
  • We need more development, Scotty! It's the return of Captain Montgomery Scott by way of James Doohan by way of a jury-rigged transporter buffer. The Enterprise encounters a Dyson sphere in the middle of space, and a Federation transport ship crashed on its massive surface. Geordi rescues Scotty from the transporter, but can't rescue him from feeling old. Like a relic from the past, if I may be so bold. The bridge of the Enterprise from the original series - NOT the movies - is visited in the holodeck, and the ambiguously engineer duo of Scotty and Geordi team up to get the ship out of the garage before the door closes. All in all, more was desired from this TOS incursion, but it was a good drink, nonetheless. Bright green, of course.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG) , Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is the s6e4 "Schisms" hosted by Kate!

  • I gotta say, Troi sure knows how to pick 'em! But I blame the writers here. A diplomat comes in hot from an exploding transport ship but it's his mom that steals the show being angry at Troi's existence. Ambassador Alkar forms a bond with her, noting her empathic abilities, before his mom is found dead. Troi and Alkar touch crystals. Then she goes whackadoo: wearing revealing dresses, sleeping with ensigns, scratching Riker, stabbing Picard, etc. We find out Alkar has got a shit-ton of these receptacles and Picard's not standing for it!

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG) , Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Audio Editor: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is the s6e4 "Relics" hosted by one of Greg!

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  • Lt. Barclay gets waylaid by a phobia of the transporter variety. He tries to shake it, the psychosis, but then he sees floating puppets eating his arm while he's in the matter stream. What if the phobias are true? His arm sure is blue! Geordi and Troi and O'Brien all bond with Barclay the clown before he goes from zero-to-hero miraculously fast.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)

    Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG) , Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), and Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Audio Editor: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is the s6e3 "Man of the People" hosted by one of Jimmie!

  • Going to California. The whole gang is here in San Francisco, Guinan, Jack London, and Mark Twain included. There are aliens stealing human mind energies and Beverly Crusher has been crushing it as a nurse in a cholera ward. If there was a way to hide murderous aliens by going back in time, our dear doctor tells us THIS would be the perfect crime. Except Riker the cop who totally respects the law. Twain is a pain in Guinan's actual bonnet, while Picard rents a room from the most Irish landlady in Berkeley as, you guessed it, a traveling band of theater actors rehearsing Midsummer's Night Dream. Twain goes through time to the Enterprise, Data's head gets screwed on, and Guinan falls in friend love with a bald man. Then everything gets wrapped nicely. Somehow.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Panel: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), and Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Audio Editor: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is the s6e2 "Realms of Fear" hosted by one of Erik!

  • As both Huey Lewis and his famous News have taught us, we gotta go back in time! It's 1889 S.F. this time around the sun but it takes the Enterprise crew a little while to get there. They find Data's head in a cave, contemplate death in Ten Forward, Guinan drops some plot bomb, and then bang, Data's in San Francisco at the stop of act three. There's some freaky aliens stealing human energies with a black light. There's also a poker game, an anvil gag, and Mark Twain as Hal Holbrook played by Jerry Hardin.

    Special Guest Tyler Jacobson returns to talk about this episode and where it should have been cliffhunged. Cliffhanged? Cliffhung!

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG),

    Panel: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG),

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is the SEASON SIX PREMIERE, s6e1 "Time's Arrow Pt. 2" hosted by one of us!

  • Picard playing the flute will get me every damn time. So damn good. While investigating deep space, the Enterprise finds a random odd-shaped probe out there. Before they know it, Picard is knocked unconscious by a beam of energy and lays down on the Bridge thanks to Riker gentle hands. He wakes up in a rustic house, being cared for by a woman who says he's his wife. Picard has all the memories of being Picard, but his wife Eline calls him Kamin and says he's a respected iron weaver who's been sick. A whole life goes by, Picard getting older as he ages through the decades on the planet Kataan, has children, grandchildren, and learns to love playing the Ressikan flute while the Enterprise crew attempt to break him out of his coma. But it's only been 25 minutes... Wonderful episode. Watch it and weep.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Panel: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Audio Editor: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is the SEASON FIVE FINALE, s5e26 "Time's Arrow" hosted by Greg with Special Returning Guest, Tyler Jacobsen!

