
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Luke Fitzpatrick, Head of Data Science at VALD, discusses the role of data science in sports technology and the importance of data quality and security. He explains the process of generating normative data and how clients can get the most out of their data. Luke also shares interesting insights, such as the age at which adolescents experience the largest strength development and the average strength of NFL players compared to the general population. The data science team at VALD is focused on expanding their product suite and providing more valuable insights to clients.

    This episode is different to any that we have done over the last 10 years.

    New talking points:

    The role of a data scientist at ValdData quality and securityAccessing VALD testing dataManaging huge amounts of dataVisualizing normative dataMaking the most of your data
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Rehabilitation Coordinator at PSV Eindhoven, Nick van der Horst. Nick shares his journey from aspiring footballer to sports physiotherapist, where he now focuses on rehabilitation at PSV Eindhoven.

    Nick advocates for preseason screenings that assess isometric strength, mobility, and contralateral limb function to identify individual risks. He also highlights the importance of iliopsoas mobility for hamstring flexibility and sprint performance. Tailored training strategies and post-game eccentric exercises also play a key role in preventing injuries.

    Nick emphasizes individualized approaches in both prevention and rehabilitation. Mini-dosing and eccentric training in fatigued states, along with structured recovery phases, help build resilience and reduce injury risk. He also stresses the importance of avoiding ineffective methods like cupping and dry needling in favor of mobility and flexibility work for better energy transfer during athletic performance.

    Nick stresses that personalized strategies, including eccentric exercises and load management, alongside strong communication with players, are key to reducing hamstring injuries in athletes.

    Main talking points:

    • Eccentric strength training crucial for injury prevention• Personalize load management to each athlete's needs• Conduct preseason screenings for hamstring injury risks• Focus on iliopsoas mobility for sprint performance• Tailor training strategies to individual player profiles• Use post-game eccentric exercises for recovery• Apply mini-dosing in fatigued states for injury prevention• Strengthen pelvic mobility for energy transfer efficiency.

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  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Johan Lahti discusses the complexities of assessing sprint technique in relation to hamstring injury risk. While technology has made sprint assessment more accessible, measuring its impact on injury risk remains challenging, and Johan questions whether it's always worth the effort. However, he emphasizes the importance of focusing on key aspects of technique, such as minimizing time under tension and analyzing movement patterns like overstriding or increased hip flexion, which can lead to hamstring issues.

    Johan highlights that sprint assessments should consider the entire movement cycle, as isolated 2D assessments may miss critical factors like pelvic movement. He notes that technique assessments do not always predict performance or injury risk accurately, stressing the need to address both movement patterns and physical strength. Strengthening key muscle groups, especially the glutes and hamstrings, is vital for maintaining sprint technique, particularly under fatigue, which can help reduce injury risk.

    He also discusses the rising prevalence of hamstring injuries due to increased high-speed sprinting in professional sports. He advocates for teaching sustainable sprint techniques to young athletes to develop overall athleticism and prevent future injuries. Force-velocity profiling is also mentioned as a valuable tool for identifying athletes' strengths and weaknesses in sprinting.

    While assessing sprint technique is valuable, it must be done holistically and integrated with strength training to minimize hamstring injury risk and improve performance.

    Main talking points:

    • Focus on key aspects of sprint technique• Minimize time under tension during sprinting• Analyze entire movement cycle for injury risk• Address overstriding and increased hip flexion• Assess sprint technique in a fatigued states• Teach sustainable sprint techniques to young athletes• Develop strength and movement variability early• Train sprint form to reduce hamstring strain• Incorporate sprint assessments with strength training

  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Professor in Sport and Exercise Science, Charlie Pedlar delves into the importance of understanding the unique physiological responses of female athletes to optimize their health and sports performance. He highlights the progress made in recent years, particularly in recognizing the impact of menstrual cycles and iron deficiency on female athletes.

