Journaling might seem pointless, because it’s just writing your thoughts down and You already know your thoughts and you’re not showing it.. so why start journaling?
There are many benefits to journaling, for example you can Get stress and worries off your mind and subconscious!
Journalling also let’s you Look back on your state later and reflect on what you’ve learned.
It actually helps you feel better and have less brain fog, because the thoughts are put away.
HABIT NEST JOURNAL REVIEW: https://howtolucid.com/habitnest-review/
HABIT NEST JOURNAL: https://howtolucid.com/habitnest
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
There are several powerful things that highly intelligent people do differently.
These intelligent traits and habits are very easy to adopt and START doing!
If you want to become more intelligent, increase your brainpower or speed up your brain, these habits might help.
Watch this to learn the 8 things that intelligent people do very differently.
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
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I’ll teach you in this video, How to communicate better with everyone, improve your communication, and relate to other people better.
You’ll get Better results, more connection, better relationships, more fun and enjoyment out of life by doing this.
A lack of communication can lead to low morale.
To improve your communication skills, practice the techniques and exercises I’ll share in this video!
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
Depression is usually due to a lack of frequency and purpose, so one way to start healing from it and growing, is to Remember what you love doing, and do that more!
Also, depression has to do a lot with the environment you’re in, and the people you hang around with.
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
Anything that’s removing your energy, or making you feel WORSE, stop doing that!
Today! Instead, start to hang around happy people, it rubs off on you, and There ARE small, tiny things you could do, that you’re not doing.
Things that you THINK are not worth doing because they’re too small.
Like making your bed, drinking more, going for a 3 minute walk, or meditating or just calming yourself for 5 minutes a day.
Self doubt is usually based around lack of confidence in your ability to DO something.
One thing you can easily do, is to Improve your ability in that thing.
Another important point is that no other animal lacks confidence or motivation.
No other animal has ‘self doubt’, it’s purely a ‘head created’ thing.
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
We do it to OURSELVES! But that’s really good news, because to remove self doubt you can simply STOP doing it to yourself.
Break down what you want to get better at, into small steps, things you can do easily.
Give it time, detach from the outcome, and only control what you can!
This is in my opinion, the best way to destroy self doubt and insecurity about yourself or your ability to do things.
From what I’ve seen, the Minimalist lifestyle is all about owning less and NEEDING less.
Buying less things but more experiences.
I think it’s powerful, and so in this video I’ll share with you several things I STOPPED buying as a minimalist in 2022.
These things I realised I no longer needed, and if you’re considering becoming a minimalist, you might not need these things either!
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
Let me share some powerful Happiness hacks to let you learn how to be happy in life, easily, every day.
By the way, this is Not based on material stuff, physical material success or society.
These happiness concepts work even if you’re trapped on an island, because it’s inside job.
The first key is that What we FOCUS on = our feeling.
What do you think people focus more on, what they have or what’s not there?
Most people focus on what’s missing instead of what they have, so happiness is never permanent.
Even high achievers and people you’d consider successful.
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
Also most people focus on what they CAN’T control, VS what they can.
Most people focus on past (that they can’t change) or future (that they’re stressed about or can’t control).
So the secret to more happiness in life is: Stop focusing on what you don’t have, can’t control, and what doesn’t make you happy.
START focusing more on what you have, what you CAN control, and doing things that DO make you happy.
What you can control, things like when you wake up, what you do, think, say and buy.
IN THIS video, I’ll share how to become more attractive instantly.
Becoming more attractive usually comes down to just doing what you LOVE doing, and then spending your time working on yourself, and enjoying life.
People (and partners) will become more attracted to a person who is simply doing what they love.
Ambition and ‘spark for life’ are attractive qualities.
Do what you love, have a higher vibe, this makes you more interesting, and you’ll have more energy!
Try and detach, don’t care too much about the outcome.
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
Naturally you’ll be and SEEM more relaxed, yourself, confident, and have a fun energy.
This applies to guys or girls by the way, and IMO it’s a very simple way to make yourself more attractive.
This can be compared to a ‘glow up’ where you quickly change your life, or turn your life around.