  • There's to say about this phase of life. I mean, you get to watch people exercise, you get to push a nasty Romulan out of a ship, and ruin your own Dixieland funeral party. What's not to love? Ro Laren and Geordi Laforge get lost in the transporter beam while helping a Romulan science ship that's had a horrible accident in space. The Enterprise thinks the pair are dead, but they wake up, talk to each other and eventually figure it's all about mixing clocking devices with a phase invertor. The Klingon special does a number on the digestion (if they can eat while phased.) But forget all that. This episode is about death. Or Life. One of those, definitely. It's funny and good.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)

    Panel: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e25 "The Inner Light" hosted by Jimmie!

  • Hugh've got to be kidding me! We get back to the Borg and realize they aren't just the big implacable baddies the Enterprise made them out to be. Following up on a distress signal, Riker, Worf, and Crusher find an injured Borg on a random planet. Beverly wants to bring him on board, and Geordi devises a Borg jail after the Captain reluctantly agrees. Then they get the bright idea to poison this Third of Five borg kid with a shape, before Crusher and Geordi give him the name Hugh. Guinan wants to kill the Borg, but then she meets him and realizes he might not be Borg without the collective beaming into his brain. Locutus meets him too, and they call the whole thing off.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Panel: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), and Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)

    Audio Editor: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG),

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e24 "The Next Phase" hosted by Erik!

  • IFs can be creepy AF. The Enterprise welcomes Ensign Sutter and his daughter Clara on board while we welcome back Shareef Jackson to talk about this kid-centric episode. Checking out a nebula, Clara's imaginary friend she's created to deal with moving around from ship to ship comes to real life. Isabella is played by a fantastic young actor who brings breadth to the role of an alien learning about the rules of being a child on a starship. Guinan's presence is super welcome, as is Shareef's insights into this story that teeters back and forth between light horror and slice-of-life comedy.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Special Guest: Shareef Jackson (@shareefjackson on BSKY @shareefjackson on Twitter)

    Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter) , and Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e23 "I Borg" hosted by Kate!

  • Jean Grey is an animorph, I think. Nope, wait she's an empathic megamind. In the triumphant return of the Ferengi, they bumble into birthing Famke Jenson's Kamala. She's the key to uniting two warring peoples, but she can't help but be attractive to every male on the Enterprise. Riker says no as graciously as he can. But Picard has to work with her one-on-one and he hasn't been this tempted since he and Beverly were drunk on water in the first season. Speaking of Bev, she's lets the Captain know over croissants that what they are doing to Kamala is basically sexual slavery. Picard gives her away anyway.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), and Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)

    Audio Editor: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e22 "Imaginary Friend" hosted by Greg and featuring returning guest Shareef Jackson!

  • Lwaxana Troi invented Tinder. You heard it here first, kids! Alexander teaches us all a life lesson on whether to be nude at your weddings. Before that, Lwaxana teaches young Alexander about mud baths and creepy circus performers and the importance of laughing hour. Before that, Troi teaches Worf about the power of signing contracts with your children so that they perform chores like every good Klingon does. It's all bit exhausting, but at least the protocol droid gets a little come-uppance.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)

    Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e21 "The Perfect Mate" hosted by Jimmie!

  • Wesley Crusher returns! He's even more of a man, and is involved in a terrible scandal with Tom Paris, er, Nick Locarno and the rest of Nova Squadron while at Starfleet Academy. Picard reconnects with the gardener Boothby, who is a crotchety old man with a heart of gold or something like that. Nova Squardron was trying to make a galactic goatse when one of their number blows up his shuttle. Too bad goatses have been banned. Wesley comes clean, which makes us all very happy.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Panel: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Audio Editor: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e20 "Cost of Living" hosted by Erik!

  • Is this thing on? Are we recording? Let's go back to the beginning. And when we'll get to the end. Stop. Stunt casting Frasier Crane aside, this one is a fun temporal romp. Crusher plays poker with the gang, then start to see some patterns emerge. Are they caught in a loop? How does that work? Data figures it out at the last moment, thanks to Jonathan Frakes weird ass camera shots. Kate saves the best for last.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Panel: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG) , and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Audio Editor: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter),

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e19 "The First Duty" hosted by Kate!