    Charlie explains that menstrual cycles, which were often overlooked in the past, play a crucial role in influencing athletic performance. Tracking these cycles can help athletes anticipate and manage the physiological changes that occur, allowing for more tailored training approaches. He emphasizes that iron deficiency is prevalent among female athletes due to menstrual blood loss and poor iron absorption, significantly affecting endurance and overall performance.

    The discussion also covers the challenges of linking individual symptoms to menstrual cycles, as hormonal fluctuations can produce a wide range of effects. Charlie advocates for individualized training plans that consider each athlete's unique cycle, rather than blanket recommendations, to maximize performance and recovery.

    He also addresses common misconceptions about female health, such as the oversimplification of training strategies and the potential negative impacts of hormonal contraception. He calls for more research focused on individual variations and the role of nutrition across the menstrual cycle, stressing the need for tailored approaches in both training and health management.

    The podcast underscores the critical need to integrate a deeper understanding of female physiology into sports performance strategies to enhance the health and success of female athletes.

    Main talking points:

    Track menstrual cycles to optimize training Address iron deficiency in female athletes Tailor training to individual menstrual cycles Recognize menstrual symptoms and adjust accordingly Focus on individualized strategies, not blanket recommendations Use tracking tools for accurate cycle predictions Educate athletes on menstrual cycle impact Avoid relying solely on hormonal contraception
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Alan Murdoch discusses the "fast to fit" approach to rehabilitation. Alan advocates for prioritizsng movement assessment over tests, underscoring the value of a strong coaching eye in identifying and addressing underlying issues in athletic movement. This approach allows for more targeted interventions, enhancing the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

    The "fast to fit" approach focuses on incorporating high-intensity actions early in rehab, aiming to develop necessary coordination and expedite recovery. This contrasts with traditional methods that emphasize building volume before speed, which can delay the athlete's return to peak performance.

    Frameworks like the Compass Protocol and Prep with Purpose are central to this approach, enhancing decision-making and creativity in fast-paced rehab settings. These frameworks prioritize dynamic warmups, visual assessments, and targeted drills to improve hip mobility, function, and overall athletic performance.

    Alan's "fast to fit" approach offers a dynamic and effective method for athlete rehabilitation, emphasising speed, coordination, and innovative coaching techniques to ensure athletes return to their pre-injury performance levels quickly and effectively.

    If you are interested in the fast to fit online course, check it out here.

    Main talking points:

    Prioritize movement assessment over traditional tests Develop a strong coaching eye for effective rehab Use video analysis to identify movement asymmetries Incorporate high-intensity actions early in rehab Apply the fast to fit approach for faster recovery Use frameworks like Compass Protocol in coaching Address compensatory movements during rehabilitation Enhance coaching creativity with structured frameworks Emphasize purposeful drills for athlete performance
  • n this podcast, Kasper Thornton, Group Director of Human Performance at Right to Dream, discusses the complexities and strategies involved in leading a performance department across multiple clubs. He emphasizes a "person-first" approach, where selecting candidates based on mindset, values, and team fit is prioritized over mere technical skills. This approach is crucial in developing a cohesive and effective performance department across multiple clubs, each with its unique culture and challenges.

    Kasper shares his journey from a physiotherapist to his current leadership role, highlighting the growth of his organization from a small Danish club to a multinational operation with branches in Ghana, Egypt, and San Diego. A significant focus is on building top-notch facilities and developing talent, particularly in the soccer academies associated with these clubs.

    He outlines the challenges of recruiting and onboarding personnel across different time zones and cultures, stressing the importance of soft skills and cultural fit in building a successful team. Kasper also discusses the need for an overarching strategy that aligns all clubs within the ownership group, while respecting their individual identities and operational contexts.

    The recruitment process is streamlined with the help of recruitment agencies, and a grading system is used to ensure the best candidates are selected. Regular staff meetings and global collaboration are key to maintaining alignment and driving continuous improvement within the department. Overall, the podcast provides valuable insights into the strategic and operational aspects of leading a performance department in a multi-club ownership structure, with a focus on people, culture, and continuous development.

