
  • In this episode of Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists, host Kim Gross delves into the often misunderstood concept of self-care with guest Holly Swenson, an author and advocate for integrating self-care into parenting and beyond. They debunk the limited perception of self-care as merely indulging in bubble baths or massages, emphasizing its deeper significance in cultivating mental wellness, setting boundaries, and maintaining balance. Through personal stories and practical advice, this discussion highlights the importance of self-care routines, mindfulness, and allowing oneself to dream as pivotal for not just personal well-being, but also in enhancing parental roles. Key takeaways include embracing small, daily acts of self-care, the impact of environmental factors like aromatherapy and calming music, and the broader implications of self-care in nurturing compassion, setting healthy boundaries, and sustaining joy in one's life.

    About Holly:

    Holly Swenson is an award-winning author, BSN, RN, wellness blogger, mother to four incredible sons, and perpetual student of life. She is on a mission to raise the bar for parents and is working hard to promote more wellness, joy, and intention for parenting and beyond. She believes learning how to tend to "you" before tackling life's tasks and demands is the key to opening the door to thriving in life, and not just merely surviving. Holly will teach you how to balance the demand of parenthood with more consciousness, grace and gentility, not just for your own benefit, but for the lives you are responsible for shaping.

    Connect with Holly:

    Website: www.liveyourglow.live

    Instagram: @hollyswenson_liveyourglow

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this enlightening episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists,' host Kim Gross engages in a deep dive with guest Daniela Stevens, a renowned sex and trauma-informed coach, on the complexities of intimacy, particularly for individuals grappling with people-pleasing and perfectionist tendencies. They explore the four different types of intimacy—mental, physical, emotional, and sexual—highlighting the importance of each in cultivating authentic connections with oneself and others. Daniela shares her personal journey to discovering sexual pleasure and offers actionable advice for listeners to develop a more fulfilling intimate life. The discussion also addresses common challenges faced by people pleasers and perfectionists in achieving intimacy, offering strategies to overcome these obstacles and embrace vulnerability. Listeners are encouraged to focus on what feels good, taking small steps towards expressing their needs and desires in relationships.

    About Daniela:

    Daniela Stevens (she/they) is a trauma- and attachment-informed certified Sex and Intimacy Coach for couples and individuals of all bodies, all expressions, and all relationship dynamics.

    She supports people to experience deep sexual connection and intimacy with themselves and their partner by naming and addressing the intersections of personal experience with multiple systems of oppression and by guiding them to co-create their Sex Practice to clarify, connect, communicate, and heal to ripen into the best sex of their lives.

    For her, nothing is more important than connection.

    Connect with Daniela:

    danielastevens.com; https://

    www.instagram.com/danielastevensnow; https://

    www.facebook.com/danielastevensnow; https://

    www.linkedin.com/in/danielastevensnow/; [email protected]

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

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  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists,' host Kim Gross discusses the concept of living authentically and breaking away from people-pleasing behaviors with guest Megan Walrod. They delve into what it means to 'live your yes,' the challenges of overcoming societal conditioning and fears that prevent individuals from living a life of joy, fulfillment, and authenticity. Megan Walrod shares her personal journey of transformation from living in a 'safe harbor' to embracing her true self, highlighting the role of journaling as a tool for self-discovery and empowerment. The episode includes insights on navigating midlife reckonings, understanding the roots of people-pleasing tendencies, and actionable tips for listeners to explore what brings them joy and how to incorporate more of it into their lives.

    About Megan Walrod

    Megan Walrod, Founder of Live Your Yes, LLC, is an author, copywriter, authentic marketing coach and brave living mentor. She’s dedicated to helping women break free from codependent patterns and cultural conditioning so they can follow their hearts and prioritize their dreams. Her personal journey inspired the “Live Your Yes” philosophy, which is grounded in the belief that when women prioritize their joy, they become more magnetic and create greater success and fulfillment in all areas of their lives. Over the past 15+ years, she’s supported thousands of women to create profitable and purposeful businesses, and authentic, audacious lives that light them up. Her debut novel will be published in June, 2025. She lives in Portland, Oregon, and is in love with ferns, waterfalls and the Oregon Coast. Her current obsession? Cupcakes. (She thanks her inner little girl for that.)

