
  • Are unprocessed emotions blocking your ability to live wealthy?

    “Imagine eating or taking a bite of an apple, and then chewing it, and then swallowing it. And then it moves down into your stomach. Imagine never pooping that out, the waste of it. What happens? It's creating a super toxic environment that ultimately will kill you, literally. And similarly, if you're experiencing anger, but you shove it down, and you never let yourself fully process it and digest it, it will also eat away at you. And eventually it will kill you, it will kill your spirit. And it will kill you through your health.”

    - Jennifer Love

    In this episode of the Nature of Money, we explore the impact of negative emotions that build up over time: fear, shame, guilt, and how these play out physiologically as well as financially.

    I start by talking with Tyler Lowe, the CEO of Return on Ideas, about her experience ‘getting unstuck.’ Then, I sat down with Dr. Ann Shippey, a Board Certified physician and internal medicine doctor, and Dr. Mario Martinez, a biocognition expert and neuroscientist, to explore the impact of the stress on the body caused by unprocessed emotion.

    Are you in need of an emotional colonic? As you listen, I invite you to examine what unprocessed emotions are impacting you
.and how. Do you have physical symptoms? Are you experiencing burnout? Do you feel frustrated and stuck in business without being clear about why?

    Join us to learn why you need an emotional colonic and what happens when you get one.

    A special thanks to our guests for sharing their experiences and expertise with us.

    You can learn more about their work at:

    Tyler Lowe - returnonideas.co

    Dr. Ann Shippy - https://annshippymd.com/

    Mario Martinez - www.biocognitive.com

  • Do you keep hitting an “upper limit” on your business’ success or your ability to earn money? Often, we’re not even aware of how we are sabotaging ourselves - yet an artificially imposed constraint holds us back from our true potential.

    “Our upper limit isn't good or bad ... I think of it in terms of an indicator. It's an indicator of what needs attention inside of you 
 We've got all kinds of dashboards, we've got financial dashboards, so we know what's happening, you know, in revenue, in our expenses, and what our profit margin is. The upper limit is part of the dashboard of what's making you feel free and whole and be able to grow and have capacity to go beyond your wildest dreams.” - Jennifer Love

    In this episode of the Nature of Money, I sat down with three powerful female founders : Natalie Jill, is a high performance coach, Lavinia Errico, a visionary wellness CEO, and Lisa Sasevich, an award-winning entrepreneur and business coach.

    We discuss times where they experienced an upper limit in their career and life - and what they did to transcend it. Together, we explore where the Upper Limit comes from, how self-inquiry changes our cycles of sabotage, and the habits necessary to build resilience.

    I also interviewed Emma Scharkie, a Sports Psychologist, who talks about the power of mindset to optimize our performance.

    Where are you hitting your upper limit? As you listen, I invite you to examine where you are hitting your Upper Limit in your life and business - and how that might limit your ability to “live wealthy.”

    A special thanks to our guests, Natalie Jill, Lavinia Errico, Lisa Sasevich, and Emma Scharkie, for sharing their experiences and expertise with us.

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  • Is your mental chatter keeping you poor?

    “The inner critic is like the bitch inside of us. She is the one that is angry, frustrated, she's gone rogue. She's super, super sad. And really, that comes from that deep sense of trying to survive. It's the survivalist part of us that's trying to keep us alive.” - Jennifer Love

    In my experience working with female founders, I have witnessed firsthand the destructive effects of the inner critic. This critic is the voice inside that says: “I’m not good enough.” “I’m not doing enough.” “I’m a failure.” “I should be further along.” “I should be over this.” “I am wasting my life.” When we say this to ourselves, we feel defeated, angry, resentful, and filled with fear.

    In this episode of the Nature of Money, I sit down with a group of high achieving female founders who share what their inner critic sounded like. We explore where it came from, and the connection it had to their net worth. I also invited Mario Martinez who is a bio cognition expert to discuss the power we have over our minds to change our core beliefs.

    Together we explore what happens when the inner critic gets the upper hand. It destroys our ability to move forward, to flourish in life, to embrace a growth mindset, and to take appropriate, calculated financial risks.