    Main talking points:

    Prioritise a person-first approach in recruitment.Focus on mindset and values in candidates.Align clubs with an overarching performance strategy.Adapt recruitment to different cultures and contexts.Emphasize soft skills over hard skills.Encourage global collaboration across all clubs.Plan for internal succession and staff development.
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Fearghal Kerin, Rehabilitation Physiotherapist, Chelsea Football Club, discusses the growing prevalence of T-junction hamstring injuries and the importance of location-specific rehabilitation strategies.

    Fearghal outlines his background, highlighting his PhD focused on hamstring injuries and his work in professional sports, including football and rugby. He emphasizes the evolving role of strength and conditioning coaches in injury rehabilitation and the need for a nuanced approach to managing hamstring injuries based on their anatomical location.

    Hamstring injuries are classified into sprint-type and stretch-type, with the T-junction—a confluence of the long and short head of the biceps femoris—being particularly susceptible to injury. This area is complex due to its dual force vectors, dual nerve supply, and bi-articular function, making it challenging to rehabilitate.

    Fearghal discusses the necessity of considering biomechanical positions and sport-specific actions when diagnosing and treating hamstring injuries. He highlights that traditional low-level resistance exercises may not effectively prepare athletes, advocating for high-intensity conditioning contractions instead.

    He stresses the importance of eliminating MRI signs before returning to play, as unresolved edema and tension can increase the risk of reinjury. Specific tissue loading and exercise selection are crucial, with a focus on exercises that respect the injury’s anatomical structure.

    Research indicates that T-junction injuries, though complex, do not necessarily lead to worse outcomes than other hamstring injuries if managed correctly. This podcast concludes with a call for more research and personalized rehabilitation strategies to optimize recovery and prevent recurrence.

    Main talking points:

    Implement location-specific rehab for hamstring injuries Focus on high-intensity conditioning contractions Diagnose hamstring injuries using biomechanical analysis Tailor rehab exercises to injury’s anatomical location Eliminate MRI signs before return to play Use sport-specific actions in rehabilitation plans Avoid low-level resistance exercises for preparation Address neuromuscular factors in hamstring rehab Consider trunk rotation in injury assessments Control unanticipated movements during rehab Ensure sequential imaging for accurate injury management Extend rehab for field sport athletes as needed.
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Gerard McMahon joins us to discuss "activation" exercises and their role in improving performance and preparation. Activation exercises have long been touted for their ability to improve performance by targeting specific muscle groups and maximizing motor unit recruitment. However, Gerard challenges this notion, suggesting that these exercises, often misunderstood and misapplied, may not be as beneficial as many people think.

    Gerard explains that muscle activation is fundamentally a function of the neuromuscular system, controlled by motor unit recruitment and firing rates. Activation exercises, while intended to improve performance, often do not significantly enhance muscle activation in healthy athletes. Instead, these exercises may be more appropriate for rehabilitation of severe cases or specific disabilities.

    EMG (electromyography) studies, commonly used to measure muscle activation, have limitations due to the complexity of interpreting muscle signals and potential inaccuracies from surface electrodes. As a result, the practical value of EMG-based activation exercises is questioned. Low-level resistance band exercises, such as monster walks and side steps, are criticized for their minimal impact on performance enhancement. These exercises, often used in warm-ups, may not provide the necessary muscle activation levels to prepare athletes effectively for high-intensity activities.

    Gerard suggests that high-intensity contractions are a better alternative for post-activation potentiation, which can lead to greater performance improvements. These high-intensity activities, combined with a proper warm-up, are more effective in enhancing neuromuscular readiness and overall athletic performance. In summary, the podcast casts doubt on the traditional use of activation exercises, advocating for high-intensity exercise in the form of PAP as a superior method for athlete preparation and performance enhancement.