    Connect with Megan:





    Summit on coming home to yourself in June: www.meganwalrod.com/homecoming

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists,' host Kim Gross engages in a profound conversation with self-love coach Elizabeth Foster. They delve into the common yet challenging experience of losing oneself in roles determined by relationships and social expectations, such as being a parent, spouse, or child. Elizabeth shares her personal story of transformation, from feeling lost and disconnected within her 20-year marriage to making the brave decision to prioritize her happiness and embark on a journey of self-love and discovery. The discussion extends to the pressures and conditioning that lead individuals, especially women, to people-please and suppress their true selves. Elizabeth also offers insights into her work with clients, emphasizing the importance of realigning thoughts, beliefs, and actions to one's true self. The episode is peppered with practical advice for listeners on how to unhook from old patterns and embrace authenticity, as well as considerations on conscious parenting and creating space for children to explore their identities without fear of judgment. Highlighting the significance of self-compassion and allowing oneself to fail and learn, this episode serves as a guide for listeners to navigate their path to self-discovery and living an authentic life.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Website: https://fortheloveofself.coach

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabethfortheloveofself

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabeth_fortheloveofself/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizfoster2/

    Youtube: @fortheLoveofselfcoaching

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • This podcast episode delves into the pervasive fear of failure that hinders many from pursuing their dreams and stepping out of their comfort zones. Drawing on the stories of notable personalities like Oprah, Abraham Lincoln, and Eminem, who were once doubted yet achieved remarkable success, the host emphasizes the detrimental impact of fear on personal growth and fulfillment. The episode examines the psychological reasons behind fear, notably the instinctual tendency to stick to the familiar as a safety mechanism, and how this ancient survival instinct negatively influences modern aspirations. The host, a self-described recovering people pleaser and perfectionist, shares a personal anecdote from childhood to illustrate how early experiences of failure or rejection can shape our self-perception and limit our potential. The narrative further explores the importance of reflecting on past experiences that might have seeded the fear of failure, offering strategies for individuals to confront and overcome these fears. The host encourages taking small, manageable steps towards goals, practicing self-compassion, and understanding that progress, not perfection, is the key to overcoming the paralysis caused by the fear of failing. The episode aims to guide listeners towards recognizing and dismantling the barriers that fear erects around their aspirations, advocating for a life lived fully and boldly beyond the confines of comfort zones.

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode, the host, a self-proclaimed recovering perfectionist, discusses the challenging mindset of feeling like one's efforts and accomplishments are never enough, attributing this often to perfectionism rooted in childhood experiences. They delve into the harmful patterns of self-pressure and unrealistic expectations, emphasizing the significance of awareness, taking responsibility, and nurturing self-compassion for healing. Through personal anecdotes and step-by-step guidance, the episode aims to help listeners shift from a focus on perfection to valuing progress, offering strategies for practicing gentleness and self-compassion. The episode encourages listeners to reframe their approach to tasks and life goals, suggesting that embracing progress over perfection can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. The host also mentions their upcoming book and invites feedback and interaction from the audience, along with a quiz on their website for those identifying with people-pleasing and perfectionist tendencies.

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists,' host Kim Gross reintroduces herself and shares the origin story of the podcast, which began in May 2020 amid the pandemic. Initially inspired by her conversations on personal growth and conscious parenting, Kim and a friend decided to launch the podcast, intriguingly named 'Masks Off' during a time when physical masks were ubiquitous due to COVID-19. However, the podcast's focus is on metaphorical masks, such as the roles and behaviors people adopt, like people-pleasing and perfectionism. Kim delves into her personal journey of overcoming these tendencies, highlighting her evolution from seeking external validation for her accomplishments to recognizing and embracing her true self. The episode emphasizes the importance of healing from emotional and mental wounds inflicted by societal and parental expectations, advocating for inner work and mindset shifts to achieve authentic living. Kim also teases an upcoming book and invites listeners to explore whether they exhibit perfectionistic or people-pleasing patterns through a quiz on her website.

