
  • In this final episode of the Bible study on the Gospel of John led by Frances Hogan, the focus is on the post-resurrection encounter between Jesus and Peter at the Lake of Galilee. The discussion unfolds around Jesus' poignant questioning of Peter's love, challenging him three times. This serves as a transformative and rehabilitative moment for Peter, who had previously denied Jesus thrice. The dialogue symbolizes Peter's spiritual resurrection and complete dependence on God. The significance of Jesus reinstating Peter as the chief shepherd is emphasized, portraying divine delegation of authority and highlighting the compassion required for effective leadership in shepherding God's flock. The episode delves into the symbolic depth of the shepherd imagery, drawing connections to Old Testament references and illustrating Peter's journey from denial to repentance.

    Additionally, Hogan touches on a prophecy regarding Peter's future martyrdom, reinforcing his commitment to suffering for the faith. The discussion extends to John, representing the broader church community and symbolizing its endurance until the second coming of Jesus. Peter is instructed to focus on his own vocation, while the mention of John signifies the church's ongoing mission and its ultimate perseverance through the ages. The episode concludes with reflections on the mysteries of Christ, the body of Christ, and the mission of the church, emphasizing the need for the Holy Spirit to be poured into believers for the church to fulfill its divine purpose.

    Bible References:

    Jn.21:15-17 - The dialogue between Jesus and Peter by the Sea of GalileeJn.21:18 - Jesus provides a prophecy to Peter about his futureJn.21:20-23 - The conversation between Peter and Jesus regarding the fate of the disciple John

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode, Frances Hogan focuses on the concluding chapter of the Gospel of John, considered an appendix aimed at clarifying the roles of Peter and John as the community transitions into the post-apostolic age. The narrative unfolds by the Lake of Galilee, referred to as the shore of Tiberias, where a group of disciples, led by Peter, encounters Jesus. Despite the disciples' initial lack of recognition, Jesus orchestrates a miraculous catch of fish, revealing his presence and authority. Frances Hogan explores the themes of discernment, obedience, and the symbolic significance of the catch, emphasizing the disciples' dependence on Jesus for spiritual success and the unity of the Church in its mission to the world.

    The study delves into the disciples' reactions, highlighting John's discernment preceding Peter's, underscoring the importance of recognizing and following the guidance of those with deeper insight. The narrative also emphasizes the disciples' trust and obedience to Jesus, even when faced with a stranger on the shore. Symbolism plays a crucial role, with the 153 fish representing a universal harvest, and the unbroken net symbolizing the unity of the Church. The episode concludes by drawing parallels between this event and the broader mission of the Church, emphasizing the need for faithful labor in the vineyard and the assurance that Jesus is waiting for believers at the culmination of the Church's mission.

    Bible References:

    Jn.21:1-3 - The disciples, including Peter, fishing on the Sea of Galilee but catching nothing during the nightJn.21:4-6: Jesus appears on the shore but is initially unrecognized by the disciplesJn.21:7 - The disciples begin to recognize JesusJn.21:8-14 - The disciples' interactions with Jesus, the preparation of breakfast, and the significance of the catch of 153 fishJn.21:15-19 - Jesus engages in a conversation with Peter, asking him three times if he loves HimJn.21:20-23 - The chapter concludes with a reference to the disciple whom Jesus loved (often identified with John) and a discussion about the longevity of the beloved disciple's life

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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  • In this Bible study session led by Frances Hogan, the discussion delves into the profound encounter between Jesus and Thomas, emphasizing the humility with which Jesus approached Thomas's demand for scientific evidence. Despite Thomas's initial skepticism, he eventually acknowledges Jesus as "My Lord and My God," marking a pivotal moment in the Gospel narrative. The session explores the broader theme of honoring the Son as the Father, referencing Jesus's earlier statement and highlighting the significance of Thomas's adoration as the beginning of fulfilling this prophecy. The study also touches on the diverse titles given to Jesus in the Gospel, emphasizing the central purpose of John's Gospel—to declare Jesus as the incarnation of God.