    Main talking points:

    Reevaluate the effectiveness of activation exerciseUnderstand muscle activation via motor unit recruitmentUse EMG studies cautiously for muscle activationAvoid relying on low-level resistance bandsQuestion the need for activation in healthy athletesPrioritize high-force, high-velocity exercisesIntegrate sport-specific warm-up activitiesAddress root causes of muscle inhibition IF there is any
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, John Noonan, Warren Bradley, Vasek JursĂ­k and Lucas Baistrocchi discuss the significance of Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training within the athlete recovery pyramid, highlighting its benefits for improving recovery and performance.

    BFR training is emphasized as a crucial recovery method, particularly effective when integrated with other modalities. Practitioners are encouraged to consider individual athlete needs, limitations, and evidence-based practices when choosing recovery methods. BFR is praised for its versatility and ease of integration into existing recovery routines.

    The discussion covers how BFR can enhance nutrient intake, glucose uptake, and muscle recovery, making it a valuable addition to recovery strategies. The guests point out that BFR's simplicity and cost-effectiveness contribute to its growing popularity among athletes and coaches.

    Positive results from using BFR during workouts and in daily routines are highlighted, with specific examples from team sports, Formula One drivers, and professional rugby coaches. BFR's ability to improve muscle fatigue, neural drive, and overall recovery in various sports is discussed.

    Research on BFR shows significant improvements in recovery, performance, and rehabilitation, particularly in higher muscle mass individuals and males. Combining BFR with ice bath therapy further enhances recovery by reducing muscle soreness and fatigue.

    BFR's potential benefits extend to improving sleep quality and aiding in recovery for athletes with unpredictable schedules. The podcast also notes the growing adoption of BFR in both elite and amateur sports due to its scientifically backed benefits, safety, and accessibility.

    Wanting to know more about blood flow restriction training and its place in the athlete recovery pyramid, give this episode a listen.

    Main talking points:

    Integrate BFR into existing recovery routines Consider athlete needs for personalized recovery Use evidence-based practices in recovery strategies Enhance nutrient intake with BFR training Combine BFR with ice baths for better results Promote BFR for better sleep quality
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Sports Scientist at the Melbourne Storm rugby league club, Rob Delves discusses the growing use of PowerBI in sports science for data analysis and visualization.

    PowerBI is becoming a preferred tool over Excel due to its efficiency in handling larger data sets from multiple sources. Rob emphasizes the importance of upskilling in data analysis and communication within sports science, as resources can be limited. PowerBI provides streamlined data management and visualization capabilities, allowing for more advanced data manipulation than Excel. Its easy access, customization options, and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive alternative.

    Rob highlights that PowerBI offers a uniform platform for data access and management, reducing the need for physical report distribution and potential errors. It integrates smoothly with existing Microsoft Office suites and ensures data security through multi-factor authentication. The transition from Excel to PowerBI is facilitated by their similar layouts, making it user-friendly for those familiar with Excel.

    The podcast also covers the benefits of PowerBI in saving time through automation, which allows coaches to focus more on coaching rather than data entry. Data from training sessions can be quickly synced into PowerBI, streamlining the analysis process. However, Rob notes the challenges in collecting subjective data from athletes, as it may not always be reliable.

    Rob concludes by discussing the integration of APIs for advanced data analysis, the importance of investing in data science skills, and the creative visualization opportunities that PowerBI offers. He suggests that while PowerBI is excellent for data reporting, it may not be the best tool for integrating video analysis.

    Main talking points:

    The importance of efficiency in data analysis and communication PowerBI and its difference and similarities to Excel Increased data security through using a cloud based solution How to streamline data processing with PowerBI Visualisation options in PowerBI versus Excel Increased statistical analysis in PowerBI Combining PowerBI and R or Python Automation and PowerBI
  • In episode #499 of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is joined by guests Enda King, Ed Gannon, and Steve Short to delve into the intricacies of preventing and managing groin injuries. They emphasize the importance of monitoring and managing training loads, particularly during transitions from pre-season to in-season phases. The discussion highlights the need for regular assessments of range of motion, neuromuscular status, and strength, coupled with close communication with athletic training staff and massage therapists.

