
  • Part 1: True the Vote is on the ground in Atlanta, Georgia. A lot is happening around the Georgia Senate runoff elections, and True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht sets the record straight on the latest headlines.

    True the Vote is running a statewide election integrity hotline to support voters and election workers. We are hosting election worker training and signature verification courses. We provided the data and research to preemptively challenge 364,541 voters who appear to be ineligible to vote in the upcoming run-off election. We are actively working with volunteers across the state of Georgia to support their presentation of these challenges.

    Now, Stacey Abrams and Fair Fight, in an effort to stop True the Vote's pursuit of election integrity, sued us in Federal Court. We are being attacked, the volunteers working with us are being attacked - and we are all standing firm.

    There have been individual citizens looped into the Fair Fight lawsuit, we are supporting them. We are helping Georgia counties who have also been sued by Marc Elias and other organizations. And we are supporting statewide research and investigation.

    Read more:
    - Stacey Abrams Says Voter Verification is Voter 'Suppression,' Attacks True the Vote: https://truethevote.org/stacey-abrams-says-voter-verification-is-voter-suppression-attacks-true-the-vote/
    - True the Vote: Abrams’ Sister’s Ruling Wrong on Law, Clear Conflict: https://truethevote.org/true-the-vote-abrams-sisters-ruling-wrong-on-law-clear-conflict/
    - Citizen Challenges: How They Work and Why It Matters: https://truethevote.org/citizen-challenges-how-they-work-and-why-it-matters/

    As citizens we have a responsibility to play an active and participatory role in our election process. In the year ahead, we have to get back to the basics. One person, one vote. Don't just vote, volunteer in local elections.

    If you live in Georgia, make sure you vote to have your voice heard on Jan. 5!

    If you see something, say something. Use our Election Integrity Hotline, GAValidatetheVote.org or 855-702-0702.

    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • In this episode of Red White & True News, True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht discusses Validate the Vote Georgia and what is playing out in the Georgia Senate runoff elections. As citizens, we have far more power than we think. Citizens are the core of this country and there are so many things that we can do to turn this back around. In 2010, one of TTV's first projects was the citizen challenge – a way for citizens to draw attention to ineligible voters and problems inside the election process. That helped us form a path to our efforts with Elector Challenges in Georgia.

    Recent Validate the Vote Georgia headlines referenced in this podcast episode:
    - True the Vote Partners With Georgia GOP to Ensure Transparent, Secure Ballot Effort for Senate Runoff Elections
    - True the Vote Launches Georgia Election Integrity Hotline as Part of the Most Comprehensive Ballot Security Effort in Georgia History
    - True the Vote Partners with Georgians in Every County to Preemptively Challenge 364,541 Potentially Ineligible Voters
    - True the Vote Offers Legal Support to Georgia Counties That Stand Up to ACLU’s Misinformation and Intimidation Campaign
    - True the Vote: Abrams’ Sister’s Ruling Wrong on Law, Clear Conflict

    True the Vote will not surrender. We will not quit. We will not be silent. Nor should you. This is about every eligible American voter's opportunity to have their voices heard loudly and clearly. Now is the time to stand up.

    If you live in Georgia, make sure you vote to have your voice heard! If you see something, say something. Use our Election Integrity Hotline, GAValidatetheVote.org or 855-702-0702.

    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!
    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

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  • Election Day is coming up soon as the entire world anxiously awaits the outcome. This week, Catherine Engelbrecht is bringing you more of the latest news about the citizen-led efforts to protect the integrity and security of our country’s most historic election.

    This podcast episode reveals what True the Vote is doing to take action in Texas where we've analyzed the data and found anomalies suggesting illegal voting in Texas Early Voting reports. Check out out the latest here: https://truethevote.org/true-the-vote...

    Articles referenced:



    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/TrueTheVote

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • We cannot let our guards down now! We must be vigilant as we head into what few deny is the most important election in American history. In this episode, True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht revisits her very first podcast back in May 2020 with General Counsel Jim Bopp and looks back at our past predictions – many of which are playing out right now in this election. Bopp is one of the top election law attorneys in the country, a Constitutional legal scholar, and key lawyer in the Bush v. Gore fiasco.

    Back in May, many said these problems and fraud were just related to the primary election. Today, we have seen widespread issues beyond just mail, including the removal of signature verification standards, the removal of postmark standards, vote harvesting, the striking down of voter ID provisions in certain states, and more. It's been a free-for-all to the tune of over 400 lawsuits – that is staggering! Catherine highlights several states like Montana, where True the Vote has taken legal action, and points out ways that citizens can help us push back with Election Day right around the corner. Pray, work, vote!

