Satuja lapsille
Podcast lapsevanemale, kes on väsinud pidevast võimuvõitlusest oma kodus, aga samas tunneb, et ei soovi oma last kasvatada karistuste, hirmu ja ülemvõimuga.Igal nädalal keskendume ühele vanemlusteemale ja igal nädalal saab vähemalt ühe praktilise näpunäite, et saaksid samm-sammu haaval liikuda rahumeelse vanemluse suunas.
Povesti ascultatoare, Cutiuta cu povesti - povesti pentru copii Cutiuta Muzicala. Povestitori: Florin Piersic, Iurie Darie, Anca Pandrea, Damian Victor Oancea.
Jeg sitter på barnet sin sengekant og fortelle fine historier og snakker rolig med de så de kan finne roen og få sove godt.
De kan blant annet bli med inn i drømmeboblen og bli kjent med de som bor der.
Godnatthistorier, finne roen, sove trygt og godt.
Musikken i podkasten er laget av Emilie Sture Ljung -
Tessy liest Märchen und Geschichten von Ali Baba bis Zwerg Nase
Cait and Kara are two moms doing this homeschooling thing right beside you. We might not have it all figured out, but one thing we know for sure is that homeschooling is a lot easier when you have a sister by your side.
Pirates! Magic! Spy Parrots! Join us as we read Super Sleuths Book 1 'The Pirate's Plunder'. Follow the exciting adventures of Zelie, Zav and friends, as they use magic to solve mysteries. What are the evil Count Zuto and Prince Igor up to? How is the notorious pirate band the Black Cross Gang involved? Can the sleuths save the day? Meet talking parrots and ancient dragons in the faraway tropical land of Sandopolis, where those pesky pirates keep the children on their toes... Go to and check out our interactive map! Where do you want to go? Support this show at
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En podcast med folksagor. Varje avsnitt har ett tema och till varje tema berättas det en handfull folksagor. Om det som var en gång.
Short and spooky with a side of silly, stories for kids by kids.
We are part of the Go Kid Go network and are an independently run show made by our family mom, dad, Ayla (10) and Calla (8)
Hey creepy friends, season four has just wrapped up but we will still be sending out pods, (just at a slow pace) until we start season 5 next year! If you have any stories, email us at [email protected]!
For more content, check out our linktree
Instagram, Facebook & YouTube videos @scarystoriesforcreepykids and for TikTok & Twitter @forcreepykids
Support this podcast: and we will send you a free book with any monthly support for over 3 months! -
Xin chào, chào mừng bạn đến đây. Ở đây có truyện cổ tích tử tế.
Truyện cổ tích không xấu, nhưng ngày nay nhiều chi tiết đã không còn phù hợp. Trẻ em không cần phải được dạy dỗ bằng nỗi sợ, bằng sự răn đe. Nuôi dưỡng sức mạnh tinh thần và sự tự tin nội tại sẽ giúp những đứa trẻ không cần hình phạt vẫn tự giác làm một công dân tốt.
Truyện cổ tích ở đây toàn người tử tế thôi, tin mình đi.
Truyện sẽ được đăng đều đặn mỗi tối Thứ Bảy. Bạn hãy nhấn theo dõi trang hoặc điền email tại để nhận thông báo nhé. -
Hyppää Hippojen mukaan ääneen luettujen satujen parissa!
Enlightening. Empowering. Supportive.
This engaging podcast hosts special education experts to discuss special education topics for special education parents.
I would if I could ensure every parent has all the information they need before stepping into their child's IEP meeting. While that may be a lofty goal, I hope this podcast helps you prepare to advocate for your child.
If you have a child with disabilities and special education needs, congratulations! You have just become the CEO of your child's education! There are acronyms galore, terms of art that are counter-intuitive, and completely new rules for school. This podcast will provide straightforward information about your rights, information from other professionals, and tips and tricks for working with your school.
I'm a special education attorney, parent of 5 children with disabilities, and former special education teacher/administrator. I have seen special education from many angles. In fact, I have ADHD and Dyslexia myself, and I grew up in school systems that didn’t yet know how to identify or remediate these challenges.
Each episode aims to build a bridge between knowledge and action, empowering you to become the most effective advocate for your child. Thank you for joining me on this journey. -
«Παιδιά και τέρατα». Μια σειρά επεισοδίων για την παιδική κακοποίηση, με τη Μυρτώ Κάζη να φιλοξενεί συζητήσεις για το ζοφερό θέμα που αναδεικνύεται τόσο έντονα στις μέρες μας με αφορμή την υπόθεση του βιασμού της 12χρονης στον Κολωνό και το κύκλωμα παιδεραστίας, που φαίνεται ότι κρύβεται από πίσω.. Μαθαίνουμε να ακούμε τα παιδιά όταν μιλούν για τέρατα, γιατί υπάρχουν και αληθινά που κρύβονται ακόμα και στο ίδιο μας το σπίτι.
Teaching to Thrive is a podcast committed to sharing ideas that strengthen the everyday lives of Black and Brown students within our schools and communities. Each episode is aimed at empowering our knowledge for collective liberation.
Donkkipodissa kuullaan Donkki-lehdestä tuttua ja turvallista raamattuopetusta sekä tarinoita. Joka lauantai julkaistaan lehdestä tuttu raaamattuopetus. Uusien jaksojen julkaisu alkaa 18.3.
Hey Friends!!! 😊I, Anaaya N. Lengde welcome you all to join my podcast, i’ll be sharing short stories narrated by me.I keep recording these stories & thought of sharing them with you all. My parents started this podcast back in 2021, when I was 5!! I hope you like these audio stories, - Luv ❤️Anaaya
みんなで楽しく絵本を演じます -
This podcast is an interesting journey for young children and their parents. Interesting and engaging stories
es from ancient scriptures and folk tales will be narrated in an interactive manner. Children will be able to learn about Indian culture and also about good moral values.