    The conversation covers how groin injuries often stem from asymmetries, stressing the necessity of identifying and managing these imbalances. This includes assessing load, function, and tissue tolerance during rehabilitation, and recognizing that asymmetry can vary by sport and individual.

    The guests also address the identification of high-risk players and the early warning signs of groin pain. They discuss strategies for mitigating risk, such as investigating markers like range of motion and hip strength, and implementing conservative training loads and reactivation exercises. Effective rehabilitation involves focusing on hip and trunk control, monitoring activities that provoke injury, and following a structured five-phase strategy for adductor strains.

    Furthermore, the podcast touches on the importance of individualized rehabilitation, taking into account each athlete's specific deficits and symptoms. They discuss the utility of various testing and monitoring methods, including unilateral long lever assessments and cutting assessments, to identify and address the root causes of groin injuries.

    In summary, the podcast underscores the necessity of a comprehensive approach involving regular monitoring, individualized rehabilitation strategies, and effective communication among all stakeholders to effectively prevent and manage groin injuries in ice hockey players.

    Main talking points:

    Assess range of motion and strength regularly. Identify and manage athlete asymmetries. Assess load, function, and tissue tolerance. Focus on hip and trunk control. Use a five-phase rehab strategy.Individualize rehabilitation for specific deficits. Utilize long lever assessments. Monitor activities provoking groin injuries.
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob sits down with Physiotherapist and Head of the Assessment Lab at Aspetar, Roula Kotsifaki to delve into the critical role of technology and specific testing protocols in determining an athlete's readiness to return to play after an ACL injury.

    Roula emphasizes the importance of measuring asymmetries, movement quality, and strength to prevent future injuries. Key highlights include the construction of sensitive testing protocols to measure key competencies. Roula discusses the significance of hop tests and jump tests in identifying asymmetries and the role of landing variability in ACL rehabilitation. She highlights the use of 3D force plates and cameras to accurately assess power metrics and joint contributions during vertical and horizontal jumps, which are crucial for evaluating an athlete's readiness.

    Roula also details which metrics we should trust and which we shouldn't, and that includes her questioning the use of rate of force development related metrics. Furthermore, Roula stresses that successful return to play after ACL surgery requires comprehensive rehabilitation and shouldn't be determined by a timeline. Just because you are at 9-months post surgery, it doesn't mean that you're ready. Being "ready" should be based on achieving specific competencies.

    Listeners can gain insights into the best practices for ACL rehabilitation, the use of technology in assessing readiness, and the critical metrics for ensuring a safe and effective return to play.

    Key points:

    Importance of technology in ACL rehabilitation.Measure asymmetries to prevent future injuries.Choosing sensitive testing protocols.Hop tests options.3D force plates assess joint contributions.Problems with rate of force development metrics.Comprehensive rehab before returning to sport.Why the minimum 9 month timeframe for ACL recovery
  • On this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to 3 experts when it comes to the research and application of force plates, Phil Graham-Smith, Matt Jordan and Paul Read.

    The converation starts off with Phil diving into how we choose a force plate and what are our options to ensure we are choosing the right technology for our needs. Phil highlights the importance of having a clear objective when selecting force plates, as knowing what and why we are testing is crucial for effective usage.

    The experts discuss the benefits of using dual force plates for tracking asymmetries in athletes, which is particularly useful in rehabilitation scenarios. This approach not only helps in pinpointing discrepancies but also in enhancing overall performance by ensuring both sides are equally developed.

    Listeners will also discover the importance of instantaneous feedback and robust data analysis provided by force plate software. Such features are integral for integrating with other measurement devices and offer real-time insights that can dramatically influence training decisions.

