
  • In this insightful episode of "Academy Class Turn Podcast," host Sean V. Bradley, the President of Dealer Synergy and creator of the Millionaire Car Salesman Group, discusses the intricacies of special finance with Bob Harwood, VP of Sales at Interactive Financial, and Cody Carter, a finance expert. The focus is on how dealerships can efficiently manage subprime leads, optimize their special finance departments, and increase their profitability by understanding and catering to a segment of the market that is often overlooked but highly lucrative.

    The episode delves into the fundamentals of special finance, defining it comprehensively and exploring the strategies dealerships can use to cater to customers with bad or no credit. With the help of detailed data and firsthand experiences, Bob and Cody shed light on the importance of having the right inventory, establishing robust relationships with a diverse range of lenders, and the significance of a well-trained and specialized team. They also discuss the high profitability of special finance deals, highlighting real-world examples and actionable insights.

    Key Takeaways

    Understanding Special Finance: Bob Harwood explains that special finance includes subprime, deep subprime, ghosts, and ITINs, comprising about a third of the market according to Experian.

    Profitability: Special finance deals are often back-end heavy due to higher interest rates and ancillary product sales, leading to significantly higher average gross profits per vehicle.

    Inventory Strategy: Having the right inventory that books out well is crucial. Dealerships should focus on vehicles that fit subprime customers' budgets and financial capabilities.

    Team Training: A dedicated team well-versed in special finance can greatly enhance customer service and improve closing rates. This includes specialized training for BDC agents and finance managers.

    Proactive Lead Generation: Using targeted marketing strategies like online leads, radio, and direct mail can help dealerships proactively attract and convert special finance customers without tarnishing their brand.

    About Bob Harwood

    Bob Harwood is the Vice President of Sales at Interactive Financial. With a career spanning over 25 years in special finance, Bob has been a prominent figure in the automotive finance industry. He has been with Interactive Financial since 2004 and has been instrumental in training thousands of professionals and aiding dealerships in processing millions of applications leading to substantial car sales.

    About Cody Carter

    Cody Carter is acknowledged as one of the industry's leading finance experts and the #1 Car Salesman in the World. Known for his exceptional skills in leasing and handling high-credit scores, Cody consistently outperforms many traditional dealership finance managers. His expertise is particularly noted in his ability to navigate complex finance scenarios and cultivate strong relationships with credit unions and banks.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    The Secret to Winning Big in Special Finance: Insights from Industry Leaders Unlocking the Secrets of Special Finance

    Special finance, including bad credit, no credit, and subprime loans, represents a significant and often overlooked opportunity in the automotive industry. This concept can be incredibly lucrative if approached with the right strategies, tools, and mindset. Ease into the nuanced world of special finance with the insights from automotive experts Sean V. Bradley and Bob Harwood, as they reveal compelling tactics to maximize profits and help more customers drive away happy.

    Key Takeaways:

    Diverse Lending Options: Understanding the importance of varied lenders is crucial to cater to different special finance needs.

    Customized Processes: Having tailored processes and CRM strategies significantly boosts success in the special finance market.

    Specialized Training: Proper training and dedicated roles for handling special finance customers can drive significant profits and customer loyalty.

    Understanding the Importance of Special Finance Why Special Finance Matters

    Special finance isn't just about selling cars to people with bad credit; it's about tapping into a massive, often underserved segment of the market. As Bob Harwood emphasizes, "22% of U.S. consumers have a FICO score below 620, and another 12% have no credit file at all." That means about a third of the population falls into the special finance category. This isn't just an afterthought; it's a comprehensive business strategy that can drive significant profits.

    Sean V. Bradley, a seasoned expert in automotive dealership strategies, supports this notion. Talking about his experience at Pine Belt, where they sold nearly 100 subprime units a month, he illustrates the potential of a well-implemented special finance strategy. "Instead of seeing subprime as a headache, view it as a massive profit center."

    When it comes to high-line stores like Lincoln or BMW, Harwood asserts, "Any dealership can do well with subprime if there's a top-down commitment." Special finance customers aren't just confined to budget models but can also aspire for high-end brands, provided they find the right dealership to meet their needs.

    Building a Proactive Special Finance Strategy Essential Components for Success

    To truly excel in special finance, dealerships must adopt a proactive approach rather than relying solely on walk-ins or random opportunities. Harwood highlights that "if you're not proactively soliciting the business and it's something you want to do, you're just not going to get those folks as walk-ins."

    Inventory Management: Having the right inventory is vital. “If you don’t have cars that book out, they’re not going to be able to get funding or make any money on it,” explains Bradley. Vehicles that retail for $25,000 or less and book out well in terms of value are most suitable for subprime deals. This ensures dealers can keep the payments within an affordable range for customers, typically around $500 a month.

    Funding and Financial Partnerships: Diversifying your lender base is equally crucial. Harwood suggests a broad range of lending partnerships, from full-spectrum lenders like Capital One to niche ones catering to specific borrower profiles. "Understanding the lender’s program is essential, as it helps in effectively structuring the deals," he notes.

    Customer Satisfaction: A tailored process for special finance deals is indispensable. Harwood points out, “If the customer feels respected and gets a deal that fits their needs, you have a customer for life.” Special finance customers, though often seen as high-risk, can be highly loyal if treated with respect and empathy.

    Implementing Tailored Processes and Training The Power of Customized CRM Strategies

    A well-implemented Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy tailored for special finance can make all the difference. "Dealerships should have a defined process outlining each stage of the sales process,” advises Bradley. The automation and AI in CRM systems should be customized to cater specifically to special finance customers.

    The experience at Pine Belt further solidifies this approach. They used a pseudonym, Auto Credit Approved, to keep the special finance branding separate from the main dealership branding. This ensured the high-line brand of Pine Belt Cadillac remained untarnished while still capturing the subprime market effectively.

    Training the Right People: The people handling special finance customers should be well-versed in credit issues and financial options. Bradley underscores the value of specialized training: "Properly training and having a dedicated role for special finance makes a significant impact on profitability and customer satisfaction."

    Effective Communication: Follow-up communication strategies should reflect the urgency and shorter buying cycle of special finance customers. Bradley mentions, "50% of special finance buyers end up purchasing within 30 to 90 days from the time they first start looking."

    Maximizing Leads and Opportunities Generating High-Quality Leads

    Having the right opportunities aligns closely with success in special finance. Harwood suggests a mixed approach depending on the dealership’s capability and branding strategy.

    Traditional Media: "TV, radio, and direct mail can drive a lot of subprime traffic," he says. These methods work best for dealerships willing to accommodate high traffic and sort through many leads.

    Online Marketing: For those concerned about brand image, online lead generation through third-party providers like Carloan.com offers anonymity and effectively filters leads. "Using a company like ours, we generate the traffic without the dealership’s name ever being attached," Harwood affirms.

    Referrals and Social Proof: Continuous engagement with existing customers can also drive more special finance leads. Creating satisfied, loyal customers who spread the word about the dealership's ability to handle special finance needs can generate invaluable referrals.

    The nuances of special finance are intricate but incredibly rewarding for dealerships willing to adopt a proactive, customer-centric approach. Diverse funding options, customized processes, and specialized training can significantly amplify success. By creating a robust special finance strategy, dealerships can not only increase their profitability but also build long-term customer loyalty.

    This deep dive into the world of special finance reveals untapped opportunities and strategies that any forward-thinking dealership can implement to drive success and customer satisfaction. Happy selling!

  • In this captivating episode, Sean V. Bradley, creator of the Millionaire Car Salesman group, welcomes back Anthony Castillo, a Millionaire Car Salesman veteran and visionary in the automotive sales industry! The conversation is a deep dive into Anthony's recent experiences and innovative methods that have helped him succeed in the competitive world of car sales!

    Throughout the episode, the dialogue focuses on Anthony's key contributions to the Internet Sales 20 Group Conference, where he shared his insights on using AI to streamline dealership operations. He also elaborates on the "Owner's Club," a unique strategy he has devised to build lasting relationships with clients and encourage referrals! Anthony's approach is grounded in personalization, community building, and leveraging technology, particularly artificial intelligence, to amplify his sales effectiveness. His creativity in sales and marketing strategies sets him apart in the automotive industry. Equipped with actionable strategies and a focus on creating an exceptional customer experience, this episode is filled with valuable takeaways!

    Key Takeaways

    Anthony Castillo has innovatively used artificial intelligence within his dealership to enhance communication with clients and improve sales processes.

    The "Owner's Club" concept developed by Anthony is a customer appreciation program designed to increase loyalty and backend profit.

    Cross-promotional marketing with local businesses can significantly enhance an automotive professional's value proposition to clients.

    Anthony demonstrated the power of social media and video content in showcasing the unique benefits provided to his car buyers.

    Sales is about the transference of energy; providing a superior value proposition can differentiate one's services from competitors and influence customer decisions.

    About Anthony Castillo

    Anthony Castillo, born and raised in Georgia, started in the construction industry, but he made a commitment to his family. Anthony moved across the country to begin his first year as a Sales Consultant moving to Colorado by himself. He motivated himself to get back to his family, and life-changing allowed Anthony to make a better life for his family, and that still drives him to this day.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Building a Car Sales Empire: Lessons from a Veteran's Journey

    Navigating through the intricately competitive world of car salesmanship, innovative tactics and thoughtful customer engagement strategies have proven to be key differentiators for success. A candid conversation between industry veterans Anthony Castillo and Sean V. Bradley reveals the inside scoop on what it takes to level up in automotive sales.

    Key Takeaways:

    Embrace continuous learning and training to stay ahead in the automotive industry.

    Leveraging artificial intelligence and creating a unique value proposition can differentiate you from competitors.

    Personalization and community building are powerful tools for creating customer loyalty and driving referrals.

    Elevating Customer Experience with AI and an Owner's Club

    In a digital era where personalization is paramount, Castillo's use of artificial intelligence (AI) to mimic his conversational style demonstrates an innovative approach to customer relationship management. By implementing AI-driven communication, Castillo ensures consistent, personalized follow-ups, making every client feel valued.

    "I've been actually doing a lot of training after coming back from is 20 g, because, you know, after everybody said, once you stop learning, you start dying," says Anthony Castillo. His dedication to learning pays off in his adept use of technology to enhance the customer experience.

    Moreover, the cultivation of an exclusive 'Owners Club' sets a high bar in terms of customer loyalty programs. Castillo curates an experience that doesn't end with a car sale but extends into a full-fledged community with tangible benefits, driving customer satisfaction and repeat business.

    "The owner's club… I want them to remember me, you know? And I want them to be able to talk about me after they leave the dealership, because I'll always have, like, follow-up," Castillo emphasizes. This approach not only fosters loyalty but also encourages word-of-mouth referrals, drastically expanding his client base.

    The Art of Synergy in Sales: Strategies for a Thriving Career

    In his dialog with Castillo, Sean V. Bradley stresses the importance of creating a robust value proposition and energetic transference. It's crucial for a salesperson to not only articulate their value but also to ensure that customers and peer businesses are amplifying that message.

    Sean posits, "Sales is about transference of energy…You've got to have that momentum, and it can't just come from you." He advocates for a sales approach that manifests as a visible, communal chorus of satisfaction and endorsement, magnifying Castillo's personal brand and market presence.

    Collaboration with Local Businesses

    A pivotal insight from their chat is the potential for local business partnerships. By aligning with neighborhood establishments, Castillo can offer his customers a range of enticing benefits, from discounts at restaurants to free trials at gyms, all under the umbrella of the Owner's Club.

    "You could even do a live IG, live Facebook, live at, let's just call it Mama's meatballs and pizzeria," suggests Bradley. This tactic not only brings unique perks to customers but also generates free exposure for local businesses, creating a robust network of mutually beneficial relationships.

    Empowering Customers with Referral Programs

    Another theme is the strategic use of referral programs. By placing referral cards within the Owners Club's packages, Castillo could dramatically increase their distribution, creating a ripple effect of potential sales leads.

    "Every time I get one of these cards back, we will make one of your car payments up to $400," Bradley explains, highlighting how such an offer can incentivize customers to become active advocates for Castillo's services.

    The Path to Success Is Paved with Value and Visibility

    To surmount the humdrum of traditional salesmanship, Castillo's approach of combining AI sophistication with an immersive customer experience exemplifies the innovation required to excel in today's automotive landscape. When backed by strategic visibility and community integration, this experience doesn't just satisfy customers but transforms them into loyal patrons and eager brand ambassadors.

    Considering Bradley's advice, Castillo stands at a threshold of exponential growth. By crafting a visible, value-laden narrative and entrenching his practice within the communal fabric, he nurtures a business model that promises sustainability and success.

    Ultimately, Castillo and Bradley's conversation paints a picture of a future where the car salesman isn't just a vendor but a pivotal community figure, creating a web of reciprocal benefits for customers and local businesses alike. This vision outlines the evolution of car salesmanship from mere transaction to comprehensive, community-centric experience, proving that innovation and resilience remain the driving forces behind enduring success.

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  • In this thought-provoking episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman podcast, Sean V. Bradley, President of Dealer Synergy, engages in a compelling conversation with Ken Hill from 700 Credit—a platform integral to the financing function at automotive dealerships. The talk delves deep into the nuances of car sales, credit reports, and the evolution of customer financing, especially within the subprime market.

    Ken opens up about his extensive background in credit, setting the stage for a rich discussion on the importance of understanding a customer's financing situation early in the sales process. They dissect the traditional pitfalls of special finance, emphasizing empathy and addressing the stigmatization often associated with bad credit customers. The dialogue gravitates toward the game-changing potential of soft credit pulls, which do not affect a customer's credit score—paving the way for a smoother sales experience and establishing better-informed customer relationships.

    Don’t miss this informative conversation with Ken Hill, where he shares his personal experience with credit challenges and emphasizes the need for empathy in the industry. Gain valuable insights into the benefits of soft credit pulls and how they can alleviate consumer concerns about impacting their credit score. Learn how to implement soft credit pull technology in your dealership and maximize its potential for better customer relationships and sales success.

    Key Takeaways

    Soft credit pulls do not negatively impact the consumer's credit score and offer a competitive edge by ensuring accurate payment quotes and lender alignment.

    Special finance customers require empathetic handling and a focus on approval first, rather than vehicle selection, to ensure a smoother sales process.

    Dealerships should not shy away from adopting soft pull technology due to perceived costs, as it aids in effective conversation and reduces friction in the finance office.

    Utilization of AI in chat interfaces can significantly enhance the quantity and quality of pre-qualified leads received by a dealership.

    Including soft pull capabilities in the dealership's digital retailing experience can drastically improve both customer satisfaction and the efficiency of the sales process.

    About Ken Hill

    With nearly 30 years in the credit industry, Ken Hill brings a wealth of experience and expertise. He began his career when credit checks were required for purchasing cell phones and transitioned into the automotive sector about 20 years ago. This shift allowed him to specialize and develop products tailored to the unique needs of the automotive industry, particularly focusing on compliant solutions.

    At 700Credit, Ken manages the business development, sales, and support teams. He is backed by an exceptional team with extensive automotive and industry experience, collectively exceeding 100 years. Ken's leadership and dedication to the industry continue to drive innovation and excellence at 700Credit. He remains passionate and excited about the future, continually striving to enhance and refine credit solutions in the automotive world.

    About 700Credit

    700Credit is the automotive industry’s leading provider of credit reports, compliance solutions, soft pull products, identity & fraud verification, synthetic fraud detection and driver’s license/facial recognition authentication platforms. 700Credit has over 21,000 dealers today in Automotive, RV, Power Sports and Marine. 700Credit is the integration leader with over 200 software partners with direct integrations for easier dealer access. For more information about 700Credit, visit www.700credit.com.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Navigating the Intricacies of Car Finance: Insights from Industry Experts

    The automotive industry is often perceived as a constant battle between dealers and consumers over car financing. However, experts from the industry bring to light several critical practices and strategies that can benefit both parties. Through an insightful conversation with Ken Hill, the managing director of 700 Credit, we uncover the nuanced dynamics of car financing. This discussion touches upon the significance of credit reports, the advantage of soft credit pulls, and the transformative potential of digital retailing.

    Key Takeaways

    Soft Credit Pulls: Dealers can leverage soft credit pull technology to accurately assess a buyer’s credit without impacting their score, enhancing customer experience and dealership efficiency.

    Special Finance Opportunities: Understanding and catering to customers with bad credit or unique financial situations can open up a significant market for dealers while providing valuable service to those customers.

    Digital Retail Revolution: The integration of soft pull technology in digital retailing platforms, like Toyota’s Smartpath, simplifies the car buying process, bringing transparency and convenience to consumers.

    The Game-Changing Value of Soft Credit Pulls Understanding Soft vs. Hard Credit Pulls

    In the automotive finance realm, soft credit pulls have emerged as a powerful tool that revolutionizes how dealers engage with potential buyers. Unlike hard credit pulls, which can negatively impact an individual’s credit score, soft pulls provide a detailed credit report without any adverse effects. "We have a soft pull tool that I can send you, a link you can complete, and basically we'll do a soft inquiry on your credit file. It doesn't impact your score." says Ken Hill, illustrating the convenience and safety for the customer.

    Soft credit pulls allow sales representatives and potential customers to initiate meaningful conversations around financing options, knowing exactly where they stand credit-wise. This openness and clarity can significantly reduce the 'payment friction' commonly encountered in the latter stages of a vehicle purchase.

    Integrating Soft Pulls Into the Sales Process

    One of the most significant benefits of these soft pulls is their fluid integration into a dealership's sales process. For instance, incorporating a soft pull call-to-action on the dealer's website or digital retailing tools, such as Toyota's Smartpath, can greatly improve the accuracy of loan pre-qualification. Ken highlights, "…soft pulls should be utilized so that you can have better conversations with consumers and provide them more accurate payment quotes at the top of the funnel rather than waiting until the finance office."

    By enabling soft pulls at strategic points, whether it's through a dealership website, digital retailing software, or even QR codes in the showroom, the dealer can foster transparency from the get-go and pave the way for smoother sales transactions.

    The Untapped Potential of Special Finance Addressing the Stigma and Opportunity

    An essential part of the transcript revolves around the misconception dealerships may have about customers with bad credit. Special finance opportunities, which cater to buyers with poor or no credit history, demand a nuanced approach that goes beyond the stigma. "Do you agree that it shouldn't just be perceived for people that are crackheads, that don't pay their bills and, like, the streets?" asks the interviewer, highlighting the need for empathy and deeper understanding.

    Special finance is not only about giving a second chance to individuals facing financial hardship but also about tapping into a significant market segment. According to Hill's experience, dealerships focusing on special finance can be exceptionally successful. He shares a personal anecdote of financial struggle to illustrate that bad credit does not necessarily equate to irresponsibility but can be a result of unforeseen circumstances.

    Best Practices for Special Finance

    For dealerships aiming to capitalize on special finance, it's crucial to work closely with soft pull tools and align with the right lending programs based on the consumer's precise financial standing. As Ken elaborates, "…there's nothing worse than a sales experience and thinking you're going to pay one and coming away or not getting the car because you couldn't get that payment right." Therefore, integrating special finance strategies into the dealership's process can not only benefit the customer but can also lead to a higher rate of sales conversions and customer loyalty.

