
  • FREE COFFEE CHAT: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A BAD MANAGER: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager

    In this episode, Lindsay Lyman, a former Amazon employee with nearly 12 years of experience, discusses the misconception that taking big vacations or extended breaks can solve burnout. Lindsay shares insights from her coaching practice, emphasizing that while breaks are important, they don't address the root causes of stress and burnout. Instead, she highlights the need for daily self-care and incremental changes to build a sustainable and emotionally healthy life.

    Additional Resources:

    Free Coffee Chats: Lindsay offers free coffee chats to connect one-on-one and discuss your specific challenges. You’ll leave the call feeling more hopeful and motivated, with practical tips to try immediately. Spaces are limited, so sign up today!

    Listen and Subscribe:

    Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform to stay updated with new episodes and tips for a healthier work-life balance.

  • Resources:

    Schedule a coffee chat: lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat Learn how to approach your manager for a promotion: lindsaylymancoaching.com/ask

    In this episode, Lindsay Lyman shares insights into the three essential phases of mastering a skill. Drawing from her extensive experience at Amazon and personal endeavors, Lindsay delves into how individuals can navigate these phases to achieve excellence in their careers and personal pursuits.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights into mastering skills and unlocking your full potential in various aspects of life.

    *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any organization.*

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  • In this episode, Lindsay Lyman explores a new approach to achieving work-life balance. Drawing from her 12 years at Amazon, Lindsay discusses the common pitfalls of "play work" and the importance of incorporating true play into your daily routine to rejuvenate and energize yourself.

    Identify and Stop "Play Work": Recognize and eliminate tasks that are not truly productive. Incorporate True Play: Integrate small, enjoyable activities into your daily routine to boost your energy and motivation. Experiment with Play: Try different activities to discover what re-energizes you and helps you stay focused.

    Free Resource:

    Coffee Chats with Lindsay: lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat How to bring up your promotion to a bad manager: lindsaylymancoaching.com/ask

    Thank you for tuning in! Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with anyone who might benefit from it. See you next week!

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Lindsay Lyman, a seasoned coach and former Amazon employee with nearly 12 years of experience, shares a high-level framework to help you get promoted even if you have a bad manager. She dives into the most common barrier people face when pursuing a promotion—the dreaded initial conversation with their manager. Lindsay provides actionable steps to navigate this challenging discussion, ensuring you can present your case effectively and respectfully, making it difficult for your manager to say no.

    Key Takeaways:

    Common Barriers: The primary reason people hesitate to pursue promotions is the fear of having a vulnerable conversation with a potentially unsupportive manager.

    Avoid Yes/No Questions: When discussing promotions or any significant changes, avoid yes/no questions to prevent an easy rejection. Instead, focus on open-ended questions that invite conversation and collaboration.

    Start the Conversation Right: Begin by asking if your manager is open to discussing a possible path for promotion, setting a clear goal, and acknowledging any potential awkwardness upfront.

    Stay Curious and Confused: To avoid frustration and defensiveness, stay in a mindset of curiosity or confusion. This keeps you and your manager on the same side, working together towards a solution.

    Prepare with a Script: Lindsay has created a helpful cheat sheet that provides a script tailored to your situation, making it easier to present your case confidently and clearly.

    Actionable Steps:

    1 Download the Cheat Sheet: Get your free copy at lindsaylymancoaching.com/ask to help you prepare for your promotion conversation.

    2 Set Up the Meeting: Ask your manager if they are open to discussing your promotion, setting the stage for a constructive dialogue.

    3 Frame the Discussion: Focus on the path to promotion and the specific areas you need to improve, rather than immediately asking for a yes or no answer.