    Frances Hogan further reflects on the nature of faith, drawing attention to Jesus's surprising response to Thomas. Rather than expressing satisfaction at Thomas's acknowledgment, Jesus intimates a sadness, indicating that the future of the Church's faith should not be solely dependent on tangible evidence. The episode underscores the importance of a mature faith built on the apostolic witness, challenging believers to transcend the need for signs and wonders. The study concludes by delving into the motivation behind John's Gospel, stressing that it aims not for scholarly pursuits but for a transformative belief in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, leading to life through His name.

    Bible References:

    Jn.20:27 - Jesus speaks directly to Thomas, inviting him to touch the wounds on His hands and sideJn.5:23 - The Son would be honored in the same way as the FatherJn.10:29 - The Father is in Jesus and Jesus is in the Father1 Pt.1:8 - Faith can surpass the need for seeing and touching, and believers can experience joy in their faith without direct physical evidence2 Cor.5:16 - Knowing Jesus not in the flesh but in the spiritJn.1:1, 14 - The beginning and end of the GospelJn.20:30-31 - "Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name."

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • This Bible study session led by Frances Hogan continues to focus on the pivotal events following Jesus' resurrection. The discussion centers on Jesus appearing to the 10 apostles in the upper room, emphasizing the realness of his presence as he participates in a shared meal. Hogan draws attention to the challenges faced by the apostles in adapting to a rapidly changing reality just three days after Jesus' resurrection, urging them to embrace a new normal and understand the transition from the old to the new temple of God. The teaching underscores the universal nature of the lessons, referring to the apostles as disciples to emphasize that the message extends to all followers of Jesus across time, offering the enduring gifts of peace and joy to the entire Church.

    Hogan delves into the commissioning of the apostles, highlighting their global mission mirroring Jesus' own. The crucial role of the Holy Spirit is emphasized in making the teachings resonate and empowering the Church with the same authority, love, and eternal mission as Jesus had during his time on earth. The transformative aspect of receiving the Holy Spirit is explored, depicting the apostles as the new people of God, part of the new covenant ratified in Jesus' blood. Hogan concludes by stressing the profound reality of believers being born of God, becoming part of the family of God, and collectively contributing to the Church's mission of bringing spiritual life to the world.

    Bible References:

    Jn.20:19-23 - Jesus' appearance to the 10 apostles in the upper roomJn.20:24-29 - The skepticism of ThomasJn.14:7 - The unity between Jesus and his followers in their missionJn.17:7 - Jesus praying for the consecration of the disciples to the truthMatt.28:20 - The promise of Jesus to be with his disciples always, even to the end of the ageCol.3:1-4 - The need to focus on heavenly things and the hidden life in ChristEzk.37 - Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this episode, Frances Hogan focuses on Mary of Magdala as a symbolic representation of the Church rising from the dead. Drawing inspiration from the Song of Songs, Mary is likened to the bride seeking her lost bridegroom, paralleling the Church's journey to find Jesus. Hogan underscores the importance of the Church's adoration of the Lamb, shedding distress and unbelief to stand boldly in proclaiming the resurrection. She also emphasizes the missionary call of the Church, drawing parallels with Ruth 1:16, urging the Church to go beyond specific places and embrace a missionary trust that reaches the whole world, especially the marginalized.

    The second part of the episode delves into Jesus' appearance to the apostles in the Gospel of John Chapter 20. The apostles, initially locked in fear, needed tangible evidence, such as seeing Jesus' wounds, to believe in his resurrection. This physical manifestation is explored in connection with the broader theme of the Church's transformation, linking the promise of the Holy Spirit to the apostles with the Church's shift from sadness to joy and from unbelief to faith. The episode concludes by highlighting the significance of Pentecost and the pouring in of the Holy Spirit, marking a crucial moment in the Church's ability to fulfill its mission and become a living, dynamic entity.