    The Digital Retail Transformation Implementing Digital Retail with Soft Pulls

    With technology advancing leaps and bounds, digital retailing is reshaping the automotive sales landscape. Smartpath by Toyota, for example, seamlessly incorporates soft pulls into the car-buying process. Ken discusses the importance of dealers properly implementing soft pulls within digital retail platforms: "…my opinion, there's some good digital retailing tools out there, but there's a lot that don't take advantage and force more of their consumers to initiate that soft pull within the tool."

    A successful digital retailing strategy aligns consumer experience online and in-store, ensuring that the transition is smooth and continuity is maintained. This not only elevates customer satisfaction but also streamlines the sales process for the dealership.

    The Future of Digital Retailing

    The broader implications of integrating soft pull technology in digital retailing suggest a future where the need for in-person negotiation is significantly reduced. As AI technologies evolve, they could potentially use extensive credit-related data to create highly personalized financing options for customers. This tech-forward approach continues to cement digital retailing as a predominant force that could eventually allow most of the car purchasing decisions to be made from the comfort of a buyer's home.

    The insights gleaned from Ken Hill's expertise confirm that there is an ongoing shift in automotive sales strategies, with a strong focus on customer-centric technologies and practices. This shift not only responds to the changing landscape of consumer expectations but also emphasizes the importance of transparency and trust in the traditionally opaque world of car financing. By harnessing soft credit pulls, empathizing with customers across the credit spectrum, and embracing the digital retail revolution, dealerships can armed themselves for a future where every sale begins with a nuanced understanding of the customer's needs and financial reality.

  • In this innovative Millionaire Car Salesman episode, host Sean V. Bradley, CSP delves into the world of auto brokers with special guest Cody Carter, literally the #1 Car Salesman in the WOLRD! Drawing from his extensive experience, Cody reveals the secrets behind his remarkable success, having sold over 1,400 cars in a single year! Join us as Cody shares his insider strategies for harnessing the power of auto brokers to amplify sales volume and gross profit!

    Learn about the pivotal role of auto brokers, their motivations, and how they generate revenue. Gain practical insights on building strong alliances with brokers, establishing partnerships with broker-friendly banks, and safeguarding against potential fraudulent practices. With Cody's expertise at your disposal, this episode is a game-changer for automotive professionals looking to maximize their sales potential. Tune in now and embark on the path to unparalleled success in the automotive industry!

    Key Takeaways

    Learn to increase car sales volume and gross through the strategic use of auto brokers, going beyond the standard dealership model.

    Discover the importance of setting expectations and terms with brokers to ensure professionalism and avoid potential fraud.

    Understand the diverse ways to sell cars, with a focus on referrals and prospecting that many salespeople overlook.

    Uncover the financial impact of broker deals, revealing how they can equate to substantial monthly earnings.

    Gain insights into CRM strategies and customizing relationships with brokers to efficiently manage and grow sales.

    About Cody Carter

    Cody Carter has been in automotive sales for the last 10+ years and has earned himself the title of #1 Salesman in the Nation. He currently is the Internet Sales Manager at Tustin Toyota with his own Toyota webpage, Cody’s Tustin Toyota, and platform, SellLikeCody. Cody took initiative and drove his own personal traffic to his website retracauto.com, his last name spelled backwards, and now is: Cody’s Tustin Toyota. Cody has built his brand, Retrac Auto, and surpassed the rest of the country in car sales! Go to SellLikeCody.com to get access to his exclusive sales training course!


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Harnessing Auto Brokers for Car Sales Success: A Guide for Dealerships and Sales Professionals

    The auto industry is constantly evolving, with innovative strategies emerging to enhance sales performance and customer experience. One such strategy that's gaining traction among car dealerships and sales professionals is leveraging the prowess of auto brokers. In a recent in-depth discussion, industry experts Sean V. Bradley and Cody Carter unpacked the utilization of auto brokers in car sales, providing insights that could revolutionize the way dealerships think about selling vehicles.

    Key Takeaways

    Auto brokers can dramatically increase car sales by an average of 30 units a month, with highs of 70 units during peak times.

    Establishing a professional relationship with auto brokers involves setting clear terms, managing expectations, and ensuring a streamlined communication process.

    Utilizing diverse banks and credit unions that work with brokers can offer a competitive edge in the market and help to increase the volume of deals closed.

    The Role of Auto Brokers in Modern Car Sales

    When it comes to enhancing sales figures and expanding market reach, utilizing auto brokers seems to be a disruptive strategy akin to the innovation brought by Amazon and Netflix to their respective industries. As Cody Carter states, "[Auto brokers] were created out of necessity at one point. And to this day, they still work great in certain markets." By catering to customers tired of traditional dealership experiences, auto brokers offer a streamlined, convenient alternative.

    SEO-Optimized Heading: Embracing the Auto Broker Strategy to Revolutionize Car Sales

    The discussion highlighted that the average salesperson at a dealership sells ten cars a month. However, with the infusion of auto brokers into one's sales strategy, this number can triple or even septuple. The emphasis here is not just on quantity but on quality; these third-party affiliates help move inventory, particularly less popular models or overflow stock, which could otherwise stagnate on a sales lot. "They allow you to sell cars that are outside your area," Carter pointed out. His collaboration with a diverse range of brokers extends his reach far beyond his dealership's immediate geographical locale.

    Direct Quote: "Every broker receives some type of fee, which is discussed… on average, we're averaging $2,500 per copy… averaging $75,000 per month in gross."

    This illustrates not only the profitability of broker-assisted sales but also underscores the importance of transparency and mutual respect in these partnerships. Dealerships can adopt this strategy to manage their inventory proactively, cater to a wider audience, and ensure a steady cadence of sales.

    Building and Managing Broker Relationships

    SEO-Optimized Heading: Cultivating Long-Term Partnerships with Auto Brokers

    Cultivating a lasting and fruitful relationship with auto brokers requires a strategic approach—starting with initial outreach and continuing through regular communication and professional rapport. The tenor of the interaction should be firm yet respectful, with clear guidelines set from the outset.

    Carter expertly demonstrates this balance with his brokers, setting the tone for how business will be conducted and even going so far as to use a dedicated email service, like Mailchimp, to send detailed and extensive weekly newsletters to his brokers, thus minimizing unnecessary back-and-forth.

    Direct quote: "The whole concept…is having ten different stocks for $1,000 each…diversify."

    By treating the auto brokers as individual entities that contribute to a larger sales strategy, brokers become akin to an invested salesforce, instrumental in pushing dealership's inventory to their niche markets. Gifts, personal interactions, and consistent engagement all play a part in maintaining strong business relations. Moreover, navigating the space with tech-savvy efficiency, utilising CRM software, and tailoring communication through texts mirror a modern approach to sales management.

    The Finer Details of Working with Auto Brokers

    SEO-Optimized Heading: Navigating the Complexities of Broker-Enhanced Car Sales

    A crucial aspect of working with auto brokers involves understanding the nuances of banking partnerships and avoiding potential fraud. Banks have varying rules regarding transactions with auto brokers, and dealerships must be scrupulous in adhering to these guidelines to maintain integrity and avoid legal issues.

    Carter underscores the necessity of choosing banks that are broker-friendly and emphasizes the importance of keeping transactions above board, with a priority on transparency: "It's important to disclose it…you should not be working with this customer at all."

    Direct quote: "We don't allow any deal to leave until the car is approved… These brokers are being added to a blacklist where…they're just completely out."

    Thereby, dealerships should prudently vet their financial institutions and foster open communication with their brokerage partners. Additionally, they must institute rigid frameworks to ensure that every sale does not just benefit the immediate bottom line but also upholds the dealership's reputation and credibility.

    Keeping the momentum generated by the conversation, these deep dives clearly illustrate the potential upsides of incorporating auto brokers into a dealership's sales artillery. Conventional sales avenues remain integral, but the scope that brokers provide can be game-changing, diversifying the opportunities available to savvy dealerships and sales professionals. The strategy goes beyond mere transaction facilitation and delves into the broader symbiosis of building mutually beneficial partnerships that can unfold across regions, stretching a dealership's influence far beyond its immediate area.

    The larger implication is perhaps the most exciting: As entire industries pivot towards innovation, it's those like Cody Carter who disrupt the status quo that stay ahead of the curve. For any dealer or salesperson looking to elevate their sales numbers and market penetration, the message is clear—embrace the unique opportunities brokers present, and the rewards can be both immediate and profound.

  • In this highly anticipated episode of The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, host Sean V. Bradley, CSP sits down with Paul J Daly, the visionary creator behind the Automotive State of the Union Conference! Together, they dive deep into the upcoming conference and its profound significance for industry professionals.

    Join Sean and Paul as they unveil the targeted audience for the conference, ranging from seasoned Dealers to GMs, Sales Managers, and Marketing Directors. Delving into the latest trends and innovations, they shed light on the potential benefits of mobile service for modern dealerships, offering invaluable insights for staying ahead of the curve! Throughout the discussion, Sean and Paul underscore the importance of continuous education and strategic networking in the automotive realm. With a focus on fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, they reveal the conference's unparalleled value in driving professional growth and success!

    Featuring a lineup of top-notch speakers and thought leaders, such as: Brian Benstock, Will Guidara - National Bestseller UNREASONABLE HOSPITALITY, and many more! The Automotive State of the Union (ASOTU) Conference promises to be an immersive and transformative experience for all attendees. Tune in to this episode and discover how you can leverage this exceptional opportunity to elevate your career and thrive in today's dynamic automotive landscape.

    Key Takeaways

    Sean V. Bradley highlights the significance of martial arts in his life and parallels it to the strategic nature of automotive sales and training

    Mobile service is discussed as a pioneering strategy, stressing the importance of bringing dealership-level service to the customer's location

    The value of investing in personal and professional growth through industry-specific conferences and networking is championed

    The importance of understanding and leveraging the connection between sales and service departments in a dealership is articulated

    About Paul J Daly

    Paul J. Daly is a dynamic entrepreneur renowned for his transformative impact on the automotive industry. With a rich history of pioneering ventures, Daly continues to make waves with his latest endeavor, the Automotive State of the Union conference. As the visionary force behind this influential event, Daly brings together industry leaders and professionals to exchange invaluable insights and strategies, shaping the future of auto retail.

    Daly's journey to prominence began with a passion for innovative marketing and data-driven approaches. Through his innovative vision and strategic acumen, he has earned widespread recognition as a trailblazer in the automotive sector. With an unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries and challenging norms, Daly has cemented his reputation as a respected authority in the field.

    Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, Daly's leadership has propelled him to the forefront of the industry, inspiring countless individuals and organizations to embrace innovation and embrace change. As a thought leader, speaker, and influencer, Daly continues to shape the trajectory of automotive retail, leaving an indelible mark on the industry landscape.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Harnessing Innovation in Car Sales: Lessons from the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast

    Discover key insights from industry experts on the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, delving into innovative strategies in the rapidly evolving automotive industry. With Sean V. Bradley and Paul J. Daly at the helm, uncover the transformational trends reshaping the way cars are sold and serviced.

    Key Takeaways:

    Mobile Service Innovation: Exploring the rising trend of mobile automotive services and the significant impact it has on dealership growth and customer convenience.

    Investment in Self-Education: Emphasizing the importance of personal development and continuous learning for automotive professionals.

    The Power of Networking: The value of building relationships within the industry, demonstrated by the speakers' collaboration and support for each other's events.

    Mobile Service as a Dealership Game-Changer

    The podcast illuminates the revolutionary concept of mobile services in the automotive industry, where convenience is king. Sean V. Bradley and Paul J. Daly discuss how dealerships can diversify their offerings and cater to the evolving demands of customers by providing services directly at their location. "It introduces a ton of complexity," Daly cautions, yet the payoff in undeniably worth it. As Paul J. Daly stated, "Imagine you get a technician who can actually talk to people. That dude could be writing work right in our rows and buying cars."

    The Customer Experience Reimagined

    Mobile services aren't just a logistical move; they're part of a broader shift towards customer-centric experiences. As Sean V. Bradley notes, "People don't want to go to the dealership, sit in a service department." By bringing the service to the customer, dealerships are not only elevating convenience but also increasing their visibility and branding opportunities — a strategy that could potentially "conquest a lot of service business."

    The Untapped Marketing Potential

    Discussing mobile service, Daly highlights how vehicles, when wrapped with dealership branding, serve as moving billboards, making every job site a potential advertising opportunity. This street-level marketing strategy capitalizes on the dealership's local presence and can attract new customers simply through visibility.

    The Imperative of Personal Development

    The dialog delves into the necessity of investing in personal growth, painting a vivid picture of the intense preparation that industry leaders undergo. Sean V. Bradley shares his personal journey of self-investment, from learning web design and SEO to mastering public speaking — efforts that enriched his professional repertoire.

    The Multiplication of Skills

    Bradley's discussion points to the significance of acquiring a diverse set of skills, which enhances one's ability to adapt to various industry needs. He reflects on how such a multidisciplinary approach allowed him to excel in sales, demonstrating the value of continuous learning.

    Investing in Your Future

    The speakers concur on the importance of investing time and resources into one's own education. As Bradley astutely puts it, "Stop dragging your feet or dragging your knuckles." Investing in knowledge and skill set can only propel a professional forward, and industry-specific events and training play pivotal roles in this pursuit.

    Networking as Industry Currency

    In the exchange, the power of networking and building relationships unfolds as a central theme. Sean V. Bradley and Paul J. Daly showcase this through their mutual support and discussion of the upcoming automotive State of the Union conference (Sotokon).

    Building Meaningful Connections

    Good relationships with industry peers are likened to business currency. Speakers emphasize the mutual benefit when professionals share insights and experiences. Daly assigns great value to creating "one to three new contacts in your phone" at industry events, recognizing the potential to unlock opportunities worth "hundreds of thousands of dollars."

    Collaboration Over Competition

    From the podcast’s camaraderie, it's clear that fostering a supportive industry environment trumps competitive instincts. This approach is beneficial for all involved and promotes a culture of growth and shared success.

  • In this riveting episode, two titans of the automotive industry, Sean V. Bradley, President of Dealer Synergy, and LA Williams, the Blind Master, delve into the riveting journey of Glenn Lundy! They uncover the strategic maneuvers and philosophies behind Lundy's record-setting success in growing a Chevy dealership by 800%. The conversation unfolds insights into intentional leadership, team motivation, and innovative dealership management that cuts across traditional boundaries.

    Glenn Lundy imparts his unique perspective on effective dealership growth strategies, emphasizing the importance of daily motivational routines, organizational culture shifts, and scalable processes. His enlightening discussion with Sean V. Bradley goes beyond surface-level tactics, digging into the mindset transformations required for massive dealership success. Each recount of the journey brings out the crisp details of the methods that can turn any average dealership around to face a trajectory of exponential growth.

    🚀 JOIN Sean V. Bradley and the Millionaire Car Salesman Members at the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference! 🌐 Dealer Synergy is giving you OVER 60% OFF! 🏎️✨

    Secure your spot now at www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24! 🎉

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    Dealerships can achieve unprecedented growth by reassessing and transforming their organizational culture and daily routines.

    Effective leadership in automotive sales involves celebrating your team's victories, reinforcing positive behavior, and fostering development.

    Understanding and theorizing car sales as a function of professional speaking can provide a competitive edge in communicating and persuading customers.

    Adapting to market changes, focusing on used car sales, and being proactive rather than reactive are essential strategies for sustained success post-pandemic.

    Creating a dedicated vehicle buying center with skilled buyers can drastically improve inventory quality and dealership profitability.

    Event Details: Sean V. Bradley invites you to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24

    About Glenn Lundy

    Glenn Lundy is known for his transformative impact in the automotive sales industry. As the former General Manager of Dan Cummings Chevrolet & Buick, he led his team to a monumental 800% growth within six years. His expertise doesn't end there; Lundy stands out as a mentor, motivational speaker, and strategist, who empowers dealership managers and owners to exceed their professional goals. His winning strategy dubbed the "800% Club," is encapsulated in a lifestyle revolving around eight pillars that extend beyond work into personal growth domains.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • In this dynamic episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Host Sean V. Bradley unveils the transformative strategies propelling the automotive industry forward! Joining Sean is Mike Trudeau. Mike Trudeau is the Executive Vice President of Business Development at Montway Auto Transport.

    Mike, with a wealth of experience in automotive logistics, unravels the complex web of auto transport management. He educates dealers on consolidating various vendors to enjoy a seamless one-stop shop experience! Moreover, Mike explores strategic car acquisitions beyond traditional channels, shedding light on innovative approaches to sourcing vehicles and optimizing inventory management!

    Tune in to this episode to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamic forces shaping the future of automotive sales and discover practical strategies for staying ahead in this rapidly evolving industry!

    🚀 JOIN Sean V. Bradley and the Millionaire Car Salesman Members at the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference! 🌐 Dealer Synergy is giving you OVER 60% OFF! 🏎️✨

    Secure your spot now at www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24! 🎉

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    Utilizing auto transportation services like Montway can provide customers with a seamless experience in both purchasing and receiving their vehicles.

    Dealers can strategically incorporate transportation costs into the car deal, creating additional revenue streams or providing competitive advantages.

    Streamlining a dealership's auto transport needs into one provider can lead to significant savings and a more organized logistics process.

    Innovative approaches to car acquisition, like partnering with non-traditional entities and utilizing transportation cost tools, can boost both inventory and profits.

    The automotive retail environment is evolving, with a focus on ease and convenience signaling the post-pandemic new normal in customer expectations and dealership operations.

    Event Details: Sean V. Bradley invites you to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24

    About Mike Trudeau

    Mike Trudeau is Montway’s accomplished Executive Vice President of Business Development. Since joining the company in 2018, Mike has been instrumental in expanding the logistics division and supporting the company’s growth.

    He is known for implementing impactful sales initiatives that significantly contribute to Montway’s success. One of his key achievements was spearheading the launch of the Montway Automation Portal (M.A.P.), an advanced platform that provides business-to-business customers with complete transparency into their auto transport processes and costs. Under Mike’s leadership, Montway has expanded its customer base nationwide.

    Mike boasts a rich professional background in the automotive industry, spanning logistics, car rental and remarketing. Prior to joining Montway, he held the position of Remarketing Group Sales Manager at Enterprise Rent-A-Car for seven years, honing his skills and gaining invaluable experience. He also worked for United Road Services, building a foundation in sales, operations and customer service.

    Recognized for his expertise and insights, Mike has been featured in various media, sharing his perspectives on the evolving landscape of the auto transport and logistics industry. With his remarkable track record in business development, Mike is an important asset to Montway.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Revolutionizing the Automotive Experience: Insights from Sean V. Bradley's Expert Panel

    The automotive industry is undergoing significant changes, with technology playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of car buying and selling. From leveraging artificial intelligence to perfecting logistics, professionals within the industry must adapt to stay ahead. A recent conversation with Sean V. Bradley and Mike Trudeau illuminates key strategies for dealerships to drive success in the evolving landscape.

