We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. We start off with some talk about our recent transfer to a deep sea base including some thought on the work we do down here, the tools we use and my recent reprimand from Dr. Jane Walsh..
From there we talk about a movie I saw called White Boy Rick. It's a tale of drugs and of the 80's. It was alright.
Then it's on to the main event of the show where we finally complete that Ace To Zartan we started awhile back by taking an indepth look at the vehicles of 1983! It's a ton of fun
In the final segment we take a call from Rob at zonebase.Org and talk Megos, The Flea Market and the upcoming Toy Con!
Make sure to hop on over to Support The Report and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! While helping to support the show. Man, we need all the help that we can get.
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.
Michael sits down to discuss one of the hottest topics in regards to Nintendo's new online service... NESflix! Become a supporter of this podcast:https://anchor.fm/2-dudes-and-a-nes/support
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Today’s episode of The Atari 7800 Game By Game Podcast will cover the games, Tomcat F-14 Flight Simulator & Super Skateboardin’. We also got listener feedback including a random conference call!
The Summer of Tanks officially closes with this great audio submission from Bryce, the host of the Turbotastic Podcast! He took all of the tank games on the 2600 and ranked them. I did the same, and I also posted polls on social media, so you'll hear what you think too! Also, if you'd like to enter the contest to win 5 of the 2600 tank games, please send an email to 2600gamebygame@gmail.com by 10 PM EST on October 2nd. Please put Summer of Tanks contest in the subject line. If you've already won something from my show, please sit out this one if you could. Thank you all for listening!
Today for the first time I delve into what I originally thought was a PAL exclusive game, Bobby Is Going Home by Bit Corporation. Music and fun, what more could you want? Special thanks to Flanders 72, a punk band from Brazil. They are a great band that has a song called Bobby Is Going Home, which they let me use for the show. You can buy the track at their Bandcamp site, as well as all of their other music, so please support them! Next up will be Crypts of Chaos by 20th Century Fox. Please send your feedback to 2600gamebygame@gmail.com by the end of the day, 30 September. Thank you all so much for listening, and for your patience.
Pertinent Links
Bobby Is Going Home on Atarimania
Ample Ace Co. web site
Supergame VG 2800
Supergame VG 3000
No Swear Gamer 413 - Bobby Is Going Home
No Swear Gamer Bobby Is Going Home gameplay
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Flanders 72 - Bobby Is Going Home video
Flanders 72 on Bandcamp
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Please check out my other shows:
Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters -
We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. We start off with some talk about our recent transfer to a deep sea base including sad conversation I had with Engineer Emily..
From there we talk about a movie I saw called Searching. It stars John Cho and was really great.
Then it's on to the main event of the show where we talk the recent passing of a legend, Burt Reynolds. Our way to pay homage to the man is to take a look at his films in the form of a Top 5 Of All The Times! It's really great.
In the final segment we take some calls and text and talk Mego. It's a ton of fun.
Make sure to hop on over to Support The Report and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! While helping to support the show. Man, we need all the help that we can get.
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.
Recorded live over the Arcade Club / UKVAC partaaaaay weekend. Actually, while looking VERY suspicious in a parked car… TIMESTAMP: What We’ve Been Up To Since The Last Podcast – 0:00 Arcade News – 13:10 Feedback – 17:14 Pickups –
The post Podcast 116 – Toy Pop appeared first on Ten Pence Arcade Podcast.
Today’s episode of The Atari 7800 Game By Game Podcast will cover the games, Barnyard Blaster & Ikari Warriors. I will also go over the history of SNK. And don’t forget listener feedback!
There are good films, bad films, and Cult films. Well, two out of three ain’t bad. Today on GeekFest Rants Carlos will look at the Michael Mann WWII horror film, The Keep. Even the greatest of film makers have a skeleton in their closet and this one might be it for Michael Mann. Even with a superb cast like Scott Glenn, Gabriel Byrne, Jürgen Prochnow, and Ian McKellen, this one misses the mark. But is there something good about it that we might want to take a second look at?
Then we’ll look at Star Trek toy ships. From brands like Micro Machines, Furuta, Hallmark, Hot Wheels, and Eaglemoss. So many choices, so little money.
The Dudes are joined by Power Trip Gaming on this very special episode! Andy is picking the game this time, so you guys know it has to be good; none of that Paul game picking garbage. Let's talk about Metal Storm! Become a supporter of this podcast:https://anchor.fm/2-dudes-and-a-nes/support
Tim, Jen, and Mason discuss potted meat, the long break, and a ton os stuff that has nothing to do with Star Wars.
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Today on GeekFest Rants we’ll take a look at two upcoming Star Wars animated shows, Clone Wars and Resistance. With the surprise return and addition of a final season of Clone Wars episodes, we might get the conclusion we have been waiting for all these years.
Plus a fresh new series, Star Wars Resistance, which will give us some backstory to the characters and events of The Force Awakens. Then we will talk about Star Wars Kenner figures, specifically Reproductions(Repros) and Customs.
