
  • Is it not totally wild that the last time we got Emma on the podcast it was August 2021, weeks after her gold medal win at the Tokyo Olympics!? Today she is just days away from flying (back) to Europe for her final training camps and before the Paris 2024 Olympics. There aren't many Kiwis to have reached such a milestone (five Olympic games), and the privilege isn't lost on Emma. In this episode we discuss at length her current training regime, what that looks like, how it feels today 20+ years into her career compared with in her early 20's and the pressure, ins and outs of life as an athlete. When I speak with Emma I am always so in awe of what it takes to compete at this level - it's always inspiring and I think super motivating for us non-athletes just looking to be consistent with our exercise. We finish the chat with the quick-fire Q&A and naturally land on food. Thank you Emma for your precious time and thanks poddy pals for listening.

  • Hey friends, welcome again to our mini-series all about the brain with Deb Buckley. Once again, as Deb states at the start of our live chat, this is just a conversation between two friends. If you believe you need help with frustration or anger, please seek advice from your GP.

    In our second of four live chats, we ask the question 'What's up with my brain when I lose my sh*t'. While we'd love to have the answers, we know that's impossible. What Deb does offer in this conversation are some helpful tools and strategies for when dealing with these situations. She discusses at length the ins and outs of the brain, both our own but also the brains of our children. Deb provides some useful insight into what's going on to help us in breaking down what's happening when we lose our shit and how we perhaps can get better at it - if that's such a thing. This conversation, unlike our first of the mini-series, is more geared towards life as a parent and in understanding our kids.

    Once again, as this podcast is audio taken from a Facebook live delivered in the Move it Mama member group, the sound quality is a little down. Trust you understand and really hope you enjoy this chat.

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  • Well hello 'ello, we're back in the game (read, wardrobes). While we're back with our podcast this week, it's a little different without our beautiful sparkly older sister at the podcast helm. While Leece is occupied, we're going to do our utmost to bring you a regular Wednesday pod for the foreseeable future. In today's episode I have Char with me and we're running through a bit of a haphazard, random Q&A. We're chewing the fat on a few things, from an introduction of Char by Char, childhood nicknames, her day to day job in cricket, sport chat, funny mems and the subway sandwich (quite the tangent, sorry). Char 'the punisher' Twigg - great to have you back, sis. Thank you guys for your downloads, love, support and understanding.

  • Hey podcast pals. While we're taking a bit of a break on delivering the podcast we thought we'd share more of Deb Buckley. We're lucky to have Deb feature in the Move it Mama members group #spreadthesparkle in a short mini-series around the brain. The series is titled "What's up with my brain when I" - with each session following a different theme. The first of four sessions was delivered LIVE in #spreadthesparkle on Wednesday night (29th May), and is all about self-sabotage. So - what's happening in our brain when we self-sabotage, ways in which we do, the reasons for why we might self-sabotage and how we can do it less. Like any conversation with Deb this one will get you thinking and should hopefully give you a couple of helpful tools and useful takeaways. Thank you for listening and please note, the sound quality here isn't the greatest as it was recorded via Facebook. We hope to be back to regular programming sometime soon. Thank you for your support and patience.

  • Hello guys! Deb Buckley is back on the pod. We always love to hear whatever it is Deb has to say and today is no exception. A quick word to note is that this episode with Deb was recorded early last week. In today's episode we go over who Deb is and her interest in neuroscience (for those that haven't listened to Deb before). Deb is a passionate forever-learner with a vested passion and interest in human behaviour and the brain. In this episode, we first question Deb on what she believes to be the key qualities and most important to her in being a good mother. We then ask Deb a multitude of questions and as a result she takes us through a bit about the brain and what it's doing at different ages and stages - especially for both young and older kids. Leece throws a spanner with a question about the game Fortnite, which guides our conversation to the massive world of kids and gaming, managing kids and social media and thoughts in general around screens and kids. Leece felt somewhat triggered in this chat which she admits to being (a word of warning), however it is very thought provoking and might give you some food for thought. Please note this is a conversation that comes with no judgement - you are your own parent and your own person doing whatever feels right for you. With love - enjoy.

