
  • The vast majority of the world voted at the UN General Assembly to demand an end to Israel's unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory within 12 months, with 124 countries (64%) in favor, 14 (7%) against, and 43 (22%) abstentions. Ben Norton analyzes the geopolitics of the vote, and how the US and most of the West is violating international law.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK9dmK8p0n0

    Sources and more information here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/09/19/end-israel-occupation-palestine-un-vote/

    0:00 Intro
    0:21 Chart of countries' votes at UN
    1:00 UN resolution demands end to Israel's occupation
    2:22 Map & analysis of countries' votes at UN
    6:49 International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling
    8:28 West's "rules-based order" threatens international law
    12:41 USA blocks full UN membership for Palestine
    14:45 Why USA supports Israel, its "unsinkable aircraft carrier"
    15:55 (Clips) Biden: US would create Israel if it didn't exist
    16:20 US empire opposes peace, in Gaza and worldwide
    18:12 Outro

  • Ukraine is "sitting on a trillion dollars worth of minerals that could be good to our economy", said US Senator Lindsey Graham as he stood next to Zelensky in Kiev. Ben Norton discusses how Western politicians and corporations want to exploit Ukrainian natural resources, to profit and to weaken the role of China and Russia in critical supply chains.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XuJLV2kfcc

    Sources and more information here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/09/16/senator-lindsey-graham-ukraine-trillion-minerals/

    Zelensky is literally selling Ukraine to US corporations on Wall Street: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2022/09/09/zelensky-selling-ukraine-wall-street/

    West prepares to plunder post-war Ukraine with neoliberal shock therapy: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2022/07/28/west-neoliberal-recovery-conference/

    0:00 US Senator Lindsey Graham wants Ukraine's minerals
    4:19 Ukraine has tens of trillions of dollars worth of natural resources
    5:34 China and critical minerals supply chain
    7:10 USA wants Ukraine to replace China in minerals supply chain
    8:03 Wall Street is buying up Ukraine
    9:13 (Clip) Zelensky's love letter to Western corporations
    10:58 NATO fights Russia to the last Ukrainian
    11:46 Study: foreign intervention is 100 times more likely in country with oil
    14:22 Geopolitics of NATO proxy war on Russia in Ukraine
    17:58 Afghanistan's resources and $1 trillion of minerals
    24:31 Outro

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  • Donald Trump has threatened that, if he comes back as US president, he will impose 100% tariffs on countries that drop the dollar, trying to cut off their trade. Ben Norton discusses how this will accelerate the global dedollarization movement, incentivizing more nations to join China, Russia, and BRICS in seeking financial alternatives.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sYacRjSND4

    Check out our related video "De-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-bnIrbZjaM

    0:00 (Clip) Trump threatens countries that drop US dollar
    0:49 De-dollarization
    2:06 (Clip) Trump pledges tariffs on nations that de-dollarize
    2:24 Dollar system is not a "public good"
    3:03 BRICS
    3:49 BRICS Bank (New Development Bank)
    4:33 Brazil's Lula calls to drop US dollar
    5:10 China & Brazil de-dollarize trade
    5:35 China & Russia de-dollarize trade
    6:01 Russia & Iran de-dollarize trade
    6:10 Southeast Asia (ASEAN) de-dollarizes
    7:05 (Clip) Trump: "I would not allow countries to go off the dollar"
    7:37 Trump's plans to punish independent countries
    8:22 Dollar system and US imperial decline
    10:00 China is biggest trading partner of most countries
    11:11 BRICS GDP (PPP) is bigger than G7
    12:27 Largest economies on Earth (Rise of Global South)
    14:01 US imperialism is in crisis
    16:27 China's share of global trade
    16:40 China de-dollarizes its trade
    20:10 China buys oil & gas in yuan/renminbi
    21:56 De-dollarization of trade vs savings (investment & reserves)
    22:40 China dumps US Treasury securities
    25:11 China's central bank buys gold
    25:56 JP Morgan report on dedollarization
    27:07 Multipolar financial world
    29:01 Outro

  • What are central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and why are banks on Wall Street lobbying against them? Could they be an alternative for average people, or would they create even more problems than they solve? Political economist Radhika Desai is joined by legal scholar Robert C. Hockett to discuss CBDCs, central banks, the Federal Reserve, and the banking system.

