
  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Gossiping can give a momentary distraction from regular, and sometimes mundane life and appears to create a connection with the person you are gossiping with.

    It makes sense that our brains would desire the slight dopamine hit we get from the excitement of gossip.

    But just because it feels good to gossip, doesn’t make it good for us!

    Sign up for a connecting conversation by emailing me: [email protected] We’ll choose a time that works for both of us. It’s FREE! See what coaching is all about and if I can help you with what’s overburdening you right now.

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/PTeCf9w3XgM

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Or if you’d like me to teach a group you’ve put together, email me [email protected] and we’ll get a time where I’ll teach it to you FREE.

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-162-false-connections/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Do I feel safe with myself? How can I feel safer? What do I need to help me feel safe?

    Do I trust myself? Why or why not? What do I do that breaks trust with myself? How does that make me feel?

    Sign up for a connecting conversation by emailing me: [email protected] We’ll choose a time that works for both of us. It’s FREE! See what coaching is all about and if I can help you with what’s overburdening you right now.

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/uoiNL_3C6-o

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Or if you’d like me to teach a group you’ve put together, email me [email protected] and we’ll get a time where I’ll teach it to you FREE.

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-161-real-advice-to-move-through-discomfort/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

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    Our Spirit is yearning to connect to us. Don’t let your mind stand in your way of that connection. Don’t let your body hold the brunt of your negativity towards yourself. Get back into that place of true love and connect to all three!

    Sign up for a connecting conversation by emailing me: [email protected] We’ll choose a time that works for both of us. It’s FREE! See what coaching is all about and if I can help you with what’s overburdening you right now.

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/fomrp9mZkyI

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Or if you’d like me to teach a group you’ve put together, email me [email protected] and we’ll get a time where I’ll teach it to you FREE.

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-160-awareness-acceptance-alignment/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Where are you feeling stuck?

    Is there a project you’ve put off because it feels too big?

    Is there an email you need to reply to, but it seems scary?

    Do you want to start working out?

    Do you want to clean a room?

    Try talking to your safety team.

    Get curious about WHY you’re procrastinating and what your safety team is trying to keep you safe from. What is the unfamiliar thing you’re trying to do?

    Sign up for a connecting conversation by emailing me: [email protected] We’ll choose a time that works for both of us. It’s FREE! See what coaching is all about and if I can help you with what’s overburdening you right now.

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/MLsR0jDm8cg

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Or if you’d like me to teach a group you’ve put together, email me [email protected] and we’ll get a time where I’ll teach it to you FREE.

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-159-procrastination-keeping-you-stuck/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    It’s pretty typical for humans to want to help others.

    In fact, most of us think something’s not quite right when someone DOESN’T want to help someone else.

    Studies show that compassion for others is deeply rooted in human nature.

    Our “human nature,” according to the latest findings in neuroscience and psychology, is to be social and engaged and connected to others. We cannot survive without human attachments.

    Sign up for a connecting conversation by emailing me: [email protected] We’ll choose a time that works for both of us. It’s FREE! See what coaching is all about and if I can help you with what’s overburdening you right now.

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/egU4D5F_dFY

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Or if you’d like me to teach a group you’ve put together, email me [email protected] and we’ll get a time where I’ll teach it to you FREE.

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-158-helping-to-carry-the-burdens-of-others/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    When you connect to your SELF, all of your other connections become deeper & more lasting. When you learn the importance of knowing who you are, what you want, and who you choose to become, everything in life is easier…not easy…but easier.

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Or if you’d like me to teach a group you’ve put together, email me [email protected] and we’ll get a time where I’ll teach it to you FREE.

    Sign up for a connecting conversation by emailing me: [email protected] We’ll choose a time that works for both of us. It’s FREE! See what coaching is all about and if I can help you with what’s overburdening you right now.

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/SkwP4GCup84

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep157-love-of-self-fuels-love-of-others/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    If your thoughts are getting really BIG in your head, try noticing them. That may be all they need to get “smaller”.

    Sign up for a connecting conversation by emailing me: [email protected] We’ll choose a time that works for both of us. It’s FREE! See what coaching is all about and if I can help you with what’s overburdening you right now.

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/4u33_J2sQ5A

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Or if you’d like me to teach a group you’ve put together, email me [email protected] and we’ll get a time where I’ll teach it to you FREE.

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Join me for my conversation with Dr Matt Townsend.

    Be really careful with the stories that you repeatably tell.

