
  • Are you feeling anxious or lazy cuz you’re avoiding tasks you need or want to do?

    Do you want to achieve a big goal but think it isn’t realistic right now?

    What if you *never* get around to the big dreams you have?

    *cue PANIC*

    When you’ve spent years feeling like you’re procrastinating, being lazy, and not understanding why you can’t just do the thing, you can easily get confused when there is something you really want to do but it’s not a good fit right now.

    Sometimes life is too full for one more project.

    Sometimes you’re just trying to keep your head above water.

    Suddenly, ignoring the unfolded laundry basket, avoiding your finances, not going back to finish your degree, and ordering takeout instead of cooking dinner all end up in the same bucket.

    But these are not the same kinds of projects when it comes to procrastination and avoidance.

    In this episode, I’m sharing how I distinguish when I'm actively avoiding something versus choosing to set up my life in a way that fits me and my family.

    You’re NOT an inherently lazy person who will never accomplish anything ever. Let’s make some sense of these conflicting feelings.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-229-moms-putting-off-your-big-dreams-goals

    Our annual ADHD Moms Luxury Weekend Retreat is coming up October 11-13, 2024 in Houston, Texas! And we hope you’re coming, too!

    I’ll take care of all the details - you simply show up and enjoy.

    Put it on your calendar now.

    Having a circle of moms who support you and believe in you matters. Register for your all-inclusive ticket here: patriciasung.com/retreat

  • How do you juggle growing professionally while also being a great mom and taking care of yourself?

    Meet today’s guest, Crystal Ware. Crystal and I dive into a dual episode that is being aired both on my podcast and on her podcast “Get Clear with Crystal Ware”.

    From discussing the struggles of balancing work and family, to offering advice on advocating for a raise at work, Crystal's insights provide valuable guidance for women in professional settings.

    Together, we’re exploring the complexities of managing ADHD in both mothers and their children, shedding light on medication, emotional regulation, and the importance of self-care.

    Crystal Ware is on a mission to empower women to pursue their dreams with confidence, authenticity and purpose. She left a successful (yet stressful) career as a Fortune 500 leader and attorney on her quest to find more time, money and freedom, trading in the title of “attorney” for a new role as “entrepreneur and coach”.

    Now, she helps other women define their own path to success, wealth, health, so they, too, can have the joy, faith, and freedom that she created for herself!

    Crystal believes everyone can build their dream and find true satisfaction and fulfillment, they just need to get clear on their dreams, build the courage, and find a little inspiration.

    That's why she launched the Get Clear with Crystal Ware Podcast (with more than 100 inspiring episodes to tune in for), and recently launched her new website, The Well Defined Woman. You are made for more, so join her in creating it for yourself.

    Crystal's Instagram

    Crystal's LinkedIn

    Crystal's Simple Path to $1M Guide (free download): https://welldefinedwoman.kartra.com/page/Simple1M-optin

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-228-balancing-work-family-adhd-crystal-ware

    Which Mama Animal are You?
    Take the Quiz: What's your ADHD Mama Parenting Style?
    Because you're #NotYourAverageMamaBear

    Reminder: Today is the last day to grab your early access ADHD Moms Weekend Retreat ticket and snag your discount: patriciasung.com/retreat

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    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • When you feel like a BIG loser and failure…

    Eryn asks for help: “I'm always disappointed in myself that when faced with one small obstacle, I give up and cave on everything I've worked so hard to build and then it takes me WEEKS just to summon the effort/courage to get back on track - whether with diet/exercise, my small business, supporting my husband in his own business, or keeping a consistent routine for my 4 kids. It's so defeating and, as a wife & mom, makes me feel like the BIGGEST loser and failure.”

    Struggles and frustration are bound to come while parenting, especially with ADHD in the mix.

    It’s especially frustrating when you’ve worked so hard to establish habits and they seem to fall apart when the slightest thing changes!

    How can you pick back up where you were and feel successful in the habits you’ve built?

    Today, I’m covering 3 questions I ask myself when things feel too hard and I want to give up. I hope they help you get back on the horse, too!

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-227-restart-habits-you-gave-up-on

    Ready to get away?

    Our annual ADHD Moms Luxury Weekend Retreat is October 11-13, 2024 in Houston, Texas! Grab your all-inclusive Early Bird ticket now!