    This is part of Radhika's show Geopolitical Economy Hour. You can watch other episodes of the program here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDAi0NdlN8hMl9DkPLikDDGccibhYHnDP

  • The same week France arrested Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the "President of the Rich" Emmanuel Macron stole the 2024 election, refusing to allow the left-wing New Popular Front that won to form a new government, instead appointing a new prime minister from a right-wing party that got 6% of the vote. Ben Norton discusses how Western "democracies" are actually oligarchies.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbx43-U1h1o

    0:00 Western "democracy" is oligarchy
    3:39 Emmanuel Macron: the "president of the rich"
    6:11 Inequality in France
    8:27 French billionaire oligarchs
    12:48 France's 2024 election results
    14:10 Macron appoints election loser Michel Barnier as PM
    15:28 Leftist leader Mélenchon accuses Macron of electoral theft
    17:04 52% of French want to impeach Macron
    17:28 Western leaders praise undemocratic PM Michel Barnier
    19:51 How Macron stole the election he lost
    23:07 France is not a democracy
    24:20 Arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov
    25:57 US government wanted Telegram backdoor for spying
    27:09 Russia, West, and Pavel Durov
    28:18 Telegram and Belarus color revolution attempt
    30:16 Western media's former love affair with Durov
    31:19 West turns on Durov
    33:45 Outro

  • A top Israeli military official admitted the war on Gaza is only possible thanks to US support and arms supplies. Ben Norton explains how Israel is an outpost of the US empire in a key geostrategic region. As Joe Biden said, "Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region".

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UWewzp7lcE

    Sources and more information here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/09/04/israel-war-gaza-possible-us-support/

    Why does the US support Israel? A geopolitical analysis with economist Michael Hudson: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/11/12/why-us-support-israel-geopolitics-michael-hudson/

  • Can the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, really stop inflation? Or is it more committed to inflating asset price bubbles for the rich? Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson discuss the Fed's monetary policy, and its implications for average working people.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAtx2vDJkM8

    You can read the transcript here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/08/31/fed-inflation-radhika-desai-michael-hudson/

    This is part of the show Geopolitical Economy Hour. You can watch other episodes of the program here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDAi0NdlN8hMl9DkPLikDDGccibhYHnDP

  • The United States government has imposed sanctions on more than one-third of countries on Earth, including over 60% of poor countries. Ben Norton documents how Washington's economic warfare is deadly in nations like Venezuela, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. It is also fragmenting the global financial system, as China and Russia create alternatives.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYUq_9XlQs0

    0:00 USA has sanctions on 1/3rd of world
    1:44 "Targeted" sanctions are a myth
    3:16 Washington Post admits US is waging economic warfare worldwide
    8:56 100,000+ Venezuelans died from US sanctions
    10:50 Goal of US sanctions: "hunger, desperation and overthrow of government"
    13:39 US government compares itself to Darth Vader
    14:46 OFAC director sings, "Every little thing we do is sanctions"
    16:05 Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died from US-led Western sanctions
    20:32 (CLIP) Madeleine Albright on Iraq mass deaths: "the price is worth it"
    21:08 60% of poor countries face US sanctions
    22:01 US dollar dictatorship and financial hegemony
    24:13 Donald Trump's war on Venezuela
    25:16 "Sanction everybody and their sister"
    25:54 Boomerang of US sanctions: China, Russia, BRICS create alternatives
    30:08 Russia re-industrializes, its economy grows rapidly
    34:10 Too big to sanction - Is this the limit?
    37:01 Outro

  • While EU leaders push to escalate the proxy war on Russia, and Ukraine invades Kursk region, polls show many Europeans want peace talks for a negotiated settlement, and oppose sending more weapons. Ben Norton looks at the evidence.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTVawAEUoDQ

    0:00 Intro
    0:30 Ukraine is desperate
    1:37 Ukraine invades Russia's Kursk region
    4:11 People in US & EU want negotiated settlement
    6:19 Most likely outcome of Ukraine war: compromise settlement
    7:42 What should Europe do in Ukraine war? Peace deal
    8:58 Europeans' view of Ukraine war, by country
    10:00 Should Europe send arms & ammo to Ukraine?
    11:18 Ukraine losing war would be "end of Western hegemony"
    12:34 Outro