    Bible References:

    Song of Sg.3:1-4 - Mary of Magdala is compared to the bride in the Song of SongsRu.1:16 - The missionary call of the ChurchJn.20:19-23 - Jesus' appearance to the apostles in the upper room after his resurrection

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode, the focus is on the profound encounter between Mary of Magdala and Jesus on Easter day as recounted in the Gospel of John, Chapter 20. Frances Hogan delves into Mary's initial encounter with angels at the empty tomb, her numbness with grief, and the symbolic significance of Jesus approaching her from behind—a representation of turning away from death to find life and joy. Mary becomes the first disciple to recognize and adore the risen Lord at his feet. The narrative unfolds with Jesus instructing Mary not to cling to the past but to share the transformative message of the resurrection with the disciples. Hogan emphasizes themes of love, transformation, and obedience, highlighting Mary's role as a representative of the redeemed and the unexpected ways in which God works in the lives of believers.

    Frances Hogan underscores the transformative nature of faith, urging believers to move beyond clinging to past experiences or forms of worship. Mary's journey from grief to adoration symbolizes a broader call for disciples to undergo personal transformation and embrace a new era of Christianity. The message encourages a balance between moments of adoration and active obedience to God's will in daily life, emphasizing that true love for God is expressed through actions rather than mere emotions. The celebration of Mary of Magdala as the "apostle to the apostles" serves as a powerful reminder of God's divine and unconventional choices in spreading the message of faith, reinforcing the unexpected and transformative nature of the Christian journey.

    Bible References:

    Jn.20:1-2 - Mary at the empty tomb Jn.20:14-17 - Jesus' approach to Mary Jn.20:18 - Mary's recognition of Jesus and adoration Jn.20:17 - Jesus' instruction to Mary

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this episode, the focus is on exploring the encounter between Jesus and Mary of Magdala. The narrative unfolds as Mary, initially weeping by the tomb, encounters two angels who inquire about her sorrow. Her response reveals a deep emotional connection, referring to Jesus as her Lord rather than focusing on the missing body. Frances Hogan emphasizes the profound difficulty Mary, and by extension, the disciples, face in recognizing the resurrected Jesus. The symbolic significance of Mary's love and commitment to Jesus, spanning his crucifixion, burial, and now the resurrection, is highlighted. Hogan also introduces the theological perspective that the resurrection is not only about Christ rising but also the intricate process of raising the entire Church from spiritual death.

    She further delves into Mary of Magdala's dual role — as an individual disciple deeply connected to Jesus and as a symbol representing the larger Church. The resurrection is presented as a multifaceted event, requiring a nuanced understanding of the transformed nature of Jesus' body and the supernatural aspects of his appearance. The disciples' struggle to comprehend this transformative revelation, touching on the living God, is explored, emphasizing the challenging journey from sorrow to joy. The theological and symbolic layers add depth to the exploration of Mary's recognition of the risen Christ and set the stage for a broader understanding of the resurrection's impact on the disciples and the Church.

    Bible References:

    Jn.20:11-18 - Mary of Magdala's encounter with Jesus at the tombJn.20:3-10 - Peter and John run to the tomb after Mary informs them that it's emptyJn.20:19-23 - Jesus' appearance to the disciples in a locked room, breathing the Holy Spirit upon them and commissioning them to forgive sins

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode, Frances Hogan delves into the profound significance of the resurrection narrative in the Gospel of John. The episode centers on the dawn of a new eternal day symbolized by Easter, where Jesus's victory over darkness, death, and evil is celebrated. Hogan emphasizes the gradual process of moving from recognition to acceptance and, ultimately, to active participation in the joy of the new life that Jesus has ushered in. Chapters 20 and 21 are presented as a revelation of the final discourse, with St. John skillfully connecting events to fulfill Jesus's earlier teachings, illustrating the meticulous narrative strategy employed in the Gospel.

    The episode also explores the transformative power of resurrection through the changed lives of key disciples. Notable examples include Mary of Magdala, who evolves from a contemplative always at Jesus's feet to the apostle to the apostles, and Peter, who transforms from an impulsive and puzzled disciple into a humble and faithful shepherd willing to sacrifice for Christ. Hogan intricately weaves together the details of Easter day events, highlighting Mother Mary's initial shock at the empty tomb and the disciples' gradual understanding of the resurrection through the evidence left behind.

