Hey it's Tiff and Tas!
Happy Wednesday and welcome back to another episode.
This episode is our survival guide for getting yourself through that newborn bubble. Our top tips and tried and tested tricks from our beautiful listeners.
Below is a list of resources we have mentioned to keep on hand if you need a little extra support.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association
-1800 686 268
Beyond Blue
-1300 22 4636
Follow us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast and send us a DM or comment on our episode post to let us know if you have an additional item you find essential!
Thanks for listening!
Disclaimer: we are not medical professionals, this is our thoughts and opinions only. Always seek medical advice if you’re unsure.
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
In today's episode we chat with Mandy from Nest Postpartum about all things Postnatal Depletion. Mandy talks about what it is, signs you may be experiencing it and ways you can recover. Mandy is an amazing Post Partum Doula and also discusses the importance of postpartum care, how you can have this and how this can reduce the chances of experiencing Postnatal Depletion.
Mandy references Dr Oscar Serrallach's book, The Postnatal Depletion Cure.
We also reference Meg from Meg_thenutritionist (Instagram page) who specialises in Pregnancy, Postpartum and Breastfeeding nutrition. See episode 5 for our episode with Meg. (It's a goodie!!)
This is Mandy's second episode with us. Go check our episode 8 if you would like to hear about Mandy's background and get to know her better! In episode 8 Mandy chats all things Postpartum and the five key elements of a useful and practical postpartum plan (also a goodie!! ;) )
You can find Mandy on Instagram @nest_postpartum and on her website www.nestpostpartum.com and on Facebook at Nest Postpartum.
You can find us on Instagram at ourcrazynormal_thepodcast. Come join our fam!
Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoyed this episode.
Tiff and Tas xx -
Mangler du episoder?
In today’s episode we chat with Sarah, the Founder of Secure Foundations about how to get on the same team as your partner, Grandparents, or anyone in your child’s life in regards to parenting. We chat about partner conflict when it comes to having different parenting styles to each other, managing relationships with Grandparents when there may be differing opinions and much more. There are examples, useful tips and conversations starters when it comes to these topics throughout the episode.
This was a highly requested topic among listeners and many Mum’s, so we hope you enjoy and can take some amazing pointers from Sarah’s wealth of knowledge.
Jump to 6mins if you want to go straight to the chat with Sarah :)You can find Sarah on Instagram @securefoundations and online at www.securefoundations.com.au
To join The Parenting on Purpose (POP) Club head to www.securefoundations.com.au/pop-club
You can find us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast (come join our fam!)
Thanks for listening, we hope you loved this episode
Tiff and Tas xx
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
This week's episode is with Sarah Cremona, from The Mumma Nest. Sarah is a life and identity coach and will be discussing her Core, Crud, Crust method which discusses how to bring you back to your core self, especially after becoming a mum. Sarah speaks so openly about her motherhood experience, her lose of identify and how she brought herself back to her core being to find her true passion in life.
This episode has really resonated with both of us, so we really hope you enjoy it.
You can find Sarah on Instagram and Facebook @the_mumma_nest and on her website www.themummanest.com.
Sarah's website and Instagram has amazing information, so we highly recommend checking it out!
Find us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast. Have an idea or topic you would like turned into an episode or want to share your birth story? Send us a DM on Instagram :)
Thanks for listening! xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
*Some cuss words throughout the episode
This weeks episode is Mum Chat Wednesday and basically just a 'catch up episode'.
We discuss what's happening in life currently, dummies (pacifiers), how our social lives have changed since becoming a mum, anxiety, juggling everything as a mum, daycare and much more!
If you have a topic you would like us to talk about, please send it into our DM's on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast. Come join our family! You can also find us on Facebook! :)
DISCLAIMER: We are not medically professionals and everything is from our opinion or experience
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, its Tiff and Tas!
In this weeks episode we have a chat with Jade as she shares her postpartum depression and anxiety journey. Jade discusses newborn life, sleep deprivation, why and how she found help, what she experienced and triggers for her anxiety and her depression.
If you're experiencing Post Partum depression/anxiety and need support in these areas, need someone to talk to or emotional support please reach out to:
Beyond the Blue support service- 1300 22 4636 (24/7 service) or visit their website for more details, beyondblue.org.au
PANDA's Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Helpline- 1300 726 306 (9am-7:30pm AEST/AEDT Mon-Fri) or visit www.panda.org.au
Disclaimer- This episode does not provide medical advice.
You can find Jade on Instagram and Facebook @postpartum.jade
Follow us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast for behind the scenes and updates on future episodes. Come join our fam!
