
  • Can you give us an overview of your collection to begin with (5:25, 6:00,What got you into Brazilian Rainbow Boas and when did you decide that was the avenue to pursue for you? (11:30,Have you ever worked with imported Brazilian Rainbow Boas? (15:20,What’s it like finding morphs? (21, 38, 40,How many mutations exist in rainbows and have those come from any imports or spontaneous occurrence within your collection or others? (43,What is your approach to keeping them? I have always followed your care sheets on your website when getting my feet underneath me (Riley) and I have had nothing but success. (34,Who did you learn from when you were getting into keeping these snakes? (35,How do you manage their room or climate? Designated reptile room? Converted Garage? Outbuilding? (2-13,What do you see for the future of rainbow boa keeping in the hobby and for yourself? (2nd, 5:00, 2-17:00, 2-18:00,


    New Guest Closing Questions:

    Who do you look up to most in the reptile world? (Jeff Ronnie)What is your holy grail reptile to keep? (BRB)If you could devote an entire bedroom to one species to build a massive vivarium, what would you keep and design? (BRB)If you could go back in time to a younger you right before you got into reptiles, what wisdom would you impart upon your younger self? (just go for it)If you could pass on one piece of advice to the listeners about keeping snakes/reptiles, what would it be? (take it slow and easy)
  • No episode notes! We shot from the hip and just went with the flow. We think you will love this episode.

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  • What’s new with you? 3:30,

    The Herpetoculture Podcast (53:00How long has it been running?How has the evolution been and what have you enjoyed most? (53:30What do you see for the future of your podcast and the future of reptile podcasting as a whole (1:03:05,Why do you think reptile podcasting has become so widespread these days? (1:03:45,Your Breeding ProjectsColubrid kick: pituophis: (5:15,Papuans, how many do you have? What are some of your project focuses and goals? (28:15, 30:00, 33:25,What have you learned along the way through trials and tribulations?Why Papuans? (31:00,What do you think has led to the resurgence in this sub-species and the search for obscure species in the hobby overall today? (39:00,Scrubs, I know you have your love for scrubs so tell me what it is about them that gets you excited and what you would love to accomplish with the species? (14:00, 21:00,What other species do you keep or would like to keep?Darkhorse Herpetoculture, White Oaks Grey Rat Snakes (6:00Bull snake (9:45,Marathon Tx, Fork Line gopher Snakes (10:10,CoastalsScrub, lone male (12:00What are you most excited about for your future and what would you love to see happen in your personal collection as well as a hobby-wide change?PhotographyJLB Wildlife (1:09:00How has that been going? (1:11:15Goals? Or just for fun? (1:13:40

    New Guest Closing Questions:

    Who do you look up to most in the reptile world? (1:24:00- EB, Christ Montros, Rob Stone)What is your holy grail reptile to keep? (1:26:10 - Apodora)If you could devote an entire bedroom to one species to build a massive vivarium, what would you keep and design? (1:27:30 - Apodora or Rhino Iguana)If you could go back in time to a younger you right before you got into reptiles, what wisdom would you impart upon your younger self? (1:29:00 - don’t follow trends, do your research, and keep what keeps you passionate, and quarantine!)If you could pass on one piece of advice to the listeners about keeping snakes/reptiles, what would it be? (1:30:00 - don’t get into bc you think you will make money, or just want to breed/make money, get into it bc you love reptiles, don’t listen to the bs you hear/read and don’t let people make fun of you for what you love, block it out)
  • Intro:

    This week we have the O-Mac Special Mr. Owen McIntrye. Arguably the wittiest SOB in reptile podcast history so take that Reptile N Chill Guys! Owen has been involved in the reptile scene for long enough and been involved in the podcast side of things for so long that likely all of my listeners know who he is and require no introduction.


