> To purchase "Ari Nohem": https://amzn.to/4jzQYH1
To purchase "The Scandal of Kabbalah": https://amzn.to/4hgZ0CW
> To purchase, "The Zohar: Reception and Impact": https://amzn.to/3Eg6cRv
> To purchase, "A Guide to the Zohar": https://amzn.to/3PWdY5q
> To purchase J.J.'s newly edited translation of "Dialogue on Kabbalah by Samuel David Luzzatto (Shadal)": https://amzn.to/3Cwoux5
> To purchase, "Letters on Kabbalah": https://amzn.to/4hgwzVY
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> To purchase, "The Zohar: Reception and Impact": https://amzn.to/3Eg6cRv
> To purchase, "A Guide to the Zohar": https://amzn.to/3PWdY5q
> To purchase J.J.'s newly edited translation of "Dialogue on Kabbalah by Samuel David Luzzatto (Shadal)": https://amzn.to/3Cwoux5
> To purchase, "Letters on Kabbalah": https://amzn.to/4hgwzVY
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
Mangler du episoder?
> Sponsored by Genazym. Check out the beautiful new catalogue for auction 20: Winter event.
> Many fascinating items including a letter from the Baal HaTanya, marginal notes of the Rema M’Fano, the Chafetz Chaim’s letter to his wife, Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s personal Siddur, and more. The auction will take place Sunday, February 16 at 1PM EST: https://www.genazym.com/auction/624-20-en/
> To view the Chafetz Chaim's letter to his wife: https://www.genazym.com/auction/624-20-en/lot-62-23/
> We discussed David Shainberg of Memphis and how his story turned into this book, Chevron Yeshiva and its relocation there from Slabodka, British mandate Palestine in the 1920's, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the Jewish community of Chevron, the cause of the 1929 riots, the riot in Chevron, the aftermath, impact on today, legacy, and more.
> To purchase, "Ghosts of a Holy War": https://amzn.to/4h80krY
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> To purchase "Eis L'Chenana" (Rabbi Adler's new Sefer on the topic): https://alehzayis.com/product/%d7%a2%d7%aa-%d7%9c%d7%97%d7%a0%d7%a0%d7%94/
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> To purchase "Ideas: Bereishit": https://amzn.to/4hg48ak
> To purchase, "Ideas: Shemot": https://amzn.to/4aia5RA
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> We discussed the Amsterdam community and Ets Haim Yeshiva, the Journal/Shu't Pri Ets Haim, Dicta & AI's role in bringing this material back to life, how AI works with texts, and much more.
> The newly released Pri Ets Haim digital edition: https://peh.dicta.org.il/> Dicta homepage: https://dicta.org.il/
> The University of Toronto link: https://pehh.library.utoronto.ca/
> Here are specific dicta links to the Pri Ets Haim material I specifically referred to
> Hakdamah by Moses Gomez de Mesquita: https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-005.0
> Tshuva on Marranos https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-449
> Tshuva on Slaves https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-478
> Tshuva on Ship Insurance https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-188
> Tshuva on Sefer Torah https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-407
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> We discussed what this unique siddur is, what nusach it is, what is is trying to do, who it is meant for, sources cited, manuscripts in the siddur, online code that comes with the siddur, and much more.
> To purchase the Siddur: https://siddur.wiederpress.com/
> To watch a short YouTube Video review I did on this Siddur: https://youtu.be/c2dkmU1N9b8
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> We discussed when the Books of Maccabees were written, who the author of each book was and where they were from, languages each book was written in, the differences between the 2 books, no mention of the miracle of the oil, and more.
> To purchase Prof. Schwartz's English edition of Maccabees 1: https://amzn.to/3BOyGAH
> To purchase Prof. Schwartz's English edition of Maccabees 2: https://amzn.to/3Pgk9Ry
> To purchase the new Hebrew edition of Maccabees 1: https://judaicaplaza.com/collections/new-hebrew-seforim/products/7588948
> To purchase the new Hebrew edition of Maccabees 2: https://judaicaplaza.com/collections/new-hebrew-seforim/products/7588948?variant=44765779165383
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> We discussed why historical fiction, why set in the Chanukah time period, sources used when discussing actual historical figures like Yehuda HaMacabbi, and more.
> To purchase, "Guardians of the Flame": https://amzn.to/41R3FqE
> To listen to Channah Cohen on the 18Forty podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/18forty-podcast/id1509495701?i=1000592004458
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> We discussed the Kotzker's bio (youth, parents, rebbeim, marriage, Chozeh of Lublin, talmidim, etc), the last 20 years of his life and how they are dealt with (or not) in this book, the message of Kotzk, and more.
> To purchase, "Kotzk: The Rebbe, The Message, The Legacy": https://www.artscroll.com/linker/SEFORIMC/link/Books/9781422642382.html
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> This episode is dedicated by Mikey Stone, L'Ilui Nishmas Rav Mordechai Jofen ZT'L and in order to promote the careful study of the Rambam’s Torah.
> We discussed learning Moreh in general and who this is good for, which version is recommended, the strengths and weaknesses of this new edition with examples, and more.