    Jump mechanics are another focal point of the discussion, illustrating how jump height, ground contact time, and the duration of eccentric and concentric phases are pivotal metrics for measuring athlete fatigue and performance. Understanding these metrics within a standardized framework helps in effectively interpreting the data and making informed training adjustments.

    The podcast also covers practical techniques, such as the hands-on hips method, to ensure consistent and reliable data collection during jump tests. Furthermore, the discussion extends to how force plates can aid in classifying ACL injuries through detailed analysis of jump measures and mechanical variables, providing invaluable support in rehabilitation and training regimes.

    Towards the end of the podcast, the conversation shifts to the importance of selecting the most reliable metrics and avoiding those that are less consistent, such as the rate of force development. The experts stress focusing on metrics with a strong biological basis and high repeatability to ensure the data collected is both accurate and useful.

    This episode is an indispensable resource for coaches, athletes, and sports scientists eager to leverage advanced technology to enhance athletic performance and prevent injuries.

    Main talking points:

    Understand various force plate types for specific needs. Clearly define testing objectives for effective force plate use. When to and when not to monitor athlete asymmetries. Instant feedback, robust data analysis enhance training decisions. Measure athlete fatigue and performance with key metrics. Standardize data interpretation using a consistent framework. Force plates classify ACL injuries through jump analysis. Prioritize reliable metrics, avoid inconsistent rate of force development. Focus on metrics with strong biological basis, repeatability. Adjust training based on individual and sport-specific demands.
  • In episode 496 of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is talking to Mitch Cholewinski, Coordinator of Football Sports Science at the University of Nebraska.

    Mitch starts off with detailing his unusual route into sports science and explains how he applies process dynamics from chemical engineering to manage and optimize athlete training regimens through flowcharts and decision trees. His work at the Nebraska Athletics Performance Lab focuses on biomechanics and sports science, where he has been instrumental in expanding the sports science department. Mitch emphasizes the importance of educating athletes on data collection and the use of new recovery resources like sauna, red light therapy, and sensory deprivation float tanks, ensuring athletes take an active role in their recovery processes.

    The podcast also covers how Mitch collaborates with strength coaches and integrates with the strength staff to enhance recovery and performance using data-driven methods. He utilizes visual aids and quick communication methods to address performance issues in real-time, fostering a proactive approach to athlete management. This episode is a unique insight into sports science provision at a division 1 football programme. Check it out.

    Main talking points:

    Integrating engineering principles into sports scienceExpand sports science departments strategically.Educate athletes on data collection importance.Involve athletes in performance decision-making.Ensure athlete ownership of recovery processes.Collaborate with strength coaches and specialists.Use visual aids for real-time performance feedback.Implement new recovery tools during fall camp.Foster athlete participation in recovery and training.
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Consultant, Physio and Biomechanist at the Manchester Institute of Health and Performance, Chris Bramah.

    Delving into the intricacies of running mechanics, Chris explains the crucial connection between specific movement patterns and the risk of hamstring injuries. Through his expertise, listeners gain an understanding of how lumbar-pelvic control, backside mechanics, and overstriding play pivotal roles in athlete health and performance. The conversation further explores the cutting-edge technology of 3D biomechanics assessments, highlighting their application in elite sports environments including Premier League football clubs, to optimize rehabilitation strategies and return-to-play decisions.

    Chris then introduces the Sprint Mechanics Assessment Score (S-MAS), a novel, simplified tool he developed—a 12-item score that utilizes basic camera setups to assess movement mechanics effectively during athletes' warm-ups. This tool is designed to enhance the confidence of practitioners in diagnosing and addressing potential issues.

    The discussion touches on the future of biomechanical assessments in sports, emphasizing the promising yet still evolving role of artificial intelligence and motion capture technologies. Chris shares his holistic approach to integrating clinical research with practical experience, aiming to create a broader impact on patient outcomes and advance the field of sports medicine.