    How are things?Olive babies (2:29, Other season notes and productionWhat’s it like being the one interviewed for a change?How’s Mort? (1:33:00)Ok really getting into things, everyone knows your Morelia roots, but what else are you keeping? (20:00, How many spaces or rooms does your collection inhabit?How is that arranged specifically? By region? By climate needs? (23:00, What are some of the main points to focus on when dialing in spaces for such diversity of animals in your opinion and how do you accomplish that? (26:45, 28:40, Are there any specific do’s and don'ts to point out? (1:15:20, Have there been any species that you wanted to keep but they just didn't work out in your collection and management system? (50:30, Were there any species that surprised you in ways you didn’t expect when bringing them into your group? (53:30, What are some of your biggest challenges in managing such diversity? (40:00, Do you have any pro tips for folks like us listening who need variety in their reptile keeping lives? (1:15:00, 1:16:30,


    New Guest Closing Questions:

    Who do you look up to most in the reptile world? (EB, Ryan Young, Ari, Gavin)What is your holy grail reptile to keep? (OP)If you could devote an entire bedroom to one species to build a massive vivarium, what would you keep and design? (Merten’s, ledges, trees, etc, h20 feature)If you could go back in time to a younger you right before you got into reptiles, what wisdom would you impart upon your younger self? (Diamonds are not to be feared)If you could pass on one piece of advice to the listeners about keeping snakes/reptiles, what would it be? (keep what you love, regardless of what others say)

    Anything else you want to throw out there? Contact info etc?

  • Intro:

    Welcome to the Reptile Room Podcast everyone, thank you for joining me yet again for Episode 12! Tonight we are going to waste no time and jump right into this much anticipated episode. Tonight’s guest is someone who I have looked up to in the reptile world for years, admired his youtube channel and travels, intrigued by the importation business he participates in, and I have purchased several snakes from him over the years. Welcome Mr. Dan Mulleary!



    How did you get started in the hobby of keeping and breeding reptiles? (3:30, What were your initial animal interests? (4:00, 4:45, 5:15, How did your trajectory wind you into the import/export side of things? (31:20, 34:00, 36:00,As someone who keeps reptiles and is constantly bringing new animals in, how do you manage the various husbandry parameters for the various species? (47:45, In your youtube videos I notice some of your walls/racks/tubs seem to be interchangeable for your needs at any given time. How did you come up with that design and how does that all work to your advantage? (46:00, 47:26, 49:30, What are some of the challenges with keeping so many species in such a fluid system? (53:45, 56:00, Moving to Thailand soon! House is essentially done, just finishing work commitments here. What are you most excited for and looking forward to? (58:30, 1:02:00Is Apple excited to get to spend more time with you and be near her family in your future retirement? (1:03:00,Travel channel style vlogs? Eco-tourism? (10:00, 11:20, 15:30, What’s next for you two and DM Exotics? (21:00, 24:00, 50:00, Who will carry your torch? (18:00, What will be the plan? Come back? Export to the us? (13:00, 14:30,

    New Guest Closing Questions: 1:05:00

    Who do you look up to most in the reptile world? (Dave Barker, Mark O’Shea) What is your holy grail reptile to keep? (sub-species of beauty rat)If you could devote an entire bedroom to one species to build a massive vivarium, what would you keep and design? (hornbills, binturong)If you could go back in time to a younger you right before you got into reptiles, what wisdom would you impart upon your younger self? (into one of getting everything, you should have a pair of everything, not just one)If you could pass on one piece of advice to the listeners about keeping snakes/reptiles, what would it be? (keep what you like, don’t follow the trends, have some balls, keep what you like)

    Close out:

    Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and work life, animal life, home life, etc.

    How can folks get ahold of you and what would you like to put out there for all of the listeners who tune into everything you do like myself?