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists,' host Kim Gross discusses the journey from codependency and people-pleasing to achieving freedom and self-sufficiency. She opens up about her own experiences of using food for comfort and relying on others for happiness, and how she realized these were forms of neediness. By sharing excerpts from her book, Kim explores the difference between neediness and desire, emphasizing the empowerment that comes from being able to ask boldly for what we want without feeling entitled to it. The episode highlights the significance of having a solid sense of self, being able to handle disappointment, and the process of self-reparenting to fulfill our own needs. Kim also introduces her five-step power pathway to help listeners move from a mindset of victimhood to one of freedom and liberation. Additionally, she encourages listeners to reach out, take a quiz on her website to identify people-pleasing and perfectionist tendencies, and join her email list for weekly tips and tools to further this journey from prison to paradise.

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists,' host Kim Gross is joined by guest Jen Beck, a coach who specializes in mindset, nutrition, and helping primarily women create their desired life. The discussion focuses on the importance of reprogramming the subconscious mind to align one's energy with their thoughts, enabling them to achieve their goals. Jen shares her personal journey from experiencing a wake-up call related to her mother's health, leading her to delve into nutrition, mindset, and eventually emotional healing. Jen emphasizes the role of addressing and healing 'what is under the under' to make lasting changes in life. Furthermore, the conversation covers Jen's ACT framework (Awareness, Concern, Take Action) used to address the root causes of why individuals may carry extra weight or struggle in various areas of their life. The episode concludes with Jen offering insights on living intentionally by designing one's life for personal happiness and well-being.

    About Jen:

    Over the last 20 years as a Registered Nutrition Consultant and Master Practitioner of LIIFT UnTherapy, Jen has guided thousands of people to address the root cause of their physical issues so they can look and feel 10 years younger. Through her unique approach to stress management and emotional healing, she has supported people in eliminating overwhelm and self-sabotage, so they can achieve all of their dreams.

    Connect with Jen:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/JenniferSchillingBeck/

    LinkedIN - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenbeckcompletehealth/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jenbeckcompletehealth/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgB9unRSqXzjrcf_Tw1g_8Q

    Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1166292626813035



    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists,' host Kim Gross interviews guest Jamil Sayegh. The conversation delves into the complexities of living authentically, the power of intuition, and the importance of embracing vulnerability and living without regrets. Jamil shares his personal journey, including a pivotal moment involving his father's health crisis, which taught him the value of fully appreciating the present and the people in his life. The discussion also covers the detrimental effects of wearing masks to please others, the significance of embracing one's unique inner truth, and methodologies for overcoming the mental prisons of people-pleasing and perfectionism. Jamil's insights on changing one's relationship with thoughts and beliefs to unlock a life of freedom, joy, and fulfillment are highlighted, encouraging listeners to question their own patterns and beliefs to create a life aligned with their true essence.

    About Jamil: am I being the me that I believe I should be being, embracing the unfamiliar

    Dr. Jamil Sayegh is an international spiritual wisdom teacher, energy-healer, life-transformation coach, integrative naturopathic physician, and the host of the ‘Transformation Starts Today’ podcast. He works with leaders, champions, and high-performers from all walks of life including world-champion athletes, best-selling authors, entrepreneurs, business professionals, and more to experience more peace, happiness, and fulfillment, and create an extraordinary life without regret.

    Connect with Jamil:

    Website: https://jamilsayegh.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jamil.sayegh

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjamilsayegh/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jamil-sayegh-402aa416b/

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists', host Kim Gross and guest Dr. Anna Redmond delve into chronic pain, specifically targeting high-achieving women. Dr. Redmond, a clinical psychologist specializing in chronic pain, underscores the inadequacy of traditional medical treatments in addressing the educational needs of chronic pain sufferers. She advocates for a holistic approach that reinstates connection to joy and vitality by focusing on life values rather than merely fixing pain. Drawing from her quote, 'I'd rather give people a life that is bigger than their pain than fix their pain', the conversation explores the intersection of chronic pain with perfectionism and people-pleasing behaviors, emphasizing the importance of pacing, understanding pain's signal role, and the power of neuroplasticity in managing chronic conditions. Practical strategies such as recognizing early signs of overactivity, increasing credible evidence of safety to retrain the brain, and embedding values-based activities are discussed, alongside insights into biofeedback and the normalization of not achieving perfection in daily tasks.

