Do you feel like you're always trying to perform?
Trying to get things done?
Trying to be tough?
Trying to meet the expectations of your perfect body, perfect behavior and perfect self?
Do you wish you could just relax without feeling like you're doing something wrong?
Do you wish you could be okay with how you're feeling and looking today?
Most people in the world feel so burned out in life because they've forgotten what it's like to live through their heart. They've spent so many years performing, doing and accomplishing that they're nervous system is stuck in the "ON" position and can't turn off.
In this episode, I take you through a powerful meditation that will melt away all your fears and anxiety, and give you the fresh perspective we all need.
Are you tired of tracking calories and macros, and wish you could just have the ability to trust yourself with food?
Tired of feeling like a slave to the gym, and wish you had more freedom in the gym?
For many of us there comes a point in our life where having our body look a certain way stops being so important... and what becomes more important is feeling a certain way-feeling good mentally, emotionally and physically.
But there's MANY roadblocks that stand in our way from making that switch. Fear of losing our body, fear of going out of control without a food plan, and fear of getting lazy without a rigid traingin structure are just a few of the blocks we face.
In this episode, I share the top 5 skills I believe we need when making this shift from dieting to vitality. Tune in to learn more!
"I feel like many of us go on this journey that starts with wanting to look a certain way. We want the abs, we want the muscle, we want the lean physique, we want the indents in our arms and legs. We want the compliments. And we're willing to overanalyze every calorie we eat, and force ourselves to the gym no matter how we feel. But there's a point in our life where we just get tired of living that way..."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My 1on1 Coaching Program: natalienewhart.health
Email Me At: [email protected]
Mangler du episoder?
Do you feel like you've lost passion in your career?
Does the job that used to bring you joy now feel taxing and draining?
Have you noticed your health or weight declining simultaneous to the job stress?
Call it burnout or a mid-life crisis, in this episode I share what is going on in these phases of our life, how it's affecting our weight and health, and what needs to change in order to get our mind, body and life back in alignment.
"And what happens with a lot of people is they choose a profession... they’re really excited about it at first, and then they hit a point in their career where they feel like they’ve plateaued or feel burnt out. Like a mid life crisis where they have a sudden loss of passion, and not interested in what they’re doing anymore. And their whole life starts to crumble..."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My 1on1 Coaching Program: natalienewhart.health
Email Me At: [email protected]
Are you feeling down? Anxious? Empty? Or lost?
This episode will bring you back to your center and help you see life through a different lens.
Because we've been so conditiioned to live through fear and lack, we need to retrain our mind and nervous system to see life through love and abundance. This meditations is an example of the kind of training we do when we work together.
To get the most out of this transmission, find a place in nature, bow your head to your heart, and allow yourself to open to receive the frequency of love. Enjoy.
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Do you have a desire to become a better version of yourself but are feeling stuck in a certain area of your life?
Tried so many different things, only to find yourself back in the same habit or pattern?
Feeling hopeless that you'll ever be able to create the changes you want because nothing seems to work?
You may have tried many things, but chances are you haven't tried this ONE thing.
Whether you're wanting a better body, better food habits, deeper relationships, more peace, or more money, there's one solution that I have found that is the solution to all of it. It's ancient. It's sacred. And it's available to anyone who is committed to a better life for themselves. Tune in to this episode to hear what it is.
"And so if we have a vision that we aspire to create, we have, but one job, and that is to become the living embodiment of that -mentally emotionally, physically. And as soon as we line up with that vision within ourselves, then it will be the reality of our lives."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Do you always feel like you need to be doing something?
Do you have a hard time shutting down, even when you know it's exaclty what your body needs?
You know taking some peacful downtime would put you in a better mood, create more connection in your relationships, help you eat better, and just enjoy life more... but still we resist.
Instead, sitting for just a few minutes makes you feel anxious, almost jittery, like you need to keep moving and keep busy. As a result, our off days can feel just as draining as our working days.
It's an inner struggle that is causing so many health problems including digestion issues, weight gain, inability to lose weight, disease and mental health problems like anxiety, overwhelm, burnout and depression.
Why is that? Why is the most simplest and easiest thing to do is the hardest thing to get ourselves to do?
In this episode, I share the root of our society's inability to slow down and take better care of mental and physical wellbeing, as well as how to fix it. Tune in if you could use a little more peace in your life.
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Are you someone who seems like you have it all together but are on the verge of breaking down?
Do you find yourself in a relentless cycle of stress and exhaustion trying to do it all: eat well, workout, take care of the kids, the house, the family, keep a steady paycheck, upkeep the house, be a good friend, etc?
On the outside, it looks like you got it all figured out. But on the inside, you're at a BREAKING POINT.
The only way to get out of this exhausting loop forever is to see what is causing it so you can change your attitude and behavior. Tune into this episode to learn how.
"Most people try to fix their stress and unhappiness by taking a pill, getting therapy, losing weight, following a diet plan, changing jobs, getting a new partner, getting a new house, etc. This will work for a short period of time but ultimately, you'll find oursleves repeating the same pattern and creating the same stress and exhaustion in our life."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
45-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
On a scale of 1-10, how vital do you feel?
