perhaps this is the way? Now, it is a hard pill for someone to swallow, reading this, if their version of this is the following of and serving their God. But also consider that this pill is as difficult to swallow to a young German boy that had brought into a dictator’s vision for the world. Guess what their strategy of handling or managing that fear and sense of adversity? ANGER and often extrication and violence. No worry, they can start going to ANGER MANAGEMENT classes for that. :) So it's only the open, curious and conscious individual that can identify their own Fear Management on this level. Which is difficult so I empathize. Makes me wonder about the soul of the human sometimes. Not the human. Humans can get caught up in good and evil. But I believe the soul is neither good nor evil. I believe the soul just is. Which means the human, if allowed, can coexist as both and be ok with that. But it takes the will and desire to do so and work. When looking at the work we do with our IRS (Interface Response System), this poses a worthy challenge in the assessment phase. Where we determine how to label someone as good or evil in determining who we allow in and out of our nightclub (Life). According to Ram Das, the challenge and art is to be able to see actions as evil, not the beings. This is the space that allows us to love everyone and forgive those that do evil things, knowing they know not what they do. But their being is inherently good. Big challenges there that we get to accept or reject. So what about you? Can you step away and untether yourself from the program you are comfortably running and identify your fear management strategies? If so, you are a highly open, curious and conscious being. From that vantage point you will be able to see all the other channels that offer other ideas that you needed to be wrong so you could be right. Perhaps you can take the huge step of allowing yourself to consider which ones actually suit you best. As options? Kind of like moving from a TV that only has one station to getting cable. Surf the channels and see what show you like the best? Perhaps you can also see that without the perception of fear, you’d have nothing to manage? Heck, without it, you might not even get out of bed today. Make Sense?

  • This being one of my all time favorite episodes from the Rise Up with Dragon Podcast.

    DO YOU SUFFER FROM ANXIETY? Folks you are in for a treat. As someone that has suffered, come to terms with Terrible Anxiety, and moved on to live my best life, this topic and guest are very exciting for me. This episode can be watched and hear on muliple platforms including Youtube, Spotify and Apple.

    Join me and my special guest Russel Kennedy, MD, "The Anxiety MD" and author of the 2020 book THE ANXIETY RX as we remove the blindfolds from your mind and create clarity on what Anxiety really is, and as Dr. Russel says "Show you the Way Out".

    Dr. Russel will share his own battle with anxiety and how he turned his trauma into his triumph, now helping many unlock the shackles that hold them back from living their best life. This episode can be watched and hear on muliple platforms including Youtube, Spotify and Apple.

    Watch Episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/uRs-aVzv7v0

    Follow Dr. Russel Kennedy:

    IG: @theanxietymd Book On Amazon: https://amzn.to/47cD3kq Website: https://www.theanxietymd.com

    Connect WIth Dr. JC Doornick “The Dragon”:


    Show Highlights:

    0:00 - Intro

    1:07 - Welcome Dr. Kenedy (The Anxiety Prescription) - https://amzn.to/47cD3kq

    2:43 - The true source of Anxiety? The Back Story

    4:41 - Uncovering the source of Anxiety with LSD?

    10:36 - Where anxiety lives? Not what you thought.

    12:25 - How do you leave the practice of medicine?

    15:35 - Anxiety is not a mind thing, its an alarm in your body.

    1843 - The Brain is a Meaning Making Makes Sense Machine

    24:20 - Break for Sponsor - Makes Sense Academy

    26:41 - How does someone become conscious they are having a panic attack?

    33:44 - The Alarm Anxiety Cycle

  • Are you IN or OUT of LOVE at this time? Is love a magical force that conditionally requires two entities to come into your reality? Or is it unconditional and something that already exists? Perhaps makes you, you? Resources: Polishing the Mirror - Ram Das - https://amzn.to/3yZrQXJ MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/.../makes-sense.../id1730954168 Affiliates: Kwik Learning: Many people ask me where i get all these topics for almost 15 years? I have learned to read at almost 4 times faster with 10X retention from Kwik Learning. Learn how to learn and earn with Jim Kwik. Get his program at a special discount here: https://thelimitlesslearner.com/reading-promo62327921... OUR SPONSORS: - Makes Sense Academy: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about - The Sati Experience: A retreat designed for the married couple that truly loves one another yet wants to take their love to that higher magical level where. Come relax, reestablish and renew your love at the Sati Experience. https://www.satiexperience.com