    Check out our new launch of Pray the Vote at https://truethevote.org/pray-the-vote/ – the largest interactive election prayer initiative in history. Over 5 million Americans have prayed over the election so far!

    We are all citizen watchdogs and True the Vote is working harder than ever to make sure you have the tools you need to help protect our election process from fraud and exploitation. Recently, we also launched an Election Integrity Hotline – a 24/7, bilingual resource to support election workers, poll watchers, and voters during this unprecedented time – which you can reach at 855-702-0702. This hotline is in addition to our Election Integrity Report which you can also always access on our website at https://truethevote.org/report-election-fraud/. We encourage you to either fill out the report or call our hotline if you witness (or have witnessed) election fraud or manipulation.

    If you haven't already, please consider donating or volunteering to help True the Vote stay in this fight. Please visit truethevote.org for more information on our latest efforts.

    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • In this episode of the Red White and True News podcast, Catherine Engelbrecht discusses the chaos in our current election, how we got into this big mess in the first place, and what is necessary to fix the problems we face. She talks about the power of the citizen - the power to vote - which, when we use it wisely, can improve our own lives and the lives of those around us.

    Many citizens have watched as private unlawful militias showed up at protests across the country often heightening the risk of violence, and many are anticipating similar possible unlawful private militias intimidating voters in connection with the election. Local officials and voters need to know that groups of armed individuals have no legal authority under federal or state law to show up at voting locations claiming to protect or patrol the polls.

    Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) has released fact sheets for all 50 states that provide key information about state laws barring unauthorized private militia groups and what to do if citizens see groups of armed individuals near polling places. https://www.law.georgetown.edu/icap/our-work/addressing-the-rise-of-unlawful-private-paramilitaries/state-fact-sheets/

    Without a doubt, this election is shaping up to be a historic turning point in American history. Catherine tells you the good, the bad, and the ugly about what we can expect. The bottom line is: everyone must be prepared for whatever comes. If you haven't already, please go to https://truethevote.org and learn about how you can get involved in your local election process. We are calling all patriots to stand up for their country and fight for a safe and secure election!

    The most important video of 2020: https://youtu.be/-2STo2Ttvtg

    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • In this episode, Catherine Engelbrecht discusses the massive mail-in ballot disaster happening around the country, the fierce battle for Montana and America's legal future, the left's attempt to spin a good-hearted veteran-led election integrity effort into voter intimidation story, and much more.

    True the Vote is here to provide vital information as election day gets closer. This is without a doubt going to be the most important election any of us have ever seen. By the people, for the people; that's what we want and we will fight to secure this process for ourselves and future generations. Stand with us today by going to https://truethevote.org and donating or signing up to volunteer. We cannot do it without YOUR HELP!

    The most important video of 2020: https://youtu.be/-2STo2Ttvtg
    True the Vote 2020: https://truethevote2020.org

    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • With the first presidential debate done, Americans are still be worried about their vote getting counted in preparation for Election Day this year. As President Trump pointed out, mass mail in voting presents the opportunity for massive fraud in addition to the risk of massive disenfranchisement for all voters.

    True the Vote is committed to defending Americans' voting rights no matter what and we are in for a wild ride this year. Leftist lawyers are lining up to bog down the election results in the courts with endless lawsuits. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is giving the House the heads up to be ready to elect the new president if an electoral majority is not reached. We must have our eyes on the entire process this year to protect our vote and our country.

    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • Registering to vote is different from state to state and with the COVID pandemic still being used as the prop to change election law, election day 2020 is as confusing as its ever been. To help clear up confusion and make sure that every person is registered as an active voter, Catherine gives her three best tips for registering to vote.

    Now more than ever we need to make sure we cross our t's and dot our i''s when registering. Make sure to only use blue or black ink, provide correct information, and to double check for any mistakes. This may be the most divisive election outcome in American history so we must do everything we can to focus on what brings us all together: our right to vote.

    Website: https://truethevote.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • As November 3rd gets closer, agitators are doing everything they can to confuse voters on how to vote before election day. Catherine announces the release of True the Vote's state by state guidelines for voters to learn about their specific state. Each state infographic goes over when to vote and what to bring to the poll (if your state offers in-person voting).

    The temperature is definitely rising as both the left and right start to make their moves on the campaign trail. The future of America is in the balance and most Americans understand this going into this process. If we stand together as a nation, there is nothing to fear and we will come out the other side a stronger and more unified nation regardless of the outcome.

    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • Obama administration target, Catherine Engelbrecht dives into what is really going on behind all this crazy dumpster fire of a year. In short, revolutionary Marxists are attempting to sabotage and subvert our democratic process for their own personal gain. As citizens and as Americans, we must be on the lookout for these enemies heading into the November election.