Do you feel full of life or do you feel a bit melancholy?
Do you go to sleep looking forward to the next day?
Or are you trying to slow down time so tomorrow doesn't come?
Do you have great energy all day? Or are you hitting a wall at noon?
Does your body feel good? Or is there some part of your body disturbing you from living a normal day?
If you said no to any of these questions, you're not alone. Never have we been more disconnected from feeling fully alive.
In our fast-paced lives, it's easy for days to zoom by without us even noticing how dead, robotic, and numb we feel. There's a difference between merely living and feeling full of life. And I believe that each day holds incredible potential for us to feel alive and fulfilled if we know how to tap into it.
That's why I'm excited to share my 5 keys to keep your body strong, your energy high and your soul fulfilled in every part ofyour life.
"We need that thing that wakes us up and lights us up everyday. That fire that has us jump out of bed in the morning. That thing that gives us passion and fire for life. Without this, life gets boring, monotonous and depressing."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Ever wondered why you keep repeating that same pattern?
Why you keep eating that food? Why you eat so much at once? Why you eat so fast?
Why you eat your meals so fast?
Why working out is so hard for you?
Why resting is so hard for you?
What is driving you to do that thing that you know is not good for you?
What is driving you to not do the things that you know are good for you?
In this episode, I talk about the importance of seeing what energy is driving us to do the things we do, and how to shift and change that energy to get ourselves to do the things that will take us closer towards our vision of wellness.
If you've been struggling to break a certain habit or pattern, this episode will shine light on why and what you need to do differently to create the change you want.
"Most people THINK that we are the ones making the decisions, and taking the actions, but it's the ENERGY that's present within us every moment of the day that is driving every one of our behaviors."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Do you find yourself needing to control everything?
Control how much you eat, what you eat, and when you eat it?
Needing to workout X days a week for X amount of minutes?
Needing to accomplish certain routines in your day just to feel at ease?
Needing to control how your house looks, how the dishes get washed, how the laundry gets done?
Have you ever reflected on how whether this control is serving you?
Is it actually supporting healthy habits or is it the cause of your unwanted behaviors?
Is it creating more peace in your life or more stress?
In this episdoe, I talk the hard truth on whether this need to control is really serving you or if it's the very thing standing in your way from creating everything you want.
This one's for the people that don't just want to look good, you want to feel good. Enjoy.
"For example, you can control your food. You can control it to a point where you know, exactly the weights of everything that you're eating and when you're eating it... and you might get a result for a certain amount of time. But what happens is when we try and control something or restrict something like that, there is this back swing of letting go of control. This is where we binge and this is where we also lose trust in ourselves, and go back to feeling like we need to control/track our food. But it's the control that is causing the binging!"
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. The endless 24-hour news cycle. Getting the kids to school on time. Deadlines at work. Squeezing in the gym. Planning dinner. Rushing through the supermarket. Waving to the neighbor as you pull in the driveway, praying he doesn’t want to have another conversation about the progressive potluck you’re supposed to be planning. Run the kids through a bath. Clean the kitchen. Read a bedtime story. Catch up on emails. Pray for sleep. You swear you only just closed your eyes when the alarm goes off. Rinse and repeat.
This modern way of life, with its constant engagement and connectedness, has most of us living in a low-to-moderate state of stress and overwhelm.
Our fast-paced lives present us with a seemingly endless stream of stressful and anxiety-ridden challenges, causing our sympathetic nervous system to be stuck in the ON position. Over a long period of time, we’re driving Fast & Furious-style toward extreme fatigue, weight gain, and illness.
So how do we get out of it, and make the turn towards peak health and vitality?
In this episode, I show you how my clients and I have gotten out of this burdensome way of living and into a life that actually promotes wellness. Tune in to learn more.
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Discovery Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Has this ever happened to you? You’re completely motivated to start some new habits like eating well, exercising and meditating everyday.... it starts off well becaus you're fired up abou it, but then your fire inevitably dies out after just a short time?
I've spent the last decade of my life travelling the world, working with monks and gurus, so I can understand why this happens and the keys to making new habits stick so I can create the best version of myself and live the best life.
In this episode, I talk about the ONE thing you need to make new habits stick, so you can start making serious headway on the things you say you want in your life.
"The average person struggles with keeping their word to themselves. As soon as it gets hard, inconvenient, or their feeling changes, people are so quick to opt out of what they say they want- eat the crap food, not move much, stay inside all day, and not take good care of themselves. Our ability to commit to new habits and let go of bad habits is something that is trained and forged"
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Have you ever wondered why you keep repeating the same "bad" behaviors over and over and over?
If you're like most people, you know what you want. You have a goal. You have a vision. You know what things you should do to get there... but you just can't get yourself to do the thing that you know you should do.
Maybe your thing is that you want to stop eating so compulsively.
Maybe your thing is that you want to trust yourself.
Maybe your thing is you want to be able to rest without feeling guilty or afraid.