    About Dr. Redmond:

    Dr. Redmond is a trained clinical psychologist with specialties in health psychology, chronic pain management, and she is board certified in biofeedback. She has over a decade of experience listening to women, their chronic pain stories, and moving them down a path of recovery. Today, she comes to us as a chronic pain educator who has honed the most impactful education for women to view their pain through a new lens, change their behaviors, and reshape their lives to match what they really want. With education, she helps high achieving women reclaim joy, productivity and sustained productivity without being controlled by flare-ups.

    Connect with Dr. Redmond:

    Website: https://www.drannaredmond.com, IG: drannaredmond, FB: https://www.facebook.com/anna.redmond.196744/. My free facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/breakingpain

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists, host Kim Gross engages in a profound conversation with self-worth coach, author, and quantum manifestation specialist Nanci Reed. They delve into the significance of relationships, self-worth, and the potential to respond rather than react to judgmental or critical remarks from loved ones, maintaining a sense of calm and centeredness. Nanci shares her multifaceted expertise and her journey from perfectionism to embracing a 'perfectly imperfect' mindset, focusing on kindness, curiosity, and self-worth. She introduces listeners to the concept of 'deliberate kindness' through her personal story and the transformative 32 Favors project, emphasizing the power of self-worth in manifesting abundance and happiness. The episode underscores the importance of gentle self-encounter, curiosity, and the belief in one's inherent worth to navigate life's challenges and foster genuine self-love and acceptance.

    About Nanci:

    Nanci Reed is a Self-Worth Coach. She’s also an Author, Spiritual Teacher, and Pilates Instructor.

    She supports heart-centered, sensitive, successful, intuitive, empathic, and mission-driven women to embrace their perfectly imperfect Self with curiosity and gentleness, so that they learn to value themselves at the level of their Dream, not their doubts, even before actually having the Dream come true.

    Reconnecting with their real Life Purpose and living from their dreams--not their perceived limitations, something she calls living their ‘happily ever NOW’--not after everything else is perfect, is the foundation for all of her work.

    It is possible to gently align the mind, body and spirit with Love and then extend and infuse that integrated essence into every aspect of life.

    Nanci is also a longtime student and teacher of ‘A Course in Miracles’, and has facilitated healing and transformations for over 1000 clients around the world.

    Her award-winning book ‘Happily Ever NOW’: Not AFTER everything else is perfect, is a gentle guide for overcoming the paralysis of perfectionism by embracing our innate guidance.


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    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists,' host Kim Gross is joined by mindset shift coach Robyn Engelson. They discuss the challenges of managing daily overwhelming responsibilities alongside chronic illnesses, specifically autoimmune diseases that both the host and guest have experienced. Engelson shares her personal journey from being diagnosed with Hashimoto's to finding relief through holistic functional medicine and lifestyle changes. The conversation focuses on the importance of mindset shifts to combat perfectionism and people-pleasing tendencies, which can exacerbate chronic conditions. They provide practical tips and strategies for staying calm and energized amid life's challenges, highlighting the power of reframing thoughts and employing relaxation techniques. The episode aims to inspire listeners dealing with similar health issues and behavioral patterns to find their calm and reclaim their energy.


    Robyn Engelson is the Founder of Impact YOU, Autoimmune Specialist, Nutrition Educator, Lifestyle Transformer, Speaker, and Podcast Host of The Robyn Engelson Podcast. She is on a mission to help corporate moms improve their mindset, nutrition, fitness, and accountability so they can be the best version of themselves and make their unique impact. Through her healing journey of a thyroid, autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s, and Hypothyroidism, she stopped at nothing to find a healthy solution. Now, she helps empower hundreds of corporate moms to retrain their mindset as a model of positive change, lose weight, increase energy, gain clarity, and live a healthy, active lifestyle. She inspires corporate moms around the globe to take their health and happiness into their own hands and compress healing time with her Signature Coaching Programs. inspires corporate moms around the globe to take their health and happiness into their own hands and compress healing time with her Signature Coaching Programs.