  • Today we're excited to introduce our friend Mack Dewar to the podcast. We met Mack in around 2021 when he started doing quite a bit of work for Move it Mama. Over the past three years we have watched him go from kind of being into running to this year completing a 3:14 Christchurch marathon, all the while documenting the journey via YouTube, TikTok (@maccadewar) and Instagram (@mackdewar). Mack was a massive inspiration to Jess's trip back into running and particularly to completing the Christchurch marathon herself. What started as a tool to help with some mental health struggles in 2020 is now a huge life passion holding a significant power for Mack and his health. In today's episode we bounce around many topics including but not limited to: learning to run, lessons in his first (4:29) marathon, slowing down and letting go of your ego, tips for beginners or anyone wanting to improve, lessons along the way and where to from here. We know not everyone is into running or aspires to be a 'runner', but Mack's story is reassuring of the power of exercise on ones mental and physical health. We hope you enjoy our conversation.

  • A few things to mull our little minds over today. From the perplexing use of the thumbs up emoji to furries, weekend shenanigans, lessons in sport, Mo Gawdet and more. As we started recording this morning it really felt like it had been more than a week since we had our last lacklustre debrief, which pretty much sums up life doesn't it and the speed at which it passes us by. The Mo Gawdat and Alice Law episode we refer to is on the 'Exhibit A' podcast and linked for you below. It's so worth a listen; his attitude and his work is inspiring and it gave us both a really good dose of perspective - we know not everyone needs this - but it was a great chat.

    Thank you for being here, as always. We'll report back with Leece's blood volume findings lol.

    Podcast is here - https://open.spotify.com/episode/19BSVv5STJD8MQVVPALYjs?si=b1d2654b95a441d4

  • Hello hello. For anyone that doesn't know Sarah, she's our sister in law - our brothers wife - and among other things, a Move it Mama trainer. She has a love of books (not just reading them but discussing them post-workout, too), a real creative flair, a sense of humour like no other and is a busy ass working mum to Stan and angel girl Sophia. Sarah lost Sophia nearly five years ago and discusses this quite a bit in today's episode (TW: baby loss). She talks candidly about life at the minute (lol), from meeting our brother, their move from Wanaka to Geraldine, our brother's hip operation and what's been going on, the juggle of three jobs and more. It's been a busy time and we know lots of you love Hobbsy's chat, so trust you'll enjoy hearing more from her. We love you Hobbsy, thanks for the bants!

  • This episode comes with a warning - it feels necessary because we feel we fall a bit flat. Not that every episode needs to be lol worthy, but this one is a bit like two old ducks having a tough old time on the parenting front who very much needed to fester somewhat into their issues. So join us if you dare (lol) for the debrief on life - the current trials and tribulations involving the kids and husbands, social media and kids with phones in general (*quivering in our boots as to how to handle*), dealing with the icy aftermath with your partner following a barney, knowing when you're 'done' having kids and naturally a bit about food, specifically pies. Thanks for listening to our sub-par banter and we hope you'll join us again after this (!).

  • Hello guys. Our fun new guest today is Fraser Grut - the man with a dream. His dream? To film the dreams of 10,000 people before he 'croaks it'. We found Fraser on Instagram a while ago and have really loved watching his work and his story come to life. His passion is in dreams and now, he's travelling the world meeting with all sorts of people from the likes of Ashton Kutcher, Jackasses Stevo, Terry Crews, Stan Walker, Mick Fanning, Elmo and plenty more - from all walks of life, all across the globe. It is impossible to talk with Fraser and not smile - his energy is infectious and we just love the platform he's building. Today we talk to Fraser about his mission in depth; how it started, how it works, what's funding it, his wife Jayde's support, what the plan is from here and what's coming next. We were so lucky to sit down with Fraser in amongst a pretty hectic calendar centred on dreams and before he flies to LA for some very important bookings. Fraser, thank you. To our sparkle pod pals - we hope you enjoy this chat as much as we did. Oh and Fraser's chip flavour is going to leave you shook but don't judge him lol.