    Main talking points:

    The role of 3D biomechanics in rehab and return-to-play. Running mechanics' impact on hamstring injury risks. Sprint mechanics Assessment Score (S-MAS) Lumbo-pelvic control and overstriding prevention. Avoiding S-MAS set up issues Use of AI and motion capture in future assessments. Integrating clinical research with practical applications.
  • In episode #494 of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Senior Lecturer in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at the University of Notre Dame, Brady Green for a detailed exploration of calf injuries, particularly their high prevalence and recurrence in elite sports. Brady sheds light on the limited research surrounding the initial risk factors for calf strains, emphasizing the necessity for focused prevention and effective rehabilitation strategies.

    The conversation begins with an overview of how prevalent calf injuries are in sports like Australian rules football and track and field, noting the challenges in reducing their incidence despite ongoing efforts. Brady points out that older athletes and those with a history of previous calf strains are particularly susceptible to future injuries. He suggests that targeted prevention through high-load strengthening and isometric exercises can induce structural adaptations that help mitigate these risks.

    The podcast delves into the specifics of screening and testing for calf injury prevention and rehabilitation. It highlights the importance of strength testing in both seated and standing positions, the relevance of dorsiflexion, proper alignment, and the use of a metronome to standardize tests for running-based athletes.

    Further discussion focuses on the need for dynamic function testing and training, including reactive strength endurance and horizontal force production, to fully understand and cater to the calf’s range of capacities. Brady emphasizes the biomechanical roles of the calf and the necessity of addressing impairments not just in the calf but also in the thigh, hip, and pelvis to prevent overload injuries.

    The podcast concludes with strategies for early loading and strengthening of synergist muscles, progressing towards dynamic activities that focus on force and velocity components essential for calf injury rehabilitation. It also covers the critical steps of a thorough process for returning to play, including monitoring strength markers and assessing non-quantifiable factors like recovery and range of motion.

    Finally, Brady touches upon an international collaboration project aimed at preventing calf injuries which includes some of the biggest organisations across the world. You can check Brady out at the Sportsmith Rehab Conference on 12-13 October.

    Main talking points:

    Calf injuries prevalent, high recurrence in elite sports.Older age, previous strains major risk factors.High-load strengthening, isometrics mitigate injury risks.Screening includes seated, standing strength testing.Dorsiflexion, alignment critical in testing protocols.Benchmarks: 20-22 calf raises to failure.Address biomechanics in thigh, hip, pelvis.Early loading, synergist muscle strengthening essential.Dynamic function testing for comprehensive rehab.Monitor strength, assess non-quantifiable factors for return
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Head of Performance at Rangers FC, Tom Taylor. Tom discusses the integration of speed training principles from various sports into soccer to enhance acceleration, max velocity, movement efficiency, and injury prevention among players.

    In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Head of Performance at Rangers FC, Tom Taylor. Tom discusses the integration of speed training principles from various sports into soccer to enhance acceleration, max velocity, movement efficiency, and injury prevention among players.

    The episode delves into the application of speed training in soccer, revealing how Premier League clubs are engaging experts from other sports to refine their training routines. Tom highlights the importance of a collaborative approach in rehab and recovery, where strength and conditioning coaches, physiotherapists, and other specialists come together to optimize the rehabilitation processes. This synergy not only fills knowledge gaps but also empowers coaching professionals to learn from hands-on experiences and mistakes.

    Taylor also discusses the necessity of adapting soccer training to meet the increasing physical demands of the game, focusing on maintaining high intensity and ensuring effective recovery. He stresses the significance of tailoring training and rehabilitation programs to the unique needs and movement patterns of each player, which is crucial for achieving optimal performance and managing injuries effectively.

    If you're working in team sports and want to translate knowledge from other environments into your own, check out this episode from Tom.

