
  • When I was in my 30s, I used to run half marathons. I just loved the discipline and feeling so fit and strong … developing my cardiovascular fitness was amazing. I used to hate the idea of running and avoid it at all costs!

    After a couple of years of running, I started developing nagging injuries that knocked me off the road.

    I used Zyflamend, an awesome anti-inflammatory, to control the swelling, and while it helped, ultimately, I had a problem with my form that had to be corrected so I wouldn’t keep injuring myself. .

    To help my body heal, I was referred to an amazing massage therapist who explained how all of this muscular tissue all over my whole body functions as one whole organism, called fascia.

    And how, for us to fix the fascia around my joints that was overly-tight, he was going to have to work on the fascia on the opposite side (and end!) of my body!

    Today we're going to talk to my friend Shivan Sarna about fascia. This is going to be a fantastic conversation if:

    You have been dealing with chronic pain in your life You’re experiencing these little nagging injuries from working out You're dealing with something bigger, like pain that might be tied to an autoimmune condition You’ve got a lot of scar tissue that is creating other issues for you You're getting older, and you just feel like everything's stiff and brittle

    Shivan is going to teach us about fascia, how it stores trauma and stress, and what we need to help it heal and recover. In this episode:

  • Just how important are our lungs?

    We don’t pay much attention to our lung health, but the lungs are one of the crucial organs in our body.

    Whether you’ve only had a mild symptom or you’re still struggling with the long-term effects of COVID, you may have gotten present to the vital role your lungs play in your overall health.

    So today, we’re going to explore what we can do to keep our lungs healthy.

    Dr. Rodger Murphree is going to give us some insights as to improving our lungs and our breath.

    You will learn:

    Why “Survival Paradox” is keeping your body from completely healing Use this sneaky technique to buffer the stress response in your body

    The simple yet overlooked strategy to overcoming any illness Use this breathing technique to decompress when you’re stressed The quickest way to stimulate your parasympathetic system for deep relaxation
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  • Thinning hair, weight gain, exhaustion, brain fog, afternoon energy dips, cold hands and feet … you may have heard that these things can all point to a thyroid issue.

    But what does that mean? And how do you know if you have a thyroid issue?

    In my interview with the amazing Inna Topiler, we’re going to talk hypothyroid,Hashimotos and your thyroid type...

    Knowing how to navigate your own labs to make sense of your thyroid health is so empowering, and Inna is going to give us a good education on how our thyroid works.

    We’ll explore what the thyroid is, how it’s connected to your hormones, some common ways our thyroid gets compromised and more. You'll learn:

    How your thyroid hormones affect your body’s overall health

    The 6 important functions of thyroid hormones in your body

    Why “your thyroid is normal” when it’s not – and how to know for yourself

    Do you have Hashimoto’s? What to do if you get a diagnosis

    Is Hashis curable? Find out what you can do to reverse the disease

  • Women naturally bring supportive energy to relationships.

    And because of social conditioning plus the heart and soul we put into what we are creating, we also become overly accountable for others’ happiness and well-being.

    We do it all…

    This pushes us to keep giving, giving, giving that supportive energy … and we often lose track of our own needs. We give more than we’re getting.

    This is depleting and soul-crushing, leading to cycles of burnout and stress that aren’t good for our bodies or our health.

    This was especially true for me in my early adult life.

    I had a belief that I was really strong and capable. I could handle a lot of things.

    And people could count on me. I was resilient. I never gave up easily.

    I was a natural leader who didn't know how to hold others accountable or to make sure that my needs were met, too.

    Over time, the stress created so much burnout.

    When I started to realize that I wasn’t managing my life well, I began making big shifts around what I expected if I was going to assume leadership or be accountable for results.

    Have you been in a situation where others relied on you for accountability and support… bringing you to the edge of burnout?.

