
  • Connect with Jenna & Courtney on Instagram!

    Jenna: @morellpeaceofmind

    Courtney: @journeytolimitless_

    Join Jenna and Journey to Limitless Host, Courtney Bussard, for this special HIGHLIGHT episode - Episode 27 from JTL where Courtney interviews Jenna about some favorite topics from POM episodes past!

  • Join in to discuss strategies for growth in our world of clashing ideas, thoughts, & opinions. Remember when you could engage with people with different thoughts than you and all was fine and good?? Let's get back to that place with these strategies, some openness, and some greater peace of mind.

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  • Website: https://www.peaceofmindwithjenna.org/

    Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    We are all human so we ALL experience overwhelm in some form. Whether that shows up in the form of procrastination or paralyzation, overwhelm can really hinder us.

    Dive into these 5 hacks to OVERCOME overwhelm in episode 20!

    Tidy Up 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Prioritize your values Reconstruct your to-do list Find the freedom in shifting your expectations


  • Welcome back to our follow up episode on Gaslighting. Episode 18 received a POWERFUL response -- the MOST downloads & the most feedback. It is SO NECESSARY to talk about something that is prevelant (though kept under wraps through fear, shame, or confusion) and yet something that makes people feel so isolated. You. are. NOT. alone. Get into the right headspace... and listen in

  • Connect with Jenna and the Podcast here: https://www.peaceofmindwithjenna.org/

    Welcome to episode 18… a personal look into Jenna’s own experience as a victim of psychological, emotional, and mental abuse. Gaslighting was a MAJOR tactic that was used and Jenna uses her own experience to help make sense of a very confusing, manipulative situation. Learn to spot the warning signs of being gaslit, gain insight into these behaviors, and use the knowledge to equip your resilient mind or share it with a loved one who might need the insight themselves.

    As always, this is NOT a substitute for counseling and I strongly recommend reaching out to a mental health professional for a safe space to talk about gaslighting if you are experiencing these signs in your life. I will always be here to help you gain awareness into difficult situations and be there WITH you as we work toward building a greater Peace of Mind together.

    Youtube clip of Gaslight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BICqcEvzhVw

    “11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/here-there-and-everywhere/201701/11-warning-signs-gaslighting.

    “Gaslight (1944 Film).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 8 May 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslight_(1944_film).

  • Join in for the first installment of Pieces of Peace; mini episodes of POM!

    Jenna discusses how most people, including herself, introduce themselves as their career (For example, "I'm Jenna, a manager"). Enjoy this PoP episode on learning to answer those questions/prompts with who you really are... not JUST as your job title.

    TedX you should check out with Vanessa Van Edwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cef35Fk7YD8

  • Follow us on Instagram:

    -Jenna: @morellpeaceofmind

    -Courtney: @journeytolimitless_

    Tune in and Subscribe to Courtney’s Podcast, Journey to Limitless!

    Jenna has a vulnerable & meaningful conversation with Courtney Bussard, Podcast Host of Journey to Limitless. Jenna and Courtney touch on themes from three of Courtney's favorite podcast episodes she has recorded thus far! Get ready to ask yourself one important question for developing habits, learn how to have more meaningful alone time, and discover some insight on people-pleasing and tips to practice shifting out of those tendencies.

    Vibrant Moments Affirmations Deck:


  • Follow Jenna on instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    Today’s topic is allll about introducing cognitive distortions… aka thought distortions. These are EXACTLY what they sound like… distorted thoughts! In this episode, Jenna talks on 11 examples of these thought distortions from David Burns’ Book, Feeling Good, and also touches on Aaron Beck’s theories and research on the subjects of CBT

    This episode focuses on the cognitive distortion of All or Nothing Thinking… a pesky distortion indeed… and Jenna shares 3 steps for breaking the All or Nothing Thinking trap to work towards healthier thoughts which lead to healthier self esteem, self-confidence, and positive living in the process.

    “Cognitive Distortions: When Your Brain Lies to You (+ PDF Worksheets).” PositivePsychology.com, 31 Oct. 2020, positivepsychology.com/cognitive-distortions/.