    Key Takeaways:

    Leveraging transportation can enhance the car buying experience, offering convenience to customers and opportunities for increased dealership revenue.

    A centralized transportation strategy with a one-stop-shop like Motway can streamline logistics, saving dealers money and time.

    The power of acquisition strategies beyond auctions holds potential for significant profit opportunities for dealerships.

    Expanding Reach with Automotive Transportation

    Selling Cars Beyond Borders

    Car dealerships have traditionally operated within a certain radius, relying heavily on in-person sales. However, the shift toward digital retailing necessitates a closer look at delivery and transportation services. Sean V. Bradley puts it succinctly: "Why don't we turn around and say that this is the way we do business?" By including home delivery as part of a dealership's value proposition, dealers can capture a larger market share and cater to a convenience-driven consumer. Mike Trudeau supports this by emphasizing the importance of transportation services that can deliver vehicles across the country, revealing a simple truth: "if Elon Musk could go to Mars, Motway Transports could take the car to your house."

    Convenience as a Sales Strategy

    By integrating a reliable auto transportation resource like Motway into the sales process, dealers can offer a seamless purchase experience that continues even after the customer has left the digital showroom. As Bradley points out, this not only opens up the dealership's market potential but also presents an opportunity to incorporate delivery costs into their pricing strategies–ultimately contributing to profitability.

    Centralizing Automotive Logistics

    Unifying Transportation Vendors

    In the current model, dealers often grapple with managing various transport vendors across different states. Trudeau highlights the logistical nightmare this presents and proposes an alternative: "You got a one-stop-shop…in a large scale nationwide auto broker like Motway." Centralizing transportation not only simplifies logistics but also allows dealers to keep a closer eye on costs and streamline their operations. This shift can make a noticeable difference in a dealership's bottom line, as consolidating vendors often leads to cost savings and increased efficiency.

    Benefits of Streamlining Transportation

    By utilizing a company like Motway, dealerships gain visibility across all their rooftops under one system. Dealers can track where and when cars are bought, assess transport costs, and optimize their inventory management. Implementing such a strategy frees up dealers to focus on what matters most–selling cars and desk deals–while leaving the complexities of logistics to a dedicated partner.

    Acquiring Vehicles Beyond Auctions

    Creative Acquisition Strategies

    Procuring cars solely through auctions is increasingly viewed as an unsustainable practice, with dealers paying a premium for inventory. Variety beyond auctions offers a lucrative alternative for dealers to acquire vehicles. As Trudeau underscores, understanding transportation costs before purchasing cars is vital to profitability. He shares a practical tool that provides transportation quotes in real-time, ensuring dealers can factor these costs into their purchasing decisions.

    Broadening Acquisition Resources

    Danny Zieloski's innovative vehicle buying center model demonstrates that forming relationships with non-traditional partners such as RV, motorcycle, or power sports dealerships can be a goldmine for sourcing used cars. Dealerships that adopt such strategies are better positioned to capitalize on unique market opportunities, thereby enhancing their acquisition process and profitability.

    The Emerging Future of Automotive Sales and Logistics

    The insights provided by Sean V. Bradley and Mike Trudeau present a compelling case for the continued integration of transportation services into the dealership model. The conversations underscore the need for dealers to adapt and innovate, whether through expanding delivery options or embracing novel vehicle acquisition methods. In essence, embracing change and leveraging the right partnerships can redefine the automotive sales experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and dealership profits.

    Motway's solution embodies the crucial elements of convenience, efficiency, and forward-thinking that are paramount in the current automotive climate. As the industry continues to evolve, those who recognize and react to these industry shifts will rise above the competition. The ability to streamline logistics and create a seamless buying process is not merely an option – it's quickly becoming an imperative in the quest to deliver unparalleled customer experiences and drive a successful future in automotive retail.

  • In this captivating episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman podcast, hosts Sean V. Bradley teams up with industry and branding expert, Tianna Mick aka T Got Your Keys, with special guest Isabella Tutt joining from the UK! Listen in to be treated to a cross-continental exploration of sales strategies and best practices!

    The discussion delves into the comparative analysis of automotive sales techniques and methodologies employed in the US and UK markets, highlighting both similarities and differences. Drawing from their extensive experience, the guests share insider insights into the nuances of car sales, from lead generation and customer engagement to negotiation tactics and closing strategies!

    Cultural factors that shape consumer behavior and preferences in each market are explored, offering valuable perspectives for sales professionals seeking to connect with diverse clientele. Listeners are treated to a wealth of effective sales strategies and techniques proven to drive success in both the US and UK automotive industries, with practical tips for implementation!

    The episode underscores the value of international collaboration and knowledge sharing among sales professionals, highlighting the benefits of learning from different perspectives and approaches! The show host and guests engage in a dynamic Q&A session, addressing listener questions and providing personalized advice on overcoming sales challenges and maximizing opportunities in the global marketplace.

    Whether you're a seasoned sales veteran or a newcomer to the automotive industry, this episode offers invaluable insights and actionable advice for excelling in today's competitive sales landscape, regardless of geographical boundaries. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of automotive sales across continents and unlock the secrets to sales success on a global scale!

    🚀 JOIN Sean V. Bradley and the Millionaire Car Salesman Members at the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference! 🌐 Dealer Synergy is giving you OVER 60% OFF! 🏎️✨

    Secure your spot now at www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24! 🎉

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    The automotive sales profession in the UK shares similar public perceptions to those in the U.S., with professionals striving to change dated stereotypes.

    Effective customer engagement in car sales entails asking open-ended questions, creating personalized experiences, and maintaining long-term relationships.

    Building one's personal brand and leveraging community networks can significantly boost sales and create new opportunities within the automotive industry.

    The Women Automotive Network is championing diversity and gender inclusivity, providing mentorship, and connecting automotive professionals.

    Sales strategies should adapt to the modern consumer who is typically well-researched and internet-savvy, requiring salespeople to be proactive and knowledgeable.

    Event Details: Sean V. Bradley invites you to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24

    About Isabella Tutt

    Isabella Tutt, a distinguished automotive sales professional hailing from the UK, boasts an impressive 13-year tenure in the industry, primarily focused on selling cars under the esteemed Peugeot brand. Beginning her career at the age of 19, Isabella swiftly earned full Peugeot accreditation, setting a high standard for herself from the outset.

    Throughout her tenure, Isabella has excelled in various sales domains, including new car sales, business-to-business transactions, and mobility sales, demonstrating her versatility and adaptability in diverse market segments. Her dedication to excellence has been consistently recognized, with accolades such as Customer Satisfaction and Volume Sales awards under her belt.

    Beyond her exemplary sales prowess, Isabella is celebrated for her unwavering commitment to customer service, embodying the ethos of putting the client's needs first in every interaction. Her ability to forge meaningful personal relationships with clients has been instrumental in fostering loyalty and driving repeat business.

    Notably, Isabella is a trailblazer in challenging stereotypes within the automotive industry, championing inclusivity and diversity at every turn. Her recent involvement with the Women Automotive Network exemplifies her dedication to empowering underrepresented groups within the automotive sector, driving positive change and fostering a more inclusive industry landscape.

    With a proven track record of success, a passion for customer satisfaction, and a commitment to diversity and empowerment, Isabella Tutt stands as a formidable force in the world of automotive sales, poised to continue making significant contributions to the industry for years to come.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Transforming the Auto Sales Experience: A Candid Conversation with Industry Experts

    The automotive sales industry has undergone significant changes over the years, with technological advancements and evolving consumer behaviors shaping its landscape. In a riveting conversation with esteemed professionals from the industry, we delve into the nuances of car sales in the UK versus the US, examine the power of personal branding, and explore the significance of creating a customer-centric sales process.

    Key Takeaways:

    Differences between the UK and US car sales processes offer unique perspectives on customer engagement and sales techniques.

    Creating a strong personal brand as an automotive sales professional can significantly enhance your reach and sales potential.

    The concept of the 'road to the sale' can be adapted to leverage various touchpoints, ensuring customer loyalty and maximizing sales opportunities.

    Cross-Continental Car Sales: Unpacking the UK and US Models

    The conversation kicks off with Sean V. Bradley and Isabella Tutt comparing their experiences in car sales in the US and the UK, respectively. Across the Atlantic, we see a common ground where sales professionals are challenged to break free from the stereotype of being 'arrogant liars,' as Tutt articulates. Both professionals highlight the integral role of trust and genuine connection in securing sales and fostering long-term customer relationships.

    "I personally […] have a lot of love for Peugeot and the pride of the lion and the brand itself, because, like I say, I felt that they looked after me throughout my journey into sales as a new car sales executive." — Isabella Tutt

    In the US, Bradley notes, the sales process has evolved into a more intricate and accountable system, where ups are identified and meticulously documented to improve conversions and retain customers. Establishing trust and rapport from the initial greeting to the final follow-up is paramount in building a successful sales career, resonating deeply with Tutt's passion for delivering personalized experiences.

    Crafting a Personal Brand within the Dealership

    Tiana Mick's journey from selling cars to becoming an influential voice in the industry showcases the power of personal branding in the digital age. The conversation weaves in the importance of being recognized within your community and creating a brand that resonates with specific groups, influencing buying decisions and building a loyal customer base.

    "You make your own success, and you are the result of your own failure as well, in my opinion." — Isabella Tutt

    Mick's strategic move to carve out a niche for women and the LGBTQ community exemplifies seizing the opportunity to stand out among a sea of sales professionals. With a strong digital presence and active participation in community events, Mick demonstrates how a clear brand identity can catapult one's career, bridging the gap between the traditional car salesman image and the diverse, tech-savvy market of today.

    Redefining 'Road to the Sale' with Innovative Touchpoints

    The 'road to the sale' is a concept both UK and US professionals are acquainted with; however, Sean V. Bradley offers a fresh perspective by incorporating eight different categories for car sales opportunities. This holistic approach emphasizes not only the transaction at hand but also the potential of carryover leads and the diverse sources from which sales could emerge.

    "Instead of trying to sell 30 or 40 cars from one or two areas, you're looking at seven carryover and eight fresh. That's 15 different ways you could sell a car in a month." — Sean V. Bradley

    By cross-referencing initial contact information such as birthdays, significant events, and preferences, sales professionals can forge stronger connections with leads and return customers. Bradley's in-depth process takes into account the entirety of a buyer's journey and positions salespeople as trusted advisors rather than mere transactional agents.

    As we recap the insightful conversation with Sean V. Bradley, Tiana Mick, and Isabella Tutt, it's evident that the automotive sales landscape is intricate and robust, demanding thoughtful strategies and authentic connections. Embracing personal branding, reinventing sales approaches, and nurturing enduring relationships emerge as pillars of a thriving career in auto sales. With a customer-centric approach and a keen understanding of different markets, automotive professionals can drive their success to new heights, leveraging their unique personalities and technological savvy to redefine the traditional sales experience.

  • In this enlightening episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman podcast, titled "Mastering the Internet Director Department," hosts Sean V. Bradley and L.A. Williams welcome automotive industry expert Keric Davis to explore the intricacies of running a successful internet department in an auto dealership! The conversation dives deep into the importance of crafting a cohesive strategy that empowers sales professionals to leverage digital tools effectively, streamline customer interactions, and ultimately drive sales to new heights!

    Kicking off the discussion, Sean highlights the pivotal role of an internet director, emphasizing the need for prompt responses to inbound leads and the significance of consistent follow-up efforts! The episode also addresses common misconceptions surrounding internet and BDC management roles, shedding light on the invaluable contributions these departments make to the dealership's overall success! Drawing from his extensive experience, Keric shares valuable insights into the evolving landscape of automotive sales, emphasizing the growing importance of technology-driven customer interactions!

    Listeners will gain valuable insights from the hosts' practical advice on achieving operational excellence, including strategies for maintaining control over engagements, optimizing time management, and enhancing lead follow-up processes! Furthermore, the episode underscores the importance of fostering a collaborative environment within the dealership, where internet directors play a vital role in facilitating synergy between BDC representatives, sales managers, and other key stakeholders!

    Tune in to this episode to discover actionable tips and strategies for mastering the internet director department and driving unprecedented success in automotive sales!

    🚀 JOIN Sean V. Bradley and the Millionaire Car Salesman Members at the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference! 🌐 Dealer Synergy is giving you 25% OFF! 🏎️✨

    Secure your spot now at www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24! 🎉

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    Effective leadership for an Internet or BDC Department requires managers to be proactive in managing live customer engagements and tracking leads meticulously.

    Encouraging a paradigm shift amongst sales managers to view Internet or BDC management roles as opportunities rather than demotions or secondary responsibilities.

    The significance of real-time 'T.O.' processes in Internet sales, ensuring no customer interaction ends without a managerial touchpoint.

    A department's success is largely dependent on its adherence to follow-up protocol, perseverance, and a high volume of contact attempts.

    Fostering an interdependent and synergistic culture amongst BDC reps, point-guards, and salespeople is key to driving consistent sales growth.

    Event Details: Sean V. Bradley invites you to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=DEALERSYNERGY

    About Keric Davis

    Keric Davis is a seasoned automotive professional based in Boise, Idaho. With over eight years of experience in the industry, he currently holds the dual role of Internet Manager and Floor Manager at Dennis Dillon Nissan. Originally from Portland, Oregon, Keric's journey in automotive began in 2000. Throughout his career, he has held diverse roles including desk manager and sales manager, showcasing his versatility and adaptability. Known for his adeptness at leveraging new technologies and communication methods, Keric excels in his position as Internet Manager, where he leads with a combination of extensive experience and strategic sales management skills.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Mastering the Internet Director Role in Automotive Sales: Strategies for Success

    The automotive sales landscape has evolved, with a significant pivot towards digital showrooms and online customer engagement. In this new era, the role of an Internet Director is pivotal in driving sales and maintaining robust customer relationships. Sean V. Bradley, a seasoned industry expert, alongside Keric Davis, an experienced Internet Manager, engage in a deep dive into the strategies and techniques pivotal for success in today's automotive Internet sales.

    Key Takeaways:

    Engagement is key: The primary focus of an Internet Director should be managing and monitoring customer engagement across all platforms.

    Follow-up is foundational: The bulk of the job involves consistent and strategic follow-ups to leads that have yet to make contact.

    Integrate interdependence: Cultivating a culture of teamwork and shared goals within the department is crucial for collective success.

    The Importance of Customer Engagement

    Managing customer interactions is a top priority for Internet Directors. Immediate communication with engaged customers can be the difference between a lost opportunity and a lucrative sale. "When you're running your day, what a director's gotta do," Sean emphasizes, with Keric agreeing, "immediate communication...is...my first and foremost concern."

    Prioritizing Engagement
    The difficulty in establishing the first contact with potential buyers signifies the importance of prioritizing those actively engaging with the dealership. Internet Directors should "have situational control over...who is having conversations with us." Keeping a record of engaged conversations and strategizing responses is paramount to ensure opportunities aren't missed.

    The Focus on Conversations
    Sean outlines the necessity to "differentiate between the two realities. You're either in follow-up or you're in engagement". Focusing on actively engaged prospects ensures efficient usage of time and resources, and helps in building a credible customer relationship that often leads to conversions.

    The Follow-Up Strategy

    For Internet directors, rigorous follow-up with potential buyers forms the bedrock of their role. It's not just about chasing leads but constructing a consistent follow-up pattern that maximizes the conversion likelihood. "The hardest part of Internet sales... is just making contact with a prospect," Sean reflects, highlighting the necessity of persistent outreach.

    Time Maximization
    It's vital for Internet Directors to be time maximization experts. Sean criticizes the common time-wasting practice of pre-call preparation for leads that may not even answer, "dial the phones first, then start reading, doing the research."

    Reconciling CRM Data
    An Internet Director must reconcile data regularly, ensuring the CRM prompts the right follow-up actions. An overlooked but crucial aspect is reviewing "the last time she touched people," identifying long-untouched leads and rectifying follow-up strategies.

    Building a Culture of Interdependence

    Success in the role goes beyond engagement and follow-up; it's also about creating a positive, cooperative team culture. This involves ensuring that the Internet and showroom teams collaborate efficiently and align with the dealership's goals.

    Cohesion in the Team
    Keric shares his success at Dennis Dillon Auto Group through fostering a collaborative team atmosphere where "we have record high numbers for our individual car counts for both our BDC and our sales team." The group dynamic is essential, with the Internet department functioning as a tightly-knit machine.

    The Sales Team as Mentors
    Promoting a mentoring mentality is crucial, with salespeople advising Internet Coordinators, ensuring a cohesive approach to customer service and sales. Creating a learning environment within the team not only enhances capabilities but collectively raises the department's performance.

    The insights presented by Sean V. Bradley and Keric Davis offer a wealth of knowledge for current and aspiring Internet Directors in the automotive industry. From maintaining diligent customer engagement to establishing relentless follow-up methods and cultivating a vibrant culture of interdependence, their conversation lays out a blueprint for success in the digital era of car sales. It underscores the transformative power of leveraging both technology and human capital to achieve exceptional outcomes. Through strategic oversight and a cohesive team approach, Internet Directors can significantly boost sales and foster a progressive dealership model in tune with modern consumer expectations.

  • In this insightful episode, marketing professionals and automobile aficionados are treated to an engaging discussion with Joe Zumpella, the Director of Marketing for the Cochran Automotive Group! The conversation swiftly homes in on innovative methods for creating customer loyalty, leveraging the power of digital advertising, and establishing a palpable presence in local communities. With an unwavering dedication to both customer value and communal involvement, Zumpella's narratives offer a masterclass in balancing successful automotive marketing with corporate social responsibility!

    Joe Zumpella's journey from a casual dealership visitor to a marketing maven for a vast dealer network is as unconventional as it is intriguing! He underscores the effectiveness of geo-targeted digital campaigns, the significance of maintaining a positive community footprint, and the importance of press outreach in amplifying humanitarian efforts. The dialogue transitions smoothly to the technical realm of digital marketing. Discussions about SEO and SEM highlight the necessity of a cohesive relationship between dealership representatives and marketing vendors to realize the full potential of these platforms! Tune in to hear WHO Joe uses to maintain being the marketing master of his region!

    🚀 JOIN Sean V. Bradley and the Millionaire Car Salesman Members at the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference! 🌐 Dealer Synergy is giving you 50% OFF! 🏎️✨

    Secure your spot now at www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24! 🎉

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    Joe Zumpella shares his unexpected entry into the automotive industry and the importance of community-driven marketing strategies.

    Number one Cochran Automotive Group stands out in its commitment to philanthropy, highlighting specific charitable programs and initiatives.

    Zumpella offers insights into effective use of earned media strategies to promote community-oriented events and causes.

    The conversation reveals the impact and significance of SEO and SEM in automotive marketing, and the value of vendor partnerships.

    Tips on building relationships with local media and leveraging free press opportunities as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy.

