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    Episode 2774:
    Robyn from ADimeSaved.com shares practical tips for embracing a minimalist lifestyle to declutter your home and mind, save money, and focus on personal happiness. By adopting a minimalist mindset, you can simplify your life and make more intentional choices about what you buy and keep.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://adimesaved.com/9-simple-ways-for-frugal-people-to-embrace-a-more-minimalist-lifestyle
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Minimalism can be applied to every aspect of your life to clear all the excess."
    "Less clutter opens us up to focus on other things."
    "Minimalism is ultimately to improve your internal feelings and mood."
    Episode references:
    Becoming Minimalist: https://www.becomingminimalist.com/
    The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Changing-Magic-Tidying-Decluttering-Organizing/dp/1607747308
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    Episode 2773:
    Shannon McLay shares a deeply personal account of her journey as a financial advisor, emphasizing the emotional weight of managing clients' investments. She reveals the importance of transparency and urges investors to ask advisors how they invest their own money, highlighting the necessity of trust and alignment in financial advising.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: http://www.budgetsaresexy.com/one-question-to-ask-financial-advisor/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "I felt the weight of hers and other client’s hopes and dreams falling on my investing shoulders, and it felt like the weight of the world."
    "I may be exaggerating a little, but I would want a financial advisor who lost sleep at night over my money rather than the alternative."
    "Your relationship with your financial advisor is similar to that of your spouse, and if you can’t trust them and feel comfortable knowing you are on the same team together, then why get married to begin with?"
    Episode references:
    The Power of Now: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Now-Guide-Spiritual-Enlightenment/dp/1577314808
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  • Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com.
    Episode 2772:
    Kevin of FinancialPanther.com shares a personal story of how his desires evolved over time, emphasizing the unpredictability of knowing what we truly want. He illustrates that life changes and our wants shift accordingly, urging flexibility and realism in our goals and aspirations.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://financialpanther.com/you-probably-have-no-idea-what-you-want/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Life is too long to think that the way you’re living right now is the way you’ll want to live forever."
    "Whatever you think you want now, it’s probably going to change as you go through different life phases."
    "You’ve got to stay flexible. Your life will change. And with it, the things you want will change too."
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    Episode 2771:
    Nick Maggiulli's exploration of "The Price of Greed" illustrates the perils of unchecked ambition through historical and modern examples, revealing how greed, often driven by a desire for status, can lead to devastating financial and personal consequences. By highlighting the stories of figures like Eli Whitney and Jesse Livermore, Maggiulli emphasizes the importance of balancing ambition with wisdom to avoid the high costs of greed.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://ofdollarsanddata.com/the-price-of-greed/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "The irony is that this is a money game and money is the way we keep score. But the real object of the Game is not money, it is the playing of the Game itself."
    "People start being interested in something because it’s going up, not because they understand it or anything else. But the guy next door, who they know is dumber than they are, is getting rich and they aren’t."
    Episode references:
    12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson: https://www.amazon.com/12-Rules-Life-Antidote-Chaos/dp/0345816021
    The Money Game by Adam Smith (George Goodman): https://www.amazon.com/Money-Game-Adam-Smith/dp/0394721039
    At Home: A Short History of Private Life by Bill Bryson: https://www.amazon.com/At-Home-Short-History-Private/dp/0767919394
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    Episode 2770:
    Jeff Goins reminds us of the childhood belief in our hidden superpowers and the adventure of life. He shares how embracing his true identity as a writer transformed his life and encourages us to rediscover our own purpose, stepping out from behind the mask of normalcy to fulfill our potential.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://goinswriter.com/superhero/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "I’m Superman,” my son said to the man painting our house. “Oh,” the man replied and smiled. “I’m sorry, I did not recognize you.”"
    "Superman does not hide behind a mask. He hides behind normalcy."
    "When you believed you possessed a purpose that was bigger than your fears? When anything was possible and an adventure awaited you?"
    Episode references:
    Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation: https://www.amazon.com/Let-Your-Life-Speak-Listening/dp/0787947350
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    Episode 2769:
    Amanda Brownlow of HelloBrownlow.com shares 8 practical tips to help you cut your grocery bills in half, especially if you're on a vegan diet. From checking your pantry and sales flyers to meal planning and setting a definite budget, Amanda's advice will help you save money and reduce food waste.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://hellobrownlow.com/2016/04/03/8-tips-to-save-money-on-groceries/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Meal planning is my mom’s secret. And her mom’s secret. This is how they both stayed sane and saved time and money when raising kids."
    "Check your pantry. This should always be step one before you go shopping. You have no idea what could be lurking back there."
    "We sit down at the beginning of the month and budget for every possible category. For groceries we budget $200-$250 a month and we stick to it."
    Episode references:
    Bountiful Baskets: https://www.bountifulbaskets.org/
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    Episode 2768:
    Tonya's journey from a mindless spender to a mindful saver is a transformative tale about the true meaning of frugality. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, she illustrates how being frugal isn't about deprivation but about making conscious choices that lead to financial stability and personal satisfaction. Tune in to learn how adopting a frugal mindset can bring a sense of empowerment and freedom in your financial life.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.frugalwoods.com/2015/12/18/frugal-by-choice/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "One look at my old diary entries tells me that: 'I really have to get better about saving money.'"
