Saving Beans
The seeds for the food we grow are important. A seed bank in Norway keeps seeds safe for the world. This year, Taiwan sent one hundred and seventy kinds of millet seeds there!
Click HERE to see the full episode transcript.
Taipei Zoo Makes Typhoon Wood Furniture
Woah! Typhoons are dangerous! They damage houses, mountains, trees, and more. But sometimes a good thing can come from typhoons!
Click HERE to see the full episode transcript!
The Lucky $120,000 Sea Snail
Do you want to pay $120,000 Taiwan dollars for something... and then let it go?
你願意花 12 萬元買個東西,然後馬上放棄它嗎?
Click HERE to see the full episode transcript, including a vocabulary list and quiz!
3D printers can make small plastic things. They can print key rings, whistles, and many other things. But some 3D printers can print big things!
3D 列印大部分用來做小東西,像是塑膠鑰匙圈或是哨子,但其實也可以列印出巨大的東西!
Click HERE for the full transcript!
Taiwan has a new kind of train. It's the orange and black E500! It made its first trip from Qidu Station in Keelung. It's the fourth kind of new train in ten years.
台灣新的火車出現囉! 橘色跟黑色相間的 E500,在基隆七堵站正式啟程。它是十年來的第四種新火車。
Click HERE for the full transcript!
Kangaroos live in Australia. They have strongback legs. They can jump!
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Taiwan does well in weightlifting. Women weightlifters are very strong here. They won ten Olympic weightlifting medals. Taiwan has eleven. And now Taiwan has a new weightlifting whiz!
Click HERE for the full transcript!
Someone left these empty cans in the elevator! Aargh! Who leaves their trash on the floor? Well, these cans are going into the trash can.
「 怎麼會有人把鋁罐留在電梯裡? 我把它們丟到垃圾桶吧!」
Click HERE for the full transcript!
Some people live in big houses. Other people live in small apartments. Some people live on boats! There are many kinds of homes!
Click HERE for the full transcript!
When you walk across the street, you look at the traffic light, right? It tells you when it's safe to cross.
Click HERE for the full transcript!
When you look in a mirror, you see yourself. You know it's you. Do fish know themselves? Knowing themselves means fish are smart. Scientists wanted to find out. So they gave some fish the mirror test.
Click HERE for the full transcript!
Looking for something special is exciting! A very special thing can be a treasure. Looking for it is a treasure hunt.
Click HERE for full transcript!
Transgender Teacher Wins Excellent Teacher Award
A math teacher from Chiayi has won an excellent teacher award. She is the first transgender person to win!
Click HERE to see the full episode transcript!
YouBikes are shared bicycles. They are great! They are cheap and easy to use. They are easy to find!
YouBike 是共享腳踏車,它們不只便宜又超方便,是大家的最愛!
Click HERE for full transcript!
In Taiwan, many people use trains every day. They are easy and cheap. Trains are a great way to go to school or work. They are a fun way to go to see family and friends!
Click HERE for full transcript!
Do you like to watch dolphin shows? Dolphins jump together! They play with balls! They walk on water! Yes, they walk on water... with their tails! Dolphins do many tricks in shows!
Click HERE for the full transcript!
One day, a family went to a museum. They looked at many old things. The family has a four-year-old boy. He saw a vase. It was three thousand five hundred years old!
Click HERE for full transcript!
Water is important for life. On Earth, there is no life with no water. That is the same for other planets too, like Mars.
Click HERE for the full transcript!
Lobsters live at the bottom of the ocean. They have long bodies and ten legs. Their big front legs have big claws! Watch out!
龍蝦住在海底,牠們有長長的身體跟十隻腳,小心哦! 牠們的兩隻前腳有巨大的鉗子!
Click HERE for full transcript.
In Greenland, big, slow ice rivers are melting. These are glaciers. Climate change is melting them.
Click HERE for full transcript.
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