
  • Guest: Jim Rickards

    Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    This month’s special guest is Jim Rickards – editor of Strategic Intelligence. You can learn more about Jim’s new book, MoneyGPT, here.

    Show highlights include:

    The story of when Porter and Jim first met… What Jim sees for gold futures… Predictions for the first year of Trump’s second term… Jim’s new book on ChatGPT and its threat to the global economy… A deep conversation about AI… The ticking time bomb inside the stock market… What Porter calls “the single worst trade in the history of human capital markets”… The real problem with excessive U.S. government debt… Porter and Jim’s gentleman’s bet on Russia… Viewer letters… And much more…

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    And be sure to follow us on X at https://x.com/Porter_and_Co and https://x.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,

    Porter & Co.

  • Guest: Marko Papic

    Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk with a series of very special guests about markets, politics, and life.

    In this episode, the very special guest is Marko Papic – Chief Strategist of BCA Research… the essential source of macroeconomic research. You can learn more about Marko here.

    Show highlights include:

    The huge U.S. debt burden…

    Europe’s economic model…

    The current outlook for Latin America…

    The dollar, bonds, and global finance…

    Porter’s top tweets…

    The big bank in big trouble…

    Click here to watch Breaking Point 2024…

    Porter’s wish for his fellow Americans…

    And much, much more…

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    And be sure to follow us on X at https://twitter.com/Porter_and_Co and https://twitter.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,

    Porter & Co.

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  • Guest: Pieter Slegers

    Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this special episode from the annual Porter & Co. conference, Aaron and Porter are joined by finance social media superstar, Compound Quality’s Pieter Slegers. You can learn more about Pieter here.

    Show highlights include:

    The importance of diversification…

    Pieter’s target number of stocks to hold…

    What Porter considers his best investment ever...

    The growth business most people miss...

    Porter’s son, Traveler, joins the show…

    The Latin America Plan B…

    And much more…

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    And be sure to follow us on Twitter/X at https://twitter.com/Porter_and_Co and https://twitter.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,

    Porter & Co.

  • Guest: Kevin Kisner

    Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this episode, Aaron and Porter are joined by PGA Tour golfer Kevin Kisner. You can learn more about Kevin here.

    Show highlights include:

    A rare deep dive into Porter’s businesses…

    An interesting take on Julian Assange…

    News about a new podcast from Porter you won't want to miss…

    The mainstream media finally admits what Porter has been saying about AI…

    Kevin’s tricks for blocking out stress on the course…

    Kevin’s second career – after years as a pro golfer…

    The problem for young American men today…

    And much more…

    And, we go to your letters.

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    And be sure to follow us on Twitter/X at https://twitter.com/Porter_and_Co and https://twitter.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,

    Porter & Co.

  • Guest: Peter St. Onge

    Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this episode, Aaron and Porter are joined by legendary economist and Heritage Foundation Fellow Peter St. Onge. You can learn more about Peter here.

    Show highlights include:

    A decades-old indicator of voter-education levels…

    The inflation blame game…

    A discussion about the future of central banking...

    The financial genie coming out of the bottle…

    Possible solutions for America’s financial problems…

    Hedges you can use against inflation…

    Porter’s idea for a different kind of airline...

    Three things Porter wants to teach investors…

    And much more…

    And, in this episode’s “You Just Can’t Make This Up,” the conversation goes in a deep and sincere direction.

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    And be sure to follow us on Twitter/X at https://twitter.com/Porter_and_Co and https://twitter.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,

    Porter & Co.

  • Guest: Buck Sexton

    Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this episode, Aaron and Porter are joined by Buck Sexton, a former CIA analyst and leading talk-show host. He’s considered one of America’s best political analysts and is the co-host of The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. You can find out more about Buck and his show here.

    Show highlights include:

    The comedian who reached out to Porter while he was not feeling well…

    A look back at these COVID restrictions…

    The guys' thoughts on finances in an election year...

    Something that most individual investors know nothing about…

    The home to some of Wall Street’s smartest people…

    What Buck sees for the coming elections…

    Where Trump could be confined...

    Potential Trump campaign policies…

    Porter recalling a truly special hunting experience…

    Porter’s most politically incorrect opinion...

    And much more…

    Of course, we have a fresh “You Just Can’t Make This Up” segment.

    And, as always, we go to the mailbag.

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    And be sure to follow us on Twitter/X at https://twitter.com/Porter_and_Co and https://twitter.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,

    Porter & Co.

  • Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this episode, with Porter not feeling well, we listen in as Aaron has a thought-provoking one-on-one conversation with Tom Dyson, the Investment Director at Bonner Private Research.

    Show highlights include:

    Tom’s travel philosophy for his family… Tom’s pandemic experiences… Observations on Javier Milei and the economics of Argentina.. Why newsletters like Porter’s exist… How Tom found the newsletter business… Why both Aaron and Tom admire Bill Bonner’s work… What not to do with your life savings… The asset both Aaron and Tom are holding… Debating this central bank theory… And much more…

    To learn more about Tom’s work, go to https://www.bonnerprivateresearch.com/

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    And be sure to follow us on Twitter/X at https://twitter.com/Porter_and_Co and https://twitter.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,
    Porter & Co.

  • Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this episode, Aaron and Porter are joined by the living legend, Doug Casey of International Man.

    Show highlights include: The state of U.S. debt, and a surprising kind of debt that could be a good investment… Porter’s thoughts on the Elon Musk and Delaware debacle… What NYC is doing with taxpayer money… Porter and Doug’s 1999 dinner… The future of gold… Doug’s take on ESG and DEI… A Bitcoin opinion that might surprise you… Where (in the Americas) Doug sees a bright future (will it be where you’re thinking?)… And much more…

    Of course, we have fresh “You Just Can’t Make This Up” stories.

    And, as always, we go to the mailbag.

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    If you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch up here.

  • Guest: Doomberg

    Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this episode, Aaron and Porter are joined by a true energy industry expert, the anonymous Editor-in-Chief of the financial newsletter Doomberg.

    Show highlights include:

    Big news on some outstanding early results from Erez’s Biotech Frontiers newsletter…

    Porter’s X thread about the news, along with a special offer: https://twitter.com/porterstansb/status/1749759694103511265

    Doomberg’s take on cutting LNG exports in an election year…

    A key reason the U.S. has avoided a recession (so far)…

    Inverters, inertia, and what they mean for the power supply to your life…

    Which part of the country is facing the most likely blackout (you might be surprised)...

    Do you know what a “black start” is?...

    A reason for Texas’s grid struggles you might not expect…

    And much more…

    Of course, we have fresh “You Just Can’t Make This Up” stories.

    And, as always, we go to the mailbag.

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.

    And be sure to follow us on Twitter/X at https://twitter.com/Porter_and_Co and https://twitter.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,

    Porter & Co.

  • Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this episode, Aaron and Porter wrap up 2023 and take a look at what might be in store for 2024.

    Show highlights include:

    What Porter sees for the consumer economy and the business that is a key indicator…

    The truth behind Black Friday’s sales numbers…

    What to focus on to manage the impact of inflation…

    The Warren Buffett concept that most people don’t understand…

    The TV show Porter watches every week…

    New products that are coming for Porter & Co. subscribers…

    This unique software gives you the tools to manage your own portfolio…

    An extended “You Can’t Make This Up” covering America from New York to California and even a bit of Europe…

    And a listener letter that takes Porter down memory lane.

    Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com

    And be sure to follow us on Twitter/X at https://twitter.com/Porter_and_Co and https://twitter.com/porterstansb.

    To your success,

    Porter & Co.

  • Guest: Grant Williams

    The Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    Welcome to our new studio!

    In this episode, Aaron and Porter are joined by Grant Williams of grant-williams.com, one of Porter’s heroes of finance.

    Show highlights include:

    An update directly from Porter about Porter & Co. and MarketWise…

    Clearing up the confusion about Bank of America…

    How Porter and Grant view the difference between experts and publishers concerning the current precious metals market…

    What Porter sees in equities for the next decade…

    Porter’s macro take on economies and incentives…

    A Porter quote you don’t want to miss, “Socialism means…”

    Grant explains the economic force that allows governments to make all their promises…

    Central banks and the current gold trend…

    What Porter believes is the biggest issue for our economy right now…

    And much more…

    Of course, we have fresh “You Can’t Make This Up” stories for you.

    And a special letter from Tony, a Partner Pass member.

  • Guest: Meb Faber

    The Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.

    In this episode, Aaron, Porter, and Meb Faber of Cambria Investment Management cover a variety of topics, live and on stage, from the Porter & Co. annual conference,

    The highlights include:

    Porter’s inside information in the real estate commercial market.

    How to position yourself for the bear run.

    Meb discusses Charlie Munger’s three Ls.

    Did you make this trade in 2008 when Porter suggested it?

    If you don’t follow this advice, it will follow you for the next 20 years.

    The number one election indicator.

    RFK JR.

    Do you agree with Porter that this big moment is coming for America?

    What Aaron has learned living in a foreign country.

    Why Meb wants to go back to Bogota.

    And much more…

  • This month, we’re featuring the Sovereign Man – international entrepreneur and investor James Hickman (who often writes under the name Simon Black). Hickman is an expert on diversifying your life and assets internationally – ensuring that no single government ever has control over you or your financial choices.

    The title of this, quite literally, worldly episode is “How to Become a Sovereign Individual” – and you can download and listen to the full podcast here.

    Porter, Aaron, and the Sovereign Man dig into...

    How safe is your money in the U.S.?... The three things to look for in an investment… The Sovereign Man’s time as an Army Intelligence Officer shaped his worldview ... The surprising travel agency Porter would like to create... A forecast for the next five years… And much more... including “You Can’t Make This Up”, and letters from you, the audience.
  • In the inaugural episode of the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – Porter and Aaron have a provocative, no-holds-barred conversation with Dr. Ron Paul where they talk about current events, markets, politics, and life.

    And in what may be a first-ever, Dr. Paul treads into territory that manages to surprise Porter.

    In this highly un-woke episode, Porter, Aaron and the legendary congressman and libertarian icon Dr. Ron Paul tackle...

    The BIG Lie... ESG and how it’s ruining America... Reckless money printing... January 6, 2021... Stock picks... What Porter believes is the best-run energy company in America... Predictions for the near future of the U.S.A....