    "I went through SO much of my life completely mindless about money."
    "When it comes to frugal living, I am by no means as hardcore as the Frugalwoods, but frugality is not a competition."
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    Episode 2767:
    Discover a little-known strategy for maximizing your Health Savings Account (HSA) with insights from Rynda Chappell-Wilk. Learn how to accumulate a substantial tax-free balance over the years and use it strategically during retirement to avoid higher taxes and preserve your other investments.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.financialfinesse.com/2017/10/17/the-health-savings-account-strategy-that-not-enough-people-are-talking-about/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Qualified HSA withdrawals do not have to be taken in the year in which the expense was incurred."
    "If you max out your HSA over a period of many years, you can build up quite a nice balance of tax-free money."
    "Assuming you can afford to pay your medical expenses out of pocket before you retire, accumulating funds in an HSA account can be a great option to consider!"
    Episode references:
    Affordable Care Act (ACA): https://www.healthcare.gov/
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    Episode 2766:
    Vicki Cook and Amy Blacklock explain how a financial mission statement can help you stay focused on your financial goals despite life's distractions. By outlining your financial aspirations and the steps to achieve them, a mission statement keeps you motivated and aligned with your values.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://womenwhomoney.com/financial-mission-statement-why-how-to-create/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "A personal mission statement for your money goals will serve as a constant reminder of what you want to accomplish and why it's important to you."
    "Your FMS should be easy to read, memorable, and motivating."
    "Remember, your statement should be motivational. You'll want everyone in your household to remain focused on the financial tasks at hand."
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    Episode 2765:
    Jacob Lund Fisker addresses the vanishing middle class, emphasizing personal financial responsibility. He argues that the middle class suffers due to poor choices in spending versus saving, highlighting that those who adopt a saver/producer mindset thrive even in tough economic times. Fisker underscores the importance of financial education and prudent resource management to prevent future economic hardships.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: http://earlyretirementextreme.com/the-disapperance-of-the-middle-class.html
    Quotes to ponder:
    "The middle class needs to start by taking a very serious look at itself, because all the problems that the middle class is undergoing could have been prevented by making different choices."
    "It’s curious to me how people don’t want to ‘sacrifice’ yet are perfectly happy to ‘struggle’. My goal is tranquility. Not instant gratification."
    "We have a long way to go, but until we actually go, this problem will keep repeating itself over and over getting increasingly worse as long as people are blaming everyone but themselves."
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    Episode 2764:
    Mr. Money Mustache explains why focusing on hardcore saving can be more impactful than striving for masterful investing. He emphasizes that while achieving exceptional investment returns is rare and unpredictable, consistently saving a significant portion of your income guarantees substantial financial growth and security.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2011/04/26/why-hardcore-saving-is-much-more-powerful-than-masterful-investing/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "By concentrating on SAVING rather than minute details of investing, you are stacking the odds in your favor while also freeing up time for the real deal - maximizing your fun in a cash-efficient way."
    "When it comes to investing, I’ve put a much bigger focus on how much I’m investing rather than the return on those investments."
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    Episode 2763:
    Karen Trefzger delves into the fallacies of ownership in "The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Ownership," challenging the notion that acquiring items brings fulfillment or improves self-worth. She explores the hidden costs and responsibilities that come with possessions, illustrating through personal anecdotes that happiness and success are not commodities one can own. Her insights encourage a minimalist approach to personal finances and possessions, prompting reflection on the true value and impact of our buying choices.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.maximumgratitudeminimalstuff.com/2024/04/the-lies-we-tell-ourselves-about-ownership.html & https://www.maximumgratitudeminimalstuff.com/2024/04/how-minimalism-has-made-me-rich.html
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Ownership begins with payment. You sign a contract or a loan document, swipe a credit card, or hand over your hard-earned cash. After a very short 'I got it! It's mine!' high, you get used to having whatever-it-is and it's no longer quite so exciting."
    "You aren't your stuff and it will never make you more lovable. Give people a chance to love you for you."
    "The only truth about ownership is that if you own something, it's yours to pay for and take care of. It doesn't solve your problems or change you into something you're not."
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    Episode 2762:
    Kristena Eden of Core Living Essentials implores us to break free from living up to others' expectations and instead embark on a personal journey of self-discovery. Her powerful insights encourage us to question whose life we're truly living and offer practical steps to reclaim our authenticity through introspection and embracing our unique paths.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://corelivingessentials.com/are-you-not-living-the-life-everyone-thinks-you-should/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Life can drain the happiness, motivation, and joy out of us."
    "The question we should start with is: are we trying too hard to live their ideal and not our own true path?"
    "To stop that cycle, start with the question: whose life am I living?"
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    Episode 2761:
    Discover the surprising costs of your 401(k) in Logan Allec's exploration of the often overlooked fees draining your retirement savings. Allec illuminates hidden charges like 12b-1 fees, administration costs, and transaction fees, offering crucial advice on how to minimize their impact and maximize your future funds.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://savingjoyfully.com/blog/hidden-401k-fees-no-one-talks-about
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Your 401(k) may be charging you for a variety of things that you’re not aware of depending on how you use the account."