  • Follow us on Instagram:

    -Jenna: @morellpeaceofmind

    -Susie Bell - enSUSiasm: @ensusiasm

    Tune in and Subscribe to Susie’s Podcast, Charge my Core!

    In this episode, Jenna has an opportunity to connect with Susie Bell, fellow podcast host (Charge My Core), former teacher, and nomad soul who has the BIGGEST passion for Digital Wellness. She shares her own experience with a month-long digital detox, her life-changing outcomes, how she sets her own boundaries for technology in her day to day, week to week (etc!) life, and tips for how you can too! And no, that does NOT mean giving up all tech and social media forever… it means… well, just tune in to find out! :)

    Also… May 3rd - May 9th is an ANNUAL EVENT :: Screen Free Week! I encourage you to try it out now (or whenever you listen to this episode!). Challenge yourself to a week of setting technology boundaries that make up YOUR optimum digital wellness plan and share how it goes with Jenna and Susie on instagram (see handles at the top of these show notes!)

  • Follow Jenna on Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    Is there really GOOD stress? ABSOLUTELY! There is even a word for it… Eustress.

    Join in to hear about eustress, distress, common examples you might be feeling or have felt... plus… Jenna’s OWN experiences and how she is currently working on her own stress management!

    PLUS... gain 7 Practical Tips for Developing a Healthier Relationship with Stress and Learning to GROW through what you go through from this helpful episode

    Sneak Peek:

    Learn about Stress Reframe your thoughts Control what you can control Single Task Schedule time for worrying, ruminating, fear, breaks, … Learn to say NO, be assertive, and set boundaries Plan ahead, but be flexible

    Works Cited

    29, July. “Stress and the Brain.” Let's Talk Science, 29 July 2020, letstalkscience.ca/educational-resources/backgrounders/stress-and-brain.

    Braincraftvideo, director. The Upside of Stress. YouTube, YouTube, 31 Oct. 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZtEwEIUIOc&t=270s.

    Pietrangelo, Ann. “The Effects of Stress on Your Body.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 29 Mar. 2020, www.healthline.com/health/stress/effects-on-body#Immune-system.

    “Types of Stressors (Eustress vs. Distress).” Mental Help Types of Stressors Eustress vs Distress Comments, www.mentalhelp.net/stress/types-of-stressors-eustress-vs-distress/.

  • Follow & Get in Touch on Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    Jenna is turning 30 - ohhhh dang! Thirty, Flirty, & Thriving if any fellow lovers of ‘13 Going on 30’ are reading this (Side note: Did you know the main character in that movie is named ‘Jenna?’ and it came out when POM’s Jenna was also turning 13? Yeah… wildness)

    Join her as she shares what to STOP focusing on as you age (Stop thinking you are old! Stop thinking about timelines!) and what to START focusing on (Shifting your perspective! Rewriting your narratives! Gaining awareness & honesty! Practicing Gratefulness! And… getting better at navigating change!)

    Works Cited

    Jill Suttie. “What Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Aging Better.” Greater Good, greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_neuroscience_can_teach_us_about_aging_better.

    Blackburn, Elizabeth, et al. “Could Your Thoughts Make You Age Faster?” Ideas.ted.com, 3 Aug. 2019, ideas.ted.com/could-your-thoughts-make-you-age-faster/.

    Molly Tallmadge Molly Tallmadge Community Member • points posts comments upvotes FollowUnfollow, et al. “30 Famous People Who Didn't Make It Until After Age 30.” Bored Panda, 1 Jan. 1968, www.boredpanda.com/famous-people-success-later-in-life/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic.

    “Researchers Replace Midlife Myths with Facts.” Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association, www.apa.org/monitor/apr03/researchers.

  • Please hit "subscribe" and stay up to date with the latest episodes!

    Follow Jenna on Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    Body Image is SUCH a hard hitting topic - in this episode, Jenna dives into how your body image can be (and most likely is) morphed compared to reality. What is at play in your mind? Find out by tuning into this episode.

    After hearing about some experiments that show just how much your mind can play tricks on you… hear about a personal story from Jenna where she shares about a shopping spree revelation related to her own body image.

    Want to check out the Rubber Hand Illusion in Magic for Humans?

    Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdxlT68ygt8

    Association, Author: Canadian Mental Health. “Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Mental Health.” Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Mental Health | Here to Help, www.heretohelp.bc.ca/infosheet/body-image-self-esteem-and-mental-health.

    Fang, Wen, et al. “Attenuation of Pain Perception Induced by the Rubber Hand Illusion.” Frontiers, Frontiers, 6 Mar. 2019, www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2019.00261/full.

    van der Meulen, Mara, et al. “Brain Activation upon Ideal-Body Media Exposure and Peer Feedback in Late Adolescent Girls.” Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, Springer US, Aug. 2017, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5548820/.

  • Come follow Jenna and check out pieces (peaces ... heh) from their skoolie journey on instagram:


    Ace and Jenna sit down at their kitchen table and chat about their decision to buy a school bus, renovate it into a tiny traveling home, and deviate from their beaten path. Laugh with them as they take you through how they decided to try out something new and COMPLETELY different from their normal lives and choices…. on the DAY BEFORE going to pick up their bus to start this adventure together

  • Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    Jenna finishes off this two part rabbit hole series on confidence by diving into vulnerability. She shares some personal stories and helpful anecdotes from people she admires; Jay Shetty, Brené Brown, and Theodore Roosevelt then ends with tips… steps… whatever you want to call it ;) … for building more confidence in areas that resonate with YOU.

    Fun Stuff to Check Out:

    Documentary: → Brené Brown: The Call to Courage

    Podcast → Jay Shetty’s On Purpose

    “The Man in the Arena” Speech by Theodore Roosevelt; It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

  • Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    Jenna has a blast diving into teaching you how to LEARN. This involves two of her favorite topics, neural pathways and neuroplasticity. Join in to hear anecdotes and learn how to build new pathways in your brain and new habits for higher confidence.

    Tune in again for Episode 9 where Jenna gives you 7 tips for building more confidence in areas that matter to you.

    Works Cited:

    Daltrey, Debbie, and Debbie Daltrey. “What Are Neural Pathways?” Great Minds Clinic Blog, 31 July 2018, www.greatmindsclinic.co.uk/blog/what-are-neural-pathways/.

  • Follow us on instagram:

    - Jenna: @morellpeaceofmind

    -12 Tiny Things: @12TinyThings

    -Heidi: @heidicbarr

    -Ellie: @ellieroscher

    Join in for our first ever interview with guest Heidi Barr; author, mother, spouse, gardner, wellness coach, and inspiring human. Jenna and Heidi discuss Heidi’s passions that shine through in her writing, tiny things she does to live more intentionally, and her newest book, 12 Tiny Things.

    In this episode, Jenna and Heidi talk about some of the “Tiny Things” in her book and how they can be incorporated into life. Come out of this episode with a new book to check out, along with some lightness, laughter, and of course, a greater Peace of Mind.

    Websites to Check Out for more on Heidi and 12 Tiny Things:



  • Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    In this episode, Jenna explains 10 of her very own tips to work toward getting yourself out of a funk. Enjoy her rabbit holes that make you feel connected and not alone in how you are feeling ... along with her practical tips for working your way toward feeling peace & contentment.

    2020 and 2021 so far have been WILD. There are plenty of reasons in these years alone to feel “funky.” There are also plenty of other outside reasons to feel “funky". No matter why you feel the way you do, join in for some real talk, humor, and solid self-help on your journey toward greater Peace of Mind.

    Works Cited:

    “5 Differences Between Mindfulness and Meditation.” PositivePsychology.com, 11 Dec. 2020, positivepsychology.com/differences-between-mindfulness-meditation/.

    Bravata DM;Smith-Spangler C;Sundaram V;Gienger AL;Lin N;Lewis R;Stave CD;Olkin I;Sirard JR; “Using Pedometers to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Health: a Systematic Review.” JAMA, U.S. National Library of Medicine, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18029834/#:~:text=Among%20the%20observational%20studies%2C%20pedometer,activity%20by%2026.9%25%20over%20baseline.

  • Episode 005: Understanding & Implementing Character Strengths VIA YOU

    Follow Jenna on Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    In this episode, Jenna takes the VIA Character Strengths survey and shares some of her results with you as the audience. She explores how these strengths impact her life and how you can utilize this personality test to live a more fulfilling and FLOURISHING life yourself!

