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    #058. In this episode, we sit down with Jim Sheils, founder of 18 Summers and bestselling author of The Family Board Meeting and The Passive Income Playbook.

    Jim shares his simple yet profound strategies for busy professionals who want to create deeper, more meaningful relationships with their families, while also achieving financial success.

    You’ll learn about (1) the Family Board Meeting strategy that helps connect busy parents with their kids through quality one-on-one time every quarter, (2) Balancing Family and Business where Jim talks about the challenge of managing a successful career while maintaining a strong family life. Learn how to be intentional with your time and set boundaries, including his tips for tech fasting and scheduling family time; (3) Teaching Financial Literacy to Kids, where you gain insights into how Jim and his wife involve their children in conversations about money, business, and entrepreneurship from an early age, helping them develop key life skills through active participation; and (4) Using Real Estate as a Path to Freedom, where Jim shares his experience as a real estate investor and how passive income can give families more freedom

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    #057. In this episode, we sit down with Stephen Diaz, co-founder of The Rainmaker Family and an eight-figure entrepreneur. Stephen shares his journey from wedding photographer to building a multi-million dollar e-commerce business that empowers families to achieve financial and time freedom. Discover how to leverage the power of Amazon, shift your mindset from "I can't" to "How can I?", and create lasting financial success without sacrificing family values. He also provides insights on raising entrepreneurial kids and instilling values like abundance, generosity, and resourcefulness.

    Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, this episode is packed with actionable insights!

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    #056. Today's guest is Tom Karadza. Tom is the co-founder of Rockstar Real Estate Inc, a real estate brokerage focused on helping investors in the Greater Toronto and Golden Horseshoe areas create income to live life on their terms. Tom is also the co-host of The Your Life! Your Terms! Show, where he chats about real estate, business building, the economy, bitcoin, monetary policy, nutrition, fitness and anything else to help us all live life on our own terms.

    Tom shares spending time in Croatia, growing up as a child and how it shaped his views on how money works. We dive into his unconventional path, from corporate world to entrepreneur. Tom shares strategies of how parents can talk to their kids about money, and tangible examples of what he does with his kids to help them learn about money, as well as transfer info and knowledge to them. We also talk about financial freedom, and his three bucket strategy for achieving it. We dive deeper into a few of those buckets, including bitcoin, and how owning some real estate can be a beautiful thing - because of leverage to achieve higher returns to stay ahead of our currency debasement. And two, how that same property can change over the years, based on the different strategies you can deploy for that same piece of real estate, in his example, a regular boring single family home.

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    #055. Today's guest is Jess Bryan. Jess is the founder and CEO of Future Empowered, a company that combines critical skills of money and communication to empower individuals including millennials, women and teens to create financial freedom, security and independence. We chat about impactful lessons about money Jess learned through her childhood. We discuss the unique trio of formative money perspectives that influenced her growing up. Jess talks about the reasons she created Future Empowered, what inspired her to get into teaching, and how she started mixing in financial literacy with teaching her courses. We discuss the benefits of using a Classroom Economy system. And we discuss strategies on how to teach teenagers to become financially independent adults and how to set them up for success. As well as strategies that millennials should take to build a strong financial foundation.

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    #054. Today's guest is John Bromley. John is the founder and CEO of Charitable Impact, an innovative giving platform that has facilitated Billions in charitable donations. We chat about the biggest problem in the charitable sector today, what inspired him to start Charitable Impact and how it is built to provides tools and support for the donor. We discuss how how we can grow our children’s financial literacy through their charitable allowance functionality, which allows our kids to not only see how charitable giving is modelled by us as parents, but also empowering them to experience making decisions around giving. And we talk bout the future of charitable giving.

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    #053. Today's guest is Chris Larsen. Chris has been investing and managing real estate for 20+ years and absolutely loves helping investors become financially independent through RE. We chat about real estate, how he set a goal for FI from his early 20’s to become FI within 15 years and how he helps investors get on their path to FI through passive investing. We also spend a fair amount of time chatting about how we as parents can raise our kids to be financially confident. Chris co-wrote a book called No Problem Parenting, Raising Your Kids with More Confidence and Less Fear. And we get into a whole host of strategies he uses with his kids, including how he involves them in his real estate and car wash businesses. And how you can use those same strategies to teach your kids about money with one of the most impactful ones really normalizing conversations about money with our kids. He also has great free resources for parents on how we can teach our kids to be money pros.

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    #052. Today’s guest is Jeff McLean. We discuss Jeff’s recently published book “Hedgie’s Bitcoin Story” to help kids learn about money and the evolution of money over time and where it is heading. We hone in on the concept of value, and how his book makes the connection between value and money for kids. We discuss bitcoin, what it is, what it represents, and how it is an option and a path to fighting the currency debasement that is happening in our society today. We also discuss Jeff’ entrepreneurial activities and businesses, the reason why he became an entrepreneur and some of the lessons we can pass along to teach our kids.