    Event Details: Sean V. Bradley invites you to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=DEALERSYNERGY

    About Joe Zumpella

    Joe Zumpella is an expert marketing professional with two decades of experience, including five years dedicated to the automotive industry. His journey began in the golf industry, where he excelled in sales and spearheaded the creation of golfhq.com. As the Director of eCommerce, Joe navigated the digital landscape, propelling the brand to the top 10 golf retail sites nationally.

    Transitioning to a boutique digital marketing company in Cleveland, Joe continued to lead successful digital marketing teams. His foray into the automotive sector commenced at Autosoft DMS, where he blended his marketing expertise with insights into the automotive business.

    A fateful encounter at Sweeney Chevrolet Buick GMC marked a pivotal moment. Initially just passing time with his daughter, Joe's experience caught the eye of the sales manager, leading to an unexpected interview. This twist of fate landed him a role as the Digital Marketing Director, steering the dealership's marketing efforts.

    The narrative took another turn when the dealership underwent acquisition by #1 Cochran. Undeterred, Joe expanded his responsibilities, overseeing marketing for a network of seven dealerships in northeast Ohio. Today, Joe Zumpella stands at the helm of both digital and traditional marketing for this thriving platform, shaping strategies and driving success in the dynamic automotive landscape


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Driving Customer Loyalty and Community Impact: Strategies from the Auto Industry's Front Lines

    In the high-octane world of automotive sales, building customer relationships and staying ahead in the digital landscape are key to success. A transcript from industry thought leaders provides a rare glimpse into the strategies employed by a top-tier dealership group. These strategies are not just about selling vehicles; they're about creating lasting connections with customers and making meaningful contributions to local communities. Here, we unpack the insights shared by Joe Zumpella, Director of Marketing for Cochrane Automotive Group, on a podcast with Sean V. Bradley.

    Key Takeaways:

    Developing strong community ties through charity work can enhance a dealership's public image and build deeper customer relationships. A strategic partnership with a firm specializing in digital marketing, like SEO and SEM, is indispensable for modern dealership success. Dealerships should maintain active collaboration with marketing vendors for optimal performance and accountability. Crafting Customer Loyalty through Equity and Lease Ads

    The Cochrane Automotive Group leverages data to cultivate customer loyalty ingeniously. Joe Zumpella explains how they target specific groups, such as vehicle owners with positive equity and leaseholders nearing contract end. By showing these customers tailored ads on social media, the group not only incentivizes repeat business but also strengthens its reputation for attentive customer service.

    "I can pull customers that purchased a vehicle from us that have positive equity, that have less than 36 months remaining on their term. And I can show them an ad that right there for creating customer loyalty is huge." – Joe Zumpella

    Driving Community Engagement Forward:
    The act of engaging customers through targeted advertising is also an exercise in transparency and trust-building. It shows that the dealership acknowledges and rewards customer loyalty, which in turn fosters a sense of belonging and goodwill toward the brand.

    Expanded Reach Through Digital Platforms:
    Incorporating leaseholders into this strategy represents a smart expansion of the dealership’s reach. By targeting leaseholders approaching the end of their terms, they tap into a market poised for immediate decision-making, likely resulting in increased conversions and sustained customer loyalty.

    Harnessing the Power of Community Involvement

    Cochrane Automotive Group doesn't just sell cars; they actively participate in community welfare, distinguishing themselves as a dealership that cares. From organizing marathons to supporting local charities, their involvement runs deep, resonating with customers who value corporate responsibility.

    "We support the local university. At YSU, that's huge, because a lot of the family-owned dealerships that were here prior... they were highly involved in the community... So most of these dealerships are all within an hour, hour and a half driving distance of each other." – Joe Zumpella

    Localized Impact and Brand Identity:
    Local involvement reflects the group’s commitment to their immediate environment, enriching the brand’s identity as a caring neighbor rather than a faceless entity. This community-forward approach helps cement their local presence and enhance customer loyalty.

    The Ripple Effect of Altruism:
    Community actions often generate a positive ripple effect, inspiring others to engage in similar efforts. By setting an example, the dealership fosters a culture of giving that not only benefits the community but also solidifies the group's reputation as a benefactor and ally.

    The Digital Marketing Edge: Making SEO and SEM Work for You

    Zumpella stresses the importance of maintaining a robust online presence to thrive in today’s digital-first marketplace. By forging a genuine partnership with Search Lab—a company specializing in SEM and SEO—they've carved a niche for themselves in the crowded digital space.

    "I talk to each of them multiple times a week... And it's become a partnership that is very valuable." – Joe Zumpella

    Collaborative Dynamics in Digital Marketing:
    The partnership with Search Lab isn't transactional; it's cooperative, implying that the automotive group works closely with their SEO and SEM specialists to tailor strategies that reflect their unique market position.

    Education as a Competitive Advantage:
    With a knowledge-savvy marketing director like Zumpella at the helm, Cochrane Automotive Group ensures that their strategies are not just cutting-edge but also comprehensible to the internal team. This empowers the dealership to make informed decisions and stay agile in response to market trends.

    The insights from Sean V. Bradley and Joe Zumpella underscore the dynamic and multifaceted nature of marketing within the automotive sector. Community involvement, customer loyalty, and adept use of digital marketing tools form a triad of tactics that can propel a dealership from mere profitability to a position of influence and respect within both the marketplace and the broader community. The Cochrane Automotive Group serves as a case study in the profound impact these strategies can have when executed with care, expertise, and a genuine desire to create lasting connections.

  • Kicking off Women’s History Month, the Millionaire Car Salesman podcast is bringing you an enlightening episode that takes a deep dive into the underrepresentation of women in the automotive industry! Sean V. Bradley, the show's host, along with co-host Tianna Mick aka T Got Your Keys, engages with Stephanie May from the Women Automotive Network to uncover the challenges and opportunities for women in automotive sectors globally!

    The episode kicks off with Sean highlighting the disproportionate ratio of women to men on car sales floors and management positions, despite women having significant purchasing power in the automotive market. The discussion navigates the nuances of recruiting and retaining women in automotive roles, focusing on the need for change in dealership culture and practices. With a universal theme of gender diversity, the talk underscores that understanding your customer base leads to a more successful dealership - a rule of thumb that transcends geographical boundaries.

    Stephanie elaborates on the mission of the Women Automotive Network, emphasizing the importance of including men in the conversation to truly effect change. From London to Detroit, the discussion sheds light on the similarities of challenges faced by women across the automotive industry, regardless of location. Listen in as the episode progresses, and we are introduced to the various initiatives by the Women Automotive Network!

    🚀 JOIN Sean V. Bradley and the Millionaire Car Salesman Members at the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference! 🌐 Dealer Synergy is giving you 50% OFF! 🏎️✨

    Secure your spot now at www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=MCS24! 🎉

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    There is a significant gap in the representation of women in the automotive industry, despite their substantial purchasing power.

    The Women Automotive Network seeks to support and empower women globally in the automotive sector, emphasizing the inclusion of men in the conversation.

    Cultivating a diverse and inclusive dealership culture can be beneficial from both a business and employee satisfaction perspective.

    Mentorship programs offered by the network play a crucial role in connecting and supporting women's growth in the industry.

    The Women Automotive Network is organizing their first physical event in Detroit in June, focused on diversity, empowerment, and community building in automotive.

    Event Details: Sean V. Bradley invites you to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=DEALERSYNERGY

    About Stephanie May

    Stephanie May, a visionary in the automotive industry, has been a driving force in fostering inclusivity and collaboration. Since 2016, she has spearheaded initiatives that have transformed the landscape, culminating in the establishment of the Women Automotive Network – a global community with a staggering 34,000+ members.

    In 2016, Stephanie took the reins, initiating panels, breakfasts, and workshops at regional automotive events. However, her true mark was made with the launch of the inaugural Women Automotive Summit in Stuttgart, Germany, in June 2019. The event drew 176 attendees and laid the foundation for something far more expansive.

    When the pandemic forced events to migrate online, Stephanie seized the opportunity to redefine their purpose. The Women Automotive Network emerged, transcending the confines of a traditional event series. As of January 2024, it stands as a global force, boasting a myriad of activities. From a monthly newsletter to a bi-annual mentorship program, a leadership interview series, a job vacancy platform, and both online and in-person events in Detroit and Germany, Stephanie has curated a thriving community.

    Stephanie reflects with pride on the connections facilitated within this global network. Mentors and mentees evolving into global friends, executives from top OEMs and Suppliers learning from shared experiences, and tangible outcomes like direct job placements, promotions, and advancements in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

    What sets Stephanie's approach apart is her commitment to unity and adaptability. Understanding that everyone shares a common mission, she emphasizes collaboration over competition. As a mother of two young girls, Stephanie is fueled by a desire to create a more inclusive world for the generations to come. Her philosophy is simple but powerful: diversity makes business sense.

    In her own words, Stephanie sheds light on the network's success: "It's about listening to our community and implementing what they ask for… 'IF' we can." The journey has been marked by constant improvement, flexibility, and a keen responsiveness to industry and global demands. From introducing a mentorship program in 2021 to launching a job platform in 2022, awards in 2023, and expanding to Detroit in 2024, Stephanie's leadership embodies a commitment to evolution and growth.

    As she looks to the future, Stephanie envisions further expansion, with plans underway to launch into Mexico and Asia in 2025. Her dedication to fostering a supportive and collaborative environment within the automotive industry has not only created a network but a movement towards lasting change. Stephanie May stands as a beacon of inspiration, steering the automotive world towards a future defined by diversity, unity, and collective success.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

    Harnessing Female Power in the Automotive Industry: A Pivotal Shift Towards Inclusivity and Profitability

    The automotive industry, traditionally viewed as a bastion of male dominance, is undergoing a transformative reassessment of its demographic strategy. With the dawning realization that women wield significant control over buying decisions, the push to understand and integrate this powerful segment into the workforce has never been more critical. Bringing the discussion to the forefront are dynamic figures such as Sean V. Bradley, President of Dealer Synergy, and Tianna Chanel Mick, alongside influential voices from the Women Automotive Network represented by Stephanie May. This article delves into the seismic shift needed to unlock the full potential of female involvement in the automotive sector, both as consumers and as part of the workforce.

    Key Takeaways:

    Women's Influence: Women hold over 87% of the buying power in automotive purchases, highlighting the urgent need for greater female representation in dealership roles.

    Cultural and Structural Shifts: Adjusting dealership culture and structure, such as job titles and working hours, is paramount for attracting and retaining female talent.

    Global Connection: Challenges and strategies for integrating women into automotive roles share considerable commonality across geographical borders, suggesting a global movement.

    Understanding the Untapped Market: Female Buying Power

    The colossal buying power wielded by women in the car-buying process is undeniable. With an estimated 87% control in automotive purchase decisions, the disparity between the influence women hold and their representation in dealership roles is stark. Sean V. Bradley encapsulates the situation by asserting, "If females have over 87% buying power and I don't have one or I've only have one on my floor, maybe I want to properly recruit and hire some amazing females to the team so they could be a catalyst to be able to engage female prospects at a higher, better level."

    But it's not just about profit maximization. The conversation extends to appreciating the unique qualities that women bring to the workforce. Within car sales, traditionally a "man's world," the addition of females is seen to diversify teams and arguably improve operations through increased attention to detail and customer care, a sentiment echoed in the transcript by both Bradley and the Women Automotive Network's Stephanie May.

    Transforming Dealership Culture: More Than Just Flex Hours

    A major roadblock to attracting female talent to dealerships is the prescribed work culture, particularly the exhaustive 'bell-to-bell' shifts. The Women Automotive Network suggests models such as 'flexi working hours', as practiced in the UK, which allow employees to meet their targeted hours with flexibility. This can cater to individuals' needs while enhancing morale and productivity.

    Tianna Mick emphasizes the importance of creating an environment that is attractive to all genders. She notes that even small adjustments, like job titles on applications switching from "car salesman" to "car salesperson," can foster a more inclusive atmosphere. When dealerships evaluate their workspaces from the perspective of different demographics, they begin to unravel the structural biases that have historically barred diverse talent pools from entering the automotive workforce.

    The Ripple Effect of Global Networking and Mentorship

    A key component to bolstering female participation in automotive roles is the support and mentorship from networks that span across international boundaries. The Women Automotive Network, boasting a membership of 34,000, illustrates how mentorship programs and events have fostered connections and career growth for women worldwide. "The connections that you make...are seriously lifelong," shares Stephanie May, underscoring the enduring impact of such initiatives.

    Tianna's upcoming speaking engagement at the organization's Detroit conference is a testament to the power of such networks in propelling women's careers forward. These platforms not only promote professional development but also deliver strategies for individuals and businesses to capitalize on the diversity of their communities for increased sales and market presence.

    Sustainability in the automotive industry is no longer just about eco-friendly cars or lean manufacturing processes. It's about creating an ecosystem that values all contributors equally. The discussions and strategies shared by Bradley, Mick, and May shed light on the glaring inequities that persist and offer pathways to correct them. With every adjusted job title, flexible hour, and international summit, a new chapter in the automotive industry begins—one that promises profitability and equity for those willing to drive the change.

  • Join host Sean V. Bradley in an insightful conversation with Brian Allen, a seasoned car salesman and former hat shop owner. Brian spills the beans on his journey to automotive success, from his early days in door-to-door sales to becoming a top performer in a Toyota dealership!

    Discover Brian's secret sauce for success, where creating a unique customer experience takes center stage! He dives into the power of infusing enthusiasm and humor into the sales process and curates an office environment that mirrors his distinct personal brand.

    Brian's wisdom extends to the art of diversifying lead sources and building a referral network through strategic partnerships and networking. Gain practical insights into crafting a partner board in your office and cultivating client relationships that not only last but also fuel a steady stream of referrals!

    If you're in the automotive industry or aspire to be, this episode is your backstage pass to the strategies and tactics that have propelled Brian Allen to success! Tune in and glean actionable tips on selling cars, creating a standout personal brand, and building a flourishing career in the dynamic world of automotive sales!

    Key Takeaways

    Effective branding and personal presentation, like Brian Allen's "hat guy" persona, can create a lasting impression on customers, aiding in recall and customer loyalty.

    Brian emphasizes the importance of maintaining high energy and using humor to create a comfortable environment for clients, which helps in establishing rapport and closing deals.

    A salesperson's office setup, inclusive of showcasing achievements, can provide a subtle yet powerful confidence boost, nudging customers towards a positive view of the sales interaction.

    Diversification of lead sources, like networking within niche communities or creating reciprocal business partnerships, can significantly increase a salesperson's opportunities beyond the dealership's leads.

    Continuous self-improvement and education are paramount for sales professionals, as it sharpens skills and ensures they are at the top of their game, akin to elite athletes' dedication to practice and growth.

    Event Details: Sean V. Bradley invites you to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=DEALERSYNERGY

    About Brian Allen Andrews

    Brian Allen Andrews is a dynamic professional with a diverse journey marked by resilience and success. His foray into sales began at the age of 19, where he swiftly ascended the ranks in door-to-door sales, eventually leading his own crew for three years. Seeking new challenges, Brian transitioned to the automotive industry, showcasing his sales prowess at a Toyota dealership. In a mere nine months, he not only emerged as the top seller but seamlessly transitioned to the finance department, where his skills continued to shine.

    Brian's trajectory within the car business was nothing short of meteoric — from assistant sales manager to finance director, sales manager, and ultimately, general sales manager. However, a bold entrepreneurial spirit led him to diversify. In 2008, he ventured into the retail world by opening a clothing store, demonstrating his adaptability. Despite facing the challenges of the economic downturn in 2009, Brian pivoted to selling fine art and eventually found success in the hat business.

    An illustrious chapter in Brian's career was marked by owning four hat shops, including the iconic Hat Shop Carmel, recognized by The New York Times as one of the Top 5 places to shop. Unfortunately, the unforeseen challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic forced closures, leading Brian to navigate the difficulties and start anew in December 2021, returning to his roots in the car business with a focus on sales. Brian Allen Andrews embodies the spirit of resilience, continually rising above challenges, and embracing new opportunities with unwavering determination.

    Mastering the Art of Automotive Sales: Insights from a Half-Million Dollar Car Salesman

    The automotive sales industry is one that requires both skill and strategy to navigate successfully. As consumer behaviors shift and technology alters the way dealerships operate, sales professionals must adapt and innovate to stay ahead. One such professional, Brian Allen, also known as "The Hat Guy" due to his unique branding strategy and past hat business success, shares his insights and experiences on a recent podcast. His approach offers valuable lessons in personal branding, sales techniques, and entrepreneurial thinking within the automotive sector.

    Key Takeaways:

    Personal Branding can significantly impact sales success by creating a memorable identity for customers.

    Focusing on the customer experience and adding personal touches can differentiate a sales professional from competitors.

    Diversification of lead sources and building a personal prospecting network are essential for sustained success in automotive sales.

    The Power of Personal Branding in Car Sales

    Personal branding stands at the forefront of Allen's sales technique. Known for his distinctive fashion of always wearing a hat, Allen has crafted an identity that keeps him top-of-mind with customers. He underlines the importance of being memorable – it's not always about the name, but rather the association customers make with your brand.

    In the "Personal Branding in Car Sales" section, you should expand on the explanations given by Allen during the podcast regarding his branding strategy. He emphasizes that his hats are not only a personal fashion choice but a deliberate branding tool. With stories and examples from his own experiences, illustrate how this approach has opened doors and created conversations with prospects.

    Furthermore, investigate the broader implications of personal branding in sales. Delve into stats and expert opinions that validate the significance of personal branding in leading to greater sales success. Discuss how automotive sales professionals can develop their brands and the common pitfalls to avoid.

    Refining the Sales Experience

    Brian Allen doesn't just rely on his personal charm to seal deals; he curates an entire experience for his clients. From a strategic layout of trophies in his office to engaging interactions that involve customers in the sales process, his methodology goes beyond the average car salesperson's approach. He understands the psychological aspect of sales – that purchasing decisions are often influenced by emotions just as much as by product features or pricing.

    This section should outline the tactics he employs to create an engaging sales environment. Quote directly from his playbook, like his humorous approach to offering asparagus or compliments as an after-sale 'tip.' Illustrate how humor, environment-setting, and customer involvement translate into sales effectiveness.

    Discuss the broader implications of customer experience management, such as its impact on customer loyalty and the importance of personal interaction in the digital age. Provide examples from industry leaders who have similarly outstanding approaches to customer engagement.

    Building and Utilizing a Diverse Lead Network

    Diversifying lead sources is a strategy that has served Allen well. Despite his remarkable success in the showroom, he acknowledges the necessity of generating sales outside of dealership-provided opportunities. Allen advises finding ways to generate a steady flow of referrals - not just from individual customers, but from relationships with businesses and individuals who can provide multiple leads over time.

    The article should go deeper into Allen's views on creating a 'value partner board' within an office. Emphasize how his approach shifts the focus from one-time referrals to ongoing relationships. Analyze how professionals in other industries build similar networks, drawing lessons applicable to car sales.