    4 Maintain Curiosity: Approach the conversation with genuine curiosity and an open mind to stay aligned with your manager, avoiding unnecessary conflict.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Promotion Conversation Cheat Sheet

    Lindsay Lyman Coaching: lindsaylymancoaching.com

    Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    Connect with Lindsay:

    Website: lindsaylymancoaching.com

    LinkedIn: Lindsay Lyman

    Instagram: @lindsaylymancoaching

    Episode Transcript:

    Available at https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/how-to-bring-up-getting-a-promotion-to-your-bad-manager/

    Subscribe & Leave a Review: If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform. Your feedback helps us reach more listeners and provide valuable content.

    Note: Don't miss out on the cheat sheet to help you create the perfect talking script for your promotion conversation. It's a game-changer! Download it for free at lindsaylymancoaching.com/ask.

  • This episode explores the recurring cycle of excitement, learning, overwhelm, and frustration that many people experience in their careers. Lindsay Lyman, the host, sheds light on how to identify these phases and offers tips to break free from the stuck and frustrated stage.

    Key Points:

    The Career Life Cycle: New and Exciting: Learning a lot, enthusiastic about new challenges. Learning and Growing: Facing challenges, but still making progress. Overwhelm: Feeling overloaded with work and problems. Frustrated and Stuck: Demotivated, unchallenged, and unsure of the next step. Escaping the Stuck Phase: Recognize where you are in the cycle. Identify what excites and interests you. Seek new challenges: Change the scope or complexity of your current work. Learn a new skill. Change jobs, industries, or fields entirely. Pursue a passion project outside of work.

    Next Step

    Visit http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat to sign up for a free, one-on-one consultation to discuss overcoming career roadblocks.

    Additional resources:

    Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager
  • This episode breaks down the promotion process into three phases, with a particular focus on the third phase, where most people get stuck.

    Phase 1: Get Clear on Your Goals

    Define what you want out of a promotion (title change, money, scope of work, etc.) Identify your reasons for wanting a promotion (strong reasons will help you persevere through challenges)

    Phase 2: Play the Game

    Learn the rules and expectations for promotions at your company Gather feedback to identify your strengths and weaknesses Develop a plan to address your weaknesses and position yourself for success Talk to your manager about your desire for a promotion and how they can support you (use strategic language to avoid dead ends)

    Phase 3: Massive Action (Especially When Things Get Hard)

    Take consistent action, but avoid burnout When challenges arise, view them as opportunities to showcase your leadership skills Focus on showing up confidently, strategically, and with a willingness to make mistakes Embrace adaptability and problem-solving - be the calm in the storm Build your confidence in your ability to navigate challenges, not just in achieving specific outcomes

    Additional Tips

    Schedule a free coffee chat with Lindsay to discuss your specific situation at http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    Key Takeaways

    Promotions are not guaranteed, but taking massive action and developing the right mindset can significantly increase your chances of success. Your ability to navigate challenges and setbacks is a crucial leadership skill. Focus on who you are being throughout the process, not just the end goal.

    Call to Action

    Visit http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat to sign up for a free coffee chat.

    Additional resources:

    Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense
  • Building Trust with Yourself

    This episode builds on the idea that trust is built through transparency, empathy, and consistency. Here, Lindsay Lyman dives deeper into how to apply these concepts to trusting yourself.

    Key Points:

    Transparency: Be honest with yourself about your goals, challenges, and emotions. Don't sugarcoat your reality. Empathy: Understand why you're feeling a certain way. Acknowledge your emotions without judgment. Consistency: Show up for yourself by following through on commitments, taking care of yourself, and setting boundaries (saying no).


    Transparency: Recognizing limitations and prioritizing tasks accordingly, instead of feeling pressured to achieve unrealistic health goals right now. Empathy: Acknowledging feelings of disappointment or frustration after a failed launch instead of suppressing them. Consistency: Regularly scheduling self-care activities like walks, even when you don't feel like it, because you know the benefits.