Discount Codes
Best of the Bone- OURCRAZY
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
TRIGGER WARNING- Blood loss, trauma, emergency surgery.
In this episode Tiff shares her experience of birthing her 2 daughters and recovering from postpartum haemorrhage. While juggling the mental load of birth trauma.
If you're experiencing Postpartum depression/anxiety and need support in these areas or need someone to talk to or emotional support please reach out to:
Beyond the Blue support service- 1300 22 4636 (24/7 service) or visit their website for more details, beyondblue.org.au
PANDA's Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Helpline- 1300 726 306 (9am-7:30pm AEST/AEDT Mon-Fri) or visit www.panda.org.au
Disclaimer- This episode does not provide medical advice, it is purely from the perspective of Tiffany's experience and thoughts.
Discount Code for Best of the Bone, Bone Broth- OURCRAZY
Find us on Instagram and Facebook @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast. Come join our family! xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
TRIGGER WARNING- Placenta abruption, blood loss, emergency C-section, premature baby, Special Care Nursery, traumatic birth.
In this episode. Tas shares the real and raw birth story of her second child, Lily. Tas had a C-section at 34 weeks due to a placenta abruption, resulting in Lily being in Special Care for 21 days. We discuss what happened leading up to the birth, the birth story, her thoughts and feelings and her experience of having a premature baby and time in the Special Care Unit. At the end Tas also gives tips to any parents who may have a bub in Special Care.
If you're experiencing Post Partum depression/anxiety and need support in these areas or need someone to talk to or emotional support please reach out to:
Beyond the Blue support service- 1300 22 4636 (24/7 service) or visit their website for more details, beyondblue.org.au
PANDA's Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Helpline- 1300 726 306 (9am-7:30pm AEST/AEDT Mon-Fri) or visit www.panda.org.au
Disclaimer- This episode does not provide medical advice, it is purely from the perspective of Tasman's experience and thoughts. Please seek medical attention or advice if you have any questions.
Discount Code for Best of the Bone, Bone Broth- OURCRAZY
Find us on Instagram and Facebook @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast. Come join our family! We will be active on our socials during our two week break of podcasting and will be sharing behind the scenes xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
In this weeks episode we are having Mum chat Wednesday! We talk about our wins and fails for the week, a little update on our lives, toxic positivity and the love languages!
You can find the love language quiz here- http://5lovelanguages.com
We hope you enjoy the episode!
Follow us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast for behind the scenes. Come join our fam xx -
Hey it’s Tiff and Tas!
In this weeks episode we chat to Mandy from Nest Postpartum who is a Postpartum Doola. Mandy discuss’ her postpartum journey and what led her to becoming a Doola, what a PP Doola is and her 5 key elements of a useful and practical postpartum plan. So much honest and valuable information that is extremely beneficial for anyone pregnant or in their postpartum journey, however far along that may be.
You can find Mandy on Instagram @nest_postpartum or on her website www.nestpostpartum.com and on Facebook at Nest Postpartum
You can find us on Instagram and Facebook @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast
Thanks for listening and we hoped you enjoyed this episode xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
This episode is purely dedicated to the conversations we have with each other on a daily basis... everything motherhood. On Instagram (@ourcrazynormal_thepodcast) we asked for controversial topics or topics that have also been on your mind. We chat about comparing children, screen time for adults and children, circumcision's, the worries that you aren't doing enough for your child's development at home and our opinions on parenting styles (mainly gentle parenting). We talk about our thoughts and opinions in relation to these topics.
Disclaimer: these are our thoughts and opinions only, we are not medical professionals.
We hope you enjoy! Join us over on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast to join in on conversations around these topics!
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey it’s Tiff and Tas!
In this weeks episode we spoke with Kath Baquie who is the founder of FitNest Mama, a Perinatal Physiotherapist and a Mother of three. Kath provides information about how to prepare your pelvic floor during pregnancy in preparation for birth and how we can assist with the recovery of our pelvic floor. This episode is all about the pelvic floor!
You can find Kath on Instagram @fitnestmama, on her website www.fitnestmama.com and at her Podcast The FitNest Mama Podcast! Find Kath’s free “how ready is your pelvic floor muscles for birth and beyond”, on her website listed above.
We hope you enjoyed this weeks episode!
Follow us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast for behind the scenes!
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
Happy Thursday and welcome back to another Thursday Thought episode! Today we are chatting with Meg who is a clinical nutritionist. In this episode we chat about ways to boost our immune system since it 'back to school' time again and given COVID is once again at its peak. We discuss ways to potentially reduce our symptoms and best support our body should we get sick or get COVID and also ways to best prepare our bodies from illness.