    “Honestly, this was one the best weekends I've had since becoming a mom. I've never felt so seen and understood. I would hop on a plane and go again. No hesitation! I'll follow y’all anywhere, moms.” –ADHD Mama J.Q.

    I’ll take care of all the details - you simply show up and enjoy.

    Because you deserve to take care of yourself too. Sign up here: patriciasung.com/retreat

  • Recently, I discussed with 4 mom friends the point of Mother’s Day.

    Spoiler Alert: We all had differing opinions and none of us do the same things on Mother’s Day.

    While some dislike its baggage and some of us loved a day of being treated like a queen, we did agree that moms could all use a lot more care and rest.

    You deserve more than 1 day out of 365, mama.

    Because caring for yourself isn’t an optional activity. At some point, your body or mind will make you take a break when you haven’t made space for rest, and usually at a fairly inopportune time.

    Let’s discuss why caring for yourself matters (it’s not selfish!) and what real self care looks like.

    Wanna rest and relax with me?

    My weekend retreat for ADHD moms is an excellent way to take care of yourself. Plus we get to hang out! In real life! You’re invited!

    “Be True To You”, the weekend retreat for ADHD Moms takes place October 11-13, 2024 in Houston, Texas.

    You get to relax, turn off the hamster wheel of to-dos, and rest while I totally take care of YOU! This event is all-inclusive. That means that you don’t have to do *anything* once you check in. I’m taking care of your hotel, meals, and activities.

    Plus you’ll be hanging out with an awesome group of moms who get you! Having friends who have or suspect ADHD and have been there, done that, and probably forgot to buy the T-shirt are wonderful, and the kind of friends who like you just as you are, that’s priceless.

    Here's your official invitation to join a welcoming group of moms in person to rest, hang out together, build your support system, and learn to take care of yourself. Because you are worth it.

    Early bird registration starts TODAY through May 30th, so grab your ticket here: patriciasung.com/retreat.

    And if you can’t make it this year, what will you do to take care of yourself?

    Because you deserve care, my dear, no matter the day of the year.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-226-why-you-cant-skip-self-care-as-a-mom

  • Scared of meeting new people?

    Does small talk give you hives?

    If you want to make new mom friends, but aren’t sure what to do next, let’s hang out on today’s episode!

    Until recently, parties where I didn’t know anyone were scarier than any snake, clown, or ghost. As someone who’s been painfully shy my whole life, I never knew what to say or how to leave a conversation before it got awkward.

    I was so awkward!

    Today I’m sharing my struggles with making friends, especially in new situations with new people, along with 8 practical tips for mingling and making new friends as a mother with ADHD.

    Here’s how I’ve learned to navigate social situations and embrace vulnerability in order to lower my social anxiety and make new friends. Making friends is a learned skill and you can get better at finding your kind of people.

    You weren’t meant to do life alone and your potential friends are waiting for you to say hi.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-225-8-tips-for-making-new-mom-friends-when-you-have-adhd

    Craving people who understand how you work instead of judging you???

    Come hang out with me and other ADHD Moms in our twice weekly Successful Mama Meetups! Come for the support; stay for the community.

    Join here: https://www.patriciasung.com/meetup

  • When is it too late to get an ADHD diagnosis?

    For today’s guest, Tami Hackbarth, getting diagnosed with ADHD at age 53 was worth it. After years in the classroom working with copious ADHD children, Tami has plenty of strategies and tools to help those of us with neurodivergent brains.

    We dove into Tami’s journey of self-discovery, self-compassion, and self-acceptance. She opens up about her struggles with sleep apnea, the impact of medication on her daily life, and the importance of Fair Play and self-care in neurodivergent families.

    We also talk about the value of open communication within families and the significance of guilt-free self-care.

    Tami Hackbarth helps GenX women get their time and energy back so they can create the world they want to live in. She is a Life+Work Coach, Speaker, Author, Podcaster, Fair Play Facilitator, former teacher, and lifelong Californian. You can find Tami at www.tamihackbarth.com and on socials at:

    • Instagram – @tamihackbarth

    • Facebook – @TamiHackbarth100PercentGuiltFreeSelfCareCoach

    • TikTok – @GuiltFreeSelfCare

    • Threads – @tamihackbarth

    Let’s jump into a candid conversation of understanding, empowerment, and embracing the unique challenges and victories of motherhood and entrepreneurship in the context of ADHD.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-224-self-acceptance-fair-play-adhd-relationships-tami-hackbarth

    Looking for support on how to treat your ADHD beyond medicine? Grab my free list of strategies and ADHD treatments at patriciasung.com/beyond-meds.

