
  • Simon looks at the importance of persistence in achieving success. Drawing parallels between property investing and personal experiences, he highlights the significance of not giving up too quickly, especially when faced with initial rejection or setbacks. The episode also provides a four-step process for listeners to follow when feeling discouraged or considering giving up.


    Developing persistence is crucial for success in various aspects of life, including property investing. A rejection or a "no" doesn't necessarily mean the end; it could just mean "not now." Following up and being persistent can lead to positive outcomes. It's essential to assess and challenge limiting beliefs that may hinder progress towards goals. Ensure that you are following the correct process and have all the necessary knowledge to achieve desired results. Consulting with a mentor or coach can provide valuable insights and help identify blind spots that may be impeding progress.


    "No does not mean no, never. It means no, not now."

    "Either you do or you don't. For example, if you try and pick up a pen, either you pick the pen up or you don't."

    "If they've accepted your offer, it means you've offered them too much money. You want them to say no."

    "Some of the very best property deals I have done have come from the fact I've followed up with the seller on a consistent basis."

    "If you become more persistent in your life, in all areas of your life, whether it's personal, business, property, I promise you, you're going to be more successful."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon delves into the six main mistakes commonly made by property deal sourcers, highlighting the importance of understanding what constitutes a great deal, the significance of working with motivated sellers, and the necessity of effective negotiation skills.


    Knowing what makes a great deal is crucial for property deal sourcers to be successful. Deal sourcers should focus on working with motivated sellers to secure flexible deals. Negotiation skills are essential for deal sourcers to secure and close profitable property deals. Deal sourcers should avoid being too tunnel-visioned on one strategy and remain open to different opportunities. It is important for deal sourcers to find investors to pass on deals to or joint venture with, to maximise profits and opportunities.


    "Many deal sources make lots and lots of low offers. They all get rejected and they just give up thinking this doesn't work."

    "A great deal is a deal where you can put a small amount of money in, either initially, or you put money in and you can recycle it out."

    "There are some fantastic deals out there right now. A lot of deal sources get very tunnel visioned. They think I've got to sell all these deals to make money for me to be able to buy the ones I want to keep."


    if you want to Learn more about becoming a successful deal sourcer register for this online training here: www.dealsourcingmasterclass.co.uk

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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  • Simon discusses the concept of following your passion in property investing, sharing a personal story of how he transitioned from a corporate career at Cadbury's to full-time property investing, and emphasising the importance of replacing income with passive property income.


    It's important to be passionate about the results property can bring rather than the property itself. Achieving financial freedom through property investing is highlighted as a key goal, allowing individuals to have more time and space to pursue their passions and purpose. We should always try to invest time and effort upfront for long-term financial success. Give back and help others, which only adds to the value of not only personal success but also contributes to the well-being of others.


    "You don't need to be passionate about property. All you need is to be passionate about what property can do for you."

    "I believe the opportunity is for you to make those smart decisions to invest in yourself, put the time and effort in upfront and work once, get paid forever."

    "I feel really sorry for kids who go to schools and their parents are on benefits, their grandparents are on benefits, and they expect that is all that they are going to get."

    "I had to make some Smart decisions. Now he uses the word smart decisions instead of short-term sacrifices."


    Find out more out our about our financial awareness for young adults here: www.futurefinancialsuccess.co.uk

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon delves into the crucial topic of conducting due diligence in property investing. Drawing on his nearly 30 years of experience, he focusses on the importance of thorough research to avoid costly mistakes, and covers key aspects such as determining property value, assessing rental income, and ensuring positive cash flow.


    Conducting thorough due diligence is crucial in property investing to avoid costly mistakes and ensure success. When assessing a property, determining its value, rental income, and potential for cash flow and return on investment are essential factors to consider. When working with deal sourcers, it is important to ensure they are compliant, have proper training, and can provide evidence of successful deals. When vetting suppliers and partners, longevity, reputation, and recommendations from other investors are key indicators of reliability. Checking the background, assets, and credit score of individuals involved in a deal is vital to assess their credibility and financial stability.


    "I see people lose money, make expensive mistakes because they haven't done correct due diligence."

    "You want to make sure they have enough money, and the money is actually available when it's going to be required."

    "Please never ever pay anybody money up front to find you deals."

