What’s the case for investing in building financial literacy skills in our population? Are the concepts of financial literacy and success interrelated? Join me for today’s Saturday Morning Muse to learn more.
You can find The Saturday Morning Muse on your favorite podcast streaming platform as well as out on YouTube. Here’s the link to the show on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/saturday-morning-muse/id1741154728
#financialliteracy #financialfragility #financialwellbeing #success #definingsuccess #mentalhealth #personalplanning #personalplanningguidebook #continuousimprovement
What do grace, competence, financial literacy, curiosity, effective communication, and good old fashioned showing up have in common? They are essential ingredients to achieving success irrespective of how success is defined. Join me for today’s Saturday Morning Muse to learn more.
You can find The Saturday Morning Muse on your favorite podcast streaming platform as well as out on YouTube. Here’s the link to the show on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/saturday-morning-muse/id1741154728
#grace #competency #financialliteracy #curiosity #effectivecommunication #bethere #justshowup #courage #purpose #personalplanning #personalplanningguidebook
Mangler du episoder?
What do the characteristics of courage, grit, and agility have in common? They are essential ingredients to achieving success irrespective of how success is defined. Join me for today’s Saturday Morning Muse to learn more.
You can find The Saturday Morning Muse on your favorite podcast streaming platform as well as out on YouTube. Here’s the link to the show on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/saturday-morning-muse/id1741154728
#grit #mentalagility #secretstosuccess #continuousimprovement #personalplanning #personalpurpose #courage #authenticity
Are there really secrets to success or are the ingredients to success in plain sight? This week’s Saturday Morning Muse is part one in a series where we explore the answers to this enduring question.
Did you know we make ~33,000 decisions per day? What does the skill of decision making have to do with New Year’s Resolutions? Why do NYE Resolutions fail at a high rate? In this final installment of The Saturday Morning Muse for 2024, I’m musing about the value of resolutions and why the skill of decision making is so important.
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#decisionmaking #goodhabits #leadershipdevelopment #continuousimprovement #personalplanning #newyearsresolutions #NewYear2025
Are habits a good thing or a bad thing? How do we ensure habits are a net positive in our lives? To find out more, tune into The Saturday Morning Muse!
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#powerofhabits #goodhabits #entropy #leadershipdevelopment #continuousimprovement #personalplanning #newyearsresolutions #growthmindset
Welcome to The Saturday Morning Muse! How are the skill of self-awareness and the art of challenging conversations interrelated? We’re going to explore this issue with a short story from my first book, Balancing Act: Teach, Coach, Mentor, Inspire.
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
Buy Balancing Act on Amazon at:https://www.amazon.com/Balancing-Act-Teach-Mentor-Inspire/dp/1506276644/
#self-awareness #challengingconversations #powerofwords #emotionalintelligence #leadershipdevelopment #continuousimprovement
Welcome to The Saturday Morning Muse! What’s one of the most important gifts you can give yourself this holiday season? Investing in financial literacy skills!
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#FinancialLiteracy #HolidaySpending #CreditCardDebt #ContinuousImprovement #FinancialHealth #Mentorship #MoneyAndInvesting #BehavioralFinance
Welcome to The Saturday Morning Muse! With Thanksgiving 2024 in the rearview mirror, I’m offering a few Thanksgiving reflections this weekend.
What does your inventory of gratitude look like? I encourage you to write down your thoughts for future reflection and refinement.
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#Thanksgiving2024 #gratitude #continuousimprovement #givingback #mentorship #coaching #brotherhood
Welcome to The Saturday Morning Muse! Today, I’m celebrating the release of my rock band’s new album with a message that dreams can come true at any age!
Here’s an excerpt: “But now it’s time for a new chapter—one where I stand and say “I’m not finished—I’ve got more to contribute.” It’s time to make the dream of creating a lasting work of art that will outlive me a reality. Just because I’m in my early 60s does not mean that I lack the energy to create new music to give to the world. Music that I’m deeply proud of and hope resonates with listeners of all ages.”
Stream Feel Something New by The Remainders @theremainders today: https://ffm.to/feelsomethingnewlp
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#albumrelease #newmusic #rockmusic #feelsomethingnew #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #personalgrowth #liveyourdream #dreamscometrue
Welcome to the Saturday Morning Muse!
Today, I’m talking about the skill of critical thinking and the essential sub-skills that are needed to build this skill.
Here’s an excerpt: “The challenge we face is that critical thinking is hard. The easy path is to not question, not ask ‘why,’ and not dig for deeper meaning and root cause. The more difficult, but ultimately more rewarding path is to challenge fixed belief systems, internal biases, and recognize that when we deflect and point fingers at others, three more are pointing right back at us.”
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#criticalthinking #skilldevelopment #continuousimprovement #leadershipdevelopment #lifelonglearning #growthmindset #activelistening #listeningskills #selfawareness #decisionmaking
Waking up this morning in Madison, Wisconsin enjoying a brief visit with our eldest son! Welcome to the Saturday Morning Muse.
Today, I’m musing about the skill of critical thinking and how to make progress on the lifelong journey to improve this skill.