    This episode with my fabulous friend, Dr. Deborah Fryer will shift your mindset around creating support when you’re stressed to the max… to help you more powerfully receive what you need to keep showing up powerfully for others.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    How to make yourself visible, valuable and valid to create mutually fulfilling relationships One liberating way to communicate and get what you need without feeling guilt, shame and selfishness The common misconception about getting the support you need–and how these toxic beliefs keep you stuck 2 effective ways to make a relationship work when it’s too important to let go A handy worksheet that will help you let go of disappointment, anger and frustration towards others to relieve stress and avoid burnout
  • Have you ever felt like life was an uphill battle … or felt exhausted from swimming upstream?

    In 2018, I had a life-changing conversation with Human Design Expert and Astrologer Barbara Ditlow… She helped me understand how my energetic imprint was designed to work with flow and ease…

    She decoded so many aspects of my experience so I could ra-align with the energy of those around me to get the support I needed to lead more effectively and end the cycles of burnout that I’d been experiencing the previous 7 years.

    Understanding who you are so that you can live more peacefully, powerfully and authentically is life changing, and I want this for all my sisters!

    When you aren’t in flow, when you live in fear and resistance every day, you create cycles of stress and burnout that break your body down and keep you from healing.

    Barbara helped me find my flow, and I’m so excited to share some of her magic with you today!

    In this interview, you will learn:

    How Human Design can help you end the cycles of burnout The 4 energy types and the easiest way to know yours
  • It’s been almost three years since the world lockdown. And yet, despite things “returning to normal,” we are still dealing with the adverse side effects of the pandemic.

    I was devastated when it was first announced that schools would close and everyone should stay at home.

    I remember thinking, “what about those families where home isn't a safe place?”

    “What about the women who are going to be locked in with an abusive husband?”

    “What about the children locked down with parents with marriage struggles, who witness lots of fighting and now whose parents can’t escape each other?”

    This pandemic has inflicted a lot of psychological trauma. And not only that, it has also created moraeus health issues.

    Many women inside the Healing Rosie FB Group have lamented gaining 20-40lbs during the lockdown.

    Not having a normal routine, not moving regularly, and being afraid and unable to cope well has led many of us to stress eat.

    We’ve seen a lot of families broken apart, marriages disintegrate and people dealing with relentless depression and anxiety.

    Collectively we are just starting to rebuild our lives from the ashes of a really destructive time, and many are still struggling to cope.

    If you’re struggling, I want you to have some guiding light to help you find your way out of these struggles.

    How do we manage all of this stress and anxiety and depression and the dissonance that we're feeling in our heads from a really traumatic time?

    I invited Dr. Lindsey Elmore, a leader in the mental wellness movement, to show us how to reduce the risk of mental health challenges.

    We’re going to explore:

    The shocking statistics on mental illness that resulted from the pandemic What they should have told us to do during the pandemic instead of spreading panic Gained weight during the pandemic? Take this to help shred belly fat
    4 easy steps to reducing stress. HINT: These steps also help your mental well being
    How healing this part of your body will help your mental health
  • I went over 144 hours (that’s over 6 days) with no sleep. I was coming unraveled emotionally, weepy and overwhelmed… Why can’t I sleep???

    I tried every trick to get some shut-eye after a botched operation. I was at my wit’s end, so I called a dear friend and high performance coach for help.

    After hearing about my story and telling him everything that’s happened to me, he told me: you need to breathe.
    He told me the breath pattern I needed to do while meditating, and I hung up, laid down on the floor in my bedroom and started practicing.

    In about an hour, I felt myself dozing off. So I got up from the floor and crawled into bed.

    That was the first time since my surgery that I was able to sleep.

    When I started hearing my colleagues talk about the amazing benefits of breathwork, and even incorporating it as a spiritual practice, I knew this was something powerful that we all need to learn!

    In this interview, I’m talking with my friend Josh Trent about the power of breathwork for re-regulating your nervous system so you can induce a parasympathetic response to get better sleep, manage stress and start healing.

    Together, we explore:

    Start your day right! Why “Circular Breathing” is a crucial
    practice to add to your morning routine

    If you’re new to breathwork, learn this simple strategy to get you started

    Need to reconnect with your partner? This breathing exercise done together will help you feel more connected with each other

    Get BETTER sleep in less than 5 minutes! Use this breathing technique to prime your parasympathetic nervous system for great sleep

    Bye-bye depression! Use the “two-part breath” exercise to release negative emotions and feel at peace
  • There is a piece to this whole puzzle that has been baffling to me as a patient for the last decade.

