“The past is filled with incredible mysteries; the clues to solving them all around; hidden in plain sight. But these stories begin with some of the most famous vanishings in history."
Join attorney Jennifer Taylor and investigator Chris Williamson as they re-open some of the biggest disappearance cases in all of history.
Chasing clues, witnesses and new information Jennifer and Chris will take you on the ride of a lifetime and uncover new evidence in some of the biggest historical cold cases ever; some of which the world won't be ready to believe.
"Vanished" is a ChrisEvan Films production, and part of the Straight Up Strange podcast network. -
As the name suggests I am all about animation discussion with a bit of a slant towards the golden age of animation
Vyprávíme příběhy, na které se zapomnělo, nebo se na ně mělo zapomenout.
Všechny díly podcastu Příběhy 20. století můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu -
Hodina dějepichu je humorný podcast časopisu Reflex o historii erotiky, sexu a sexuality. Napříč celou lidskou kulturou a historií. Od vztyčování falických obelisků ve starověkém Egyptě až po aférky v Oválné pracovně. Sex je totiž jediná věc, která nás jako druh nikdy nepřestala bavit. Podcastem provází Jan Studnička, redaktor Reflexu, komik, scénárista a publicista. A Tereza. Tereza je hezká.
Odhalujeme mýty, polopravdy, dezinformace či lži z naší historie.
Všechny díly podcastu Jak to bylo doopravdy můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu -
Un podcast audio despre istoria pământurilor noastre, începând de la cele mai vechi timpuri, și până în zilele noastre.
Hosted by Skye Jethani and friend (and former Big Idea employee a long, long time ago) Josh Lindsay, "The Movie Proposal" is a deep dive into movies from two thoughtful Christian guys. Check it out and tell us what you think!
Coming in from the Cold explores forgotten—or never-remembered—national security policy initiatives, incidents and events during the Cold War. In each episode Cold War Historian Bill Rosenau, sits down with experts on a wide range of topics to discuss these events and how they are relevant to today’s challenges.
The views expressed here are those of the commentators and do not necessarily reflect the views of CNA or any of its sponsors. -
"The Potterverse: A Harry Potter Podcast with Mary & Blake" is an engaging and immersive journey into the enchanting world of Harry Potter. As the executive producers of this original podcast series, Mary and Blake bring their deep love and commitment to preserving the magic of J.K. Rowling's iconic books to the forefront.
This is a SPOILER PODCAST. If you are spoiler free, this podcast is not for you.
This podcast series is a captivating journey that takes you deep into the mesmerizing wizarding world, leaving no aspect of Harry Potter unexplored. Mary and Blake, the hosts of this immersive experience, are dedicated to delving into the rich tapestry of this magical universe.
Prepare to embark on an intellectual adventure as they meticulously analyze the profound themes interwoven throughout the Harry Potter saga. Through thought-provoking character studies, they uncover the complexities and nuances of beloved and lesser-known individuals alike. No stone is left unturned as they embark on chapter-by-chapter breakdowns of the books, unraveling the hidden depths and symbolic brilliance meticulously crafted by J.K. Rowling.
But their exploration doesn't stop there. With a keen eye for detail, Mary and Blake provide comprehensive analyses of the films, including the captivating Fantastic Beasts series. Additionally, they eagerly anticipate the forthcoming wizarding world television show, promising to provide insights and speculation into this highly anticipated expansion of the magical realm.
Amidst their scholarly dissections, the hosts weave personal anecdotes and stories into the fabric of each episode. Through these heartfelt and relatable experiences, Mary and Blake offer a unique perspective, enhancing our understanding and appreciation of J.K. Rowling's sprawling adventure. Their commitment to sharing lesser-appreciated perspectives ensures that no corner of the wizarding world remains unexplored.
As the Harry Potter TV series is being developed by Warner Bros Television for HBO Max streaming service, this podcast serves as a companion for fans eagerly anticipating the Max original series. This series will dive deep as It offers a degree of depth and exploration that complements the on-screen adaptation, allowing listeners to fully immerse themselves in the world of Potter.
So whether you're a die-hard fan who has read the books multiple times or someone discovering the wizarding world for the first time, “The Potterverse” is your gateway to a magical journey that celebrates the rich and captivating world of Harry Potter.
As readers follow Harry's journey, they are immersed in a rich tapestry of themes and emotions. Friendship, loyalty, and the power of love are central elements that resonate throughout the series. Harry's unwavering bond with his friends Ron and Hermione showcases the strength that comes from unity and the importance of standing together in the face of adversity. Meanwhile, his ongoing battle against the dark forces of Lord Voldemort explores the complexities of good versus evil and the sacrifices one must make in the pursuit of justice.
