The ego gets a bad rap. We spend a lot of time, effort, and spiritual practice trying to not let it lead our lives, and that’s good! But, let’s not get rid of it entirely. The ego has a beneficial purpose. Let’s get to know it and learn from it.
Health includes not only our physical well-being, but also our emotional, mental, financial, and spiritual well-being. And, our body, mind, and spirit are a unity, such that what is good for one aspect of our well-being is probably good for the whole. In that light, we explore the wide array of “good medicine.”
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Sabbath can conjure up images of strict religious observance, no play, and fear of retribution for breaking the rules. But, in today’s fast-paced world of instant news, endless social media posts, and cell phones that make us available 24-7, sabbath may be just what we need. Let’s take a fresh look at the idea of sabbath, and the many benefits it has to offer us in our hectic lives.
Peace! Everyone wants it, many pray for it, some even devote their life’s work to it. Yet, there is so much that is not peace in the world. How can we be the Peace we want to see in the world? And, does it make a difference? This week, we turn to some of the great advocates and practitioners of Peace and Non-Violence for inspiration.
We often think about love being a demonstration of a gift or kind gesture to give or to receive. How would life change if we saw love as a demonstration of who we truly are? Join Rev. Christine as she shares insights on the power of love as our true expression in the world.
Life is hard; at times, it can feel like we’re pushing against the current getting nowhere. It seems rational to find and take the easy way through it all. Afterall, why make it harder than it has to be? In our teaching, we often want to navigate a challenge “with ease and grace.” But, what if it’s not meant to be easy; what if the rough water, the struggle, is exactly what we need?
This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. At last – Freedom! That’s what spiritual living is all about. Freedom to live your best life. Freedom to live the life you desire. Sure, we have a belief system, but it’s based in Universal Spiritual Principles, not rules telling you what you should and should not do; instead, it’s all about remembering who you really are and being free to live as your unique Self.
No Hell, Only Heaven Within – This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. This week – Heaven and Hell. What are they, really? Are they actual places? States of mind? What is the relationship between them and our lives? As a Center for Spiritual Living, we positively “believe in” heaven, and it’s available to all. Come hear what that means and how to attain it.
This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. This week – Original sin? Salvation? What’s all that about? Well, here at Center for Spiritual Living, we have a very different take on sin. In fact, we don’t even use that word because it’s loaded with harmful misunderstanding; we teach the more positive and useful concept of cause and effect. Let’s explore this principle and what it means in our lives. (Oh, and by the way – you don’t need “saving”.)
This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. First up – God, what It is and what It isn’t. We believe in and teach a concept of God based on the simple Truth that God Is Love, and that God is all there is. That’s It. But, of course, we’ll have more to say about what that means.
As we approach Christmas, we look at Christ Consciousness. Attaining Christ Consciousness was not an accomplishment exclusive to Jesus of Nazareth; he was an example, not the exception. There is more “light” in the world now than at any time in human history. We contribute to it by letting our Christ Consciousness rise and being the Light of Harmony, Love, and Peace.
As we approach Christmas, we look at Christ Consciousness. Attaining Christ Consciousness was not an accomplishment exclusive to Jesus of Nazareth; he was an example, not the exception. At this time of year, when the Northern Hemisphere is at its darkest, we explore the work we need to do to prepare the way for our Christ Consciousness to rise, work that is often best done in the “dark”.
One hundred twenty seven years later the answer is the same. What are your thoughts? Your beliefs? What do you KNOW in your heart of hearts? Let’s delve into these questions together, creating an energy that unto itself will be a gift!
The Buddha taught, “My teaching is like the finger pointing at the moon. Do not confuse the finger for the moon.” We teach, we study, we learn, we meditate, we pray. But what is it all for? Is what we do the moon, or the finger?
The election is over and the votes are in (hopefully). Now what? How do we move forward, together, when some are filled with joy and some with despair? Is it even possible? How is it possible? Let’s explore what’s next, as loving spiritually minded people living in divisive times.
Awe is a powerful experience, a spiritual on ramp. Dr. Dacher Keltner defines Awe as “the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your current understanding of the world.” In that, lies transformation, for our health, our relationships, and our experience of life.
Gratitude is a spiritual super-power. We close-out our Partners in Prosperity series by looking at the role of gratitude in both growing our prosperity consciousness and simply helping us live happier more fulfilling lives.
Our society constantly bombards us with messages of scarcity. But, all the important things in life, all the things that help us feel prosperous – none of them are scarce. It’s a spiritual law of the universe – nothing is pie!
Ernest Holmes said we should wish for no private good when we pray, that what we desire for ourselves we should desire for all humans. We Are One; whatever prosperity means for each of us individually, therefore, is true prosperity only when it is available to all.
What do you think of when you hear the word prosperity? There’s a good chance you’re thinking of financial freedom. While prosperity can mean that, the fuller meaning of prosperity is so much more than that. Let’s explore, together, what prosperity means in the larger scope of our lives.
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