
  • Hey there!

    Listen to this chat I had with Peo a little while back (sorry for being absent!)

    We talk about the journey of getting to medicine, what it's like to be a medical student in general and in UCD, some stuff about how to deal with the stress and anxiety of medical school and other things!

    Keep in touch with me - Twitter & YouTube

    Sharing is caring, I'd appreciate the love ❤️🌈

  • Hey! This is a very special episode as it's my first time having a guest on my podcast!

    In this episode, I talk with Brianne Leeson, an amazing woman who got diagnosed with ADHD and Autism as an adult. She helps other neurodiverse people find their way through the challenges that are unfortunately put in place by & within society, and of course, the healthcare system.

    Make sure to give this episode a listen as we talk about a lot of Brianne's personal experiences where the healthcare system has let her down and how it generally treats people with disabilities/impairments in general & neurodiversity. 

    You can find Brianne at:

    Website: https://www.audhdbri.com/

    Podcast: "Today's Lucky Winner"

    Instagram: @brianne_leeson

    Twitter: @hotsauceghost

  • Mangler du episoder?

    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • Hey! Welcome to the 4th episode - A Science & History Trip - Psychedelics. 

    In this episode, I take a look at the medical relationship between humans and psychedelics from 40,000 years ago up to the present day, and I discuss the past and current treatments that psychedelics are used in and what researches are currently ongoing. 

    If you like this episode make sure to share it with others as word-of-mouth is the best way to support me! And give me a cheeky follow on Twitter ;) @manibeygi 

    Harm Reduction Resources: 

    Talk to Frank - Honest Information About Drugs & Drug Use

    Erowid - Massive Database of Psychedelics

    Drugs And Me - Your Resource for Safer, Smarter, and Healthier Drug Use

    Tripsit - Have a Safe Trip 

    Drugs.ie - For My Fellow Irish Listeners

    Resources used for this episode: 

    ttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/345211035_SHAMANIC_GUIDELINES_FOR_PSYCHEDELIC_MEDICINE https://www.britannica.com/topic/shamanism https://maps.org/images/pdf/history_of_psychedelics.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335543030_The_First_Scientific_Psychonaut_Sir_Humphry_Davy_Nitro-Idealism_Spinozism_and_Encounters_Alien-Ethereal https://www.talktofrank.com/drug/nitrous-oxide https://www.britannica.com/biography/Albert-Hofmann https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/02698811221117536 https://doi.org/10.1503%2Fcmaj.141124 https://doi.org/10.3389%2Ffpsyt.2019.00943 https://theintercept.com/2023/01/14/mdma-therapy-fda-approval/
  • Hey! This is a filler episode as it's exam season :) 

    Just wanted to have a quick chat and remind us to not be so stressed! Everything will be fine, take care of yourself <3

    Twitter: @manibeygi 

  • In this episode, I take a look at one of the biggest areas surrounding 'patient-centered' care - empathy. Listen to find out more about what it is, how it affects patients, and whether or not medical students are becoming less empathetic... Don't forget to follow me on Twitter (@manibeygi)

    References for this episode:  Bellini, L.M. (2002) “Variation of mood and empathy during internship,” JAMA, 287(23), p. 3143. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.287.23.3143. Christakis, D.A. (1997) “Temporary matters. the ethical consequences of transient social relationships in medical training,” JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 278(9), pp. 739–743. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.278.9.739. Decety, J. (2020) “Empathy in medicine: What it is, and how much we really need it,” The American Journal of Medicine, 133(5), pp. 561–566. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amjmed.2019.12.012. Gallagher, S. (2009) “Two Problems of Intersubjectivity,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 16(6-8), pp. 289–308. Gallagher, S. (2012) “Empathy, simulation, and narrative,” Science in Context, 25(3), pp. 355–381. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0269889712000117. Gelhaus, P. (2012) “The desired moral attitude of the physician: (III) care,” Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 16(2), pp. 125–139. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11019-012-9380-1. Hojat, M. et al. (2004) “An empirical study of decline in empathy in medical school,” Medical Education, 38(9), pp. 934–941. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2929.2004.01911.x.

  • Have you ever thought about how or why something gets labelled as an illness? Join me as I try to learn more about this in my first ever podcast episode! You can reach me on Twitter @manibeygi to discuss more about this :) 

    References for this episode:  Bakhtiari, E. and Olafsdottir, S. (2014) “Mental illness, medicalization of,” The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society, pp. 1595–1600. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118410868.wbehibs443. Broom, D.H. and Woodward, R.V. (1996) “Medicalisation reconsidered: Toward a collaborative approach to care.,” Sociology of Health and Illness, 18(3), pp. 357–378. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.ep10934730. Busfield, J. (2017) “The concept of Medicalisation reassessed,” Sociology of Health & Illness, 39(5), pp. 759–774. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.12538.