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    #051. Today’s guest is Maya Corbic. We discuss Maya’s most recently published book to help kids learn about investing and why she decided to write it, We cover the the beauty of compounding and how kids can use the luxury of time to their advantage. We debunk some investing myths and talk about the most important message for kids about investing. We learn options that kids have to invest in and how it depends on your risk profile and how we can take advantage of the lazy way of investing to achieve our goals.

    We debunk investing jargon, and discuss investing goals we should be teaching our kids, both short and long term. We cover tips that parents can use to set kids up for financial success, including age appropriate activities you can do with your kids to teach and encourage them to invest.

    And we close with how parents should install the right money mindset in our kids from an early age, including how we should be aware of our money mindset and ensuring we don’t pass on our mindset to them, if it doesn’t serve them.

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    #050. Today’s guest is Brian Page. We discuss money lessons Brian received during childhood, why he is passionate about teaching personal finance to kids, and challenges he faced as a teacher talking about money in the classroom. We discuss important money skills we should be emphasizing and how and when to create environments that parents can teach values through money lessons. We discuss how to create financial incentives and lessons around back to school shopping, helping kids appreciate what they have and the importance of meeting kids where they are in their financial literacy journey.

    We discuss why he founded Modern Husbands and what is his mission with building the Modern Husbands community. Plus how to effectively have money conversations between spouses, who grew up with different money stories and how to set up systems that make good habits automatic and bad habits harder.

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    #049. Today’s guests are Aziz and Mariyah Kaderbhai. We discuss their “More To Give” initiative, which they started and implemented in every part of their business. They give back not only dollars, but also give back generously with their time. They have a launched a free program called Beyond Success that delivers financial literacy education, targeting kids in schools that are most in need.

    We talk about their investing journey, how it has evolved while they continue to work full-time, and the importance of building a team. We share how we have gotten our kids discussing or involved in our real estate. We talk about their partnership with Canada’s first education bank and the financial literacy workshops they run for them.

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    #048. Today’s guests are Anthony DeGazon and Mark Molder. We discuss how kids can turn their understanding of how the banking system works and how our money system is broken into a superpower. We learn about Mark’s path into how he became a teacher and Anthony’s path and niche as a real estate investor. We delve into the real importance of holding hard assets like real estate, gold or bitcoin to get ahead and avoid falling behind. We discuss what you can do to retain your purchasing power, especially in these times, where inflation is eating away at it. We discuss their Financial Literacy Course for Teens that they are offering, along with the Mastermind classes.

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    #047. Today’s guest is John Crane. We discuss his journey into the financial services space. What inspired him to write this book, and how cashflow management is the #1 determinant of long term financial success or failure. John outlines why traditional budgets fail and the simplicity behind the concept of The One-Number budget. We dive into how we can use the one-number budget concept to help their kids learn to put aside money for their future self

    We discuss the the common mindset of families who are successful in ensuring their children are developing the right financial skills around money, the college conversation you need to prepare for in advance and one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids.

    John outlines what financial vampires are and how to avoid them, how consumer debt gives us the illusion of choice. And we close with what lifetime cashflow management is and why it is important for people to think about this.

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    #046. Today’s guest is Kristin Keffeler. Kristin talks about her experiences as the daughter of wealth-creating parents, including her story of receiving a new sports car as a gift from her father, and the confusing feelings she began to experience. She details who her book is written for, the 4 common hidden tripwires that can really get in the way of people growing up in affluent families and the 4 types of inner and outer clutter that inhibits the ability of the rising generation to grow.

    Kristin discusses the most effective ways to clear away clutter in our lives, including the inner work that must be done plus actionable strategies in bringing awareness to clearing away clutter, most specifically money clutter. She outlines when wealth can turn from being a benefit to a detriment in our children’s lives, how parents can build valuable character traits in their children and develop their skills around grit and growth mindset, and how to parent based on values and based on a family culture parents are trying to create.

    We close with tangible and actionable tips that parents can integrate into their interactions with their kids to develop those traits and why celebrating the journey and effort from your kids is important, rather than results.

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    #045. Today’s guest is Will Hoffman. Will talks about his journey as a financial advisor. How he developed his passion for helping clients make money and financial info make sense. He details why it is important to work with an independent financial advisor. Will gets into the best ways to prepare Next Gen to be stewards of family wealth, and the importance of talking to your kids about the mistakes you have made.

    Will covers best practices on clients’ who are doing a great job of preparing their kids to take over the wealth and how our financial habits influence the habits develop and change the trajectory of your life. We get into the experience he gained when his grandfather passed away, why it is important to involve your kids, and why it ultimately made him a better financial advisor.