  • Hey guys! Well if you're not interested in marathon chat then this podcast isn't for you. In today's chat we are day one post Jess's marathon and so naturally, the marathon debrief is what's taking place. Leece hosts Jess as if she's a special guest lol and we dissect everything surrounding the race. The week leading up to it, the shoe debacle, the outfit, sleep drama, the ins and outs of the run and how that panned out, the support and by default the peaks and pits. A big thank you from Jess to the outstanding Move it Mama community for being so encouraging and supportive of this whole event! Thanks for listening. X

  • It's been nearly three years since we last had Kelly Coe on the podcast and what a total THRILL it was to have her back. On both occasions we've sat down to chat to Kelly, we have both been left thinking, 'hmm, must relax and be more like Kelly'. Kelly is so many things - driven, charismatic, creative, intelligent, inspiring and motivated - and it is an absolute privilege to have her back on the podcast. Augustine and all that the brand encompasses is much more than just clothing. In this episode Kelly talks about all sorts from the present school holiday logistics/the juggle, the current struggles or challenges being in business, where she believes her strengths are, what she likes to do for exercise (she runs but she also likes an at-home workout lol), and lo-and-behold her thoughts on ready salted chips (and more). We just loved chatting to Kelly again and know you will love to hear more from her. Thank you Kelly and thank you to you for your downloads, listens and DMs!

  • The weekend debrief is a fun way for us to start the week and we know you guys are enjoying it too, so thank you for your downloads, listens and DMs! A bit to catch up on today from a Monday morning strengths assessment (Jess doesn't like self-reflection), to pre-marathon nerves, whether Leece will have the fifth baby and more. There isn't much more to say except we'll once again be back on Wednesday with a very special guest.

  • Hello guys, welcome back! This week we're joined by our dear friend Kirst. For anyone that doesn't know, Kirst takes a couple of workouts every week in Move it Mama and has done for some time now. We have been friends for a fairly long while and it's our pleasure to bring her back to the pod! In this episode we start off with the nitty gritty, mulling over the most important stuff, including being STANDING for the morning coffee (shook) and what the average day in Kirst's world looks like. We answer more listener questions around things like dealing with a grieving partner, how her husband Piers proposed, sleeping in separate beds (not a listener q), and training for a half marathon. And just for the record, Kirsten's favourite chip flavour is 'salted'. Yep, shook.

  • Happy day-of-the-waffly-pod Monday! We're here for a vulnerable time not a lol time. That's the phrase, right? It is today :p In this episode we are just riding the waves of all things Move it Mama. We are extremely blessed in our lives - across our family life, personal life, work life and beyond - but every now and then we have a wobble. We're hopeful that in sharing this we are okay to do so, and that perhaps it can just serve as a reminder that no matter someone's situation, there can still be some inner fights, stresses and battles that might be bubbling under the surface. In addition to mulling over the woes of the day, we discuss the weekend, what went on and a bit about the marathon journey. We hope you enjoy the waffle and see you Wednesday.

  • It sure is a good day when sissy Char comes to play! Today we welcome Char back to the podcast for the first time in a long time. Weirdly our podcast artwork has Char's mug on it and while that was the intention, in listening to our conversation you'll find out more as to why Char is a no-show and what it is that takes up her days. In this episode we chat all things mom life; the juggling of balls as a working mom, the hard parts of that, the good parts, and a bit about what it is Char actually does; being wife to an Olympian, soon off to her FIFTH Olympics! (GOAT), and plenty of other important chat such as (yep you guessed it) - chip flavours (IN. SHOCK. tbh this episode is worth listening to for this alone lol), coffee and what's bringing Char joy. We hope you enjoy our chat and we hope we can bring Char to the podcast more regularly in the coming year!