  • We all know someone who has an emotionally immature parent.

    The one who lays on guilt trips.

    The one who never shows up.

    The one who struggles with demons bigger than their kids.

    Maybe it’s you.

    Maybe it’s your neighbor or your best friend.

    As a mom, it hits different.

    You see the pain, the nuance, the struggle a little more clearly. And yet you still can’t fix the other person.

    But you can make changes in your life and for your own children.

    Today, I’m not holding back from the tough conversation of emotionally immature parenting and breaking the cycles of brokenness in your family.

    I want you to know wholeheartedly that when you’re taking care of yourself, you ARE caring for your family, too. Self-care is the opposite of selfishness. By learning how to take care of yourself, you can teach your kids those same invaluable skills.

    Listen to this week’s episode and let’s do the hard work of breaking and rebuilding cycles together.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-223-building-a-stronger-healthier-adhd-family-for-generations

    Current parenting workshop series:

    Your Gifted Child! A donate-what-you-can fundraiser for my kid’s school. Register at patriciasung.com/gt

  • What “should” you have done already?

    Finish your degree?

    Pass your driver’s license test?

    Make that doctor’s appt?

    Left the house for school pickup?

    If you’re constantly thinking “I’m behind!”, this episode is for you.

    Often it’s literal, as in, “I’m 20 minutes late to my appointment!”

    But it’s also in the big things, like you “should” have more kids by now or gotten that promotion.

    You’re not alone! Feeling behind has come up in several discussions recently both in my Lighthouse Group ADHD Coaching, and in Successful Mama Meetups. What are the patterns showing up in this pervasive problem among women with ADHD?

    Here’s how to move forward both logistically and mentally.

    It’s time to take care of you, mama: A whole weekend for you to relax and get away from all your weighty responsibilities, to understand your ADHD mind in community with moms who get it. Drop your name on the waitlist for the 3rd annual ADHD Moms Weekend Retreat in October 2024, and I’ll take care of everything once you arrive!

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-222-4-reasons-why-you-feel-behind

  • Do you ever feel like an emotional sponge, absorbing the feelings of others around you?

    Especially when you’re with someone you care about?

    Especially when you’re in certain parts of your cycle?

    Extra especially when they are agitated, frustrated, angry, or anxious?

    In this episode, we dive deep into understanding emotional regulation, stress management, and the unique challenges faced by moms with ADHD. From absorbing everyone else's emotions to navigating the stress ladder, we'll explore the struggles and I’ll offer practical strategies for finding balance and grace in the midst of the storm.

    You CAN learn to hear your own signals and trust them, as well as build your stress tolerance to help you regulate during the day, in spite of the rest of your and your family’s stressors!

    And once you know how, you can teach your kids how to increase their stress tolerance, too.

    Stop Medusa Mom in her tracks with these 10 tips to calm down before you lose your cool!

    Watch (or read) the free video here: https://www.patriciasung.com/medusa-mom.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-221-frustrated-easily-adult-adhd-meltdown-mood-swing

  • Sometimes you need a reminder that it’s okay to spend a little money on yourself, especially when the guilt of the last 3 wasteful impulse buys are still weighing on you.

    In this episode of Motherhood in ADHD, we're diving headfirst into why self-care is NOT selfish. I want you to know that putting yourself on the budget’s priority list is worth it - without guilt creeping in and talking yourself out of it before you ever get that much deserved break.

    Often that guilt (or fear of something else) also prevents you from bringing up the topic of money with your partner.

    I’ll cover how you can prepare for a money conversation with your partner and set the stage so it’s as smooth as possible.

    If even thinking about money conversations or putting yourself first gives you hives, this episode is a great first step toward ditching the guilt, as we dive into two uncomfortable conversations in today’s episode.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-220-spend-money-on-yourself-guilt-free-how-to-talk-to-your-spouse-husband-partner-about-the-budget

    New workshop alert!

