
  • Recovery teaches us that our stories don’t end with addiction; they begin anew with each step toward sobriety. This video explores the concept that as long as we have breath, we have stories worth sharing. Even our most challenging moments are merely preparations for the next phase of healing, offering us opportunities to grow and help others on their paths. We also discuss the dual lives many of us lead as alcoholics and how embracing and sharing our true stories can lead to genuine living and deeper recovery. Join us as we dive into the importance of storytelling in healing and how it can transform not just our lives but also those of others. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into the power of personal narratives in recovery.

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  • The recovery process outlined by the first 100 authors of the Big Book has shown remarkable success for individuals grappling with addiction. In this video, we delve into the importance of demonstrating these proven methods by sharing our own experiences. We discuss how aligning personal recovery stories with those from the Big Book can inspire and guide newcomers in their journey. Despite personal challenges, such as recovering from a recent stroke, the commitment to helping others remains unwavering. Join us as we explore the power of shared experiences in fostering recovery and encouraging others to engage deeply with the process. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into the transformative power of recovery.

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  • Join us as we delve into a personal story of grappling with the concept of ‘turning it over to God’ in the recovery process. This video shares the experiences of someone who, despite longstanding skepticism and a lack of understanding of spiritual terminology, began to notice subtle improvements in their life through the practice of the third step prayer. Without fully grasping what it meant to surrender to a higher power, the narrator found motivation in the daily improvements and the growing sense of well-being. This story illustrates the power of willingness and the transformative effect of even a fledgling faith in something greater than oneself. As we explore this journey, we encourage viewers to consider how small steps toward spirituality can lead to significant changes, fostering a curiosity and openness to see what each new day in recovery can bring. Tune in every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more inspiring stories and insights into the transformative journeys in recovery.

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  • In recovery, the shift from mere belief to actual experience can redefine our understanding and approach to life. This video explores the importance of not imposing rules but rather sharing personal journeys to foster growth. We discuss the value of walking together in recovery, highlighting how a supportive presence can help others navigate their struggles. By gently guiding and sharing our own experiences, we can inspire a profound transformation that enhances the quality of life, not just for the individual but for the entire community. Join us as we delve into the powerful impact of empathetic support and the lasting change it brings. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights on living a life enriched by recovery and fellowship.

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  • Becoming a supportive figure in someone’s recovery journey is a role that demands integrity and growth. This video highlights the critical attribute of confidentiality and the transformative qualities essential for those who wish to support others effectively. We explore how the recovery process not only changes our actions but enhances our ability to exhibit kindness, maintain calm in adversity, and extend love to those difficult to love. These are signs of a power greater than ourselves at work within us, reflecting the spiritual and personal growth that recovery fosters. Join us as we delve into what it means to be the right person for someone in recovery, and how this role can profoundly impact both your life and the lives of those you support. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into the responsibilities and rewards of being a confidant in the recovery community.

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  • Recovery is not just about following steps; it’s about internal growth and honesty with oneself. This video explores the strategic layout of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, which guides individuals through a progressive journey—engaging with family, employers, and building a supportive circle. We discuss the importance of being honest with oneself as the foundation for recovery and the ease and comfort that come from this authenticity. Additionally, we tackle the concept of willingness, highlighting how it’s not solely an internal attribute but something that can be sought through a higher power. Join us as we delve into the significance of spiritual growth and readiness to tackle the more challenging aspects of recovery over time. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights on living a truly honest and recovery-oriented life.

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  • Embark on a transformative journey in this session as we delve into the profound spiritual experiences that underpin the recovery process outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. We differentiate the original program of recovery from the fellowship experiences commonly found in meeting rooms, aiming to align with the first 100 individuals who pioneered these principles. This video is not just about conveying information; it’s about facilitating your own personal encounters with a higher power. Whether you start with doubts or come with an open heart, the path laid out here invites you to transcend synthetic spiritual experiences and genuinely connect with something greater. As you experience these moments, you may feel a significant shift within, illuminating the powerful statement that ‘there is one who has all power—that one is God.’ Discover the transformative impact of coming to believe, regardless of your initial skepticism or faith. Join us as we guide you through this extraordinary journey of redemption and spiritual discovery. Tune in every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into the profound changes that await you.

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  • Addiction often traps us in a cycle of fear and tension, leading us to continue our destructive habits despite knowing they’re harmful. This video addresses the common struggle of facing these realities and the role of psychiatric professionals in our journey. We explore why many of us, even after seeking professional help, might withhold the full truth or ignore the advice given. Why is it so hard to be honest with those trying to help us? Join us as we delve into the psychological battles associated with addiction and the crucial steps towards breaking free from fear and denial. Hear from those who have navigated these challenges and learn how embracing complete honesty can transform your recovery process. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into overcoming addiction and finding true healing.