    "Just be careful because I want to make sure you don't make expensive mistakes."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon shares a success story of a client who was on the brink of losing £100,000 on a property project gone wrong. Through expert advice and coaching, the client turned the situation around and is now set to make a profit of at least £100,000, if not more. The episode delves into the importance of seeking expert help, finding motivated sellers, understanding the risks of joint ventures, and the significance of due diligence when partnering with others in property investments.


    Seeking expert help and advice in property investment can lead to significant financial gains and turnaround in challenging situations. It is crucial to conduct thorough due diligence when entering into joint ventures to ensure the partners are fit for the purpose and have the necessary expertise. Exploring creative solutions, such as changing property usage or partnering with experienced individuals, can lead to more profitable outcomes in property investments. Seeking advice and sense-checking decisions with more experienced individuals can help identify blind spots and opportunities for maximising profits in property projects. Striving for win-win solutions in property transactions can benefit both parties involved, turning challenging situations into profitable opportunities.


    "If you're going to joint venture with someone or if you have a buyer and they say they're going to buy cash, you want to ask them, do you actually mean cash or do you mean you're going to get some sort of finance?"

    "I've got an 18-month, 24-month project to build a big portfolio that we're going to pass on."

    "Sometimes you see sellers and they're in a situation where they want to get rid of a property, and they know what the potential is, but they just don't want to or can't do it themselves."


    If you would like a call to discover how coaching could help you visit this website. http://www.GrowthCall.co.uk

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon discusses the importance of stretching one's comfort zone for personal growth and success. Drawing on the idea that change and growth occur outside of one's comfort zone, he shares personal anecdotes and examples from the world of property investing to illustrate the benefits of pushing boundaries.


    Success lies just outside of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable in order to grow and achieve success. Fear is often just in our heads. Challenge yourself to face your fears and push through them to achieve personal growth and success. Identify things you know you should do but are avoiding due to fear or discomfort. Challenge yourself to take action and push your comfort zone. Pushing your comfort zone leads to personal growth and development. Embrace the discomfort and awkwardness to achieve new levels of success. Gain property education and surround yourself with like-minded individuals to support your growth and success in property investing.


    "Your success is waiting for you just outside of your comfort zone."

    "Fear is often just in our head. A great acronym is false expectations appearing real."

    "You're not going to die. You might be a bit embarrassed. You might feel a bit awkward, but you'll get over that."

    "Your success, whether it's personally, in your business, in your property investing, is waiting for you just outside of your comfort zone."

    "What can you do to push your comfort zone and grow that comfort zone so you become a more successful person?"


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon provides a comprehensive update on the current property market conditions following the Bank of England's decision to maintain interest rates at 5.25%. He discusses the impact of inflation, rental rates, and property prices on property investors. Emphasising the importance of seizing opportunities in the market, Simon tells you why you need to focus on finding motivated sellers, areas with strong rental demand, and properties that generate positive cash flow.


    Interest rates have remained unchanged at 5.25% since 2008, but there is speculation that they may come down in 2024. Rental rates have increased by an average of 9.2% over the last 12 months, outpacing inflation. Property prices are stagnating on average, with cheaper properties and apartments showing sharper growth. The current market presents opportunities for investors to find great deals due to low competition. Investing in property with a focus on long-term gains and following the five golden rules can lead to success regardless of short-term market fluctuations.


    "Many people believe actually August might be the first time we're going to see rates come down and the general consensus is that probably rates are going to come down three times during 2024."

    "If you follow the golden rules, particularly rule two, three, and four, whereby we are picking up properties where we know there's strong rental demand, it makes positive cash flow, and we're holding long term, does it really matter what happens to prices short term?"

    "I think there'll be a little bit of a mini boom in the property market in 2025. Now, I could be completely wrong. I don't know. To be honest, I don't really care because, as I say, I don't mind what happens short term to property prices."

    "I wish I had somebody like me telling me when I first started to just get on with it, go and find some great deals. But I didn't have someone like me helping me. You don't have that excuse."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon looks at the importance of time as the most valuable resource in a property business. Drawing on personal experiences and insights from successful entrepreneurs like Robert Kiyosaki and Brad Sugar, Simon highlights the significance of leveraging time effectively to maximise productivity and growth.