  • Our Guest Tonight:

    Justin SmithPalmetto Coast ExoticsThe Herpetoculture PodcastThe Chondrocast (4:25,Herpetoculture MagazineSnakes n stogiesHow did you get started in reptiles? (6:15, 9:30When did you take it up a notch? (12:30, 14:00, 15:45What is your direction and focus these days? (16:35, 20:00What do you see long term for your trajectory keeping snakes? (23:00, 27:00,How did THP start? (30:25, 34:00,What motivated you to start the Chondrocast? (41:00, 42:00, 49:00How did you decide to carve out even further time to start a FREE magazine publication? (51:30, 53:15, 54:30,Snakes N Stogies? (1:02:00, 1:03:00,

    New Guest Closing Questions:

    Who do you look up to most in the reptile world? (rob stone, eric burke, harlin wall,What is your holy grail reptile to keep? (Gonyosoma janseni, ruschi’s, atheris nitchei,If you could devote an entire bedroom to one species to build a massive vivarium, what would you keep and design? (rough scale enclosure, scrub pair enclosure (Wamena))If you could go back in time to a younger you right before you got into reptiles, what wisdom would you impart upon your younger self? (warn myself I’m going to get hooked for life)If you could pass on one piece of advice to the listeners about keeping snakes/reptiles, what would it be? (ignore social media, enjoy what you’re keeping, don’t get caught up in the popularity contest,

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  • Timeline notes (all minus like 38 miunutes of an intro before we actually did the intro)Moose & Sheep @ 18 minutesOld ass Brian @34 minutesRemembering first meeting @36@53 story of first keeping snakes , neighbor “Snake” keeping snakes next door at 4 yrs old got stokedRough green snakes as first snakes@60 minutes or so first snake - rosy rat@1:06 first snakes - wanted python - bp@1:07:30 - 5 yrs accomplished a lot@1:12 - life too short@1:23 jimmy cruz rule breaker@1:35 starting triple b@1:46 moving into the new place and building the reptile room@1:50 and beyond building and reptile room specific chat@2:07 - income impacts for educators@2:26 marijuise legalana@2:43 can you dig it!? EMAIL ZOOM FOR IDEA TO FUND EDUCATIONAL MEETINGS@3:18 raspberry rat splat

    Tonight’s guest: Brian Kusko of Triple B TV

    Triple B Tv on Youtube:


    Brian’s Personal Vlog Channel:


    Brian Kusko on Instagram: @briankusko

    Triple B TV Website: https://triplebreptiles.com/triple-b-tv/

    Searchable as Reptiles Podcast with Garrett Hartle

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    Andy Riley catch up banter

    Lead into our topic and guest speaker

    Welcome Brian

    Do you even want to introduce yourself or do you think everyone knows who you are at this point haha?!How did we meet? @ around 39-45 minutesWhat were you keeping when you came back from Hawaii and how did you keep it/them? @ around 60 minutes or so and onHow long was that until you got into ball pythons and starting to build a collection? @1:09When did your rack in the closet start and how was it convincing Hillary of your intentions of keeping and breeding snakes? @1:34 & @1:38How long did you run your collection and videos from inside the closet?When did you come out of the closet…...and build that beautiful snake room under your place in the garage at your new spot? @1:46

    New space:

    How did you build it?Where did you learn all your carpentry and techniques etc?What went into the room design? @1:50 and beyondWhat did you learn after all said and done and what would you have done differently knowing what you know now?Any tips for folks building their own rooms?What species do you keep currently and how did that evolve before getting involved with Roaming Reptiles?Where do you see your collection and reptile initiatives going in the future?What’s next for Triple B and the growth of your reptile space?

    New Guest Closing Questions:

    Who do you look up to most in the reptile world? (not Andy Rea…...Kevin McCurley, Brian Barczyk, people sticking to/in love with one certain species, Lawrence Kenchington, aussie kid reptile song writer, Brian Gundy, Dav Kaufman) What is your holy grail reptile to keep? (once indigos, now boeleni for snakes, but komodos!)If you could devote an entire bedroom to one species to build a massive vivarium, what would you keep and design? (retic room, waterfall, jungle vines, open ceiling option, swimming pool, rainforest)If you could go back in time to a younger you right before you got into reptiles, what wisdom would you impart upon your younger self? (start with a female! Not Carl (hypo pinstripe))If you could pass on one piece of advice to the listeners about keeping snakes/reptiles, what would it be? (just in case, get a female)
  • Closing Questions: starting around