    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of the podcast 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists', host Kim Gross talks with psychotherapist Dr. Heather Browne about the implications of people pleasing in relationships. Dr. Browne, who has 27 years of experience, highlights the importance of self-love and compassion in sustaining healthy relationships. They delve into the pattern of self-abandonment often seen in people pleasers, the process of healing through self-awareness and embracing change, and strategies to rebalance power inequalities in relationships. The episode emphasizes the need for authenticity, open communication, and self-care, and explores the potential benefits, challenges, and complexities of personal growth within relationships.


    Dr. Heather Browne PsyD, LMFT helps people recognize the power of communication. It is one of our most important skills that we have, and yet we don’t consider our understanding, approach, belief, and therefore, miss our possibilities. Living with a paranoid schizophrenic mother gave Dr. Heather a unique and powerful awareness that no one has the same reality, though we believe we do. Utilizing this revolutionary awareness has allowed her to transform communication within self and within all other types of relationship. This is the hidden key to acceptance. And this is her mission to share.

    As a relationship expert, Dr. Heather Browne has worked with thousands of individuals and couples in psychotherapy. She is a TedX and keynote speaker, a published in hundreds of journals, has an active TikTok channel, has been featured on ABC-7 news, was the relationship expert on KDOC Daybreak OC, and is published in Inc., Toronto Sun, Thriving Family Magazine, Light + Life, BRAINZ, Scary Mommy, and Psychology Today. She is a regular guest blogger for both Links for Shrinks and for Marriage Friendly Therapists.

    She offers a weekly newsletter packed with tips and techniques to improve relationships and has monthly workshops! Simply go to her website!


    Connect with Dr. Browne



    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drheatherbrowne

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this insightful episode, Kim Gross, host, engages in a candid conversation with licensed marriage and family therapist and coach, Libby Supan. With a focus on intuitive eating and trusting oneself, Libby and Kim Gross explore how societal pressures distort our natural eating instincts and lead us to unwarranted self-doubt. Using her experience of overcoming an eating disorder as a guide, Libby's approach underscores the importance of listening to our bodies, challenging the pressures of diet culture, and breaking generational cycles of harmful food narratives. Together, they delve into the significance of cultivating self-trust and understanding its influence on our decisions, ranging from food choices to personal relationships and career paths. For anyone grappling with body image issues, harmful diet culture, or simply seeking to trust themselves more, this conversation serves as a crucial stepping stone towards self-awareness and healing.

    About Libby:

    Libby Supan is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified intuitive eating coach. Libby recovered from an eating disorder she had for 20 years and the reason why she’s extremely passionate about the work that she does.

    Libby has a therapy practice and a separate coaching practice. She works with people who struggle with food and their body image. She mostly works with people who suffer from the binge/restrict cycle. She’s on a mission to help as many people as possible relearn how to eat intuitively and live a life of food freedom.

    Connect with Libby:

    Phone: (562) 999-1263

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: libbysupan.com (https://libbysupan.com)

    Tik Tok: foodfreedomwithlibby (https://www.tiktok.com/@foodfreedoomwithlibby)

    IG/FB: foodfreedomwithlibby (https://www.instagram.com/foodfreedomwithlibby)

    FB: foodfreedomwithlibby (https://www.facebook.com/FoodFreedomwithLibby)

    FREEBIE BUNDLE: https://libbysupan.com/freebie-homepage

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists', host Kim Gross is joined by Kat Polsinelli, a coach who helps women overcome challenges, change their self-view, and improve their self-confidence. Kat shares her remarkable journey from becoming a teenage mother, hiding her pregnancy while excelling academically at high school and ending up in a decade-long abusive relationship, to overcoming perfectionism and transforming her life, leading to personal and professional growth. Kat also emphasizes the importance of healing and communicating openly about our mistakes and lessons with our loved ones. Tune in to discover Kat's unique perspective on overcoming perfectionism and creating a healthier mindset.