    Time is the most valuable resource in business and should be used wisely. Investing in help and delegating tasks can save time and lead to business growth. Focus on high-value activities that generate revenue rather than getting caught up in low-impact tasks. Utilise tools and resources, such as Property Filter, to streamline processes and save time in property investment. Prioritise tasks by either doing them yourself, delegating them, or eliminating them altogether to maximise productivity.


    "Rich people will spend our money to save time. So we'll spend money to get our time back."

    "Not employing someone in your business is costing you a fortune."

    "Focus on the most important things that are going to move you forward."

    "Invest with knowledge, invest with skill."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon explores the various stages of a property investor's journey, delving into key aspects such as setting clear goals, adapting strategies based on goals and resources, utilising available resources effectively, transitioning from personal management to professional property management, expanding one's network, and conducting regular portfolio reviews.


    It is crucial to be clear about what you want to achieve from property investing and why you want to achieve it. Goals may evolve from income replacement to lifestyle enhancement and generational wealth creation. Align your property investment strategy with your goals, available resources, and expertise. Avoid dabbling in multiple strategies and focus on mastering one that suits your objectives. Look beyond just money in the bank and consider leveraging existing assets like equity in properties, pensions, and other people's resources to fund deals. Utilise tools like the Strategy Profile Test to identify the best strategies based on your resources. Building a strong network of like-minded individuals in the property industry is essential for support, learning from others' experiences, and potential collaboration on deals. Your network can significantly impact your success in property investing. Regularly review your property portfolio to assess performance, return on equity, and potential for optimisation. Consider factors like cash flow, ROI, and future planning, including inheritance tax implications, to ensure long-term success and wealth preservation.


    "If you find a really good profitable property deal, there's enough profit in it for not only you, but for someone else to make a good income from that deal."

    "Your network is your net worth. I want you to take that to heart and I want you to think about what are you doing to grow your network."

    "There comes a point where really you should not be managing. You can absolutely do a few, very much part time."

    "I think it's important to recognise where you are in your journey. Recognise you might need to change and adapt what you do as you grow."


    Find out which is the best strategy for you here: https://www.strategyprofiletest.com/

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon delves into the topic of Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and highlights the five big mistakes people often make when dealing with HMO properties. He demystifies HMOs and provide valuable insights on how to avoid costly errors as well as emphasising that HMOs can be a lucrative investment strategy, capable of replacing income in a relatively short period. By debunking common misconceptions, such as the assumption that HMOs are only for experienced investors or that they require substantial upfront capital, Simon encourages listeners to explore the potential of HMO properties.


    There are various types of tenants for HMO properties, including young professionals, working individuals, and those on benefits. Understanding this can help in maximising the potential of HMO investments. While HMOs are considered more advanced, beginners can also venture into this strategy with proper knowledge and guidance. It's essential to focus on the potential profitability rather than solely on experience. Contrary to popular belief, substantial personal funds are not always necessary for HMO investments. Options like private loans, joint ventures, rent to rent, and purchase options can be utilised to finance HMO projects effectively. Instead of competing on price, focusing on providing high-end, co-living HMO properties can attract better tenants, higher rents, and longer tenancies. This approach can lead to increased profitability and reduced void periods. Many individuals hold back from investing in HMOs due to lack of knowledge or misconceptions. By gaining the necessary training and understanding the strategies involved, one can unlock the potential of HMO investments and achieve significant financial gains.


    "HMOs, Houses of Multiple Occupation, is probably one of the fastest strategies for you to replace your income."

    "I think a lot of people are put off doing HMOs because they don't really understand them."

    "The only way you should do that, in my opinion, which is what many of my students do, is they take an HMO, they rent it to a charity who specialises in supporting people who have special needs."

    "I wouldn't say they're easy, because easy suggests there's no effort. There's definitely time and effort required."


    To access the online training from Simon about HMOs register here: https://www.hmomasterclass.co.uk/

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon discusses the pitfalls of investing in property hotspots, using Dubai as an example. He emphasises the risks associated with buying in areas experiencing rapid price increases, such as oversupply and lack of positive cash flow. He also shares personal experiences with off-plan property investments and highlights the importance of researching areas with growing populations for better capital growth potential.


    Think twice about investing in property hotspots due to the potential risks associated with inflated prices and lack of positive cash flow. Off-plan property investments, especially in international locations, can pose challenges such as oversupply and currency fluctuations. To achieve better than average capital growth, investors should target areas experiencing faster population growth, driven by factors like new infrastructure, incentives, and economic stimulation. In any market condition, there are always motivated sellers willing to negotiate on price and terms, providing opportunities for investors to secure properties at favourable terms.


    "I believe if you're holding property long term, don't worry about short term blips up and blips down because we're holding long term."

    "I have done it in the past. I have made some money from it. I know a lot of people lose money from it, so you need to be very careful."

    "So what I want to do is teach you how you can get better than average capital growth."

    "Find areas before they become a hotspot by looking for the areas where you're going to get faster population growth and other areas."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon discusses the advantages of buying properties with mortgages compared to buying for cash. He provides numerical examples to illustrate how leveraging mortgages can lead to higher returns and increased cash flow over time. Simon also emphasises the power of using other people's money to invest in property and highlights various creative funding strategies for those with limited capital.


    Using mortgages allows for more properties to be purchased, increasing overall cash flow and potential profits. Property values tend to increase over time, especially due to the shortage of accommodation and increasing population. Various methods, such as rent-to-rent, lease options, vendor finance, joint ventures, or loans, can be utilised when running out of personal funds. By leveraging mortgages and multiple properties, the potential return on investment can be significantly higher compared to buying properties outright with cash.


    "But what you need to remember is that when you get a mortgage or using someone else's money to buy a property, it means your deposits can go further and your tenants who rent the property from you, they are going to be more than covering the cost of the mortgage."

    "The reality is we live on an island in the UK. There is not enough accommodation. We have the increasing population. So over time, both the rents and property values go up."

    "If you have money, whether it's savings, inheritance, money in your business. It's not doing you any favours sitting in the bank. By putting it into property, not only can you get a much better cash flow, you also benefit from that long-term capital growth."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon delves into the crucial topic of tax and how property investors can minimise the amount they pay. The episode covers various types of taxes such as income tax, capital gains tax, and inheritance tax, providing valuable insights on how each tax can impact property investors. Listeners learn about strategies to reduce tax liabilities, including structuring property ownership, utilising tax-efficient company structures, and planning for inheritance tax.


    Understanding different types of taxes such as income tax, capital gains tax, and inheritance tax is crucial for property investors to minimise the amount of tax they pay. Utilising strategies like changing the percentage of beneficial ownership in jointly owned properties can help lower tax liabilities, especially for higher rate taxpayers. Section 24, introduced in April 2017, restricts the ability to offset all interest costs on mortgages against rental income, impacting property owners in higher tax brackets. Capital gains tax is incurred when selling a property that is not a primary residence, with the tax rate varying based on the gain from the property's purchase price. Planning ahead to mitigate inheritance tax through careful estate planning and seeking advice from tax specialists can help protect valuable property portfolios for future generations.


    "Robert Kiyosaki has a great saying, he says, what you know will make you money, what you don't know will cost you money."

    "So, if you would never sell the property, you're never going to pay capital gains tax."

    "I think there'll be even more landlords who might think, you know what? Now might be a really good time to sell my property because I'm going to pay less tax on that gain."

    "So, really important to get some advice and also get a will in place."

    "Generally, for most people moving forward, Buying in a company structure seems to be the most tax efficient way."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon delves into the impact of interest rates on property investing, beginning with the recent decision by the Bank of England to maintain the base rate at 5.25% amidst falling inflation rates. He emphasises the current buyer's market, highlighting opportunities for investors to negotiate favourable purchase prices. Additionally, insights are shared on potential future interest rate reductions and their implications on the property market.


    Interest rates have remained high at 5.25%, impacting property investors looking to refinance or buy new properties. The current market is a buyer's market, with more sellers than buyers, presenting an opportunity for investors to negotiate good purchase prices. Advanced property investment strategies like HMOs and service accommodation can still be profitable despite high interest rates. Predictions suggest interest rates may decrease in 2024, potentially leading to a property market recovery by 2025. Landlords may be looking to sell properties in the next six months due to changes in capital gains tax rates, potentially leading to a dip in property prices in 2024.


    "I think many people are wondering when we're going to see interest rates come down... Some people think we might get a drop in interest rate as soon as May or June."

    "I believe you should be investing all the time, not worrying about short term fluctuations... as long as the property stacks up and makes money for you."