    Who do you look up to most in the reptile world? ( Eric Burke, Nick Mutton, Owen McIntyre, carpet guys, Ari Flagle, Dan Mulleary, Joe Abein?)What is your holy grail reptile to keep? (every croc)If you could devote an entire bedroom to one species to build a massive vivarium, what would you keep and design? (chinese alligators, broad snouted caiman, walkout greenhouse)If you could go back in time to a younger you right before you got into reptiles, what wisdom would you impart upon your younger self? (learning patience or learning how to be content) “don’t be a dog chasing care” If you could pass on one piece of advice to the listeners about keeping snakes/reptiles, what would it be? (be very cautious of all or nothing statements - & you don’t always have to win an argument)


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    Ryan Presto - Box of Chocolates Reptiles

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  • Podcasting:

    9 years of Morelia Python Radio

    14:30 - 2012 - Blake Bower - Scrub show - left Owen on his own (LOL)18:00 - CarpetFest - How it started from an idea!22:00 - Owen & Travis - Long lost brothers

    Learning from others

    26:00 - Speaking in absolutes - Trying to steer away from being like that34:00 - Finding Owen as a co-host40:00 - Focusing on the guest and giving them a platformWhat does your collection consist of these days?1:00:00 - Space for large speciesHow many species have you roughly kept at any point in time?1:02:00 - 32 species!!!What has that variety taught you about your keeping style?1:14:00 - Trying to be the guy for multiple species is harder than being that guy that's known for X “Rhythm of the Room” - what does that phrase mean to you and your husbandry?Good show title!1:20:00 - Learning to study your room, the changes in the ambients, and paying attention to your animal’s behavior What are you looking forward to changing/upgrading/etc in your keeping? / What have you learned from your travels to Australia as far as your keeping is concerned?1:40:00 - “Australia changed me.” Fundamental perspective about keeping has changed.1:44:00 - Keeping snakes because we want a piece of nature.1:47:00 - Go into the environment of the species you loveWhat advice would you give newer keepers looking to getting into snakes or Morelia in particular as far as husbandry is concerned?1:55:00 - cages & racks...still a struggle within the community2:02:00 - comparing keeping with cars - paint job vs looking under the hoodWhat are you looking forward to most for the future of your collection? / What are some of your goals?Moving toward caging - want to observe them better and understand them better2:12:00 - Produce all the sub-species of carpets - fascinated with them! Documenting the Australian trips and understanding the various variabilities of carpetsWho do you look up to most in the reptile world? (Rob Stone, Nick Mutton, Keith McPeek, Matt Minnetola, Owen McIntyre)What is your holy grail reptile to keep? (Morelia imbricata)If you could devote an entire bedroom to one species to build a massive vivarium, what would you keep and design? (if different from the previous) (Australia slice; olives, fruit bats, carpets, some Australia slice)If you could go back in time to a younger you right before you got into reptiles, what wisdom would you impart upon your younger self? (take your time, don’t go into business, grow into the business)If you could pass on one piece of advice to the listeners about keeping snakes/reptiles, what would it be?2:10:00 & 2:22:00 - Do/keep what you love! It may take time to find what that is.

    Shout out your contact info - moreliapythonradio.net / ebmorelia.com


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  • Meat & Potatoes:

    Tell us about your connection to Bull SnakesThe care for Bull snakes (40 min +)All other fascinating info about bulls etcHow do you feel they are best kept?Average keeper vs. breeder (39:40 min)Pet style or breeder efficient styleWhat climate do they prefer? (40:45)
    How do you achieve that in consideration with the various other species you keep?Ambient85 in peak summer (43:00)80 regularlyGenetics & Locality (52:00)Double hets (54:00)Simple recessive exclusively (57:00) - InbreedingWild type multi hets (58:00)Locality phenotypes - color & size (59:00)ProsGreat petsSetup nice in naturalistic enclosuresHumidity is not normally an issueDon’t need a lot of heatThey are good eatersActive during the morning and early evening (crepuscular)Can be very handleable with patienceAwesome personalitiesConsGenerally can be high strung/nervousToo much heat can make that nervousness worseThey don’t like a lot of activity or movement (visual stimuli)Poop! They can be messyEtc.Wild type win (55:40)Coachwhips (1:12:00)Snake size and maximum sizes versus adult sizesFreedom breeder tubsBreeding (1:30:00)Stop feeding in November and then start brumation on Black FridayPull them out of brumation in 12 weeks - wait 5 days for 1st feedingKeep feeding until the first shed out of brumation (a couple of weeks) - Pre-ovulation shed and then pair them up2nd shed after is the pre-lay shed10-14 days they lay eggs - they almost never use a nest box
    PRO TIP! Pull the water bowl before the 10th dayPull eggs and place into egg boxes - 6qt tote with 2 air holes - perlite (drier than you would expect) - 80°Hatch date is typically 56-60 days (depends on temp)Too hot can cause deformitiesWhat's coming down the pipe for your bulls and the rest of your projects?Prove out poss hetsStillwater Hypo Patternless het Miami Axanthic poss het albino x Trumbower Hibino (Hypo Albino) het Patternless and Bullum Axanthic !!!Whitesided, albino, patternless, hypos, axanthicsWhat do you see for the future of bull snakes and do you think more people should be keeping them?The future is bright for bullsnakes! More morphs...more localitiesPlan ahead and contact bullsnakes breeders now! Don’t wait!Their popularity is on the rise!

    Closing comments/wrapping up/ throwing out contact info and the season's production for people to watch out for

    Carpet Fest 2020 - Facebook Group Link Here

    Final remarks. plugging for the next episode. etc.

    Find Travis Here:
    Living Legless Reptile Website
    LLR on Facebook

    LLR on Instagram


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  • Two opposing sides have emerged in this debate; pro racks and anti racks. However, could there be a middle ground? Andy and Riley brainstorm, discuss their experiences, visit some of the pervasive hypotheses, and conjecture about the future of reptile keeping techniques as a result of this ongoing debate.

    Scott Borden’s Blog Post About Racks & Cages


    Catching upForrest Fanning


    GH calling out FB on arboreal rackStarting the questionLooking at natural history of normal rack system animalsUVB blood testing The history of rack systemsWhen they were first implementedHow they changed the hobby/industryProsEfficiencySterilizationObservationOrganizationConsVisibilityEstheticsArgumentNegativeVarious species benefits and detrimentsBeardiesApplicationsHow they’ve made positive differencesHow people are utilizing and refining them todayCurrent trends towards the futureWhat do each of us useWhat typesFor what speciesExperiencesGood and badFuture plans and thoughts


    Wrapping up mentioning the ongoing lists of suggestions and hopefully not the audio issuesHow the Australia trip may or may not impact my responses etc and please be flexible and understandableNext!


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  • Maybe you are happy with low maintenance animals but have a large quantity of them. Suddenly you have a high maintenance collection!

    Low Maintenance vs High Maintenance and what that means

    Amount of workDaily vs. every few daysKnowing your limitsCleaning, watering, lighting, feeding, etcCage space and species considerations for future growthEnvironmental challenges/easeEasy for anyone to accomplish vs. specific requirements i.e. “advanced”Technology & sensors

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  • Florida Trip

    Morelia Breeding Season

    TimelineClues to watch forOvulatory swelling vs ovulationInterest between animalsMissexed males and combatSpring breeders vs winter breeders

    Coming down the line:

    Guests soon!

    Continued topics

    Tools of the room

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  • It has been a couple of weeks since we last recorded. We caught up a little on what has been happening in our lives. This show is all about the Anaheim Reptile Super Show that happened back at the beginning of January and its impact on the west coast reptile shows. We also talk about all the great things reptile shows do for our hobby and what we can do as buyers and vendors to improve on the impact they have.

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