    About Kat:

    Meet Kat, a resilient entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and podcaster. From performing on stage at 10 to navigating teenage pregnancy and enduring an abusive relationship, she has emerged courageous and empowered. Kat's inspiring love story led her to marry her soul mate in a symbolic cave ceremony. As the founder of The Lotus Effect, she empowers individuals to rise above challenges and unlock their potential through a powerful mindset and customized strategies and operations. Her mission is to guide others on their lotus journey, transforming muddy waters into beautiful, fulfilled lives.

    Connect with Kat:

    Social media links: https://www.facebook.com/katpolsinelli



    Website: https://the-lotus-effect.com

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists', host Kim Gross invites guest Jennifer Altieri to discuss the powerful tool of gratitude. Exploring the benefits and processes of expressing gratitude, they highlight its potential to shift perceptions and behaviors positively. Altieri also shares her journey from feeling trapped by people-pleasing behavior and perfectionism to finding realignment and confidence through the application of gratitude in her life. There is also a discussion on how gratitude must be authentic and purposeful to yield benefits and they underline the importance of acknowledging all feelings. Applying gratitude to personal growth and managing challenging situations is also explored, as well as applying gratitude in advance to attract future positives.

    About Jen:

    Introducing Jennifer Altieri, founder of Hope In Heart Life Coaching for women. Transformation Through Gratitude.

    Jen’s passion lies in guiding women through a transformative journey of self-discovery, all viewed through the lens of gratitude. She empowers her clients to tap into their inner power to create and live their best life.

    Credentials speak to her expertise but Jen believes it’s the unique blend of life experience in addition to formal training that allows her to successfully guide clients. Jen's personal journey was far from a smooth path; it was marked by mistakes, fears, and guilt. Replacing guilt with gratitude made room for mistakes to become stepping stones to success.

    Jen is a certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Certified Life and motivational coach, Certified social and emotional intelligence coach, Certified Assertiveness Coach, Certified Passion Test facilitator, Vet Certified Animal Aromatherapy Specialist, and is certified in Moonology.

    Today when she and her husband are referred to as "empty nesters," she chuckles at the label, for her nest is anything but empty. Her two adult children have flown the coop but Jen still cares for 24 animals 24/7, including 18 rescued therapy animals for her nonprofit Kindness Shared Happiness Squared.

    Connect with Jen:




    [email protected] www.hopeinrheart.com

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists', host Kim Gross chats with Lisa Pepper Satkin, a therapist and coach with over 30 years of experience. They discuss their personal experiences with confronting fears and stepping outside their comfort zones. They highlight how learning to create inner safety can help overcome trauma responses and lead to personal growth. Kim shares her story of battling anxiety concerning a trip to Italy, and how powerful it can be when we stop validating our fears and become more solution-oriented. Lisa shares insights on how changing our language and thought patterns can transform our lives, and offers her expert advice on reparenting and self-regulation. This episode is filled with tools and practices for grounding oneself and leading an authentic life.

    About Lisa:

    Lisa Pepper-Satkin, an esteemed licensed psychotherapist, Executive Therapeutic Coach, and BrenĂ© Brown Certified Dare to Leadℱ Facilitator, boasting an impressive 30-year track record of empowering individuals to reach new heights.

    Lisa Pepper-Satkin's mission is to guide successful executives, high-achieving leaders, and driven individuals in transcending negative thinking, unlocking their inner wisdom, and achieving profound and lasting transformation. With her innovative approach and fusion of psychotherapy and coaching techniques, she's set to revolutionize how individuals and organizations approach personal development and leadership.

    FIRE YOUR INNER EBOOK helps in silencing the critical voice in our head that keeps us small, scared, and doubtful – the “inner bully.” It's time to start paying attention to what our inner bully says to us and to clear out old beliefs that no longer serve us. We can make a conscious commitment to create a new way of talking to ourselves with loving, kind, and powerful statements that remind us of our deepest truth.