    Your Gifted Child: a 3 workshop series to help you understand your gifted child better, parent them well without losing your sanity, and learn the skills to help them be calm, well-rounded and successful. We'll talk about 2e, comorbidities, emotional regulation, and executive function skills.

    Come to the live workshops OR listen to the private podcast version OR watch the replay.

    In case you’re new around here, I'm a certified K-12 GT teacher and taught middle school for many years before becoming an ADHD Coach, so I’m using my years of experience teaching gifted & 2e kids to support my boys’ school GT program.

    It's donate-what-you-can admission! Sign up here: patriciasung.com/gt

  • Watching your child struggle is pretty much the worst. Not knowing what to do about it is more than icing on the doo-doo cake.

    I've got your back, mama! In this episode of Motherhood in ADHD, I dive into the rollercoaster of emotions and challenges of parenting a struggling child. When your child needs help, but you don’t know where to begin, this episode is for you.

    From dealing with overwhelming chaos to understanding the unique dynamics in a family affected by ADHD, here are my key tips to help you navigate the stress. So, buckle up, mama, because we're about to unpack the struggle bus and turn it into the ambulance you need for support during a crisis.

    In this episode, I’m sharing the five essential C's for helping your struggling child. First up, we zoom in on crisis management and understanding what’s on fire before taking action. Then, we delve into the critical aspect of self-care for moms because, let's be honest, we can't pour from an empty unicorn mug. We also explore caring for our kids, making sure they find their own spaces to shine and thrive. Plus, we emphasize the importance of building strong connections and boosting our kids' confidence, because every little victory matters.

    So, put on your driving gloves, grab a cup (or 40 oz travel mug) of coffee, and get ready to drive into a world of empathy, support, and practical advice on nurturing your struggling child. If you want to join us in person, we’re discussing parenting WITH ADHD in March & April in Successful Mama Meetups. Because among the chaos, you're already a fantastic mom who’s trying her best, and you're not alone in this bumpy journey.

    New workshop alert!

    Your Gifted Child: a 3 workshop series to help you understand your gifted child better, parent them well without losing your sanity, and learn the skills to help them be calm, well-rounded and successful. We'll talk about 2e, comorbidities, emotional regulation, and executive function skills.

    Come to the live workshops OR listen to the private podcast version OR watch the replay.

    In case you’re new around here, I'm a certified K-12 GT teacher and taught middle school for many years before becoming an ADHD Coach, so I’m using my years of experience teaching gifted & 2e kids to support my boys’ school GT program.

    It's donate-what-you-can admission! Sign up here: patriciasung.com/gt

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-219-parenting-struggling-child-with-adhd-how-to-help-kid-in-crisis

  • It’s here again… that awful feeling: I’m behind.

    You swore this year you’d print those adorable Christmas cards with your family’s smiling faces in front of a glowing tree, but it’s December and you haven’t even started.

    Your friends are sending you theirs, and just seeing them makes you feel guilty.

    You’re scrambling to shop for presents online, wondering how you’re going to fit it into your budget.

    And that damn elf on the shelf?

    Hasn’t moved for days.

    Mama, the holidays are a stressful time for most people.

    But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be quite this bad.

    If you’re feeling behind, and like you can’t rest because there just.isn’t.time… this episode is for you.

    We talk about:

    How to clean up after the holidays without feeling overwhelmed

    Why you feel “behind” and what to do about it

    Relearning how to rest, when adulting made you forget

    How to make time to recharge when there just isn’t any time

    There’s no law that says holidays have to be hard. Join me in choosing calm over chaos this year.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-218-holiday-self-care.

    The cure to your holiday hangover: quick & easy steps to get your home back to its normal level of chaos after the holidays!


    Looking for a quiet fidget to help keep you and your kids peaceful when life feels uncomfortable?

    Calm Strips are the way to go! Touch, scratch or trace the textured surface to regulate restless energy, increase focus, and remind yourself to breathe.

    Head over to CalmStrips.com and use the code MOTHERHOOD20 for 20% off orders of $20 or more.

  • Ever feel like making friends is a puzzle you can't quite solve?

    You're not alone, mama!

    In this episode of Motherhood in ADHD, we unpack the nuances of friendship with our guest Caroline Maguire.

    Caroline is a leader in social skills development and the author of the book, “Why Will No One Play With Me?” – a handbook on how to communicate social skills training for your kids… and yourself!