Here’s an excerpt: “Since (a) an individual’s life experience is primarily defined by the decisions they make over time, and (b) critical thinking is a necessary condition for making better decisions; if an individual wants to (c) live a rich, meaningful life and achieve economic and professional success, then (d) it is essential to build critical thinking skills so they can make more good decisions than bad. Put differently, if an individual wants to be successful, by whatever definition of success matters to them, the path to success depends on investing in critical thinking and decision-making skills.”
#criticalthinking #skilldevelopment #continuousimprovement #leadershipdevelopment #lifelonglearning #growthmindset #activelistening #listeningskills #selfawareness #decisionmaking
Well, the spooky season is officially behind us, so let the holiday season begin! Welcome to the Saturday Morning Muse.
Today, the topic is our historical learn→work→retire mindset and the dangers of succumbing to the allure of the easy chair.
Here’s an excerpt: “So what’s your plan for retirement? Yes, you may want to step off the treadmill of a fast-paced career path, but it’s essential that you not stand still. Standing still is the fast pass to a slow and oftentimes painful slide into oblivion. Instead, commit now to developing the habit of continuous improvement and lifelong learning. Keep moving in retirement. Give back. Mentor. Take a part-time job that fits your purpose. Living a full life means living a full life. Don’t give up on yourself.”
#retirement #retirementmindset #continuousimprovement #brainhealth #lifelonglearning #growthmindset #lifeexpectancy #balancingact #selfcare #priorities #neuroplasticity #workaholics #leadershipdevelopment
Today, the topic is your civic obligation to VOTE and our collective duty to defend and protect the US Constitution.
Here’s an excerpt: “Are we perfect? No. Is the great American experiment in democracy worth defending and protecting? Yes. How do can we do that? Open your mind; break free of your information cocoon; get informed; know the difference between entertainment and hard, unbiased journalism; build your critical thinking muscles; don’t worry about what your friends or neighbors will say about your vote; and then VOTE on November 5th.”
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#decision2024 #voting #civicduty #USConstitution #politicalpolarization #geopoliticaltensions #criticalthinking
What can we do to help reduce overall stress and anxiety levels in our communities?
This week’s Saturday Morning Muse is part 3 of 3 in our series that explores generational differences and offers solutions to high stress/anxiety levels.
"These are just a few suggestions for how we can address the current epidemic of anxiety in the U.S. Increase financial literacy, get educated, adopt an agile, lifelong learning mindset, periodically unplug from social media, advocate for changes to our educational system to improve the skills of critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making, do what you can to reduce your impact on the planet, and understand when you’re being played by politicians and the media. We are all in this together. Support your neighbor, get to know individuals from other cultures and other parts of the world."
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#decisionmaking #anxiety #stress #genz #educationmatters #climatechange #politicalpolarization #geopoliticaltensions #criticalthinking
What can we do to help reduce overall stress and anxiety levels in our communities?
This week’s Saturday Morning Muse is part 2 of 3 in our series that explores generational differences and offers solutions to high stress/anxiety levels in our population.
"I can’t put enough focus on the value of education and good decision-making that’s accompanied by a lifelong learning mindset as ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Too many in our society are on auto-pilot, going through the motions of life. Life is happening to them. Self-reliance developed through learning and education coupled with better decision making skills is the path to making things happen in your life and taking control of your narratives and outcomes."
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
#decisionmaking #anxiety #stress #genz #educationmatters #creativity #criticalthinking
Is stress and anxiety holding you back from reaching your goals? Does your internal balancing act between self-doubt and self-confidence tilt heavily toward self-doubt?
This week on the Saturday Morning Muse, I’m continuing last week’s conversation on self-belief with an exploration of the self-doubt and anxiety that can hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams.
Just FYI that we’ve launched the show as a podcast on your favorite podcast streaming services. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts:
Buy The Balanced Business on Amazon at:https://www.amazon.com/Balanced-Business-Organizational-Accountability-Workflows/dp/1637557507/
Buy Balancing Act on Amazon at:https://www.amazon.com/Balancing-Act-Teach-Mentor-Inspire/dp/1506276644/
Learn more about Andy at www.andrewtemte.com
Enjoy and have a great weekend…
#decisionmaking #anxiety #stress #genz #financialliteracy #financialacumen #personalfinance #personaldevelopment #selfdoubt #selfconfidence
Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in the power of your team? Is self-doubt holding you back?
This week on the Saturday Morning Muse, I’m using my prep for a big rock show as the backstory for a message on the power of believing in YOU.
Buy The Balanced Business on Amazon at:https://www.amazon.com/Balanced-Business-Organizational-Accountability-Workflows/dp/1637557507/
Buy Balancing Act on Amazon at:https://www.amazon.com/Balancing-Act-Teach-Mentor-Inspire/dp/1506276644/
Learn more about Andrew at www.andrewtemte.com
#leadershipdevelopment #selfdoubt #selfconfidence #believeinyou #believeinyourself #believe #teamwork #corporateculture #continuousimprovement
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