    Call to Action:

    Reflect on your own level of transparency, empathy, and consistency with yourself. Consider areas where you can improve your self-trust by incorporating these practices. Check out Lindsay's course, "How to Get More Done Without Needing to Work Nights and Weekends," for time management strategies. Sign up for a free coffee chat with Lindsay to discuss your personal challenges and receive actionable advice.


    Sign up for a free one-on-one coaching session with Lindsay Lyman to discuss building trust in your specific situation. http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    Additional resources:

    · Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    · 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager

    · One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense

  • This episode dives into the foundational principle of trust and how it's crucial for successful teamwork.

    Key Points:

    Trust is the most important leadership principle: Without trust, other leadership principles fall apart. It allows teams to function effectively and individuals to feel safe and perform at their best.

    The Three Elements of Trust:

    Transparency: Being open and honest in communication. Avoiding surprises and keeping people informed. Sharing what's appropriate, not oversharing or gossiping. Example: During return to office, many companies lacked transparency about their true motives. Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Acknowledging and validating how people respond to situations. Example: Leaders who lacked empathy during the work-from-home transition struggled to build trust. Consistency: Showing up reliably and predictably. Being someone people can count on, even on bad days. Example: An unpredictable leader creates confusion and makes it hard to trust them.

    Actionable Takeaways:

    Reflect on which element of trust (transparency, empathy, consistency) you might be weakest at. Identify areas where you can improve your trustworthiness within your team.


    Sign up for a free one-on-one coaching session with Lindsay Lyman to discuss building trust in your specific situation. http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    Stay tuned for part two of this series!

    Additional resources:

    Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense
  • Life is full of difficult situations from terrible leaders to feeling like you can’t get it all done. But there’s a way to manage your brain in difficult situations and be an emotionally intelligent leader.

    List and learn what to do when:

    You’re stuck in another reorg You’re not getting a promotion You get vague feedback like you need to be more strategic You have to manage out an employee

    Additional resources:

    Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense
  • What to learn how to get promoted even with a bad boss?

    Save your seat: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/promoted


    Tired of feeling stuck with a bad boss?

    This episode is for you! Learn how to take control of the situation and stop letting your difficult manager bring you down.

    The podcast dives into:

    Why you shouldn't blame your boss (it's impacting you more than you think) How to identify your negative thought patterns Strategies to choose how you want to react in challenging situations Taking action steps that empower you

    Stop feeling stuck and start taking charge of your career!

    Additional resources:

    How to get promoted with a bad boss: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/promoted Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense
  • The promotion process can be confusing, frustrated, and feel like a loosing battle. Especially if you have a bad boss. But there are 3 big mistakes holding you back that have nothing to do with your manager. Listen in this week as we dive into what they are so you can avoid these pitfalls. Listen and learn.

    Additional resources:

    How to Get Promoted When You Have a Bad Boss Free Webinar: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/promoted Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense
  • What’s the one think you really want? Is it a health goal, to reach a certain financial milestone, or start that side business you’ve been thinking about. Whatever it is, there are 3 phases of action you’ll have to go through to reach your goal. Bust most people only make it to the second phase and stop. Listen in this week to learn what the three phases are and how to keep going even when it’s hard. Listen and learn.

    Additional resources:

    · Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    · 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager

    · One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense

  • Looking for a new job when you’re 50+ can feel daunting, but age should not be a barrier to career success. Listen in this week as we talk about ageism in the workforce and how to overcome limiting beliefs about age in job searches and career changes. Learn how to double down on your strengths, be confident in who you are, and approach new challenges with a mindset of self-confidence. Listen and learn.

    Additional resources:

    · Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    · 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager

    · One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense

  • There are times when you choose to stay in a job you hate. Maybe it’s for VISA reasons, or waiting for a stock vesting, or because it’s easier to stay. But for so many others, it’s time to find a new job. If the company and re-orged so many times you’re not doing anything near what you were hired to do, or if you promotion keeps getting dangled in front of you without a clear timeline, or if terrible leaders are tolerated, it might be time. BUT, before you leave, there’s one really important thing to do. Listen in this week and learn more.