    In this section, explore the importance of digitally savvy strategies for lead generation, including participation in brand-specific social media groups and creating a personal online brand presence. Also, discuss the significance of networking within the community and strategies for establishing mutually beneficial partnerships.

    Evolving with the Industry: Embracing Continuous Growth and Learning

    Throughout the conversation with Brian Allen, one message resonates clearly – the need for continuous growth and learning in the automotive sales industry. Despite his initial success, Allen confesses that seeking additional knowledge and training has propelled his career to new heights. He compares the necessity of continuous learning in sales to athletes maintaining peak performance: talent alone isn't enough.

    To recap, reinforce the critical themes presented by Allen and his podcast host, such as mastering one's craft and the endless pursuit of knowledge. Offer fresh insights on how these philosophies play into the rapidly evolving automotive industry, where customer expectations, technological advancements, and competitive pressures necessitate an ever-growing skillset.

    In this final section, encourage sales professionals to self-assess and to seek out educational resources, mentors, and innovative strategies to up their game. Emphasize the importance of not only learning from success but from failures and market changes and leave readers with a call to action to embrace lifelong learning within their sales careers.

    In summation, Brian Allen's experiences offer a rich tapestry of techniques and wisdom for the automotive sales industry. Understanding the profound impact of personal branding, customer experience, diversified lead sources, and continuous learning can unlock new levels of professional success for salespeople willing to adapt and excel.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • Tune in to the latest episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, where hosts Sean V. Bradley and L.A. Williams take you on an exciting journey into the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Get ready for a powerhouse event featuring top industry experts, successful dealers, and keynote speakers who are set to share invaluable insights and strategies for automotive professionals!

    This is the most powerful 3-day Conference in Automotive! Discover the secrets to effective personal branding, uncover tactics to boost gross profits, and gain essential tools to overcome challenges in the dynamic and ever-changing automotive market! This episode is your backstage pass to understanding why the Internet Sales 20 Group conference is a must-attend for anyone serious about personal and professional growth in the automotive industry!

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    Expert Insights: Learn from top industry experts who share their strategies for success in the ever-evolving automotive market

    Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals, build valuable relationships, and expand your professional network

    Cutting-Edge Strategies: Stay ahead of the curve with insights into the latest trends, technologies, and strategies shaping the automotive industry

    Personal Growth: Discover the keys to effective personal branding, boosting gross profits, and overcoming challenges

    Event Details: Sean V. Bradley invites you to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=DEALERSYNERGY

    About The Internet Sales 20 Group Conference

    Welcome to the pinnacle of automotive excellence! The Internet Sales 20 Group Conference is not just an event; it's a transformative experience designed to propel automotive professionals to new heights of success. This conference brings together the best and brightest minds in the industry, including successful dealers, salespeople, and keynote speakers!

    Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment, gain practical takeaways, and join a community dedicated to driving excellence in the automotive world. The Internet Sales 20 Group Conference is where your journey to automotive success begins.

    Revolutionizing the Automotive Sales Experience: Insights from the Internet Sales 20 Group Conference

    The automotive industry is on the brink of transformation, driven by the incessant evolution of sales techniques, the advent of advanced technology, and shifting consumer expectations. The recent Internet Sales 20 Group (IS20G) conference, a gathering spearheaded by industry leaders Sean V. Bradley and LA Williams, has brought to light the need for automotive sales professionals to adapt and excel amidst these changes. In this invigorating conversation, the spotlight is on the strategies that are changing the game for car dealerships and their sales teams around the nation.

    Key Takeaways:

    Hybridizing Sales Skills and Digital Strategy: The conference emphasizes the importance of combining traditional salesmanship with innovative digital marketing strategies to enhance dealership performance.

    Investing in Professional Growth: The necessity for dealership owners and automotive sales professionals to invest in self-development and advanced training is highlighted as a prerequisite for success.

    Impact of Personal Branding: Emphasis on personal and dealership branding as a key differentiator in the competitive automotive industry surfaces as a critical insight.

    Embracing a Synergistic Approach to Car Sales

    In the world of automotive sales, it is no longer sufficient to rely solely on conventional salesmanship. The IS20G conference showcases that a winning strategy lies in the fusion of time-honored sales techniques with modern Internet strategies. Through the insights provided by Sean V. Bradley, we learn that savvy sales professionals must become adept at using online platforms and digital marketing to attract and engage with customers effectively.

    "This is exactly what you got to do. ABCDEFG. Here's the things that you should not do. H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P if you want to succeed." – LA Williams

    By providing a blueprint of the dos and don'ts in digital automotive sales, the conference plays a pivotal role in guiding dealership personnel towards crafting an online presence that resonates with today's tech-savvy consumers. The transformation from traditional to digital is not just an option; it's a strategic imperative.

    "You're going to learn how to niche down and talk to your specific crowd." – LA Williams

    By focusing on unique customer segments and personalizing experiences, dealerships are able to differentiate themselves and thrive in the highly competitive automotive market.

    The Imperative of Continuous Learning and Self-Investment

    One of the strongest messages reverberating throughout the IS20G conference discussion is the unyielding relevance of continuous learning and investment in oneself. As Sean V. Bradley passionately points out, the greatest investment successful individuals make is in their own growth and the advancement of their business acumen.

    "We all have the same 24 hours in a day… but still, I find time to go to my own education." – Sean V. Bradley

    This declaration showcases not only the necessity of embracing educational opportunities but also the ethos of relentless self-improvement that permeates throughout the top echelons of the automotive sales industry.

    The IS20G conference itself acts as a testament to this principle, providing an invaluable platform for networking and learning from the industry's best, effectively offering solutions for talent acquisition, customer relations, and digital transformation challenges that dealerships face.

    The Power of Personal Branding in Automotive Sales

    As digital mediums increasingly become the battleground for customer acquisition, the role of personal branding in automotive sales becomes ever more pronounced. Both LA Williams and Sean V. Bradley highlight the paramountcy of establishing a strong personal brand within the digital marketplace as the cornerstone of a successful career in the modern automotive industry.

    "If you put me around five ice cream salesmen, right, I'm going to learn something about some ice cream." – LA Williams

    The metaphorical analogy from LA Williams drives home the message that we are shaped by the individuals who surround us and, by extension, the personal brand we build reflects the customers we attract. Hence, creating a powerful brand presence not only places an individual sales professional on the map but also elevates their stature among peers and clientele, securing a sustained inflow of business.

    As participants interact and exchange ideas at IS20G, the potent combination of networking and hands-on guidance provided allows for unprecedented scope to cultivate these personal brands, turning each attendee's unique selling proposition into their most valuable asset.

    Crafting the Future of Automotive Sales

    A clear takeaway from the IS20G conference is that successful automotive sales strategies are evolving, requiring a symbiotic relationship between individual skill and digital prowess. As professionals immerse themselves in continuous learning, they harness the power of their personal brands to stand out in a sea of competition. What this conference unequivocally demonstrates is that the road to automotive sales excellence is paved with dedication to self-investment, mastery of digital channels, and the strategic cultivation of a personal brand that resonates with the ethos of today's automotive consumers.

    Through the insights of Sean V. Bradley and LA Williams shared at IS20G, we gain a unique lens into the factors shaping the industry's future. As the conference illuminates paths forward, it's certain that those who embrace these tenets will not only adapt to the changing landscape of automotive sales but will lead the charge into a new era of dealership success.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • In this episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Host Sean V. Bradley discusses the importance of having a well-designed and personalized website for dealerships. Joining Sean in this conversation to emphasize the need for websites to listen to and respond to customers' needs, just like a salesperson would in a showroom, is special guest Gino Cipperooni - the Chief Revenue Officer at Dealer eProcess! The two highlight the features and capabilities of Dealer eProcess, which is the leading web development company in the automotive industry!

    Sean touches on the importance of website conversion and the need for dealerships to track and analyze their website's performance, the need to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the ROI of different marketing efforts, and how to properly identify areas for improvement for your dealership’s website. Additionally, Sean encourages dealerships to invest in their websites and to prioritize the integration of marketing efforts to maximize conversions and sales. Listen to this information-packed episode and understand the evolving nature of dealership websites and the importance of staying ahead of the curve in terms of personalization and user experience!

    🚀 JOIN Sean V. Bradley and Dealer eProcess at the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference! 🌐 Dealer eProcess is giving you 50% OFF! 🏎️✨ Seize the opportunity to stay at the forefront of automotive excellence. Secure your spot now at www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=DEALEREPROCESS! 🎉

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    Importance of Website Personalization: A well-designed and personalized website is crucial for dealerships to connect with customers. The website should listen to and respond to customers' needs, similar to a salesperson in a showroom.

    Dealer eProcess Features and Capabilities: Dealer eProcess is highlighted as the leading web development company in the automotive industry.

    Website Conversion and Performance: Sean emphasizes the significance of website conversion and the need for dealerships to track and analyze website performance. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis helps determine the ROI of various marketing efforts.

    Identifying Areas for Improvement: Dealerships should proactively identify areas for improvement on their websites to enhance user experience and drive conversions. Investment in website development is a strategic move for long-term success.

    Integration of Marketing Efforts: Sean encourages the integration of marketing efforts to maximize conversions and sales. Prioritizing a cohesive approach ensures a seamless and effective online presence.

    Staying Ahead of the Curve: The nature of dealership websites is evolving, and staying ahead of the curve in terms of personalization and user experience is essential. Dealerships should embrace innovations to meet the changing expectations of customers.

    Exclusive Offer from Dealer eProcess: Dealer eProcess is extending a special offer of 50% OFF for attendees of the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group conference. Dealers are encouraged to seize this opportunity to stay at the forefront of automotive excellence.

    Event Details: The episode concludes with an invitation to join Sean V. Bradley and Dealer eProcess at the Internet Sales 20 Group conference. Attendees can secure their spot at a discounted rate by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/761375152577/?discount=DEALEREPROCESS.

    About Gino Cipperoni

    Gino Cipperoni, Chief Revenue Officer at Dealer eProcess has been in the automotive website/technology business for over 10 years. He has extensive experience in identifying opportunities within various markets to help dealerships drive sales, profitability, and growth. Furthermore, Gino’s gift for analyzing data, coupled with his deep knowledge of the customer journey, is integral to the success of dealer clients as well as the Dealer eProcess team. He is a regular speaker at industry events and a frequent contributor to many industry blogs and publications due to his unique take on digital marketing and no-nonsense presentation style. Gino is an avid reader, amateur guitar player, and lifelong Chicago Bears fan. He can be reached at [email protected].

    "Fewer CTAs, better conversion.”

    The podcast episode titled "Fewer CTAs, better conversion" discusses the importance of limiting the number of calls to action (CTAs) on a webpage in order to improve conversion rates. The hosts, L.A. Williams and Sean V. Bradley, are joined by Gino Cipriani, the Chief Revenue Officer of Dealer eProcess, a leading dealership website platform.

    The episode begins with L.A. Williams expressing his frustration with websites that have too many CTAs. He believes that overwhelming visitors with numerous CTAs can actually hinder conversion rates because it confuses users and makes it difficult for them to understand what action they should take. Instead, he suggests that websites should focus on providing clear and simple CTAs, such as price, payment, and trade options, which will lead to better conversion rates.

    Sean V. Bradley introduces Gino Cipriani as a subject matter expert in digital marketing and SEO, and they discuss his role as the Chief Revenue Officer of Dealer eProcess. Dealer eProcess is known for its dealership website platform and expertise in digital marketing and SEO.

    The hosts then mention the upcoming NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) conference and ask Gino about his involvement. Gino shares that Dealer eProcess will have a booth at the conference and he will be speaking in two sessions alongside NADA trainers. The sessions will cover topics related to fixed ops marketing, website personalization, and other relevant subjects. Gino also mentions that Dealer eProcess will be launching six new website features at NADA that are unique and innovative in the industry.

    As the conversation continues, Sean V. Bradley acknowledges the significance of being a speaker at the NADA conference and shares that this will be his 17th year as a speaker. He emphasizes that NADA is considered the Super Bowl of the automotive industry, and being selected as a speaker is a prestigious achievement. Gino reveals that this is his first year speaking at NADA, although he has spoken at other conferences such as Digital Dealer and ICE20G.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode highlights the importance of reducing the number of CTAs on a webpage to improve conversion rates. It also introduces Gino Cipriani as a subject matter expert and discusses his involvement in the upcoming NADA conference. Overall, the episode provides insights into the world of automotive sales and digital marketing strategies.

    Amazon advertising and DLA Process.

    Amazon advertising and DLA Process are two key topics discussed in this podcast episode. The episode begins with the host congratulating Gino Cipriani for being a part of the National Speaker's Association and the Million Dollar Speakers Group. The host acknowledges Gino's expertise as a speaker and praises his involvement with DLA Process.

    DLA Process is recognized as a company that many others aspire to be like, as they have the opportunity to speak at NADA, a prestigious event in the automotive industry. The host emphasizes the benefits of having a subject matter expert like Gino speak at such events, as it enhances the booth experience and attracts more traffic.

    Moving on to the main topic of discussion, the host brings up Amazon advertising. They express their curiosity and interest in this advertising method, mentioning that they have been hearing a lot about it. The host specifically mentions the connection between Amazon advertising and Hyundai, hinting at a potential partnership or involvement between Amazon and DLA Process.

    Unfortunately, the podcast episode does not delve further into the details of Amazon advertising or DLA Process' involvement. The focus of the episode shifts towards website optimization, with the host expressing their intention to discuss websites in more depth.

    In conclusion, while the podcast episode briefly touches upon Amazon advertising and DLA Process, it primarily focuses on website optimization. The episode highlights the importance of reducing the number of CTAs on a webpage to improve conversion rates. It also introduces Gino Cipriani as a subject matter expert and discusses his involvement in the upcoming NADA conference. Overall, the episode provides insights into the world of automotive sales and digital marketing strategies.

    Amazon advertising boosts dealership sales.

    Amazon advertising is a powerful tool that can significantly boost dealership sales. In a podcast transcript, a marketing expert discusses the impact of Amazon advertising on the automotive industry and explains how it can be utilized to target potential customers effectively.

    The podcast episode starts by mentioning the involvement of the expert's company with Tier 3 automotive since May 2020. Despite launching a new marketing channel during a challenging time, they have successfully navigated through it. The expert emphasizes that Amazon advertising is primarily about the data it provides. The way ads are displayed to consumers is through streaming channels like Hulu and Amazon Prime, which recently launched an ad-supported version. This means that dealers can reach potential customers across various platforms.

    What sets Amazon apart is its extensive first-party data on consumers. The expert claims that Amazon has the most comprehensive data source compared to any other platform. They can track consumers based on valuable metrics such as their location, the vehicles they own, and even life events like expecting a child. This data allows dealers to categorize and target specific consumer segments effectively.

    The expert also mentions the collaboration between Amazon and Hyundai, where consumers can browse and potentially purchase cars online. While acknowledging that buying a car is not as simple as clicking a button, the expert highlights the potential of this partnership in streamlining the car-buying process.

    Additionally, the podcast discusses the importance of Google Trends in understanding search volume for specific terms. The expert mentions that even in large markets like Boston, the average monthly searches for terms like "Honda Civic for sale" are relatively low. This emphasizes the need for dealerships to be proactive in their marketing efforts rather than relying solely on reactive strategies. By running Amazon advertising alongside Google campaigns, dealerships can increase their visibility and drive more potential customers to their websites.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode highlights the significant impact of Amazon advertising on dealership sales. With its extensive first-party data and ability to target specific consumer segments, Amazon provides dealerships with a powerful tool to reach potential customers effectively. By running Amazon advertising alongside Google campaigns, dealerships can be more proactive in their marketing efforts and increase their chances of success. Overall, Amazon advertising is a valuable resource that can significantly boost dealership sales in the automotive industry.

    Amazon advertising vs. OTT strategy

    The podcast transcript discusses the differences between Amazon advertising and OTT (Over-The-Top) strategy in the context of dealership sales. According to the podcast, Amazon advertising is a comprehensive solution managed by a team of Amazon strategists who specialize in managing campaigns specifically for the Amazon platform. The team focuses solely on Amazon advertising and does not mix it with other digital marketing efforts such as Google and Facebook campaigns.

    Amazon advertising operates through the Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform), which provides data on potential customers within a dealership's marketplace. By creating filters and targeting specific models or demographics, the DSP can determine the number of potential candidates for a dealership's business and the associated cost. The podcast mentions that the budget can be adjusted to fit the dealer's financial constraints, and the program is co-op eligible.

    Once a dealership decides to proceed with Amazon advertising, they are assigned a strategist who helps choose a plan and runs the campaign through various channels, including Hulu, Sling, Amazon Prime, and online video platforms. What sets Amazon advertising apart is its ability to connect vehicle sales to individuals who have seen an ad on their TV. This is achieved through tools like the Amazon Pixel and the Amazon Marketing Cloud, which can track ad views and link them to dealership visits and purchases. While the podcast acknowledges that this attribution may not be 100% accurate, it aims to measure the influence of the ads on sales.

    When comparing Amazon advertising to OTT strategy, the podcast notes that Amazon is an OTT player as well, offering avenues like display and online video advertising. However, other OTT providers like the Trade Desk lack the valuable Amazon data that powers the advertising platform. The podcast emphasizes the power of Amazon's data and its ability to provide strategic field intelligence for dealerships.

    In terms of franchise restrictions, the podcast clarifies that Amazon's partnership with Hyundai is at the tier one level, focusing on online car sales. However, Amazon advertising is available to any dealership at the tier three level, regardless of the franchise.

    To illustrate the process, the podcast presents a hypothetical scenario of a Toyota dealership in New Jersey that wants to increase its monthly sales from 265 units to 350. The dealership would reach out to Dealery Process, the company discussed in the podcast, to discuss their unique situation and market conditions. Based on this information, a customized plan would be created, and the Amazon DSP would identify the target audience for the dealership. Additionally, Dealery Process offers creative services for video content if the dealership does not have an agency or resources to create their own videos.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode highlights the significant impact of Amazon advertising on dealership sales. With its extensive first-party data and ability to target specific consumer segments, Amazon provides dealerships with a powerful tool to reach potential customers effectively. By running Amazon advertising alongside Google campaigns, dealerships can be more proactive in their marketing efforts and increase their chances of success. Overall, Amazon advertising is a valuable resource that can significantly boost dealership sales in the automotive industry.

    Website and marketing must align.

    However, the podcast also emphasizes the importance of aligning website and marketing strategies in order to maximize the effectiveness of these advertising efforts. The host points out that many dealerships invest a significant amount of money in advertising, but neglect to prioritize their website. This can lead to poor results and a lack of ROI.

    The host makes a valid point that a dealership's website is crucial in converting traffic generated by advertising campaigns. If a website is poorly structured, with low time on site, high bounce rates, and plagiarized content, it will not be able to effectively engage and convert potential customers. This is especially true for OEM compliant websites that may be cookie-cutter and lack unique value.

    The podcast host emphasizes that websites and marketing should not be treated as separate entities, but rather as integral components of a cohesive strategy. Both the website and marketing efforts should have the same goals of generating leads, increasing ROI, and driving car sales. In order to achieve this, the website must be aligned with the messaging and targeting of the marketing campaigns.