  • US Big Tech corporations are like the feudal landlords of Medieval Europe. These Silicon Valley monopolies own the digital land that the global economy is built on, and are charging higher and higher rents to use their privatized infrastructure. Ben Norton explains.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf1wQ9QeaKM

    Sources and more information here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/08/19/us-big-tech-monopolies-neo-feudalism/

    0:00 Neo-feudalism
    1:36 Amazon's monopoly
    3:57 Google's monopoly
    4:54 Amazon takes 50% of sellers' revenue
    6:30 How Amazon sets prices: the Buy Box
    9:01 Technofeudalism, by Yanis Varoufakis
    9:42 Cloud infrastructure
    10:44 New cold war on China
    11:35 China: only alternative to US Big Tech monopolies
    14:55 Chinese socialism
    19:33 Monopoly capitalism & imperialism
    21:51 Feudalism & capitalism
    23:54 Utilities
    26:37 Privatized digital infrastructure
    29:29 Uber & Silicon Valley's monopolistic business model
    34:28 Apple wages war on Chinese competitors
    35:37 Apple's outrageous 30% Patreon fee
    39:44 Outro

  • The US government supported protests that overthrew Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. New interim leader Muhammad Yunus has been cultivated by Washington for decades. Ben Norton discusses the geopolitical reasons for the regime change; the roles of India, China, and Russia; and the Pentagon's desire to build a strategic military base on Saint Martin's Island.VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irlrT3zvsqQTopics0:00 Interim leader Muhammad Yunus: Made in USA5:09 Overthrow of Sheikh Hasina7:44 US military base on St. Martin's Island?8:57 Myanmar10:33 China's reliance on Strait of Malacca for oil imports13:34 Bangladesh-China relations14:47 BRICS15:36 US pressure to join Quad17:47 Russia warned of color revolution in Bangladesh19:06 Arab Spring19:58 Was Hasina's undelivered resignation speech fabricated?22:26 Hasina: "White man" demanded military base in Bay of Bengal23:58 Hasina: USA "can overthrow the government in any country"25:36 US-backed 1975 coup against Sheikh Mujib28:33 US-backed 2022 coup against Pakistan PM Imran Khan31:00 US support for protests in Bangladesh31:22 NED funding for Bangladeshi opposition31:41 NED funding of opposition media outlet Netra News34:13 Historical context: Partition, India, Pakistan, 1971 liberation war38:40 Reasons for protests41:13 US-backed color revolutions46:21 US State Department pressure on Bangladesh47:36 Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Jamaat-e-Islami, & extremism54:12 Outro

  • According to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the US has allowed athletes in international competitions, including the Olympics, to use prohibited drugs, recruiting them as informants to spy on others. Ben Norton discusses the geopolitics of sports and the blatant hypocrisy of the US agency USADA, which constantly criticizes Russia and China.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOHR37Pd6PU

    Sources and links here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/08/10/usa-athletes-cheat-steroids-russia-china-doping/

    0:00 US doping scandal exposed
    1:05 Hypocrisy on Russia's ban
    1:20 Chinese athletes harassed at Olympics
    2:09 US accusations of corruption
    2:46 Will US host 2028 Olympics?
    3:26 US government funds USADA
    3:59 WADA exposes US doping scandal
    8:46 WADA is investigating US
    10:14 US new cold war on China
    11:20 China says US athletes are under-tested
    11:49 US Congress threatens WADA
    12:16 The "rules-based international order"
    12:51 Russia banned over Ukraine War
    14:07 US not banned over wars on Iraq et al.
    15:52 Israel not banned despite crimes in Gaza
    17:22 West makes rules in "rules-based order"
    17:58 International Olympic Committee (IOC) dominated by West
    20:38 Imperialism
    22:06 Outro

  • The stock market crashed on August 5, in a new "Black Monday". What caused it? Is the USA on the verge of a new financial crisis? Ben Norton is joined by economist Michael Hudson to discuss the extreme volatility, AI / Big Tech bubble, Japanese yen carry trade unwind, Chinese economy, and geopolitical dangers.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stgBVvz5RIM

