
  • Direct Response. We are talking about marketing again because in this day and age, it is all about surviving the market.

    Check out Adam D'Annunzio's website.

    You can also reach him at 609-604-5958

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  • Tale as old as time but if you haven't learned it yet, you need to. If you aren't marketing yourself then you are gonna struggle through this market.

    Jessica's Channel

    Jessica's Insta

    Jessica's Website

  • AI is taking the world by storm and the real estate market is no exception. How can you utilize it to sell more houses?

    Check out Robert's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reichrobert/

  • Today we are talking about USP. Unique. Selling. Proposition. Memorize it because we are seeing a paradigm market shift and now that the NAR Settlement has fundamentally changed how agents are going to operate, it is time to shift. How do we do that? With a Unique Selling Proposition.

  • We talk about needing a brand a lot but it is so much more than that. Your "brand" is just a word we use to describe your motivation, your offering, your voice and who you are. Before you can build a brand, you need to build what you are, what you're doing and why you're doing it.

    Be sure to check out Clint Jordan's website.

  • Are you creating media, content, video, whatever you want to call it? If you aren't, then you're missing out on a massive opportunity. The market is changing, marketing is changing. Don't get left behind.

  • Social media is NOT Craig's list. If you are looking for what kind of real estate social media content you should post, it's very simple.  Stop telling people you're in real estate and start reminding them you're in real estate.

    What is real estate content?  Why is everyone talking about real estate content and how does it apply to my business?

    My goal of this article is to explain how to create real estate social media content that leads to clients in this post.

    Let me be blunt. If you want to attract business, especially online, you must create real estate content.
    Let's go through the steps of exactly how it works.

    Stop Creating Real Estate Social Media Content That Tells People You're In Real Estate
    You don't need to tell people you're in real estate, you need to remind them.  Creating real estate social media content consistently allows you to sell without selling by constantly reminding others that you're in real estate. What would you rather do, beg people for referrals or attract them?
    "Hey do you know anyone who wants to buy a house"
    "Hey do you know anyone who wants to sell a house"
    When you are always selling, it's hard to attract business.

    You are told you must make x amount of calls a day, 5 days a week.
    This is the old school train of thought when it comes to real estate marketing. I believe it's these hard core sales tactics are a major reason why 87% of newly licensed agents do not make it 5 years in the business.
    Especially in light of the NAR commission dispute, it's never been more important to build a personal brand. 
    When you create consistent real estate social media content you take a different approach. It allows you to share your expertise and become the expert without having to say it because content over time builds authority.

    The 2 Benefits Of Consistently Creating Real Estate Social Media Content
    Creating real estate content helps you in two ways.  First, is that it allows you to keep your brand in front of your largest source of business, your database of relationships.  Over 60% of all agent business comes from referrals and repeat clients. It allows you to keep your brand at the forefront without having to always come off as a slick salesman.

    Creating real estate content is a way to consistently nurture your relationships.

    The second way you can use real estate content is to attract new potential clients.  Let's take this article you are reading right now.  Maybe you found me on Facebook, Instagram, or Google. I want you to read this article so I can build a relationship with you and down the road you may become one of our members of Referral Sweet (that's my soft sales pitch).

    I'm not hard core selling you anything, but I am teaching you about creating real estate content. I'm talking about doing the same thing for your real estate business.
    I'm not sure what kind of real estate content to create?
    There are two types of content to create.  First is educational.  This is content that you share your expertise on various real estate topics.  It should be focused around the questions that typical buyers and sellers have in real estate.  I can list a many different topics for your to create content on.
    The second kind of content to create is more for branding and staying on top of mind.  It can be holiday videos, neighborhood tours, or just sold case studies to give you a few examples.  This kind of content allows you to share your daily real estate story. You don't create this kind of content to pick up leads, but more for nurturing your relationships and remaining on top of mind amongst your database, prospects who are not ready to make a move yet.

    Start Creating Content, Start Attracting Clients
    When you consistently remain on top of mind with the people you know, referrals and repeat business occurs. This is a visual on how simple the process really is.

    10-15% of the people you know this year are moving, but 100% of them have a referral for you.