    What does your inner critic sound like? Learn more about how to change your inner narrative to discover for yourself how your inner critic could be blocking you from “living wealthy.”

  • Burnout 
 so many female founders have experienced this first hand.

    In this episode of the Nature of Money, I sit down with Elizabeth Beeds of the Women’s Holistic Business Network- who, through her own workaholic tendencies, ended up alarmingly undernourished, which left her in a state of physical, emotional and spiritual burnout, plus over $100K in debt.

    Together we explore what it looks like to be a workaholic, and the role shame plays in the addiction-burnout cycle. We will talk about what it takes to become more self-aware and give ourselves the self-acceptance we deserve so we can optimize and move into a healthier relationship with work.

    Addiction specialist Dr. Reef Karim also joins us to offer greater insights into the world of addiction.

    Are you a workaholic? Have you developed an addiction to avoid facing emotional pain? What does it take to break free from this cycle?

    Maybe you too have been acting out of unconscious beliefs in an addictive pattern, or avoiding the very thing that is preventing you from “living wealthy” - living a life that is both satisfying and joyful.

  • What is debt? And what is the story, or narrative you believe about it? Many women in business will borrow money at some point in their career, whether it’s start-up capital to grow, bridge financing to cover unexpected expenses, or as we saw in 2020, emergency funds to get through an economic and global health crisis.

    In this episode of the Nature of Money, I sat down with Lily’s Mockerman, a founder who ended up more than 500K in debt despite her hard-line personal commitment to ‘avoid debt at all costs’. Her story walks us through a pattern of addiction fueled by a desire for control which was imprinted on her as a little girl when her parents lost her family home.

    I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Lily as a money therapist over the past several years - and have gotten a front row seat to her transformation. Her story illustrates what is possible with deep inner work.

    Addiction specialist Dr. Reef Karim also joins us, along with Mary Shores, a CEO of an innovative collection agency, to explore how unconscious parts of our debt story are often linked to addictive behaviour.

    Are you willing to reexamine your relationship with debt? Is it healthy or unhealthy? Maybe you too have been acting out of unconscious beliefs in an addictive pattern, or avoiding the very thing that could set yourself free.

  • When I look around at the state of the world and how we as a society are being in relationship with money - it seems to me that we are experiencing our own tragic financial fantasyland. As of September 2020 The United States had the highest reported federal deficit - over $3 Trillion dollars. By October 2020 the US Consumer Debt rate reached the highest recorded rate - approximately $4.2 Trillion dollars.

    When we enter into rates of codependency this high we aren’t making decisions from a place of abundance and prosperity. Scarcity and fear rules the land - taxes surge, unemployment rates surge, overworking surges, domestic abuse surges, depression and suicide rates surge.

    In this episode of the Nature of Money, we go deeper on the theme of self-examination. Any systemic change starts on the individual level. Everyday you have a choice. You decide if you will perpetuate a drama cycle or if you will choose sovereignty. Ultimately, you decide how you will be in a relationship with money and how you will make financial decisions everyday - are you growing a flourishing garden, or are you staying stuck in the weeds?

    Through the stories of our Female Founders from around the world, we explore how to transform our core beliefs about ourselves and about money - and how those beliefs tie into our net worth and the balance in our bank account. Listen now!

  • In this episode of the Nature of Money, we explore what money stories are and how they start in our families of origin, through unconscious and even genetic programming. You might *want* and *try* to do things differently than your parents. In my own life and work with leaders, what I observe is that often the harder we resist the pattern we don’t want, the more tightly entangled the emotional and behavioral patterns become. To break these patterns, we must first understand what they are and where they come from.

    Must we allow our sense of value and worthiness to be dictated by our ancestors, by our circumstances, or by other things outside of ourselves? Or do we have another choice you might want and try to do things differently than your parents, with your health, with your finances, with your relationships?

    In this episode of the Nature of Money, I speak with Dr. Kathryn Guylay about epigenetics (the science of changing our genes) and several female founders about the relationship between nature and nurture in our money programming. Listen now!