But you just can't get yourself to do these things even though you know they'd be good for you...
In this episode, we take a deep dive into why you can't get yourself to do that thing that would bring you closer to your vision of wellness, and exactly what to do about it. Enjoy!
"The problem is not the food itself. Or your training routine. Or your schedule. Or your body. The problem is the unconscious programming that is driving your unwanted behaviors and keeping you stuck. And you don't know about it."
- Natalie Newhart
Ever wondered why some people are successful at achieiving the things they want in life while others struggle?
Why some people stay stuck in the same faulty patterns and behaviors while others move beyond it?
The people that achieve the life they want, what do they do differently?
In this episode, I lay out the MOST important thing we need to step into that version of yourself you can't stop dreaming about.
When we don't have this one thing dialed in, we find ourselves accidentally creating the body and life we don't want. We don't move much. We eat things we regret. We get sad. We feel lost. We take it out on others. It's a painful road to go down, and a very easy one to get stuck on if you don't have this one thing dialed in.
If you're tired of living in a cycle of repeating the same faulty patterns and behaviors, tune into this episode so you can put an end to the hamster wheel once and for all.
"We all have those things that we know we should be doing, but we aren't doing. Things like eating healthy and mindfully, moving our body everyday, prioritizing time for rest and rejuvenation. It's not that we don't know WHAT to do, it's getting ourselves to do it that's the problem. This skill is what gets us to break our bad habits."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Discovery Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
What are the keys to feeling your absolute best? Many people think it's about eating certain foods and doing certain exercises, but I've realized that it goes much MUCH deeper than that.
In fact, I believe that believing there's "a way" to eat and exercise is the very thing that KEEPS you from feeling your best. In this episode, I share my truth on the 5 keys to feel your best more of the time, and the common hurdles that stand in our way.
"We never want to go against our own feelings. Anytime we say "I need to, I should, I have to" do xyz, that activity immediately becomes twice as hard. It will require twice as much energy, and you'll need twice as much time or eat twice as much food just to recover from that one activity. This is why people who are in a job they hate, for example, have a really difficult time recovering from their day or week of work, and often find themselves overeating at night."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Discovery Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Tired of yo-yo dieting? Looking to improve not only your physical health, but your mental and wellbeing as well?
Wanting to enjoy the journey to health and fitness, rather than viewing it as a chore or punishment?
If you said to any or all 3, vitality may be the "thing" you've been looking for all along and didn't even know it.
That's what happend to me. A vitality-based approach to health has been my obsession for the last 8 years. After following diet plans, forcing myself to exercise, and living in a constant state of yo-yo, I realized that this way of forceful living wasn't what I really wanted.
I didn't just want to look good. I wanted to FEEL good. I wanted freedom in my exercise routine. Freedom in my food choices. I wanted to trust myself around all food and not obsess over calories and macros. I wanted balance in my my training and life. I wanted to know my body so well that I knew when to push and when to rest. I wanted to feel good not just some days, but EVERYDAY.
A vitality-based approach was the thing I never knew I was looking for. Vitality offers a refreshing alternative to traditional dieting that focuses on sustainable lifestyle changes and allows you to become a more healthier, hapipier and vibrant you.
In this episode, you'll learn:
what a vitality-based approach to health and fitness is how it's different from tradiditional dieting approaches why it's the future of health and fitnessIf you're looking for a new approach to looking and feeling your best, tune into this episode because this may be it.
"Vitality is not based on a certain look or performance. Vitality is a feeling, a feeling driven by love. Weight loss and performance-based approaches are driven by a feeling of 'I need to look this way to love myself'. or 'I need to achieve this outcome to feel good enough'." These approaches require force, pressure and are guided by rules/plans, which is why they don't work for long. Vitality, on the other hand, is driven by love."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Discovery Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
From my childhood upbringing, to competing at the CrossFit Games, to taking PEDs, bodybiulding, binging, stealing food from grocery stores and eatin food out of trashcans... I share my life story without shame.
My challenges and setbacks are what has allowed me to create the dream life I have today. Alough it came with a ton of pain and suffering, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. My story is my gift because it allows me to relate to, understand and help so many people.
"There was a moment where I said 'Something has to change. I can't keep living like this anymore.' And that was the moment where I started to make my dream life my reality."
- Natalie Newhart
Connect with Nat...
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]
Mastering You will be ran very differently than most podcasts. I'm going to be an example of how to create a more fulfilling and effortless life by not following the standard "rules" around podcasting.
In this first episode, I share the intention of this podcast, what to expect as far as release dates, length of episodes, guest appearances, and topics that I'll be talking about.
Thank you for your support, and thank you for showing up for yourself. I'm looking forward to being on this self mastery journey with you.
"Having a super structured morning routine creates heaviness. If you want to create an effortless, enjoyable life, we must learn how to flow instead of force ourselves to follow super structured routines."
Connect with Nat!
Instagram: @natalie.newhart
30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Call: calendly.com/natalienewhart/workwithme
Learn About My Coaching Programs: natalienewhart.health
Email: [email protected]