    For example, the host mentions the scenario where a personalized ad on Amazon drives traffic to a dealership's website, only to have the visitor land on a homepage with irrelevant content. This disconnect between the marketing message and the website can lead to confusion and a lost opportunity for conversion. Therefore, it is crucial for dealerships to ensure that their website is set up to integrate seamlessly with their marketing efforts, maintaining consistent messaging across all channels.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode emphasizes the importance of aligning website and marketing strategies in order to maximize the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Dealerships must prioritize their website and ensure that it is optimized for conversion and seamlessly integrated with their marketing efforts. By doing so, dealerships can enhance their chances of success and achieve their desired results in terms of generating leads, increasing ROI, and driving car sales.

    Boutique websites offer customization advantage.

    One key point made in the podcast is the difference between boutique website providers and mass-produced, templated website providers. The podcast argues that boutique website providers, like Dealery Process, offer a significant advantage in terms of customization.

    The podcast begins by comparing the analogy of spending $100 on steak sauce and only $5 on the steak. This analogy highlights the absurdity of spending a significant amount of money on driving traffic to a poorly designed website. It suggests that dealerships often make the mistake of investing in marketing efforts without prioritizing the quality and effectiveness of their website.

    The podcast then delves into the reasons why OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) mandate specific website providers for their dealerships. The rationale behind this is to create continuity, symmetry, and a scalable brand across thousands of dealerships. However, the podcast argues that this approach may not necessarily result in the best product for each individual dealership.

    The podcast then explores the difference between mass-produced, templated websites and boutique websites. Mass-produced websites, such as those offered by dealer.com, may have been innovative in the past but have become more templated and restricted due to the challenges of managing a large number of dealerships. These providers have to balance innovation with meeting OEM requirements and managing thousands of dealerships.

    On the other hand, boutique website providers, like Dealery Process, offer a more customized and flexible approach. As a privately owned and operated company, Dealery Process does not have shareholders or a board of directors to answer to. This allows them to work directly with dealerships to customize their websites within the constraints of OEM requirements. The podcast highlights that Dealery Process prioritizes the needs of the dealerships and aims to build platforms that suit their specific needs.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode emphasizes the advantage of boutique website providers in offering customization. By working with dealerships on an individual basis, these providers can tailor websites to meet specific needs while still ensuring compliance with OEM requirements. This flexibility and customization allow dealerships to have a website that aligns with their marketing strategies and maximizes their chances of success. Ultimately, boutique websites offer an advantage in terms of customization, which is crucial in today's competitive digital landscape.

    Analyze marketing costs for effectiveness.

    The podcast transcript focuses on the importance of analyzing marketing costs for effectiveness. The host, who works at Dealer Synergy, explains that when dealers want to sell more cars, one of the first steps is to conduct a marketing assessment. This assessment involves looking at the dealership's website, lead source providers, and conducting a cost-benefit analysis.

    One of the key points made in the podcast is the need to understand the individual costs and yields of different marketing strategies. The host gives an example of a dealership spending $4,000 on a website that includes SEO, SEM, and management. However, without knowing the individual costs and yields of each component, it is difficult to determine if the additional expenses are worth it. The host suggests benchmarking and tracking the return on investment (ROI) to gain a better understanding of what is truly working.

    To do this, the host recommends adding up all the dollars spent on driving traffic to the website, including digital retailing, credit apps, chat tools, social ads, and other marketing efforts. This macro number represents the total investment in driving traffic. The next step is to run a report to determine how many sales leads were generated directly from the website. This allows dealerships to assess the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and determine if the costs are justified.

    The podcast highlights the shock and surprise experienced by some dealerships when they realize how much they are spending per lead. Some dealerships are spending $300 to $400 per lead, which can be a significant expense. By analyzing marketing costs and tracking leads generated from the website, dealerships can make more informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

    The guest on the podcast agrees with the host's approach, emphasizing the importance of looking at the data and making decisions based on results. He compares the process to managing a showroom floor, stating that if certain salespeople are not performing, they would be let go. The same principle applies to marketing tools and strategies. If a tool or strategy is not generating a significant increase in leads, it may not be providing value and could be worth reconsidering.

    Overall, the podcast episode emphasizes the need for dealerships to analyze their marketing costs for effectiveness. By understanding the individual costs and yields of different marketing strategies, dealerships can make more informed decisions and allocate their resources more effectively. This analysis allows dealerships to determine what is truly driving leads and sales, and make adjustments to their marketing strategies accordingly.

    Website features for dealerships.

    One of the main points discussed in the podcast is the importance of conversion rates in measuring the success of marketing campaigns. The guest speaker suggests that a good conversion rate for search campaigns, such as "Toyota dealer near me" campaigns, would be around 5%. While this may seem low, it is actually considered a strong conversion rate when taking into account the overall effectiveness of the campaign. On the other hand, display campaigns tend to have lower conversion rates and should not be measured solely based on conversion. Instead, metrics such as engagement, exposure, CPM, and CPC should be considered.

    The podcast also highlights the residual effect of certain marketing campaigns, particularly those on Amazon. The guest speaker explains that these campaigns can have a lasting impact on potential customers, even if they don't convert immediately. For example, someone may see an ad during a sports game and find it interesting, but not have the time to explore further at that moment. However, a few days later, they may visit the website as a result of the initial exposure. This residual impact can be measured through Google Analytics and other tools, and it is important for dealerships to take into account the overall influence of their marketing efforts, not just immediate conversions.

    Additionally, the podcast touches on the future of dealership websites in 2024. The guest speaker, who represents a leading web development company in the automotive industry, discusses the evolution of dealership websites over the years and the changing expectations of prospects and customers. He suggests that dealership websites should be able to meet the wants, wishes, needs, and expectations of customers.

    While specific features are not discussed in detail, the podcast implies that dealership websites should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and offer a seamless browsing experience. It is likely that features such as easy navigation, clear and detailed vehicle information, interactive tools for customization and comparison, and a streamlined lead generation process would be important for modern dealership websites. Additionally, the guest speaker emphasizes the importance of keeping up with the latest technology and trends in order to stay competitive in the industry.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode emphasizes the need for dealerships to analyze their marketing costs and conversion rates in order to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies. It also hints at the importance of dealership websites that meet the expectations of customers in terms of user experience and functionality. By understanding the effectiveness of different marketing campaigns and investing in a well-designed website, dealerships can optimize their resources and attract more leads and sales.

    Website as online salesperson.

    The podcast episode titled "Website as online salesperson" highlights the significance of a dealership's website in driving sales and engaging customers. The discussion begins with a quote from Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, who stated that if Amazon had four and a half million customers, they should have four and a half million stores. This statement emphasizes the importance of personalization and catering to individual customer needs.

    The podcast host argues that a dealership's website should not be seen as just an online showroom, but rather as an online salesperson. The website is the most prolific salesperson as it interacts with customers even before they step foot in the physical showroom. Just like a salesperson in a store, the website should listen to and respond to customers' needs in order to build a solution around them. The host mentions that if a salesperson in a store fails to do so, they would be fired. Therefore, the website should be taught to do the same.

    The example of Amazon is used to illustrate the power of website personalization. Each individual's Amazon page is different, showing products that cater to their specific wants and needs. This level of personalization has contributed to Amazon's success as a three-quarter of a trillion-dollar company. The podcast suggests that other businesses, including dealerships, can learn from this approach and harness the idea of website personalization to drive greater engagement and overall revenue.

    The podcast then delves into the features of a dealership website that can facilitate personalization and enhance the customer experience. One such feature is a search by vehicle tool, which allows customers to filter their search based on specific criteria, such as the presence of a sunroof or a heated steering wheel. This tool makes it easier for customers to find the exact car they desire and ensures that the website is responsive to their needs.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode emphasizes the need for dealerships to view their website as an online salesperson. By understanding the importance of personalization and responsiveness, dealerships can optimize their website to engage customers, drive sales, and ultimately increase revenue. The example of Amazon serves as a testament to the effectiveness of website personalization in achieving business success. Therefore, dealerships should invest in well-designed websites that meet the expectations of customers in terms of user experience and functionality. By doing so, dealerships can attract more leads and convert them into sales, ultimately maximizing their marketing efforts and resources.

    Personalization improves website conversion rates.

    Personalization improves website conversion rates by creating a tailored and seamless user experience for customers. The podcast episode highlights the importance of personalization in the automotive industry, specifically in the context of a dealership website. The speaker explains how personalization can be implemented throughout the customer journey, from the initial search for vehicles to the viewing of vehicle detail pages (VDPs) and beyond.

    One key aspect of personalization is the ability to save and remember customer preferences. In the example given, the website saves the customer's preferred features and seating capacity, making it easier for them to find relevant vehicles in future visits. This not only saves the customer time and effort but also enhances their overall experience by showing them vehicles that align with their specific needs and preferences.

    Additionally, personalization extends to the VDPs, where the website showcases different views of the vehicles that the customer has previously engaged with. This strategy aims to create a sense of urgency and promote low-funnel conversions, encouraging the customer to take action, such as getting their trade evaluated. By reminding the customer of their previous interest in a particular vehicle, the website increases the likelihood of a conversion.

    Furthermore, the podcast episode highlights the importance of reducing friction and repetition in the customer journey. By saving customer preferences and actions, the website avoids asking customers to repeat actions they have already taken, which can be frustrating and time-consuming. This streamlined experience not only improves customer satisfaction but also increases conversion rates, as customers are more likely to engage and take action when the process is simplified.

    The podcast also emphasizes the value of personalization in the context of dealer groups. By sharing customer preferences and actions across different dealership websites within a group, the personalization experience can be seamlessly transferred. This ensures that customers receive a consistent and tailored experience, regardless of which dealership website they visit within the group. This level of personalization not only enhances the customer experience but also strengthens the dealership group's online presence and brand reputation.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode emphasizes the need for dealerships to view their website as an online salesperson. By understanding the importance of personalization and responsiveness, dealerships can optimize their website to engage customers, drive sales, and ultimately increase revenue. The example of Amazon serves as a testament to the effectiveness of website personalization in achieving business success. Therefore, dealerships should invest in well-designed websites that meet the expectations of customers in terms of user experience and functionality. By doing so, dealerships can attract more leads and convert them into sales, ultimately maximizing their marketing efforts and resources.

    Website technology tracks customer behavior.

    One of the key points discussed in the podcast is the technology that allows dealerships to track and analyze customer behavior on their websites. This technology provides valuable insights into customer preferences and helps dealerships tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

    The podcast mentions that the website platform used by the dealership tracks a customer's click path, meaning it records every site and page that the customer visits. This information is crucial in understanding the customer's interests and intentions. For example, if a customer is looking at a specific vehicle model, the dealership can use this data to personalize their marketing efforts and offer relevant promotions or incentives.

    Furthermore, the technology discussed in the podcast goes beyond tracking customer behavior on a single dealership's website. It also allows for cross-site data sharing, meaning that if a customer has visited multiple dealership websites within the same group, all of their activity can be seen and analyzed. This is particularly useful in situations where a customer is considering multiple brands or models. Dealerships can gain insights into their competition and adjust their strategies accordingly.

    The podcast also highlights the uniqueness of this technology in the automotive industry. While many web development companies focus on redesigning specific pages on a dealership's website, the technology discussed in the podcast goes beyond that. It provides a comprehensive view of the customer's journey and allows dealerships to understand their customers on a deeper level.

    Another feature mentioned in the podcast is the identity resolution technology. This technology allows dealerships to gather data from various sources and identify potential customers who have been actively searching for specific vehicle models. By de-anonymizing these customers, dealerships can target them with personalized marketing campaigns across various platforms, such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and email. This technology enables dealerships to reach potential customers who have not yet engaged with them, giving them a competitive advantage in the market.

    In terms of website design, the podcast highlights the importance of the SRP (Search Results Page). According to the data from the thousands of dealer clients, the SRP is the most visited page on dealership websites. This emphasizes the need for dealerships to prioritize the design and functionality of this page. It should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and provide all the necessary information that customers are looking for.

    Overall, the podcast episode emphasizes the significance of website technology in tracking customer behavior and optimizing marketing strategies. By utilizing this technology, dealerships can gain valuable insights into customer preferences, personalize their marketing efforts, and ultimately increase sales. It is crucial for dealerships to invest in well-designed websites that meet the expectations of customers in terms of user experience and functionality. By doing so, dealerships can attract more leads, convert them into sales, and maximize their marketing efforts and resources.

    Segment website for different credit tiers.

    One specific area that the podcast highlights is the importance of segmenting the website for different credit tiers. The discussion revolves around the idea that dealerships should have separate sections on their website to cater to customers with different credit situations. This segmentation allows for a more targeted and personalized approach in the customer relationship management (CRM) process.

    The podcast suggests that having a single "apply now" or finance option on the website may not be sufficient, especially for dealerships that specialize in special finance or subprime customers. Instead, the recommendation is to have two distinct sections: one for customers with good credit or unsure credit, and another for customers with bad credit or no credit. By providing these separate options, dealerships can create a unique experience for each credit tier, both on the website and in the subsequent CRM protocols.

    Segmenting the website in this way allows dealerships to tailor their marketing efforts and communication strategies to the specific needs and circumstances of customers in each credit tier. For example, if a customer indicates that they have bad credit or no credit, the dealership can adjust their email templates, text messages, and voice messages to reflect this information. This level of personalization can greatly enhance the customer experience and increase the chances of conversion.

    Moreover, the podcast suggests that some dealerships have gone a step further by creating separate websites specifically for customers with bad credit. These websites still include inventory and other essential information but are entirely separate from the main dealership website. This separation allows for even more targeted marketing efforts, as channels like Amazon can use credit data to target customers in specific credit tiers and drive them to the appropriate website. This ensures that all traffic coming through the bad credit website is primarily from customers in that credit situation, streamlining the CRM process and ensuring accuracy in follow-up and communication.

    In conclusion, segmenting the website for different credit tiers is a valuable strategy for dealerships looking to optimize their marketing efforts and improve customer engagement. By providing separate sections or even separate websites for customers with different credit situations, dealerships can create personalized experiences, tailor their communication strategies, and increase the effectiveness of their CRM protocols. Investing in website technology that allows for this segmentation can lead to higher conversion rates, increased sales, and overall success in the competitive automotive industry.

    Importance of AI in websites.

    One of the key aspects of website optimization in the automotive industry is the integration of AI (artificial intelligence) technology. AI has the potential to greatly enhance the functionality and user experience of dealership websites, ultimately leading to increased customer engagement and improved conversion rates.

    One area where AI can be particularly beneficial is in the acquisition of vehicles from the public. Many dealerships struggle with effectively communicating their desire to buy cars from customers, especially when inventory is not as readily available. By incorporating AI-powered tools, such as a "sell us your car" feature, dealerships can make it easy for customers to submit their vehicle information and receive a value estimate. This not only streamlines the acquisition process but also creates a prominent and user-friendly section on the website dedicated to this service.

    Furthermore, AI can be utilized to personalize the website experience for individual customers. By analyzing data and understanding customer needs and preferences, AI systems can tailor content and recommendations to provide a more personalized browsing experience. This level of personalization can greatly enhance customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of conversion.

    However, it is important to approach AI integration with caution. While AI technology, such as ChatGPT, has the potential to revolutionize customer interactions, it is still a relatively new and imperfect technology. Dealerships must ensure that AI-powered chat applications are properly trained and monitored to prevent misinformation or false claims. Trust is crucial in the automotive industry, and dealerships cannot afford to have AI technology providing inaccurate information to customers.

    Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of AI in dealership websites are significant. Larger online commerce companies are already investing heavily in AI-driven personalization, and it is only a matter of time before this technology becomes more prevalent in the automotive industry. By interpreting data and utilizing AI systems to better understand customer needs, dealerships can enhance their marketing efforts and improve the overall website experience.

    In conclusion, AI integration is becoming increasingly important in dealership websites. By incorporating AI-powered tools and personalization features, dealerships can enhance customer engagement, streamline processes such as vehicle acquisition, and improve overall website performance. However, caution must be exercised in implementing AI technology to ensure accuracy and trustworthiness. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, embracing AI in website optimization will be crucial for dealerships to stay competitive and provide exceptional customer experiences.

    "Fix unoptimized website for marketing."

    The podcast transcript highlights the importance of fixing unoptimized websites for marketing purposes. The speaker emphasizes the need for best practices in order to ensure that the money spent on marketing efforts is not wasted on an ineffective website.

    The speaker acknowledges that the industry still struggles with this issue, as many websites are not properly optimized to attract and engage potential customers. They discuss the problem of unoptimized websites and offer insights on how to recognize and fix this issue.

    The crux of the presentation revolves around the idea that a website that is not optimized can hinder marketing efforts and prevent businesses from reaching their full potential. The speaker aims to address this problem and provide solutions to improve website optimization.

    The podcast also mentions the upcoming 20-year anniversary of Dealer Synergy, a company that specializes in dealership training and consulting. The speaker expresses gratitude for being a part of this milestone and looks forward to the future.

    In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of fixing unoptimized websites for marketing purposes. It emphasizes the need for best practices and offers insights on how to recognize and address this issue. By optimizing websites, businesses can improve their marketing efforts and enhance customer experiences.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • In the latest Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Sean V. Bradley engages in a dynamic conversation with Dennis Gingrich, Sales and Finance Director at The Niello Auto Group! This high-energy episode offers a deep dive into the highline automotive market, exploring Dennis's journey from early car sales to his current leadership role. The duo discusses the challenges of the industry, emphasizing the crucial shift from transactional to relationship-based sales, especially in the evolving landscape post-pandemic!

    Dennis shares insights into the luxury brands represented by The Niello Auto Group, such as Porsche, Jaguar, and BMW, underscoring the significance of exceptional customer service in catering to high-end clientele. The conversation seamlessly transitions to the central theme of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), where Dennis advocates for harnessing CRM tools to their fullest potential. He stresses the pivotal role of CRM in managing relationships, tracking communication, and delivering top-tier customer service!

    The dialogue expands to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into CRM, shedding light on the transformative impact of AI tools in automating tasks and enhancing customer interactions! Dennis encourages sales professionals to embrace AI, recognizing its potential to elevate efficiency and effectiveness in their roles!

    The episode concludes with a forward-looking perspective on the impending changes in the industry, particularly the introduction of the CARS rule by the Federal Trade Commission. Dennis emphasizes the proactive use of CRM in navigating these changes and ensuring compliance.

    Overall, this podcast episode is a goldmine of insights for automotive professionals, offering practical tips on CRM optimization, embracing AI, and navigating the complexities of the luxury automotive market. With Dennis Gingrich's wealth of experience, listeners gain actionable strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving automotive landscape!