    0:00 - Intro
    3:31 - I AM LOVE - Set yourself Free to just BE
    6:14 - Do I need another person to be in love?
    8:59 - Polishing the mirror by Ram Das
    11:45 - Conditional vs. Unconditional Love?
    13:06 - The hard problem of love? Where does it come from?
    19:16 - It’s gonna take some PRACTION (Practicing Action)


    I AM LOVE: The minute you can shift from I would be fine if i were this way to I AM you will set yourself free to simply BE. Be who? You, that's who. And if you allow yourself to bask in it with no distractions? Being you is pretty cool isn’t it? No one else is like you. You are one of a kind aren’t you? Let's take this day and focus on recognizing that I AM that makes you, and learn to see it in others. I AM LOVE. I AM ENERGY. I AM AWARENESS. Fascinated with the feeling and act of being IN love. I was curious if humans require another person to be IN LOVE or is it that person we have found or seek that allows you to express that which you already are? There is something called AGAPE LOVE? In the Bible, agape is a Greek word that describes a selfless, universal, and unconditional love that is characterized by self-sacrifice and loving others. It appears frequently in the New Testament, but rarely in other ancient Greek literature. The word comes from the verb agapan, which means "to greet with affection". However, it starts with loving yourself. I was exposed to a cool theory the other day that said that when two people are in love, that is just their souls hanging out with one another. Experiencing life freely with each other. In reading the book, Polishing the Mirror by Ram Das and diving deep into his work elsewhere, he speaks about the fact that if we strip away everything that we are seeking in life. I call it the “ER”. HappiER, HealthiER, WealthiER. We are all seekers of the er no? Strip all that desire away, what are you left with? You are left with that which you are. The, I AM. What can you recognize about yourself after taking everything away in your life that is not you? That’s your I AM. When it comes to that love you seek or crave, isn’t that something already inside you that you want to let out? To be IN LOVE? I just find it fascinating because there is often an illusion that's been created by a world that offers for the most part conditional love. From what we’ve learned, love has rules and circumstances doesn’t it. We have our brushes through parents and the right spouse that offer unconditional love. But even that has conditions, no? But like the hard problem of consciousness, ie; us not understanding what exactly it is or where it is created. Where does love come from? Does it require two entities? Does it come from an outside force? Like a magnet, does it require a positive and negative force? Your love for your spouse, your children, your pet, your job, your best friend, or perhaps your life at this time? Are these things required for you to be in love? Or is love who and what you are? Already inside you. You're I AM. Can you see that we are all hungry to be in a state of love? Most commonly interpersonal romantic love. But this has a shelf life which concerns us. It’s gonna inevitably end one day, no? What I love about meditation is that it allows me to strip away the dependency from all external things and unveil that I am in fact already in love. This state often makes me want to share this love with others and external forces. Can you see that in thinking love requires an outside force or another person, we are often prompted to take possession of those you love as your own? Through forming friendships, marriage and parenting or even owning a pet. All the while unconscious to the fact that there resides an unlimited supply of love in the awakening that it is the primal source and main ingredient in what makes you, you. Get a grasp on this concept and awakening and it will help you gain clarity in many aspects of your life’s desires which is where we struggle the most. If you can start to affirm and embrace each start of your day in recognition of this by stating I AM LOVE. It will help put many things in perspective and allow you to slow down your love hunger drive and allow yourself to be grateful in the present moment. When it comes to the things you possess that allow you to express more of what you already are? Your spouse etc.. Perhaps you can do so with a simple state of gratitude for them as they have come into your life to remind you of who you are? How cool is that. Look at the person next to you that you are in love with. Consider what that means in this context? You are already in love, as are they. Yet for whatever reasons unique to your energy and life experiences, the two of you offer one another a safe and effective space to feel and express love. This form of gratitude comes from appreciating them for allowing you to express your true self. Sometimes we are fortunate to find our way into a group of others that create a safe space to express and bask in the love of one another. In Buddhism there is something called Satsang or Sangha, that translates to "community of seekers after the truth" and is also known as sangha. It's a spiritual community where people gather with like-minded individuals, especially those on a spiritual path, to work on themselves and others, and to share food, stories, and kirtan. Satsang can also refer to a group of people engaged in a spiritual dialogue. For those frustrated that they are not in love and think that feeling is conditional to you finding the right person? Now you understand that you are needlessly suffering due to you thinking love is conditional. No. Love is unconditional because you are love. When you find someone to share that space with, yes, it will be nice and you too will be grateful for it and them. Just like you are grateful when the sun rises and creates what you call a nice day. But a nice day can exist like love, anytime you choose. Make Sense?

