
  • From episode #79 with Jordan Hackett.

    More from that episode:

    - Jordan shares some of his story

    - There is nothing wrong with male sexuality

    - The importance of rites of passage

    - Unintentional sexual initiations

    - Elements of initiation ceremonies

    - Challenges, choice, and agency

    - Liberation and shame

    - Tantrikas, Dakinis, and Sex Goddesses

    - Initiations for young people and societal barriers

    - Sexual debuts and ongoing exploration

  • On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Katia Schwartz. Katia is a disability and sex worker rights activist, with a career in the sex industry spanning over 16 years. As a profoundly deaf, queer sex worker, Katia navigates unique intersections and is passionate about advocating for the destigmatisation and inclusion of marginalised groups.

    Episode transcript: CLICK HERE

    Key points:

    Introductions and background

    Katia introduces herself as a deaf, disabled sex worker who lives on Gadigal land in Sydney and does advocacy work for the disabled and sex worker communities. Cam shares that he previously wrote a blog post about the appropriation of sex worker aesthetics, in which he quoted Katia.

    Katia's experience on SBS Insight

    Katia describes being approached by the producers of the SBS Insight TV show to appear on an episode about "Convenient Relationships" and transactional relationships. She made her access needs clear, including requiring an Auslan interpreter and accurate closed captions, which the producers agreed to. However, when the episode aired, the captions were poor quality and not synced properly, making it inaccessible for Katia. She tried to resolve the issue with the network but faced dismissive responses.

    Misconceptions about disability and sex work

    Katia discusses common misconceptions people have about disabled people and sex workers, including the assumption that disabled people cannot or should not engage in sexual activity. She shares examples of inappropriate questions she's received, like "How do you have sex if you're deaf?" Katia explains how her disability informs and enhances her sex work in positive ways, like her heightened sensory awareness and communication skills.

    Advice for allies and advocates

    Katia provides advice for allies and advocates, emphasizing the importance of listening to marginalized voices, being open to feedback, and amplifying the perspectives of those with lived experiences. She encourages people to diversify their social media feeds and be mindful of the representation and narratives they consume.

    Wrap-up and resources

    Katia shares how to find and connect with her online, including her Instagram handle and website. Cam thanks Katia for the insightful conversation and the opportunity to learn.

    Relevant links:

    Katia's website: www.thegingerdoll.com
    Katia's Instagram: www.instagram.com/katiaschwartz

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  • From episode #79 with David Chambers.

    More from that episode:

    - David shares about his work and passions

    - Purpose vs passion

    - Co-creating attraction and intimacy

    - Overthinking and anxiety

    - Treating dating like a video game

    - Invitations vs expectations

    - British masculinity and being a Black man

    - Race and the white spirituality community

  • On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Danielle Bezalel, MPH, aka DB (she/her/hers). Danielle is the Creator, Executive Producer, and Host of the ⁠Sex Ed with DB⁠ podcast, a feminist podcast bringing you all the sex ed you never got, centering LGBTQ+ and BIPOC experts. Danielle earned a Master of Public Health with expertise in sexuality, sexual, and reproductive health from Columbia University. Danielle lives in Oakland, CA. Go to⁠ www.sexedwithdb.com⁠ to learn more about the podcast and get discounts on DB’s faves ⁠here⁠. You can listen to the podcast on ⁠Apple Podcasts⁠,⁠ Spotify⁠, ⁠Soundcloud⁠, or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow Sex Ed with DB on⁠ TikTok⁠,⁠ Instagram⁠,⁠ Twitter⁠, and ⁠YouTube⁠.

    Key points:

    Introductions and background

    Danielle introduces herself as a sex educator and podcast host, sharing her passion for providing medically accurate, pleasure-centered sex education. Cam shares that his wife is also a musician and has done work related to birth and postpartum.

    Defining pleasure-centered sex education

    Danielle and Cam discuss what it means to have a "pleasure-centered" approach to sex education, focusing on topics like birth control, STIs, LGBTQIA+ health, consent, and the physical and emotional aspects of sex. They emphasize the importance of using scientifically-backed, non-judgmental, and inclusive language.

    Danielle's "Magic Wand" self-pleasure experiment

    Danielle shares details about a self-experiment she conducted using a Magic Wand vibrator, tracking the impact on her health, mood, and sexual experience over three weeks. The results showed decreased stress and anxiety, more positive moods, and increased libido when using the Magic Wand daily.

    Navigating public discussions about and intimacy

    Cam and Danielle discuss the challenges of having public conversations about sex, particularly for men. They explore the differences in how men and women are typically portrayed when discussing their masturbation habits, and the importance of creating safe spaces for open, non-judgmental dialogue.