    For years, I have struggled to get past the biohacking “props” like thyroid and hormone support, along with so many supplements to support energy and help me with my symptoms…

    We were damming the waters, but not uncovering why we needed a dam in the first place.

    I knew something deeper was going on, but I didn’t know how to uncover what that was.

    And the doctors didn’t help.

    But even after I learned about upstream stressors, I didn’t know how to uncover what was going on with me …

    Or what I should do if we found anything.

    When you start asking around, you’ll find that very few functional medicine practitioners actually know how to go this deep and help you heal.

    Ashley Smith has been working with Dr. Dan Pompa for years as his head health coach, and she pulled out the stops with this interview to share her best tips with us! In this interview, we’ll be tackling questions like…

    What are upstream stressors and how do I properly test for them??

    What should I be looking for when vetting for practitioners to help me?

    How do I heal these stressors?

    I want you to feel empowered around finding someone who can help you in this journey.

    Most importantly, you are the person who’s ultimately responsible for your health. So I want you to be aware of the root causes of why 90% of us are dealing with symptoms.

    At the end of the day, it’s your body… and when you know what’s happening inside, you can take charge and create your healing.

  • What do you do when you get a serious diagnosis, along with a protocol of drugs, surgeries and their chilling side effects?

    My friend, Dr. Al Danenberg, was diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer in 2018, and given six months to live.

    He refused chemotherapy and decided to take charge of his health. As a self-proclaimed geek, he did his research and created what he calls his 11 Unconventional Cancer Protocols.

    It’s been four years since his cancer diagnosis, and his protocols have produced inspiring results!

  • I’ve been through times in my life where I’ve felt like the stress is overwhelming, and I’m stuck with it.

    How do I shift responsibility and lighten my load when there are people counting on me?

    How do I shift unhealthy dynamics that seem deeply ingrained in my relationships?

    Where are the resources going to come from to get my health back on track?

    I met my dear friend Mark England five years ago during a workshop he was leading for the team at Paleo f(x)™.

    He was unpacking for us the fascinating way we use language to create our reality… and how we can literally bend our reality with words. 👀

    His powerful mastery of language resonated deeply with me. The way he explained how you could exercise so much power in your life by what you say and how you say it was mesmerizing.

    Words are power. Our words create our reality … and understanding how to “cast spells” that create the future we want to live in is empowering and inspiring!

    And maybe even a little confronting… because we are all SO responsible for our lives.

    After hearing Mark speak, I began watching how I was using words to create my reality … and how I used words to trap myself in a reality that I didn’t want to live in.

    Overall, I’ve seen the magic in the way that he teaches all of us to be really powerful in the face of our circumstances.

    I’m so excited about this topic because Mark is going to teach us some profound stuff today about how our everyday language can either work for us or against us.

  • You’re working with a functional medicine doc to help you uncover the root causes of your flabby, foggy and fatigued … but something is missing.

    You’re still struggling with symptoms that just won’t resolve: you’re exhausted, your sleep sucks, your brain gets jammed or the weight just won’t let go.

    They ran some tests, you changed your diet and are taking supplements, but it’s not been enough. You’re still looking for answers.

    What is missing?! Why am I still struggling?

    I’ve watched so many of you lament in the Healing Rosie Facebook group and my inbox about your frustration with not being able to unlock what’s really going on so you can heal …

    And boy, have I been there!

    I want to reveal a game-changing piece of this puzzle for you… in this episode of Rosie Radio, we’re going to reveal the 5 crucial lab tests your practitioner should run to help you identify what’s really going on with your body so you can get unstuck and start making progress in your healing journey again!

    Knowing what lab tests are part of a great healing protocol puts you in the driver's seat … now you can look for practitioners who have experience with those labs and know how to design protocols based off of them.

    I’m interviewing Michele Stanford today, who is trained by Reed Davis of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, to talk about the lab tests and framework we've designed for the Healing Rosie Accelerator to help women in our community who are serious about getting their health on track create their breakthroughs!.