  • MAKING SENSE OF GRIEF: THE MINDS ATTEMPT TO DEAL WITH THE BREAKDOWN OF EXPECTATION. Grief is one of those things that is either happening to you or for you? In order to reclaim control during those times where you experience loss, it is of high value to take a conscious look at and better understand the science, art, and philosophy of Grief. Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning. LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/.../makes-sense.../id1730954168 OUR SPONSOR: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about

  • The basic premise of Minimizing or being Minimalistic is the practice of shedding or getting rid of the things that are of no use to you and do not apply when looking at your goals and dreams. This episode can be found on both Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

    Connect with Dr. JC "The Dragon"



    Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about this episode.

  • EGO DEATH and the God Complex - THis episode unveils the Mysterious city of Eleusis where it was said humans experienced the magic of mortality and Rebirth by drinking some sort of magic transformational potion. If true, this takes the modern day structures of religion and god and shakes them up into manifestations of something else. Enjoy this thing that makes you go hmmm.

    Connect With Dr. JC:


    LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube


    SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast.

    FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/makes-sense-with-dr-jc-doornick/id1730954168


    Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about


    0:00 - Intro - What is it that I actually do?

    1:36 - A word from our sponsor (Makes Sense Academy)

    2:34 - What is the true meaning and purpose of life?

    3:42 - NDE’s (Near Death Experiences)

    4:09 - The ancient Eleusinian Mysteries

    6:49 - The emergence of Jesus

    7:36 - Plant medicine and ego death

    8:34 - Why do humans struggle so much?

  • Never before has it been more important to learn the skills and tools to take command of your thoughts, feelings and actions and greet the day as the dominant force in your life. However, its easier said and understood than done. Lets talk about the steps required to creating a solid morning routine and how it may be the single most valuable action step you take in your life. This episode is available on bothe Spotify and Apple Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning. Connect With Dr. JC: https://zez.am/makessense LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/makes-sense-with-dr-jc-doornick/id1730954168 OUR SPONSOR: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about

  • Here's One from the Vault of the Dragon's previous show called the Rise Up With Dragon Podcast. In this episode, Dragon flips the script on the idea that our universal goal is to become more conscious by unveiling the double edged sword of getting what you want. The Downside of A Conscious Mind can be found on both Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

    Connect with Dr. JC "The Dragon"

    Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about this episode.

  • The Makes Sense with Dr. JC Doornick Podcast is your opportunity to wake up from your slumber and reclaim control as the dominant conscious force in your life.

    Today's episode Makes Sense of visual learning. This episode is available on both Apple and Spotify Platforms.

    Are you like me and enjoy and gain value from the visual component of learning? Perhaps from a White Board Instruction or any visual aids to help the information sink in?

    Our Guest, Doug Neill is the owner and creator of Verbal To Visual. Doug Neill helps people make sense of the world by making marks on the page. After training to become a high school teacher he got pulled into the world of visual thinking and in 2014 he founded Verbal to Visual where he teaches people how to sketch out simple drawings and diagrams as a learning, problem-solving, and storytelling tool.

    Doug loves to spread the word about the power of visual thinking through hand-sketched videos, online courses, and live workshops and talks. His favorite way to put these skills to use himself is by creating visual summaries of interesting books.

    Makes Sense Academy:

    Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about

    Connect with Doug Neill:

    Website: https://verbaltovisual.com

    IG: @dougneill


    DIGITAL MINIMALISM VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJdZ7kmA2QQ

    Doodlers Unite - Sunni Brown Ted Talk https://ed.ted.com/lessons/doodlers-unite-sunni-brown

    Connect WIth Dr. JC Doornick “The Dragon”


    Episode Highlights

    0:00 - Intro
    5:22 - How did you get started with verbal to visual learning?
    11:12 - Does the School System need to make learning more visual?
    12:37 - What’s the science that backs the value of visual learning and Dual Coding
    22:04 - How does one learn how to learn how to interpret verbal to visual?
    28:36 - What would that idea or book look like?
    29:29 - How do you video yourself doodling?
    41:14 - How would you draw and explain the idea of Making Sense?

