Multiple times per year, Mercury goes into retrograde. During this period, technology, communication, travel, and other information are often disrupted or changed. It is also a correction period which allows us to revisit and review aspects of our life and change what needs to be changed. On this episode, we discuss our personal retrograde experiences […]
From the day we are born, we are given at least three different spirit guides who guide us along our path of life. Although we may not always feel them, they are always there, and we can count on them whenever needed. Listen as we discuss the difference between spirit guides and guardian angels as […]
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Given that today is Fathers Day, it can be hard for those who have a father-like figure on the other side. We have a hard time grieving because we don’t see them. However, they don’t miss us because they can still see us from the other side. Especially during holidays or milestones, we often wish […]
We are always getting inundated with questions from our listeners about the paranormal and how exactly Karyn’s gift works. We chose the most frequently asked questions and provided you the answers you have been looking for. We cover everything from paranormal investigations, heaven versus hell, turning off the connection to spirit, work life balance, and […]
There are no such things as coincidences in life. The universe leads us down life’s path to get us to where we need to be at the correct time. Along the way, we meet individuals who will change the course of our lives forever. Although we can’t explain why the connection is so strong, we […]
Buffalo: a city known for snow, amazing food, and sports. However, what makes Buffalo unlike the rest is the people. We are known as the “City of Good Neighbors.” No matter how far you travel, when you meet someone also from Buffalo, there is an instant connection…a Buffalove. Listen as we talk one of Buffalo’s […]
As spiritual beings, we often find ourselves experiencing the sensation of going out of body. We are able to reconnect with those on the other side, heal from physical ailments, and even experience a greater sense of self-realization. Listen as we discuss near-death experiences and visitations from our loved ones during our dream-state. In this […]
Thoughts are things. What we believe, we achieve. Our mind is powerful in that when we release positivity into the universe, we receive positivity right back. Listen as we discuss how to manifest the most out of life as you turn your hopes and dreams into reality. In this episode, we interview 15-year-old, Shai Dahan, […]
What’s your number? Each letter is given a corresponding numerical value. Each word consists of a series of numerical values which give insight into the deeper meaning and representation behind a specific word. Listen as we discuss the numerology behind COVID-19 and what this means as far as our future. We take calls from our […]
Life is all about leaving a legacy. Along the way, you never know who you will inspire. Meet Steve Zappia. Steve pioneered the world of Buffalo broadcasting. He served a myriad of roles including station manager, production manager, and executive producer for WKBW Channel 7. He helped move Channel 7 from the Churchill Tabernacle building […]
Whether an introvert or extrovert, the way one defines “home” is subjective to the individual. When searching for the right place to call your own, how are you able to take all your must-haves and incorporate them into your definition of “home?” Listen as we welcome Carrie Nicholson, Hawaii’s Top Luxury Realtor to our show. […]
There’s a fine line between being forceful and being empowering when it comes to personal beliefs. Each individual is unique and should stand strong in their opinions and values. However, how is someone able to find the balance between forcing their beliefs onto others while allowing their opinions to be heard? Listen as middle school […]
How are you able to take the things that scare you the most and push yourself to overcome them? The key to life is to find humor to elevate yourself to be the most authentic you. Listen as comedian, speaker, and advocate, Pamela Rae Schuller, inspires us all as she uses comedy as a way […]
In a world where negative news seems prevalent within our society, how do we respond to break the cycle of intolerance? Children are our only hope for the future, but we are their only hope for their present and their future. Listen as high school English teacher, Meredith Lumb, inspires us all to stop the […]
As free-flowing as life may seem, the universe has a pre-determined plan to get you not where you want to be but where you need to be. Although you may not understand the intended plan at the start, it is revealed to you when you are meant to see it. Listen as astrologer, Susan Pleskow, […]
How do you listen to the universe when it pushes you down a path that you never expected? Are you able to give up some control to let life guide you instead of you guiding life? Listen as former Real Housewife of New Jersey, best-selling author, restaurant owner, and chef, Kathy Wakile, gives us the […]
We all lead very busy lives where we may feel as though we are stretched in many different directions. What is the secret to finding the balance between caring for others and caring for yourself? Listen as yoga teacher, Betsy Eberle, inspires us all to realize that self-care is not selfish. It is essential.
How does a psychology major turn into a successful Lifestyle Public Relations Director? Listen as caller, Carrie from Seattle, shares her life’s path working to enhance the public image of her high-profile clients while balancing her own mindfulness journey.