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  • Quick Episode to get back on your path of authenticity

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    So now that you’ve made the decision that you want to get back to your authenticity, and youre willing to make a change, and you’re willing to love yourself just 1% more

    Its time to take a deep dive into the last time you felt joy, the last time that you did something that felt amazing, felt so right for you. It could have just been in one area of your life or maybe everything was perfect at once. Regardless, remember this time.

    It actually doesn’t matter what you were physically doing during this time. What was your mindset? How did you think about the future?

    I bet you were hopeful. I bet you felt like nothing could stop you. I bet you were motivated and excited for each new day. I bet you made better choices that helped you stay on track.

    It also doesn’t matter why you fell off.

    It doesn’t matter why it fell apart

    It doesn’t matter the outcome.

    Now if you can channel that feeling, write down on paper or in your phone write down how you felt about when your life was going good. What you think you were doing different than currently. Also write down why living this way is in line with what you want your future to look like or how it aligns with yourself your goals and your values.

    What do you think your authentic self looks like? Talks like? What does she wear? How does she start her day? What does she eat? What does she get to do throughout her day? What does she smell like? What kind of car does she drive? What does her house look like? What color are the sheets on her bed? How does she talk to herself? How does she talk to others? Does she ask for help when she needs it? Does she have a supportive community around her? Is she patient? What other qualities does she have? Does she live in the present moment? What does her work life look like? What does she do before bed? What does she stand for? What are her values? Is she happy?

    Just dream for a little bit about the perfect version of you, this will start to give you hints about what you really want. Let go of expectations you’ve put on yourself or have been put on you by others.

    This is your time for yourself. If you don’t do any self-care today, I got you.

    Start treating yourself with kindness and respect. Start making choices that are in alignment with your true desires. When you do things that make you feel good, joy will follow.

    Now that you’ve done this exercise, make sure you re read it tonight before bed. As youre about to go to sleep ask yourself a question “What is holding me back from being this person?” Now don’t listen to what your mind is going to tell you, all your fears and past rejections can come up and your brain will tell you that youre not good enough, that you don’t have X Y Z or whatever else it will say as to why you cant do something
 don’t listen
 instead, ask for your dreams to tell you.

    As soon as you wake up the next morning write your dreams down and see if it answers any of your questions.

    And don’t worry if this doesn’t happen for you, it didn’t happen for me on the first try either, but even if you don’t remember you are working on things and when youre doing things during the day you might get an idea, or remember something that is pointing you on your authentic path. I promise you will have a light bulb moment.

    Don’t overwhelm yourself, just allow yourself to be guided by the universe and your higher self back to your calling.

    You don’t have to figure it out in one day or one week. Don’t rush it. Don’t get impatient. Remember, this is a life long journey.

    But we are getting one step closer to getting you back to the life you deserve.

  • On this podcast we will cover:

    Deciding your path - what’s your authenticity?

    Mindset work to think differently about yourself, your environment, your dreams

    Confidence building to believe you can manifest these ideas into reality

    Goal setting to give yourself a path

    Execution of the path

    Sign up for my newsletter to get more content and PDF's for each step of the journey at www.ascendifi.com