    If you’ve ever felt like your ADHD impacts how you make and keep friends, this episode is for you.

    We're talking about those oops-did-I-say-too-much moments and the I-have-no-idea-what-to-say ones.

    Caroline answers questions from listeners like:

    What do I do when I’ve been ghosted?

    How do I reach out when I’ve been distant due to my ADHD?

    How should I approach talking to my friends, co-workers or bosses about how my ADHD affects my communication style?

    How do I help my kids have successful friendships without pushing them too hard?

    Our relationships shape our lives – but they’re not easy when you have ADHD. So let’s dig in and figure it out together.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-217-adhd-and-friendships-with-social-skills-expert-caroline-maguire

    What’s your ADHD Parenting Style? Find out at patriciasung.com/quiz because you’re not your average mama bear!

    Looking for a quiet fidget to help keep you and your kids peaceful when life feels uncomfortable?

    Calm Strips are the way to go! Touch, scratch or trace the textured surface to regulate restless energy, increase focus, and remind yourself to breathe.

    Head over to CalmStrips.com and use the code MOTHERHOOD20 for 20% off orders of $20 or more.

  • How do you feel when you think about taking ADHD medication?




    The process of obtaining and finding the right medication can feel like A LOT.

    First, you have to approach the subject with your doctor (who may or may not be well-informed about ADHD) -- and then there is finding the right type and dosing of medication, dealing with potential side effects, and the whole process of trial and error.

    It never goes perfectly. But it can go more smoothly -- when you take a few steps to plan and prepare for it.

    On this episode of Motherhood in ADHD, I share all my best tips and strategies for starting ADHD medication that I learned the hard way -- from tackling that first conversation with your doc, to riding out your first few months.

    You'll learn:

    Tips for remembering to take your medication daily (No more, "Ugh, did I actually take that today?" moments)

    How to take your medication for maximum effectiveness

    How to work with your doctor to start and stop medication safely

    Tips for finding the right dosing

    What to do if you can't afford your ADHD medication

    Tips for approaching the topic of ADHD medication with your doctor (No, you're not a "drug seeker"!)

    And so much more!

    Your first go-round with ADHD medication doesn't have to be a disaster. You deserve to feel confident, informed and fear-free while you find a treatment plan that works for you.

    **This material is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your doctor or a trained medical professional to find the treatment plan that best fits your personal situation.**

    This episode is part of our Best Of Series by your requests and originally aired in June 2022.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-216-what-i-wish-i-knew-before-taking-adhd-stimulants-best-of-series

    What if you could feel productive and accomplished, knowing you showed up for the people and things you love most? What if you could look back at your day, and know you did what was on your to-do list?

    It’s possible with the Daily Planning for Moms with ADHD course, where I teach you how to keep a calendar and organize your to-do lists in a way that makes sense for your ADHD brain.

    Join today at: bit.ly/adhdplan

  • “I’ve tried everything!”

    When you’re dealing with a particularly frustrating problem that’s gone on for years, like parenting your exasperating child, looking for relief from a chronic health issue, or advocating for your child struggling at school, you start to run out of energy AND optimism.

    When you’ve got a situation that feels hopeless…

    When you’ve run out of ideas…

    When you’ve looked under every rock and barked up every tree…

    Should you just give up?


    Except you REALLY want to find a solution. You’re not ready to give up on your kid, your health, the things that truly matter to you.

    What’s a mom to do?

    My kindergartener surprised me with his fresh take on counting last week, and it made me think twice about how I look at the same-old-same-old.

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing five valuable ways to find a fresh perspective when you feel overwhelmed or stuck. Let’s look outside the box and past the same advice you’ve heard 37 times to find what you actually need or could use.

    These are the kinds of problems that are worth another go. You’re worth it, too.

    Get some cheerleaders in your corner and join our free Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/motherhoodinadhd

    After our first session together, you’ll know how to stay cool when your Uncle Roger starts with his political BS at the next holiday party. It won’t ruin the day for you.

    Early Bird Registration of my next round of Lighthouse Group ADHD Coaching ends today! Registration reopens in January.

    The group starts in 2024, so put your name on the waitlist now to get signup details, so you’ll know that after the holidays are over and the kids are back in school, you are ready to get your life together and your emotions in control.