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@interactivestepexp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

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  • Recovery is a celebration of personal effort and community support, but it’s also a commitment to ongoing self-improvement. This video dives into the rigorous demands of Steps 4 and 5 of Alcoholics Anonymous—making a searching and fearless moral inventory and admitting the exact nature of our wrongs. We explore why these steps are crucial, yet often emotionally challenging, and why you might not feel immediately relieved after completing them. Hear why these feelings are normal and discover the reasons behind them, as shared by those who have walked this path before. Join us to understand the deeper healing that these steps foster and how they prepare us for continued growth in recovery. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into navigating the complexities of the recovery journey.

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  • Many of us in recovery have felt the fear of being judged for our past, especially when opening up to someone who offers support and understanding for the first time. This video delves into the common apprehension of revealing our true selves to those we fear may turn away. We explore the story of someone who overcame these fears by trusting a mentor who not only listened but also helped channel the power necessary for transformation. We discuss the importance of readiness to embrace this step, and how finding the right person to share with can significantly impact our recovery journey. Join us as we examine the courage it takes to be vulnerable and the profound growth that follows. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more inspiring stories and recovery insights.

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  • Dive into an inspiring journey of a skeptic turned believer in the recovery process. Raised in an atheist family, the narrator grappled with the idea of a higher power and their own worthiness of redemption. This video shares a transformative moment during a difficult time in recovery, where the concept of a higher power became not just a possibility, but a profound reality. Experiencing a severe episode of sleep paralysis, the narrator reached out in desperation through prayer and encountered a sudden, liberating change that marked a turning point in their belief system. This story not only challenges the doubts many face about spirituality in recovery but also illustrates the unexpected ways faith can manifest and genuinely restore sanity and peace. Join us as we explore this compelling testimony, encouraging anyone struggling with belief to consider the possibilities that faith can offer in the healing journey. Tune in every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more powerful stories of transformation and recovery.

    Join us for more inspiring recovery stories and transformative insights.

    Check out our website at: www.positionofneutrality.org


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  • In recovery, the journey isn’t just about adhering to a specific set of religious beliefs; it’s about finding understanding and support wherever it may be. This video explores why many seeking recovery are drawn to speak with ordained figures, regardless of their personal faith. We discuss how these individuals often have a quick and compassionate understanding of the struggles faced by those in recovery. Additionally, we tackle the importance of not judging others’ actions during their addiction, emphasizing that true recovery involves turning what was once considered waste into something infinitely valuable. Join us as we reflect on the significance of empathy and understanding in recovery, and the need for self-awareness when it comes to condemning others. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into living a compassionate, recovery-oriented life.

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  • Recovery isn’t just a series of steps; it’s a way of life. This video delves into the common misconception that once certain steps are completed, the work is done. We discuss the vital ongoing process of house cleaning in recovery, illustrating how every challenge and ‘worst experience’ can become a treasure to help others. Learn how continuous engagement with all aspects of the program—especially making amends—can prevent relapse and transform what might seem like a wasted life into a source of hope for those still suffering. Join us as we explore the dynamic and lifelong journey of recovery, sharing insights on how to live out the principles every day. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more empowering recovery stories and insights.

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  • Step 5 of Alcoholics Anonymous challenges us to share our deepest flaws with another person—a daunting task that can stir significant fear. This video discusses the common fears and hesitations many face when approaching this step and the importance of acknowledging these emotions. We explore how taking action despite these fears can lead to profound personal growth and healing. Hear about the experiences of those who have walked this path, and learn how embracing vulnerability can transform your recovery journey. Join us as we delve into the power of honest disclosure and the liberation it brings. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into navigating the recovery process.

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  • Join us as we delve into the compelling need for a power greater than ourselves to truly overcome the challenges of addiction. This session explores why traditional codes of morals or philosophical comfort are often insufficient in battling alcoholism. Many of us have tried to will ourselves into betterment, only to find that our human resources fall short. Through the lessons of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, we learn that overcoming addiction isn’t just about stopping a behavior—it’s about transforming our entire manner of living through a power that offers deep, sustaining comfort from within. In this video, we will explore the journey to deepening our relationship with this transformative power, understanding that while addiction may hijack our minds and emotions, there is a greater force available that can lead to profound changes in our lives. We’ll discuss how this power is not external but nestled deep within each of us, often obscured but always present and waiting to be realized. Stay tuned as we guide you through uncovering this great reality, encouraging you to search fearlessly within yourself. Every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time, we uncover more about the journey to recovery and the incredible transformation that awaits when we connect with a power greater than ourselves.

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    Check out our website at: www.positionofneutrality.org


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    #PositionOfNeutrality, #JoeMcDonald, #BrianReinhart, #WayneGiles, #EricReinhart, #DeniseMcDonald, #JoeTeaches, #RecoveryJourney, #SpiritualAwakening, #AddictionHelp, #SobrietyPath, #InnerStrength, #TransformativeRecovery, #FaithInRecovery

  • Recovery involves critical decisions about whom to trust with our most personal struggles. This video explores the importance of selecting the right confidant to share the intimate details of our journey, which is crucial for developing honesty and humility. We discuss the challenges of overcoming distrust and the common fears associated with revealing our true selves. Learn how taking such a step with the right person can lead to significant spiritual growth and a transformation in how we live and think. Join us as we uncover the steps to growing in consciousness and living a new life in the spirit of recovery. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more empowering recovery stories and insights.