  • If you are slacking on creating video, let this be a lesson. No one really loves to be in front of the camera, even if they seem like it, they probably don't. We don't do it because we love it, we do it because it's essential to growing our brand. Jordan Silvester found that out, and listen to see how it helped his business explode. ResourceCheck Out Jordan's WebsiteReal Estate Marketing DudeThe Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)REMD on YouTubeREMD on InstagramTranscript:What's up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast. Folks, we're gonna be chatting about today is something I think everyone's going to get a little bit of a kick out of. Look, none of us want to get on social media. We do it because being on social media creates money. It creates clients, it creates a tension, it builds your brand.00:04:47:12 - 00:05:04:04UnknownBut if we really had an option, me included in this, I'd go hide behind. I'd sit on my couch all day and watch television or play video games or something. Know, I wouldn't be out there creating content, doing all the stuff on social media because I'm do it because I know I have to. Reality is, if you're not doing it, somebody else is.00:05:04:04 - 00:05:31:22UnknownAnd building your brand on social, whether it's Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, I mean, honestly, it's all of them. If you're not doing it, somebody else is. And that's why you need to be there. 100% of your future clients will be online and over 80% of them will use the first person they come into contact with, many of which happens to be the first person they're either introduced to or they personally meet or they run into at a bar or restaurant or through a family or friend.00:05:31:22 - 00:05:52:07UnknownThat's just basically how it is in other words, this damn business is nothing more than a giant popularity contest. So I get a message and we got a we got a Canadian coming up on the house today and he's not too deep in the count. He's just over the just over the border. But not that that matters. But he's a you know, he just that's a story.00:05:52:07 - 00:06:08:02UnknownWould I just what I just laid up. I hate social media. I don't want to do it. But once I started doing it, I started getting a lot of buzz. People started commenting and all sudden I feel like I'm getting all these conversations I never would have had unless I'd started doing it to begin with. So we're going to hear a story and see why he does it.00:06:08:02 - 00:06:23:06UnknownAnd I'm hopefully it's going to kick you in the ass and why you need to do it too. And if you even are doing it, you need to get a little bit more consistent. Let's we all do. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guest from the other side of the pond, not pond water. Mr. Jordan Sylvester, What's up, dude?00:06:23:08 - 00:06:45:02UnknownHey, man. Thanks so much for having me today, Mike. It's great to get a chance to just chat about the excitement of real estate and trying to figure out where that next deal comes from. You know, the the the infamous pipeline conversation, Where where's the where's the next one going to come from and what are we going? Yeah, feast or famine, peaks or valleys, month the month, week to week client by clients, you name it.00:06:45:02 - 00:07:05:12UnknownRight. So tell me a little bit about yourself. I saw everyone who you are. Before we get started here and I got a bunch of different questions and one here, your story on how why you actually like social media nuggets. You don't like it, do you know? I'm not a huge fan of social media. And if you actually were to go to my Facebook page and look at posts previous to basically this August, you'd see five over the last two years.00:07:05:16 - 00:07:25:04UnknownAnd two of them are, Hey, you want to come hang out at my birthday on the patio crammed into one of our local watering holes. So but I understood that in the market shift in the wher...