> To read Rabbi Burton's written review in the Winter edition of Jewish Action: https://jewishaction.com/books/reviews/the-guide-to-the-perplexed-a-new-translation/
> To purchase the English edition "Kisvei HaRambam: Vol 1" edited by Rabbi Burton: https://www.artscroll.com/linker/SEFORIMC/link/Books/9781422633021.html
> To purchase the English Edition, "Kisvei HaRambam: Vol 2" edited by Rabbi Burton:
> To purchase, "The Guide to the Perplexed: A New Translation": https://amzn.to/4gTAqb1
> To purchase, "A Guide to The Guide to the Perplexed: A Reader’s Companion to Maimonides’ Masterwork": https://amzn.to/3OUyL8O
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> Sponsored by Zaidy Auctions. Check out their new catalogue for their upcoming 3rd auction, Sunday December 22, at 12PM EST, with many beautiful items: https://www.zaidy.com/auction/216-3-en/> This episode is also sponsored by Avichai Muller, l’Zecher Nishmas Mr. Shalom Jacob Z'L. https://www.shalomjacobmemorial.com/
> To purchase, "The Guide to the Perplexed: A New Translation": https://amzn.to/4gTAqb1
> To purchase, "A Guide to The Guide to the Perplexed: A Reader’s Companion to Maimonides’ Masterwork": https://amzn.to/3OUyL8O
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> Sponsored by Sotheby's
> The episode highlights items from the "Important Judaica: Featuring Celebrated Manuscripts from the Collections of David Solomon Sassoon and the Montefiore Endowment" - Live auction in New York, December 18, 2024, 10:15am> Exhibition dates: December 11-17, 2024 (generally open 10am-5pm)
> Auction and exhibition free and open to the public: Sotheby's New York, 1334 York Ave. New York, NY 10021
> Auction overview: https://www.sothebys.com/en/auction-catalogue/2024/important-judaica-featuring-celebrated-manuscripts-from-the-collections-of-david-solomon-sassoon-and-the-montefiore-endowment?s=intro
> Link to lots: https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2024/important-judaica-2?
> For questions, please contact:
> Shaul Seidler-Feller
+1 212 606 7385
[email protected]
> Sharon Liberman Mintz
+1 212 606 7385
[email protected]
> To register to bid, please contact: Sotheby's Bids Department, +1 212 606 7414, [email protected]
> To view the Ten Commandments single-lot sale, see: https://www.sothebys.com/en/digital-catalogues/the-ten-commandments
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> We discussed why R' Goldwasser created these cards, why start with Rishonim, the research that went into creating the cards, how the cards were created, Haskamos, future projects, and more
> To purchase a set of Shaar Cards: https://amzn.to/412RpTr
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> Sponsored by Gluck Plumbing.
> We discussed Rabbi Meir's youth, studies in France, witnessing the burning of the Talmud in France in 1240, return to Germany, method as a posek, different prints and editions of his shailos u'teshuvos, other writings, and much more.
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> Sponsored by Taj Art.
> To peruse the catalogue and bid on items:
Part I (Judaica): https://il.bidspirit.com/ui/catalog/auction/taj-art/50819/1?lang=en
Part II (Seforim & manuscripts): https://il.bidspirit.com/ui/catalog/auction/taj-art/50818/1?lang=enSupport the show
> This episode is sponsored by RIETS Press. To find this book and the rest of the RIETS Press library visit RIETSPress.org
> To listen to shiurim from Rabbi Feldman on these topic and many others visit YUtorah.org
> This episode of the podcast is also sponsored by Rabbi Shmuel Reich, ADHD Coach, and host of The ADHD Heroes Podcast.
ADHD can impact not only attention, but also memory, organization, and other skills that can affect responsibilities at home, productivity at work, studies for school or yeshiva, or even an adult's personal learning. Rabbi Reich is an experienced ADHD coach who helps adults, teens, and couples create personalized strategies for greater success at work, improved studies, and reclaimed shalom bayis. Rabbi Reich can be reached for one on one or couples coaching at [email protected] or http://rsreichadhdcoach.com/
Check out Rabbi Reich's newly released podcast, entitled The ADHD Heroes Podcast, in which he interviews professionals who help those with ADHD, as well as those with ADHD themselves, to learn valuable information, useful tips and strategies, and, most importantly, inspiring stories of success around living and thriving with ADHD. The ADHD Heroes Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms including Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-adhd-heroes-podcast/id1760463263
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Mw8ObGAtpICWXAQBQlXwO?si=ON7SvLaURZ-HZ1RcJ0dsTg
If you would like to share your ADHD story on The ADHD Heroes Podcast, you can email Rabbi Reich at [email protected]
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> For mor information about Rabbi Forshlager, visit the website: rabbiforshlager.com
> To purchase Rabbi Forshlager's Seforim: https://rabbiforshlager.com/seforim/
> We discussed Rabbi Forshlager's life, as a talmid of the Avnei Nezer, move to America, life in Baltimore, his Torah and style of Torah, writings, and much more.
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> Sponsored by Genazym
> To peruse the catalogue and bid on items: https://www.genazym.com/auction/623-the-toporovitch-collection-en/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&device=c&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq_3imP_IiQMVT1n_AR07GyDGEAAYASAAEgK25_D_BwE
> To purchase "Reappraising the History of the Jews in the Netherlands": https://amzn.to/3UIFPJb
> We discussed Dutch Jewry in the Middle Ages, the Spanish-Portugese community of Amsterdam, the Ashkenazic community of Amsterdam, Pekidim V'Amarkalim, 19th century, Dutch Jewry during and post WWII, and more.
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
> Sponsored by Genazym
> To peruse the catalogue and bid on items: https://www.genazym.com/auction/623-the-toporovitch-collection-en/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&device=c&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq_3imP_IiQMVT1n_AR07GyDGEAAYASAAEgK25_D_BwE
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZ3C2CjUeD9AGJvXeEODtK
> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/
or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)Support the show
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