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  • In the recovery community, the impact of sharing personal experiences over opinions cannot be understated. This video explores why we, as individuals who have often sought and then ignored professional opinions, find real strength and hope in the genuine experiences of others. We discuss how witnessing the actions, rather than just hearing the advice, of those who have walked before us can ignite a spark of hope and perhaps even faith in our own journey towards recovery. Join us as we delve into the power of lived experience to inspire and guide those on the path to sobriety. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more insights into the transformative process of recovery.

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    Check out our website at: www.positionofneutrality.org


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    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mGbAbcacTs83RhMsv6FmY?si=6531e7adfdbb480e

    RSS: Position of Neutrality | RSS.com

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@interactivestepexp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

    #PositionOfNeutrality, #RecoverySuccess, #TransformationJourney, #PersonalAchievement, #SobrietyWins, #SexualHealthInRecovery, #BalancedApproach, #JoeMcDonald, #BrianReinhart, #WayneGiles, #EricReinhart, #DeniseMcDonald, #JoeTeaches, #DeepRecovery, #MoralInventory, #AddictionRecovery, #HealingJourney, #StepFourWork, #SpiritualAwakening, #HonestSelfAssessment, #RecoveryTools, #BreakingTheCycle, #LifeAfterAddiction, #SobrietyPath, #RecoveryStrength, #EmotionalHealing, #AccountabilityInRecovery, #OneDayAtATime

  • In this special episode, we extend a heartfelt shout-out to our viewers watching from prison yards across Arizona. Your journey and commitment to recovery are acknowledged and respected here. This video highlights how our meetings offer a unique experience, different from other fellowships, designed to provide you with the tools and community needed for a transformative recovery journey. We are here to support you, ensuring that you have a place in our community both during and after your time inside. Join us as we share insights and the promise of a renewed life, guided by the spirit of understanding and unity. Tune into our YouTube channel every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more supportive and empowering content.

    Join us for more inspiring recovery stories and transformative insights.

    Check out our website at: www.positionofneutrality.org


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PositionOfNeutrality

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mGbAbcacTs83RhMsv6FmY?si=6531e7adfdbb480e

    RSS: Position of Neutrality | RSS.com

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@interactivestepexp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

    #PositionOfNeutrality, #RecoverySuccess, #TransformationJourney, #PersonalAchievement, #SobrietyWins, #SexualHealthInRecovery, #BalancedApproach, #JoeMcDonald, #BrianReinhart, #WayneGiles, #EricReinhart, #DeniseMcDonald, #JoeTeaches, #DeepRecovery, #MoralInventory, #AddictionRecovery, #HealingJourney, #StepFourWork, #SpiritualAwakening, #HonestSelfAssessment, #RecoveryTools, #BreakingTheCycle, #LifeAfterAddiction, #SobrietyPath, #RecoveryStrength, #EmotionalHealing, #AccountabilityInRecovery, #OneDayAtATime

  • Explore a transformative journey through Step 2 of Alcoholics Anonymous, where we come to believe in a power greater than ourselves. This video shares an inspiring personal story of someone who, while initially skeptical, experienced a profound spiritual awakening in the quiet solitude of a treatment center. Through deeply emotional prayers and a heartfelt surrender to a higher power, the narrator describes how they were moved to tears and felt a significant weight lifted from their shoulders. This story emphasizes the critical moment of truly embracing the belief that a higher power not only exists but cares deeply and personally. We delve into the importance of this belief in the recovery process, showing how it can lead to a renewed sense of hope and direction. Join us as we reflect on the power of faith and how believing in a loving higher power can transform our lives in unexpected and healing ways. Tune in every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. AZ time for more compelling stories and insights to support your journey in recovery.

    Join us for more inspiring recovery stories and transformative insights.

    Check out our website at: www.positionofneutrality.org


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PositionOfNeutrality

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mGbAbcacTs83RhMsv6FmY?si=6531e7adfdbb480e

    RSS: Position of Neutrality | RSS.com

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@interactivestepexp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

    #PositionOfNeutrality, #RecoverySuccess, #TransformationJourney, #PersonalAchievement, #SobrietyWins, #SexualHealthInRecovery, #BalancedApproach, #JoeMcDonald, #BrianReinhart, #WayneGiles, #EricReinhart, #DeniseMcDonald, #JoeTeaches, #DeepRecovery, #MoralInventory, #AddictionRecovery, #HealingJourney, #StepFourWork, #SpiritualAwakening, #HonestSelfAssessment, #RecoveryTools, #BreakingTheCycle, #LifeAfterAddiction, #SobrietyPath, #RecoveryStrength, #EmotionalHealing, #AccountabilityInRecovery, #OneDayAtATime

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    Position of Neutrality is a study of the manner of living suggested by the founders of A.A. which was recorded in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. The story of how many thousands of men and women have recovered from alcoholism.