    Thee six steps to Fire Your Inner Bully and Give Voice to Your Wisdom are based Lisa’s Integrated Therapeutic approach to coaching that combines the insightful tools of psychotherapy with the powerful techniques of coaching to help her client’s change their thinking, release old patterns and habits, and create new rituals for personal and professional growth and lasting transformation.

    You can download this ebook on https://www.lisapeppersatkin.com/tools-resources

    UDEMY: Cultivating a Healthier Relationship With Your Anxiety This course gives you the tools, tips, and reminders to cultivate a healthier relationship with your anxiety and worry. Anxiety wants you to believe that any given situation needs an answer. It doesn't. It may not feel like it, but we must learn to trust that these feelings will pass. This course teaches you easy ways to remember how to navigate your life even though you suffer from anxiety.

    Connect with Lisa:

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LisaPepperSatkin/

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisapeppersatkin/

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisapeppersatkin/

    Website: https://www.lisapeppersatkin.com

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode, Ashley Bendiksen, an expert in helping victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and unhealthy relationships, shares her insights on how to identify and deal with abusive relationships particularly for parents dealing with their teenage or young adult children. She provides signs to look out for, different phases common in abusive relationships, and the importance of noticing 'internal red flags'. Furthermore, Ashley provides tips on how parents can approach the topic with their children as well as descriptors of what constitutes a healthy relationship. The host, Kim Gross, emphasizes the importance of taking off the 'masks' of people pleasing and perfectionism so individuals can live their true potential.

    About Ashley:

    Ashley Bendiksen is a national speaker, Top Youth SpeakerÂź, award-winning activist, and subject matter expert on the topics of domestic violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence, youth mental health, and resilience. Year-round, she speaks to students, educators, and youth-serving adults, in addition to conducting training for law enforcement, first responders, counseling professionals, workplaces, corporate audiences, and the military. She is also the founder of the Blue Hearts Project, a global storytelling platform for survivors of abuse, as well as the co-founder of Island Youth Coaching which specializes in life coaching for teens and young adults.

    Connect with Ashley:



    [email protected]





    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583⁠

  • In this episode of 'Masks Off for People Pleasers and Perfectionists', host Kim Gross engaged with guest Michelle Johnston, a life and empowerment coach, who shared her personal journey of moving from being a people pleaser and perfectionist to rediscovering her authentic self. Michelle recounts how she was raised in a strict religious environment where she was trained to fulfill the roles of a perfect mom and wife. She described the emotional turmoil she felt despite seemingly leading a perfect life and how she reached a breaking point when she realized she had been neglecting her own needs. This self-discovery led her to take control of her health and gradually learn to love herself, a move which not only significantly improved her life but also positively influenced her children's lives. She describes her coaching approach which is focused on breaking negative narratives and helping others find their path towards a happier, more authentic life.

    About Michele:

    My guest on today’s episode is Michele Johnston, the powerhouse behind Fiercely Authentic Coaching! Raised with strict ideals, she married young and became a devoted mother of four. For years, she masked her struggles to fit society's perfect mold. But when her kids grew, she prioritized self-care. Pushing a truck full of kettlebells was her "aha" moment, revealing her incredible strength—physically and mentally. Michele dove into fitness and embarked on a journey of self-discovery, self-love, adventure, and grace. Now, as a life and empowerment coach, she empowers fierce women to rediscover their authentic selves, fall in love with their quirks, and live life unapologetically!

    Connect with Michele:


    [email protected]

    Connect with Kim:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kimgross24

    Website: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com

    Masks Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masksoffcommunity/

    Take the People-Pleasing & Perfectionist Quiz: https://www.kimgrosscoaching.com/quiz.php

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

    Facebook Masks Off Community:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/groups/masksoffcommunity⁠

    Masks Off email: [email protected]

    YouTube:YouTube: ⁠https://youtube.com/channel/UCaWJfO7ZFd4aYBX3e-clj9Q⁠

    Spotify: ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/2Et9BMqdFriIQ9bUxcfQeg⁠

    Apple podcast: ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masks-off/id1513846583â