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    Welcome to the very first exclusive subscriber podcast episode for Raise Your Vibes. Thank you for subscribing.

    In our first episode, I discuss at length the very tricky and challenging circumstances of a difficult marriage, how it became difficult, how I tried to endure it and finally what made me leave it. I also discuss how I tried to rebuild my life but despite various setbacks, a very toxic ex-partner would not let me be in peace - not just him but the whole 'gang' of relatives.

    I hope this helps others in a similar situation as it has taken me years to be able to tell my 'truth' not the 'narrative'...my truth and that is something we all should voice but often it is done in very difficult circumstances.

    Love, peace and respect to all.


    Miriam Khan
    Podcast Host of Raise Your Vibes

    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    This podcast comes with a Trigger warning as it may be sensitive for some listeners.

    When we are born we come with history. History of our generational family members and ancestors. We are somewhat proud of some of their achievements and goals but what we never perhaps discuss is some of the shame and trauma situations they have endured and we in turn inherit. There are trauma situations that they have sadly gone through and not spoken about or kept hidden for numerous generations till one day someone in the ancestral timeline decides to face; rather than bury it.

    It is not easy to be the 'black sheep' of the family. The 'ostracised' one. The 'crazy' one. the one that does not bow to the rules but instead goes on a self-healing journey within to heal the traumas from their past in order to help the family lineage to be finally at ease. But all of this requires in-depth self-reflection and breaking of numerous forged old patterns that even we don't realise we hold, but we certainly do; either innately or inherently.

    When we heal within; we heal all parts of our timeline. We help those in the spirit world who have been helping us along the way to progress rather than hinder. We help those who never spoke of their trauma heal once and for all.

    Blessings and healing for all impacted by this topic.

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    When we cut out a friendship or romantic part of our life the other individual doesn't like the fact that we put boundaries in place and have now 'cast them out'. We often do this to protect our mental health and to preserve our own guards as their energy may no longer resonate with ours or to put it simply; they're toxic.

    When we stand back and look after ourselves these 'exes' whether it be an ex-friend or more will often cyber stalk us. A lot of the time it is because they miss our supply of energy and are curious as to what we are doing. Some cyberstalkers can just like our posts on social media but there are others who despite blocking and cutting out of our lives persistently like to attack, harass or try to or succeed in making our lives a misery. So what can we do about this as it happens to us? This is the topic of today's podcast and hopefully, it helps someone out there going through a similar situation.

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    What exactly is 'Shadow work'? What does it evolve? How does it help us learn about our core self? How can it help us deal with post-traumatic events in our lives? How can it help us deal with the subconscious facts we often hide from ourselves? How can it help us overall be a better person not for society but for ourselves? What are the steps involved in doing shadow work correctly?

    These are some of the questions I focus on in this podcast as Shadow work is something I personally have gone through and continue to go through to become a better human being and spiritual person in this ever-evolving world that we live in.

    This podcast may support others out there if life has gotten tough and we need to go back into hermit mode to re-learn about ourselves and help ourselves to evolve for the better in our life journeys.

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    With so many catastrophic events occurring in our world, many of us have either chosen to remain silent due to the horrific things we have sadly witnessed or have remained silent out of fear of losing our jobs or being labelled as racist or being on the wrong side of history. But isn't the right side of history meant to be on the side of justice? Doing what's right for example? And how do we know what is actually the right side of justice when there is so much propaganda out there drowning us with misinformation?

    Those of us who have stood up for Palestine have done so proudly, and at times it has cost us in many various ways, but no journey towards doing the right thing is without sacrifice is it?

    I discuss in some length ways in which we can help offer our support to Palestine.

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    So many of us in our lives accept very little from the ones we like, adore, appreciate and even 'love'. This is called 'breadcrumbs' or the act of 'breadcrumbing', but what does that actually mean?

    Breadcrumbing is the act of little attention, little actions and very little acts of 'real love' or interest but as an individual we become hooked or addicted to receiving or accepting so little in return in our relationships or even friendships.