    Closing thoughts and resources

    Danielle shares some final wisdom about the importance of self-love and appreciation, and provides information about how to connect with her through her podcast, social media, and an upcoming workshop on building a profitable online education business.

  • From episode #76 with Melanie Curtin.

    More from that episode:

    - Melanie shares about her work and research

    - Healing from religious trauma

    - Creating safety for men to explore sexuality

    - 70% of men are not good in bed

    - “Too much, too fast”

    - Expectations of male sexuality

    - Teasing and touching a woman

    - Creating safety for women to explore sexuality

    - Communication skills

  • On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Jimanekia Eborn. Jimanekia Eborn is a Queer Sexual Assault & Trauma Expert, Trauma Media Consultant, and Comprehensive Sex Educator. She is the host of Trauma Queen - a podcast working to normalize conversations about life's most challenging experiences, from sexual assault to mental health and beyond. Jimanekia is the Founder of Tending The Garden- a nonprofit in service of sexual assault survivors who have been marginalized; offering retreats, online summits, community and education. She is also the co-founder of Cintima, bringing increased representation to the field of Intimacy Coordination in the film industry.Key points:Introductions and backgroundJimanekia introduces herself, sharing her full name and background. She describes herself as an inquisitive, question-asking person who has experienced various traumas and is now dedicated to supporting others navigating difficult experiences. She outlines her diverse work, including the Jimanekia project focused on assault, her trauma-focused podcast, an intimacy coordinator training company, and her role in the mental health department of a professional wrestling company.Trauma-informed support and advocacyJimanekia discusses her approach to supporting survivors, emphasizing the importance of allowing them to guide the conversation and decide how they want to share their experiences. She contrasts this with common unhelpful responses that project assumptions or make demands of survivors. Jimanekia also highlights the need for more trauma-informed support, especially for marginalized groups and men, who often face additional stigma and barriers to disclosing.Navigating trauma and consentThe conversation explores the complexities around trauma, consent, and gender. Jimanekia and Cam discuss the societal pressures and norms that can prevent men from recognizing or disclosing their experiences of abuse, as well as the tendency to dismiss or trivialize these experiences. They emphasize the importance of creating safe spaces for all survivors to be heard and supported without judgment.Systemic change and accountabilityJimanekia and Cam discuss the need for broader systemic changes to address the root causes of violence and trauma, such as harmful gender norms, power imbalances, and lack of accountability. They highlight the responsibility of institutions and communities to proactively create safer environments and provide comprehensive support for survivors, rather than placing the burden on individuals.Closing thoughtsJimanekia closes the conversation by offering encouragement and validation to any male survivors listening, emphasizing that their experiences are not their fault and that there are supportive communities available to them.Relevant links:Jimanekia's Instagram: @jimanekiaJimanekia's websites: https://traumaqueen.love/ and https://www.cintima.co/

  • From episode #75 with Darragh Stewart.

    More from that episode:

    - Darragh shares some of his story

    - Religion and the lack of embodiment in Ireland

    - Alcohol and drinking culture

    - The quintessential Irish man

    - Exploring sexuality in men’s work

    - Lad culture and banter

    - Psychedelic ceremonies and men’s circles

    - Attitudes towards psychedelics

  • On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with William Moore. William is the founder of the Dallas-based biohacking clinic AdvancedYOU and the visionary behind PhalloFILLÂź, the leading network for non-surgical penile girth enhancement. After launching in 2021, PhalloFILL now spans 20 U.S. markets, Mexico City, and Montreal, solidifying its status as the largest and most accessible treatment for penile girth enhancement. Beyond the clinics, Moore is the President of the Texas Med Spa Association, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and healthcare equality. With an MBA and an M.S. in Health and Human Performance, William draws on two decades of experience to guide patients to optimal health, enhanced appearance, and heightened self-esteem.

    Key points:

    - William introduces himself

    - What is PhalloFILL

    - Length vs Girth

    - Treatment options

    - Do you need to be bigger?

    Relevant links:

    William's website: https://phallofill.com/locations/texas/dallas/

  • From episode #74 with Aren Bahia.

    More from the episode:

    - Aren shares about his “Eat, Pray, Love” journey

    - Catalysts for transformation

    - Learnings from organized crime

    - Practical aspects of spirituality

    - Compartmentalization, context and authenticity

    - The “Bad Boy” mask: Performing masculinity

    - Self-pleasure, self-care, sex, and sensuality

    - Defining presence and being present

    - Owning your arousal and communicating with a partner

  • On this episode of #mensexpleausure, I chat with Magda Kay. Magda is an Intimacy Expert, Tantra Teacher & Conscious Relating Coach, author, and founder of the School of Intimacy. More than 10 years ago she quit her corporate job, and embarked on a journey that led her through ashrams, yoga trainings, Tantric communities, and ceremonies. through hours of daily devotion and practices into her deepest parts, facing the wounds and fears, and it also revealed her highest calling: to share and teach others how to access their deepest desires and ability to create transformative intimacy in their lives. Her work combines the gifts of the East and the West, a blend of Tantric and yogic philosophies with psychology and human behaviour.