    When you tell yourself the same thing over and over, you stop thinking.

    You’ve made it easy on your mind.

    It’s just trying to be in charge!

    Sign up for a connecting conversation by emailing me: [email protected] We’ll choose a time that works for both of us. It’s FREE! See what coaching is all about and how I can help you with what’s overburdening you right now.

    Becoming One Program with Dr Matt Townsend: https://www.coachwithmatt.com/a/2147830781/ekouCzhp

    Dr. Matt’s 10 Day Relationship Makeover: https://www.coachwithmatt.com/a/2147584851/ekouCzhp

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/aHI7dePTBcg

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Or if you’d like me to teach a group you’ve put together, email me [email protected] and we’ll get a time where I’ll teach it to you FREE.

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/dr-matt-townsend-connecting-to-your-mind-body-spirit/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

    A time to laugh and a time to weep.

    A time to dance and a time to mourn.

    A time to build up and a time to break down.

    There’s a lot of opposites in those lines.

    I choose to look at not just the opposite ends of positive and negative, but all the time that we live in between.

    Today's Goodie: https://hunkeedori.com/Fog
    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/TPcOO9I_0vo
    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Here’s what I learned about Sadness.

    -It helps others to reach out to us and Sadness helps us to better recognize the joy.

    -Sadness creates the contrast to Joy that makes it possible to feel both deeper.

    -The only way to never feel sadness is to never feel love. I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to give up the love I have in my life.

    - There is great importance in feeling grief and sadness, but it is not the same as despair or depression.

    - There are types of love that can only be experienced through sadness and there’s an aspect to joy that is only felt through grief.

    Today's Goodie!
    Your Nest is Empty…Now What? Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/Empty

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    I ask you today, how can a small shift in your perspective change the way you feel?

    Who could you give the benefit of the doubt to?

    Could you take some shame away from judging yourself and turn it into a belief that the right thing is going to happen?

    When we allow a different thought to replace the one that is adding the feelings of being overburdened, it doesn’t feel so heavy anymore, does it?

    Message me to schedule a Connecting Conversation: [email protected]

    Read full transcript at: https://hunkeedori.com/034-benefits-of-rejection-shifting-perspective/

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Here’s what I know.

    You are doing your very best at this time of your life, aren’t you!?

    You are giving the best energy that you have.

    You are sharing the very best of your intentions with those around you.

    You truly care about others.

    Now it’s time to share a bit of that love with yourself.

    You are doing a really good job.

    And no matter what anyone else thinks, you can give yourself love in any situation.

    You can show up for yourself because when you do, you can show up even more for those that you love.

    Email me at [email protected] to schedule a FREE Camp Connection Workshop.

    Read full transcript at:


    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    What do you think about when you hear the word Abundance?

    Here’s a definition I found:

    an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: an abundance of grain.

    overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart.

    affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance

    What sounds better to me came from Depok Chopra when he said:

    “Abundant life is not about external comparisons. Instead, a life of fulfillment comes from within—from the knowledge that you were created with everything you need to be happy and successful and can access those seeds of abundance at any time.”

    I’m excited to talk to you about Abundance today and why it is so important to know How and Why Abundance can change the way we feel on a daily basis.

    Get your Goodie from today's episode: https://hunkeedori.com/JJ

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

    Read full transcript at: https://hunkeedori.com/062-abundance/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Can you have a positive experience no matter what’s going on around you?

    It all depends on your perspective and what you’ve decided to look for.

    What’s the secret?

    It’s all about Looking Forward!

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/083-looking-forward-to-the-amazon-return-line/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Today I am talking with fellow journaler Becca Rae Eagle and we discuss the benefits of journaling. I learned a lot from her and I am ready to try some new techniques. I hope you find new things to encourage you to begin journaling too if you haven’t already.

    Sign up for a Free 15-minute to work with me: https://hunkeedori.com/MiniMentor

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/jhB1amw1JnM

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

    Becca’s Links:

    Website: https://sacredpenning.podia.com/

    Podcast: The Podcast: Sacred Penning™: Somatic Meditative Journaling

    Book: Embodying Joy: A Heart Journal, A
    Memoir with Journal Space for Body, Mind, & Spirit Health

    Becca Rae Eagle, M.S.Ed.,pen name Noelle Tryst, is a wife, mom to a college age son, avid hiker, podcast host of The Podcast: Sacred Penning™: Somatic Meditative Journaling, and a teacher since 2000. Becca served as an English instructor for nearly twenty years in public schools and community colleges and currently teaches third grade at a private school in her community. She is an empath, HSP, intuitive, mental health advocate, woman of Faith, and a soul tender.