I got asked what to do when ‘I have no friends’ or my friends have all left.
Lately, things have been very polarising, vibrations and frequencies have been going crazy, and as a result, Lots of people lost friends, family, relationships even.
I know it’s hard to do this, but try and Feel it and let it be.
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
Even if you have lost friends or you nowhere NO friends, try and work through it, the emotions, the questions, beliefs and so on.
Realise that it’s probably for the best, you’ve expanded, and it’s no longer possible to remain friends with people who are STILL in the comfort zone you had in common before.
Other, better, new friends will now come along, and be easier to find and connect with.
Something which all cultures and races find very attractive is THIS one trait.
It’s Something we all do and you’re even proving this right now.
Watch this whole thing to learn.
So what’s the thing?
In this video I’ll share and break down THE most attractive, most seductive trait that a person can have.
The good news it that by watching this and LOOKING for this video, you’ve already got this trait!
You just need to kind of develop it a bit more.
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ (this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
If you have a sleep tracker ‘oura ring' or not, I’ll explain tips for using sleep trackers, breakdown and summary of the Oura ring after 2-3 years wearing it every day and more.
Is it worth getting the Oura?
What about the new version with the subscription model?
We all know Sleep important.
It seems to Improve virtually everything, BUT you Need to track it, before trying to improve it so you KNOW what’s going on.
✨ WATCH MY FREE VIDEO TRAINING (YouTube Video, About How To RAISE Your Vibrations EFFORTLESSLY): https://youtu.be/rsw0_mt94AQ
(this is published on my other channel)
🔥 Passionate Passive Income Program: Learn To Turn Your PASSION Into A Passive Income Online Business: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
Sleep trackers like wristbands, can be very annoying, you COULD use phone app although they’re a bit creepy (having a mic on all night, connected to the internet).
Wristbands also don’t work with tattoos on your wrists, and look more obvious than a ring.
In this video I’ll break down what I think about the Oura ring 2, Oura ring 3 and other sleep tracking rings.
Can you escape the matrix or grid, but still earn an income?
Well, it’s tricky, to be honest with you.
Unless you own land outright, generate everything, and don’t WANT to use any part of the system, you have to earn or have income/money.
⭐️ Join My Passionate Passive Income Tribe and Learn How To Turn ANY Passion Or Hobby Into A Full Time Passive Income BUSINESS: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
You can generate it passively, and have that as the ONLY part of matrix you’re involved in.
Everything else.. your habits, what you do, think, feel, are your choice.
You can even generate some or most energy and food.
Income can be very useful to have, for travel for example, which is a freedom.
Passive is best because it means you don’t need to be working set hours, or you can take time off if you want, for example if the weather’s really good.
⭐️ Join My Passionate Passive Income Tribe and Learn How To Turn ANY Passion Or Hobby Into A Full Time Passive Income BUSINESS: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
Rat race: Working for someone else, For 40-60 years, then you MAYBE retire.
To put this in perspective, Imagine you retired now after 60 years, ready to start your life.
You wake up to crazy restrictions, mandates, then what? After 60 years? Now you can’t even retire properly.
This is why it’s Much better to do what you love now, and if you don’t love your job, quit.
Remote working best, flexible hours.
Working from home better, you can be comfortable, get your own habits in..
Anyway this is just my opinion, I’ve been working for myself for years, and for many of those years, I’ve only needed/had to work for a few hours per week.
This is the way I prefer things, and it still allows me to give a lot of value to the world, in the form of videos, products, articles and content.
As a result, I’m able to earn a passive income, and support my lifestyle in this way.
⭐️ Join My Passionate Passive Income Tribe and Learn How To Turn ANY Passion Or Hobby Into A Full Time Passive Income BUSINESS: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
I got a question asking me how can I find my PASSION or purpose in life.
Finding your passion can seem overwhelming, but it really doesn’t have to be.
It just comes down to Trying various different things, with an open mind.
⭐️ Join My Passionate Passive Income Tribe and Learn How To Turn ANY Passion Or Hobby Into A Full Time Passive Income BUSINESS: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
The chances are, if you’ve NOT year found your passion, your passion WILL BE found in something else.
Something you’re not currently doing.