    In this episode, Catherine goes over BIG news for TTV and other important info about what to look for specifically in the days ahead.

    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • We are taking a closer look at what citizen engagement in our national election process actually looks like because today is National Poll Worker Recruitment Day! Since True the Vote was launched we've always had a deep-seated passion for individuals getting involved and working in the polls on election day. This election cycle will surely be a historic one; If patriotic citizens do not get involved, someone else will.

    Catherine talks about her personal story with poll working and what really goes into a poll workers job. Different states have different laws and there is virtually no limit to how many ways citizens can get engaged in the build-up to the 2020 Election.

    Articles mentioned:





    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • With the election a little more than two months away, Democrats are fabricating this fake Post Office "crisis" as part of their nationwide push for universal mail-in voting. Last weekend, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called lawmakers back to Washington in the middle of August recess for an "emergency" session to pass a $25 billion USPS funding bill to promote the left's mail-in election scam.

    In this episode, Catherine takes a closer look at the Democrats' engineered chaos around the Post Office and breaks down the important difference between vote by mail and voting absentee. The bottom line is, the left's actions are disenfranchising both Democrat and Republican voters and fueling Americans' distrust in the entire election process.

    Articles in the Scroll:





    Like this video? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • What is happening at the U.S. Post Office? The entire American election process is up in the air as Democrats race to find the weak links for exploitation. Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who have long been pushing for an unnecessary universal mail-in voting process, are now fueling this engineered chaos surrounding our Postal Service. What's clear is that their goal is not to see a free and fair election process.

    In this episode, Catherine discusses the U.S. Postal Service, the delays and failures of mass mail voting, and why citizen engagement is critical in the upcoming election this November. The bottom line is, our election processes are vulnerable from beginning to end – and those vulnerabilities are being exploited by groups who subvert our systems to serve their purposes. The best way to protect voters’ rights is to equip citizens for service. Check out the training resources on our website to learn more: truethevote.org/get-trained/.

    Articles from The Scroll:

    AP: Post Office warns states across US about mail voting bit.ly/3gadTXn

    Fox News: Pelosi calls members back to Capitol Hill to consider USPS legislation, calls post office 'Election Central' fxn.ws/2Qaf9zk

    Washington Post: Postal Service broke law in pushing time off for workers to campaign for Clinton, investigation finds wapo.st/3281Bdk

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueTheVote

  • Americans know our electoral process is a sacred privilege. Yet, so many loopholes exist in our election laws which leave plenty of room for abuses of our voting system come election day. That's why we're seeing election fraud across the country play out in real time – mass mail failures, bogus voter registrations which lead to bogus votes, process subversion, disallowing citizen participation, outside intervention... It's outright chaos.

    We are taking the most sacred franchise offered to an American – the right to a free and fair vote of their voice, their will, for their government – and throwing every monkey wrench that we can grab into this process. It defies logic. It makes one question motive. More than anything, it underscores the need for citizens to wake up and engage. This runaway train is not going to stop itself. In this podcast episode, Catherine discusses "Five Easy Ways to Steal an Election and How to Stop it." As we approach early voting and Election Day this November, we the people have to educate and prepare ourselves to protect our ballot box in this election cycle, or we will risk losing it forever.

    Articles referenced in The Scroll:

    The Hill: Facebook launches new election efforts, will expand labels for posts on voting (https://thehill.com/policy/technology/511798-facebook-launches-new-election-efforts-will-expand-labels-for-posts-on)

    NPR: Ballot Drop Boxes Become Latest Front In Voting Legal Fights (https://www.npr.org/2020/08/11/901066396/ballot-drop-boxes-become-latest-front-in-voting-legal-fights?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social)

    Washington Examiner: Liberal group sends masses of mail-in ballot applications to voters — many with errors, peeving election officials (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/liberal-group-sends-masses-of-mail-in-ballot-applications-to-voters-many-with-errors-peeving-election-officials)

    Like this podcast? To see more from Catherine and True the Vote, subscribe to the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TrueTheVote || Remember to ring the notification bell!

    Website: https://truethevote.org/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueTheVote
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TrueeTheVote

  • In this episode, Catherine discusses Nevada's legalizing the use of mass-mail ballots for the General Election, the RNC lawsuit that followed, and why understanding this series of events is critical in the bigger strategy of things to come between now and November.

    Articles referenced in the show:

    Trump, in 'Fox & Friends' interview, warns it could take years to get election results with mass-mailed ballots https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-election-results-years-mass-mailed-ballots-nevada.print

    Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess


    U.S. Puts $10 Million Bounty on 2020 Election Hackers


  • In this 27 minute tour-de-force, Catherine Engelbrecht makes it crystal clear like never before on the series of steps already in motion as a coordinated drumbeat toward the deconstruction of America. From Reagan's Morning in America to the George Soros Marxism in America in only 36 years, the plan is in full swing. From Biden's 600 lawyers on retainer to challenge his loss and the virus eating America to the Marxist training of Black Lives Matter and the potential fraud of mail-in voting, this episode gives you the no BS, unfiltered truth about the takedown of American democracy.