  • If you are creating a brand, the most important thing you can be is authentic. Today we are talking to Nick Woodard about what it to means to be authentic and to reflect that in your business. ResourceCheck Out Nick's WebsiteReal Estate Marketing DudeThe Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)REMD on YouTubeREMD on InstagramTranscript:What's up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome with our episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast. Folks, we're going to chat about today is the only thing you should be focused on in 2024, because I was like, What are you going to do in markets?00:04:04:08 - 00:04:21:19UnknownStrange thing. What new shiny objects coming out next? What kind of work? I buy more leads. Work? I do this. No, dude, just need to start being more of yourself. You you need to be authentic before you could ever start marketing or attract anybody online. If you have any bit of like fakeness or bullshit about yourself, you're in turn people off.00:04:21:19 - 00:04:41:24UnknownAnd today's entire show is going to be dedicated towards one thing Authenticity. How do you become more authentic? Authentic? How do you become more authenticity? How do you become more authentic? So I think Nick here reached out to me maybe on Instagram, if I'm not mistaken, or maybe it's Facebook, I forget which platform, but he's been listed in the show for quite a while.00:04:41:24 - 00:05:03:17UnknownAppreciate that. But you know what? He really massages like my ability to show for a while. And this guy's been an agent for 20 years in a bar was six or seven years ago. He says he stopped he stopped being that perfect, perfect like Barbie doll and all type of an age it right? Like the stereotypical fucking person.00:05:03:17 - 00:05:20:20UnknownHello. I'm here for real. Say you write your name tag and everything, right? Perfect. Suit. Your socks are perfect. You're driving the car. You might have rented it from a friend just for the day, just to do showings. Right. But you put on that front. We've all been there and he stopped caring. He just said, Fuck it. I'm going to go out and be myself.00:05:20:21 - 00:05:35:09UnknownAnd we're going to hear story today. We have have not dug into this or you to hear it live with me here. We haven't practice this or anything like that. And he said, Mike, once I stopped giving a shit, I started business, took off, I started being myself. So the first thing I do is I go to his website.00:05:35:09 - 00:05:55:18UnknownI want you guys, if you guys are online, go visit his website and keep him in mind for your referrals because you'll be in good hands. But without further ado, we want to go ahead and introduce Mr. Nick Woodard from Middle Tennessee. What's up, Nick Paton And dude, good to be on here. I'm a friend. Yeah, forever. Thanks for coming on.00:05:55:20 - 00:06:10:06UnknownDo people want to hear your the story? I like I love these shows because you take something and you actually run with it. And I want to just hear the whole story is like from start to finish. I think people are going to get a lot out of it and you guys have to learn how to connect with people online.00:06:10:06 - 00:06:29:02UnknownAnd it's just like you connect with your neighbor, you connect with people at church, restaurant bars, whatever you do, I don't care. The same way you connect with people one on one face to face and same way you connect with them online. But it's very difficult to do that when you're really not in your own true skin. And my first question I have for Nick is, Nick, how long were you in real estate?00:06:29:04 - 00:06:51:02UnknownAll you time. Overall, I've been in it for 20 years. It's now growing here just south of Nashville, Middle Tennessee. And I went to high school here, went to went to college at MTSU, and then got into real estate because it was kind of a family thing. And that's that's what I was going to do until I figured out what I wanted to do.00:06:51:04 - 00:07:07:20UnknownAnd here we are 20 years l...

  • If you're running a business then you need a system in place. You probably need a dozen systems in place. Technology is making it easier than ever, and today we are looking at how your systems can serve your business. ResourceCheck Out Reward RealtyReal Estate Marketing DudeThe Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)REMD on YouTubeREMD on InstagramTranscript:What's up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast. Folks, we have quite the reward for you today. No pun intended, Caroline, but what we're going to be chat about, folks, you guys are all running around and your heads cut off. This is the time that you have to go back and like, run your business like a business.00:03:34:13 - 00:03:54:07UnknownNo business exists without systems in place. If you don't have systems in place, you're not running a business. You're just another salesperson with their fucking head cut off and you're running around making sense of nothing. Folks, if you want to right now is the time that while the market sort of changed and revamped, this is when you actually focus on those systems.00:03:54:07 - 00:04:10:07UnknownBut everyone always asks me, Mike, what's a system? What's a system? What's a system? A system is something you repeat in your business with each and every client, each and every month, just like McDonald's makes their burgers. The reason why they taste the same no matter what fucking McDonald's you go to is because they have a system to how they make their food.00:04:10:11 - 00:04:28:11UnknownThat's what defines their business. Unfortunately, real estate agents don't have enough systems in their business and that's why the service doesn't stick with anyone. And while 90% of the people forget what you do for a living, because when you're working with them, there's nothing you're doing to make them say, Wow, that person is a shit. So what we're going to do is bring on the coaching, the systems.00:04:28:11 - 00:04:44:21UnknownI just met her a couple of minutes ago. She's pretty damn impressive. She's got like a system for everything. And I told her, I don't want to know any more. I just want a hit record and I want you to tell us the systems that you implement with your agents in your office that has them all so productive.00:04:44:23 - 00:05:04:11UnknownWhat is it you're doing? Because while everyone else is sort of floundering in the water and treading water right now, you're crushing it. And it's not because of like you got lucky, it's because you got your shit together and you have systems and people are returning to those systems despite market conditions. So I think I'm to call the show something about systems.00:05:04:11 - 00:05:20:14UnknownBut without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guest, Miss Caroline Hobbs. How are you, Caroline? Great, great. Thanks for having me. Well, so listen, there's a little bit who you are. Where are you from and what the hell are we going to talk about today? Yeah. So my name is Caroline Hobbs. I am here in Silicon Valley.00:05:20:14 - 00:05:50:09UnknownSan Jose, California, and I've been selling homes for about 15 years now. And I started Word Realty on April will be 11 years. So we've got someone Giovani, we've learned a lot. And all this time and I've really learned about all the benefits of technology and leveraging systems to automate tasks so that you can provide a highly higher level of customer experience for each and every single one of your clients.00:05:50:11 - 00:06:08:21UnknownThank you. No one talks about the experience for customers at all. Like, you got it. Nobody talks about it. Like if people aren't saying wow about working with you, like you don't have a business, you guys and you won't have a business. So I want to start to beginning with you. You have a brokerage. How many do you run your brokerage like a team, or do you guys run it like a brokerage?00:06:08:21 - 00:06:28:02UnknownAnd is everyone sort of on the same syst...