    Becca is also an international bestselling author and international speaker in training.. She has been featured in at least a dozen podcasts and Julie Browne’s acclaimed book, Masters of Change (2023, New Degree Press), focusing on her resilient healing path. Her first work, Embodying Joy: A Heart Journal, A Memoir with Journal Space for Body, Mind, & Spirit Health, is available on Amazon. Her piece, “Anchored By a Star,” is featured in the International Bestselling collection, Ignite Your Faith, (Ignite Publishers). Her next book will be released in 2025.

    Writing as Noelle Tryst, she is a proud staff writer for Women Who Podcast Magazine. She also blogs on Substack at https://substack.com/@NOELLETRYST

    She is a Transformative Soul Journaling Practitioner. Becca’s signature Sacred Penning™ Somatic Meditative Journaling method helps women with A.E.D. (activating energetic discoveries), transformative writing experiences for body, mind, and spirit. Becca offers customized journaling retreats for individuals, private groups, corporate organizations, and community events. Links to offerings are on her : Sacred Penning Website

    Three-percent of Becca’s book profits go to children who experience early trauma, poverty, and violence:

    Life is Good Playmaker Project @ Playmaker Project - About Us | Life is Good® Official Site

    Three-percent of Becca’s retreat profits go to Feeding America @https://give.feedingamerica.org/

    Three-percent of Becca’s course profits go to the Ecumenical Council of Saranac Lake @http://www.slecumenical.org/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Stephen R. Covey teaches us that, “We see the world, not as it is, but as we are—or how we have been conditioned to see it. When we open our mouths to describe what we see, we in effect describe ourselves, our perceptions our paradigms.”

    Sign up for a Free 15-minute to work with me: https://hunkeedori.com/MiniMentor

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Get on the Wait List for the new Journaling Jumpstart Workshop: https://Hunkeedori.com/JJ

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/-4kbqH5PgV4

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-147-the-shift-from-victim-to-hero

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Today we are going to talk about the 7C’s that will help you to create better relationships. But I want you to remember this: Creating deep relationships take time. Don’t try to rush through them like they are quick fixes. You don’t get a best friend in a day or a week or even a month. It takes time. Any relationship that is going to last, takes time to build. I can’t stress this enough, don’t try to rush.

    Sign up for a Free 15-minute to work with me: https://hunkeedori.com/MiniMentor

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/VCLhRBxviGw

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-146-feeling-connected-in-any-relationship/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Does having a clearer head, feeling more focused and in control sound good to you?
    You should be journaling. What about experiencing better mental & emotional health and more gratitude? Again, why aren't you journaling?

    Get on the Journaling Jumpstart waitlist & early bird pricing: https://hunkeedori.com/JJ

    Sign up for a Free 15-minute to work with me: https://hunkeedori.com/MiniMentor

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/394Ehs7lJ6Y

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-145-why-should-you-be-journaling/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    Character is the root to having trust, growth and connection with yourself and others.

    Character is what creates your ability to communicate and cooperate with anyone.

    Character allows you to make decisions based upon values, and not upon mood or circumstances.
    Sign up for a Free 15-minute to work with me: https://hunkeedori.com/MiniMentor

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/bUp3NSoa07c

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-144-use-your-strengths/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/

  • Text me your thoughts on the episode!

    People who care about each other, recognize when the other is hurting.

    People who care about each other, allow them into their story and want to know their story too.

    People who care about each other, take care of what each other needs.

    People who care about each other, want to see each other succeed and are willing to help them get there.

    That’s what REAL connection looks like.

    That’s what we all need.

    Human beings need each other.

    Sign up for a Free 15-minute to work with me: https://hunkeedori.com/MiniMentor

    Emotions List: https://hunkeedori.com/EmotionsList

    Register for the 4 Tips to Improve Any Relationship Workshop: https://hunkeedori.com/4Tips

    Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/S0I_BMQhcKE

    Camp Connection Mini-Course: https://hunkeedori.com/camp

    Complete Show Notes and Blog Post: https://hunkeedori.com/ep-143-get-real-with-yourself-using-the-loving-ritual-of-journaling/

    Join the Keeping it Together Community: www.hunkeedori.com/community

    Hunkeedori Website: https://hunkeedori.com/