    Key points:

    Introductions and background

    Cam and Magda introduce themselves and share their personal journeys that led them to their current work as intimacy and relationship experts. Magda shares how her own struggles with intimacy and shame around her motivated her to dive deep into Tantra and somatic practices to heal and transform her relationship with her body and .

    Navigating boundaries and safety

    Magda and Cam discuss the importance of creating safety and comfort in intimate relationships, and how to navigate the difference between "want to" and "willing to" when it comes to activities. They emphasize the need to honor each partner's boundaries and not make assumptions about their desires or comfort levels.

    Communicating effectively about intimacy

    Magda provides practical tips for how partners can communicate more effectively about their intimate needs and desires, such as avoiding yes/no questions, not trying to answer questions for your partner, and being patient as they explore and discover what they want. She highlights the importance of foreplay and building anticipation throughout the day.

    Gendered differences in intimacy

    Cam and Magda discuss how gender stereotypes and societal expectations can impact people's relationships with their and bodies. They share insights about how men and women may have different needs and preferences when it comes to intimacy, and the importance of being open-minded and not making assumptions.

    Practical tips for enhancing intimacy

    Magda and Cam provide specific techniques and practices that couples can try to build safety, comfort, and playfulness in their intimate lives. This includes non- touch and sensuality, directing energy through the body, and being willing to experiment and not take intimacy too seriously.

    Recap and closing

    Cam and Magda conclude the conversation by emphasizing the importance of bringing more lightness, playfulness, and self-compassion to one's intimate experiences. They express gratitude for the opportunity to connect and share their insights.

    Relevant links:

    Magda's website: https://magdakay.com/

    Magda's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magdakayofficial/

  • From episode #73 with Mish Middelmann.

    More from that episode:

    - Mish talks about his diagnosis

    - The process of prostatectomy

    - Recovery and rehabilitation

    - Impacts on masculinity and virility

    - Erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery

    - Learning new ways of being sexual

    - Viagra, penis pumps and dry orgasms

    - Reconnecting with a partner

  • Episode #226 of #mensexpleasure with Tantric Hypnotherapist Alexandra Holovitz.

    Key points:

    Alexandra's background and work

    Alexandra introduces herself as a coach and erotic hypnosis practitioner. She runs the brand "Alexandra Guru" and is passionate about supporting men to embrace their masculine and feminine polarity, as well as becoming more multi-orgasmic.

    Erotic hypnosis vs. regular hypnosis

    Alexandra explains that erotic hypnosis uses an erotic setup to help clients access deeper pleasure, body sensations, and explore fantasies in a safe, visualized space before potentially trying them out in real life. It differs from regular hypnosis in its focus on the erotic and sensual.

    Case studies and client experiences

    Alexandra shares two case studies - one of a client who used erotic hypnosis to anchor pleasurable sensations that he could access during boring meetings, and another of a couple who used it to explore and overcome shame around trying new practices.

    Addressing men's fears around erotic hypnosis

    Alexandra discusses how many men are initially hesitant or fearful about losing control or being "mind controlled" through erotic hypnosis. She emphasizes that she cannot make clients do anything they don't want, and that the process is about empowering them to access more pleasure and sensations.

    Practical tips and resources

    Alexandra recommends clients do an "emotional CV" exercise to reflect on past experiences and emotions, which can provide helpful context. She also offers custom hypnosis recordings and a free "Guided Sub Pleasure" audio for clients to use on their own.

    Erotic hypnosis course and closing thoughts

    Alexandra shares that she is launching a new course to teach men how to use erotic hypnosis as a "bedroom superpower" to spice up their lives. She encourages men to be curious and open-minded about exploring erotic hypnosis and the many ways it can enhance pleasure and connection.

    Relevant link:

    Alexandra's website: https://www.alexandra.guru/

    Alexandra's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexandra_guru/

  • From episode #72 with Rory Callaghan.

    More from that episode:

    - Rory talks about his work and his mission

    - Rory shares about his recent breakup

    - Navigating the post-breakup headspace

    - Communication strategies and vulnerability

    - Integrity and taking time for yourself

    - What is self-care?