    These insights are so valuable … This is the framework I’ve used to get my life back and make HUGE progress in my journey after a whole lot of struggle.

  • Have you ever thought your metabolism was broken?

    “Getting older” is often blamed, but the truth is, our bodies are burdened by a toxic load that increases as we age, derailing our hormones, impairing our immune system and allowing all sorts of chronic infections to give our metabolisms a serious beat-down.

    And healing our metabolisms can feel daunting.

    Dr. Mariza Snyder is an expert on metabolism and hormones, and she’s giving us a sneak peek into the metabolism hacks she used to bounce back after the birth of her baby boy.

    Plus, she has a very beautiful way of simplifying the science of it all. I’m excited to share these insights with you!

  • My mom has osteoporosis, and I have been digging in with her over the last year to figure out what we can do to support her body and rebuild her bones.

    It seems like every woman I know over 65 has osteoporosis. There is so much misinformation out there in conventional medicine land on what to do to manage this disease… things like:

    🦴 Take calcium, Vit. D and Fosamax

    🦴 Go for a walk

    🦴 Do weight-bearing exercises

    🦴 Have bone density scans every year

    None of these things are going to effectively rebuild your bones. But this is the “advice” you get from most doctors.

    It has been really empowering to learn the strategies that WORK to move the needle for those diagnosed with this dis-ease!

    Today, we peel the layers on osteoporosis and osteopenia with my friend Kevin Ellis, the Bone Coach.

    He shares his battle to fight what doctors predicted when they diagnosed him with osteoporosis at the age of 30.

    He went on a warpath to turn the tide and rebuild his bones, successfully reversing his osteoporosis!

    You’re going to learn so much in this interview with Kevin!

  • “You’re going to grow up, go to college, and not depend on a man!”

    This was the message my mom started programming me with from a young age… 6, 7, 8 years old… born out of her trauma of struggling in a marriage where there was never enough money to cover our family expenses, married to a man who thought it was “women’s work” to help out at home with the kids, housekeeping and shopping.

    Growing up, my mom was a strong woman … SUPER woman, who did it all raising 4 kids: worked full time, managed our finances, kept up the house, handled all the shopping, helped us with our homework, took us to church.

    She carried a heavy load, and as the firstborn, I was mom’s little helper, taking care of my siblings, making sure everyone did their chores and lightening mom’s load wherever I could.

    My mom’s grandmother (my great-grandmother) was married to an entrepreneur. He owned a furrier in downtown Columbus, Ohio, and they were a very affluent family of six children.

    In 1934, her husband died of double pneumonia, and the townsfolk offered to take the kids in…

    That was the only way that the family typically survived in those days, separated.

    In the 1930s, there were no single mothers or female entrepreneurs, yet my great-grandmother asked the man helping her husband run the business to stay on and she took over, running the business and raising six kids alone…

    Growing up, I’ve seen my grandma and mom display the same grit, strength and courage… we’re all imprinted to take care of everyone and do what it takes to survive.

    I was raised to take care of everyone … to be a problem-solver, to give selflessly and to act independently, so as not to burden others.

    In the waiting room before my second surgery to fix a prior one that almost cost me my life, I was alone and scared. I hadn’t told any of my friends what was happening with my health and felt so uncomfortable asking for support…

    But I needed someone to be there with me.

    I was scared that if I reached out for help, I might be a burden. People are busy… I typically don’t need anyone’s help …

    I was afraid to reach out – I was embarrassed to NEED support!

    This belief that I shouldn’t need help showed up a lot in my life…

    I didn’t know it at the time, but it was keeping me stuck in patterns that weren’t serving me.

    I started cycling through burnout after these surgeries… my body just wasn’t as resilient as it had been, and I realized I had some deeper healing to do.

    In this interview, Cory and I talk about how high-performing women can learn to cultivate the vulnerability that is required so we get the support we need to heal and thrive in our lives.

    We don’t have to suffer in silence and isolation… we can embrace the deep work of deconditioning and show up in a way that allows others to support us.

    This was a very emotional interview for me… and I’m so excited to share some of this magic with you!