    🚀 Elevate your automotive sales game at the Internet Sales 20 Group conference! 🌐 Join industry leaders converging to share cutting-edge insights, strategies, and innovations that will revolutionize your approach to sales. 🏎️✨ Seize the opportunity to stay at the forefront of automotive excellence. Secure your spot now at www.InternetSales20Group.com! 🎉

    #IS20G #IS20G15 #InternetSales20Group #InternetSales20Group15 #InternetSales20GroupConference #InternetSales20GroupConference15

    Key Takeaways

    Shift to Relationship-Centric Sales: The highline automotive market demands a shift from transactional to relationship-based sales. Building strong connections with customers is crucial in adapting to changing industry dynamics.

    Diversity in Luxury Brands: The Niello Auto Group represents a range of luxury brands, including Porsche, Jaguar, and BMW. Success in the highline market requires a deep understanding of each brand and the ability to deliver a personalized experience.

    Maximizing CRM Tools: Dennis emphasizes the importance of maximizing CRM tools to manage customer relationships effectively. From tracking communications to ensuring a high level of customer service, CRM plays a pivotal role in dealership operations.

    AI Integration in CRM: The discussion on AI reveals its potential in automating tasks and improving customer interactions within CRM systems. Sales professionals are encouraged to embrace AI tools as a means to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

    Preparation for Industry Changes: Dennis highlights the impending changes in the automotive industry, particularly with the introduction of the CARS rule. Dealerships need to prepare for these changes and leverage CRM for compliance and success in the evolving landscape.

    About Dennis Gingrich

    Dennis Gingrich began his retail automotive journey well before entering adulthood, performing various support duties at his father’s independent dealership, Main Street Autos. Upon graduating high school in 1997, he was accepted to the University of Nevada, Reno and intended to pursue a career in law. Dennis balanced his studies while selling vehicles at an independent dealership in Reno, Nevada. Leadership took notice of his abilities and was promoted to Finance Manager at the age of 19.

    Between an accelerating career and becoming a father at a young age, Dennis decided to focus on the retail automotive industry. This early decision led to the following retail automotive roles: Sales Professional, Finance Manager, Assistant Sales Manager, Sales Manager, Finance Director,General Sales Manager, and Sales & Finance (Variable) Operations Director. Over the course of his career ascent, Dennis made many relationships throughout the industry leading to many opportunities.

    In March of 2012, Dennis joined Zurich North America, delivering consistent growth throughout the region he represented. Dennis specialized in training Sales and Finance Departments to increase PVR and Products per Customer. Naturally, this approach was instrumental for his clients as they found financial success through increased production. In other words, coaching and support was a hallmark, and passion Dennis was eager to share with others. Sharing his best practices with Zurich leadership, his content was formally shared with his peers across the country.

    An inquisitive learner, Dennis became intimately familiar with F&I Products, Services, Administration, and Profit Participation (Reinsurance) during his tenure at Zurich. The combination of his knowledge, networking, account development and coaching ability ultimately led Dennis to his current roles:

    1) Sales and Finance (Variable Operations) Director and,

    2)Chief Operating Officer of AutoFiPro (Full Circle Dealer Services).

    A key element of Dennis' approach to training is to show/demonstrate best practices rather than just telling others “the how”. Dennis disproves the notion: “Those that can’t do, teach,” and has a steadfast commitment to a “boots on the ground” application of coaching and leadership. Dennis believes the people that support the retail automotive community should have relevant and recent experience to help navigate today’s rapidly changing market. Dennis purposely built, and staffed, AutoFiPro under the mantra of, “For dealers, by dealers.”

    Work Hard and Seize Opportunities

    Work hard and seize opportunities. This is a mantra that is often repeated in various aspects of life, and it holds true in the automotive industry as well. In a podcast transcript featuring Dennis Greenwich, the sales and finance director at the Nilo Group, we see firsthand how hard work and seizing opportunities can lead to success.

    Greenwich's journey in the automotive industry began four years ago when he joined the Nilo Group as a finance director. His initial role was focused on driving profitability and ensuring that the money was flowing into the bank. He excelled in this position and was given the opportunity to oversee the sales department as well.

    What stands out in Greenwich's story is his willingness to take on new challenges and his dedication to making the most of the opportunities presented to him. He didn't just settle for being a finance director; he saw the bigger picture and recognized that sales and finance go hand in hand. By expanding his responsibilities to include sales, he was able to have a greater impact on the overall success of the organization.

    But Greenwich's journey didn't start at the Nilo Group. He had to work his way up to his current position. While the transcript doesn't provide details about his earlier career, it is evident that he had to prove himself and demonstrate his skills to reach the coveted executive level. Working in the high-end automotive industry, especially with brands like Porsche, requires a strong background and expertise. Greenwich's success is a testament to his hard work and dedication to honing his skills.

    The key takeaway from Greenwich's story is the importance of working hard and seizing opportunities. He didn't wait for opportunities to come to him; he actively sought them out and made the most of them. He recognized that success in the automotive industry, or any industry for that matter, is not handed to you on a silver platter. It requires effort, determination, and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone.

    In today's fast-paced world, where social media bombards us with images of people living their best lives, it's easy to fall into the trap of wanting instant success. But as Greenwich reminds us, the only way to achieve that level of success is by putting in the work. It's about using every advantage available to you and seizing every opportunity that comes your way.

    Greenwich's story serves as an inspiration for aspiring professionals in the automotive industry. It shows that with hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take on new challenges, one can rise to the top. It also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and growth. Greenwich didn't settle for his initial role; he sought to expand his knowledge and skills to have a greater impact.

    In conclusion, the podcast transcript featuring Dennis Greenwich highlights the importance of working hard and seizing opportunities. Greenwich's journey from a finance director to overseeing sales and finance for a high-end dealer group showcases the rewards that come with dedication and a willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone. His story serves as a reminder that success is not handed to us; it is earned through hard work, perseverance, and a proactive approach to seizing opportunities.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • In this episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, join us for a deep dive into the rapidly evolving world of automotive digital tools and strategies with Trent Cannon, Manager of Product Innovation at Ford Direct. As the industry undergoes a profound shift towards digital compliance and optimized dealership tools, this conversation explores the pivotal role played by Ford Direct in shaping this evolution!

    Trent Cannon provides valuable insights into the unique positioning of Ford Direct, a company partially owned by both Ford OEM and Ford dealers. Acting as a crucial bridge between individual dealerships and broader corporate objectives, Ford Direct is at the forefront of driving digital transformation in the automotive sector. The episode delves into the strategies employed by Ford Direct to align with dealer interests, offering a glimpse into the wealth of resources available to Ford dealers for enhancing their operations and profitability!

    Trent's candid discussion covers key aspects such as the significance of dealership websites, the crucial role of OEM compliance, and how Ford Direct supports dealerships in navigating the intricacies of the digital landscape. Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or a newcomer to the automotive scene, this episode provides valuable insights into the dynamic and complex world of digital tools and strategies in the automotive industry!

    Join us for an enlightening conversation that explores how Ford Direct is shaping the future of automotive sales by providing essential tools and strategies to dealerships, ensuring they stay ahead in the digital revolution!

    🌐 Ready to revolutionize your approach to automotive sales? Join us at the Internet Sales 20 Group conference, where industry leaders converge to share insights, strategies, and innovations! 🚀 Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your game. Register now at www.InternetSales20Group.com and secure your spot at the forefront of automotive excellence! 🏎️✨

    Key Takeaways

    Ford Direct serves as a quasi-agency, jointly owned by Ford OEM and Ford dealers, focusing on aligning dealerships with digital advancements.

    The potential for dealerships to maximize their relationship with Ford Direct exists but may be underutilized, with active communication being key.

    Implementing OEM-mandated tools and compliance ensures brand consistency across various dealerships, which benefits manufacturers and customers.

    A crucial factor for dealership success is focusing on lead management and optimizing their digital assets to convert more sales.

    Challenges in adopting single-point contact models and proper CRM strategies are common but necessary for achieving higher dealership efficiency.

    "We are ultimately here to move units, not SRPs and VDPs."

    About Trent Cannon

    Trent Cannon, a true Raider at heart, hailing from the Black Hole of the Las Vegas Raiders and remaining a devout member of the Raider Nation. His journey in the automotive industry began during the recession in 2010, with the expectation that it would be a short stint of six months at most. Little did he know, it was just the beginning.

    Trent's career trajectory has been nothing short of remarkable, evolving from the sales floor to roles such as Internet Manager, Internet Director, and Corporate Marketing Director. His professional journey has taken him through various locations, spanning Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and currently, he calls the border of Mexico in McAllen home.

    With a wealth of experience and a diverse background in the automotive landscape, Trent Cannon brings a unique perspective to the table. As the Manager of Product Innovation at FordDirect, his insights and expertise contribute to shaping the future of automotive marketing and technology. Stay tuned for more as Trent continues to make waves in the industry.

    Maximizing Automotive Sales: Insights from Ford Direct's Trent Cannon

    The automotive industry is perpetually evolving, particularly in how digital tools and strategies impact sales and dealer operations. A recent conversation with Trent Cannon from Ford Direct provided a wealth of knowledge for automotive professionals, especially within the Ford dealership community. The insights gained can orient dealers toward a future of informed decision-making and optimized digital engagement.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding Ford Direct: Distinguishing between Ford OEM and Ford Direct is essential, where the latter supports dealers with a blend of oversight from the OEM and dealership contributions

    Dealer Communication: Engaging with Ford Direct's offerings, like Dealer Performance Consultants, can maximize dealer success in a digital-centric automotive market

    Website and Vendor Compliance: The push from OEMs towards certain tools and compliance needs scrutiny to ensure dealers are not just achieving compliance but also driving real sales results

    The Role and Benefits of Ford Direct for Dealerships

    Ford Direct represents a distinct entity that's not just an arm of Ford OEM but a partnership partly owned by Ford dealers. This structure allows for a proactive approach to supporting dealers, knowing that it understands both corporate and on-ground dealership needs. Ford Direct serves as a bridge between the manufacturer and the dealers, ensuring that the interests of dealers remain at the forefront. Working with Ford Direct enables dealerships to receive tailor-made advice and reports, helping them understand the history of their store's performance and how to enhance it. Additionally, Ford Direct offers access to various tools and integrations, acting as a resource for enhancing multiple aspects of the dealership, from digital presence to backend operations.

    Communication with Ford Direct: A Path to Dealer Prosperity

    Dealers who fully engage with Ford Direct and its consultants, such as the Dealer Performance Consultant (DPC) team, position themselves for greater success. As Cannon suggests, dealers should actively seek discussions with their Ford Direct consultants who can provide prescriptive insights and help navigate complex digital landscapes. From websites to CRM systems, Ford Direct consultants are equipped to help dealers optimize every facet of their operation for improved customer engagement and sales outcomes.

    Navigating OEM Compliance and Tools for Maximized Advantage

    One contentious point within dealer communities is the OEM-mandated tools and websites. While compliance often comes with benefits such as co-op money, Cannon explains that these directives primarily serve the OEM's need for data and brand consistency. However, dealers should critically assess these mandates, not only to ensure they're receiving the data and support they need but also to ensure they're achieving substantive results like the actual movement of inventory, not just compliance for compliance's sake.

    As the digital landscape within the automotive industry continues to shift and expand, dealers must be acutely aware of how to navigate it successfully. The insights provided from the perspective of Trent Cannon and Ford Direct offer a roadmap for dealerships to understand better and utilize the resources available to them. By engaging deeply with Ford Direct and its dealer-centric approach, monitoring the effectiveness of OEM-mandated tools, and focusing on driving real sales rather than mere compliance, dealers can forge a path to sustained growth and success in a highly competitive digital marketplace.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • In this riveting episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, host Sean V. Bradley delves into the extraordinary success journey of David Gutierrez, a standout car salesman at Easy Honda. David's remarkable story unfolds as he reveals the ingenious techniques and strategies that propelled him into the coveted six-figure income bracket within just one year in the automotive sales realm.

    Listeners are treated to an insider's perspective on David's emphasis on community engagement as a pivotal factor in building a strong and loyal customer base. The conversation takes an intriguing turn as David shares how he leverages cutting-edge tools such as AI and ChatGPT to revolutionize customer interactions, showcasing the transformative potential of technology in automotive sales.

    Central to David's success is his unwavering commitment to education and continuous self-improvement, highlighting the indispensable role of training and podcasts in staying at the forefront of the industry. As a trailblazer who adeptly navigates the ever-evolving market dynamics, David Gutierrez stands as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring sales professionals, offering valuable insights for those aiming to carve out a thriving career in the competitive world of automotive sales. Tune in to this episode to glean wisdom from David's journey and discover the keys to achieving excellence in the automotive sales arena.

    Key Takeaways

    Success in automotive sales is significantly enhanced by supporting and engaging with the community

    Embracing new technologies like AI and ChatGPT can yield positive results in customer communication

    Continuous self-improvement through resources like industry podcasts is essential to personal growth

    Strategic financial planning and investment in assets, like real estate, are crucial for long-term wealth

    Establishing a relationship and understanding the customer’s needs is fundamental to closing sales

    "Every morning on the way to work... I listen to the podcast every single morning, and I train every single morning all the time."

    - David Gutierrez, Sales Consultant at Easy Honda (Houston, TX)

    About David Gutierrez

    David Gutierrez, a dynamic and ambitious young professional, has swiftly ascended the ranks in the competitive world of automotive sales. At just 23 years old, David has not only exceeded the six-figure earnings mark but has also become a standout performer at Easy Honda in Houston, Texas.

    Originally from Mexico, David's journey in the automotive industry began when he relocated to Houston at the age of 7. Growing up, his exposure to the business was through his father, who worked in various capacities within local dealerships. However, it wasn't until 2021, amid pandemic-induced challenges, that David found himself stepping into the world of car sales.

    Starting as a porter, David worked for an owner with multiple dealerships in California, where he gained insights into the industry. His path took a turn when, after a few months, he transitioned to sales. In September 2022, David joined a Honda dealership in Houston, selling used cars. Under the guidance of mentors and with a determination to learn and grow, he quickly made his mark.

    In his early months, David achieved a significant milestone by earning his first $10,000 in a single month, a feat that sparked his realization of the vast opportunities in the automotive sales arena. Fueled by a desire for personal and professional development, David committed to self-improvement, mindset refinement, and goal setting.

    His efforts bore fruit as he consistently sells over 20 cars per month, securing the position of a top salesperson in the pre-owned department for seven consecutive months. Beyond personal success, David sees his journey as a means to positively impact his family's life and envisions this as just the beginning of his upward trajectory in the automotive sales industry.

    Connect with David on Instagram: @cardealsbydave

    Phone Number: 832-282-4860

    David Gutierrez is not merely a car salesman; he's a testament to the transformative power of dedication, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in the pursuit of one's goals.

    Unveiled Secrets of Automotive Sales Success: A Young Car Salesman's Journey to Six Figures

    The world of automotive sales is a battleground, with cutthroat competition and relentless demands for success. Amidst this high-stakes arena, it's the stories of professional growth and financial triumph that ignite a spark of inspiration in both industry veterans and novices. The transcript of a conversation between Sean V. Bradley and rising star David Gutierrez offers a glimpse into the dynamics that drive profitability and exponential sales in the automotive sector.

    Key Takeaways:

    Establishing deep community connections and offering genuine support can skyrocket sales and customer loyalty.

    Leveraging AI, like Chat GPT, and video communication tools can significantly improve efficiency and client engagement.

    Smart financial management and investment in self-education are pivotal in transitioning from a good salesperson to a great one.

    A Community-Centric Approach: The Catalytic Effect of Local Engagement

    In the fast-paced world of car sales, the subtle art of building community relationships is often overlooked. However, in his discourse with David, Sean V. Bradley continually emphasizes the enormity of its impact. By exemplifying the principle of reciprocity—giving before you ask—dealerships and sales professionals can cultivate a reservoir of goodwill and trust within their localities.

    David mentions utilizing podcasts and networking as instrumental in shaping his mindset for success. Similarly, Sean stresses the importance of taking an active role in local events, charities, and cultural celebrations, transforming sales professionals into community pillars.

    This approach carries far-reaching implications, fostering brand loyalty and transforming customers into passionate advocates for the salesperson and the dealership. The impact on sales numbers is clear, but more significantly, there's a potent influence on a dealership's legacy in the local community.

    Harnessing Technology: AI & Video Strategies that Make an Impact

    The automotive sales conversation can't be had without discussing technological leverage. David swears by the concrete benefits of integrating AI, like Chat GPT, into his routine, enhancing his customer interactions and nurturing leads. Incorporating video messages through tools like BombBomb further personifies the sales process, delivering personal connection at scale.

    Such tech-focused strategies demonstrate an efficient and impactful way to respond to leads and customize communication. These solutions echo throughout the industry as power moves that can differentiate the progressive from the stagnant. Adopting these tools assures a persuasive edge over traditional communication methods in engaging potential and current clients.

    The Path to Financial Wisdom: Training and Acting Beyond Comfort

    Despite David's rapid ascent into six-figure earnings, Sean's guidance draws attention to the dangers of complacency. The conversation pivots to underscore financial literacy, savings, and smart investments, such as real estate, as foundations for sustained success.

    Sean implores David to create a financial battle plan, focusing on meticulous tracking of leads, sales, and commissions. The emphasis on disciplined financial management and continued self-improvement lays out a blueprinted strategy for any salesperson to evolve from simply making money to creating wealth.

    Foreseeing market shifts and preparing for tighter competition signifies the importance of agility in maintaining high sales performance. Grounding oneself in financial prudence can act as an anchor amidst industry turbulence.

    Expert's Insights & Aspirations: Blueprinting a Brilliant Future in Car Sales

    Drawing from the rich dialogue between Sean and David, several proactive strategies emerge that can help steer any automotive professional toward remarkable achievement. The holistic development approach extends beyond immediate sales tactics to broader actions like reinforcing a compelling brand presence, fishing for prospects in the kinetic pool of community events, and diligently harnessing innovative technologies.

    Mindful investment in one's brand, coupled with an appetite for self-education and financial intelligence, formulates a powerful equation for sales prowess. Deploying this strategy ensures a sales representative is not an island but rather an integral, value-adding component of the consumer's world.

    Identifying opportunities, understanding the underlying psychology of purchases, and navigating personal customer relationships are as essential as ever. The gravity of personal branding and creating an impactful narrative can't be overstated, and it's the harnessing of these nuances that promises an illustrious career in automotive sales.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • In this captivating episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman podcast, join Sean V. Bradley and co-host LA Williams as they embark on a fascinating journey from Sean's unconventional past to his stellar success in the sales and marketing arena. Sean shares insights into the strategic moves that propelled him from the nightclub scene to becoming a respected figure in the automotive industry.

    Diving into his early experiences, Sean unveils the creative tactics that set him apart, like his unique customization of bulletproof vests, offering a glimpse into the roots of his branding genius. As the conversation unfolds, Sean emphasizes the pivotal role of building a robust personal brand. He elaborates on utilizing diverse tools—from SEO strategies to effective networking—to establish meaningful connections and relationships across various industries. Tune in for a riveting exploration of Sean's transformative journey and discover the power of strategic branding in the world of automotive sales.