    Bible References:

    Jn.14:18 - Jesus's promise to come back to his ownJn.14:27, Jn.16:22 - Jesus's promise to bring peace and joy that lasts forever. Jn.7:37, Jn.17:17-18 - Jesus's promise to give the Holy Spirit as his gift, allowing disciples to continue his mission

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this episode, Frances Hogan dives into the profound events surrounding Jesus's death and burial. She delves into the symbolism of blood and water flowing from Jesus's side, interpreting it as the completion of the sacrificial act and a representation of key Christian sacraments. Drawing connections to Old Testament prophecies, Hogan highlights Jesus as the new temple, fulfilling scriptures about living waters and the pierced one from Zechariah 12:10.

    The narrative takes an unexpected turn as Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, both members of the Sanhedrin, come forward to request permission to bury Jesus with royal reverence. This signifies a transformation in their fearlessness and recognition of Jesus's significance, challenging the assumption that all Sanhedrin members were against him. The burial is portrayed as a pivotal moment, marking the end of the old covenant and the beginning of a new era, while also emphasizing the mysterious three days in the tomb and the silent yet profound events unfolding in the spiritual realm.

    Bible References:

    Zech.12:10 - The prophecy about looking upon the one they have pierced Ezk.47 - The flow of living waters from the right-hand side of the templeJn.2 - Jesus being the new temple, where the right-hand side has been struck, and living waters of grace are flowingRev.22 - The river of life flowing from Christ in the new Jerusalem, connecting it to the living waters and the growth of the Church

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode, Frances Hogan focuses on the profound events surrounding the death of Jesus Christ. The session begins by examining Jesus's cry from the cross, "I am thirsty," delving into its symbolic depth beyond physical need. Frances Hogan emphasizes the connection to Psalm 22:15, portraying Jesus's excruciating thirst as a representation of his profound sacrifice for redemption. The study highlights the unique use of a hyssop stick during the crucifixion, linking it to the Passover lamb and emphasizing Jesus's role as the Lamb of God whose blood brings salvation. The session underscores the triumph of Jesus's death as a victory over hate, darkness, and death, with a poignant exploration of the soldiers' response to Jesus's cry, revealing unexpected compassion.

    The narrative further explores the aftermath of Jesus's death, including the soldiers' decision not to break his legs, drawing parallels to the unbroken bones of the Passover lamb as prophesied in Exodus 12:46. The significance of the Sabbath rest after Jesus's passion is highlighted, symbolizing a sacred stillness and mirroring God's rest in Genesis. The study concludes with the piercing of Jesus's side, providing trustworthy evidence of his death and emphasizing the call to belief.

    Bible References:

    Ps.22:15 - Jesus's cry from the cross, "I am thirsty." Ex.12:46 - The soldiers' decision not to break Jesus's legs after his death on the crossZech.12:10 - The piercing of Jesus's side by a soldier1 Cor.10:4 - The spiritual significance of Jesus's death, this verse describes the Israelites drinking from the spiritual rock that followed them

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study session, Frances Hogan delves into the profound narrative of the Gospel of John Chapter 19, which chronicles the crucifixion of Jesus, the Messianic Davidic king. Notably, Hogan highlights John's distinctive storytelling approach, contrasting it with the synoptic gospels. Instead of inundating the scene with noise and insults, John crafts a narrative of silence and awe, allowing viewers to contemplate each aspect of the crucifixion separately. Emphasizing Jesus's controlled and silent demeanor, Hogan underscores the portrayal of Jesus as not a helpless victim but one in charge, evident in his permission for events like betrayal and arrest. The study meticulously explores symbolic elements, such as Jesus carrying his own cross, Pilate's multilingual proclamation of Jesus as the King of the Jews, and the profound symbolism behind Jesus being stripped and wearing a seamless garment akin to a high priest.