  • We often hear how important it is to optimize our mineral levels, particularly magnesium.

    So imagine my surprise when I did a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test … and my magnesium levels were high.

    Which meant my cells weren’t absorbing the magnesium I was taking. 😳

    When Barton Scott, founder of Upgraded Formulas, reviewed my lab results, he pointed out that my trouble concentrating for longer periods of time was likely related to my adrenals struggling.

    Which, unbeknownst to him, my adrenal function has been chronically low in part because of the untreated mold.

    The a-has I’ve gotten around the importance of optimizing our minerals with proper testing just keep on coming.

    We need optimal mineral balance for our bodies to successfully detoxify (!!!), balance our hormones, improve adrenal function, optimize our thyroid …

    All things that I personally have been healing.

    I’ve been taking “all the things,” and it was really surprising to learn that a lot of what I’m taking isn’t being absorbed properly by my body.

    Barton has a unique line of mineral supplements that utilize nanotechnology that makes them highly absorbed by the body. In this episode of Rosie Radio, we’re going to review my lab results and discuss some Barton’s of recommendations.

    This will be an eye-opening interview! My intention is for you to connect some of the same a-has I did so you, too, will do the HTMA and get your minerals optimized!

  • I’ve spent an insane amount of time trying to navigate the conventional medical system to find the right doctors or practitioners to help me heal…

    I’ve found some help, particularly around bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and thyroid support.

    Here’s a dirty little secret I wish I would have realized a decade ago: what we all need to help us go deep and uncover our deeper, root-cause stressors is someone trained in functional nutrition.

    This is different than someone trained in functional medicine … I’ve been underwhelmed by a lot of people “trained in functional medicine.”

    Functional nutrition is the art of running the right labs to ascertain the overall metabolic health of the body; uncover the deep, hidden stressors and design protocols to bring the body back into balance so it can heal itself.

    Many functional medicine doctors are educated in lifestyle management which definitely has its place, but when you’re metabolically compromised, you have to go much deeper to find out WHY. And fix it.

    I want you to know how to find the right kind of practitioner, with the right kind of training so you don’t waste YEARS and a bazillion dollars like I have.

    I’m really excited about this interview with Reed Davis, founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN)! He’s going to help us understand how to navigate the health coaching/practitioner terrain so you can partner with the right kind of practitioner to heal!

  • When my flabby, foggy and fatigued symptoms started appearing, changing my lifestyle and paying for labs + supplements + practitioners was not in my budget.

    I was so scared that I’d get so sick, I couldn’t work.

    It was intimidating to consider the investment that I would need to make to get my life back…

    On top of that, I lacked “people” resources. Finding doctors in Nashville who practiced outside the conventional medicine framework of “your labs are normal” was maddening.

    I felt overwhelmed and it was a challenge to find my power to step up and go all-in on retaining my quality of life.

    So I did what I’ve learned to do when reality seems overwhelming: I went on an inward journey and decided that not only did I need things to be different… I chose to KEEP THE FAITH that I could change the landscape of my life one decision, one step at a time.

    And one of the biggest a-has my journey has given me was around my own relationship with being supported by other people.

    Like … that wasn’t a thing. I didn’t need support from other people, right?

    Wow, was my vulnerability around needing others to support me confronting. I was awkward and stiff around this realization for a couple of years, honestly.

    Needing the Universe to support me, needing to figure out how to financially manifest the resources I needed … It was all a POWERFUL part of my transformation journey.

    Over time, I started receiving the support I needed:

    financial resources to invest in my healing doctors and practitioners who were on board with helping me GO DEEP so I could figure out was really making me sick a loving partner who lightens my load and gives me the support I need Jedi tricks and strategies for healing that few have uncovered Amazing friends who hold a safe space for me to be real and honest and completely vulnerable … this has been probably the greatest gift of them all

    The resources you need can be so much more accessible… you can have more abundance in your life!

    In this interview with my friend Jason Prall, we unpack how you can begin opening yourself to receiving the amazing support you need to help you heal your body and your soul!