  • Chances are you listen to podcasts if you're reading this. Chances are you might have considered hosting one of your own. But here is the million dollar question; is it worth the time and money and how will it help your business? Today we are talking about that with Trevor Oldham, founder of PodcastYou.com. ResourceCheck Out Trevor's WebsiteReal Estate Marketing DudeThe Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)REMD on YouTubeREMD on InstagramTranscript:What's up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Wrap. So the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast, folks, welcome back. We're going to be chatting about today is a different form of content creation is actually the type of content you're listening to right now. Why the hell that 1.5 million are You guys decide to follow me? I have no damn idea, but I'm glad you did because this podcast has been one of the largest sources of my personal business.00:04:40:16 - 00:05:06:05UnknownI can tell you guys that without a doubt. You know, when I was I'm not doing video services for real estate agents more, so I want to make that very clear. I'm no longer doing video marketing, but I do have a software you guys can play with us in and we'll talk about that later. However, if I never had a podcast and never built an audience and my prior real estate marketing dude business as a video marketing company would never existed, the podcast and a podcast in general.00:05:06:05 - 00:05:24:21UnknownIt's a form of content, you guys, it's a form of media. And so many people right now are like, I got to create videos like videos, a form of content, okay, it's just another form of media and everybody, as long as you work for yourself and you have your own damn business, you're running a business. And yes, the answer is you do need to start creating content, whether that's video, whether it's podcasts.00:05:24:21 - 00:05:47:01UnknownI don't give a fuck what it is, but if you're not creating content, someone else is and you're going to be out of business. The building of personal brand is everything, especially in a real estate related business. And if you don't have a brand, you don't have a business, you're a salesperson chasing a chuck. So what we're going to be chatting about today is we got my boy Trevor hold him here, and he's going to be walking us through the power of podcasting.00:05:47:03 - 00:06:00:02UnknownSee these questions pop up all the time. Should I get a podcast versus not get a podcast? So what would be the strategy if we were to create a podcast as a real estate agent or lender? Is it worth it? Is it not? We're going to find out. Without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guest, Trevor.00:06:00:02 - 00:06:20:10UnknownTrevor, what is going on? How are you doing once you say hello to who you are and what we learned today, they're do excellent today, Mike. Thanks for having me on, on the show. CONAN From out in New York, upstate New York, out here, finally get some nice weather, 35 degrees, which is nice that I was talking to one lady earlier today, 70 degrees like, damn, where I kill for that.00:06:20:12 - 00:06:40:14UnknownI'm not going to see those temps still till May. But with that said, we're on a company called Podcasting. You podcasting. Why are you been doing it since 2017? Been in the podcasting space since 2015, seeing all of the ups and downs within the space and yeah, just how people personally brand themselves within the podcasting space love it.00:06:40:16 - 00:06:55:16UnknownLet's get into it. I get questions all the time about this, like, Hey, should I start a podcast? Should we, should we do this podcast? And what we're going to do is you do this for all kinds of industries, correct? Correct. Okay. So let's keep it. We'll try to keep it focus for the real estate people like that.00:06:55:20 - 00:07:10:11UnknownI would a reality investor, a mortgage lender, real estate agent and honestly, this is a deal for any local service based business. If your referral base,