There is a whole world out there in the Star Wars action figure collecting community. And it consists of creating what you cannot find/afford or what never existed.
We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. We start off with some talk about our recent transfer to a deep sea base. It’s crazy down here. I saw a shark with spots. It’s bananas.
From there we talk about a movie I saw called BlacKkKlansman. It’s the latest Spike Lee Joint and it stars Denzel Washington’s son.
Then it’s on to the main event of the show where we dig in a and talk one of my favorite topics.. GI Joe. We go over the entire 2nd series of Action Figures! Everyone from Destro to Gung Ho.It’s a ton of fun!
On the final segment of the show we talk a few different things, Megos, being under the sea and we take a fun voicemail.
Make sure to hop on over to Support The Report and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! While helping to [...]
Flax? Fraks? Cacks? Trax? Snacks? (oh, yes please – got any Hob Nobs?) NO! – KLAX! It’s the nineties and a time for Klax, of course! Go back in time and order yourself a t shirt, man! This podcast was
The post Podcast 115 – Klax appeared first on Ten Pence Arcade Podcast.
We bring the #SummerOfTanks to a close with the wonderful Front Line by Coleco, a run and tank game kinda similar to Commando (which will be an episode in 2045). I hope you enjoyed the #SummerOfTanks because that will be the last themed season that I do on this show. It just happened to work out that way. Next time I'm covering Bobby Is Going Home, a very special PALcast requested very gently by my friend Rama. Please send in your feedback no later than 6 pm EST on 11 September. Thank you for listening and enjoy the rest of your summer, of which we have three more weeks. No matter what schools and pumpkin spice lattes say.
Pertinent Tanks
Front Line on Random Terrain
Front Line on KLOV
Ed Temple interview by Scott Stilphen, Joe Santulli, and John Hardie
Jim's Ferg demo. Thanks Jim!
No Swear Gamer 472 - Front Line
No Swear Gamer Front Line gameplay
Eugenio's interview with Brian Colin
Zero Page Homebrew Video Games on Facebook
Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
Proud member of the Throwback Network!
Proud member of the Retro Junkies Network!
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My YouTube channel, for whatever reason
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Subscribe to the show on iTunes, and leave a review! Reviews are nice!
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Please check out my other shows:
Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters -
Thanks to Trevin Hughes (aka Jredd) for the intro music! You can check out his musical masterpieces over at soundcloud.com/jredd. We are a part of the Retro Junkies Network: http://theretrojunkies.com Interested in backing us? www.Patreon.com/theboxfort. It helps keep the lights on! Website: tehboxfort.com Questions/comments? Why not email us? MSM@theboxfort.net Follow on Twitter: @misturcheef @ionesweetworld
Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. This week we have what might be the greatest episode of The TRU RPT of ALL THE TIMES~! The 3rd Annual IseeRobots Radio Film Academy Summer Movie Awards where we celebrate all the fantastic movies that come out this, the most wonderful time of the year for films..Summer.
As our way of honoring all of the fine filmmakers who honored us with fine Summer Films tonight on the show we’ll be giving awards out in 5 categories. Best Summer Comedy, Best Summer Horror Film, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actor and Best Summer Movie.
Joining us live, via satellite are a few luminaries from the pod-casting universe, my good friends. Vic Sage and The Projectionist from The Saturday Frights Podcast, and Ferg Ferguson from The Atari 2600 Game By Game Podcast,
Who are the current trailblazers of science fiction cinema? Find out today on GeekFest Rants as we review the AMC show James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction and it’s companion book.
On the show we get one on one interviews between James Cameron and Guillermo del Toro, George Lucas, Christopher Nolan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ridley Scott, and Steven Spielberg.
Plus, many of other interviews and they document the history of science fiction on film. With the book we get more in depth information plus the remainder of the unused interviews with these science fiction giants
In this special episode, I talk with my nephew Ian about our trip to the Game Masters Exhibition at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The exhibition is only there until September 3rd, so if you want to go, please hurry! Thank you for listening.
Game Masters at Franklin Institute
Game Masters Wikipedia page
Botanicula by Jaromír Plachý
Child of Eden by Tetsuya Mizuguchi -
Hey kids! This week some repairs on the Jupiter Moon Base have forced us to fall back on a pre-recorded episode of The Audio Handbook Of The Marvel Universe where we’re gonna take a look at a personal favorite Marvel character of mine.. Union Jack Britain’s number 2 superhero, right behind Captain Britain.
We’re gonna take a look at his origins, his costume, his abilities and all sorts of stuff of that sort. It’s gonna be great and then to wind it in we’re gonna go online and take a peek at Union Jack’s toys including one that I purchase on the spot!
If you have any feedback on feel free to call the new hotline at 707-532-JAMS (5267) If you have a second give us a holler. You just might make the show!
Hop on over to Support The Report and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! While help [...]
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