    "While some 401(k) providers don’t charge fees, the vast majority do, and you may be surprised when you realize how much of your contributions are covering these costs rather than your retirement."
    "12b-1 fees are legally limited to 1% of your total assets, but a single percent can have a substantial impact on your retirement savings."
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    Episode 2760:
    Lisa Harrison of MadMoneyMonster.com reveals the simple yet potent "1-4-4 Rule" that has been crucial in growing her family's wealth. This easy-to-follow strategy involves setting and accomplishing one financial goal per season, allowing for both small victories and significant progress towards financial freedom.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://madmoneymonster.com/2017/09/29/the-1-4-4-rule-we-use-to-grow-our-wealth-to-hopefully-staggering-levels/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "The absolute BEST thing we ever did to help us reach our goals is track our net worth."
    "Simply stated, the 1-4-4 rule is as follows: 1 = A Single Year, 4 = Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, 4 = 1 goal per season."
    "With everything we have going on in our lives, coming up with a detailed road map for financial tasks can seem tedious, at best."
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    Episode 2759:
    Explore the art of balancing today's desires with tomorrow's needs in Chelsea Brennan’s enlightening discussion on personal finance. In a candid conversation with her mom, Chelsea delves into the challenges of saving versus spending, providing a narrative that connects the dilemma of short-term satisfaction to long-term security. Discover actionable insights and relatable experiences that will guide you in managing your financial future wisely.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://smartmoneymamas.com/saving-is-hard-but-that-doesnt-mean-you-shouldnt-do-it/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "The average Social Security check last year was $1,360 a month. Take a moment and imagine yourself at 65 or 70, trying to live off $1,360 a month."
    "You remember what life could look like if you ignore the future for too long. You protect that future version of yourself first, within reason, and then you take advantage of our endless ability to adapt as humans by living happily on what's left."
    "How do you balance spending for happiness today with saving for the future?"
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    Episode 2758:
    April Dykman explores the pros and cons of automatic payments in her article for GetRichSlowly.org, revealing the hidden pitfalls of setting payments on autopilot. Through personal anecdotes and expert insights, she argues that while autopay offers convenience, it may also relinquish control over financial outgoings, leading to unexpected charges and financial mismanagement.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.getrichslowly.org/are-automatic-payments-worthwhile/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Autopay is great because it's convenient, requiring no action on our part to avoid late payment fees."
    "Autopay can be too automatic, it puts control into the hands of the debtor because they can go into your account."
    "Personally, I recommend going with online bill payment, but not autopay. Autopay puts control in hands of debtors, but with online bill pay, you're in control."
    Episode references:
    Robert Long: https://www.kiplinger.com/author/robert-long
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    Episode 2757:
    Chris Reining explores the surprisingly anticlimactic reality of becoming a millionaire and the profound life lessons learned along the way. Through personal anecdotes and financial insights, he uncovers the true value of financial freedom - less about the money and more about the autonomy to live life on one's terms.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://chrisreining.com/becoming-a-millionaire/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "You might think when your account rolls over to seven digits that fireworks light up the sky. I can tell you that doesn't happen."
    "The financial milestone that really mattered to me was making my first $1,000 from investing."
    "Money is infinite. But time is finite."
    Episode references:
    FIRECalc: https://www.firecalc.com/
    Death Calculator: https://www.ssa.gov/
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    Episode 2756:
    Kalen Bruce explores ten diverse investment options beyond the traditional stock market in "10 Ways to Invest Without the Stock Market," revealing alternatives like real estate, bonds, and more unusual avenues like collectibles and wine. These methods cater to different risk profiles and personal interests, offering insights for those seeking to diversify their investment strategies.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://freedomsprout.com/invest-without-the-stock-market/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "20% of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% of small business fail in their second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business. Finally, 70% of small business owners fail in their 10th year in business."
    "When you invest in bonds you’re investing in debt. That may not sound pretty, but it’s a legitimate investment."
    "Everyone has to live somewhere. You can invest in rental properties that will produce an income, or you can buy raw land in hopes that it will increase in value."
    Episode references:
    Your Money or Your Life: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Money-Life-Transforming-Relationship/dp/0143115766
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  • Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com.
    Episode 2755:
    Explore the diverse world of investments beyond the stock market with insights from Kalen Bruce of FreedomSprout.com. This episode unpacks unconventional investment options that offer security and growth, proving that true financial diversity spans across various asset classes.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://freedomsprout.com/invest-without-the-stock-market/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "The US dollar is economically weak, but politically and realistically strong - a weird combination, but it’s true."
    "Focus on the future productivity of the asset you are considering. If you don’t feel comfortable making a rough estimate of the asset’s future earnings, just forget it and move on."
    "With my two small investments, I thought only of what the properties would produce and cared not at all about their daily valuations."
    Episode references:
    Berkshire Hathaway's official letters archive: https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/letters.html
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