  • The ending of the Cinderella story is timeless and consistent in all of her various global iterations - to be whole and complete she needs to be rescued BY PRINCE CHARMING- and then she can live happily ever after and can impact the world.

    I started really unpacking the Cinderella story, I saw it a story of disempowerment -and as a personal financial nightmare. Where are you asking or waiting to be rescued or saved in your life, or in your business, or with your finances? Without challenging this narrative, so many women are stuck in a cycle of SELF-SABOTAGE without even realizing it. The story of being a victim, a bully, and a hero and how our unconscious programming robs us of our sovereignty keeping us in a state of scarcity, fear, and suffering.

    In this episode I sat down with a number of female founders to explore their own Cinderella stories - and how their self-empowered “rags to riches story,” came about - listen in for the empowerment, tenacity and ingenuity in each story. But for most of us, nobody told you, that the narratives you’ve taken on about being helpless, in your relationship with money is a choice. It is your time to examine how you may be acting out of your own unconscious beliefs and ingrained behaviors. Listen now!

  • The aftermath of 2020 has left so many feeling so very tender. Anger, sadness, anxiety are common yet so many want to turn away from FEELING. However, Feeling our feelings is NOT overrated because our feelings are our NORTH STAR - showing us - telling us exactly where we are in our own inner experience.

    In this episode of the Nature of Money, I’m here with Tim Lewis, a man who spends his days in the tech world, AND is also an accomplished musician, composer, astrophotographer, and born polymath who relishes contemplating and communicating about any field of study that catches his fascination. Tim and I discuss the power of myth and “finding gold in the emotionality of our stories.” That emotionality that has been formed by the narrative of our life.

    What are we “making money mean”? How are we defining ourselves? What is expressing itself through us? This is complicated to shift, because our ego /personality is very much part of us. Is change possible? If so, how? Join us in this episode to explore these questions, and more.

  • The research and science is showing us that 90% of our financial decisions are based on emotion, only 10% is based on analysis or logic. So what’s happening for you in your emotional wealth zone has a lot to do with what’s going on for you financially.

    I’ve come to realize, in my two decades as an entrepreneur and business advisor, that all of the strategies in the world didn't really matter if the person didn't work, because it wouldn't work. All the strategies in the world didn’t help these leaders where they got stuck 
.. their problems were not due to lack of talent or intelligence, or laziness. And so what made them tick, what were the true obstacles that they faced and how many of these were self imposed?

    For myself...I also had to get perspective...I got curious . I dug and continue to dig into what’s running the show of my behaviors, beliefs, emotions and spirituality...because that is ultimately what is impacting the output of our financial lives. By the end of this episode, I share more on how my own journey and through my work with clients...it formed my philosophy of money and wealth and ultimately why it led me to this body of work I call Money Therapy.

    It is my personal experience with many of these questions that lead me to develop a new approach to working with leaders
.. In this episode of the Nature of Money, I talk about my experience - and why I think digging for emotional gold, and shifting narrative about money is so important. How can you interrupt the patterns that keep you stuck that have kept you where you are? Listen to learn more.

  • How many leaders use “making money” as a way to contain pain instead of creating positive value for others and themselves? This was my story - which I share in this inaugural episode of the Nature of Money podcast. At age 30, I was exceptionally “successful” 
 I was leading a sizable global funding project with a pharmaceutical company and I was directing their team of scientists and business development group and company executives. But I was lonely and overwhelmed by the emptiness that I found there.

    I’ve named the show the Nature of Money because I believe that nature has so much to teach us about wealth, about money, about living wealthy, and nature's simple principles are the most fundamental lessons - of which most of us have forgotten. Nature iis the key to helping leaders and entrepreneurs shift how they are being with money and wealth - to something that is more organic, natural, and part of a thriving ecosystem.

    While this show is for ALL leaders, I’ve made a special emphasis on the female founder. As more and more money enters the hands of women, as more and more women are becoming the breadwinners, as more and more women are stepping into leadership roles and starting or running businesses...I find that there is a special conversation that needs to be had for you ladies. Join us for that conversation now.