  • ResourceCheck Out Brit PropertiesReal Estate Marketing DudeThe Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)REMD on YouTubeREMD on InstagramTranscript:So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Webster, Real Estate Marketing Dave. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand. People have come to know like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them, Let's get started.00:06:09:10 - 00:06:30:05UnknownWhat's up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the Marketing Dude podcast. Folks, if you've been following last few weeks, the name of the game right now is thinking outside the box and doing things a little bit differently and opening your eyes to new things. There's lawsuits, there's all kinds of shit going on in the real estate industry, and whenever there's turmoil like this, there's also a lot of opportunity.00:06:30:05 - 00:06:45:19UnknownBut you have to be able to see it and take advantage of it because it's during the shifts that the people from nowhere make big names from themselves, and the ones who are big names end up drowning. And I like to bring a lot of different perspectives onto the show. So I don't know. This guy is from Chicago.00:06:45:20 - 00:07:06:18UnknownThis is two Chicago people in a row. So you're welcome. There's a reason why we're fucking awesome. It's because we work hard. Unlike the people in California. No offense taken. No, we're there. We're going to go out and introduce our guests today. We're going to be talking about industrial real estate, industrial investing. It's much different than what we've typically talked about.00:07:06:18 - 00:07:23:15UnknownDon't think we've ever had this on the show. So I'm excited to see where the conversation takes us today. So without further ado, let's go out and introduce our guests. Mr. Joel, Fred Friedman. FRIEDMAN How do I want to say it? Friedland. Friedland okay, I'm all right. Sorry. I did see the land at the end. Well, how are you doing it?00:07:23:15 - 00:07:43:16UnknownSay hello and now tell us a little bit about yourself. Sure. So I live in Chicago. I grew up in a suburb of Chicago called Highland Park. And when I was 22 years old, I graduated from the University of Michigan, by the way, two years there and before that, two years at San Diego State. So I love San Diego, where you live.00:07:43:18 - 00:08:11:06UnknownCongratulations on your championship. Thank you. Thank you. Big deal. Yeah. Yeah, it was awesome. So right after graduating, I wanted to get into real estate and I thought, I'm going to get into residential real estate because that's what I do. And a friend of mine introduced me to a family that owned a business called Podolski Podolski Family, and they owned 84 industrial buildings and we're looking for a leasing agent.00:08:11:08 - 00:08:39:13UnknownSo and a property manager. So I interviewed them on a Thursday and I started on Friday. And because I was, I think, a pretty good interviewer. Interviewee they hired me right away and said in 1981 interest rates were 17%. They had 84 buildings, ten of them were vacant, and they wanted me to figure out how to do the lease up of their vacant industrial buildings.00:08:39:13 - 00:09:08:21UnknownFirst of all, you have to understand what an industrial building is. An industrial building is is usually in the way they have industrial parks in every city and every town has them. In Chicago, there were 16,000 industrial buildings, but most people never even heard of it. An industrial is where warehousing takes place and distribution. So for today, the famous industrial tenant is Amazon.00:09:08:23 - 00:09:47:01UnknownAnd but every store has a warehouse. Every chain, every restaurant chain has a warehouse. And then there's manufacturing where every product if you look around in the background here at this place,

  • Marketing is everything, and big part of that is ads. I know, it's a confusing subject, but we are gonna break it down for you. Today, Stephen Whiting joins us to discuss retargeting, potentially the most important thing you can do for your brand.ResourceCheck Out Street TextReal Estate Marketing DudeThe Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)REMD on YouTubeREMD on InstagramTranscript:What's up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast and welcome. What we going to chat about today is how to follow people around the Internet. Have you ever been shopping? Maybe if you're a woman, you're shopping for shoes. I know you are. Don't lie to me. And if you are, that shoe started following you all over the internet.00:08:42:18 - 00:09:03:19UnknownThat's called retargeting. If you're dude, man, I know maybe you're looking at an ax throwing shit banger golf simulator, whatever the hell it is, but also that thing's following you all over the internet. The reason why remarketing is so important is not is because you are not that important. And people might see you, they might interact with you, they might message you once, they might visit your website.00:09:03:21 - 00:09:22:10UnknownBut it is such a busy world that literally they're going to forget that they were even there 24 hours later and no one converts on the first touch, much like your significant other did it either. You made her laugh, you dated her, you bought her flowers. I don't know what you did, but you did something. And it happened over multiple touches and eventually you won him over.00:09:22:12 - 00:09:38:13UnknownThat's sort of the idea here with retargeting. And what we're going to be chatting about is that how do you get more of your content seen? And then more importantly, how do you make sure it gets to them? Because a lot of people just make but also making content. And if you're not running ads well and your content isn't good organically, well then how is anyone going to see it?00:09:38:13 - 00:09:56:16UnknownSo we're going to solve all those problems on today's episode. And without further ado, I want to go ahead and introduce our guest today who is the CEO of Sweet Street Text. Right. Thank you. And Mr. Stephen Whiting, he's really cold right now because he's like in the thunder, like, I think he's like an Antarctica or something. But welcome to the show.00:09:56:16 - 00:10:14:10UnknownWhy don't you tell our listeners hello and say tell us a little bit about yourself, what you do. Thanks, Mike. I'm super excited to be here. Yeah, big Arctic front just blew in and the office is freezing. So if it sounds like I am, my teeth are clattering. They most certainly are, yes. So my name is Steve Whiting, as Mike mentioned, CEO of Street Techs.00:10:14:10 - 00:10:40:09UnknownSo we make it really, really easy to run effective ads on Instagram and Facebook to generate leads. That's kind of been the main thing that a lot of people know us about. But what they don't really know behind the scenes is that to be successful on those platforms, it's really about building up the content, the no lack of trust and having a lot of rotating content that's going to warm people up and help you convert those leads because you know it's top of funnel and but the industry is changing.00:10:40:09 - 00:10:58:12UnknownYou know, a lot of businesses, things are changing in the marketplace. And if you understand the concepts that will go through today and you can put implement them into your business, it's a complete game changer. You go from trying to win business to people like literally thinking of you as a celebrity by the time you walk in and have that listing presentation.00:10:58:12 - 00:11:13:10UnknownYeah, it's sort of weird. If you do a version with video, you're like, You watch that. Wow, it's crazy. I know you actually watch that. But yes, people will watch your stuff. But here's the key. Guys know like and trust because no one hires ...