    Main talking points:

    Integrating speed training knowledge from various sports into soccer.Enhancing movement.Prevention of injuries through well-timed high speed exposuresUse collaborative approaches in rehab.Learn from hands-on experience and mistakes.Develop individualized training and rehab programs.Address unique player needs and movement patterns.The fast to fit approach to rehab
  • In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is talking to Matt McInnes Watson about the critical role of jump training in physical development. Matt, a former high jumper turned coach, shares insights from his extensive experience in both track and field and team sports. He discusses how balancing a full-time job, part-time PhD, and starting a business has led him to develop a systematic approach to training athletes for dynamic movements.

    The conversation highlights the significance of differentiating between various jump training modalities and understanding the reflexive components essential for propulsion. Matt emphasizes the importance of "deep tier" jumps as well as the need to not be obsessed with stiffness when coaching plyometrics and jumps.

    Additionally, Matt touches on how jump training has been a fundamental element in managing momentum and energy effectively in track and field. His passion and expertise in improving dynamic movement are evident as he explains the distinctions between plyometric and non-plyometric movements, particularly how these affect tendon dynamics and force handling during jumps.

    If you want to understand jump training from someone who has dedicated his life and business to this area, check out this episode.

    Main talking points:

    The importance of "deep tier" jumps. Systematic approach developed for dynamic movement training. Importance of managing momentum and energy in training. Differentiation between jump training and plyometrics Significance of takeoff and landing in jumps. Plyometric vs. non-plyometric movements Categorising jump training
  • In thi episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is joined by Joey Bergles, Director of Strength & Conditioning at JJ Pearce High School. In this podcast, Joey shares invaluable insights gained from his experiences in Dallas's public schools, his own business, and online coaching platforms. Joey highlights the importance of an open mindset, the challenge of balancing overpacked sports schedules, and the critical role of specialized coaching in fostering athletic growth.

    Joey delves into the mechanics of speed training, discussing the balance between acceleration and maximum velocity, the nuances of warm-up routines, plyometrics, and technical drills, and the imperative of consistent, quality training. He sheds light on the often overlooked yet foundational aspects of athletic development, such as technique refinement, explosive power enhancement, and the cultivation of a dedicated mindset among young athletes.

    This podcast is a must-listen for coaches, parents, and young athletes alike, seeking to unlock their potential and navigate the complex landscape of youth sports with grace, effectiveness, and an eye toward the future. Join us as Joey Bergles shares his journey, offering a roadmap to success in athletic development and beyond.

    Main talking points:

    Long-term improvement in youth speed training.Overcoming overpacked sports schedules.Unconventional training's impact on performance.Skill development vs. game play emphasis.Acceleration and max velocity in training.Importance of warm-up, plyometrics, and technical drills.Consistent, quality training for progress.Balancing expectations with effective training methods.
  • This week on the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Brent Callaway, Anthony Hobgood and Nic Hill who are all part of EXOS. This podcast dives deep into the essence of sprinting, guiding you through an exclusive look at how EXOS, with its 11 locations worldwide, builds fast athletes.

    Brent, Anthony and Nic offer insights into the challenges of translating track skills to football, the intricacies of load management, and the crucial balance of strength conditioning with game preparation.

    Volume control, quality over quantity, and a focus on high-frequency leg action are just the tip of the iceberg. Dive into the technical aspects of biomechanics, the significance of individualized programming, and how EXOS leverages sport science to tailor each athlete's training plan. Witness firsthand the remarkable transformation of Xavier Worthy, who shattered the 40-yard dash record, a testament to the effectiveness of EXOS's methodology.

    Whether you're an aspiring athlete eager to unlock your speed, a coach looking to refine your methodology, or simply a sports enthusiast fascinated by the science of performance, there's something here for you.

    Main talking points:

    NFL combine preparation insights. Importance of volume control in training. Customizing training for individual needs. Biomechanics and physics in speed coaching. Success stories: Xavier Worthy's record-breaking sprint. Integrating nutrition and physical therapy