  • I wanted to share Monica’s story with you the moment I heard it…

    With her father at the forefront of the animal rights movement in the US, she lived her childhood and early adult life with a purely plant-based diet.

    She was an athlete and a dancer in her teens and she enjoyed a happy, healthy adult life.

    Until at 34, she tried a trendy detox program that triggered a system crash and decade-long downward spiral ridden with mystery symptoms that no conventional doctor she went to could identify… she was told countless times that her labs were normal and she was fine, all the while experiencing:

    😣 Heart palpitations

    😣 Poor sleep (2-4 hours at night)
    😣 Skin coming off her face and bleeding for no reason

    😣 Inability eat solid food

    😣 Alarming weight loss

    😣 Inability to concentrate or focus

    Monica couldn’t work, and her parents had to start paying her bills and her medical bills.

    Eventually, practitioners started telling her that they couldn’t help her get well if she wasn’t going to eat meat… and she was so desperate that she finally acquiesced.

    And she started getting better within WEEKS.

    Why couldn’t she heal as a Vegan? Why did she have to defy her upbringing and convictions in order to get her life back?

    Our bodies need the amino acids in animal protein, and it turns out it’s not uncommon for people to struggle to fully heal on a vegan diet.

    As a practitioner, Monica has helped thousands of patients with mystery symptoms to fully heal and get their lives back.

    In this podcast episode, she shares the pain and relief when she finally started getting her life back…and how she’s using her experience to help others heal.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    👉 Some of the long-term side effects of a diet that restricts animal protein

    👉 How the liver functions as a detox organ and the importance of choline in detoxification

    👉 Why you should never listen to anyone who tells you that what you eat doesn’t matter to your health and healing (a common refrain in conventional medicine)

    👉 How your body responds when it starts getting the nutrition it needs

    👉 How to confront the lifestyle and diet changes that you need to make in order to begin healing

  • In 2013, I gained 45 pounds in three months … out of the blue. It was scary and overwhelming, and I had a really challenging time finding a doctor to help me understand what happened to my body.

    When I was finally diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure and put on Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), I began releasing the 45 lbs that I mysteriously gained.

    As my journey unfolded, I struggled with falling asleep and staying asleep at various times, and optimizing my hormones moved the needle and helped me to sleep.

    As I’ve been on-the-hunt to figure out why I’ve struggled with brain fog and weight-loss-resistance, my quality of life has dramatically improved because of BHRT.

    And when one of my root cause practitioners (*cough*male*cough) suggested I get off hormone support while I was working with him, I KNEW that it would be a disaster …

    Because without hormones, I’m not sleeping, my brain doesn’t work, and my body gets super inflamed. (When I told him that being off hormones would threaten my ability to function well, he agreed and chose to support me, thankfully!).

    None of us has to settle for a life adversely affected by unbalanced hormones.

    There isn’t enough education out there on the power of fixing female hormones… I want you to feel empowered to navigate this part of your healing journey!

    Y’all have lots of questions about hormones, too!

    So I’m so excited to interview my dear friend, Dr Shawn Tassone, author of Hormones Balance Bible! He is one of the top functional-medicine-trained OBGYNs in natural health, and he practices right here in Austin, Texas.

  • I heard “your labs are normal” after sharing my flabby, foggy and fatigued symptoms with my doctor more times that I can count.

    It was MADDENING and I went through a bunch of doctors early in my journey, looking for someone who would run the right labs and help me uncover why my body was struggling so much.

    I felt gaslit; no one took my desire to figure out what was wrong with my body seriously.

    I was even dropped from someone’s practice when I begged for more help.

    I wanted so badly to know what I could do to get my energy, vitality and life back!

    Over time, I started meeting a lot of women who were going through the same struggle

    And I was blessed to meet my friend Gretchen Bronson, who taught me how to find a good doctor and to better-leverage my health insurance to cover things like labs, out-of-network doctors and even some treatments that were outside the standard of care.

    I’m so excited to interview her for this episode of Rosie Radio!

    We talk about how to find a good doctor. And as Healing Rosie University's in-house expert on health insurance, she also shares some jedi secrets on how to get more of your care covered by your health insurance!