    - The fundamentals of health

    - How to achieve integrated health

    - Rory offers some advice for men

  • On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Nicolas Notini Wallin. Nicolas had his first Energyflow awakening at the age of three playing drums. It was life-changing, the greatest magic. Inspired by family friend and music legend Quincy Jones he decided early on to devote his life to exploring this Energy in music, improvisation, compassion and personal growth. It remains his biggest passion in life. He has a career as a recording studio musician and he is a serial entrepreneur and founder in digital entertainment

    Key Points:

    - Nicolas introduces himself

    - Nicolas' passion for transforming energy

    - The analogy of music and improvisation to relationships

    - Compassion as a framework for living and working

    - Nicolas' 100-day challenge for cultivating self-love and positive energy

    - Closing reflections

    Relevant links:

    Nicolas' website: www.warriorsoflove.org

  • From episode #71 with Sascha Heart)

    More from that episode:

    - Sascha shares about his passions and work

    - Building confidence to have better sex

    - Men who feel intimidated by women

    - You are not your partner’s coach

    - Fear of leaving a relationship

    - Entrepreneurship and financial independence

    - Nourishment and connecting in with your body

    - The masculine seeks freedom

    - Semen retention vs conscious ejaculation

    - The symbolism of ejaculation

    - Ejaculation shaming

    - Semen retention and meditation

  • On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Katy Bampton. A passionate and experienced Somatic Sexologist dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey to heightened confidence, effective communication and well-being, Katy brings a unique blend of expertise, compassion, and personalized guidance to those seeking positive transformations in their intimate lives. Katy specializes in helping individuals overcome barriers related to confidence in the bedroom, relationship struggles, navigating ADHD/anxiety, sexual trauma and how to live a life full of pleasure. Her approach is rooted in creating a safe and judgment-free space, where clients can explore their desires, embrace their bodies, and navigate the intricacies with confidence.

    Key points:

    - Katy introduces herself

    - Understanding embodiment

    - Overcoming societal conditioning

    - The power of breathwork

    - Expanding intimacy beyond penetration

    - Guiding women to self-touch

    - Transcending the bedroom

    Relevant links:

    Katy’s Instagram: @katybampton

    Katy’s website: https://katybampton.com/

  • From episode #70 with Chloe Adriana.

    More from that episode:

    - Chloe shares about her transformative journey

    - How Chloe defines radiance

    - How Cam defines radiance

    - The power of travel and exploration

    - Masculinity and dark masculine energy

    - Relationship with penises

    - How penises are portrayed in media

    - Rewriting sexual scripts

    - Loving your genitals

  • On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Pharrell Shaymar. Pharrell is a professional boxing coach, proud trans man, and LGBTQ+ advocate and community leader. Pharrell uses the prism of boxing through advocacy, breaking down barriers, educational videos, and breaking stereo types of trans people in combat sports. His key message is, "I will never become biologically male, but I am a gentleman."

    Key points:

    - Pharrell introduces himself

    - Pharrell’s journey to advocacy

    - Challenges of trans athletes in sports

    - Pharrell’s personal experience as a trans man

    - Navigating masculinity and identity

    - Advice on mental health and self-discovery

    Relevant links:

    Pharrell’s Instagram: @pharrell_shaymar

    Pharrell’s website: https://www.pharrellshaymar.com/

  • From the solo episode #69 with Cam Fraser. More from that episode:

    - The stigmatization of male sex toys

    - Celebrating men’s self-pleasuring

    - Fifty Shades of Grey Relentless Vibrations Couples Vibrator

    - We-Vibe X Lovehoney Clitoral and G-Spot Vibrator

    - Blowmotion Warming Vibrating Male Masturbator

    - Blowmotion Warming Pulsating Vibrating Male Masturbator

    - Blowmotion Real Feel Vibrating Male Masturbator

    - Blowmotion Blow Job Real Feel Vibrating Suction Male Masturbator

    - Desire Luxury Male Vibator

    - Desire Luxury Vibrating Prostate Massager

    - Kinky Confessions Card Game

  • On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Dave Booda. Dave is a writer, musician and social entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of IntimacyFest and hosts The Darkness Experiment. He has led over 450 workshops on connection, touch and relationships and has consulted for and facilitated experiences for companies, communities, retreats, festivals, conferences, birthday parties, orgies, weddings, funerals, and gatherings of all kinds — with the intention to inspire authenticity, connection and group cohesion. He has published over 200 essays for boodaism.com and played over 1000 shows as a touring singer/songwriter. He is a former Naval Officer and graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, currently serving on the board of directors for the Foundation for Intentional Community while living at a community in rural San Diego County.

    Key points:

    - Dave introduces himself

    - Exploring the “Pickup Artist” and “Sacred Sexuality” communities

    - Authenticity, connection, and community

    - Accountability and abuse of power

    - Advice for those in dogmatic communities

    Relevant links:

    Dave’s website: https://boodaism.com/