    But you'll also learn that America is worth fighting for and how you can take up the proverbial arms and fight for her. From voting, voting in person, protecting your vote and calling your county. Catherine lays out the playbook to save America, the greatest and kindest nation ever.

  • When we say Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is fighting 1000 fires at once, you can believe it. In this great interview with Attorney General Paxton, you’ll hear the chilling words that mail-in voting is the “strategic plan of the Democrats” and “they know the truth” about the opportunity for fraud with mail-in voting. You’ll also hear in no uncertain terms that he will be prosecuting any and all Texans who violate the law on requesting a mail-in ballot. Disabled - no issues. Faking a disability because of covid fears? You will be prosecuted! Listen to Attorney General Paxton discuss his trip to the US Supreme Court, the Texas Supreme Court and having to advise 1000 mayors and town officials during a year he calls “an alternate universe”!

    Remember to subscribe to the Red, White & True podcast on your favorite podcast app. And stay in touch and up to date on voter integrity, litigation and other essential matters of democracy by visiting www.truethevote.org.

  • One of the most unnerving interviews you’ll ever hear between Catherine and Debbie D’Souza, democracy warrior and co-producer with her husband Dinesh D’Souza of the soon to be released movie “Trump Card.” The parallels between Venezuela under Hugo Chavez and the current fracture in the US is frightening. “Hope and change” campaign name? Check. Trigger racial unrest? Check. Take down historical statues? Check. Discuss changing the electoral process? Check. Change from a Republic to a Marxist country? Check. Listen to Debbie D’Souza tell the story of how even her family fell for the pitch and lost it all, including their country. Is the USA quickly becoming the VSA - the Venezuelan States of America right before our eyes? Let’s hope note. But pay attention to Debbie’s words: get involved, vote and maintain voting integrity.

    To stay in touch and up to date on voting issues, voter integrity and other challenges we’re fighting to preserve American democracy, please visit www.truethevote.org.

  • If you’ve heard the song “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover” then this episode will make you think of the 50 ways to defraud the voters! Listen to Citizen Watchdog and long time True The Vote supporter, Colleen Vera, tell Catherine the fraud and corruption she uncovered in Harris County, Texas during her two year investigation. An investigation which has been picked up the Texas Attorney General as an official investigation of rampant fraud. From vote harvesting in nursing homes to stamp fraud to unmarked and unsorted mail, this episode proves the exact type of shenanigans and theft the left is saying never happens.

    To stay on top of voter integrity news and other key True The Vote fraud-busting initiatives, please visit www.truethevote.org.

    And remember to subscribe to this podcast through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart and other leading podcast apps.

  • With his ever prescient eye, Dinesh D'Souza clearly sees around corners. The best selling author of many books including the all-new United States of Socialism, and political filmmaker extraordinaire,
    Dinesh discusses with Catherine the horrible marriage of identity politics and classic socialism racing through America - "identity socialism" he has named it. Dinesh lays out the case that class warfare never worked in Marxist socialism, so a new scheme was hatched and identity socialism is now successfully dividing as many people as possible - class, race, sex, immigration status - to gain a majority to suppress the rest. Dinesh and his brilliant wife, Debbie D'Souza, also chillingly state that Venezuela is the model, not Scandinavia, for the cabal of leftist politicians, media, academia and Hollywood. Perhaps the Venezuelan States of America is where it all ends? Don't rule it out as
    Dinesh tells us that coronavirus was a nice preview of socialism - think food shortages, economic devastation and civil liberties under lockdown.

    Ah, but all is not lost. Dinesh discusses his upcoming movie, Trump Card, and provides some hope to fight the leftist gangsters coming for America. How? Dinesh says it clearly: "all hands on deck" and the need to fight for voting integrity. As to this election season, Dinesh lets us know that the leftists have learned, "it's the count, not the vote" when elections get stolen. That is some wake up call from the man who sees around corners, Dinesh D'Souza.

    To buy Dinesh's new book "United States of Socialism" and to learn more about the upcoming "Trump Card" movie, please visit www.dineshdsouza.com.

    To stay in touch and up to date on the battle for values, rights, and voting integrity, visit truethevote.org.

    To make sure you never miss any great updates from Catherine or her stellar interviews with interesting, powerful and brilliant people, please subscribe to the show through leading podcast listening apps including Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Spreaker and more.