    The discussion further unfolds as Hogan sheds light on the interaction between Jesus and his mother during the crucifixion. Despite its brevity, this poignant moment holds deep significance, symbolizing the care of the Church for Mary and, by extension, the enduring importance of the Blessed Mother in the fabric of the Christian community. The episode invites viewers to reflect on the layers of meaning within each element of the crucifixion narrative, fostering a deeper understanding of the profound events described in the Gospel of John Chapter 19.

    Bible References:

    Jn.19:17 - Roman soldiers took charge of Jesus, and he carried his own cross to Golgotha, the place of the skullJn.19:19-22 - Pilate's notice fixed to the cross, stating, "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews," written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.Jn.13:27 - Jesus gave permission to his betrayer to carry out his actionsJn.3:14-16 - "When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself" Ps.22:18 - The soldiers' division of Jesus's clothing and casting lotsDan.7:13-14 - The Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, emphasizing Jesus's eternal kingship and sovereigntyJn.17:19 - Jesus consecrates himself Jn.19:25 - The conversation between Jesus and his mother

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode, Frances Hogan focuses on verses 9 to 11 of the Gospel of John. Pilate, belonging to the unbelieving world, questions Jesus about his origins, misunderstanding the depth of the inquiry. The study highlights Jesus' silence in response, emphasizing that true power lies in God, not in Pilate or any earthly authority. It explores the political struggle between Pilate and the Sanhedrin, with Jesus asserting that only God holds ultimate power and control over the unfolding events. The passage concludes with Pilate succumbing to pressure from the Sanhedrin, symbolizing the chosen people's rejection of Jesus, leading to his crucifixion as he becomes the sacrificial lamb, ultimately fulfilling a divine purpose.

    As the narrative unfolds, Pilate, despite a moment of mercy from Jesus, finds himself powerless in the face of the Sanhedrin's political maneuvering. The study delves into the dynamics of this pivotal moment, where the chosen people publicly reject their Messiah, declaring allegiance to Caesar. The rejection culminates in Pilate handing Jesus over for crucifixion, signifying a profound betrayal. The episode underscores the paradoxical nature of this event, where human actions driven by hatred and political expediency inadvertently contribute to the divine plan of redemption, as Jesus, despite rejection and betrayal, becomes the sacrificial cornerstone of a new covenant, ushering in an era of grace and mercy for humanity.

    Bible References:

    Jn.19:9-11: Pilate questions Jesus about his origins, and Jesus responds by highlighting the ultimate power and control of God over the unfolding eventsJn.19:12-16: The passage explores Pilate's dilemma as he faces pressure from the Sanhedrin to condemn Jesus. It culminates in Pilate handing Jesus over for crucifixion, symbolizing the rejection of Jesus by the chosen people, and the subsequent events leading to the crucifixion of Christ

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode led by Frances Hogan, the focus is on the events surrounding the scourging and crowning of Jesus on the final day of his life, as described in the Gospel of John. Pilate's misguided attempt to spare Jesus by suggesting scourging rather than execution becomes a pawn in the Sanhedrin's manipulation game. The Roman soldiers, seemingly without specific instructions, scourge Jesus without limits, dressing him as a mock king to insult the Jewish nation's claims. Jesus, crowned with thorns, symbolizes the acceptance of the curse of sin, ultimately redeeming human wrongs in thinking, intellect, pride, and arrogance. The soldiers, in their mockery, unwittingly pay obeisance to Jesus, foreshadowing the future acknowledgment of Jesus as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in the Book of Revelation.

    The study delves into Pilate's increasing disturbance as he grapples with the identity of Jesus. Despite declaring Jesus innocent three times, Pilate becomes entangled in a psychological war with the Sanhedrin. Frances Hogan highlights the tragic turn of events as the crowd, once shouting "Hosanna" and acknowledging Jesus as the King of Israel, now demands his crucifixion. The study ends with the revelation that Jesus is perceived as a threat by the Sanhedrin not for any criminal activity but because he claims to be the Son of God. This sets the stage for the next scene, emphasizing the identity of Jesus and the profound spiritual implications of his impending crucifixion.