    You’ll learn the skills you wish you knew growing up to make adulting easier as someone with ADHD and you’ll be able to teach your kids how to live well with ADHD.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-215-dont-know-what-else-to-do-how-to-solve-hopeless-problems-feel-stuck

    Thank you to our sponsor, Skylight Calendars, whose support allows me to share this podcast with you for free! I only partner with brands I know and love, so I bet you’ll love this amazing digital calendar as much as I do - it will help keep your family coordinated and less stressed. Use the coupon code PATRICIA to get 10% off your family calendar at SkylightCal.com

  • What’s your story of working under an unqualified or unsupportive boss? I’m sharing a few of my terrible boss experiences.

    But today’s episode is not just about the bad bosses in the workplace. As a parent, we often feel underqualified. You don’t want to be a “bad boss”, but no one handed you an instruction manual when your children arrived!

    What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

    When you don’t feel sure of your choices, it starts to seep into your confidence level. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) shows up to make you doubt your parenting decisions, increasing the guilt around what you should have done, and layering in the shame on how you’re ruining your kids forever with your mess ups.Yikes!

    RSD also taints how we relate to our partners, which can stir up the same conflict over and over again. It influences how we react to the slightest eyebrow raise and every “what if” scenario. It makes you scared to bring up important conversations.

    Knowing it’s not just you is half the battle. Let’s dive into how we can better support and care for our families and partners, by starting with ourselves.

    Stop Medusa Mom in her tracks with these 10 tips to calm down before you lose your cool! Watch (or read) the free video here: https://www.patriciasung.com/calm

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-214-parenting-lessons-from-bad-bosses-when-rejection-sensitive-dysphoria-adhd-rsd-affects-parenting-partners

    When you know how to stay calm, your child’s meltdown over leaving the holiday party won’t ruin your day. You can respond firmly and lovingly because you’re in control of your emotions.

    Next week, Early Bird Registration of my next round of Lighthouse Group ADHD Coaching is open to the waitlist for 3 days only.

    The group starts in 2024, so put your name on the waitlist now so you’ll know that after the holidays are over and the kids are back in school, you are ready to get your life together and your emotions in control.

    You’ll learn the skills you wish you knew growing up to make adulting easier as someone with ADHD and you’ll be able to teach your kids how to live well with ADHD.

    Thank you to our sponsor, Skylight Calendars, whose support allows me to share this podcast with you for free! I only partner with brands I know and love, so I bet you’ll love this amazing digital calendar as much as I do - it will help keep your family coordinated and less stressed. Use the coupon code PATRICIA to get 10% off your family calendar at SkylightCal.com

  • What does the inside of your kitchen junk drawer look like?

    And why is it always in the kitchen?

    We all have a random smattering of ideas laying around and today I’m sharing a few that wouldn’t necessarily make a whole episode in and of themselves, so I’m combining these random thoughts rattling around my brain into one Junk Drawer episode.

    First, we cover a few questions around ADHD medications with some crowdsourced helpful tips on how to find medicine with shortages happening everywhere, as well as what it feels like when I forget to take my medicine (a clear indicator towards it not being addictive when you use it as prescribed).

    We’re also talking about emotions surrounding a late ADHD diagnosis, exploring feelings of frustration and grief while questioning if things would have been different had we known earlier? Shout-out to listener Sara, who suggested this topic!

    Then, I’m celebrating our amazing sponsors: Skylight Calendars, Calm Strips, and Time Timers, who believe in our mission and help keep this podcast free for you. I’m so thankful to be working with great companies who are amplifying our goal of sharing quality ADHD info in the world. You’ll only hear recommendations for great products that I love and use myself.

    Finally, I’m wrapping up by courageously reading some of my bad reviews (yikes!), an experience that can be both daunting and enlightening. Here’s how I deal with negative feedback and RSD, and still choose to share so much of myself online.

    Let's dive into this "ADHD Junk Drawer" together!

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-213-late-diagnosis-grief-find-forget-to-take-adhd-medicine

    Curious how ADHD shows up frequently in women? Download this free checklist of ADHD symptoms to help you feel confident at your diagnosis assignment or in your own knowledge of ADHD.