    "I think it's such a great time to be investing... I'm going to be buying probably more property in the next 24 months than I probably have in the last decade."

    "I predict that the beginning of 2025, we're going to see the property market start to really recover... I think we're going to see reductions before that because these high interest rates are struggling or restricting the economy recovery."

    "Remember, only do really good property deals... have courage, get out there, find some great deals."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon delves into the crucial difference between a cost mindset and a value mindset in property investing. Drawing on the ABC of mindset (Attitude, Belief, and Courage), he stresses the importance of shifting from a cost mindset, which focuses on limitations and scarcity, to a value mindset, which opens up possibilities and growth.


    It is crucial to shift from a cost mindset to a value mindset in property investing to unlock unlimited potential. Time is a valuable resource that should be prioritised over money, as it cannot be regained once lost. Delegating tasks that do not require your direct involvement allows you to focus on high-value activities that generate more income. Investing in training and education is an investment in yourself, leading to psychological upgrades and increased success in property investing.


    "Poor people will spend their time to save money. This is a poor mindset."

    "It costs you a fortune not to hire someone in your business."

    "By investing in yourself, you are gaining a psychological upgrade. You're backing yourself."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon analyses the crucial topic of long-term view versus short-term thinking in property investing. Emphasising the significance of mindset, he explores the three attitude adjustments essential for successful property investing: adopting an investor mindset, developing a value attitude, and focusing on long-term view over short-term gains.


    Long-term view versus short-term thinking is crucial for property investing success. Mindset plays a significant role in achieving success, focusing on attitude, belief, and courage. Property investing requires patience and a shift from short-term to long-term mindset. Consistent action and trust in the process are essential for long-term success in property investing. Recognise the value of long-term equity growth in property investing and the benefits of holding properties for the long term.


    "Most people, when they get into property, they might have their own home and they think very much like a home owner, but they need to switch that and start thinking like an investor."

    "The biggest problem with flipping property is when you sell that property, you crystalise the profit. You're never going to make any more money from that property."

    "People learn about strategies such as reaching out to landlords via landlord letters. They send a few letters, they don't get the response they want, and guess what? They stop doing it."

    "By putting the time and effort into your property investing, if you're going to hold that property, you get someone else to manage it for you so you don't have to type all your time looking after it."


    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon delves into the powerful strategy of the "no mortgage, no deposit" approach, offering listeners a competitive advantage in the world of property investing. With almost 30 years of experience, he shares specialist knowledge that can revolutionise how investors perceive property deals.


    A purchase lease option strategy allows investors to grow a profitable property portfolio without needing large deposits or mortgages. Understand the types of property sellers who may be open to purchase lease options, such as those with no equity, inherited properties, or landlords looking to retire. Purchase lease options can benefit both sellers and investors, offering sellers more money and a quicker transaction while providing investors with a way to secure properties without traditional financing. Get estate agents and solicitors on board with purchase lease options by highlighting the benefits of quicker transactions and reduced risks of sales falling through.


    "This means by listening to this podcast, you're going to get a real competitive advantage."

    "I absolutely promise you this works in all property market conditions."

    "You might have heard about this before but unless you're actually doing it I suggest you probably don't know exactly how you can use it."

    "And many of our students have actually replaced their income in as little as 12 months."


    To learn more about this join Simon on this extended online training: http://www.PloTraining.com

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon shares valuable insights on what he would do if starting to invest in property again. Drawing from nearly 30 years of experience in property investing, he reflects on his journey from a young graduate with student debt to a successful property investor, and emphasises the importance of creative strategies like purchase lease options, highlighting how these approaches can help aspiring investors overcome financial barriers and enter the property market.


    Look into the possibility of starting in property investing with minimal funds by utilising strategies like lease options and renting out rooms to cover expenses. Use purchase lease options as a key strategy for acquiring properties without the need for a large deposit or mortgage. Reach out to landlords who may be tired or retiring to explore opportunities for taking over their properties through lease options, showcasing a proactive approach to finding investment opportunities. There's great value in assembling a reliable power team, including a mortgage broker and solicitor, to navigate the complexities of property investing and secure favourable deals.


    "I knew nothing about property investing. All I knew was I wanted to get my foot onto the property ladder."