    Key Takeaways

    Personal Branding Prowess: Sean's innovative approach to business and marketing dates back to his youth, demonstrating that an entrepreneurial mindset can be cultivated early on

    Mastery of Craft: Emphasizing the importance of in-depth product knowledge, Sean highlights how understanding each product's unique value proposition is central to sales success

    Evangelize Yourself: Engaging with a wide array of entities in various communities helps to build a robust network and increases sales opportunities through diverse connections

    Leverage Technology and Training: The power of tools like CRM, SEO, and social media cannot be overstated, and Sean's self-taught expertise is a testament to diligent self-improvement

    Value of Time: Sean impresses upon the listener the significance of cherishing and utilizing every second of the day to maximize personal and professional growth

    "Time waits for no one. Don't wait until it's too late. Make every second count."

    - Sean V. Bradley, CSP

    About Sean V. Bradley

    Sean V. Bradley, CSP is an entrepreneur, published author, speaker and award-winning international trainer. He is a 16-time NADA/ATD convention speaker, FranklinCovey Certified Facilitator and has earned the coveted “CSP” designation in the National Speakers Association. Sean is also a member of the elite “Million Dollar Speakers Group” in the NSA and a state association speaker and trainer. He has spoken at over 400 NCM and NADA 20 Groups. Sean started Dealer Synergy over 20 years ago, but has been in the automotive industry for almost 22 years. Sean and his Dealer Synergy team are a 16-time Dealers’ Choice Award Winner for being the “Best of the Best Internet Sales Trainer” and “Mobile Provider Partner” in the Automotive Sales Industry.

    Sean has personally trained over 100,000 Automotive Sales Professionals in 3,500 unique rooftops. However, he literally influences hundreds of thousands of professionals, in and out of the Automotive Sales industry, all over the world, through: his over 4,000 published articles, his best-selling book “Win the Game of Googleopoly”, over 7,000 videos published online, and through Radio Station soundwaves by Hosting the globally recognized Against All Odds Radio Show currently airing in Atlanta, Cleveland, Rochester, and Los Angeles, and the 'internet buzzing' Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast reaching over 1 million Americans! Additionally, Sean is the creator of the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group, with a membership count of 27,000+ automotive professionals.

    The Art of Branding: How Sean V. Bradley Turned Street Savvy into Industry Success

    In an industry bustling with the clamor of competing voices, standing out isn't just an art; it's a science. Sean V. Bradley, an icon in the automotive sales world, shares his journey and insights—an amalgamation of nightclubs, cars, and sheer ambition. His prowess in maintaining "Top of Mind Awareness" (TOMA) isn't just relevant to automotive sales—it's a universal strategy for anyone looking to cash in on their personal brand.

    Key Takeaways:

    Master Your Craft: Dedication to honing your skills and industry knowledge is pivotal.

    Build Your Network: Expanding your personal and professional connections is a cornerstone of success.

    Leverage Technology: Embracing and utilizing current technologies and SEO can significantly amplify your reach.

    From Nightclubs to Showrooms: The Evolution of a Marketing Maestro

    Sean V. Bradley's background in the high-octane world of New York's nightclub scene may seem a world apart from the showroom floor, but the skills he honed there are integral to his success in automotive sales. Promoting VIP events taught him the importance of customer retention and personalized marketing strategies.

    "Instead of being the leech all the time asking people for whatever... Flip it, man...Do stuff for people," Bradley asserts when discussing his approach to network expansion. Personal touches and flash were his unique selling points, making bulletproof vests with Superman logos that flew off the streets faster and at a higher price.

    This penchant for understanding and catering to the client's needs, desires, and demographics is crucial in any industry. It’s not merely about what you're selling; it's the story you weave and the unique experience you provide.

    Education as a Key to Success: Self-Taught Expertise

    Diving into Bradley's dedication to learning his repertoire—ranging from search engine optimization (SEO) to sophisticated CRM tools—demonstrates the value he places on self-improvement. He shares, "I went through Google AdWords training and certification...studied my craft."

    To be competitive and rise above the noise in today’s market, one must not only have product knowledge and a strong brand presence but also understand and master the digital tools at their disposal. This isn’t just about understanding the specs of a vehicle; it’s about the how and why certain functions appeal to consumers or knowing what complimentary keywords can skyrocket your product’s visibility online.

    Networking: Beyond the Business Card Exchange

    Sean V. Bradley’s definition of networking transcends the traditional business card exchange. By embedding himself in a variety of circles and communities, he has not only increased his social capital but also ensured that his name is synonymous with automotive sales excellence.

    Bradley points out that making connections beyond immediate sales opportunities can lead to unexpected benefits, recounting how his own network led to a personal relationship with an UFC fighter who now coaches his son. The lesson here is that networking should be strategic and focused on long-term payoffs rather than immediate gains. By supporting others and embedding yourself into diverse communities, you become the go-to person in your field, attracting organic interest and referrals.

    Surfacing From the Transcript: Reflections and Projections

    As we pull back from the specific narrative of Sean V. Bradley’s ascent, it becomes clear that his strategies are not confined to the realm of car dealerships or even high-energy nightclubs. They are universal tactics for personal and brand growth.

    The focus on TOMA, self-taught expertise, and robust networking are testimonials to an overarching truth in business: standing out requires not only an understanding of what you sell but also an impassioned commitment to why you sell it and to whom it matters.

    By channeling Bradley's insights into your professional pursuits, you too can cultivate a reputation that doesn’t just spark interest but ignites a following. Whether you’re looking to elevate a personal brand or transform your approach to sales, the framework laid out by Bradley’s experiences serves as a roadmap to that desired destination of success.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • We’re kicking off 2024 in this insightful episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, your host, Sean V. Bradley, is joined by Steve Roessler, co-founder of DriveCentric. Together, they delve deep into the pivotal role of CRM technology in the automotive industry and its transformative impact on customer engagement in the Automotive Industry!

    Sean and Steve provide valuable insights into the current state of CRM and the technology within it in the automotive industry! Both advocate for a shift in focus from transactional to relational communication, emphasizing the pivotal role CRM systems play as the heart of a dealership. The discussion explores the transformative power of video emails and text messages in fostering personalized and engaging interactions with customers.

    Furthermore, Steve delves into the integration of AI, particularly Chat GPT, into CRM systems. He illustrates how AI technologies can revolutionize customer engagement by automating responses and assisting salespeople with prompts, ultimately enhancing efficiency! The episode concludes with a forward-looking perspective on the future of CRM, highlighting the significance of conversational marketing and the role of AI in optimizing communication processes within dealerships! Tune in to gain valuable insights into maximizing the potential of CRM technology and staying ahead in the automotive industry!

    Key Takeaways

    CRM technology is the heart of a dealership and should be used to foster engagement and build relationships with customers

    Video emails and text messages are powerful tools for creating personalized and engaging communication with customers

    AI, such as Chat GPT, can enhance CRM systems by automating responses and providing prompts for salespeople

    The future of CRM in the automotive industry lies in conversational marketing and leveraging AI to streamline communication and improve efficiency

    "The best CRM is the one that's used." - Steve Roessler, DriveCentric

    About Steve Roessler

    Steve is recognized as one of the most prominent voices in automotive advocating for dealerships, customers, and the community. Steve was rated #2 NADA Most Popular Speaking Session, and won 2022's AWA Best Speaker Award. With his infectious personality, audiences enjoy a learning environment that’s fun, inclusive, and informative. Steve has been educating the automotive community for over 10 years, but has another 15 years of expertise servicing customers and teaching them to embrace new technology and long-term strategies that drive sales and market share growth while providing an exceptional customer experience.

    The Future of CRM: Unlocking the Power of Engagement and AI


    In the fast-paced world of automotive sales, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. One of the most powerful tools at a dealership's disposal is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. However, many dealerships struggle to fully harness the potential of their CRM, leading to missed opportunities and lost revenue. In this article, we will explore the key challenges faced by dealerships in relation to CRM and how innovative solutions, such as Drivecentric's AI integration, are revolutionizing the industry.

    The Importance of Cultivating Relationships

    In any sales industry, building relationships with customers is paramount. However, in the automotive industry, where the majority of interactions occur online, cultivating these relationships digitally is essential. Traditional CRM systems have focused primarily on database management, but the future lies in engagement-first approaches. As Steve Roessler, CEO of Drivecentric, explains, "We're teaching stores to think engagement first and database second. Customers are buying cars faster than ever, and we need to adapt to this new reality."

    According to Roessler, one of the key challenges faced by dealerships is the shift from in-person interactions to digital showrooms. To bridge this gap, dealerships must embrace conversational commerce. This means using tools such as gifs, memes, and videos to create engaging and personalized conversations with customers. As Roessler points out, "Texting is the number one form of communication, and we need to leverage that. By using gifs, memes, and videos, we can create a more relatable and engaging experience for customers."

    The Rise of Video

    Video has emerged as one of the most powerful mediums for communication. It allows for the conveyance of sight, sound, motion, and emotion, creating a more immersive experience for customers. According to Roessler, dealerships that utilize video emails and video text messages see significant increases in open rates and engagement. He cites a 35-store group that saw an average $400 gross increase on the front-end with video versus no video. The key is to make videos personal and concise, keeping them under 30 seconds.

    The Integration of AI

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the automotive industry, and CRM systems are no exception. Drivecentric's integration of Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) allows for more efficient and personalized communication with customers. The AI can be programmed to respond to customer inquiries, acknowledge specific details mentioned by the customer, and even provide prompts for salespeople to craft their responses. This streamlines the communication process and allows salespeople to focus on building relationships rather than administrative tasks.

    The Paradigm Shift in CRM Strategy

    One of the biggest challenges faced by dealerships is the outdated and inefficient CRM strategies that are still prevalent in the industry. Many dealerships focus on quantity rather than quality, making a high volume of phone calls and sending generic emails. This approach leads to low connection rates and disengaged customers. Roessler emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift, stating, "We need to celebrate conversations, not activities. It's about talking to customers, not just making phone calls or sending emails."

    According to Roessler, the future of CRM lies in leveraging AI to create conversational marketing and streamline processes. AI can handle routine tasks, such as appointment confirmations and follow-ups, allowing salespeople to focus on higher-value activities. The integration of AI and CRM will enable dealerships to provide a more personalized and efficient customer experience. As Roessler explains, "AI is the roomba of CRM. It takes care of the mundane tasks, allowing salespeople to focus on meaningful conversations with customers."


    The automotive industry is evolving rapidly, and dealerships must adapt to stay competitive. CRM systems are at the heart of dealership operations, and harnessing their full potential is crucial. By embracing engagement-first approaches, leveraging the power of video, and integrating AI technology, dealerships can create more personalized and efficient customer experiences. The future of CRM lies in building relationships, cultivating engagement, and utilizing AI to streamline processes. As the industry continues to evolve, dealerships that embrace these innovations will thrive in the digital age.

    Future Outlook

    Looking ahead, the future of CRM lies in leveraging AI to create conversational marketing and streamline processes. AI can handle routine tasks, such as appointment confirmations and follow-ups, allowing salespeople to focus on higher-value activities. The integration of AI and CRM will enable dealerships to provide a more personalized and efficient customer experience. As Roessler explains, "AI is the Roomba of CRM. It takes care of the mundane tasks, allowing salespeople to focus on meaningful conversations with customers."

    In addition, the rise of conversational commerce and the power of video will continue to shape the automotive industry. Dealerships that embrace these tools and techniques will be able to create engaging and personalized experiences for their customers, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

    Overall, the future of CRM is bright, with innovative solutions such as Drivecentric's AI integration leading the way. By harnessing the power of engagement and AI, dealerships can unlock new levels of success and stay ahead of the competition in the fast-paced world of automotive sales. The key is to adapt to the changing landscape, embrace new technologies, and prioritize building relationships with customers. As the industry continues to evolve, dealerships that embrace these innovations will thrive in the digital age.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

  • In this strategic episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, your host, L.A. Williams, delves into the art of effective negotiation in the automotive sales arena! The Blind Master shares key insights and techniques, underscoring the pivotal role of active listening and the mirror technique in signaling genuine understanding to customers. This episode explores the potency of strategic silence and its ability to prompt customers to divulge more information willingly.

    LA introduces the concept of "no-oriented questions" and elucidates their role in countering superficial affirmations from customers. The discussion underscores the importance of fairness in negotiations and recommends the use of accusation audits to preemptively address potential objections. LA highlights the value of role-playing and the strategic use of emotional labeling to foster transparency and achieve success in the sales process!

    In the world of car sales, mastering the art of negotiation over the phone is where the money is truly made. Tune into this episode to elevate your negotiation skills and unlock new levels of success in automotive sales!

    Key Takeaways

    Use the mirror technique to repeat back the last few words a customer says, showing that you are actively listening

    Strategic silence can encourage customers to share more information and allow ideas to resonate in their minds

    No-oriented questions can counter the counterfeit yes and provide a more honest response from customers

    Fairness is crucial in negotiations, and presenting fair options can lead to successful outcomes

    Role-playing scenarios with colleagues can help salespeople prepare for different situations and improve their skills

    Labeling customers' emotions can create transparency and address potential objections before they arise

    "Role-playing scenarios with colleagues can help salespeople improve their skills and handle different situations." - L.A. Williams

    About LA Williams III aka The Blind Master

    L.A. Williams is the Vice President of Dealer Synergy. He has 12+ years of automotive sales experience and has made it his mission to help, educate and level up anyone he comes in contact with. LA once started as a frontline analyst for the organization, but quickly worked his way through the ranks to most recently landing him his current role of Vice President and an official company partner. Although LA holds an executive position with Dealer Synergy, he is completely “hands-on” with the Dealer Synergy family of programs.

    LA is the preeminent subject master on “Phone Sales” in the Automotive Sales Industry and has earned the nickname and title of “The Blind Phone Master”. LA has been blind for 35+ years and has focused his energy on the art of sound, tone, and inflection. With his inability to see and only hear, he can solely judge a person’s phone abilities and verbal tools based on what they say and how they say it. This makes him the perfect coach and phone sales expert on planet Earth. LA has trained thousands of Automotive Sales professionals, Internet / BDC professionals, Sales Managers, General Managers and Dealer Principals on how to dominate the phones with his “The Blind Phone Master’s Phone Sales Mastery” strategies.

    Furthermore, LA is an NADA Convention Speaker and a frequent 20 group speaker, including the official Internet Sales 20 Group . In addition to his training and speaking engagements, LA is the official co-host of the globally known Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast and a moderator of the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group.

    LA is also a very successful music producer. He has produced tracks for Dr. Dre, Lil Wayne, Katy Perry, Karina Bradley, and scores more. In addition to having worked with some of the best in the music industry, LA has worked in movies. He was even the voice for Jigsaw in 4 of the SAW movies! LA has taken his music producer, audio, and voice talent to bring a strong form of “entertrainment” to the industry and has blessed us with many motivating and fun remix tracks, applicable to the automotive sales industry.

    The Power of Negotiation: Elevating Your Sales Game


    In the world of automotive sales, negotiation skills are crucial for success. While many sales professionals are already talented in their craft, there is always room for improvement. In this article, we will explore the power of negotiation and how it can take your sales game to the next level. Drawing from my experience working with renowned negotiator Chris Voss, I will share some of the techniques and strategies that have proven to be highly effective. By implementing these tactics into your daily process, you can enhance your ability to listen to customers, address their concerns, and close deals with confidence.

    The Mirror Technique:

    One powerful negotiation technique is the mirror technique. This involves repeating back the last three or four words the customer says, demonstrating that you are actively listening. By using this technique, you can make the customer feel heard and understood, which is essential for building trust. As I always say, "People like to do business with people who listen." The mirror technique also encourages the customer to share more information, as they feel validated and acknowledged. It's important to use this technique subtly and naturally, without overdoing it. By incorporating the mirror technique into your conversations, you can elevate your sales game and establish stronger connections with customers.

    Strategic Silence:

    Confidence is key in negotiations, and one way to exude confidence is through strategic silence. Instead of rushing to respond, take your time and allow moments of silence to hang in the air. This gives the customer an opportunity to process what has been said and potentially overcome any challenges or objections they may have. Strategic silence can also be used to plant a seed in the customer's mind, allowing it to sprout and influence their decision-making process. By mastering the art of strategic silence, you can create a more impactful and persuasive sales experience.

    No-Oriented Questions:

    In sales, we are often taught to get customers to say "yes." However, using no-oriented questions can be just as effective, if not more so. People are more comfortable saying no, as they have been doing so since childhood. By asking questions that elicit a no response, you can counter the counterfeit yes and encourage more honest and authentic communication. For example, instead of asking, "Would you like to schedule a test drive?" try asking, "Would it be a bad idea for us to schedule a time for you to test drive the vehicle?" This approach allows the customer to express any concerns or hesitations they may have, leading to a more productive and transparent conversation.

    The F Word in Negotiation:

    The F word in negotiation is not what you might expect. It's fair. Many customers want to feel that they are being treated fairly throughout the sales process. By addressing fairness head-on, you can establish trust and build stronger relationships with customers. Instead of asking if something sounds good, try asking if it sounds fair. This simple shift in language can make a significant difference in how customers perceive your offers and proposals. Remember, sales is an emotional process, and fairness is a crucial component of creating a win-win situation for both parties involved.

    Role Playing:

    Role playing is a powerful tool for honing your negotiation skills. By practicing different scenarios with colleagues or managers, you can prepare yourself for various challenges and objections that may arise during real customer interactions. Role playing allows you to refine your responses, experiment with different approaches, and gain confidence in your ability to handle any situation. While some may be hesitant to engage in role playing, it is an essential part of becoming a top-performing sales professional. Embrace the opportunity to practice and improve your negotiation skills, and you will see the results in your sales performance.

    Labeling Customer Emotions:

    Understanding and addressing customer emotions is crucial in negotiation. By labeling their emotions, you can create a more open and transparent dialogue. If a customer seems hesitant or concerned, acknowledge their emotions by saying something like, "It sounds like you're feeling hesitant about the price." This demonstrates empathy and shows that you are attuned to their needs and concerns. By addressing emotions directly, you can build trust and rapport, leading to more successful negotiations.


    Negotiation is a fundamental skill in automotive sales, and by implementing these techniques, you can elevate your sales game to new heights. The mirror technique, strategic silence, no-oriented questions, fairness, role playing, and labeling customer emotions are all powerful tools that can enhance your ability to connect with customers, address their concerns, and close deals with confidence. By mastering these techniques, you can create a more impactful and successful sales experience. Remember, sales is an emotional process, and by understanding and addressing customer emotions, you can build trust and establish long-lasting relationships. Embrace the power of negotiation and watch your sales soar.

    Future Outlook:

    As the automotive industry continues to evolve, the importance of negotiation skills will only grow. With advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences, sales professionals must adapt and refine their negotiation techniques to meet the demands of the modern marketplace. By staying informed and continuously improving their skills, sales professionals can position themselves for success in an ever-changing industry. The future of automotive sales belongs to those who can effectively negotiate, connect with customers, and provide exceptional service. Embrace the power of negotiation and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.


    Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

    Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

    The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:

    Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level.

    Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably!

    Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!