  • We talk about building a brand all the time, but what can you do with that brand? Today we are talking about turning that brand into an empire.ResourceHenry Street CreativeReal Estate Marketing DudeThe Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)REMD on YouTubeREMD on InstagramWhat is up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast, and welcome to 2024, folks. Since all it's been ten years, especially this year, this podcast has been on the ground and I'm going to start this year off where I started off 14 or ten fucking years ago in 2014. And back then we were talking about the same damn thing that we're still talking about today.00:04:40:08 - 00:04:55:20UnknownBut back then people thought I was crazy because they're like, Who the fuck are you? And more importantly, what the hell is a personal brand? I'm a real estate salesperson. I don't need a brand. My brokers, my brand, women screaming the saying. So I think it's a very appropriate episode because your personal brand has never been more important.00:04:55:20 - 00:05:11:16UnknownBecause no one hires your broker, they hire you. You're the individual that they work with, and you're the person that they remember of. And the goal here is that when I time the word real estate is thought about how many people really associate your name with that, that's what we're talking about with personal branding. So I want to start the year off with a bang.00:05:11:16 - 00:05:27:19UnknownWe brought on one of the most experts in this field. His name is Mr. Tyler Mount, and we're going to talk personal branding and how you can build an empire with it. Tyler What's up, man? I want you to run a little bit about who you are, where are you from, and what the fuck do you do? Well, look, thanks for having me.00:05:27:19 - 00:05:52:07UnknownI love the energy. You know, I've worked in digital marketing, specifically real estate. Digital marketing. For the better part of 15 years, I've been fortunate enough to work with nearly a thousand clients in 16 countries. I've represented over $7 billion in real estate developments across the nation. And you know what I have found working with whether it's the CEO of T-Mobile, the the president of the United States, the CEO of Twitter, now known as X ray.00:05:52:09 - 00:06:09:18UnknownYou know, what I've learned is the power of personal brand. I want to just double down on what you started with today. No one cares what you're talking brokerage, right? The idea that someone is hiring you because you're a Keller. Keller Williams is a misnomer, right? Because you can write a contract doesn't make you special. An idiot out of high school could do that.00:06:09:22 - 00:06:29:14UnknownWhat actually makes you special and what makes you important is the personal side humanity of you, and how we can really start to encapsulate that in your brand and get people to know I can trust you in order to transact with you. That's right. No one remembers what you did there. Remember how you do it. No one remembers what you said or how he said.00:06:29:16 - 00:06:42:11UnknownSo let's dig deeper because a lot of people sort of I feel like people understand like what a brand is, but they don't like they hear this term. It's almost like a buzzword because it is a little bit complicated. Like and here's let's just break it down to basics here. Here's where I see I will get your opinion.00:06:42:11 - 00:07:02:13UnknownSeriously, most people, when they think of their personal brand, they don't in that they don't visualize their individualism. I guess, if you want to say as a brand, because they're like, I'm a dad, I'm a father, I'm stressed out human being and I'm just a person in the rat race here. How the hell am I? BRAND And you have to realize, folks, is that you are the brand.00:07:02:13 - 00:07:18:20UnknownYour brand is your persona. It's how many people think or associate you with anything else that it stands for.