    Additional resources:

    Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense Forbes article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ethansteinberg/2022/07/28/want-a-pay-raise-switching-jobs-matters-much-more-amid-soaring-inflation-report-finds/?sh=1611e18b2b54
  • Your brain is operating based on a lot of beliefs you already have. Things like, I have so much to do, it’s hard to find a new job these days, or working hard pays off. But here’s the truth. Your brain would rather be right then help you move forward and feel better. So, if you have thought that are keeping you frustrated and stuck, your brain is actively working to keep you stuck. Crazy, RIGHT! Listen in this week and learn how to manage your brain to help you get unstuck and feel better. Listen and learn

    Additional resources:

    Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense
  • There’s no shortage of things to worry about these days. The last few years have made us question how safe and secure we are in our jobs, financially, and even physically. But there’s zero benefit to worry. Listen in this week as we talk about why worry is lying to you and the 3 steps to take if you’re stuck in a worry loop. Listen and learn.

    Additional resources:

    Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense
  • It’s flu season and it’s bad this year. But I’m not talking about the viral flu. This week we’re talking about the emotional flu. The one where you feel so tired and exhausted that you’re having sleep problems, you can’t get ahead, and you’re dragging yourself through the day. Listen in this week as we talk about the best form of treatment if you too have the emotional flu. Listen and learn.

    Additional resources:

    · Schedule a coffee chat: http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat

    · 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager

    One pager to ask your company to pay for your coaching: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/expense

  • Most people would not suggest investing all your money into one company. Or trying to build a business with only one client. Or betting all your success on one project. Putting all your eggs in basket very rarely workout. But when it comes to feeling valued and fulfilled, we do this all the time. We expect our job and company to help us feel appreciated and like we’re doing a good job. This week we dive into why this is and talk about ways to diversify where you’re getting your value and fulfillment from and why it’s so important. Listen and learn.

    Mentioned in the podcast:

    Get the 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager

    Want to get help with your specific situation? Let’s schedule a coffee chat. I offer a limited number of 1:1 coffee chats each week. There is no charge for this call so spots fill up fast. Grab time on my calendar at http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat and let’s get you feeling unstuck today.

  • There’s a lot of tricks and hacks to hold yourself out accruable out there. Things like use a tracker, reward yourself along the way, or have an accountability partner. But if these things worked, we’d all be amazing at being accountable. But we’re terrible at it. Join us this week as we dive into how to solve the root cause of the problem instead of treating the symptoms. Learn the 3 reasons why we struggle to hold ourselves accountable and what to do instead. Listen and learn.

    Mentioned in the podcast:
    1. Grab your spot for the 3 Step Formula to Being Self-Confident When Looking For a Job free
    workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/confidence

    2. Get the 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager

    Want to get help with your specific situation? Let’s schedule a coffee chat. I offer a limited number of 1:1 coffee chats each week. There is no charge for this call so spots fill up fast. Grab time on my calendar at http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat and let’s get you feeling unstuck today.

  • Looking for a new job is a lot of work. It can take some time and a lot of rejection and vulnerability. But the reason you’re not getting a new job has nothing to do with your resume or the number of jobs available in your field. It’s because of this one reason and it’s a big one. It’s what’s keeping you stuck, stressed, and feeling the pressure to make something work. Listen in this week and not only learn what it is, but learn what to do instead.

    Mentioned in the podcast:
    1. Grab your spot for the 3 Step Formula to Being Self-Confident When Looking For a Job free workshop:

    2. Get the 3 steps to deal with a bad manager workshop: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/badmanager

    Want to get help with your specific situation? Let’s schedule a coffee chat. I offer a limited number of 1:1 coffee chats each week. There is no charge for this call so spots fill up fast. Grab time on my calendar at http://lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat and let’s get you feeling unstuck today.