    "I would find a landlord who was tired or retiring. I would take on a property on a lease option, ideally five or even maybe seven years."

    "Most landlords who are student landlords don't know this. So we can take on their empty properties, do a very light refurb, get them up to scratch, and then rent them out to young professionals."

    "Purchase lease options are a fantastic way of controlling property, getting cash flow and potential extra growth on a property that you don't own, which means that you don't need a mortgage and you don't need a big deposit."


    If you would like to learn more about how you can use Purchase Lease Options with your investing, register for this online training http://www.plotraining.com/

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • This time the focus is on selling property for more money in the current buyer's market using Purchase Lease Options (PLOs). Simon discusses how landlords can benefit from selling properties to tenant buyers, highlighting the advantages of maximising revenue from the sale while eliminating the hassle of property management.


    Selling property to tenant buyers using Purchase Lease Options (PLOs) can be a lucrative strategy for maximising revenue from a property sale. Landlords who no longer want to deal with the hassle of owning a property but do not need immediate funds can benefit from selling through PLOs. Tenant buyers are individuals eager to get on the property ladder but may not qualify for a mortgage immediately, making them ideal candidates for PLO agreements. Tenant buyers pay an upfront option fee, demonstrating their commitment to purchasing the property in the future. Finding tenant buyers can be done through various methods, such as signage, leaflet distribution, and collaboration with mortgage brokers specialising in first-time buyers.


    "By selling the property on a purchase lease option to a tenant buyer, there are many benefits. First of all, they get rid of the hassle, and that can be very quickly."

    "Most landlords, when selling a property, they want to get as much as they can from that property, but they don't necessarily need the money now."

    "So how do we find these people? Well, there are lots of ways. First of all, you can always put up a sign in the window of the property or outside the property saying something like, why rent when you can buy?"

    "And for the landlord who doesn't want their property anymore, They want to sell but don't need the money right now. Putting a tenant buyer into that property could be a great solution."


    To secure a complementary copy of the chapter on "How to sell to Tenant Buyers from Simon's new book Lease Options Magic visit https://www.leaseoptionsmagic.co.uk/SellPLO

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

  • Simon discusses how individuals who are renting can get their foot onto the property ladder and how current homeowners can upgrade to a bigger property in a better area.

    The episode specifically caters to four groups: those who are renting and want to buy a property, homeowners looking to upgrade, individuals with equity but low income, and landlords wanting to sell their rental properties. Simon introduces the concept of tenant buyers, who move into a property as tenants but have a lease option to buy it at a fixed price within a certain time period. He also reveals a free chapter from the upcoming book on lease options for those interested in learning more about becoming a tenant buyer.


    Tenant buyers are individuals who move into a property as tenants but also have a lease option to buy the property at a fixed price within a certain time period. Tenant buyers take care of the property like it's their own home, including repairs, maintenance, and improvements that add value to the property. Rent paid by tenant buyers may sometimes be less than what they would pay if they owned the property with a mortgage, allowing them to save extra cash for a deposit. Tenant buyers can secure a property at today's prices and benefit from potential capital growth without needing a mortgage immediately. Landlords are often the best people to work with for lease options, as they may have properties they no longer want but don't necessarily need the money from a sale right away.


    "Buying your own home could be one of the biggest decisions you will ever make."

    "Sometimes the rent that the tenant buyer pays each month to the landlord might actually be less than they would pay if they owned the property and had a mortgage."

    "So this can be very frustrating when renters see property prices go up over time, which means they'll need bigger deposits and bigger mortgages to buy in the future."

    "But you can find people who've got a property that they don't want, which they want to sell, but for whom they don't necessarily need the money now."

    "In a market where prices are coming down, it's a buyer's market right now, if someone wants to sell a property, typically they're selling it at a bit of a discount."


    Claim your free chapter from Lease Options Magic all about how to become a Tenant Buyer here: www.LeaseOptionsMagic.co.uk/TB

    To attend your first pin meeting as Simon's guest visit http://www.pinmeeting.co.uk/, find your local meeting, and at the bottom of the page where you normally pay £20, click on where is says "pay with a voucher code" and use this code: PODCAST. This will by pass the payment page and you can attend your first pin meeting for free.

    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Register at Mindset For Property at - www.mindsetforproperty.co.uk

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk. pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.