    So how do we recognise what 'breadcrumbing is? How do we seek help to spot the things we are doing to 'accept' that as being aceptable behaviour? How do we recover and heal from it so that we realise our own self-worth and self-love?

    These are the topics I discuss in today's important podcast.

    Wishing all a blessed healing journey.

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    Many of us sometimes have to face old patterns of our behaviour and it's often difficult to shred or remove that 'old skin' that has kept us trapped or kept us in a particular trauma bond or pattern without us realising it. We think we have done the hard work and difficult work of healing and often we do either on a temporary basis or a permanent basis but alas there are still parts of that trauma or pain or pattern that lingers on.

    In this podcast I delve into this deep topic as well as the spiritual journey of shadow work, inner child work and re-awakening as well as awakening.

    Blessings to those going through this big vibrational shift; may we come out the other side fully healed.

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    Trigger Warning:
    This podcast may trigger some individuals as it discusses sensitive topics. Please seek professional help and understand that you are not on your own.

    There are so many of us that talk about the topic of 'shame' and from culture to culture this very notion or understanding of what shame is will vary. But what happens when that notion of shame stems from unresolved or undisclosed trauma or broken relationships where the other individual has caused us some form of shame that we dare not discuss or disclose due to fear of rejection, pain, humiliation or not being believed? Should we be the ones carrying this 'shame' when really, we are not the ones at 'fault'? What can we do to change this?

    These are the sensitive topics that I will be discussing in today's podcast. If you are impacted by this or know anyone that is please help them to seek professional guidance.

    Wishing you a healthy road to recovery and mental health and well being.

    Support the Show.

    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    Do you have someone in your life who always seems to be depleting your energy and no matter what you do, you always end up drained, fatigued and at a loss as to why that might be? Perhaps you are in the early stages of recognising the signs but can't quite put your finger on what you're noticing, but clearly, there is something a bit off with this friendship or relationship, but what is it?

    It could simply be that this individual is an energy vampire and you were not aware of it. So what is an energy vampire? What are the characteristics of such a person? How do we deal with them if they are in our lives and how can we tactfully remove ourselves away from them?

    Tune in to find out!

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    When entering a relationship whether it is a marriage or a long-term serious relationship it goes without saying that we make bonds of trust and mutual respect in our relationship journey. But what happens when one of us cheats on the other? Why does the individual cheat? What impact does this have on the other person when they find out? How can they repair the relationship if they try? Or how does the other person move forward, grieve and then heal in order to move forward?

    These are today's topics in the podcast today.

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    For many of us that believe in spiritual connections we have many types of relationships in our lives. We go through various friendships and partnerships that we either embrace or reject and some of us are inclined to label these relationships as different life lessons in our soul journey. We have karmic journeys, twin flame journeys and soul mates but what happens when we mistakingly assume that the person we are involved with is not our true love but in fact a false twin flame in disguise? How did we get so duped? Were there any signs that we missed and what can we do to heal from this situation once we 'wake up' and see them for who they truly are?

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    We all have various relationships in our life that either mould us, enhance us or break us. A narcissist is a catalyst in being an expert in 'breaking' people's souls, spirits, mental health and well-being. But what happens when that narcissist is a covert narcissist? One that studies you, one that goes out of their way to win you over but then bit, by bit, tries to take you down and destroy you over the time of your relationship?

    What if you're the empath that they are either dating or are married to? What is your role in this relationship? How do you as an empath survive this ordeal and how do you heal fully and recover? How do you start again?

    This is the topic of today's podcast.

    Thanks for tuning in folks....

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    On today's podcast show, I am blessed and thrilled to have special guests Nada and Christopher on the show. Both Nada and Christopher are founders of 'New Earth Masters' which is a great place to gain further wisdom and clarity for your spiritual journey in life. Some people are scared when they hear the word 'spirituality' and often people don't truly understand what this word means let alone what it entails. We discuss in some depth what this means in the current times and how we as a civilisation can help one another to grow.

    I talk in-depth with Nada and Christopher about their own journey into spirituality and what it means to both of them and how their own line of work led them to find and work with each other and build what they called 'New Earth Masters'.