  • We all have that proverbial monster under the bed or in the closet. Which leaves us with two choices. Fight or flight. Regardless of the choice you choose, they pose a challenge. Today's Rise Up is about a third choice. TO befriend and BOND with your monster and realize your true great potential and expression when you embody that monster and awaken your super power. Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning. Connect With Dr. JC: https://zez.am/makessense LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/makes-sense-with-dr-jc-doornick/id1730954168 OUR SPONSOR: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about

  • Episode Description

    The Makes Sense Podcast is

    This episode is one from the vault and the Rise Up With Dragon Podcast. It is aply called the #DAYMAKER - In this Episode The Dragon broaches the science, art and philosophy of Giving and Receiving specifically highlighting the greatest gift we will ever receive is to be useful in assisting someone else get what the need. Learn how to enrich your own life experience by voluntarily looking to become someone else's DAYMAKER. This episode is available on both Apple and Spotify Platforms.

    Follow/ Connect with Dr. JC "The Dragon"
    Website: www.makessensepodcast.com
    IG: @drjcdoornick

    The Makes Sense Podcast available on Spotify and Apple - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/makes-sense-with-dr-jc-doornick/id1730954168

    Click this link to SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW - https://ratethispodcast.com/makessensepodcast

    Thank you for your support with our podcast on apple and spotify. Our mission is to remove the blindfolds from the sleepwalking masses and begin the uprising of the sleepwalking masses.


    Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.riseupwithdragon.com/makes-sense-academy

  • The Makes Sense with Dr. JC Doornick Podcast is your opportunity to wake up from your slumber and reclaim control as the dominant conscious force in your life.

    Today's episode Makes Sense of both Rejection and its relationship to living an extraordinary and epic life. This episode is available on both Apple and Spotify Platforms.

    Our Guest, Corey Poirier is a multiple-time TEDx, and sought-after Keynote Speaker. He has spoken on MoMonday’s and PMx stages, and has shared the bill with everyone from John C. Maxwell to Deepak Chopra to Stephen MR Covey to General Hillier and has presented to hundreds of thousands of attendees since he began his speaking journey. Corey has interviewed almost 7,000 thought leaders and pays forward his most memorable and impactful lessons as well as how he overcame anxiety and hypochondria to become a world class public speaker and communicator. THis episode is available on both Apple and Spotify platforms.

    Author of new blockbuster book The Enlightened Passenger, Corey takes us all on a ride through the trials and tribulations of a life riddled with setbacks, let downs, anxiety, hypochondria, rejections and everything else that makes most people quit. Followed by his time tested, results driven insights and strategies that made him the dominant force that he is today.

    A father to his young son Sebastian, boyfriend to Shelley and a father to 3 fur-babies, Corey is also a practicing Yogi and Rock Recording of the Year Nominee.

    Makes Sense Academy:

    Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about

    Connect with Corey Poirier:

    Website: https://thatspeakerguy.com

    Speaking Program: https://www.thespeakingprogram.com/

    Enlightened Passenger Book: https://amzn.to/3LiZ8na

    IG: @thatspeakerguy

    Connect WIth Dr. JC Doornick “The Dragon”


    Episode Highlights

    0:00 - Intro

    2:52 - How did you decide to engage in the number one biggest fear people have.

    7:09 - Your true life begins at the end of your comfort zone

    12:40 - Overcoming Hypochondria and Anxiety

    22:47 - What it actually takes to be successful

    24:08 - The blessing of Rejection

    37:38 - The Enlightened Passenger

    42:57 - How does one actually live an extraordinary and epic life?

    56:16 - What does the future hold for the entrepreneur?