  • We thought we had nothing to chat about and started this podcast like two flat pancakes. Turns out, talking to our mics from the Sunny Coast and the '03 of NZ - knowing we've got you at the other end - perks us up, and what do you know? An hour of chat later. Today we go from dance monkey, to booze and Easter plans, to the power of exercise (AGAIN) particularly when it comes to confidence; chip and chocolate chat, and little pockets of waffle in between. We recorded this pre-Easter (which will become apparent) in prep for a Monday off work, so, we hope you can relax and enjoy the bants. See you Wednesday xx

  • We are so proud to introduce Sonja Courtis to The Sparkle Pod. Sonja is a local Christchurch woman working as an empowerment coach. Having been to Sonja for a number of appointments, Leece can confirm - Sonja can be a bit of a miracle worker.

    With the loss of her 15 year old brother to suicide when she was 17, Sonja was propelled into the world of psychology and learning about everything in and around the subject. Whilst studying and working with a life coach herself, Sonja discovered the practice of tapping and beyond that, ultimately discovered a huge passion and desire to help people find a place where they can truly love themselves. She unpicks past trauma (defining trauma in this pod) - opens 'pandoras box' if you will, and digs deep to discover hidden truths - with the overall aim to help people heal and become healthier. Sonja's mission is around simply helping us to live life authentically and wholeheartedly, and learn to be at one with ourselves.

    Sonja's approach is a holistic one and she shares a HUGE amount of amazing knowledge and intel with us in this chat. We really think you'll love this conversation - we felt we could have talked with Sonja for hours.

    Keep your mind and heart open and enjoy. Any questions or feedback, we'd love to hear from you.

    If you're interested in contacting Sonja you can do so via her website www.sonjacourtis.com

    Feedback can be sent to either of us - [email protected]; [email protected]

  • Hey pals, welcome to your sparkly pod. In recent weeks, this episode has become a post-weekend debrief however, our confession from the start is that while this is a debrief it is not post-weekend (lol). With Leece away for a few days with the family to the Gold Coast, we recorded this a few days prior to its release. We thought it would be a bit of fun to answer some haphazard, random questions and see where they took us. Well, they take us to a few places. We tell stories of unusual jobs we've had - Leece at a library makes no sense (*slight trigger warning here re suicide*), weird nicknames and their context (that we're sure couldn't fly today), what we wish we knew 10 years ago, what we think happens when we die and whether we're happy with how we spend our time. Some big topics amongst the waffle and subsequently a lot of story telling here with some random ass stories. We hope you enjoy the banter! Thank you for being here.

  • It's funny the way you grow up side by side with your 'baby cousin' who suddenly also becomes an adult and is very much no longer a 'baby'. Arguably perhaps an adult before us, when she became a mother at 21 - considered quite a young age some 15 years ago. Our cousin Amanda - born when Leece was 6 and Jess 2 and a bit - was the third (of 4) born to our dearest aunty and uncle, and who's family played a huge role in our childhoods. Every holiday, birthday and even menial celebration was an excuse for us to get together; our cousins (and family) are what made our childhood so special.

    At 20, Amanda and her then boyfriend of 5 years, Troy, found themselves pregnant. By the time Matilda was born, having sat her hairdressing exams with morning sickness, Amanda finished her apprenticeship and opened her at-home salon. Think: a rinse in the kitchen sink and a cut and colour between breast feeds. Fast forward to today - three kids, Matilda 15, Chloe 12 and Brooklyn 7 - a relationship with Troy now spanning 20 years - and a beautiful and massively successful hair salon in Aotea, Wellington.

    We think Amanda's story is one of hard work, resilience, passion, intelligence, dedication, courage and integrity. It's been a privilege to grow up alongside Amanda (and her two beautiful sisters and brother), and witness what she has made of Le Garage Hairdressing. We hope you enjoy her story.