  • After a clunker of Ethics, the TNG writers, producers and performers step it up a huge ass notch. Melissa Nathan, AEA stage manager from NYC, joins to talk about a very special episode. Riker forms a relationship with Soren, a member of the J'Naii who eschews all that silly androgenous stuff. Soren wants to get it on with Riker, as they mount a rescue mission into null space. But their love is not to be, for despite Soren's entreaties in court, she's taken away for treatment a.k.a. conversion therapy. Star Trek at its best with fantastic performances bringing the sensuality to life and shaping minds for decades to come with its message of inclusion with a tragic ending.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG) , and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Special Guest: Melissa Nathan (@MelissaNathan on BlueSky, @MelissaNathan on Twitter)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e18 "Cause and Effect" hosted by Jimmie!

  • It's impossible to tackle a tough issue like assisted suicide for handicapped people in just one episode, but add in evil research doctors with a cavalier approach to experimental procedures, and it's no sweat! Alexander returns, and guilt his father into not killing himself, assisted by Riker. Also Troi and Worf build a connection, somehow. Dr. Crusher absolutely crushes her medical colleague, while Picard is a monster. But what scenes is the most memorable is the ridiculous looking spinal cord you've ever seen being inserted into Michael Dorn's body double.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)

    Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG) , and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e17 "The Outcast" hosted by Greg with special guest Mellisa Nathan!

  • A thousand points of light, and we get Buzz, Bruiser and Slash. The Enterprise thinks it's found an old Federation starship from 2 centuries ago and have to send a shuttle down to the surface. There the storm picks up and bodysnatches O'Brien, Troi and Data. Riker is saved by a broken arm. Then those three go berserk screaming something about the Southern Polar Region. (Sorry Erik!) O'Brien threatens his baby, the baby screams, and Data wants to fight Klingons in Ten Forward. Don't miss the opportunity to watch a pretty good episode that doesn't follow the sci-fi premise to resolve the ethical dilemma it poses.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e16 "Ethics" hosted by Erik!

  • What do we do with a drunken sailor? The Enterprise gets energy beamed - and the crew's memory is wiped. They have amnesia, and a special new crewmember, one Commander Kieran MacDuff. Geordi finds out they have a mission to destroy all Lysians. Riker hooks up with Ro. Worf assumes command because he has a fancy sash. Troi thinks it's all wrong, the mission, all of it. Luckily Picard has a conscience and doesn't want to stab people he doesn't know. MacDuff was in on it from the start! What a bunch of cards!

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Audio Editor: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e15 "Power Play" hosted by Greg!

  • The worst thing since sliced bread. The Enterprise shows up at a secret human colony that's super into their eugenics. Troi beams down and tries to save everyone by boning the creepy leader guy while the arbiter Martin SCOWLS. Like, heavily. A lot. Troi smashes but it's Geordi and the hot blonde physicist Hannah who save the day from a star fragment or something. Hannah defects, and that's the A plot eventually. Our favorite crewmembers do and say some fucked-up shit. The end. Forget this one exists, I beg of you.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)

    Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), and Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e14 "Conundrum" hosted by Kate!

  • It's remarkable that a early 90s sci-fi show examined the idea of rape. The Enterprise plays host to a race of psychic spelunkers on a quest to catalog the galaxy's memories for history's sake. The father is a flirty fool, saying some inappropriate things to the Dr. Beverly Crusher after he skillfully illuminates a memory for Keiko. But it's the son who is the real monster. He attaches himself to a memory of Troi and Riker lingering after a poker game and turns it ugly. He then terrorizes more of the crew until Troi kicks him in the balls. Good.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Panel: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), and Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Audio Editor: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e13 "The Masterpiece Society" hosted by Erik!

  • Data gets a not-so-secret admirer in the form a little kid saved from a Federation research ship in the middle of a dark cluster. Timothy loves that android life so much that he pretends to be a poseur positronic lifeform to cope with his parents' death and everybody else on the ship. He says it was attacked but then things get weird. Thankfully Troi gets to do more counseling and the kid actor, Joshua Harris, is pretty badass playing off Brent Spiner in this episode directed by Patrick Stewart.

    Get in touch with us on BlueSky @ReEngageTNG.bsky.social!

    Host: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Panel: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)

    Audio Editor: Greg Tito (Gregtito.com, @GregTito on Bluesky, @gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)

    Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter, mojo97.com

    Theme music: Ryan Marth

    Next up is s5e12 "Violations" hosted by Jimmie!