That means, the only and best way to find your life purpose or passion, is to simply try as many NEW THINGS as you possibly can.
So, what are you waiting for? You can easily find your passion by simply trying new things.
If you’re younger, it’s even easier because you likely don’t have as many commitments, and you can just go travelling for a year or two, find yourself, see various cultures, and try lots of new things.
Join My Passionate Passive Income Tribe and Learn How To Turn ANY Passion Or Hobby Into A Full Time Passive Income BUSINESS: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
So it can be tricky for some people to stay positive, and maintain positive habits, during the current situation and conflict that’s going on.
I get it, and harm and suffering are of course, never a good thing for people.
⭐️ Join My Passionate Passive Income Tribe and Learn How To Turn ANY Passion Or Hobby Into A Full Time Passive Income BUSINESS: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
I just want to remind you of a few things. Firstly, immortal beings having temporary human experience.
MOST things always get better in the end.
Throughout history, there have always been conflicts, deaths, and every year for example mosquitos kill almost 1 million people.
Death is a natural part of life, nothing to fear.
By YOU being down about conflicts and things, it really doesn’t benefit anyone.
Not the people in conflict, you or anyone around you.
It only brings the energy down and makes YOU and others feel worse.
So, Why not be positive? It’s your only choice Join My Passionate Passive Income Tribe and Learn How To Turn ANY Passion Or Hobby Into A Full Time Passive Income BUSINESS: https://www.transcendyourlimits.com/passion/
The world is changing and jobs aren’t as stable as they used to be.
At least, not traditional, office jobs where you work for ONE company, and get a set salary.
These used to be ‘safe’, but now more than ever, they’re really not.
Here are some reasons why I haven’t had a job in years, and why 2022 is the best time to just quit your job, fire your boss and go your own way.
Passionate Passive Income Program: https://transcendyourlimits.com/passion (turn your skills, knowledge or interests into a passive income business, that you can run from anywhere in the world - I made a video that explains it more).
If you’ve been trying to grow long hair while you have a job, it’s difficult, isn’t it?
There are social norms you have to comply with, and your boss might not like you growing a long mane while you have to face customers in the workplace.
I’ve grown long hair and Have some important advice for you.
Passionate Passive Income Program: https://transcendyourlimits.com/passion (turn your skills, knowledge or interests into a passive income business, that you can run from anywhere in the world - I made a video that explains it more).
Why is 10K per month better than 50K per month?
To clarify, I’m saying that I think earning $10,000 per month CAN BE better than earning $50,000 per month.
It all depends on how much of your TIME, your most important asset you’re ‘spending’ in order to get that paycheck.
Money isn’t real.
We often forget this, but it’s quite literally a made-up number on a screen, that society has decided we’ll use to exchange for goods and services.
It’s not actually a real thing.
If society collapsed tomorrow, it would be essentially worthless.
What would then really matter is assets like property, resources, food stores, and so on.
So we need to remember that our time is the one thing we can never get back once it’s spent.
Everything else can be acquired or replenished later on.
Passionate Passive Income Program: https://transcendyourlimits.com/passion (turn your skills, knowledge or interests into a passive income business, that you can run from anywhere in the world - I made a video that explains it more).
As you can probably see, I have very long hair.
I couldn’t find many advice or tutorial videos when I was growing long hair as a man, so I thought I’d record a few.
This is a video talking about my advice after 3-4 years of having very long hair, as a man.
I’ve had jobs with this long hair, eventually quit my job, traveled around southeast Asia, all while growing and maintaining my long hair.
It’s not too difficult, but there are some things and hair care tips I want to share.
What’s it REALLY like keeping pet fancy rats?
Fancy rats are a special type of rat breed that are much more tame, calm and easy to train than your average street or wild rat.
They very, very rarely bite and if they do, it’s only right at the start when you first train them and they’re getting used to you.
After that, no more biting.
They’re actually incredibly smart, loyal, funny and energetic little creatures and they’ve probably been my favourite pet that I’ve ever had.
I’ll definitely keep getting new rats when these ones pass away.
In this video I share some tips and advice for keeping pet fancy rats as a beginner.
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