Welcome to the PodOn Podcast! We launched to help you, the curious and scrappy podcaster, learn what it takes to launch, maintain, and grow your podcast. We provide best practices in 15-minute episodes, complemented with interviews of industry experts and podcasters across all genres. If you’re a podcaster, we would love to hear your story and your feedback. If you love this podcast, please subscribe and share it with your friends.
PodOn is hosted by TJ Bonaventura and Julian Lewis, founders of the full-service podcast media company based in San Francisco, StudioPod. If you want more details on how to fully record and produce your podcast with our services, check out our website ( You can also send us an email ([email protected]) or contact us through our social media channels (@studiopodsf). -
Super Switch Headz brings you the latest Nintendo news, rumors, speculation, and hype! In every episode your hosts David Howe, Patrick Knisely, Matthew Stoner, and special guests discuss and explore the world of Nintendo. We are the official podcast of the Switch Headz (DISCORD and Facebook) groups.
De beschte Podcast aus Lëtzebuerg fir kreativ- a businessorientéiert Leit.
This is a podcast for the hobbyist iRacer. We bring you experts to answer your questions and discuss our current iRacing adventures. Listen in and see if we can make you wiser, happier, and faster
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Another Pod: Do Not Relent! is an off the rails World of Warcraft podcast. We cover all things WoW while being your average joe player- from m+ keys to world PvP we’ll try anything at least a few times! So put on your gambling shoes and join us in the Undermine already
Join our discord at: -
Battle Bus Heroes – Der Fortnite-Podcast für echte Sieger!Erhalte die neuesten Updates, Tipps und Tricks, spannende Strategien und Einblicke in die Fortnite-Community. Egal ob Anfänger oder Profi – hier lernst du, wie du das nächste Victory Royale holst!Danke für den Support <3
Bienvenue dans l'émission "Le Mardi c'est Suli"
Chaque semaine un nouveau podcast avec le résumé de l'actualité, mais aussi des tests, des previews, des dossiers ...
Bref un condensé de l'actualité, avec des invités et dans la bonne humeur !
Manuel Wendel (Kommentator, Geschäftsführer der getquu GmbH einer eSport-/Streamingagentur) und Patrick Richter (Twitchstreamer) haben bock auf Podcast!
overkill is an indie gaming podcast created with love, sweat and (a lot of) espresso by Kevin Wammer and Chris Brandrick.
We talk video games, handhelds, cloud gaming and VR/AR experiences.
Part of the network. -
Welcome to Hello Esports, a podcast by Orange, Lëtzebuerger Journal and the Luxembourg Esports federation (LESF) about all things Esports in Luxembourg, to smoothly introduce you to the world of competitive gaming.
Esports has evolved from niche to mass phenomenon in the last few years. Yet, it remains a mystery for most people. And it’s no different for Maxime Toussaint, who meets up with actors from the video games scene to discover more about it. -
Was ist in den letzten Tagen so geschehen? Kein Problem wir beantworten euch diese Frage. In unserem News Format schauen wir was so in der Gamesbranche geschehen ist. Jeden Mittwoch und Samstag um 16 Uhr gibt es eine neue Folge. Die Folgen gibt es unteranderem auch als Video auf:
Möchtest du mehr aus deiner Attraktion machen? Du möchtest deine Mitarbeiter mehr einspannen? Wolltest du schon immer wissen, wie es hinter den Kulissen eines Freizeitparks aussieht?
"How to Freizeitpark" ist der Business-Podcast für Freizeitschaffende, die schon im Freizeit- und Tourismussektor arbeiten, arbeiten möchten oder kurz davor sind eine neue Attraktion zu eröffnen.
Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung aus der Branche helfe ich dir deine gesetzten Ziele zu erreichen und die Erwartungen deiner Besucher zu übertreffen!
Sichere dir jetzt ein erstes Gespräch und erfahre mehr unter -
Ein Minecraft Podcast! Hör doch mal rein! Ich zocke aber auch andere spiele z.B.:Descenders, Poly Bridge... Ich hoffe der Podcast gefällt dir. Hier noch ein paar Links:Jannis alles Podcast: Dick & Doof: Mein Server der leider nicht immer online ist(das hier ist die Serveradresse):
VGC: The Video Games Podcast, hosted by Video Games Chronicle reporters Jordan Middler, Andy Robinson and Chris Scullion, who each week will be joined by an expert voice to discuss the biggest stories and talking points in video games.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
• Podcast sobre videojuegos en Luxemburgo FR ES EN
• Dar comentarios claros y concretos con una base sólida de conocimientos sobre el videojuego.
• Discuta en general qué hay de nuevo, cuáles están disponibles (DLC, actualizaciones, parches, etc.).
• Hablar sobre estudios de juegos independientes (indie – start-ups).
• Entrevista a directores generales de empresas oa un miembro del sector de videojuegos de un estudio. (Locutor - actor de doblaje…).
• Entrevista a los artistas que participaron en los proyectos creativos
videojuegos o torneos de competición.
• Entrevista a deportistas... -
Virtual reality news, reviews, and hot takes. Host Michael Leonard shines a spotlight on all of your favorite virtual reality games, experiences, and developments in a unique format meant to emphasize the fun and joy that comes from this burgeoning entertainment format.Contact: [email protected] Support this podcast:
Couch Cat reports on and reviews the latest news regarding SimpleMMO and its community. SimpleMMO is a lightweight text-based MMORPG. Support this podcast:
Welcome to the All Night Gamers Podcast! We are a group of Nintendo loving Gamers and just wanted a place to talk and discuss things going on in the world of Videogaming! We will cover weekly news, including rumors and announcements, as well as some more personal things, such as our currently playing games and any recent collector pickups! We will post weekly podcasts on Wednesday at 7AM CST. Find us where ever you listen to your podcasts.
Welcome to the Ludic Loungecast, an epic podcast about everything great! Hosted by Antonicus Maximus (Anthony to his friends) and John Soares. Each week brings you lengthy discussions (and lengthier laughs) on all types of pop culture and everything else they can think of. Come and lounge with us! You're just our type!
Chris is a Brony, Robert is not.
In this series we read the fan-fiction Fallout Equestria and discuss our impressions chapter by chapter.