    Bible References:

    Jn.19:1-3 - Pilate orders the scourging of Jesus, and the soldiers mockingly dress him as a kingJn.19:2-3 - The soldiers put a crown of thorns on Jesus' headJn.19:3 - Pilate presents Jesus to the crowd with the words, "Behold your King!"Jn.19:7 - The Jewish leaders state that Jesus claimed to be the Son of God as a reason for his death

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study session, Frances Hogan focuses on Pilate's encounter with Jesus and the pivotal choices made during the trial. She begins by highlighting Pilate's tragic misunderstanding of truth, as he questions Jesus in a world with multiple gods and conflicting philosophies. Hogan expresses sadness over Pilate's failure to recognize Jesus as the embodiment of truth, illustrating the consequences of Pilate walking away from the truth. Scene three unfolds as Pilate declares Jesus innocent but offers the crowd a choice between Jesus and Barabbas, a revolutionary. The crowd's choice of Barabbas over Jesus symbolizes a rejection of life in favor of darkness, setting the stage for profound consequences.

    As the narrative progresses into Chapter 19, Pilate, realizing the inevitability of someone's death, orders the scourging of Jesus in a warped attempt to satisfy the crowd's demand for blood without giving up his political power. Frances Hogan criticizes Pilate's cruel decision, emphasizing that the punishment is given to an innocent man. Drawing parallels to the Passover lamb, Jesus, the Lamb of God, undergoes intense suffering in silence, maintaining a sense of majesty and peace throughout the horrific ordeal. The study underscores the profound significance of Jesus' sacrificial act for humanity, contrasting the misguided decisions of Pilate with the silent, regal endurance of Christ.

    Bible References:

    Jn.18:38 - Pilate’s question “What is truth?”Matt.27:15-26, Mk.15:6-15, Lk.23:13-25, Jn.18:39-40 - Choosing Barabas over JesusDuet.30:15-20 - The concept of choosing between life and deathIs.52:14 - Scourging of Jesus

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode, we look at the profound events of the last day of Jesus's life as depicted in the Gospel of John. The session unfolds scene by scene, with a deliberate emphasis on contemplation rather than a hurried progression through the narrative. The initial scene explores Jesus's accusations, particularly the shifting charges against him and the ultimate accusation of being a revolutionary. Frances Hogan delves into the tension between the religious charge of blasphemy and the political charge of opposing Caesar, highlighting the intricate dynamics leading to Jesus's trial before Pilate.

    The second part of the episode centers on the pivotal interaction between Jesus and Pilate. Pilate, perplexed by the charges and Jesus's claim of kingship, engages in a dialogue attempting to grasp the nature of Jesus's kingdom. Jesus, asserting that his kingdom is not of this world, introduces a spiritual dimension that transcends Pilate's understanding. The scene serves as a poignant clash between the worldly perspective of Pilate and the divine truth embodied by Jesus. Despite Pilate's cynical response and apparent blindness to the spiritual reality, the encounter sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the unfolding drama that will ultimately lead to Jesus's crucifixion.

    Bible References:

    Jn.18:28-32 - Jesus is accused, taken from Caiaphas' house to the praetorium, the avoidance of defilement for Passover, and Pilate's questioning of the charges against JesusJn.15:25 - The theme of betrayal without cause; Jewish authorities hating Jesus without a justifiable reasonJn.18:33-38 - Pilate questions Jesus about being the King of the Jews, leading to a dialogue about the nature of Jesus's kingdomMk.15:11 - Pilate knew the charges against Jesus were out of jealousy. Gal.3:13 - Explains how Jesus's crucifixion redeems humanity from the curse of the law

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode with Frances Hogan, the focus is on the unfolding drama involving Jesus' arraignment before Anas, the high priest. The narrative highlights the contrasting actions of Peter, who initially desired to be with Jesus but is now found outside the courtyard denying any association. The study underscores the two-stage drama, with Jesus in the background facing interrogation about his disciples, while Peter, the chief disciple, denies him in the foreground. The episode explores the transformative journey of Peter, from stumbling and denying Jesus during this crucial moment to later fearlessly testifying before the Sanhedrin, emphasizing the significance of the right relationship with God as the key to being a faithful witness.