    Join Jenna for a fun and impactful talk on Positive Psychology, character strengths, & virtues and how to incorporate the skills you gain from this episode into a life you are proud of and thriving in.

    Link to VIA Character Strength Survey https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/account/register

    Works Cited:

    “VIA Character Strengths Survey & Character Profile Reports.” VIA Character Strengths Survey & Character Profile Reports | VIA Institute, VIA Institute on Character, www.viacharacter.org/.

    ** A big attribution is paid to the above website… I strongly encourage you to explore the survey, results, and resources on this site. I thoroughly enjoyed gaining more insight and content while navigating through articles within this main source for Episode 5. **

  • Follow Jenna on Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    In this episode on Kindness as a STRENGTH, Jenna brings to mind the misconception some have that kindness is a weakness. Kindness is most definitely NOT a weakness. Kindness is actually a character strength within the virtue of humanity in positive psychology!

    Jenna connects deeply to this message and helps to make sense of this common misconception. She elaborates on the strength of kindness alongside the health benefits of practicing sincere kindness, kindness to others, and self-kindness. Come out of this episode having built greater Peace of Mind around how to own your kindness as a strength and badge of honor ... and kick misconceptions to the curb!

    Cool Stuff to Check Out:

    → Emma Seppala’s Loving Kindness Meditation on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auS1HtAz6Bs

    → Take VIA’s free survey to learn your top character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/surveys/takesurvey

    Works Cited

    “How Sharing Kindness Can Make You Healthier & Happier.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 1 Nov. 2018, www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/how-sharing-kindness-can-make-you-healthier-happier/art-20390060.

    “Kindness.” Kindness | Character Strengths | VIA Institute, www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths/kindness.

    “Loving-Kindness Meditation (Greater Good in Action).” Greater Good in Action - Science-Based Practices for a Meaningful Life, ggia.berkeley.edu/practice/loving_kindness_meditation.

    “What Is Positive Psychology & Why Is It Important? [2020 Update].” PositivePsychology.com, 6 Dec. 2020, positivepsychology.com/what-is-positive-psychology-definition/.

  • Follow Jenna on Instagram: @morellpeaceofmind

    In this episode, Jenna discusses how natural comparison is in our lives and how not every comparison is created equal. Join in to learn the difference between productive and unproductive comparison while sharing some stories, laughs, and real tips for moving forward more productively. Be prepared to leave this podcast with greater Peace of Mind and a newfound understanding of comparison and how it can show up in your life.

    Quotes to Check Out:

    "Comparison is the Thief of Joy" - Theodore Roosevelt (... the addendum was all me)

    “Every minute that you spend comparing yourself to others is a minute that you could be focusing on yourself. Each time you do it you sacrifice some of your own magic because you are chasing someone else’s” - Victoria Elizabeth, Blogger & Coach

    Works Cited:

    “The Comparison Trap.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 7 Nov. 2017, www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201711/the-comparison-trap.

    Dishman, Lydia. “Stop Comparing Yourself to Others. Here Are 3 More Productive Things to Do Instead.” Fast Company, Fast Company, 29 July 2020, www.fastcompany.com/90533936/stop-comparing-yourself-to-others-here-are-3-more-productive-things-to-do-instead.

    Educatall. “When a Child Compares Himself to Others - Tips and Tricks.” Educatall, Educatall, 31 May 2017, www.educatall.com/page/1207/When-a-child-compares-himself-to-others.html#:~:text=Around%20their%20third%20birthday%2C%20children,to%20make%20more%20serious%20comparisons.

    Haas, Susan Biali. “How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 5 Mar. 2018, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/prescriptions-life/201803/how-stop-comparing-yourself-others.

    Luo, Yi, et al. “Social Comparison in the Brain: A Coordinate‐Based Meta‐Analysis of Functional Brain Imaging Studies on the Downward and Upward Comparisons.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 24 Oct. 2017, onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/hbm.23854.

    Markman, Art. “Since Your Brain Constantly Compares You With Everyone Else, Try This.” Fast Company, Fast Company, 12 Oct. 2017, www.fastcompany.com/40480528/since-your-brain-constantly-compares-you-with-everyone-else-try-this.