    Check out Geopolitical Economy Hour, the program Michael Hudson hosts with Radhika Desai, here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDAi0NdlN8hMl9DkPLikDDGccibhYHnDP

    His website: https://michael-hudson.com

    0:00 Teaser
    0:54 Why did the stock market crash?
    8:19 Is the US economy entering a recession?
    12:36 Japan and the yen carry trade unwind
    27:14 China's economy
    32:41 Popping of the AI / Big Tech bubble?
    46:05 Geopolitics: Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Iran
    54:19 Re-inflating the bubble?
    1:03:51 Can't the debt be rolled over?
    1:07:27 Asset price inflation vs consumer price inflation
    1:11:29 Capital gains grow faster than the economy
    1:13:12 What is missing from most economic analysis?
    1:26:05 Outro

  • How does the structure of the international financial system cause a drain of wealth from the poor to the rich? Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson discuss the politics of debt.

    VIDEO (with the charts): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Bu9dHGRpmE

    Read the transcript (with the charts) here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/debt-politics-wealth-flow-poor-rich

    This is part of the show Geopolitical Economy Hour. You can watch other episodes of the program here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDAi0NdlN8hMl9DkPLikDDGccibhYHnDP

  • As part of a new coup attempt in Venezuela, the US has recognized opposition leader Edmundo González as supposed president, after Trump tried to impose puppet Juan Guaidó in 2019. The State Department cited only US government-funded sources to accuse President Maduro of "electoral fraud". Ben Norton shows how misleading - and hypocritical - Washington's claims are.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KCDj-alHbg

    USA backs another coup attempt in Venezuela - with Elon Musk's help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NglJ4J2rMEA

    Why is USA obsessed with overthrowing Venezuela? Is it oil, China, Russia, socialism, multipolarity?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_ViMqMXGGs

    US gov’t-linked firm is source of exit poll claiming Venezuelan opposition won election: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/07/29/us-government-edison-poll-venezuela-election/

    0:00 US recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader as "president"
    1:53 Hypocrisy: US supports dictatorships, wars, coups against democracies
    3:39 Why Washington hates Venezuela
    4:48 2002 US-backed coup in Venezuela
    6:57 Latin America is divided on Venezuela
    9:18 OAS: tool of US meddling
    10:33 Mexico condemns OAS "interventionism"
    12:34 China, Russia, Iran support Venezuela
    13:08 Peru's dictatorship backs Venezuelan opposition
    14:00 Oligarchs like Elon Musk
    14:44 USAID operative hints at invasion
    16:14 Fake news
    17:28 Mercenary Erik Prince threatens Maduro
    19:29 State Dep't cites US gov't-funded groups to allege "fraud"
    19:59 Carter Center: funded by US, UK, EU, Gulf monarchies
    23:39 Exit polls
    25:36 CIA-linked firm's shady polling
    28:58 María Corina Machado: US government-backed fanatic
    29:51 Geopolitical changes: Multipolarity vs unipolarity
    31:59 Possible US military intervention?
    33:28 Outro

  • The USA and its allies in Latin America have refused to recognize the results of Venezuela's elections, as far-right opposition extremists try to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro, with the help of billionaire oligarch Elon Musk. Ben Norton documents the many US-backed coups since Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez came to power and launched the Bolivarian Revolution.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NglJ4J2rMEA

    Our investigation: "US gov’t-linked firm is source of exit poll claiming Venezuelan opposition won election" - https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/07/29/us-government-edison-poll-venezuela-election/

    Check out our related video: "Why is USA obsessed with overthrowing Venezuela?" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_ViMqMXGGs

