in this episode Gato talks about the abhorrent GOP debate
In this episode Cato discusses the French protest and the first world eminent collapse.
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In this episode Cato talks CCP lab found in California and Nigers Coup.
In this episode we discussed aliens an mexicos news of the week
Gato talks about Barbie and gives his opinion.
We discuss recent French protest and some French history.
In this episode we go over recent Supreme Court ruling.
In this episode we give our opinion on a variety of topics.
In this episode we review The Mario Movie
In this episode we go over the life of Pyrrhus.
In this episode we cover Agons conquest of Westeros, not his reign.
In this episode of A Brief Review, I discuss and give a synopsis of Avatar the way of water
In this episode Gato discusses his finding regarding black face minstrels show.
In this episode we go over the life of Strabo the father of Pompey the Great.
In this episode will take a look at Rhaena the would be queen and her tragic life. Rhaena was the wife and sister of Agon the uncrown.
In this Episode we go over the contributions of Septon Barth.
Lets talk episode 9 theory's and comparison to the book. brief summary and thoughts.
We take a look at the person who would have been Agon the second and his short fight for the iron throne in the first targaryen civil war.
In this episode we go over one of the most controversial Targaryen kings Magor The Cruel.
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