    Thank you to our sponsor, Skylight Calendars, whose support allows me to share this podcast with you for free! I only partner with brands I know and love, so I bet you’ll love this amazing digital calendar as much as I do - it will help keep your family coordinated and less stressed. Use the coupon code PATRICIA to get 10% off your family calendar at SkylightCal.com.

  • “Should I become a mom if I have ADHD?”

    Here’s an episode you’ve been asking for - pregnancy and ADHD! You ask me so many questions around pregnancy friendly symptoms management, ADHD medication while pregnant, and the big question of should I even have kids if I can’t take care of myself???

    It’s been almost 6 years since I was pregnant, so I called in a friend who’s in the thick of it.

    Today’s guest is Candin Phillips of Humanity Hive. Candin is a licensed therapist with over ten years of experience working with people with ADHD. While her little one just arrived, she was pregnant with her second child during the recording of this conversation.

    Candin and I recount some of the struggles that come with being pregnant with ADHD and share what’s working for us and our clients. We discuss how pregnancy can affect your ADHD (spoiler alert: it’s different for everyone!) and answer YOUR questions submitted through Instagram and my free facebook group.

    Neither Candin nor I are licensed medical doctors, so please take all of our advice as advice you got from friends and talk with your medical team to find the best decision for you.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-212-pregnant-with-adhd-should-I-become-a-mom-if-I-have-adhd-pregnancy-with-candin-phillips

    Looking for support on how to treat your ADHD beyond medicine? Grab my free list of strategies and ADHD treatments at patriciasung.com/beyond-meds

    Thank you to our sponsor, Skylight Calendars, whose support allows me to share this podcast with you for free!

    I only partner with brands I know and love, so I bet you’ll love this amazing digital calendar frame as much as I do - it will help keep your family coordinated and less stressed.

    Use the coupon code PATRICIA to get 10% off your family calendar at SkylightCal.com

  • When you’re dreaming about taking time for yourself, does that nudge (or wave) of guilt make you pause?

    Today, I’m reflecting on 5 things I learned this weekend while I hung out with many of you.

    This past weekend was my ADHD Moms Weekend Retreat and we had a blast! It was soo soo good and I didn’t want it to end! We rested, we ate hot food, and we focused on ourselves.

    One of the things we all discussed was how refreshing it was to be the most important person on the agenda, and the moms wished they could stay another day (or 3, lol!). Next year’s retreat will also be a weekend, but I’m certainly dreaming of longer trips in the future!

    Listen in as I discuss what you all told me are the challenges of being an ADHD mom and the importance of embracing our unique strengths and abilities. We need self-care and the incredible impact it can have on ourselves and our families, so you can feel strong about prioritizing your well-being and break free from mom guilt.

    Want to join us next year? Join the waitlist for the 2024 retreat here: https://www.patriciasung.com/retreat-waitlist

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-211-power-of-community-5-things-i-learned-from-hanging-out-with-adhd-moms

    Make your life easier as a mom with ADHD. All of my free resources are in one place! Download my ADHD Mama Toolkit for support and strategies to create a life fit you and your family.

  • Appointments, birthdays, permission slips, library books, names, the one thing you went into the store for…

    In today's episode, I delve into one of the most frustrating features of ADHD: forgetting important things.

    From my personal experiences of forgetting to pick up THE ONE THING that my husband had requested while I went backpacking through Spain to missing my child's swim lesson due to a mix-up in scheduling, we’ll explore the guilt and shame that often accompany these forgetful moments.

    But it's important to remember that having ADHD is not an excuse for forgetfulness, but rather an explanation. But how do you clearly make the distinction in your intention so everyone’s not mad at you for forgetting the thing for the 300th time???

    In this episode, we explore the delicate balance between understanding the role of ADHD and taking personal accountability for our actions. Join me as we uncover strategies and insights to navigate through forgetfulness and rewrite our stories from shame spiral to success story.

    Get ready for a powerful (and uncomfortable) discussion on forgetfulness in motherhood and ADHD.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here:


    Time blindness. YES. It's a very real thing and it can be a challenge for lots of people with ADHD.

    I'm here to tell you there IS HOPE!

    I created a resource for mamas like you so you can stop waiting until the last minute to complete the project, send in the forms, or do the shopping.

    Stop stressing about time. It doesn't have to be that way.

    Grab my Secrets for Overcoming Time Blindness, a free resource on my website here:
