The Convo is a interview series hosted by PC Magazine features editor Evan Dashevsky (@haldash; facebook.com/EvanDashevskyStuff). We invite the most interesting thinkers and doers in science, technology, and geekdom to talk about the big trends affecting the world. Past guests have included astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, video game pioneer Richard Garriott, NASA deputy administrator Dava Newman, World War Z author Max Brooks, former astronaut Mike Massimino, Mr. Robot writer/producer Kor Adana, and adult video entrepreneur Joanna Angel, just to name a few.
Each episode streams live on PCMag's Facebook page where live viewers can ask questions to guests in the comments. Episodes can also be viewed on our YouTube page or downloaded for free as a podcast (available on iTunes or wherever fine podcasts are sold).