    0:00 US supports coup attempt in Venezuela
    1:41 Elon Musk: "We will coup whoever we want!"
    3:35 Electoral "fraud" allegations
    5:52 Observers say vote was fair
    8:05 Argentina's leader Javier Milei
    9:06 CIA & Israeli Mossad
    9:50 Venezuelan opposition loves Israel
    10:38 Maduro supports Palestine
    11:07 China, Russia, Iran
    11:52 Why USA is obsessed with overthrowing Venezuela
    12:57 Oil
    13:36 CLIP Donald Trump wanted to "take over" Venezuela (and its oil)
    14:07 CLIP John Bolton: US corporations want Venezuela's oil
    15:18 CLIP Bolton boasts Venezuela coup attempt was "a lot of work"
    15:49 From Juan Guaidó to María Corina Machado
    17:55 US-backed coup in Venezuela in 2002
    19:25 Venezuelan opposition's long history of crying "fraud"
    19:48 Guarimbas
    21:35 What "dictatorship"?
    22:13 Obama declares Venezuela a "national security threat"
    23:38 Economic war, sanctions, & embargo
    30:15 Venezuela's oligarchy vs. working class
    32:12 Inflation
    33:08 Sanctions
    35:39 West steals Venezuela's foreign assets
    36:46 Failed CIA-backed invasion of Venezuela
    37:36 No evidence for "fraud" claims
    39:36 Outro

  • Why has the US constantly tried to overthrow Venezuela's leftist government, backing coup attempts against Presidents Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro? Ben Norton analyzes the role of Venezuela's large oil reserves and natural resources; socialist system; anti-imperialist foreign policy; partnership with China, Russia, and Iran; and key role in building a multipolar world.VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_ViMqMXGGsTopics0:00 Intro0:14 Oil1:58 Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution5:45 Multipolarity9:49 China14:09 US sanctions17:28 Russia & Iran18:22 Washington says China is biggest threat to US hegemony19:31 US coups & regime change20:44 US economic blockade23:18 BRICS24:24 De-dollarization26:29 Latin American regional integration29:25 US-backed coup attempts30:24 Natural resources31:52 Monroe Doctrine: US neocolonialism in Latin America33:09 Venezuela's key role in challenging US imperialism

  • While the US and Europe have invaded and colonized countries around the world, China and Russia have helped the Global South develop and resist Western imperialism, argues Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega, leader of the Sandinista Revolution. Ben Norton reports.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8waJIQTKD4

  • Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega blasted Western support for Israel in its war on Gaza and asked, if a state of Palestine is not allowed to exist, why should the US be allowed to exist? He was joined at the 45th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution by Palestinian ex guerrilla Leila Khaled, who denounced imperialism and neocolonialism. Ben Norton reports.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je1wKlRUyFg

    Read our related article - US legally owes Nicaragua reparations, but still refuses to honor 1986 Int’l Court of Justice ruling: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/06/28/us-owes-nicaragua-reparations-1986-icj/

  • European Union foreign-policy chief Josep Borrell admitted the West has hypocritical "double standards" on international law, the Russia-Ukraine-NATO war, Israel's brutal bombing of Gaza, the US-led invasion of Iraq, and climate change. Ben Norton analyzes the revealing comments of the top EU diplomat.

    VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQuUbBf6snA

    Sources and links here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/07/18/eu-borrell-hypocrisy-double-standards-israel-ukraine-iraq/

    EU confesses ‘our prosperity was based on China & Russia’: cheap energy, low-paid labor, big market: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2022/10/18/eu-prosperity-china-russia-energy-market/

    ‘Western dominance has ended’, EU foreign-policy chief admits, warning of ‘West against the Rest’ geopolitics: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/02/26/western-dominance-ended-eu-josep-borrell/

    0:00 Intro
    1:56 (Clip) EU foreign policy chief on West's "double standards"
    4:25 (Clip) West values lives of Ukrainians more than Palestinians
    5:06 (Clip) Hypocrisy on Israel's violations of UN resolutions
    6:19 Historical carbon emissions by region
    7:17 (Clip) Western hypocrisy on climate change
    8:46 Who is Josep Borrell?
    10:02 (Clip) West is prolonging Ukraine war
    10:42 "Western dominance has ended"
    11:55 (Clip) USA has lost its hegemony
    12:11 China's economic rise
    12:54 (Clip) China challenges Western dominance
    14:21 Multipolarity
    15:01 (Clip) "The world is much more multipolar"
    15:54 "Democracy vs autocracy"?
    16:33 (Clip) "On our side, there are a lot of authoritarian regimes"
    17:00 How West relied on China & Russia
    17:40 (Clip) "Our prosperity was based on China & Russia"
    19:15 Borrell's racist "garden vs jungle" rant
    21:30 (Clip) European exceptionalism
    22:11 Outro