    Will also breaks down the unique challenges that Gen Xers face as the sandwich generation.

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    #044. Today’s guest is Jay Gabrani. Jay talks about his ups and downs as it related to his journey around real estate investing. We talk about the heartbreak of the loss of his wife, and how his real estate portfolio provided him a buffer to get through that tragedy. Jay shares some strategies on what fathers, and really, any parents should be doing to help secure their family’s financial future. We also dive into key money skills that we should be teaching our children and why it is so important. Jay uses the analogy of comparing money to railroad tracks - one track is the income track, while the other track is the wealth track, and that we need to be teaching our kids that everyday, they should be operating on both sides of that track.

    Jay has 3 kids, all in the teenage years. So we get into practical strategies on how we can help our kids and teens become financially responsible adults. And Jay shares some really great tips on teaching our kids about making and investing money.

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    #043. Today’s guest is Randy Molland. Randy discusses the power of masterminds - ones he has been a part of as well as ones he has started. He talks about his real estate investing journey and how he came away from it initially unfufilled. He discusses the powerful idea of inspiring people with their goals of going big with their dreams, in order to give bigger with their profits.

    We discuss how anyone, including entrepreneurs, can start incorporating more giving in their lives, being intentional with allocating dollars, regardless of amount. We dive into how parents can ensure their kids absorb the message around giving, and strategies for inspiring kids to give and normalizing the act of giving.

    We touch on the “More To Give” initiative that Randy is on the Advisory team for and what the program is designed to help kids learn.

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    #042. Today’s guest is Amanda Nitti. Amanda discusses her classroom economy system and how it teaches vital financial literacy skills to her students in a fun, engaging way. She discusses how she gets buy-in from her students on the types of jobs in the classroom and how her students must apply for jobs in the classroom.

    She also highlights the value of entrepreneurship as part of this system through the idea of the Class Market. We discuss the importance of tracking your cash inflows and outflows in making spending decisions and budgeting and the fun and entertaining way she teaches needs vs wants.

    We also discuss non-financial and vital values that students are learning, rewards and items that can be purchased using “Nitti Bucks” and the importance of keeping kids accountable and how we can ensure kids are making informed decisions about their money.

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    #041. Today’s guests are Doug Nordman and Carol Pittner, a father/daughter duo who provide interesting and contrasting perspectives on raising money savvy families. Doug and his daughter Carol talk the importance of teaching delayed gratification skills to kids. They discuss the concepts and ideas around ’20 minutes per day’ ‘The one special thing’, the ‘Bank of Carol Certificate Deposit System’, and the Kid 401(k), all ideas used while Carol was growing up.

    Doug and Carol talk about how kids best learn about spending decisions through making bad choices and allowing kids to make mistakes early to prevent larger ones later one. We discuss the progression of allowing Carol to order food from a young age to teach her critical money handling skills and responsibility. We review the importance of paying a regular allowance as a money management tool, without making it contingent on good behaviour.

    We discuss how introducing financial incentives and profit sharing for kids can provide kids with ways to earn money, while providing increased amounts of responsibility and freedom. And lastly, the importance of thinking about the entire lifecycle of an item, when making purchase and spending decisions.

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    #040. Today’s guest is Melanie Robinson. Melanie discusses what having a positive healthy money mindset really means and the importance of examining ourselves internally in how we think and speak about money, instead of focusing on what we are externally teaching our kids about money. She discusses strategies on how we can develop or shift our mindset about money.

    We discuss the importance of finding examples of people doing the things you do not believe are possible in shattering limiting beliefs. And how surrounding yourself with other people looking to grow as well as accountability partners can elevate your mindset. We review strategies on how to choose your state and taking charge of everyday interactions, and what we can do to better regulate our emotions around money. We discuss the importance of staying present and paying attention to how we are feeling to help manage our states.

    And finally, we review the main limiting beliefs around money and how to unlearn these limiting beliefs and install more empowering beliefs instead. Melanie also reviews her motivation in building her real estate portfolio of 90 doors.

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    #039. Today’s guest is Lacey Filipich. Lacey discusses how her late mom was a huge influence and support in developing the strong financial habits that she carries with her to this day. We talk about Lacey’s kidpreneur phase when she ran a business as a child as well as how she bought her first real estate property when she was only 19 years old.

    We discuss why teaching our kids about money is so important because if they don’t feel financially secure, chances are they are going to make worse decisions in other aspects of their lives. Lacey gets into what we as parents can do to teach our kids to not only manage their money, but also to grow their wealth. And she covers the importance of ensuring our kids identify opportunities to earn money and to be able to develop their negotiation skills. We cover a lot of ground including the Money School and the Maker Kids Club she founded to teach children money skills through enterprise, as well as her book Money School, that provides a way for people to reach FI and be time rich.

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