    Frances Hogan draws attention to Jesus' protective silence regarding his disciples during the interrogation, showcasing a profound sense of charity. The study also delves into the abuse Jesus receives, particularly a slap from one of the guards, and Jesus' response, interpreting it as an act of mercy. The episode concludes with a discussion on the forthcoming trial before Caiaphas, the high priest, and anticipates the pivotal trial before Pilate, as John's gospel uniquely navigates through these events, emphasizing the profound transformations in the disciples and the unfolding divine drama in the life of Jesus.

    Bible References:

    Jn.18:15 - Simon Peter follows Jesus into the high priest's palaceJn.18:17 - Peter denies being one of Jesus' disciples to a servant girl at the door of the high priest's palaceJn.18:20 - Jesus' spoke openly to the world and taught publiclyJn.18:22-23 - Jesus is slapped by an official after he responds to the high priestJn.18:24 - Annas, the high priest, sends Jesus still bound to Caiaphas

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this episode, the focus is on the trial of Jesus before Pilate, a pivotal moment in the Gospel of John. The narrative unfolds in a three-part drama, with Pilate navigating the chaos of accusations and hatred outside, Jesus silently enduring torture by Roman soldiers in the center, and the political manipulation orchestrated by Jewish leaders aiming to exploit Pilate's weaknesses for their own gains. The study underscores Pilate's inability to grasp the spiritual significance of the trial, portraying him as a shallow and confused figure caught between two starkly different worlds – the tumultuous front stage and the serene presence of Jesus in the background. This episode sheds light on the unseen spiritual battle at play, emphasizing the tragic consequences that unfold as a result of the manipulation and political maneuvering, ultimately leading to the downfall of Pilate, the loss of the Jewish leaders' temple and nation, and the sacrifice of Jesus.

    As the drama unfolds, the study draws attention to the broader spiritual context, with Satan identified as the true adversary to Jesus. Despite the destructive consequences, the episode highlights a paradoxical moment where, amid chaos and mockery, Jesus is ironically acknowledged as the King of the Jews by the representatives of the secular world, symbolized by the crown of thorns and the mock royal robe. This acknowledgment, although done in jest, underscores the profound spiritual reality that transcends the surface events, inviting viewers to look beyond the immediate circumstances and recognize the unseen spiritual forces at play in the trial before Pilate.

    Bible References:

    Jn.18:28 - Jesus being led from the house of Caiaphas to the Praetorium at daybreak, initiating the trial before PilateLk.2:35 - Prophet Simeon predicts that the child Jesus will bring about the fall and rise of many in Israel, revealing the secret thoughts of many heartsJn.11:11 - Caiaphas, the high priest, expresses concern that if Jesus is allowed to continue, the Romans will come and destroy both the holy place and the nation

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this episode, Frances Hogan delves into the Gospel of John Chapter 18, emphasizing the profound significance of the binding and unbinding of the Son of Man. Drawing parallels to biblical narratives, Hogan relates the binding of Jesus to the intense trials and tribulations of his Passion, where he is physically, emotionally, and spiritually bound. She highlights the depth of Jesus' sacrifice and His role in unbinding humanity from sin, drawing connections to His ministry, where He freed individuals from various afflictions.

    Hogan extends the discussion to the biblical stories of Lazarus and the Old Testament event of Abraham's binding and unbinding of Isaac, emphasizing themes of sacrifice, obedience, and the fulfillment of God's promises. The narrative underscores the importance of understanding the Old Testament context to grasp the layers of meaning in John's Gospel. The episode concludes with the anticipation of Jesus being arraigned before the Jewish council, setting the stage for the subsequent trials and the demonstration of Jesus' unwavering testimony in the face of persecution.