    Both Nada and Christopher offer an amazing range of courses that would suit many people from different ages, backgrounds, cultures and spiritual and healing journeys. They are certainly here to help our life journey be a better one. If you wish to find out more about the range of courses they offer then please contact them below:


    Instagram details: @newearthmasters



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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    On today's podcast, I am thrilled to have the author Maggie Petraki back on the show. Maggie was previously on the show discussing her then-newly published book "Escaping the Egyptian Narcissist". In this current podcast Maggie and I discuss in quite some depth the healing journey that takes place through the recovery stage of leaving a hurtful, painful, emotional or physically abusive relationship.

    We discuss our very own personal journey of healing and others that we know or have helped as for each person the healing journey is very different. We both hope this helps and supports others to their personal healing journey.

    Ways to contact Maggie for more information:

    Instagram: @_maggie_speaks

    Email: [email protected]

    Escaping the Egyptian Narcissist (kindle, paperback):

    The hardcover copy of her book is coming out this year. Maggie will be gifting one copy, so stay tuned!

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    On today's podcast show, I was delighted and excited to have a special guest Dr Shahd Alshammari on the show. I had recently come across her amazing and beautifully written work when she was invited into the school I work in to give a talk to senior students on various topics including her recently published work titled "Head Above Water" which was published in 2022.

    Dr Shahd and I discuss in some depth how her love for Literature started but also some of the challenges and difficulties she faced in her young adult life as she found out that she was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis (MS). We discuss this aspect of her life in some depth and she reveals some of the obstacles and difficulties she faced but also overcame in time.

    Currently, Dr Shahd infuses her past experiences to help her current students and the wider community overcome aspects of trauma and helps them to find some steps to recovery through writing and purging some of the troubled aspects of their lives. We discuss the importance of journalling and how it can help your mental health as well as helping the creative part of your brain!

    Dr. Shahd Alshammari teaches literature and creative writing in the Middle East. She is the author of "Head Above Water: Reflections on Illness" (2022) and you can find out more about her work here:


    Thank you for listening to the show.

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    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    Please note this podcast is in three parts.

    Today's podcast involves special guests Bettina and Joanne Lindsay on the Raise Your Vibes Podcast Show. We discuss in some great depth our views and opinions as well as our experiences with Spirituality. We discuss how we first came across it and how we have embraced this aspect of our lives. The three of us discuss in some depth how people have perceived us as well as some of the judgments we have had to remove from society's presumptions of what 'spirituality' 'spiritualism' 'spiritualist' means to us as well as those around us.

    We discuss in depth some of the steps and crucial moments of awakening we have had to go through as well as the various steps to our own aspect of spirituality and we each have assisted and helped humanity and mankind to develop and grow. Each individual offers various spiritual support as well as Holistic methods and can be contacted in the following way:

    Joanne Lindsay's telephone number:
    +447860885734 (UK number)

    Facebook Link for Joanne Lindsay:

    Email: [email protected]
    TikTok: Joannelindsay839

    Book an appointment with Joanne here if you wish to have a One-to-One Session:

    To Book an appointment with Miriam Khan via Raise Your Vibes please book here:

    Miriam Khan's various platforms:

    Miriam Khan's Author Page with Podcast element:

    Thank you for listening to us all and hopefully we can help you on your healing and spiritual journey in Life.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Miriam Khan, Joanne Lindsay and Bettina.

    Support the Show.

    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    Please note this podcast is in three parts.

    Today's podcast involves special guests Bettina and Joanne Lindsay on the Raise Your Vibes Podcast Show. We discuss in some great depth our views and opinions as well as our experiences with Spirituality. We discuss how we first came across it and how we have embraced this aspect of our lives. The three of us discuss in some depth how people have perceived us as well as some of the judgments we have had to remove from society's presumptions of what 'spirituality' 'spiritualism' 'spiritualist' means to us as well as those around us.