  • The human brain have the adaptive capacity to be programmed over time with consistency and repetition to become tethered to and believe certain things that often have no validity to them. With that acknowledged, lets take a look at the borage of hype thats driving its case for your reality through the news and social media every day. Lets make sense of the omnipresent HYPE. Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning. LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/makes-sense-with-dr-jc-doornick/id1730954168 OUR SPONSOR: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about


    Digital Minimialism - Cal Newport: https://amzn.to/3zAadh6 Does our Brain Know the difference between something it imagines and whats actually happening? https://neurosciencenews.com/reality-illusion-brain-23075/#:~:text=Summary%3A%20The%20more%20vividly%20we,confusion%20between%20reality%20and%20imagination. Bill Maher Segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDqoTDM7tio Andersen Cooper Segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awAMTQZmvPE Reality Threshold Article: https://www.wired.com/story/is-it-real-or-imagined-heres-how-your-brain-tells-the-difference/#:~:text=A%20study%20she%20led%2C%20recently,the%20brain%20thinks%20it's%20imagined.
  • Are you struggling? What does that even mean? To Struggle? What is your current relationship with struggle? Enjoy this pivotal moment from the vault when the Dragon opens up a can of whoop ass on the man made illusion and label we call struggle. This episode is available on both Apple and Spotify Platforms.

    ***** Connect With Dr. JC: https://zez.am/makessense

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/makessensepodcast

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jcdoornick

    Instagram: @drjcdoornick


    The Makes Sense Podcast available on Spotify and Apple - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each week https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/makes-sense-with-dr-jc-doornick/id1730954168

    Click this link to SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW - https://ratethispodcast.com/makessensepodcast

    Thank you for your support with our podcast on apple and spotify. Our mission is to remove the blindfolds from the sleepwalking masses and begin the uprising of the sleepwalking masses.


    Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.riseupwithdragon.com/makes-sense-academy

  • Making Sense of the Carnivore Diet? Is the carnivore and animal based diet all sizzle and no steak? Join me as i interview Dr. Robert Kiltz to make sense of the carnivore diet. This episode is available on the Apple and Spotify Platforms

    Dr. Kiltz is a Diplomat of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Fellowship trained and Board Certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. A Graduate of the University of Southern California, he completed medical school at the University of California, Davis.

    A thought leader in the keto carnivore movement, Dr. Kiltz believes that an animal-based diet dramatically improves mental clarity, fertility, and health, empowering people to live their best lives. In addition to his own media channels, Dr. Kiltz appears regularly on numerous popular blogs and social media outlets, and has shared his views as a speaker at TEDx. Listen to this episode on both Apple and Spotify Platforms.

    SUBSCRIBE / RATE / FOLLOW The Makes Sense with Dr. JC Doornick Podcast


    Follow/Connect with Dr. Robert Kiltz
    Website: www.doctorkiltz.com
    IG: @drkiltz

    Follow/ Connect with Dr. JC "The Dragon"
    Website: www.makessensepodcast.com
    IG: @drjcdoornick

    The Makes Sense Podcast available on Spotify and Apple - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/makes-sense-with-dr-jc-doornick/id1730954168

    Click this link to SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW - https://ratethispodcast.com/makessensepodcast

    Thank you for your support with our podcast on apple and spotify. Our mission is to remove the blindfolds from the sleepwalking masses and begin the uprising of the sleepwalking masses.


    Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.riseupwithdragon.com/makes-sense-academy


    0:00 - Intro
    4:37 - Reproductive Endocrinology?
    7:03 - Why are we all sick?
    10:14 - A unique approach to fertility
    14:30 - What's the difference between Keto and Carnivore?
    15:52 - What is Ketosis
    17:30 - Plants are not required in our diet?
    19:01 - Are humans depleting the meat resources?
    23:19 - Is science just a belief system?
    25:04 - Who is the carnivore diet right for?
    26:53 - What is the Carnivore Diet?
    30:13 - Who should not do the carnivore diet? What about high cholesterol?
    34:16 - Do people with high markers (Cholesterol, HDL, LDL) need medication?
    37:46 - If you are struggling with your health?
    41:32 - Are Vegetables and Carbs necessary at all?
    46:06 - The Choice is yours
    50:47 - Where should I get my meat?

  • What lies in the balance of you creating a belief in something then allowing that belief to solidify in your mind as a Fact? What are the factors that have persuaded you to know what you know to be so? Religion? Politics? Culture? Mathematics and Science? Lets unpack this phenomenon and expose the truths about the validity of SCIENCE Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning. LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube MAKES SENSE PODCAST SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW & SHARE our new podcast. FOLLOW the NEW Podcast - You will find a "Follow" button top right. This will enable the podcast software to alert you when a new episode launches each https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/makes-sense-with-dr-jc-doornick/id1730954168 OUR SPONSOR: Enjoy the show and consider joining our psychological safe haven and environment where you can begin to thrive. The Makes Sense Academy. https://www.skool.com/makes-sense-academy/about