You can find Meg on Instagram @meg_thenutritionist and on her website at megthenutritionist.com.au
You can also find us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast. We would love to hear from you, come join us! Also, if you have any topics you would like discussed, please let us know.
Thank you for listening and we hope you loved this episode!
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
In this weeks episode we chat to Meg, a clinical nutritionist who has a passion for food, nutrition, and supporting women and mothers through their health journeys.
In this episode, Meg chats about pregnancy, postpartum and breastfeeding nutrition and everything in between. We chat food myths, foods that will help you thrive through your pregnancy and post partum period, snack ideas and foods to avoid. Meg has a wealth of knowledge and breaks down the information so well!
You can find Meg on Instagram @meg_thenutritionist and on her website at megthenutritionist.com.au
Find us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast
Thank you for listening and we hope you loved this episode!
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey. it's Tiff and Tas!
Happy Thursday and welcome back to another episode of Thursday Thoughts!
This is your one-stop-shop list for your labour hospital bag essentials, for you, baby and partner/birthing partner. These lists are based off our personal experiences regarding what we used and from chatting to other mums in regards to their essentials. We give a list of essential items and then items that aren't necessarily essential but are extremely useful and just nice to have while in labour or recovering in hospital.
Follow us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast and send us a DM or comment on our episode post to let us know if you have an additional item you find essential!
Thanks for listening!
Disclaimer: we are not medical professionals, this is our thoughts and opinions only. Always seek medical advice if you’re unsure.
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
In this episode we discuss our experience of transitioning into Motherhood as a first time parent and our experience going from one to two children. We chat about the high's and low's of each aspect, what we we found challenging or easier then we thought and also give some tips and tricks on bringing home siblings and what worked for us. We are open and honest so hopefully our stories can help you if you are a soon-to-be-mum or nervous about bringing home baby number 2+ (we definitely were!)
If you're experiencing Post Partum depression/anxiety and need support in these areas please reach out to:
Beyond the Blue support service- 1300 22 4636 (24/7 service) or visit their website for more details, beyondblue.org.au
PANDA's Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Helpline- 1300 726 306 (9am-7:30pm AEST/AEDT Mon-Fri) or visit www.panda.org,au
Australian Breastfeeding Foundation- talk to a counsellor on 1800 686 268
Follow us on Instagram at ourcrazynormal_thepodcast
Our DM's are always open if you need a chat
Disclaimer: we are not medical professionals, this is our thoughts and opinions only. Always seek medical advice if you’re unsure.
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, its Tiff and Tas!
Welcome back to another episode of Thursday Thoughts! Just in time for New years, 2022, we will be discussing our opinions on New Year's resolutions, if we achieved our goals for 2021, what our goals are for 2022 and a little bit about how to make attainable goals.
Follow up on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast for behind the scenes and sneak peaks on future episodes. Come join our fam! We have new episodes every Monday and Thursday and would love to be in your ears.
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
Welcome back to another episode of Thursday Thoughts! Today, just in time for Christmas we discuss tips and tricks to not only declutter your physical space but also ways to declutter your mind to reduce overwhelm during the Christmas season. Tips include reducing your physical environments stimulation, toy rotations and going through all toys, having a clean space to retreat to if you need a break and much more!
Please et us know if you use any of these tips by messaging us on Instagram or commenting on our post. Follow us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast for behind the scenes and sneak peaks on future episodes. Come join our fam!
Merry Christmas!!
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
In this week's episode we talk with the amazing Laura Morel, a Functional Health Coach who discusses how to improve your quality of life. We discuss areas of life that are often neglected during the post partum period and things we can do to improve all areas of life. Tas also discusses her personal experience with having Laura as her Health Coach and the areas in her life she has seen improvements.
This episode is so important for everyone, in particular for Mum's who may not be feeling their most confident or are trying to improve certain areas in their life for themselves and their little ones. Laura shares her knowledge and passion!
Find Laura on Instagram @lauramorelwellness and @twopeasinapoddy for more amazing information!
We can't wait to be in your ears!
Find us on Instagram @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast to stay up to date with episodes and to see behind the scenes. Come join our fam!
Tiff and Tas xx -
Hey, it's Tiff and Tas!
This week's Thursday thought topic is how we successfully travel with children on the road. These are some tips and tricks that are tested and known to work for us.
Each Thursday we choose a different topic to have a 5-10 minute chat about, just for some fun! If you have any topic ideas please DM us @ourcrazynormal_thepodcast. We will also have a question box in our stories every Friday to add your ideas!
Happy travelling!! xx - Se mer