    We discuss in depth some of the steps and crucial moments of awakening we have had to go through as well as the various steps to our own aspect of spirituality and we each have assisted and helped humanity and mankind to develop and grow. Each individual offers various spiritual support as well as Holistic methods and can be contacted in the following way:

    Joanne Lindsay's telephone number:
    +447860885734 (UK number)

    Facebook Link for Joanne Lindsay:

    Email: [email protected]
    TikTok: Joannelindsay839

    Book an appointment with Joanne here if you wish to have a One-to-One Session:

    To Book an appointment with Miriam Khan via Raise Your Vibes please book here:

    Miriam Khan's various platforms:

    Miriam Khan's Author Page with Podcast element:

    Thank you for listening to us all and hopefully we can help you on your healing and spiritual journey in Life.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Miriam Khan, Joanne Lindsay and Bettina.

    Support the Show.

    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    Please note this podcast is in three parts.

    Today's podcast involves special guests Bettina and Joanne Lindsay on the Raise Your Vibes Podcast Show. We discuss in some great depth our views and opinions as well as our experiences with Spirituality. We discuss how we first came across it and how we have embraced this aspect of our lives. The three of us discuss in some depth how people have perceived us as well as some of the judgments we have had to remove from society's presumptions of what 'spirituality' 'spiritualism' 'spiritualist' means to us as well as those around us.

    We discuss in depth some of the steps and crucial moments of awakening we have had to go through as well as the various steps to our own aspect of spirituality and we each have assisted and helped humanity and mankind to develop and grow. Each individual offers various spiritual support as well as Holistic methods and can be contacted in the following way:

    Joanne Lindsay's telephone number:
    +447860885734 (UK number)

    Facebook Link for Joanne Lindsay:

    Email: [email protected]
    TikTok: Joannelindsay839

    Book an appointment with Joanne here if you wish to have a One-to-One Session:

    To Book an appointment with Miriam Khan via Raise Your Vibes please book here:

    Miriam Khan's various platforms:

    Miriam Khan's Author Page with Podcast element:

    Thank you for listening to us all and hopefully we can help you on your healing and spiritual journey in Life.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Miriam Khan, Joanne Lindsay and Bettina.

    Support the Show.

    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    On today's podcast, I interview Claire Boscq on her remarkable journey of being involved with the joint book adventure "She is Remarkable" with 27 other authors. Claire provides some history on her career background and how she got involved in this joint book adventure.

    Claire discusses in some depth the journey of her various business-related experiences and how it has now led her to live and work in the Middle East; a dream she had envisaged but only came to fruition recently.

    Claire's published chapter is called "Do or Die" on page 40 of the book 'She is Remarkable'. Without giving too much away Claire's chapter focuses on the various changes she has had to face in her life from a personal and business point of view and how these challenging situations of life can really make us rethink our personal and professional life.

    Here are ways to contact Claire:

    "She is Remarkable" Book link for purchase:
    Or visit the Kinokuniya Book store located in Dubai Mall, Dubai.

    Information regarding Mena Speakers:
    Email: [email protected]

    Support the Show.

    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.

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    On today's podcast show I interview fellow author Marwa Abdelsalam on our joint book adventure "She is Remarkable" with 27 other authors. Marwa made quite the 'remarkable' entrance to the book launch with her beautiful peacock blue traditional outfit...this is discussed in our podcast so tune in for the whole discussion!

    Marwa's chapter is quite an interesting one blending not only culture, past and present but also our hopes and dreams of our life and how it is moulded by our various life journeys.

    Marwa's published work titled " Every Moment Matters" is on page 8 of the book 'She is Remarkable'. She focuses on the various impact of the generations that mould us into who we are and it has certainly helped her thrive for life.

    Marwa is currently involved in various projects as discussed on our podcast show and can be contacted via various social media platforms in order to gain advice or seek business support.

    Marwa salam blog links



    Instagram: https://instagram.com/marwasalamblog

    Facebook :


    Tiktok: tiktok.com/@marwasalamblog

    "She is Remarkable" Book link for purchase:
    Or visit the Kinokuniya Book store located in Dubai Mall, Dubai.

    Information regarding Mena Speakers:
    Email: [email protected]

    Support the Show.

    Thank you for your support. Your host Miriam Khan @ Raise Your Vibes.