Rowling's meticulous world-building adds layers of depth and authenticity to the story. From the bustling streets of Diagon Alley to the haunting halls of Hogwarts, every detail contributes to a vivid and immersive experience. Readers become invested in the intricacies of the wizarding world, with its magical creatures, spellbinding spells, and intricate history. The distinct houses of Hogwarts, such as Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff, offer a sense of identity and belonging, resonating with readers as they reflect on their own unique traits and values.
The Potterverse: A Harry Potter Podcast From Mary & Blake Media -
S Adamem Miklicou a Josefem Klímou o tenké hraně zákona v novém miléniu. Z podsvětí je spíš polosvět a zločin infiltruje stát. Uslyšíte, jak Mrázkův exkolega Pitr utíká do Švýcarska. Jak se naše zbraně málem pašovaly do Íránu, jak Švábův gang kosil bohaté podnikatele v zahraničí nebo jak někoho napadlo namíchat do alkoholu víc metanolu a skončilo to mrtvými a prohibicí.
Druhou sérii Českého podsvětí poslouchejte na Seznam Zprávách, na a ve všech podcastových aplikacích. -
Plnou verzi podcastu najdete na
Nejzajímavější a nejneuvěřitelnější příběhy jsou ty, které se opravdu staly. Realita je totiž vždycky zábavnější než fikce. Audio referáty o tom, co jste ani netušili, že vás bude bavit. A taky spousta věcí, co vás v dějáku nenaučili.
Vyprávím to já, Markéta Lukášková aka @pandikralovna, spisovatelka a Karel Čáslavský chudých.
Bonusové epizody:
Podcast na sítích: -
Podcast Přepište dějiny se snaží opouštět vyjeté koleje, schémata a mýty ve vnímání dějin, jež ovlivňují i dnešek.
Beverly Willis is adding her voice to a new podcast featuring discussions about the lives and careers of female pioneers of American Architecture. Going beyond the scholarship of the award-winning website Pioneering Women of American Architecture, our podcast New Angle: Voice details the struggles and triumphs of six leading women who have personified achievement in a primarily male dominated field.
Η ημιμάθεια είναι χειρότερη από την αμάθεια και η ψευδής Ιστορία γίνεται κάποτε
εξίσου επικίνδυνη με τις ψευδείς ειδήσεις – τα λεγόμενα fake news. Με αφορμή την επέτειο της Μικρασιατικής Καταστροφής, σ’ αυτή τη δεύτερη σειρά μαθημάτων ο καθηγητής Γιώργος Θ. Μαυρογορδάτος θέλει να διορθώσει μερικά λανθασμένα ιστορικά στερεότυπα που επικρατούν στη χώρα μας σχετικά με το 1922. -
Париж наяву - это подкаст-погружение в атмосферу Парижа, историю, культуру, гастрономию и повседневную жизнь.
Автор подкаста - гид, историк и журналист Полина Фомина, один из основателей тур-ателье koroli.i.kapusta, живет в Париже.
продолжение историй вас ждет в
благодарность автору можно выразить материально через Paypal: [email protected]
предложения о сотрудничестве ожидаются по тому же адресу [email protected] -
Charismatické, odhodlané, výjimečné. Takové byly osobnosti, které měly vliv na vývoj společnosti, historii svých zemí, potažmo celé dějiny. Poznejte životní osudu žen a mužů, kteří měnili svět.Sledujte Životy slavných ve videoformě na YouTube kanálu Životy slavných.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Generals and Napoleon, presented by John W. Viscardo, focuses on the greatest collection of military talent in history - during the age of Napoleon!
Instagram: @andnapoleon
X/Twitter: @andnapoleon
Patreon: -
The Proper Full-On Gay Podcast is an LGBTQIA+ podcast which draws inspiration from Alice Oseman’s graphic novels & Netflix series Heartstopper.Each week Jamie is joined by the UK & Ireland’s leading LGBTQ+ Youth Organisations and other interesting guests from around the world to relive our favourite Heartstopper moments and bring the experiences of our favourite characters to life in the real world. We explore the challenges that queer youth overcome and talk about the work that our partner organisations do to support LGBT Young People young people across the UK & Ireland.
THE DIRECTORS SERIES is a podcast dedicated to appreciating and deconstructing the work of contemporary and classic film directors. In the show, we breakdown the careers of film directors like Christopher Nolan, Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher, The Coen Brothers, and Paul Thomas Anderson just to name a few. From their early works and short films to their blockbuster achievements and Oscar glory.
The goal of the show to give the listener an insight into the film director's process and educate the next generation of filmmakers coming up.
This season we will be deconstructing the work and career of film director David Fincher hosted by Cameron Beyl.