    Bible References:

    Jn.18:12-14 - Jesus is taken first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priestJn.18:28 - Jesus being arraigned before the Jewish councilLk.22:66-71 - Jesus before the Jewish councilJn.1:29 - The ram offered by Abraham on Mount Moriah as a representation of the Lamb of God Jn.1:29 - John the Baptist declares, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"Jn.14:30-31 - Jesus' statement about doing exactly what the Father tells HimGen.22 - The binding and unbinding of IsaacLk.21:12 - Jesus foretelling persecution

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • In this Bible study episode, the focus is on the dramatic events leading to the passion of Jesus. The narrative begins with Jesus, fully aware of the impending arrest, crossing the Kedron Valley to a garden with his disciples. Judas, accompanied by guards from the chief priests and Pharisees, arrives to arrest Jesus. The study highlights the significance of Jesus' knowledge of the unfolding events, drawing parallels with an earlier warning about stumbling in darkness. The use of the phrase "ego eimi," echoing God's declaration to Moses on Mount Sinai, causes the arresting party to fall to the ground, emphasizing the divine nature and authority of Jesus in the face of impending darkness.

    As the drama unfolds, the episode delves into the actions of Peter, who attempts to defend Jesus with a sword, cutting off the ear of the high priest's servant. However, Jesus promptly emphasizes the kingdom's principle of non-violence and redirects Peter's focus, highlighting the spiritual battle they are engaged in. The study underscores the disciples' need to understand and embrace the divine purpose, symbolized by Jesus drinking the cup of suffering.

    Bible References:

    Jn.18:1-11: The events in the Garden of Gethsemane, including Jesus' arrest and the use of the phrase "ego eimi" (I am) that causes the arresting party to fall to the groundJn.17:12 - Jesus' promise to protect His disciplesLk.22:51 - The healing of Malchus, the high priest's servant, by Jesus after Peter cut off his ear with a sword during the arrest2 Cor.10:4-5 - Jesus' emphasis on non-violence and the spiritual nature of the battle. Paul's words about the weapons of spiritual warfare being mighty for pulling down strongholds are mentionedPs.27:2 - Those who advance against Jesus will stumble and fall, illustrating the spiritual stumbling of those involved in his arrest1 Chron.21:13 - David's response to potential punishment, drawing parallels to the divine purpose and mercy surrounding Jesus' impending suffering

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

  • Frances Hogan leads a Bible study on the Gospel of John, delving into the second half of the Gospel of John. She prepares the audience for the intense events ahead, emphasizing the symbolic representation of world powers through Pilate and religious authorities through Caiaphas. The impending clash between these forces, both manipulated by the influence of evil, sets the stage for a profound drama where Jesus, the innocent victim and Lamb of God, will bear the consequences of their hatred and manipulation.

    As the study progresses, Hogan points out distinctive elements in St. John's narrative that differ from the synoptic Gospels. She discusses the use of dramatic stage effects, such as a two-stage setup during Jesus' trial before the Sanhedrin and a three-stage effect during the trial with Pilate. The emphasis on Jesus' silence throughout the events underscores the significance of contemplation to truly understand the mystery. Hogan also reveals St. John's unique twist on the story, highlighting that appearances can be deceiving, especially regarding Pilate's supposed authority. She urges readers to look beyond the superficial level and emphasizes that, despite external appearances, this is Jesus's hour, leading to the ultimate revelation of His identity in the events ahead.

    Bible References:

    Jn.18:1 - Jesus in GethsemaneJn.18:2 - Judas' betrayal Jn.18:4 - Jesus' question to the guards Jn.1:5 - Darkness vs. Light

    Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan invites you to embark on a transformative journey, allowing the Gospel of John to challenge and inspire you. Unlike the other synoptic gospels, John's narrative offers a unique perspective on the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Through engaging discussions, historical and Scriptural references, and insightful analysis, explore the uncommon view presented by Saint John the Evangelist.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/