Il mondo non è mai stato così veloce, complesso, in crisi. Le storie da raccontare sono tante e serve chiarezza. Questo è Globally, il podcast di Will e ISPI dove spieghiamo la geopolitica in modo chiaro.
Seguici anche su Instagram @will_ita -
This episode is about what's currently happening in the political world. We have invited special guests: Bill Shorten, and our very own prime minister; Scott Morrison. Hope you enjoy!!
Calling all citizens, and the morbidly curious! Stay in the know with the latest Police Blotter reports.
From fender benders to full swat team takedowns, Police Blotter (Sheet) -has what you need to know.
Which megastar landed his helicopter in his neighbor’s pool? What famous comedian stole Dorritos from the local CVS? Police Blotter (Sheet) only delivers the best and most interesting Police Blotter reports helping to keep you informed.
Subscribe to the Police Blotter (Sheet) Podcast now and make sure you never miss a thing!
See for privacy and opt-out information.
This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at -
By 2040, the population over 80 will more than double, but our perceptions of aging and plans for seniors’ care innovation have not kept pace.
Let’s change the conversation.
Coming of Age features host Donna Duncan, CEO of the Ontario Long Term Care Association, in lively discussions with national and international experts on ageism and how to reimagine seniors’ care. -
Join Chatham Emergency Management Agency staff as they discuss all things emergency preparedness to help you get ready for any type of natural or manmade disaster that could affect Chatham County, Georgia.
Prosto ze Wspólnej. Podcasty Ministerstwa Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej. Rozmawiamy o Europie, unijnych dotacjach, dostępności. Bądźcie z nami.
Podcasty to nowoczesna forma przedstawienia najbardziej interesujących oraz najważniejszych orzeczeń, wytycznych czy decyzji administracyjnych związanych z Ochroną Danych Osobowych (RODO).
Podcasty to ważne i aktualne tematy związane z RODO przedstawione w przystępny sposób przez eksperta ochrony danych osobowych Piotr Liwszic. -
The official podcast of the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists. Join us as we discuss the latest news in diabetes care, education, advocacy and technology.
Współtworzymy i realizujemy politykę innowacyjną państwa. Każdego roku wspieramy tysiące projektów badawczo-rozwojowych. W podcastach NCBR rozmawiamy z liderami, ekspertami i beneficjentami o naszej ofercie i przybliżamy efekty naszych działań.
Diplomatically Speaking With (DSW) is a series of interviews with the diplomatic corps in Malaysia. There is always a gap between the diplomatic community and the Malaysian public. This series hopes to bridge that gap and engage in deep conversations with diplomats. The series will discuss the history, context, and opportunities of the bilateral relations between foreign nations and Malaysia.
DEKOMPRESOR /PRAWO pomoże Ci odnaleźć drogę w gąszczu przepisów i regulacji.
Politics,, technology, war/peace, veterans’ affairs, mutiny, far left & alt-right unity, current events, news, foreign policy, civilizational decline of the USA, history, indoctrination,(MMT) fiscal policy, Marxian economics, cultural decay, moral injury, hypercapitalism, sociology, intelligence agencies worldwide, privacy violations
Interesujesz się wojskowością, pociąga Cię mundur? Pora żebyś sam go założył, Zostań Żołnierzem Rzeczypospolitej.
Oficjalny profil Biura ds. Programu "Zostań Żołnierzem Rzeczypospolitej" Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej. -
Audycje dotyczące tematyki Miasta Malborka, rozmowy, spotkania, wywiady z mieszkańcami
(realizacja Radio Malbork, Urząd Miasta Malborka) -
Que puedo hacer me sigue gustando esa mujer
Welcome to the "EU external anti-corruption promotion in Moldova". In this five-part podcast series Mihai Corman and Eliana Coraci from the Moldovan German Forum discuss corruption and EU efforts against corruption in Moldova, one of the most corrupt countries in Europe.
This research project is supported by the Institut für Europäische Politik, in the framework of the Eurasia Lab and Fellowship Program. -
W Kronice Zmiany opisujemy najważniejsze wydarzenia polityczne ostatniego trzydziestolecia w Polsce.
We talk about the national debt and how it affects us today
Cover art photo provided by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash: